Scientific facilities

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Source note(s)


Equivalent terms

Scientific facilities

  • UF Research facilities
  • UF Installation de recherche
  • UF Instalación para la investigación

Associated terms

Scientific facilities

61 Archival description results for Scientific facilities

61 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Archived Papers
GB 0117 AP · 1768-1984

Scientific papers sent to the Royal Society which remained unpublished at their time of receipt, or which were abstracted in the Society's 'Proceedings' after being read at a meeting of Fellows. Early papers in this sequence are occasionally of interest in being preserved complete with associated correespondence (pre-dating Referees Reports); for example, the Charles Wildbore - Nevil Maskelyne letters 1787-1790 (AP.7.16-34). Mid nineteenth century papers of some significance may exist, in both original and abstracted form, such as HWF Talbot's 'Some account of the art of photogenic drawing' (AP.23.19) The Society's policy now is to return rejected scientific papers to authors, so any current additions to this collection usually take the form of unpublished supplementary data to published papers.

GB 0120 MSS.5310-5312 · 1882-1892

Minute books of the Council and Executive Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research, with inserted loose papers, from its formation in 1882 until 1892; minutes of the sub-committee on the Promotion of Research, 1882-1883, and letters to Stephen Paget, 1891-1892.

Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research
GB 0120 PP/BAR · 1794-1981

Although Barlow is best known for his original researches on infantile scurvy, there is very little material relating to that subject in the collection. There are manuscript drafts of his address to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh and his Bradshaw Lecture on infantile scurvy (BAR/E1-2), but the bulk of the clinical and scientific component of the papers relates to other matters, particularly Raynaud's disease and erythromelalgia, diseases to which Barlow turned his attention later in his career.

Among Barlow's clinical papers is a notebook recording minutes of a 'Clinical Club', 1875-77 (BAR/D.2), whose members included, apart from Barlow himself, Sidney Coupland, Rickman Godlee, William Smith Greenfield, Robert Parker, and William Allen Sturge.

Most of Barlow's private patients' records have not survived, though there is an index to his private patients' books, covering the years 1876-1918 (BAR/F.1).

Scientific and clinical matters are also discussed in Barlow's correspondence, but again this is relatively thin for the period when he was active in research. Barlow's non-family correspondence has clearly been heavily weeded: there are few letters from patients, with the exception of some prominent individuals, such as Mary Curzon, wife of Lord Curzon, Randall Davidson, archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Salisbury and Lord Selborne, and in general it seems that while letters from important or well-known figures have survived those from individuals deemed less important have been discarded. Significant numbers of letters remain however from several of Barlow's regular correspondents, such as the poet, Robert Bridges, Lord Bryce, and William Page Roberts, dean of Salisbury, as well as medical figures like Sir William Jenner and Sir James Reid.

Barlow's personal papers and family correspondence have survived in bulk and form a rich source of material for both his private and family life, and his public career. There are travel journals and sketchbooks from his earlier years, mainly documenting visits to the Continent, 1869-83; correspondence with his parents, brother, wife and children, 1852-1940, including letters written by Barlow from Balmoral, where he served as royal physician intermittently between 1897 and 1899, an eye-witness account of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 (BAR/B.2/4), and letters and telegrams from court in 1902 during the crisis of Edward VII's appendectomy; and commonplace and scrapbooks compiled in retirement, 1920-37. Also from this period are various temperance notes and addresses.

The archive also comprises letters and papers of Barlow's parents, 1842-87; of Barlow's wife, Ada, including letters from her brother and sisters in India, 1858-80, and to her daughter Helen studying in Darmstadt, Germany, 1905-6; of Barlow's sons, Alan, Thomas and Basil, including letters from the last-named while serving on the Western Front, 1916-17; and notably of his daughter Helen, including correspondence with Archbishop and Mrs (later Lady) Davidson, 1910-35, and letters from Sir John Rose Bradford and his wife while serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps in France, 1914-19. Helen Barlow's papers also include records of three charities with which she was associated: the University College Hospital Ladies Association, 1900-50, the Southwark Boys Aid Association, 1914-36, and the Quinn Square [Southwark] Social Centre Society, c. 1935-1951. Finally there is a handful of letters to Andrew Barlow, Sir Thomas's grandson, mainly relating to articles he wrote about his grandfather, 1955-81.

Barlow , Sir , Thomas , 1845-1945 , Baronet , physician Barlow , Lady , Ada Helen , 1843-1928 Barlow , Helen Alice Dorothy , 1887-1975 Barlow , Andrew Dalmahoy , b.1916 , physician
GB 0117 Bawden papers · 1934-1973

The papers include laboratory notebooks dealing with Bawden's research on various plant viruses, and in particular his collaborative work with N.W. Pirie and with A.A.P. Kleczkowski. There is also a detailed exchange of correspondence with Pirie on research in progress, 1937-1940. (Pirie moved to Rothamsted as Virus Physiologist in 1940 when Bawden became Head of the Plant Physiology Department.) There is a wide range of correspondence, with individuals and institutions. It deals with scientific research and problems including viral nomenclature, lectures, conferences, publications, Bawden's reports on research projects, grant applications and appointments. The correspondence relating to Bawden's overseas visits as adviser or lecturer is mainly after 1958 and is sometimes accompanied by Bawden's reports.

Bawden , Sir , Frederick Charles , 1908-1972 , Knight , Plant pathologist
BELL, Gertrude (1868-1926)
GB 0402 GLB · 1905-1924 and 1994

Papers of Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, 1905-1924, comprises twelve notebooks containing archaeological notes, plans of churches and other sites; records of inscriptions including those from Turkey, Iraq, and Syria; one notebook and folders containing astronomical observations from Arabia, 1913-1914 and a notebook by Lesley Gordon for an exhibition at the University of Newcastle, 1994.

Bell , Gertrude Margaret Lowthian , 1868-1926 , traveller, archaeologist and government official
British Journal of Surgery
GB 0114 MS0077 · 1913-1943

Papers of the British Journal of Surgery, 1913-1943, comprising minutes, accounts and photographs of the Editorial Committee and Sub-Committee, 1913-1922; and minutes, accounts and correspondence of the Editorial Committee and Sub Committee, 1922-1943.

British Journal of Surgery
GB 0120 MSS.6915-6927 · 18th century - 19th century

Manuscripts from the collection of the British Medical Association, formerly held in the BMA Library, Tavistock Square, London. The manuscripts were numbered and catalogued at the BMA, with two exceptions among these papers - however the numbering of surviving documents is not consecutive, so that the original collection must have contained at least 26 catalogued items and an unknown number of unrecorded acquisitions. Former BMA MSS.1-6 (transferred at the same time as the manuscripts described here) are now GC/140; one fugitive BMA manuscript was purchased separately and is now MS. 6881. The location of the remainder is not known. The contents mainly comprise transcripts of medical lectures and case notes.

