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22 Archival description results for Sculpture

22 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

Africa95 , arts festival
GB 1518 CI/TSRB · [1930]-1972

Papers of Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase, [1930]-1972, comprising notes and drafts for lectures and essays by Boase, 1963-1972 and undated, including maps and photographs, sketches of buildings, notes on people and places; typescript articles and lectures etc, undated; correspondence, 1938-1939, largely with David Wallace, but also including a letter from Dame Freya Stark; photographs and negatives, mostly taken by David John Wallace, of sites of archaelogical interest of the Crusader period, largely located in Greece and Turkey, but also in Cyprus, Albania, Italy and Yugoslavia, undated [1930s]; photographs and postcards of sculptures, general views, architecture and illuminations, mainly located in Great Britain, Greece and the Middle East (many used as the illustrations to Boase's various books on the Crusader kingdoms and the art and architecture of the period), undated; printed maps and leaflets of the Middle East, Italy and Serbia, 1942-1970, both historical and contemporary; miscellaneous publications and printed matter, 1954-1972.

Boase , Thomas Sherrer Ross , 1898-1974 , historian and arts administrator
Burton, Esmond
GB 0096 MS 974 · Collection · c1955

Papers of Esmond Burton, c 1955, comprise seven plaster miniatures of working men and women prepared by sculptor Edmond Burton, relating to the bas-reliefs on the three frontages of Bentham House, residence of the Faculty of Laws at University College London. The buidling was originally the headquarters of the General and Municipal Workers' Union (now part of GMB), and was designed by Hubert Lidbetter. Fourteen black and white photographs of the bas-reliefs and construction of the building. Note that the right-hand figure in the 'group of five' photograph is Hubert Lidbetter.

Burton , Esmond , fl 1930-1955 , sculptor
Camberwell College of Arts
GB 0000 Camberwell College of Arts Archive · 1898-2002 (ongoing)

Records of Camberwell College of Arts, comprising minutes of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1898-1938; reports of the Joint Advisory Printing Advisory Committee minutes, 1965-1973; minutes of meetings of the Governors, 1980-1981;Sub-Committee, 1917-1949; attendance books, 1898-1951; agenda books, 1906, 1913-1915;

correspondence from London County Council Higher Education Sub-Committee concerning their decision on reports of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1921-1924;

Secretary's account book, 1899-1901; accounts, including for the Sketch Club, 'Cambians' student association, students' union, exhibitions and examination expenses, 1930-1945; register of staff, [1898-1939]; papers relating to teaching staff, 1914-1962, including correspondence concerning appointments, memorandums; register of students, 1898-1900;

minutes of meeting concerning the extension of the school, 1901, estimates for building alterations, 1903; address on the opening of the school extension, 1904; programme and press cuttings for opening of the new building, 1913; papers relating to the sculpture building extension, 1950-1954, including building plan, 1950; notes and minutes of site meeting, 1950; builders' estimates, 1951; programme for the opening of the new School for Sculpture, correspondence concerning the ceremony, text of speech and list of guests, 1953; press cuttings, 1953;

papers relating to a school war memorial, 1919-1923; correspondence relating to gifts to the school, 1935-1954, including portraits, furniture, books and journals, equipment; plans, notes and invitations relating to exhibitions of students work at the South London Art Gallery, 1913-1914, 1928-1932;

papers relating to Diploma of Art and Design at Camberwell, [1960]-1963; copy instrument of government of the London Institute, [1985]; correspondence and papers concerning proposed changes to Higher Education, 1977, including statement from Camberwell opposed to the changes;

prospectuses, 1898-2002; exhibition catalogues and degree show catalogues, 1989-2002;

press cuttings relating to the school, 1924-1937; students' exhibitions and work of students and staff, 1960-1967; private view cards of staff and students, [1980s-2002]; photographs, 1970s, of students and staff working at Camberwell;

copies of 1st and 2nd editions of the Cambian, 1928, 1930, printed by the School Press containing examples of student work;

ephemera relating to Camberwell School, art and the Camberwell area, 1950s-2002, including press cuttings and programmes for events; typed notes on the history of the School, 1990s.

copies of the London Technical Education Gazette, 1900-1903; London County Council Technical Education Board minutes, 1904; London County Council circulars, 1931-1932.

