Zone d'identification
- 1832-1968 (Création/Production)
Niveau de description
Étendue matérielle et support
1 outsize box
Zone du contexte
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy: born in Budapest, Hungary, 1820; educated for the rabbinical profession; PhD in mathematics and philosophy, University of Jena (Germany), 1845; on the failure of the 1848 revolution, fled Hungary and settled in England, 1850; rabbi of the Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation (later the United Hebrew Congregation of Manchester) from 1851; rabbi of the Manchester Congregation of British Jews, c1856-1860; married Georgiana Eleanor Herbert (1831-1901), who converted to Judaism and was baptised Sarah, 1863; moved to Cambridge, 1863; Teacher in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature, University of Cambridge, from 1866; first Reader in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature, University of Cambridge, from 1876; had issue Alfred Solomon (b 1863), Theresa Antonia (1864-1865), Eleanor, Henrietta Georgiana (1869-1939), and Sydney Herbert (1876-1964); died in Cambridge, 1890; buried in Ipswich. Publications include: Der Bund Gottes mit Israel! Gottesdienstlicher Vortrag über Jes 59, 21 zur ersten Confirmationsfeier ... im Tempel der Israeliten zu Eperies gehalten (Leipzig, 1845); Die zweite Rabbinerversammlung zu Frankfurt a.M. Eine vollstandige Beleuchtung der Tendenz ... so wie insonders des Geistes, der bei und in derselben vorwaltend war. Zweite Auflage. Hefte 1, 2 (Leipzig, 1845-1846); The Feelings of the Israelite on beholding his Sovereign. An address delivered to the United Hebrew Congregation of Manchester, etc (Manchester, 1851); Harmony and Dis-harmony between Judaism and Christianity. Two sermons preached ... at the Manchester Synagogue of British Jews, etc (Manchester, [1859]); with William A Wright, appendix containing a catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS in E H Palmer, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (Deighton, Bell & Co, Cambridge, Bell & Daldy, London, 1870); Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts preserved in the University Library, Cambridge ... Volume I. Containing, Section I. The Holy Scriptures. Section II. Commentaries on the Bible (Cambridge, 1876); An Exposition of Isaiah lii 13, 14, 15, and liii., etc (Deighton, Bell & Co, Cambridge, 1882); studies on Rabbinic literature in the Encylopaedia Britannica; contributions to the Journal of Philology and other periodicals. See also Raphael Loewe, 'Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy', Jewish Historical Society of England Transactions Sessions 1962-1967, xxi (1968), pp 148-189, which includes a bibliography. Raphael Loewe: appointed temporary Lecturer in the Hebrew Department, University College London, 1961; Honorary Research Assistant, 1962; Lecturer, 1966; Senior Lecturer, 1969; Reader, 1970; Professor, 1981; retired, 1984. Publications include: Judaism, Privilege and Perspective (Parkes Library, Royston, 1962); The position of women in Judaism (SPCK, London, published in conjunction with the Hillel Foundation, 1966); edited Studies in Rationalism, Judaism & Universalism. In memory of Leon Roth (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Humanities Press, New York, 1966); with Siegfried Stein, edited Studies in Jewish religious and intellectual history presented to Alexander Altmann on the occasion of his seventieth birthday (Institute of Jewish Studies, London, University of Alabama Press, 1979); The Spanish supplement to Nieto's 'Esh Dath (1981); Yahadut ve-shirah - metihut 'o yetsiyrah (Kenes, London, 1984); Jewish evidence for the history of the crossbow (Picard, Paris, 1985); Louis Loewe: aide and confidant (Oxford University Press, London, 1985); Lashon 'ivrit u-medabreyhah: 'eved we-rabo (London, 1987); The Rylands Haggadah (Abrams, New York, 1988); In memoriam Richard David Barnett (Jewish Historical Society of London, London, 1988); A mediaeval Latin-German magical text in Hebrew characters (Halban, London, 1988); Ibn Gabirol (Halban, London, 1989); Cambridge Jewry: the first hundred years (Harvey Miller publishers, London, 1989); translated Yosef Kaplan's From Christianity to Judaism: the story of Isaac Orobio de Castro (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989); Jewish exegesis (SCM, London, 1990); The contribution of German-Jewish scholars to Jewish studies in the United Kingdom (1991); Israel's sovereign statehood and theological plumb-lines (E Mellen, Lewiston, 1991); Midrashic alchemy: exegesis, ethics, aesthetics in Judaism (KTAV Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1992; offprint from "Open thou mine eyes": essays on Aggahdah and Judaica presented to Rabbi William G Braude); with Jeremy Schonfield, edited The Barcelona Haggadah (London, 1992); with Edward Fitzgerald, Khayyamidis Rubayat sive Quaternionum ... (London, 1993); Hebrew linguistics (Longman, London and New York, 1994); with others, Bevis Marks records Part VI, The burial register (1733-1918) of the Novo (New) cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London (with some later entries) (1997); Herbert of Bosham's Commentary on Jerome's Hebrew Psalter [undated?].
