Institution religieuse

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      Termes hiérarchiques

      Institution religieuse

      Termes équivalents

      Institution religieuse

        Termes associés

        Institution religieuse

        513 Description archivistique résultats pour Institution religieuse

        513 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        GB 0074 DRO/182 · Collection · 1862-2002

        Records of the parish of Christ Church, Roxeth, Harrow, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, banns of marriages, confirmations and church services; inventories of church fittings; Parochial Church Council minutes; electoral rolls; papers of the Churchwardens; financial accounts; papers relating to parochial charities; papers of the Roxeth Men's Service Committee.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/0981 · Collection · 1814-1907

        Records of the Church Commissioners, 1814-1907, including a glebe exchange award, Ruislip, with map [a glebe is a portion of land assigned to a clergyman as part of his benefice]; documents relating to altered apportionments of corn rents, Ruislip; plans of the Parish of Enfield and the Parish of Edmonton; architect's drawings of houses and shops-cum-residences on Hornsey Clebe Estate; "Plan of Land near Harrow on the Hill, adjoining the Station on the London and North Western Railway, showing the proposed arrangement of the Sites for Villas, the Roads, etc." and plan of the District of the Hornsey Local Board.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P69/ALH7 · Collection · 1574-1954

        Records of the parish of All Hallows the Great, Upper Thames Street, City of London, including vestry minutes from 1574 and rate assessments from 1586. Other records include registers of baptisms, burials, banns and marriages; Churchwarden's papers; papers relating to charities; and Overseers' receipts and payments relating to the poor rate.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P69/JS2 · Collection · 1436-1993

        Records of the parish of Saint James, Garlickhithe (or Garlickhythe), Garlick Hill, City of London. The archive includes an arbitration in a dispute involving the parish of St. James Garlickhithe dated 1436, but the main archive dates from the 16th century with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns, confirmations, preachers) surviving from 1535; churchwardens' accounts from 1555 and vestry minutes from 1615. The bulk of the archive is 17th century or later, including poor rate and tithe rate assessments; and papers relating to parish charities and estates (properties).

        Also records of St James' Guild: the records comprise: minute book, 1910-14 (Ms 10795), and ledger 1907-12 (Ms 10796).

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P69/OLA1 · Collection · 1491-1978

        Records of the parish of Saint Olave, Hart Street, City of London. Parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns) date from 1563; vestry minutes date from 1707, churchwardens accounts date from 1691. Other records include preachers' books; papers relating to poor relief; poor rate books; church rate books; and papers of parochial charities.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P71/CRI · Collection · 1874-1999

        Records of the parish of Saint Crispin, Bermondsey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, confirmations and church services; faculties; preachers' book; parish magazines and Sunday School register.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P73/BAN · Collection · 1819-1989

        Records of the parish of Saint Barnabas, Dulwich. There are substantial records which illustrate the basic activities of church life: financial records, records relating to the church fabric, parish magazines, and so on. But there are also records, such as those relating to the Infants' School, the Saint Barnabas Institute (a social club), the chaplaincy of Dulwich Hospital, the Christian Stewardship Campaigns, and the Mothers' Union, which show the additional commitment by the vicars and parishioners to community life and the established Christian Church.

        The records include: registers of marriages and baptisms; registers of banns of marriage; marriage licences; registers of church services; papers of the Incumbent; papers relating to staff; papers regarding parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to the Church fabric and the Church hall; financial records; papers of the Vestry and the Parochial Church Council; parochial charity records; and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P74/TRI · Collection · 1832-1980

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Chelsea, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns of marriage; parish magazines; year books; histories of the church; papers of parish charities; preachers' book; curates' licences; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the maintenance of the church buildings and fittings, including plans; financial records; Vestry minutes and Parochial Church Council minutes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P82/PET · Collection · 1832-1944

        Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Saffron Hill, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; registers of burials; registers of church services; banns book; pew rent books; Parochial Church Council minutes and financial accounts; tithe collectors book; and Churchwardens' Charity account books.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/CLE · Collection · 1857-1979