Camberwell College of Arts Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts
GB 0000 Chelsea College · 1928-2001

Records of Chelsea School of Art, 1928-2001, later Chelsea College of Art & Design, comprising minutes and agendas of Academic Board meetings, 1975-1991; minutes of the Board of Studies, and related papers, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee and related papers, 1992-1993; papers of the Advisory Committee of the New School of Art in Chelsea, notably minutes, agendas and papers, 1958-1964, including schedule of accommodation for proposed College, 1958; minutes of the Chelsea School of Art/Hammersmith College of Art and Building (Art Department) Formation Committee, 1974, relating to the merger of the colleges; minutes of the Fine Art Area Committee, 1990-1993; minutes of Library Committee, 1978-1980;

Principal's reports to the Governors, 1959-1965; instrument of Government and draft Articles of Government, 1970; list of former staff and students at the College, 1958 and minutes of H S Williamson presentation committee, 1958 (retiring head of College); summaries of part time teaching staff contracts, 1971-1976;

correspondence with Professor Gowing concerning the administration of the new college, 1958; inventory and papers relating to equipment and furniture for the new college, [1960-1963]; correspondence concerning the building of school, 1963-1964, including furniture catalogues; papers concerning the opening ceremony of the new College building, 1964-1965, including programme for the opening of new building, 1965; correspondence and papers relating to Henry Moore's sculpture Two Piece Reclining Figure no.1, purchased by the College in 1963; photographs of its erection at the College, 1964; survey of accommodation and equipment, 1975;

papers concerning the Academic Development Plan, 1976; report of the Council for National Academic Awards, 1975; papers relating to bursaries and awards, 1975; papers relating to Council for National Academic Awards visit, including review of MA in Fine Art, 1977; papers relating to Quinquennial reviews, 1977-1982; papers concerning the Council for National Academic Awards review visit to Chelsea, 1982; programme for opening of South Park Annexe, 1982; submissions for new course in 3D Design, 1982; proposed MA in History of Modern Art, 1986; papers and circulars relating to ILEA, 1970s-1986;

Chelsea School of Art programmes for end of term plays/entertainments, 1932-1962; copies of The Queel, 1928-1929, Chiaroscuro, 1949, Chelsea College of Art magazines; magazines and works produced by students, including Pump, Chelsea School of Art magazine, 1977-1978; MONTAGE 4, 1984; newsletter, 1977; Chelsea School of Art Graphics magazines, 1977-1982; Insight, 1991, Review, 2000, London Institute magazines; briefing, London Institute newspaper, 2001; Entitled, London Institute students union magazine, 2001;

prospectuses, 1959-2001; publicity leaflet for new courses, 1962; Chelsea College of Science and Technology annual report, 1958-1959; press cuttings, 1970-1991, relating to the College and Government policy; press release concerning the creation of London Institute, 1985; album of photographs of social events and work at the College, 1970s; correspondence, related papers and exhibition catalogues for the school gallery exhibitions, 1965-1973; papers relating to general studies open lectures, 1970-1972; photographs, articles and catalogues for degree shows, 1977-2001; portfolios of prints by students and staff of the Printmaking Department, [1965-1986]; papers relating to the London Institute, [1987]-1991, including course monitoring reports, 1990; annual reports, 1990-1992; student handbooks, 1991;

memoir of Anne Baer, nee Sedgwick, student at Chelsea Art School, 1933-1936; correspondence and papers relating to Frederick Brill's (Principal, Chelsea School of Art) book, Matisse (Paul Hamlyn, London, 1967), 1965-1967;

records of Hammersmith College of Art and Building, comprising Department of Art prospectus, 1973-1974; programme for the opening of the new Hammersmith School of Building and Arts and Crafts, 1930; 35mm slides and photographs of student work, 1960s; publicity leaflets, 1960s.