British Medical Association
GB 0120 WTI/SGB · 1909-1986

The archive spans Browne's career from school onwards, but the core series of records focus on his work as a medical missionary at the BMS hospital in Yakusu, Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Section B comprises records for the period 1938-1958, including registers of leprosy sufferers, case records and photograph albums documenting various symptoms. Section K contains further photographs (mainly clinical) for the period 1938-1977, the most important series of which dates from Browne's time at the Baptist Mission Hospital and comprises over 900 negatives and prints together with supporting documentation, 1954-1958.

Section C contains a small number of files compiled by Browne during his research into leprosy, yaws, onchocerciasis and ainhum, 1946-1983. Particularly notable are the files on the anti-leprosy drug B663 (now known as clofazimine), into the use of which Browne conducted pioneering studies whilst director of the Leprosy Research Unit, Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria, 1959-1966.The remaining records comprise personal and biographical material, 1923-1985 (section A); general subject files containing correspondence, reprints etc. on a wide variety of topics, 1948-1986 (section D); writings by Browne, 1935-1985 (section E); records of Browne's involvement with the International Leprosy Association, 1909-1985 (section F) and various other organisations, 1959-1986 (section G); records on foreign visits, 1965-1985 (section H); and a few files on religious matters, 1959-1984 (section J).

Browne , Stanley George , 1907-1986 , medical missionary
GB 0120 MSS.1384-1386 · 1892-[1895]

Reports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].

Brunton , Sir , Thomas Lauder , 1844-1916 , first baronet , physician and pharmacologist
GB 1814 TCB Central Administration · Subfonds · 1854-1969

Records of central administration of the Post Office Telegraphs and Telephones (later Post Office Telecommunications) including records of the Post Office Board (including meeting papers TCB 54), Post Office Advisory Committee and other central functions.

The records concern both strategic telegraphy and telephony activities, such as policy, planning, legal papers (including on the takeover of the National Telephone Company) and routine reporting, and central operational activities including personnel and communications (including Joint Production Council publications, staff magazines, press notices, media coverage and training school and studio photographs).

These central administration records also include the minuted papers relating to telecommunication services 1889-1977 that, for various reasons, fell outside previous archival transfer. The subjects in these minuted papers (TCB 2) include satellite communications (Early Bird), international telephone services, policies toward staff and unions, telephone information services (including ship telephone services, roads and weather, teletourist service, speaking clock and the Santa Claus service), and technological developments (including telephone kiosks, the answering machine, "Amplifying Telephone" and "Laryngaphone").

Post Office Telecommunications
GB 0402 SSC/16 · 1864

Papers of Paul Belloni du Chaillu, 1864, comprise route notes, astronomical observations and calculations, Gabon, 1864; letter from Acra, 25 Aug 1863 and letter from Fernand-Vaz, 7 April 1864 reporting on journey to, and residence on, Fernand-Vaz river and library MSS letters, chiefly of a personal nature, to Sir George Black during the years 1848-1878.

Chaillu , Paul Belloni du , 1835-1903 , explorer
GB 0402 REC · 1921-1927

Papers of Robert Ernest Cheesman, 1921-1927, comprise sketch maps; notes on survey positions and altitudes, Abbai River, Abyssinia; correspondence, 1925-27; astronomical observations and meteorological notes made at oases in the eastern Najd, Arabia, 1923-24; extracts from diary; topographical sketches; astronomical observations; notes on vocabulary, 'Ojair to Salwa', Arabia, 1921.

Cheesman , R E , 1878-1962 , Major
Craddock, Stuart (1903-1972)
GB 0120 MS.8441 · 1909-2000

Material relating to Stuart Craddock's research while working with Alexander Fleming, 1909-2000, in particular on penicillin and acne, a personal manuscript memoir of Fleming, and correspondence with Fleming, Lady Fleming, Ronald Hare, Prof F Bustinza of Madrid, Norman Heatley and others, also some personalia.

Craddock , Stuart , 1903-1972 , physician
GB 0120 PP/CED · c.1940-1977

The vast majority of the material relates to Dent's research and clinical interests and falls into four main categories: correspondence files; files created around the publication of papers; lecture notes and symposium papers; and case/research notes. There are also smaller quantities dealing with other aspects of his career, such as the administration of UCH Metabolic Ward. The papers thus reflect most of Dent's scientific and clinical interests. This research is mainly represented by the abstracted documentation which he kept with drafts of his published papers (see section E.1) and also by correspondence about cases and clinical case notes (see section C.5). To a lesser degree they also illustrate the work at the laboratory bench which underpinned much of this research. For example, a file of unidentified paper chromatograms has been preserved (C.2/10) to illustrate one of Dent's methods of working, as described by his colleague, Heathcote, and quoted in the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1978: 'Paper chromatograms were not to be thrown away. They were filed and, since the colours faded, the outline of each spot was drawn in and the intensity of the colour was indicated by a number.' The way in which Dent compiled a large series of files around drafts of scientific papers also illustrates the importance of the published paper to him as a stage in the research process. An incomplete collection of reprints of Dent's published papers may be found in section E.2 of the collection.

Dent , Charles Enrique , 1911-1976 , biochemist
Ehrlich, Paul (1854-1915)
GB 0120 PP/EHR · 1898-1956

Carbon copies of Martha Marquardt's transcripts of Paul Ehrlich's copybooks, 1898-1915, made by her during the early 1950s. There are 6 series, representing both copies of letters sent by him, and notebooks. There are not complete sets of transcripts for all of these: in some cases the originals themselves appear to no longer exist. Users should be aware that, according to a letter from Dr E A Underwood, Director of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, to Gunther Schwerin, 25 Mar 1963 (WA/HMM/CO/Eau/13), there are some misreadings by Marquardt of scientific terms in the originals, as, although she was capable of deciphering Ehrlich's writing, she was not herself a scientist. The originals are now in Boxes 4-22, 27-27A, 28-28A, 29-36 in the Paul Ehrlich Collection at the Rockefeller Archives Centre, and another set of transcripts in Boxes 80-86 there.