        Records of the parish of Saint Clement, Barnsbury, Islington, including baptism registers (1857-1976); marriage registers (1865-1976), banns of marriage registers (1910-1977), confirmation registers (1931-1970), service registers (1865-1977); correspondence related to church personnel; papers relating to church buildings, the Cloudesley Charity, the Saint Clement Primary School, the Women's Fellowship, the Scouts and the Church Lads Brigade; annual accounts and balance sheets; deeds; Parochial Church Council Minutes; and Standing Committee Minutes.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/JS1 · Collection · 1839-1978

        Records of the parish of St James, Holloway, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; preacher's book; Parochial Church Council minute books; and papers relating to church societies.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/MRY1 · Collection · 1557-1969

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Upper Street, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; registers of preachers and church services; minutes of Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; Churchwardens' financial accounts and correspondence; statistics; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of the church buildings including plans and elevations, faculties and correspondence; legal documents relating to church property, such as deeds; parish magazines; papers relating to parochial charities and schools; and records of the Mutual Assurance Society and other parish societies.

        Church rate books and papers relating to the collection of rates; minutes of various committees including the Trustees of the Parish and committees relating to highways and the workhouse; papers relating to civil functions of the parish, including the appointment of watchmen and constables, regulation of weights and measures, surveyor's papers, sanitation and medical care, workhouse and poor relief, apprentices, settlement examinations and removal orders.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/MRY2 · Collection · 1859-1974

        Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Hornsey Rise, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; preacher's books; registers of church services; papers relating to church personnel; papers relating to the benefice and financial matters; Churchwardens' financial accounts; papers relating to the construction and maintenance of church buildings; and papers relating to parochial charities.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P83/PET2 · Collection · 1836-1987

        Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Devonia Road, Islington, including registers of baptisms. marriages and banns; church services registers; orders of service; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; general correspondence; papers relating to parish boundaries; records relating to the constructions and maintenance of church buildings including faculties; papers relating to the mission hall; financial accounts; papers relating to parish societies; legal papers relating to parish properties, such as deeds; parish magazines; photographs and newspaper cuttings.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P84/PET1 · Collection · 1856-1975

        Records of the parish of St Peter, Cranley Gardens, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and burial services; records relating to staff; papers regarding the benefice; Churchwardens' records; papers relating to the church fabric including faculties; financial records; papers of the Parochial Church Council; papers relating to parish charities and societies; parish magazines; and papers regarding parish boundaries.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P85/AND1 · Collection · 1788-1947

        Records of the parish of Saint Andrew, Stockwell Green, including registers of baptisms, banns and marriages; church services registers; minutes of the Parochial Church Council; Churchwarden's financial accounts; papers relating to the maintenance of church buildings; papers relating to parish boundaries; administrative papers including correspondence; orders of service; papers relating to church societies; photographs and parish magazines.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 P85/ANS · Collection · 1901-1966

        Records of the parish of Saint Anselm, Kennington Cross, including registers of baptisms and marriages; church services registers; inventories; papers relating to parish mergers; records of the Kennington Slate Club; photographs; papers relating to the church buildings including plans and correspondence; Parochial Church Council minutes; administrative papers; financial records; papers of the Lambeth Deanery Organisation; papers of the Lady Margaret Hall Settlement; and papers relating to other parish charities.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/090 · Collection · 1693-1763

        London Religious Society records comprising steward's accounts.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/198 · Collection · 1631-1996

        Records of Sion College, a society of Anglican clergy. The majority of the collection dates from 1631, with deeds from 1611. The records include notes on the history of the College; constitution, rules and bye-laws; Court of Governor's minutes and other Committee minutes; annual reports; financial accounts; lists of Fellows and subscription books; letter books and correspondence; papers of the Secretary; legal papers; menus and invitations to events; newsletters and promotional material; press cuttings; papers relating to properties and estates owned by the College; papers relating to the library including committee minutes, inventories, lists of borrowed books and registers of rebinding; photographs of past Presidents and Fellows; and photographs of the Library and College.

