Safety education

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Safety education

        Termos equivalentes

        Safety education

        • UP Formation à la prévention des accidents
        • UP Formation à la sécurité
        • UP Formación en prevención de riesgos

        Termos associados

        Safety education

        3 Descrição arquivística resultados para Safety education

        Child Accident Prevention Trust (founded 1979)
        GB 0120 SA/CAP · 1977-1991

        The archive consists mainly of the Secretary's correspondence files and the files of the various working parties, plus a broad range of publications.

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        Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research
        GB 0809 Sexual Health · 1980s-1990s

        Papers of The Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research comprise posters and ephemera relating to sexual and reproductive health, and evaluation and campaign material, 1980s-1990s. Posters notably concern AIDS prevention and originate from countries across Europe including Norway, Greece, Switzerland and UK. Posters use strong imagery including condoms and syringes to illustrate the importance of sexual health, for example a Swedish poster includes an image of man and woman with condoms as halos, the caption reads 'Var din egen skyddsangel' or 'Be your own guardian angel'. Ephemera includes badges, bags, leaflets and tapes and videos from various countries concerning AIDS and sexual health campaigns.

        Evaluation and campaign material relates to work carried out in 1980s and 1990s concerning AIDS and notably includes pamphlets and leaflets from campaigns carried out across Europe, AIDS Strategic Monitor publications and surveys and research collated by various market research companies. The material was presumably collected from and hence relates to Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Norway and Greece.

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        OUTTERIDGE, Kenneth Dudley (1923-1989)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP34 · Created 1950-[1988]

        Papers relating to Outteridge's teaching work at King's College London, 1950-1982, notably teaching and tutorial notes on subjects mainly relating to radiation physics and radiation protection, 1965-1972; texts of lectures on radiation physics written for the Borough Polytechnic, London, 1954-1957 and 1960-[1967]; copies of exam papers for physics and electronics subjects at King's College London, 1969-1982; papers concerning research grants and students, [1970-1980], including a PhD thesis by B L Diffey on 'The spectral distribution of X rays and gamma radiation resulting from multiple Compton scattering', Jun 1973; notes on various computer programmes, and work undertaken with them, [1978]; copies of articles and lectures by Outteridge and others, notably 'A print-out system for scaling units using neon indicators' with K C Lightowlers, 'Photon fluences resulting from multiple Compton scattering' with B L Diffey of Kent and Canterbury Hospital, and articles, 1950-1957, on the conductivity and electron counting properties of diamonds, mainly by Frank Clive Champion, Wheatstone Physics Laboratory; minutes and agendas of the Faculty of Natural Science, 1970-1981, and the Non-Professional Staff Committee, 1975-1978. Papers, 1952-1954, relating to Outteridge's work at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, notably press cuttings relating to work done there, 1952-1953, a teaching manual written by Outteridge on 'The Isotope School Experimental Course in Radioisotope Techniques', 1954, and a set of articles written by Outteridge whilst at Harwell. Papers relating to Outteridge's work as Radiation Protection Officer for King's College, [1971-1988], including information files regarding his duties, 1984-1985; working papers, [1971]-1982; reports from the British Radiation Protection Association, the British Radiological Protection Association and the Institute of Radiological Protection, [1971-1986]; papers and reports, 1962-[1988], of the Association of University Radiation Protection Officers (AURPO), including rules, constitution, AGM papers and newsletters.

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