Histoire archivistique
Acquired by Raphael Loewe's father, c1939, presented to University College London by Raphael Loewe, c1968, and held with other Jewish collections in the Mocatta Library of University College London.
GB 0103 SCHILLER 1832-1968 Collection (fonds) 1 outsize box Szinessy , Solomon Marcus , Schiller- , 1820-1890 , rabbi and scholar
Loewe , Raphael , fl 1940-1984 , Professor of Hebrew
Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy: born in Budapest, Hungary, 1820; educated for the rabbinical profession; PhD in mathematics and philosophy, University of Jena (Germany), 1845; on the failure of the 1848 revolution, fled Hungary and settled in England, 1850; rabbi of the Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation (later the United Hebrew Congregation of Manchester) from 1851; rabbi of the Manchester Congregation of British Jews, c1856-1860; married Georgiana Eleanor Herbert (1831-1901), who converted to Judaism and was baptised Sarah, 1863; moved to Cambridge, 1863; Teacher in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature, University of Cambridge, from 1866; first Reader in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature, University of Cambridge, from 1876; had issue Alfred Solomon (b 1863), Theresa Antonia (1864-1865), Eleanor, Henrietta Georgiana (1869-1939), and Sydney Herbert (1876-1964); died in Cambridge, 1890; buried in Ipswich. Publications include: Der Bund Gottes mit Israel! Gottesdienstlicher Vortrag über Jes 59, 21 zur ersten Confirmationsfeier ... im Tempel der Israeliten zu Eperies gehalten (Leipzig, 1845); Die zweite Rabbinerversammlung zu Frankfurt a.M. Eine vollstandige Beleuchtung der Tendenz ... so wie insonders des Geistes, der bei und in derselben vorwaltend war. Zweite Auflage. Hefte 1, 2 (Leipzig, 1845-1846); The Feelings of the Israelite on beholding his Sovereign. An address delivered to the United Hebrew Congregation of Manchester, etc (Manchester, 1851); Harmony and Dis-harmony between Judaism and Christianity. Two sermons preached ... at the Manchester Synagogue of British Jews, etc (Manchester, [1859]); with William A Wright, appendix containing a catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS in E H Palmer, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (Deighton, Bell & Co, Cambridge, Bell & Daldy, London, 1870); Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts preserved in the University Library, Cambridge ... Volume I. Containing, Section I. The Holy Scriptures. Section II. Commentaries on the Bible (Cambridge, 1876); An Exposition of Isaiah lii 13, 14, 15, and liii., etc (Deighton, Bell & Co, Cambridge, 1882); studies on Rabbinic literature in the Encylopaedia Britannica; contributions to the Journal of Philology and other periodicals. See also Raphael Loewe, 'Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy', Jewish Historical Society of England Transactions Sessions 1962-1967, xxi (1968), pp 148-189, which includes a bibliography. Raphael Loewe: appointed temporary Lecturer in the Hebrew Department, University College London, 1961; Honorary Research Assistant, 1962; Lecturer, 1966; Senior Lecturer, 1969; Reader, 1970; Professor, 1981; retired, 1984. Publications include: Judaism, Privilege and Perspective (Parkes Library, Royston, 1962); The position of women in Judaism (SPCK, London, published in conjunction with the Hillel Foundation, 1966); edited Studies in Rationalism, Judaism & Universalism. In memory of Leon Roth (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Humanities Press, New York, 1966); with Siegfried Stein, edited Studies in Jewish religious and intellectual history presented to Alexander Altmann on the occasion of his seventieth birthday (Institute of Jewish Studies, London, University of Alabama Press, 1979); The Spanish supplement to Nieto's 'Esh Dath (1981); Yahadut ve-shirah - metihut 'o yetsiyrah (Kenes, London, 1984); Jewish evidence for the history of the crossbow (Picard, Paris, 1985); Louis Loewe: aide and confidant (Oxford University Press, London, 1985); Lashon 'ivrit u-medabreyhah: 'eved we-rabo (London, 1987); The Rylands Haggadah (Abrams, New York, 1988); In memoriam Richard David Barnett (Jewish Historical Society of London, London, 1988); A mediaeval Latin-German magical text in Hebrew characters (Halban, London, 1988); Ibn Gabirol (Halban, London, 1989); Cambridge Jewry: the