        Sans titre
        SYON ABBEY
        GB 0074 CLC/207 · Collection · [1500-1535]

        "Rules of the Monastery of Syon", probably written in the early 16th century for use by the brethren of Syon Abbey, Isleworth, Middlesex.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/330 · Collection · 1887-1925

        Service registers from the Bologna Anglican Chaplaincy, Italy.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/373 · Collection · 1873-1977

        Records of the Jerez de la Frontera Anglican Chaplaincy, Spain, comprising: register of baptisms, 1878-1966 (Ms 21026); and register of burials, 1873-1977 (Ms 21027). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1984.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/377 · Collection · 1891-1908

        Records of the Messina Anglican Chaplaincy, Italy, comprising register of baptisms 1902-1908, and private family letters and papers, 1891-1900. They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1988.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/410 · Collection · 1925-1970

        Records of Tamaris sur Mer Anglican Chaplaincy, comprising register of baptisms, 1928-70 (Ms 23623), and service register, 1925-30 (Ms 23624). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1988.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 CLC/416 · Collection · 1979-1981

        Records of the Zermatt Anglican Chaplaincy, comprising a Commonwealth and Continental Church Society "chaplains' book", i.e. register of services.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/2805/03 · Collection · 1868-1921

        Correspondence of Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler, 1868-1921, relating to diverse subjects including education, legal cases, Jews College, shechita, charity and relief funds, Russo-Jewish Committee, the United Synagogue, administration, provincial congregations and marriages; and relating to foreign places including Australia, China, Japan, Palestine, Jerusalem, Ireland, Romania, South Africa, Russia and New York.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/2805/07 · Collection · 1913-1992

        Records of Chief Rabbi Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, 1913-1992. The records of Lord Jakobovits are the single largest part of the archive, indicative of the large volume of work undertaken and the relative speed with which the records were passed onto London Metropolitan Archives.

        Records relating to the Office of the Chief Rabbi and Chief Rabbi's Cabinet including papers relating to social functions and administration. Correspondence with the Board of Deputies, London Beth Din and United Synagogue. Papers relating to Jewish communal organisations including the Kol Nidre Appeal and the Joint Israel Appeal.

        Papers relating to education and Chaplaincy Boards including general correspondence, the Education Reform Act 1988, Jews' College, individual schools, colleges and universities, the University Jewish Chaplaincy Board, and the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board. Papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust including administration, correspondence, financial records, trustees, donors, applications, fundraising and policies.

        Papers relating to Jewish religious organisations including Reform, Liberal and Sephardi congregations and the Spanish and Portuguese Community. Papers relating to congregations and ministers in Great Britain including the registration of synagogues, the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board and provincial congregations.

        Halacha [a legal decision regarding a matter or case for which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic law, deduced by analogy from this law or from the Scriptures] and rulings on religious questions including correspondence, rulings relating to burial practices, the participation of women in communities, blasphemy, medical ethics, circumcision, bar mitzvah, marriage, conversions, get [divorce] legislation, High Holy Days and mikvaot. Papers relating to Shechita [slaughtering practices] and Kashrut [laws relating to food] including correspondence and minutes of the London Board for Shechita and the National Council of Shechita Boards of Great Britain, general correspondence, reports, and defence of shechita practices.

        Papers relating to bills in the House of Lords. Correspondence with central Government departments and local authorities, including correspondence with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Correspondence with welfare organisations and papers relating to ageing, child abuse, crime, drugs, homelessness, hospice care, disabled people and individual welfare cases. Correspondence with religious leaders, individuals, and organisations relating to Israel, including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

        Correspondence with overseas congregations including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America and correspondence with the Conference of European Rabbis. Papers relating to Soviet Jewry including correspondence, appeals and reports.

        Papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews. Papers relating to medical ethics including abortion, sex education, AIDS, organ transplants, Tay-Sachs disease and abortion. Papers relating to social issues including business ethics, disarmament, homosexuality, inner cities, disasters, and race relations. Correspondence relating to the representation of the Chief Rabbi on various public bodies and patronage by the Chief Rabbi.