Chelsea College of Art & Design Chelsea School of Art Hammersmith College of Art and Building
Classified Papers
GB 0117 Cl.P · 1660-1741

Scientific and other papers sent to the Royal Society, presented at meetings of Fellows, or commissioned by the Society. They form a complementary series to the Early Letters, both of which were superseded by the Letters and Papers. Many of these items, referred to as the 'Guard Books', are duplicated in the Register Book of the Society. The classification is a simplified form of the 'Philosophical Transactions' abridgment by John Lowthorp. This arrangement was completed in 1741 by Thomas Birch. The majority of the papers in these volumes are manuscript, but a few printed documents occur throughout the series. Some of the papers are earlier in date than the grant on 15 July 1662 of the First Charter to the Society. The Committee of Trades seems to have been associated with the earlier meetings of those philosophers who subsequently became Fellows, and produced a number of practical papers, some of which were written in 1639 and which are mostly found in Volume 3(i). There are still earlier documents, mostly in Volume 25, which may have been included in the gift, in 1667, of the Arundel Library.

GB 0000 Ian Hamilton Finlay Archive · [1971-1996]

Papers relating to Ian Hamilton Finlay, [1971-1996], comprising guides and booklets for sculpture exhibitions and poetry readings, 1969-1992; press cuttings and articles relating to Finlay's work, 1983-1993; artist's books by Finlay, [1971-1996], published by Wild Hawthorn Press; postcards produced by Finlay, [1968-1996], many published by the Wild Hawthorn Press.

Finlay , Ian , Hamilton , b 1925 , poet and sculptor
Flaxman Manuscripts
GB 0103 MS FLAXMAN · 1788

Manuscript items of John Flaxman, comprising his journal, kept by him in Naples in 1788, consisting of manuscript text and drawings; and a commonplace book containing manuscript notes on sculpture and art and some pencil and ink sketches.

Flaxman , John , 1755-1826 , sculptor and draughtsman
Hayward Gallery
GB 1464 · 1942-2003

Archives of the Hayward Gallery (HG) comprising:

Files relating to the HG policy and administration, 1994-2003; files relating to HG exhibitions, 1987-2003; files relating to the Arts Council Collection exhibitions and National Touring Exhibitions, 1994-2003;

printed exhibition leaflets, 1987-2003; printed posters advertising HG exhibitions and National Touring Exhibitions, 1968-2003;

printed private view invitation cards for Arts Council exhibitions (ACGB-1994) (including HG and National Touring Exhibitions), 1968-2003;
printed guides to HG Exhibitions, 1979-2003; printed catalogues for Arts Council Collection Exhibitions, 1950-2003; printed catalogues for HG and National Touring Exhibitions (including some from CEMA) 1942-2003;

HG press releases, 1978-2003; press cuttings relating to exhibitions and the Gallery, 1968-2003;
photographs of Hayward exhibition installations, 1968-2003; and National Touring Exhibitions including the Arts Council Collection, 1975-2003.

Hayward Gallery , 1968-present London County Council , 1889-1965 Greater London Council , 1965-1986 Council for Encouragement of Music and the Arts , 1940-1945 Arts Council of Great Britain , 1945-1994 Arts Council of England , 1994-
GB 1556 WL 1299 · Collection · 1996

Notes on an interview with Rachel Whiteread about her proposed design of a concrete bunker to commemorate the Holocaust at the Judenplatz, Vienna by Ernst Eisenmayer.

Eisenmayer , Ernst , b 1900 , artist and sculptor
GB 0070 TGA 738 · Fonds · 1897-1937

The collection contains committee minutes from its foundation until 1925, minutes of the annual general meetings from 1902 to 1937, agendas and notes for meetings between 1905 and 1910, press cuttings (mainly reviewing the Society's exhibitions) and printed material relating to exhibitions.