Marquardt , Martha , d 1956 , Paul Ehrlich's secretary
GB 378 GSL/ES · Series · 1950-2013
Part of Records of the Geological Society of London

Administrative files of the Executive Secretary of the Geological Society, 1950-2013, on functions comprising:

Revision of the Charter and byelaws of the Society, 1980-2001; Membership of the Society, 1968-2011; Library, conservation and archives, 1980-2006; Society's publications, 1950-2002; Hire of the Society's Apartments, 1972-2000; Permanent Staff and personnel, [1970s-1998]; Management Team meetings, 1991-2000 [incomplete]; Wills, bequests and donations, 1980-1997; President's annual programme, 1979-1996; Computerisation of the Society, 1979-1997; Council and Standing Committees, 1970-2008; Relations with other Societies/Organisations, 1973-2004; Hospitality, 1972-1997; Medals, Awards and Funds, 1952-1999; Relations with Parliament, 1981-1995; Alterations to the Burlington House apartments, 1967-2013; Occupation of the Burlington House apartments, 1981-2005; Representation on outside bodies, 1971-2005; Society sponsorship of external events, 1991-1993; International relations, 1979-2005; Finance, 1980-1999; Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1968-2009; Regional Groups, 1991-1997.

GB 0098 KZF · Created 1616-1990 (ongoing)

Records of Imperial College Field Research Stations, comprising papers relating to Slough Field Station, Berkshire (Hurworth), including correspondence concerning purchase, 1927-1929; stored products research, with the Ministry of Agriculture and Empire Marketing Board, 1930-1933; building development scheme, 1936-1938; sale of land at Hurworth, Berkshire,1931-1949 (KZFA); correspondence concerning grants for fumigation research, construction of fumigation chamber, 1931-1938 (KZFB); correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research relating to Slough Field Station, 1939-1954, including research and accommodation arrangements (KZFD);
papers relating to Silwood Park Field Station, Berkshire, 1838-1990, including history, 1947-1990; sale particulars of the estate, 1838 (KZF); correspondence concerning purchase, 1944-1945; academic development, 1947-1953; purchase and letting of Silwood Park Farm, 1951-1957; land development, 1956-1968; Botany Department laboratory space, 1957-1958; Rectors' correspondence, 1965-1976; Sirex Biological Control Unit, 1963-1966; radar tower, 1962-1965; general files, 1971-1986; lease of land for an astronomical observatory, 1948-1959 (KZFG); papers relating to Silwood Park Open Days, 1972, 1989 (KZFH); expansion, 1955-1965, including Shell Parasitology building, 1959-1961; Nematology building, 1955-1961; Rectors' papers, 1955-1965 (KZFK); sale catalogues for Silwood Park, 1944; Ashurst Lodge, Berkshire, 1939 (KZFL); reports on the Overseas Spraying Machinery Centre, Silwood Park, 1955-1980 (KZFO); Silwood Centre for Pest Management, 1984-[1986] (KZFP); correspondence on the purchase of Sandyride House, 1969-1970 (KZFS); development schemes for Silwood Park, 1984 (KZFT);
manorial records for Silwood Park, including court roll of the manor of Sunninghill, 1616-1790 (KZFM);
papers relating to Harlington athletics ground, Middlesex, 1937-1957, including the Development Committee, 1937-1944; purchase and sale of land, 1936-1956 (KZFG7).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0114 MS0246 · 1834

Papers of Jean Pierre Flourens, 1834, comprising a letter from Jean Pierre Flourens, Perpetual Secretary of the Royal Academy of Science of the Institute of France, to Richard Owen, 22 Sep 1834. Relating to his publication on the Pearly Nautilus.

Flourens , Marie Jean Pierre , 1794-1867 , physiologist x Flourens , Jean Pierre
Gaddum, Sir John (1900-1965)
GB 0120 GC/213 · [1920]-1964

Papers of John Gaddum including correspondence [1954]-1964; Cambridge Biochemistry Laboratory journals 1923-1930; reprints and photographs. These extant papers by no means reflect the whole of Gaddum's career. They date mostly from [1957]-1964, when he was Director of the Agricultural Research Council Institute of Animal Physiology at Babraham, Cambridge.

Gaddum , Sir , John Henry , 1900-1965 , Knight , pharmacologist
GB 0120 GC/160 · 1949-1980

Journal kept by John Gallop during the building of the MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith, 1949-1956, plus reports, correspondence and photographs, regarding the MRC cyclotron and many in American institutions. The 'MRC Policy' files contain reports and correspondence generated during the planning and execution of the cyclotron project, and give a good picture of the background negotiations as well as the day-to-day administration. Gallop's tutorial to the Stafford Hospital Postgraduate Medical School (G.1) summarises his view of the process. Both Gallop and J W Boag sent detailed reports of the cyclotrons which they visited in the USA in 1949-1950 (C.1-6), which Gallop prepared for publication (C.7) and lectures (C.8). The correspondence in Sections D and E contains further reports, and the personal correspondence (Section F), especially the letters from Boag, includes further thoughts on cyclotron development and use.

Gallop , John Winston , b 1910 , engineer
George III Museum
GB 0100 KCLCA K/MUS · [1768-1970]

The collection comprises manuscript notebooks, printed pamphlets, correspondence, a minute book, and photographic and other catalogues, 1768-1970. These notably include notebooks containing descriptions and viewing data relating to astronomical observations carried out at Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, on behalf of King George III, with a printed pamphlet by Nevil Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal, entitled Observations of the transit of Venus over the Sun, 1768-1769; manuscript notebook containing measurements recorded during a test of the accuracy of the H5 chronometer designed by John Harrison, 1772; manuscript notebooks recording daily temperature, barometric, hygrometric and rainfall readings taken at Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, 1773-1840; a printed pamphlet by George Atwood, Fellow of the Royal Society, entitled A Supplement to 'A treatise on the construction and properties of arches' (London, 1804), with manuscript dedication to King George III and related correspondence, 1804-1805; a folio signature book of visits by dignitaries to the George III Museum, 1843-1929; manuscript diary describing the work of the George III Museum including the upkeep of equipment and use of exhibits in experiments, 1850-1880; manuscript minutes of the George III Museum Committee charged with managing the collection, 1880-1885; catalogues relating to the collection, [1841-1970]; correspondence by George Calver, astronomer, relating to telescope design, 1897; series of copper plates and labels advertising the George III Museum, [1841-1926].

George III Museum Kew Observatory, Richmond
GILL, Sir David (1843-1914)
GB 0402 DOG · [1870-1920]

Papers of Sir David Gill, [1870-1920], including approximately 1000 letters addressed to Gill, chiefly scientific in content, written in the 1870s and in the first decade of the 20th century; letters relating to awards and orders received by Gill, 1891-1913 and printed report on the initiation and progress of the geodetic survey of Rhodesia.