first hundred years (Harvey Miller publishers, London, 1989); translated Yosef Kaplan's From Christianity to Judaism: the story of Isaac Orobio de Castro (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989); Jewish exegesis (SCM, London, 1990); The contribution of German-Jewish scholars to Jewish studies in the United Kingdom (1991); Israel's sovereign statehood and theological plumb-lines (E Mellen, Lewiston, 1991); Midrashic alchemy: exegesis, ethics, aesthetics in Judaism (KTAV Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1992; offprint from "Open thou mine eyes": essays on Aggahdah and Judaica presented to Rabbi William G Braude); with Jeremy Schonfield, edited The Barcelona Haggadah (London, 1992); with Edward Fitzgerald, Khayyamidis Rubayat sive Quaternionum ... (London, 1993); Hebrew linguistics (Longman, London and New York, 1994); with others, Bevis Marks records Part VI, The burial register (1733-1918) of the Novo (New) cemetery of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London (with some later entries) (1997); Herbert of Bosham's Commentary on Jerome's Hebrew Psalter [undated?].
Acquired by Raphael Loewe's father, c1939, presented to University College London by Raphael Loewe, c1968, and held with other Jewish collections in the Mocatta Library of University College London.
Transferred from the Mocatta Library (subsequently the Jewish Studies Library) of University College London in 1993.
Papers, 1832-1968, of and relating to Soloman Marcus Schiller-Szinessy and his family, owned or created by Raphael Loewe. A file of documents from Hungary, 1832-1888, comprises personalia relating to Schiller-Szinessy's activities there, including school reports. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Manchester includes correspondence and papers, 1851-1860, on the synagogues of the Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation and Congregation of British Jews, Manchester, and Schiller-Szinessy's association with them as rabbi. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Cambridge comprises printed material, press cuttings, manuscripts, and correspondence of Raphael Loewe, and includes a letter to Schiller-Szinessy from Sir Moses Montefiore, 1883, replying to his ninety-ninth birthday greetings, and an unpublished manuscript by Schiller-Szinessy (in German), 1888, on 'Der Neue Catalog Der Hebraischen Handscriften In Der Bodleiana'. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's contribution to the Jewish press, 1850-1890, includes press cuttings of his articles and typescript notes on his work. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's other publications includes printed copies and press cuttings of his writings from 1845. A file on the marriage, offspring and death of Schiller-Szinessy comprises a letter from H Samuel to Schiller-Szinessy, 1861; papers relating to his marriage, 1863, and other family papers; a photograph of him, 1888; undated photographs of his daughters Henrietta and Eleanor; a photograph, 1963, of his gravestone; cuttings and other printed papers on his death, 1890, including letters of condolence to his wife; notes, cuttings and correspondence, 1962-1968 and undated, of Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, including biographical information. A file of correspondence and papers of Raphael Loewe concerning Alfred Solomon Schiller-Szinessy includes a small scrapbook containing poems, 1886-1887 and undated, by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy; a photocopy of an article by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy on 'The Testaments of the XII Patriarchs' from The Jewish World, 1887; and two letters, 1962, concerning his education at the Perse School, Cambridge. A file on the Schiller-Szinessy children notably includes correspondence, 1958-1965, of Raphael Loewe on the welfare, death and burial of Sydney Schiller-Szinessy. Other original material comprises a manuscript transcript of Bereshith Rabbathi; undated manuscript accounts of the Hebrew language, for teaching; bound copies of Der Ungarische Israelit (in German), 1886, for Dr Schiller-Szinessy; a notebook containing manuscript verse and miscellaneous notes, inscribed [1903]. There is a typescript list of documents relating to Schiller-Szinessy, 1940, and a ticket for an address by Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, 1962.