        Copies of sermons, addresses, publications from the office of the Chief Rabbi, press and publicity, broadcasts and messages from the Chief Rabbi. Personal papers including household accounts, letters of thanks and messages of sympathy. Papers relating to the Chief Rabbinate Fund including the distribution of funds to various causes.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/2893 · Collection · 1887-2007

        Records of the Federation of Synagogues, 1887 - 1988. The records include a comprehensive set of minutes of the Federation; a less comprehensive but nonetheless interesting collection of minute books from the individual congregations; and minutes of other institutions connected with the Federation. There are also financial accounts, reports, property files (including synagogue plans), notice books and correspondence files which give a fuller picture of life of the Federation; and records of the East London Mikvah Committee; Federation Burial Society and London Talmud Torah Council.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 ACC/2999 · Collection · 1899-2001

        Records of the Jewish Memorial Council, 1899-2001. The archive mainly consists of files and volumes of minutes and working papers. The records of the Reverend Malcolm Weisman are noteworthy for the detail they provide on the survival of Judaism in small, often isolated, communities.

        Sans titre
        N/M/015-1 · Collection · 1836-1897

        Minutes of the Trustees, 1862-1897 and minutes of the Sunday School Committee and Teachers, 1836-1856.

        Sans titre
        N/M/030 · Collection · 1880-1973

        Minutes of Trustees' Meetings for the Great Queen Street Circuit, 1880-1900; minutes and correspondence of the Finance Committee, 1954-1964; Trust correspondence, 1951-1966; minutes of Leaders' Meetings, 1904-1924; Sunday School admission register, 1903-1920; minutes of Trustees' Meetings, 1953-1974; minutes of Sunday School Council, 1925-1973.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 LMA/4280 · Collection · 1954-2002

        Records of the Belmont Synagogue, covering the whole range of activities undertaken by the Synagogue. In particular, the administration is well represented with minutes, agendas and correspondence from all the main committees; the Council of Management, Membership, Building Fund, Ladies Guild, Parents Association, Education and Social Activity Group.

        Information on the religious life can be gleaned from files on Rabbi selection, Bat Chayil Ceremony, Yom Naroim and the Sefer Torah as well as from the substantial photographic collection which also presents a good picture of the social side of the community.

        PLEASE NOTE that written permission from the depositors is required to access this collection.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 LMA/4429 · Collection · 193--2002

        Records of the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues (ULPS), dealing mainly with the creation of the new version of the prayer book Service of the Heart which was published in 1995. Rabbi John Rayner edited the new edition with Rabbi Chaim Stern as co-editor. Rabbi Julia Neuberger chaired the anthology committee. As well as aiming to combine general Jewish tradition with Progressive Jewish thought the editors wished to respond to changes in Jewish outlook in the late twentieth century. The use of language, in particular gender sensitivity, was carefully examined.

        Other records include minutes and correspondence of the Federation of Womens' Societies Executive Committee and papers relating to ULPS educational courses.

        Sans titre
        GB 0074 LMA/4475 · Collection · 1940-1999

        Organisational papers of the League of Jewish Women, including meeting minutes from various committees; reports; general administrative records; correspondence; papers relating to the organisation of various events and conferences; magazines and press cuttings; and films and photographs.

        PLEASE NOTE: to access this collection written permission is required from the depositors.

        Sans titre
        Guttenberger, Eberhard ( -1518)
        GB 0120 MSS.324-326 · 1505-1517

        Lectiones in primum librum primi Canonis Avicennae, a Gerardo Cremonensi translati, 1505-1517.