Gill , Sir , David , 1843-1914 , Knight , astronomer
Greenwich Observatory papers
GB 0117 MS 371 · sub-fonds · 18th century, early 19th century

Letters and papers about the affairs of the Greenwich Observatory in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

Royal Observatory , Greenwich
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP25 · Created 1930-1971

Papers covering Hey's career, 1930-1971, including scientific papers, lectures, notes relating to departmental administration, and papers by others. File of correspondence, 1936-1937, chiefly with Professor William Alexander Waters, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Durham, relating to Waters' investigations into reactions involving free radicals and the subsequent publication of a paper on the same in Chemical Review, and including a draft and final version of Waters' paper on 'Decomposition reactions of the Aromatic Diazo Compounds', read to the Royal Society of Chemistry in Dec 1936.

Hey , Donald Holroyde , 1904-1987 , Professor of Chemistry
H22/HT/MTU · Subfonds · 1889-1979

Records of the Malaria Therapy Unit, Horton Hospital, including patient casebooks, 1931-1962; patient ward books, 1949-1950; malaria documentation books, 19-- -1966; indigenous malaria subject files arranged by location, 1917 - 1962; Public Health Laboratory Service correspondence and malaria case questionnaires, 1966-1979; mosquito surveys of places in Britain arranged by place and mosquito nuisance subject files, 1920-1968 and research files, 1910 - 1963, including notes on best practice in malaria therapy, lecture scripts, malaria on ships, mosquito identification and control, correspondence, cuttings from newspapers and journals and reviews of work by researchers at the Unit.

Malaria Therapy Unit , Horton Hospital x Mott Clinic x Ministry of Health Malaria Laboratory x Malaria Reference Laboratory
GB 0117 MS 770 · sub-fonds · 1901-1911

Agreements for printing and publishing the international catalogue of scientific literature between the Royal Society and Messrs Harrison and Sons, 1901-1911.

Royal Society
Messrs Harrison and Sons
GB 0098 B/KENNEDY · 1915-1993

Papers of Professor John Stodart Kennedy, 1915-1993, comprising biographical and autobiographical papers, 1915-1992, including Kennedy's autobiographical notes, family and personal papers, diaries;
papers relating to research, 1939-1992, documenting most stages of his scientific career from the 1930s, including wartime service; his periods at Cambridge, Imperial College and Oxford, categorised alphabetically by topic including aphids, behaviour/behaviourism, ethology, locusts, mosquitoes and motivation; photographs and observations in Albania, 1939; drafts and exchanges of ideas for his book of 1992;
papers and correspondence relating to Imperial College, 1963-1987; papers relating to lectures, papers and broadcasts, 1935-1987; publications, 1939-1992; societies and organisations, 1937-1991, including the Anti-Locust Research Centre; scientific and general correspondence, 1937-1992, with friends and colleagues such as Donald Livingston Gunn, Vincent Brian Wigglesworth, many overseas correspondents including scientific exchanges; papers relating to references and recommendations, 1954-1991, including correspondence with editors, authors and publishing houses; photographs, 1942-1985, notably of the work of the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit, 1942-1944, wind-tunnels, group photographs of meetings and symposia.

Kennedy , John Stodart , 1912-1993 , zoologist
GB 0098 B/LINSTEAD · 1916-1968

Papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, 1916-1968 (presented by Lady Linstead), comprising biographical papers, 1916-1968, including certificates of honours and awards, letters of congratulation, non-scientific writings, desk diaries whilst Rector of Imperial College, 1955-1966; notebooks and working papers, [1920]-1963, comprising notebooks of students days, early work at Imperial College, research at Harvard, research at Imperial College from 1949; drafts and manuscripts for lectures and publications, 1947-1966, (some of which are not listed in the official bibliography); papers relating to Linstead's work as consultant and service on committees, including his Chairmanship of the British Association Study Group on the education of the graduate scientist, 1938-1960; correspondence, 1948-[1966];

papers relating to his Rectorship of Imperial College, 1954-1967, comprising biographical and obituary notices, 1966-1967; appointment as Rector, 1954-1955; speeches, addresses and lectures, 1956-1966; papers and correspondence relating to the Committee on management and control of research and development, 1958-1962, Committee on Higher Education, 1961-1964; correspondence relating to the London School of Economics Court of Governors, 1960-1965, Science Masters' Association, 1961-1963, Association for Science Education, 1964-1965; papers relating to visits, 1955-1957, including to European universities and institutions; correspondence, 1954-1966, notably concerning the Consort Club, 1957-1962, academic salaries, 1959, with Harold Johann Thomas Ellingham, [1954-1965], John Frederick Wolfenden, [1954-1965], dinner in hall, 1955-1958, proposed International Institute of Science and Technology, 1961-1963; correspondence concerning Linstead Memorial, 1966-1968; papers concerning a visit to India, 1963-1964; Congress of the Universities of the Commonwealth visit to Imperial College, 1963; proposed International Institute of Science and Technology, 1961-1963.

Linstead , Sir , Reginald Patrick , 1902-1966 , Knight , chemist
GB 0120 SA/LIS · 1886-1986

Papers of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine (LIPM), 1886-1986, comprising minutes, 1886-1982; annual reports, 1895-1986; records relating to the origins and establishment of LIPM, 1889-1898; records of LIPMs links and amalgamations with other bodies, 1886-1898; records relating to vivisection, 1889-1899; Lord Lister's correspondence, 1893-1912; J L Pattison's correspondence, 1898-1903 and 1914; records relating to LIPMs organisation and administration, 1896-1949; production and distribution records for serum and vaccine lymph, 1894-1950; records relating to research projects, 1891-c1940s; records relating to LIPMs relations with outside bodies and individuals, 1889-1975; records relating to properties of LIPM; historical material; biographical material; miscellaneous papers; pamphlets relating to LIPM and associated bodies; pamphlets relating to other institutions; photographs; photocopies of letters from Lord Lister to Dr G Dean; and an index of correspondents.

Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine
GB 0074 LMA/4192 · Collection · 1928-1969

Records of the London Electric Supply Corporation Limited and successor London Electricity Board, comprising plans of Main Transmissions Networks in the London, Essex and Kent areas, 1937 - 1951; and photographs of Grove Road Sub-Station, 195-; Carnaby Sub-Station, 1952; Neckinger Sub-Station, 1958; Horseferry Road Central Bank, 1959; Barnes Substation, 1960; Beech Station 'B' Sub-Station, 1969; Cable Tunnel under Surrey Canal, 195-; and Horseferry Road and Grove Street, 1928.

London Electric Supply Corporation Ltd
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LOT · Collection · 1911-1933

Records of the Lots Road Power House, comprising minutes of Joint Committee Meetings; minutes of the Metropolitan District and London Electric Railway Companies Power House Working Committee; minutes of meetings of Trustees; and monthly reports.