International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers
GB 0120 MSS.1180-1218, 1233, 2048-2069, 2802-2819, 3014-3072, 3587-3588, 3662-3663, 4220, 4257, 4302-4306, 4487-4489, 5222-5249 and 7966 · 1680-1877

The collection comprises correspondence, writings and administrative material relating to the Jenner family, particularly Dr. Edward Jenner (pioneer of smallpox vaccination) and the associated Black and Davies families, 1680-1877.

The material on Edward Jenner includes papers relating to organisations set up in the aftermath of his vaccination discoveries: the National Vaccine Establishment, the Royal Jennerian Society and the London Vaccine Institution.

Black family Black , George Charles , 1723-1775 Black , Mary , 1730-1810 Davies , Anne , 1741-1812 Davies , William , 1741-1817 Davies , William , 1769-1849 Davies family Head , Henry , 1664-1739 Jenner family Jenner , Edward , 1749-1823 , surgeon and pioneer of smallpox vaccination Jenner , Elizabeth , fl.1706 Jenner , Henry , 1737-1798 Jenner , Henry , 1767-1851 Jenner , Stephen , 1645-1727 Jenner , Stephen , 1702-1754
Jenner , Stephen , 1732-1797 Jenner , Thomas , 1687-1768 Jenner , George Charles , 1767-1846
London Vaccine Institution. Mockler , Frederick Murray , Charles , d.1847 National Vaccine Establishment Royal Jennerian Society Seely family Seely , Elizabeth , d.1804 Seely , Robert , 1714-1759
KORMIS, Fred I, (1897-1986)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP26 · 1975-1983

Papers and photographs, 1975-1983, concerning the placing of a memorial sculpture of victims of war on their way to work camps/concentration camps, called 'Marchers', by Fred I Kormis, at King's College London, in 1975, comprising brochure, 1975, of Fieldborne Galleries, London, containing 'Sculpture, Fred Kormis'; photograph of 'Marchers', [1975]; press cutting, 1975, detailing 'Marchers' acquisition and presentation to the Department of Philosophy, King's College London; correspondence, 1975, between Kormis and Professor Peter Winch, Department of Philosophy, King's College London, and other departments of King's College London, about the unveiling ceremony of the 'Marchers' plaque; correspondence between Professor Winch and Bernard Sternfield of Fieldborne Galleries, London, 1975, concerning photographs taken of 'Marchers'; list of invitees to the ceremony, 1975; article by Professor Winch about 'Marchers', for the College magazine 'Viewpoint', 1975; correspondence, 1979-1983, between Professor Winch and the Decorations and Amenities Committee, King's College London, about the conditions under which 'Marchers' was displayed and its possible relocation.

Kormis , Fred I , 1897-1986 , sculptor
GB 1556 WL 1032 · 1913-1987

The papers in this collection consist chiefly of photographs of the work of the sculptor and medallion maker, Fred Kormis, 1913-1987. In addition there is some correspondence mostly relating to his work, including letters of thanks from Lord Mountbatten, Menachem Begin and members of the British War Cabinet during the Second World War, for whom Kormis sculpted medallions.

Kormis , Fred , 1897-1986 , sculptor
GB 0074 ACC/2683 · Collection · 1887-1893

Ledger and financial accounts of F. Meacci, piece moulder and figure maker, 1887-1893, recording work done in casting, painting, bronzing, squeezing in clay, casting in gelatine, and transport of sculptural works.

Meacci , F , fl 1887-1893 , piece moulder and figure maker
Miers Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 86 · [19th century-20th century]

Undated manuscript notes on the Staatliches Skulpturensammlung (state sculpture collection), Albertinum, Dresden.

Miers , Sir , Henry Alexander , 1858-1942 , Knight , mineralogist
GB 1370 WIA, Charles Mitchell · Collection · c 1951-1986

Notebooks and working papers of the art historian Charles Mitchell, c 1951-1986, on topics including: Ciriaco d'Ancona; Tempio Malatestiano (Temple of the Planets, Rimini, Italy); Antiquarianism and 15th Century Italian Art.