The papers are as arranged and used by Raphael Loewe for his research on Schiller-Szinessy.
Open. Certain restrictions apply
Normal copyright restrictions apply.
English, Hebrew, German, Hungarian
Online catalogue available. A detailed list by Raphael Loewe is included in 'Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy', Jewish Historical Society of England Transactions Sessions 1962-1967, xxi (1968), pp 166-72.
Some documents are accompanied by typed transcripts.
University College London Special Collections also holds a letter from Schiller-Szinessy to Moses Gaster, 1888 (Ref: GASTER). University College London Records Office holds Loewe's personnel files (Ref: GO 1497/1, HR 130/10); file on Donations and Bequests: Professor Raphael Loewe (Ref: file no 299/346, location GO 2375/5).
Raphael Loewe, 'Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy', Jewish Historical Society of England Transactions Sessions 1962-1967, xxi (1968), pp 148-189.
Sources: Raphael Loewe, 'Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy', Jewish Historical Society of England Transactions Sessions 1962-1967, xxi (1968), pp 148-189; British Library OPAC. Compiled by Rachel Kemsley as part of the RSLP AIM25 project. Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Jun 2001; updated June 2018 Ancient religions Congregation of British Jews , Manchester x Manchester Congregation of British Jews Documents Eastern Europe England Europe Hebrew Hungary Information sources Jews Judaism Lancashire Loewe , Raphael , fl 1940-1984 , Professor of Hebrew Manchester Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation Manuscripts Montefiore , Sir , Moses Haim , 1784-1885 , Knight , philanthropist Newspaper press Press Press cuttings Religion Religions Religious groups Samuel , H , fl 1861 Semitic languages Szinessy , Alfred Solomon , Schiller- , b 1863 x Schiller-Szinessy , Alfred Solomon Szinessy , Eleanor , Schiller- , b 1860s , daughter of Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy x Schiller-Szinessy , Eleanor Szinessy , Henrietta , Schiller- , 1869-1939 x Schiller-Szinessy , Henrietta Szinessy , Sarah Schiller- , 1831-1901 , née Georgiana Eleanor Herbert x Schiller-Szinessy , Sarah x Herbert , Georgiana Eleanor Szinessy , Schiller- , family x Schiller-Szinessy Szinessy , Solomon Marcus , Schiller- , 1820-1890 , rabbi and scholar x Schiller-Szinessy , Solomon Marcus Szinessy , Sydney Herbert , Schiller- , 1876-1964 x Schiller-Szinessy , Sydney Herbert UK United Hebrew Congregation University of Cambridge x Cambridge University Western Europe London
Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert
Transferred from the Mocatta Library (subsequently the Jewish Studies Library) of University College London in 1993.
