Sea fishing

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      Termos hierárquicos

      Sea fishing

      Sea fishing

        Termos equivalentes

        Sea fishing

        • UP Coastal fishing
        • UP Deep sea fishing
        • UP Marine fishing
        • UP Pêche côtière
        • UP Pêche en eau salée
        • UP Pêche en haute mer
        • UP Pesca costera
        • UP Pesca en agua salada
        • UP Pesca en alta mar
        • UP Pesca marítima

        Termos associados

        2 Descrição arquivística resultados para Sea fishing

        Keymer, John
        GB 0096 MS 189 · 1601, 1620

        A petition, 1601, written by Keymer intended for Queen Elizabeth concerning the advancement of the fishing business. The second manuscript is concerned with international sea trade, 1620, principally between England and Holland and Denmark.

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        Moray, Sir Robert (1608-1673)
        GB 0117 MS 246 · 1657-1673

        Letters from Sir Robert Moray to his friend Alexander Bruce, Earl of Kincardine, also known as 'The Kincardine Papers'. Bruce was sick of the ague in Bremen for part of this time, and the letters were written to alleviate the tedium of of Bruce's illness, hence ranging over topics which might not otherwise have been the subjects of correspondence. They include accounts of chemical experiments in his laboratory, his interest in magnetism, medicine in all its aspects, horticulture, fuel, whale fishing, its risks and profits, coal mining, water wheels and tide mills, stone quarrying and the various qualities of different stones, the pumping works needed for undersea coal mines at Bruce's home at Culross in Fifeshire, even to the trees whose wood was best for pipelines, and the diameter of the bore best suited to the purpose. Familiarity is shown with mathematical and surveying instruments, with music, and all sorts of mechanical devices and especially clocks and watches, more particularly the taking out of a patent in respect of a clock for use at sea for finding longitude. Bruce is advised on the choice of books over a wide range of subjects. Moray includes anecdotes to amuse his ailing correspondent; he describes his quiet life and is enthusiastic about many of his chemical experiments. Notable at the end of the letters Moray added what he described as his Masonic signature - a pentagram which also occurs in his crest.

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