        Sans titre
        Recensus scriptorum celebriorum
        GB 0120 MSS.4130, 4131 · Collection · 1745

        Recensus scriptorum celebriorum, seu Delectus autorum libris et lucubrationibus suis magis illustrium, ex Romano-Catholicorum, Heterodoxorum, ac Gentilium virorum ordine, compendiosa relatione perspicuus, ad cognoscenda et dignoscenda authorum nomina, libros, scripta, statum atque aetatem, anagnostae publico ac privato accomodus ex variis recentioribus conscriptus. At the end of the second volume are lists of Roman Emperors, Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, Kings of France, Spain, Hungary, Bohemia, and England. The latest date is that of the coronation of Francis I, husband of Maria Theresa, as Emperor 4th October 1745: Philip V of Spain, who died in 1746, is entered as still reigning. Items on the Papal Index [1681-1734] are marked in red. Each volume is stamped on the sides with an unidentified coat of arms, and lettered P.A.M.N.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4008 · Collection · 1866-1976

        Records of the London Central Mission Methodist Circuit, 1866-1976, including records of the circuit itself and the records of the following constituent churches and missions: St. John's Square Church, Clerkenwell (LMA/4008/SJS); Islington Central Methodist Church and its predecessors (LMA/4008/ICMC); Haggerston Church (LMA/4008/HAG); Maidstone Street Church/Harbour Light Church (LMA/4008/MSHL); Camden Street and Camden Town Churches (LMA/4008/CAM); Kings' Cross Mission, Crestfield Street (LMA/4008/KCCM); Kings' Cross Mission, Charlotte Street/Carnegie Street (LMA/4008/KCCS); Caledonian Road Primitive Methodist Church (LMA/4008/CRPM); Caledonian Road Wesleyan Methodist Church (LMA/4008/CRWM); Mayfield Road, Dalston Church (LMA/4008/MRD); Penton Hall/Twyford Hall Church (LMA/4008/PHTH); Railton Road, Herne Hill Church (LMA/4008/RRHH).

        Sans titre
        LMA/4009/AR · Sous-fonds · 1865-1932

        Records of the Archway Road Methodist Church, including register of baptisms, 1865-1897; Leaders' Meeting minute books; financial accounts; Trustees' Meeting minute books; Trustees' correspondence and notes; papers of the Missionary Society and papers of the Sunday School.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4041/WH · Collection · 1884-1981

        Records of Winchmore Hill Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1884-1981, including minutes of the Trustees, Finance Committee, Church Choir, Overseas Committee and Sunday School; original building tender for the new church; correspondence relating to the maintenance of the building; church accounts; Seat Rent; Collection Journals; plans and specifications for rebuilding and later developments; orders of service; Year books and magazines; a history of Winchmore Hill Church; Sunday school certificates all awarded to Gladys May Howard for scripture and religious knowledge and 3 Sunday school attendance medals.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4249 · Collection · 1838-1992

        Records of East End Mission [formerly the Wesleyan Mission East] including Quarterly minutes, 1886-1980; Executive Committee minutes, 1938-1973; Finance Committee minutes 1957-1961; General Purposes Committee minutes, 1960-1971; Combined Trustees' minutes, 1942-1966; Christian Service Centre Committee minutes. 1961-1964, Centenary Committee minutes, 1984-1986; Sunday School Council minutes, 1917 - 1943; Slate Club General Committee minutes, 1903 - 1916; issues of 'The East End Magazine' 1894 - 1904; issues of 'The East End Star', monthly newsletter of the London East End Mission, 1928 - 1961; issues of 'The Star', East End Mission newspaper, 1961 - 1992; issues of 'Quest and Conquest: the Journal of the East London Mission', 1928 - 1930; 'The Tuberculous Homeless Alcoholic' by Eugene W. Morse, 1978; 'Zebra Project: A Bow Mission Project. The First Ten Years', 1985; booklet '1885-1985 East End Mission - Centenary Year', 1985; file of images used to illustrate Mission publications, 193- - 194-.

        Records of United Methodist Free Church Third London Circuit, including Quarterly minutes, 1868-1889; Trustees' meeting minutes, 1863-1873; Sunday School teachers' meeting minutes, 1872. Records of Bethnal Green Circuit, including Quarterly minutes, 1881-1893.