Zone du contenu et de la structure
Portée et contenu
Papers, 1832-1968, of and relating to Soloman Marcus Schiller-Szinessy and his family, owned or created by Raphael Loewe. A file of documents from Hungary, 1832-1888, comprises personalia relating to Schiller-Szinessy's activities there, including school reports. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Manchester includes correspondence and papers, 1851-1860, on the synagogues of the Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation and Congregation of British Jews, Manchester, and Schiller-Szinessy's association with them as rabbi. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's time at Cambridge comprises printed material, press cuttings, manuscripts, and correspondence of Raphael Loewe, and includes a letter to Schiller-Szinessy from Sir Moses Montefiore, 1883, replying to his ninety-ninth birthday greetings, and an unpublished manuscript by Schiller-Szinessy (in German), 1888, on 'Der Neue Catalog Der Hebraischen Handscriften In Der Bodleiana'. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's contribution to the Jewish press, 1850-1890, includes press cuttings of his articles and typescript notes on his work. A file on Schiller-Szinessy's other publications includes printed copies and press cuttings of his writings from 1845. A file on the marriage, offspring and death of Schiller-Szinessy comprises a letter from H Samuel to Schiller-Szinessy, 1861; papers relating to his marriage, 1863, and other family papers; a photograph of him, 1888; undated photographs of his daughters Henrietta and Eleanor; a photograph, 1963, of his gravestone; cuttings and other printed papers on his death, 1890, including letters of condolence to his wife; notes, cuttings and correspondence, 1962-1968 and undated, of Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, including biographical information. A file of correspondence and papers of Raphael Loewe concerning Alfred Solomon Schiller-Szinessy includes a small scrapbook containing poems, 1886-1887 and undated, by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy; a photocopy of an article by Alfred S Schiller-Szinessy on 'The Testaments of the XII Patriarchs' from The Jewish World, 1887; and two letters, 1962, concerning his education at the Perse School, Cambridge. A file on the Schiller-Szinessy children notably includes correspondence, 1958-1965, of Raphael Loewe on the welfare, death and burial of Sydney Schiller-Szinessy. Other original material comprises a manuscript transcript of Bereshith Rabbathi; undated manuscript accounts of the Hebrew language, for teaching; bound copies of Der Ungarische Israelit (in German), 1886, for Dr Schiller-Szinessy; a notebook containing manuscript verse and miscellaneous notes, inscribed [1903]. There is a typescript list of documents relating to Schiller-Szinessy, 1940, and a ticket for an address by Raphael Loewe on Schiller-Szinessy, 1962.
Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation
Mode de classement
The papers are as arranged and used by Raphael Loewe for his research on Schiller-Szinessy.
Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation
Conditions d'accès
Open. Certain restrictions apply
Conditions de reproduction
Normal copyright restrictions apply.
Langue des documents
- anglais
Écriture des documents
- latin
Notes de langue et graphie
English, Hebrew, German, Hungarian
Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques
University College London Special Collections also holds a letter from Schiller-Szinessy to Moses Gaster, 1888 (Ref: GASTER). University College London Records Office holds Loewe's personnel files (Ref: GO 1497/1, HR 130/10); file on Donations and Bequests: Professor Raphael Loewe (Ref: file no 299/346, location GO 2375/5).
Instruments de recherche
Online catalogue available. A detailed list by Raphael Loewe is included in 'Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy', Jewish Historical Society of England Transactions Sessions 1962-1967, xxi (1968), pp 166-72.
Zone des sources complémentaires
Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux
Existence et lieu de conservation des copies
Some documents are accompanied by typed transcripts.
Unités de description associées
Note de publication
Zone des notes
Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)
Mots-clés - Sujets
- Religions » Religion ancienne
- Document
- Langue africaine » Langue sémitique » Hébreu
- Source d'information
- Groupe religieux » Juif
- Religions » Religion ancienne » Judaïsme
- Document » Manuscrit
- Presse » Presse d'information
- Presse
- Presse » Presse d'information » Coupure de presse
- Religion
- Religions
- Groupe religieux
- Langue africaine » Langue sémitique
Mots-clés - Lieux
Mots-clés - Noms
Mots-clés - Genre
Zone du contrôle de la description
Identifiant de la description
Identifiant du service d'archives
Règles et/ou conventions utilisées
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.
Niveau de détail
Dates de production, de révision, de suppression
- anglais