Scientific facilities

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      Gelijksoortige termen

      Scientific facilities

      • UF Research facilities
      • UF Installation de recherche
      • UF Instalación para la investigación

      Verwante termen

      Scientific facilities

      61 Archivistische beschrijving results for Scientific facilities

      61 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0402 SSC/16 · 1864

      Papers of Paul Belloni du Chaillu, 1864, comprise route notes, astronomical observations and calculations, Gabon, 1864; letter from Acra, 25 Aug 1863 and letter from Fernand-Vaz, 7 April 1864 reporting on journey to, and residence on, Fernand-Vaz river and library MSS letters, chiefly of a personal nature, to Sir George Black during the years 1848-1878.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 B/LINSTEAD · 1916-1968

      Papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, 1916-1968 (presented by Lady Linstead), comprising biographical papers, 1916-1968, including certificates of honours and awards, letters of congratulation, non-scientific writings, desk diaries whilst Rector of Imperial College, 1955-1966; notebooks and working papers, [1920]-1963, comprising notebooks of students days, early work at Imperial College, research at Harvard, research at Imperial College from 1949; drafts and manuscripts for lectures and publications, 1947-1966, (some of which are not listed in the official bibliography); papers relating to Linstead's work as consultant and service on committees, including his Chairmanship of the British Association Study Group on the education of the graduate scientist, 1938-1960; correspondence, 1948-[1966];

      papers relating to his Rectorship of Imperial College, 1954-1967, comprising biographical and obituary notices, 1966-1967; appointment as Rector, 1954-1955; speeches, addresses and lectures, 1956-1966; papers and correspondence relating to the Committee on management and control of research and development, 1958-1962, Committee on Higher Education, 1961-1964; correspondence relating to the London School of Economics Court of Governors, 1960-1965, Science Masters' Association, 1961-1963, Association for Science Education, 1964-1965; papers relating to visits, 1955-1957, including to European universities and institutions; correspondence, 1954-1966, notably concerning the Consort Club, 1957-1962, academic salaries, 1959, with Harold Johann Thomas Ellingham, [1954-1965], John Frederick Wolfenden, [1954-1965], dinner in hall, 1955-1958, proposed International Institute of Science and Technology, 1961-1963; correspondence concerning Linstead Memorial, 1966-1968; papers concerning a visit to India, 1963-1964; Congress of the Universities of the Commonwealth visit to Imperial College, 1963; proposed International Institute of Science and Technology, 1961-1963.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 B/MELDOLA · Created 1862-1915

      Papers of Professor Raphael Meldola, [1866-1907], comprising notes on experiments in qualitative analysis at the Royal College of Chemistry, [1866]; physical lectures by Dr Tyndall, [1867]; course on physics by Dr Guthrie, 1873; notes as a Demonstrator at Science Schools, 1877-1878; research notes, 1879, 1900; diary of eclipse expedition, 1875; lecture notes on organic chemistry, 1885-1890, including coal tar products, 1890; laboratory notes, 1904-1906; correspondence concerning the portrait fund for Sir John Evans, 1899-1900; Perkin Memorial Fund, 1906-1907, including letters from several German chemists; correspondence about a Maccabeans Dinner, 1905; general correspondence, 1862-1915; correspondence concerning a memorial for Herbert Spencer, 1904-1908; and a memorial for James Sylvester, 1897-1900; correspondence on the subject of thinnings in Epping Forest, 1894-1895; a scientific autograph collection, 1864-1907; plus additional autographs and press cuttings 1889-1915.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 B/SUTTON · 1910-1995

      Papers of Professor John Sutton, 1910-1995, comprising biographical material, including obituaries and reminiscences of Sutton; papers relating to Sutton's childhood and schooldays, undergraduate studies, wartime service, his honours; family papers, notably his father Gerald John Sutton, an engineer and inventor, including patents, 1928-1958; photographs of Sutton, some with Janet Watson;
      notebooks, 1940-1992, comprising geological field notebooks, [1940-1969], containing observations, sketches and plans and lists of specimens, some with notes by Janet Watson; notebooks recording work in Greenland, 1965-1969; notes on proceedings of conferences and sketches of scenery, plants and people, and geological phenomena, many from visits overseas, [1965]-1992;
      notes and drafts relating to publications or work intended for publication, [1935-1992]; papers relating to visits and conferences including visits to China; correspondence, notably with Edward Battersby Bailey, Michael J Fleuty, Arthur Holmes, John Lawrence Knill, John Graham Ramsay, Herbert Harold Read, principally two sequences of letters, 1948-1960, 1961-1992, including papers for conferences, from societies and organisations; maps, figures, photographs, films and an audio tape.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 B/WILKINSON · 1943-1999.

