Sea water

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Hierarchical terms

Sea water

Equivalent terms

Sea water

  • UF Marine water
  • UF Sea water properties
  • UF Sea water quality
  • UF Caractéristiques des eaux marines
  • UF Eau marine
  • UF Propriété des eaux marines
  • UF Qualité des eaux marines
  • UF Agua marina
  • UF Calidad de las aguas marinas
  • UF Características de las aguas marinas
  • UF Propiedades de las aguas marinas

1 Archival description results for Sea water

1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0117 MS/125 · sub-fonds · 1753
Part of Manuscripts General

Papers relating to the proposal of Zachariah Williams for the revealing a secret of a machine invented by him, to be used at sea for making salt-water fresh and drinkable, together with the inventor's letter to the Lords of the Admiralty on the subject.

Williams , Zachariah [Zachary] , [1668]-1755 , experimental philosopher