Planificación social

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      Términos jerárquicos

      Planificación social

      Término General Política social

      Planificación social

      Términos equivalentes

      Planificación social

      • Usado para Organisation sociale
      • Usado para Organización social

      Términos asociados

      Planificación social

      6 Descripción archivística resultados para Planificación social

      GB 0074 LMA/4200 · Colección · 1891-1966

      Statistics relating to crime, licensing and prisons, generated by various courts in Middlesex, 1891-1966. Also some Chairman's notebooks.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4060 · Colección · 1801-1996

      Records of the Field Lane Foundation. The earliest records date to 1842 in its incarnation as the Sabbath School. These comprise management committee minutes which run as a continuous series to 1984 and reflect the change from Sabbath School to Ragged School in 1850.

      Important series include the deeds and papers of Field Lane dating from 1801 to 1961. There are also series relating to each of the major homes and organisations associated with or run by the Field Lane Association including the Home Workers Aid Association and the 5 holiday or retirement homes: Eastwood, Dovers, The Priory, Holly Hill and Singholm. There is also a set of annual reports from 1847-1996 and a series of printing blocks used for many of the Field Lanes' publications.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4713 · Colección · 1986-1994

      Records of the London Boroughs Disability Resource Team including documents relating to training courses, publications, administration. Also includes an annual report of the London Boroughs Disability Committee.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0334 · Colección · 1834-1850

      This collection comprises: a statement of the rates and tithes owed by Phineas Davis and Henry Ward, 1834; a report of the Vestry Committee on the receipt and expenditure of the Middlesex County Rate in Saint Marylebone, 1835; Metropolitan Police criminal returns and comparative statistics, 1831-1836; and lists of voters in Ealing.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0014 · 1911-1915

      Papers relating to the Unemployment Insurance Committee.
      Item 1: "The character of the scheme".
      Item 2: "The scheme in practice".
      Item 3: "The scale of work".
      Item 4: "The Offices of the Unemployment Fund".
      Item 5: "Courts of Referees and Umpire".
      Item 6: "Provision for Fluctuations of Work".
      Item 7: "Total staff for unemployment insurance and labour exchanges and certain heads of expenditure".
      Item 8: "Other items of expenditure".
      Item 9: "Summary of Expenditure and Conclusion".

      Sin título
      GB 0097 PEP/PSI · 1922-1987

      Records of Political and Economic Planning and the Policy Studies Institute, 1922-1987, comprising the following: Administrative papers, 1931-1978, notably minutes of the Executive Council, 1933-1978, the Trustees, 1938-1961, the PEP Club Committee, 1942-1955 and the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1953-1964; membership and circulation lists, 1931-1955; legal and financial papers, mainly concerning property, 1933-1963; correspondence with publishers, 1934-1938; bulletins, 1934-1984; papers relating to weekend meetings to review research in progress, 1944-1954; material concerning funding and finance from various bodies, 1956-1969; papers of the PEP Trust, 1933-1949. Research papers, 1931-1974, notably papers of working groups, 1922-1944, on subjects including employment, industry, local government, health, housing, education and international trade; material concerning PEP publications, 1933-1980, notably broadsheets and reports, mainly concerning the finance, administration and publication of the studies; files concerning post-war studies which resulted in more than one publication, 1939-1970, notably on population, industry, economics, trade unions, mental health, the common market, and social studies; material concerning unprinted papers, 1931-1973; press cuttings, 1931-1942. Papers of John Pinder, Director of PEP (1964-1985), [1925]-1987, including unsigned minutes, correspondence and papers of the Executive Committee, 1950-1978, and Special Executive Meetings, 1971-1976; reports of the Programme Planning Committee, 1964-1966; minutes and papers of staff meetings, 1958-1972; material concerning PEP history and records, 1931-[1980], including early documents and correspondence concerning foundation; financial material, 1948-1977; printed material, [1925]-1978, including PEP memorandum and articles of association, and papers relating to the PEP/PSI merger; papers concerning the joint PEP and Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) project on the European Community, 1965-1976, including material relating to the Ford Foundation Grant, correspondence, and study papers; material concerning PEP studies and publications, 1965-1987, notably on mental health, public reaction to disability, urban growth, professional migration, industry, economics, the labour market, and UK race relations; papers relating to European bodies, or bodies concerned with European issues, 1960-1977, including the Committee for Economic Development, the European Movement, the Overseas Development Institute, the Race Relations Board and the Federal Trust; personal papers of John Pinder, 1967-1975, including lectures, articles and reviews by him and material relating to his European interests. Papers of other contributors to PEP/PSI, [1940]-1982, notably papers concerning PEP administration, the compilation of statistics for propaganda purposes during World War Two, architecture, social science higher education, company law and responsibilities, labour market policies, the training of adults for skilled employment, transport policy and personal mobility, racial equality, and voluntary youth organisations.

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