Mitchell , Charles , 1912-1995 , art historian
GB 2108 KUAS118 · 1964-1993

Letters and cards written by Iris Murdoch to artist Rachel Fenner from 1964 onwards. Murdoch taught Fenner at the Royal College of Art and they remained friends afterwards. Topics covered in their correspondence includes Fenner's studies and later work, Murdoch's work, their travels, arranging meetings, and general family news. There are over 300 letters in total.

Murdoch , Dame , Jean Iris , 1919-1999 , author
PERI, Peter (1899-1967)
GB 0070 TGA 704 · Fonds · 1920s-1967

The photographs in this collection cover areas of Peri's work between 1920 and 1966. They include images of his early constructivist work, bronze figurines, cement sculptures and pictures of the artist at work. The drawings and sketches are mainly of people in a variety of simple poses, but are all undated. The correspondence refers to possible commissions for the London County Council, 1958 and an exhibition of his work at St. Pancras Public Library, 1963.

Peri , Peter Laszlo , formerly Ladislas Weisz , 1899-1967 , sculptor and etcher
GB 0074 LMA/4218 · Collection · [1900-1999]

Collection of photographs of public sculptures including statues, reliefs, fountains and murals in locations including schools, housing estates and old people's homes.

Whitechapel Art Gallery
GB 2859 · 1882-2002

Records of the Whitechapel Art Gallery (WG) and its predecessor, comprising:

minutes of the Gallery Trustees 1898-1976; Gallery Trustees, Finance and Fundraising committees, 1976-1981; Gallery Trustees, Finance and Building committees, 1981-1986; Gallery Trustees and Finance committees 1987-1988; Trustees, Finance and Joint Trustees committees, 1988-1996; Finance Subcommittee 1950-1951, 1966-1971; Development Trust Planning Group, 1981-1983; and Foundation Trustees, 1984-1995; as well as Development Trust Scheme files, 1978-1982; Gallery Trustees correspondence 1949-1981; Foundation Trustees correspondence, 1981-1989;

annual reports and accounts 1901-present;

early records of the Gallery including files relating to the establishment of the Gallery 1893-1901; correspondence of Gallery Directors and Secretary's 1901-1947; financial records and treasurer's correspondence, 1902-1947; and exhibition files 1901-1947;

Gallery Directors' papers including administrative and correspondence files of Hugh Scrutton, 1947-1953; Bryan Robertson, 1952-1969; Mark Glazebrook, 1964-1973; Jennie Stein (acting Director), 1971-1974; Jasia Reichardt, 1974-1976; Nicholas Serota, 1978-1987;

exhibition files 1947-1990 files, arranged chronologically by year date of exhibition, including correspondence and papers relating to exhibition arrangements such as loan of artworks, sales, valuations, catalogues, private views, and installation;

printed publicity materials including catalogues of Whitechapel Fine Art Exhibitions, 1882-1886; catalogues of Whitechapel Art Gallery exhibitions, 1901-1965-present;

printed posters relating to individual exhibitions, 1956-2002;

press cuttings relating to reviews and listings of WG exhibitions, and some general cuttings about the gallery and the London art scene, 1897-1922, 1952-2002;

guard books containing ephemera - relating to each exhibition, 1949-2002;

records of the Whitechapel Art Gallery Society including correspondence and papers concerning subscriptions 1947-1988; and cash books 1948-1978;

photographs of exhibitions and artists works 1948-1998; photographs and illustrations of the Gallery and its exhibitions, 1901-1939; photographs of the Gallery building, staff and the local area, 1890-1915, 1951, [1972]-1998; contact sheets and negatives of exhibitions and the gallery, 1966-1995;

Gallery visitors books 1949-1965;

Financial records including cashbooks, wages books and exhibition accounts, 1899-1971;

Whitechapel Fine Art Exhibition , 1882-1900
Whitechapel Art Gallery , 1901-