      Biographical material comprising autobiographical writing, shorter biographical writings by others, documentation of the award of the Nobel Prize including an extensive sequence of letters of congratulation, a photographic record which includes an early, 1943, photograph taken in Montreal and photographs of a number of honorary degree and similar occasions not otherwise documented.

      papers from Wilkinson's time at Imperial College London include correspondence with Imperial College Rectors and senior College administrators, 1978-1989; records relating to the Chemistry Department, 1979-1993, concerning building plans, finance and funding, Wilkinson's post-retirement plans amongst, requests to work in Wilkinson's laboratory, 1984-1993; research records relating to matters of funding, 1977-1993, principally from the Science Research Council/Science and Engineering Research Council; drafts relating to patents, ca 1976-ca 1985.

      papers relating to the journal Polyhedron, where Wilkinson was chairman of the editorial board 1980-1993; records relating to societies including the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

      correspondence, 1981-1993, reflecting Wilkinson's continuing interest in research; correspondence with politicians, covering science policy, university funding and Imperial College matters 1972-1988; correspondence arising from Russia's non-observance of International Copyright Conventions, 1969-1975.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 KN · Created 1956-1986 (ongoing)

      Records relating to Imperial College Nuclear Power and Nuclear Technology Studies, 1956-1969, including press cuttings; printed codes of practice and rules for safe working, 1957-1986; papers relating to expansion of the department, 1957-1961, including proposed laboratories; papers of the Nuclear Studies Committee, 1956-1969, including minutes, 1958-1969; papers relating to courses, 1957-1958; correspondence and brochure relating to proposed Reactor Science and Engineering course, 1968-1969 (run jointly with Queen Mary College).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 KZF · Created 1616-1990 (ongoing)

      Records of Imperial College Field Research Stations, comprising papers relating to Slough Field Station, Berkshire (Hurworth), including correspondence concerning purchase, 1927-1929; stored products research, with the Ministry of Agriculture and Empire Marketing Board, 1930-1933; building development scheme, 1936-1938; sale of land at Hurworth, Berkshire,1931-1949 (KZFA); correspondence concerning grants for fumigation research, construction of fumigation chamber, 1931-1938 (KZFB); correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research relating to Slough Field Station, 1939-1954, including research and accommodation arrangements (KZFD);
      papers relating to Silwood Park Field Station, Berkshire, 1838-1990, including history, 1947-1990; sale particulars of the estate, 1838 (KZF); correspondence concerning purchase, 1944-1945; academic development, 1947-1953; purchase and letting of Silwood Park Farm, 1951-1957; land development, 1956-1968; Botany Department laboratory space, 1957-1958; Rectors' correspondence, 1965-1976; Sirex Biological Control Unit, 1963-1966; radar tower, 1962-1965; general files, 1971-1986; lease of land for an astronomical observatory, 1948-1959 (KZFG); papers relating to Silwood Park Open Days, 1972, 1989 (KZFH); expansion, 1955-1965, including Shell Parasitology building, 1959-1961; Nematology building, 1955-1961; Rectors' papers, 1955-1965 (KZFK); sale catalogues for Silwood Park, 1944; Ashurst Lodge, Berkshire, 1939 (KZFL); reports on the Overseas Spraying Machinery Centre, Silwood Park, 1955-1980 (KZFO); Silwood Centre for Pest Management, 1984-[1986] (KZFP); correspondence on the purchase of Sandyride House, 1969-1970 (KZFS); development schemes for Silwood Park, 1984 (KZFT);
      manorial records for Silwood Park, including court roll of the manor of Sunninghill, 1616-1790 (KZFM);
      papers relating to Harlington athletics ground, Middlesex, 1937-1957, including the Development Committee, 1937-1944; purchase and sale of land, 1936-1956 (KZFG7).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0114 MS0246 · 1834

      Papers of Jean Pierre Flourens, 1834, comprising a letter from Jean Pierre Flourens, Perpetual Secretary of the Royal Academy of Science of the Institute of France, to Richard Owen, 22 Sep 1834. Relating to his publication on the Pearly Nautilus.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0117 Bawden papers · 1934-1973

      The papers include laboratory notebooks dealing with Bawden's research on various plant viruses, and in particular his collaborative work with N.W. Pirie and with A.A.P. Kleczkowski. There is also a detailed exchange of correspondence with Pirie on research in progress, 1937-1940. (Pirie moved to Rothamsted as Virus Physiologist in 1940 when Bawden became Head of the Plant Physiology Department.) There is a wide range of correspondence, with individuals and institutions. It deals with scientific research and problems including viral nomenclature, lectures, conferences, publications, Bawden's reports on research projects, grant applications and appointments. The correspondence relating to Bawden's overseas visits as adviser or lecturer is mainly after 1958 and is sometimes accompanied by Bawden's reports.

      Zonder titel
      Greenwich Observatory papers
      GB 0117 MS 371 · sub-fonds · 18th century, early 19th century

      Letters and papers about the affairs of the Greenwich Observatory in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

      Zonder titel