
Elements area


Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept16291

Hierarchical terms

Equivalent terms


  • UF Taxonomy
  • UF Typological analysis
  • UF Analyse typologique
  • UF Taxinomie
  • UF Taxonomie
  • UF Análisis tipológico
  • UF Taxonomía

Associated terms

3 Archival description results for Typology

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 378 LDGSL/613-616 · Series · 1831-1844

Drawings and watercolour paintings of fossil fish by Joseph Dinkel, J C Weber, Cécilie Agassiz, Jacques Bourkhardt, G A H Köppel and Sixtus Heinrich Jarwart and others, commissioned by Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz for his publications 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles' (1833-1844) and the follow up 'Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grès Rouge' (1844-1845). Also includes drawings commissioned by Lord William Willoughby Cole (1807-1886), later the Earl of Enniskillen, and Sir Philip de Malpas Egerton (1806-1881) of their own fossil cabinets.

Agassiz , Jean Louis Rudolphe , 1807-1873 Agassiz , Cécilie , 1809-1848 , née Braun , natural history artist and first wife of Louis Agassiz Bourkhardt , Jacques , fl 1808-1867 , natural history artist Dinkel , Joseph Wenceslas Anton , [1806-1891] , natural history artist Hellmuth , Thomas , fl 1835 , natural history artist Hogard , Henri , 1808-1880 , watercolourist and lithographer Jarwart , Sixtus Heinrich , 1813-1865 , natural history artist Koppel , G A H , fl 1836-1838 , natural history artist Nicolet , Hercule , 1801-1872 , artist, lithographer and entomologist Stiven , Jonathan , [c.1799]-1872 , geological artist Vogt , Carl Christoph , 1817-1895 , scientist Weber , J Charles , fl 1831-1835 , natural history artist
Kirwan Catalogue
GB 0103 MS ADD 251 · Early 19th century?

Manuscript catalogue of a collection of small specimens of minerals, classed and arranged according to R Kirwan (by him, or following his principles).

Kirwan , Richard , 1733-1812 , chemist and natural philosopher
GB 0120 MSS.2501 and 7066-7071 · 1783-1861

Miscellaneous scientific notes of Isidore Geoffroy St-Hilaire, 1783-1861, mainly relating to taxonomy and hybridisation. With some fragmentary corrected proofs of published works and other printed matter.

Hilaire , Isidore Geoffroy , Saint- , 1805-1861 , zoologist