        Records of Saint George's, Cable Street including register of baptisms,1839-1911; Leaders' Meeting minutes and accounts, 1839-1957; Committee minutes, 1875-1879; Lay Mission Committee minutes, 1872-1885, Young Men's Bible Class minutes. Records of Stepney Central Hall, Commercial Road (formerly 'Seamen's Chapel'), including Committee minutes, 1887-1882; Leaders' Meeting minutes, 1908-1962, 'Spitalfields Project' report, 1992. Records of Lycett Chapel, Mile End Road, including register of baptisms, 1872-1947; Leaders' Meeting minutes, 1925-1962; programmes and flyers; photographs of Chapel interior. Records of Pigott Street, Limehouse, including United Methodist Free Church Chapel Trust Committee, 1878-1915; Pigott Street Mutual Improvement Society minutes, 1883-1884. Records of Gordon Hall, Globe Road, Mile End, including register of baptisms, 1838-1958; register of marriages, 1915-1953, and Leaders' Meeting minutes, 1868-1922. Records of Edinburgh Castle, Rhodeswell Road, including register of baptisms, 1934-1959; income journal, 1948-1959; expenditure journal, 1948-1949, and service of commemoration for Dr Thomas Barnardo, 1955. Records of Bethnal Green Central Hall (Approach Road), including Trust deeds and related papers; notices for opening and dedication.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4366 · Collection · 1859-1956

        Court of Session minute books, 1860-1942; Managers' Meeting minute books, 1863-1942; Annual general and congregational meetings minute books, 1860-1941; Literary Society minute books, 1919-1939; Harvey Street Working Committee minute book, 1938-1956; Missionary Committee for Hoxton Mission, 1909-1917; minute book of the Trustees' meetings, 1896-1942; annual reports, 1861-1940 (some gaps); Communicants' roll books, 1859-1956, including Hoxton Mission; register of baptisms, 1860-1939; issues of The Highbury Magazine, 1901-1911 and issues of the Park Church Literary Magazine, 1929-1937.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4369 · Collection · 1829-1924

        Records of Islington Presbyterian Church including Court of Session minute books, 1829-1924; Deacons' Court minute books, 1865-1896; minute book of the General Congregational Meetings, the Congregational Committee and the Trustees, 1843-1866; Trustees' minute book, 1886-1880; Manager's minute books, 1880-1896 and 1902-1907; Manager's and Deacons' minute book, 1907-1923; Building Committee minute book, 1833-1835; Young Men's Fellowship Association minute book, 1886-1893; Communicants' roll book, 1835-1923; register of baptisms, 1829-1920; Sunday School admissions register, 1899-1906; register of financial contributions, 1885-1921 and 'Aemulus', a manuscript magazine supported by the members of the church and produced by the Young Men's Association, 1886.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4395 · Collection · 1879-1956

        Records of Christ Church Presbyterian Church, Wallington, including Court of Session minute books, 1880-1918 (including a history of the chapel); Board of Managers minute books, 1879-1903; Extension Committee, Finance Committee and Trustees minute book, 1906-1910; Waddon Free Church Hall Committee minute book, 1944-1956; minutes of the Joint Committee for Waddon Free Church Hall, 1936-1943; Women's Missionary Association minute books, 1899-1954; papers of the Reading Club, 1930-1939 and Reading Club minute book, 1925-1940; Literary debating society minute book, 1934-1937; Communicants' roll books, 1880-1939; register of baptisms, 1880-1893; seat-letting book, 1887-1918; deeds and legal papers relating to church property, 1888-1956; and record of the activities of the Junior Women's Missionary Association, 1943-1945.

        Sans titre
        GB 1556 WL 985 · Collection · 1939-1960

        Papers concerning Kristallnacht, 1939-1960, notably includes responses from rabbis to the Wiener Library, regarding the fate of their former synagogues in Germany during Kristallnacht, 1939; statistics on the fate of synagogues in Germany during Kristallnacht, 1939 and 1960; a translation of a Nazi document regarding the fate of synagogues in Germany during Kristallnacht and copies of contemporary Nazi newspaper extracts describing events on the same night, undated.

