School visits

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Hierarchical terms

School visits

Equivalent terms

School visits

  • UF Educational visits
  • UF School excursions
  • UF Excursion pédagogique
  • UF Excursion scolaire
  • UF Sortie pédagogique
  • UF Sortie scolaire
  • UF Visite éducative
  • UF Excursión del colegio
  • UF Excursión escolar
  • UF Visita educacional
  • UF Visita educativa

Associated terms

School visits

2 Archival description results for School visits

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 ACC/3454 · Collection · 1910-1982

Records of South Hackney School, 1910-1982, including logbook for Lauriston Road Central School; logbook for South Hackney Central School; waiting list and admission register for South Hackney Central School; admission register South Hackney Central School (from 1951 Cassland County Secondary School); register of school leavers (entered in Register of Children over Compulsory School Age); weekly attendance record with names of school leavers; H.M. Inspector's reports on Cassland County Secondary School and Lauriston County Secondary School; roll of service of South Hackney Central School, 1914-1918; "The Diary" School Magazine, containing The Story of Cassland Secondary School 1910-1955; photographs of various subjects including school visit to Switzerland, school sports team, orchestra and drama production.

Also logbook kept by headmistress, Miss M Beswick, from formation of school in 1958 with details of teaching staff (closed until 2028); admin papers and correspondence including prize-giving, appointments of teachers and report of Inspection by London Board of Jewish Religious Education; newspaper cuttings and photographs; punishment books (closed until 2032); photographs of sports teams, plays, classrooms, workshops; programmes for school concerts, plays, short stories, poetry; school magazines, large photograph of Miss Beswick - headmistress 1944-1962 and large photograph of Mr Chew - headmaster 1911-1943.

Lauriston Road Central School x Hackney Central Secondary School x Cassland Secondary School
GB 0366 BA · Collection · [1948]; 1956-1993

The collection includes George Baines' correspondence and papers re his work at Brize Norton, 1962-1966 and school magazines from Ashwell County Primary School, 1950s. However, the majority of the papers are those of George and Judith Baines relating to their work at Eynsham County Primary School, 1960s-1980s. These include administrative papers, teachers' guides, teachers' record books, school magazines, building plans and press cuttings. Also included is a copy of the episode of the BBC television series, 'The Expanding Classroom' which featured the work of George and Judith Baines at Eynsham School. The film was made in the summer term of 1969 before the first new school building burnt down. The collection contains many examples of children's work, mainly from Eynsham County Primary School, but also from Brize Norton, including project books, creative writing, audio tapes of music, art work, including block printing, and work with fabric. The project books each include some mathematics, scientific obeservation or experiment, creative writing and art work and were bound in block-printed covers designed and executed by the children. Also included are texts of lectures and lecture notes; papers relating to courses and workshops; correspondence re visits, including overseas connections (Iceland, Canada and the USA), 1960s-1980s; papers relating to George and Judith Baines work with students at Bishop Grossteste College, Lincolnshire, 1980s. There are also slides and photographs of staff, pupils, activities, displays and field study trips at Eynsham County Primary School; of Judith Baines' work at Strathmore Infant School; of George Baines' work at Brize Norton; of tours and visits to Gambia, Canada and Iceland. There is also a small group of photographs, memorabilia and correspondence relating to Robin Tanner (1904-1988).

Baines , George , 1927-2009 , teacher and educational pioneer Baines , Judith , fl 1951-2011 , teacher and educational pioneer