Metropolitan District Railway Company
Malaria Research Laboratory
GB 0809 MRL · 1939-1967

Papers of the Malaria Research Laboratory, 1939-1967, relate to the work of the laboratory and the collation of data concerning documented cases of malaria within Britain. The collection notably includes correspondence and other documentation between P G Shute and G Covell, Assistant Director and Director of the Laboratory, and various hospitals and other medical institutions regarding blood films examined by the Laboratory for malarial parasites, 1939-1963; Public Health Laboratory Service yearly reports of malaria cases, 1954-1966 and annual reports of the Malaria Research Laboratory, 1957-1967.

Malaria Research Laboratory
Maskelyne, Nevil (1732-1811)
GB 0117 MS 244 · 1755-1811

Letters of Nevil Maskelyne on astronomy.

Maskelyne , Nevil , 1732-1811 , astronomer
GB 0098 B/MCGEE · Created 1937-1979

Papers of Professor James Dwyer McGee, 1937-1979, comprising biographical information; lectures and correspondence, 1954-1979, notably with Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1955-1972, concerning Imperial College Physics Department and Anglo-Australian Observatory; Bertram Vivian Bowden, 1955-1963, concerning research work and workers; Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1960-1977, concerning McGee's Associateship, research grant; Denis Gabor, 1956-1972; Merle Walker, concerning the installation of a Spectracon, 1962-1979; Imperial College Rectors, 1955-1971; papers relating to Imperial College Physics Department, 1954-1972; papers relating to the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1954-1968; Institute of Physics, 1965-1976; observatories in Britain and abroad, 1962-1975, including the Royal Greenwich Observatory; Royal Society, 1956-1972, notably concerning grants.

McGee , James Dwyer , 1903-1987 , physicist
McIlwain, Henry (1912-1992)
GB 0120 PP/MCI · 1928-1994

The collection provides good documentation of many aspects of McIlwain's career and his contribution to the development of neurochemistry in the UK and internationally.

Section A, Biographical, brings together obituaries, curricula vitae and bibliographies, and material relating to the various stages of McIlwain's scientific career, especially in the 1930s and 1940s, his appointment to the Biochemistry Chair at the Institute of Psychiatry in 1954 and the symposium held in his honour on his retirement in 1980. The section also presents a significant body of material relating to McIlwain's undergraduate studies at King's College, University of Durham, including essays and notebooks.

Section B, Institute of Psychiatry, is principally papers relating to the activities of McIlwain's own Department of Biochemistry and especially its teaching programme in neurochemistry. There is also material relating to various government and University of London enquiries into medical education.

Section C, Research, includes copies of McIlwain's M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, notes, drafts and reports for early work in the 1930s and correspondence 'from the Lab' for the 1930s and 1940s.

Section D, Publications, lectures and broadcast, is the largest in the collection. It presents significant documentation, especially correspondence, relating to his textbook Biochemistry and the central nervous system which went through five editions, 1955-1985, and important editorial correspondence for the Biochemical Journal (member of the Editorial Board, 1946-1950), Biochemical Pharmacology and Journal of Neurochemistry. There are also drafts for lectures and seminars for scientific audiences in the UK and abroad, principally from the 1960s onwards.

Section E, Societies and organisations, documents McIlwain's involvement with a number of UK and international bodies including the Biochemical Society, the International Brain Research Organisation and the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) of which he was a founder member and from 1984 'Historian' of the Society with responsibility for its archives.

Section F, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1947-1993 and is of particular interest for its documentation of the historical sessions which McIlwain organised at ISN meetings.

Section G, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of McIlwain's correspondence including significant exchanges with a number of distinguished mentors and contemporaries such as G.R. Clemo, F. Dickens, K.A.C. Elliott, P.G. Fildes, S.S. Kety, H.A. Krebs, Derek Richter and F.L. Rose, and a chronological sequence of shorter scientific correspondence covering the period 1938-1992.

There is also an index of correspondents.

McIlwain , Henry , 1912-1992 , biochemist
GB 0120 GC/268 · [1940-1945]

Papers of Professor James Walter McLeod, [1940-1945], including minute book of the Central Penicillin Committee, Leeds, Oct 1944-Apr 1945, and photographs of laboratories, University of Leeds, c 1940s.

McLeod , James Walter , d [1978] , Professor of Bacteriology, Leeds University
GB 0120 SA/BGU · 1927-1993

The records cover the period 1927-1993, although the majority date from the 1940s to the 1970s. Notable series include general correspondence with colleagues world-wide, 1935-1984; Dr Race's research papers on human genetic markers, late 1930s/early 1940s; files of correspondence, research notes, pedigrees etc. on blood grouping investigations, 1942-1993; and a comprehensive collection of photographs recording Medical Research Council Blood Group Unit staff at work and play, 1927-[1980s].

Medical Research Council Blood Group Unit
GB 0120 SA/MCU · 1934-1961

Papers of the Medical Research Council Medical Cyclotron Unit (MRCMCU), 1934-1961, comprising records relating to the Radium Beam Therapy Research Committee, 1933-1945; and records, including case registers, of treatment carried out using the radium beam and linear accelerator, 1934-1960.

Medical Research Council Medical Cyclotron Unit
GB 0098 B/MELDOLA · Created 1862-1915

Papers of Professor Raphael Meldola, [1866-1907], comprising notes on experiments in qualitative analysis at the Royal College of Chemistry, [1866]; physical lectures by Dr Tyndall, [1867]; course on physics by Dr Guthrie, 1873; notes as a Demonstrator at Science Schools, 1877-1878; research notes, 1879, 1900; diary of eclipse expedition, 1875; lecture notes on organic chemistry, 1885-1890, including coal tar products, 1890; laboratory notes, 1904-1906; correspondence concerning the portrait fund for Sir John Evans, 1899-1900; Perkin Memorial Fund, 1906-1907, including letters from several German chemists; correspondence about a Maccabeans Dinner, 1905; general correspondence, 1862-1915; correspondence concerning a memorial for Herbert Spencer, 1904-1908; and a memorial for James Sylvester, 1897-1900; correspondence on the subject of thinnings in Epping Forest, 1894-1895; a scientific autograph collection, 1864-1907; plus additional autographs and press cuttings 1889-1915.