        Sans titre
        GB 1556 WL MF 55 · 1903-1938

        Papers of the Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, 1903-1938, relate to the central organisation including the constitution and notably comprise management and committee minutes, reports and plans regarding the organisation's aims and objectives and finance records; files on the activities of the state and regional level sub-groups; files concerning women's organisations, youth organisations, members and officers, publication and propaganda, activities of other Jewish organisations, Zionism, emigration to Palestine, training for Jewish youth, Anti-Semitism, political, economic and legal situation for Jews in Germany, CV's relationship to religion and religious organisations, and the attitudes of writers and politicians to Jews.

        Sans titre
        GB 0122 V · 1851-1910

        Papers of Cardinal Vaughan, 1851-1910, including correspondence on topics including the visitation of parochial churches of Regulars (Benedictines and Jesuits), 1875-1885; the Donelan case (Cambridge University hostel), 1894-1901 and Anglican Orders, 1894-1901. Correspondents include, among others, Cardinal James Gibbons, Baltimore; John Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute; Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk; George Forrest Browne, Anglican Bishop of Stepney; Bishop William Clifford; Bishop William Ullathorne; the Earl of Halifax; Bishop Robert Brindle; Lord Acton and Rafael Merry del Val. Also, notes on the foundation of St Joseph's, Mill Hill, 1851-1866; press cuttings; Vaughan's diaries, 1853-1881, covering visits to Rome, American tours and early Salford days; ordo recitandi and directories, 1873-1880 and 1882-1902.

        Sans titre
        Bentham (Jeremy) Papers
        GB 0103 BENTHAM · 1750-1885

        Papers of Jeremy Bentham, 1750-1885, consist of drafts and notes for published and unpublished works, and cover many subjects including: Bentham's codification proposal, a plan to replace existing law with a codified system, an idea which manifested itself in Constitutional Code (London, 1830), a blueprint for representative democracy and an entirely open and fully accountable government, 1815-1832; penal code, which involved penal law giving effect to the rights and duties of civil law, [1773]-1831; punishment, to certain actions which, on account of their tendency to diminish the greatest happiness, would be classified as offences, [1773-1826]; Bentham's Panopticon, a way of maintaining and employing convicts in a new invented building, 1785-1813; Chrestomathia, the secondary school designed by Bentham, 1815-1826; evidence in law, [1780]-1823; religion, and the Church, 1800-1830; logic, ethics, deontology (the science of morality), morals, utilitarianism and the greatest happiness principle, 1794-1834; political economy, [1790]-1819; Supply without burthen or Escheat vice taxation, a proposal for saving taxes, 1793-1795; legislation, including law amendment and law reform, [1770-1843]; procedure, and procedure codes, [1780]-1830; law and issues in other countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium and Tripoli, 1810-1830; A Comment on the Commentaries, being a criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, also Bentham's and Blackstone's views on civil code, [1774]-1830; sexual nonconformity, [1774]-1816; Scotch reform, 1804-1809; Court of Lords delegates, 1807-1821; parliamentary papers, and parliamentary reform, [1790]-1831; poor law, and poor plan, 1796-[1845]; correspondence, 1761-1866, including a corrected draft letter to James Madison, President of the United States of America, in which Bentham made an offer to draw up a complete code of laws for the USA, 1811.

        Sans titre
        German Religious Poem
        GB 0103 MS GERM 13 · 17th century

        Manuscript poem, 17th century, 'Himmelfahrt Der Ordensleute' (ascension of orders), in rhyming couplets. Folio 1r bears an inscription dated 1660, describing the text as a humorous poem on the meeting of the Roman Catholics, Jesuits, monks, etc, with the apostle Peter at the celestial gates, probably unpublished. On the last leaf (f 5v) a copper engraving is pasted, depicting the Rhine and Main from Cologne to Würzburg, and on the water boats full of Jesuits, apparently fleeing. A single Jesuit toils along the river bank with his sack full of treasures belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, which are being lost en route.

        Sans titre
        Missal for the use of Friars Minor
        GB 0103 MS LAT 19 · 15th century

        Manuscript volume, 15th century: Missale Fratrum Minorum (missal for the use of Friars Minor), with some musical notation.

        Sans titre