Meldola , Raphael , 1849-1915 , chemist
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 175-184 · 1953-1961, 1980

Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Eisenhower, 1953-1961 is a themed microfilm collection which includes copies of the minutes, memoranda, and supporting documents of the Cabinet meetings during the Presidential administration of Dwight David Eisenhower, 12 Dec 1952-13 Jan 1961. The meetings included discussions relating to all aspects of the domestic and foreign policy affairs of the United States. Meeting minutes relate to the addition to the Cabinet of the post of US Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1953; the armistice talks which ended the Korean War, 1953; the US Supreme Court decision declaring racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, 1954; US military and financial commitment to Indo-China, 1954; American entry into the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 1954; Eisenhower's re-election strategy, campaign, and victory, 1956; the Suez Crisis, 1956; the adoption of the 'Eisenhower Doctrine', which stated that the United States would provide military and economic aid to any nation in the Middle East threatened by communism, 1957-1959; the launch of US satellites in response to the Soviet launch of the 'Sputnik' satellite, 1958; American intervention into Lebanon, 1958; the adoption of Alaska and Hawaii as US states, 1959; and the election of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as President of the United States, 1960.

President Dwight David Eisenhower and his Cabinet, 1953- 1961
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 293-320 · 1953-1961, 1986

The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

Dwight David Eisenhower, President of the USA, 1953-1961
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF15 · 1946-1991, 1995

The Soviet Estimate: US Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US intelligence estimates and studies relating to Soviet strategic projections, military capabilities, science and technology, economics and internal politics, 1946-1991. The estimates and studies were produced either collectively as national intelligence products or by individual agencies, and include contributions from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Director of Central Intelligence; the US Defense Intelligence Agency; and, the US State Department. The collection includes CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service debriefing transcripts of former Soviet Gavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye (GRU), Chief Intelligence Directorate, Soviet General Staff, operative Oleg V Penkovskii, relating to Soviet military organisation and plans for nuclear war, Soviet nuclear targets and deployments in Europe, missile technology and launch sites, Soviet military personnel, the capture of Capt Francis Gary Powers, US Air Force U-2 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft pilot, 1 May 1960, profiles of Soviet military officers, locations of Soviet nuclear weapons tests, Soviet intelligence organisations and Soviet chemical and biological weapons programs, Soviet development and deployment of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), positions of Soviet divisions in East Germany, and the Berlin Crisis (1958- 1962), 20 Apr-14 Oct 1961; yearly US estimates of Soviet strategic capabilities, 1947- 1983, including the 'missile gap' National Intelligence Estimates, 1957-1961; detailed estimates of the Soviet space program, including National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) relating to lunar exploration, manned space flight, reconnaissance satellites, space exploration, space weapons and weapons development, 1962-1967; US Air Force report entitled 'A History of Strategic Arms Competition: Volume 3, A Handbook of Selected Soviet Weapons and Space Systems', including data relating to Soviet air to surface missiles (AS), Tupolev bomber aircraft, M-4 / Mya-4 / 2M Myasishchev ('Bison') aircraft, space weapons, communication satellites, electronic intelligence capabilities, surface to surface (SS) theatre missiles and ICBMs, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs), Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs), Jun 1976; US intelligence community experiment in competitive analysis conducted by the CIA 'B Team' relating to US misperceptions of Soviet strategic objectives and offensive and defensive forces, Dec 1976; report from the US Department of State entitled 'History of the Strategic Arms Competition 1945-1972, parts 1 and 2', including detailed surveys and analyses of Soviet and US decision making on nuclear forces, force deployments, and nuclear strategies, Mar 1981; Special National Intelligence Estimate relating to Soviet support for international terrorism and revolutionary activities, including mention of arms transfers, military training, political violence, and terrorist activities in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, May 1981; reports from the CIA concerning Soviet perspectives on research and development in energy-directed weapons and involvement in space weapons and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research, 1985; National Intelligence Estimates relating to General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev's prospects for reforming the Soviet economic and political system, including mention of his economic agenda and its implications for the Soviet military program, the dynamics of Soviet civil-military relations, the impact of reforms on labour production, health, standards of living and technological development, and the rise of civil unrest and nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1985- 1989; CIA report concerning the probabilities of a coup d'etat in the Soviet Union and the growing influence of Chairman of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, May 1991.

The National Security Archive, from sources at US national security agencies, principal of which were the US Central Intelligence Agency; the Director of Central Intelligence; the US Defense Intelligence Agency, the armed forces ntelligence organisation;
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 10 · 1946-1991, 1991

US Military Uses of Space, 1946-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US military space organisations, operations, and policy from 1945 to 1991. Included are memoranda, messages, presidential decision documents, program management directives, histories, organisational manuals, reports, and studies. Documents concern four basic areas of US space military activity: military support systems (communications, meteorology, reconnaissance and other satellites), space weaponry (anti-satellite weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative), policy, and organisation. Material concerning military support systems includes papers relating to the establishment of a US photographic reconnaissance satellite program, 1956; US Air Force contracts to Lockheed Missile Systems Division to develop the WS-117L air reconnaissance satellite, 1956-57; the development of the US Air Force reconnaissance satellite, codenamed SENTRY and then SAMOS, 1958; the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) research and development of an imaging satellite, codenamed CORONA, 1958; launching of CORONA satellite, 18 Aug 1960; the development and launch of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites designed to provide nuclear explosion detection data relevant to military intelligence collection, treaty verification (Limited Test Ban Treaty, Threshold Ban Treaty, Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Outer Space Treaty), and damage assessment, 1963-1970; development and launch of signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellites, including the RHYOLITE communications satellite, 1970; the launch of the KH-11 electro-optical 'pixel' imaging satellite, Dec 1976; development and launch of ocean surveillance PARCAE satellites, 1976-1989; communications intelligence (COMINT) satellite including the VORTEX and MAGNUM satellites, 1978-1985; the launch of synthetic aperture radar system LACROSSE satellites, 1988-1991; the development and launch of early warning satellites including the Missile Defense Alarm System (MIDAS) to monitor the missile launches from the Eurasian land mass and Submarine- Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs); papers relating to launch systems, including expendable launch vehicles (ELVs), such as modified Martin SM-68 Titan Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). Material concerning space weaponry includes Massachusetts Institute of Technology report to US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, introducing theoretical and scientific concepts for a laser weapons missile defence program, 1984; reports from the US Department of Defense, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, to the US Congress relating to the costs of a laser and kinetic energy anti-ballistic missile program and its proposed compliance with the 26 May 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 1984-1990; report from the US Department of Defense, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, to the US Congress outlining the goals, objectives, and costs of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1985; reports from the US General Accounting Office relating to the SDI concept change from laser and kinetic energy weapons to 'Brilliant Pebbles' weaponry, in which several thousand satellite interceptors would orbit the earth having the capability to destroy missile targets, 1990-1991. Documents relating to US military space policy include reports from the US National Security Council outlining the significance of space with respect to US national security, 1958-1985; memoranda from the US Department of Defense urging military priorities for space research, 1959-1977. Material relating to the organisational command of the military space program includes function manuals and inter-agency memoranda detailing the structure and role of specific organisations such as US Aerospace Command, the US Department of Defense, US Air Force Space Command, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, the US Army Space Agency, and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The National Security Archive, from sources at US national security agencies, principal of which were the US Aerospace Defense Command; US Department of the Air Force; US Air Force Space Command; US National Security Council; US Air Force; US General Acco
GB 0120 PP/AEM · 1919-1996

Biographical material includes the draft of Mourant's autobiography, Blood and Stones published after his death in 1995, together with the correspondence and papers Mourant assembled while writing it. There is also documentation of Mourant's education at Victoria College Jersey and at Exeter College Oxford. The latter includes notes on lectures 1922 - ca 1926. Documentation of Mourant's career, honours and awards is patchy, although there is material relating to his search for employment in the early 1930s. There are pocket diaries spanning 1915-1982, with a fairly continuous sequence 1922-1961. Biographical material also includes extensive family and personal correspondence, much of which dates from or relates to the German occupation of Jersey or shortly thereafter. Mourant's other documented interests include his membership of the Methodist Church and his political affiliations, the League of Nations Union in particular.

There is a little material relating to Mourant's early career with the Geological Survey 1929-1931, miscellaneous material relating to Mourant's service with the MRC's Blood Group Reference Laboratory at the Lister Institute and the Nuffield (later Anthropological) Blood Group Centre at the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, and more extensive but uneven coverage of the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory. Although there is some documentation of the foundation of the Laboratory 1964-1965 and of its staff, the surviving material consists chiefly of correspondence and papers relating to Mourant's largely successful efforts to find continued funding for the Laboratory 1969-1977. Haematological research material, though not extensive, covers Mourant's work in a number of areas from research on blood serum in the mid-1940s to the mapping of blood groups in the 1960s and 1970s. There are early research notes, correspondence and papers relating to student and other expeditions undertaking blood group and physical anthropology research and some MRC material assembled by Mourant relating to projects in which he had an interest. The largest group of research papers, however, is maps and data produced during preparation of the second edition of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups. There is a chronological sequence of drafts and correspondence relating to Mourant's publications, 1929-1991, with extensive material relating to editions of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups and to The Genetics of the Jews (1978). There is also editorial correspondence relating to publishers and journals, chiefly invitations to review books or referee papers and an incomplete set of offprints. There is correspondence and papers relating to some of Mourant's lectures and broadcasts, most notably the lectures on blood groups given at the Collège de France, Toulouse, 1978-1979. Societies and organisations material is not extensive, and is confined to brief documentation of only a few of the societies and organisations with which Mourant was associated. It includes professional and geological bodies as well as haematological, biological and medical organisations. Visits and conferences material covers the period 1960-1987. It is not comprehensive, though there is also considerable documentation of Mourant's visits and conferences in the papers he assembled in the course of preparing his biography and with lectures material. Mourant's correspondence is extensive. Its complexity reflects Mourant's organisation of the material, the bulk of which was found in three main series: 'Foreign 1965-1977', 'Biological' and 'Geological', together with a fragment of a fourth series 'Home 1965-1977'. Principal correspondents include C.C. Blackwell, B. Bonné, O.J. Brendemoen, V.A. Clarke, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, A. W. Eriksson, T.J. Greenwalt, J.K. Moor-Jankowski, T. Jenkins, W.S. Pollitzer, D.F. Roberts, J. Ruffié, D. Tills and J.S. Weiner.

Mourant , Arthur Ernest , 1904-1994 , haematologist and geologist
GB 0098 KN · Created 1956-1986 (ongoing)

Records relating to Imperial College Nuclear Power and Nuclear Technology Studies, 1956-1969, including press cuttings; printed codes of practice and rules for safe working, 1957-1986; papers relating to expansion of the department, 1957-1961, including proposed laboratories; papers of the Nuclear Studies Committee, 1956-1969, including minutes, 1958-1969; papers relating to courses, 1957-1958; correspondence and brochure relating to proposed Reactor Science and Engineering course, 1968-1969 (run jointly with Queen Mary College).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0120 WA/PHO · 1913-1985

Photographs and slides generated by the various Wellcome bodies. Including:

Photographs relating to Balfour's South American Expedition, 1914 and to the Mobile Bacteriological Laboratory 1918.

Photographs depicting the interior arrangement of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, and specific exhibition cases or objects.

Glass lantern slides used for lectures on the history and current work of the various departments of the Wellcome Research Institution.

Photographs mainly depicting the Museum displays and their use by visitors.

Photographs of the Floating Laboratory and its model, and an extensive series of photographs taken for the annual reports.

Two large format albums of prints of interior and exterior views; plus loose photographs including of the cornerstone laying ceremony.

Kellaway , Charles Halliley , 1889-1952 , medical scientist Wellcome Research Institution Wellcome Historical Medical Museum Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories Wellcome Museum of Medical Science Wellcome Trust
GB 0120 SA/PHC · 1910-1999

Minute books, 1926-1927, and Annual reports, 1926-1938, of the Pioneer Health Centre Peckham, and volumes of press-cuttings about the Centre 1929-1961; files, publications and ephemera relating to the activities of the Centre, 1925-1952; files of the Pioneer Health Centre Ltd following the closure of the Centre, 1950-1999; books about the Centre; photographs, films and videos; papers of George Scott Williamson, 1910-1991, including personalia, correspondence, lectures, drafts of articles and books, notes; papers of Innes Hope Pearse, including personalia, correspondence, notes, manuscripts, drafts of The Quality of Life, reprints; materials relating to Scott Williamson and Pearse's research on pathology and the thyroid, including notes, lectures, manuscripts, correspondence, and reprints.

Pioneer Health Centre Williamson , George Scott Pearse , Innes Hope
GB 0098 SP · 1887-2000 (ongoing)

Records relating to Imperial College publications, 1887-2000, comprising minutes of the Phoenix (Imperial College Arts Magazine) Board, 1916-1959; correspondence, 1919-1966; copies of the Science Schools Journal, 1887-1891, later Royal College of Science Magazine, 1891-1904, later Phoenix, 1904-2000 (SPA); minutes of the Felix (Imperial College student newspaper) Board, later Publications Board, 1965-1971; copies of Felix, 1950-2000, (SPF); Coming Events, 1966-1969, later IC News, 1969-1974, later IC Diary, 1974-1982, later IC Gazette, 1982-2000; Topic magazine, 1974-1982; ICON, monthly Imperial College Review magazine, 1973-1982, CRITICON, 1982-1987; Network, Imperial College monthly newspaper, 1987-1994; IC Reporter, twice monthly staff newpaper, 1995-2000; The Central, 1903-1957, later Imperial College Engineer, 1987-1998 (Journal of the City & Guilds College Old Student's Association, formerly the Old Centralians); The Record, 1910-1995 (Journal of the Royal College of Science Old Students Association); The Spanner, 1963-1988 (yearbook of the City and Guilds College Union); Journal of the Mining and Metallurgical Society, 1848-1951, later Royal School of Mines Journal, 1952-1964; Guilds Engineer, 1950-1964 (Journal of the City and Guilds College and Engineering Society).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0114 · 1745-date

Legal Records: Charters and Bylaws (1462) - date

Court and Council : Court of Assistants 1745-1827; Council 1827-date; Council in Committee 1963-1989; Revision committee 1981-1987; Nomination Committee 1934-1970; Annual Reports of Council 1884-date

Secretariat: Correspondence, arranged by subject c.1880-1983; Letterbooks 1810-1866, 1900-1925; General Purposes Committee 1808-1962; Joint Secretariat Committee 1961-1974

President: Committee of President and Vice President 1836-1855; Presidential Committee on Examinations 1985; Presidential Committee on the College's Educational Policies for the Future 1981-1982; Presidential Correspondence 1945-1948; President's Conversazione 1899-1934; President's newsletter 1967-1991

Museum: Board of Curators 1800-1844; Museum & Building Committee 1799-1814; Museum Committee 1844-1988; Hunterian Trustees 1805-present; Letter books 1800-1883; Museum Accounts 1800-1832; Annual Reports 1827-1946; Correspondence 1845-date; Special Collections Committee 1989; Donations Registers and Correspondence 1802-1967; Human Remains [archaeological Finds} 1907-1937; Visitors 1805-1989; Odontological Museum correspondence 1943-1989;

Building: Building Committee 1844-1966; Committee on Accommodation 1982; Committee on the Extension of the College Buildings 1885-1891; Furniture & Building 1966-1992; Hospitality & Catering Committee 1956-1988; House Committee 1944-1961; Building Estates Committee 1989-1992; Property Committee 1978-1982; Rebuilding of College 1946-1955; Plans for rebuilding 1957; Correspondence 1910-date, photographs 1880-date.

Examinations: Court of Examiners 1796 -1832; Registers 1745-1983; Committee of Management Conjoint Board 1884-1929; Letters books 1832-1865; Committee on Courses 1981-2; Working Party on Future of Examining Board In England 1972-1981

Membership: Signature books 1800-1970; Apprentices 1800-1846; Death Registers 1800-1889; Membership lists 1788-1970; Discipline Committee 1915-1955; Licentiate registers 1885-1898; Certificates 1850-1870; Register of Certificates 1821-1835

Fellowship; Fellowship Election Committee 1943-1975; Fellows Committee 1988-1999; Overseas Fellows Committee 1986-1989; Honorary Fellows 1900-1978; Fellows & Honorary Fellows photo albums 1840-1968;

Lectureships & Awards: Lectures & Orations 1810-1842; Erasmus Wilson Committee 1879; Jacksonian Lectureship Committee 1800-date; Prize & Medal Committee 1956-1987; Macloghlin Scholarship committee 1965-1975; Joseph Toynbee Memorial Lecture Committee 1988; Lionel College Memorial Fellowship Committee minutes 1982-1985; Norman Capener Travelling Fellowship Advisory Board 1981-1988; Ratanji Dalal Research Scholarship Committee 1963-1990; Tudor Edwards Memorial Fund Committee 1989; Walker Prize Committee 1956-1980; Windsor Prize Committee 1982

Publications: Transactions Committee 1841-1842; Annals Committee 1947-1989; Almanacks 1903-date

Annual Meetings: Annual & Provincial Meetings Committee 1965-1966;

External Affairs: External Affairs Board Minutes 1989-1992; International Relations Committee 1983;

Finance: Accounts 1745-1974 ; Committee of Auditors 1811-1888; Finance Committee 1888- 1977; Cashbooks 1887-1959; Finance & General Appeal Committee 1967-1972; Building Committee Accounts 1806-1838; College Chest 1978-1982; Committee on Income & Expenditure 1868

Fundraising: Appeals Committee 1956-1978; Restoration funds records 1945-1956

Library: Library Committee 1833-1989; Acquisitions 1833-1850; Letter book 1828-1851; Correspondence 1935-1965; Donations 1868-1957; Purchases 1887-1952; Visitors 1889-1946;Binding 1856-1951; Books Received 1839-1951; Periodicals Received 1881-1938; Binding 1951-1964

Media: Audio Visual Techniques Committee 1980-1982;

Surgical Specialities & Training: Examiners in Anatomy & Physiology Minutes 1880-1918 ; Examiners in Midwifery minutes 1852-1857; Board of Examiners In Dental Surgery 1860-1909; Board of Surgical Specialities 1976-1988; Committee on Higher Specialist Assessment in General Surgery 1984; Committee on Training of Surgeons later Surgical Training Board minutes 1959-1971; Courses & Lectureship Committee 1982; Committee on Courses 1981-1982; Special Advisory Committee on General Surgery 1978-1981; Surgical Teaching Films Committee 1985-1986; Joint Committee for Plastic Surgery, Postgraduate Orthopaedic Training 1948-1959; Postgraduate Education Committee 1947-1959

Research Laboratories Committee 1890-1905; Ethical or Research Ethics Committee 1974-1983; Hunterian Institute Board Minutes 1986-1989; Hunterian Institute Academic Advisory Committee 1986-1989; Institute of Basic Medical Research Correspondence & Minutes 1946-1983; Joint General Board 1966-1983; Joint Research Board 1975-1979; Museum & Research Committee 1937-1974; Research Establishment at Downe Management Committee minutes 1974-1977; Research Grants & Development Committee 1979-1985; Research Ethics Committee 1985-1992; Streatfield & MacKenzie Mackinnon Research Fund Committee 1989; Anatomy Correspondence 1948-1980

Club College Council Club minutes, photographs, correspondence 1931-date

Dinner: Hunterian Festival programmes 1881-1975; Buckston Browne 1928-1956

War: Committee of Reference 1916-1919

The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Referees Reports
GB 0117 RR · 1831-2002

Reports on scientific papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society from 1832 to date (Peer Review). The referees were appointed to advise the Committee of Papers, and were drawn from appropriate subject disciplines within the Fellowship. Referees Reports vary in content between terse notes recommending acceptance or rejection to long monographs devoted to the subject under review. Much of their interest derives from the comment of one scientist on the work of another, for example Michael Faraday on J P Joule (RR.3.154,158) or Sir Oliver Lodge on Ernest Rutherford (RR.13.106).

Royal Society