Social sciences

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      Social sciences

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        Social sciences

        • UF Social and human sciences
        • UF Sciences sociales et humaines
        • UF Ciencias sociales y humanas

        505 Archival description results for Social sciences

        505 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 1530 D6 · c1934-1978

        Papers of John E (Jack) Piercy, Surgeon Superintendent at New End Hospital 1932-1965, comprising lecture notes on the history of New End Hospital [1934] and diseases of the thyroid [c1937], correspondence, photographs and papers on the official opening of the Thyroid Clinic and Department of Endocrinology at New End by the Duke of Edinburgh, 1955; photographs and press cuttings on Piercy's retirement as Surgeon-Superintendent of New End, 1965; photopraphs and press cuttings on the opening of Piercy Ward at New End, 1978; photographs of prizegivings at New End School of Nursing, 1950 and undated.

        Piercy , John E (Jack) , 1899-1986 , surgeon
        GB 0100 G/PP1/46 · 1849-1854

        Manuscript volume of notes on lectures, with record of attendance at Guy's Hospital, 5 Jun 1849-20 Oct 1849, taken by George Newport Pickstock, including lectures on natural philosophy, Dr Lloyd; chemistry, [Alfred Swaine] Taylor; and physiology, [William Withey] Gull; also records receipts and payments, 1849-1854.

        Pickstock , George Newport , fl 1849-1854 , medical student
        Phipps-Hornby Collection
        GB 0064 PHI · Collection · [1700-1915]

        Papers of Adml Robert Stewart Phipps Hornby. From 1900 to 1913 there are official letterbooks, memoranda and other papers. There are a diary, a rough journal and papers for his second command from 1914 to 1915. Finally, there are papers relating to his work on torpedoes and reports from the various Admiralty committees on which he served.

        Papers of Sir Geoffrey Thomas Phipps Hornby. Except for a few service papers and a letterbook, 1858 to 1870, the entire collection dates from 1865 onwards. The most important part of the collection is Hornby's official, semi-official and private correspondence, 1873 to 1894, in which many leading naval officers and other figures of the day are represented. There are also some letters written by Hornby and some correspondence of his wife and of his daughter, Mrs Egerton. Relating to Hornby's commands, there are official letterbooks for the years 1870 to 1874 and 1877 to 1880, memoranda and orders, 1865 to 1874 and 1877 to 1880, private letterbooks, 1865 to 1874, 1877 to 1878 and 1885 to 1891, and registers of telegrams received and despatched, 1877 to 1880. There are printed memoranda and papers relating to his time at the Admiralty, including the work of the Construction and Torpedo Committees.

        Papers of Sir Phipps Hornby. There is a copy of a letter written in the Volage and a letterbook, 1812 to 1816. Most of the papers are from the Pacific Command and include an admiral's journal, 1847 to 1849, and three official letter and order books, 1847 to 1851, together with correspondence on particular aspects of the Squadron's duties. There are also some probate documents concerning members of the Hornby family.

        Papers of Windham Mark Phipps Hornby. Some of them relate to his cadet days, and are mostly printed magazines and programmes; there are also two gunnery notebooks, 1914, and a report on the organization of the Ramillies. The collection contains some items relating to other members of the family.

        Additional papers of members of the family including journals, official and private letters, and newspaper cuttings, relating to all of the above members of the family (please see individual biographical entries for further details of their careers).

        Hornby , Robert Stewart Phipps , 1866-1956 , Admiral Hornby , Sir , Geoffrey Thomas Phipps , 1825-1895 , Knight , Admiral of the Fleet Hornby , Sir , Phipps , 1785-1867 , Knight , Admiral Hornby , Windham Mark Phipps , b 1896 , Commander RN
        GB 0064 SOU · Collection · [1661-1717]

        The collection, consisting of nineteen volumes, relates to the administration of the Navy, naval policy during the war with France, 1690 to 1698, and questions of Admiralty jurisdiction, and falls into four main groups. The first, of six volumes, contains letters received by William Blathwayt between 1690 and 1703; they concern the conduct of the war and questions of naval administration, including some, 1697 to 1703, from Josiah Burchett, Secretary of the Admiralty (1666?-1746). The second group of four volumes relates mainly to the time of the Dutch Wars when Robert Southwell was a Commissioner for Prizes. It contains drafts, orders and precedents relating to the Commission, 1661 to 1705, as well as a volume devoted to the legal problems of wrecks, 1687 to 1705. There are also some letters from Blathwayt to Robert Southwell for this period. The third group of four volumes contains letters by Lord Nottingham, 1690 and 1692 to 1693, to Blathwayt and Sir Robert Southwell, some with draft replies. Apart from reporting on naval affairs, there are later private letters, 1711, 1716, and Irish affairs, 1703, are also mentioned. The final four volumes are miscellaneous in nature, including a volume relating to the conduct of the war, 1695 to 1697; a working reference book on the proceedings of the Commission of Prizes, 1665 to 1667; and two volumes of miscellaneous papers relating to all the subjects mentioned above, 1674 to 1708.

        Southwell , Edward , 1671-1730 , statesman Southwell , Sir , Robert , 1635-1702 , Knight , diplomat Blathwayt , William , ? 1649-1717 , statesman Finch , Daniel , 1647-1730 , 2nd Earl of Nottingham , 7th Earl of Winchilsea , statesman
        Phillipps collection
        GB 0064 PLA · Collection · 1603-1672

        General Records: This group contains a large vellum-bound volume of Spanish diplomatic papers, mainly dating between 1603 and 1672, but with a section dealing with the Armada, 1587 to 1588; two English documents relating to the expedition to Cadiz, 1596; an enquiry into the loss of ships in the convoy guarded by Sir George Rooke (1650-1709) and the Streights Squadron, 1693; a gathering of Italian papers relating to the capitulation of Malta, 1799 to 1807. There are also a number of items relating to Lord Nelson and his family, 1805 to 1845. (PHB/: PHB/P: 2 vols: 3 items) Merchant Shipping Records: relating to merchant shipping, including the journal of the Blackham on a voyage to Constantinople, 1696 to 1698; the log of H.E.I.C.S. Ceres, 1743 to 1745; of H.E.I.C.S. Wager, 1745 to 1746; and an account in verse of H.E.I.C.S. Ceres, 1812 to 1814, on a voyage to China. There is also a memorial of 1774 by a Harwich pilot to the Treasury, seeking to establish an excise cutter there. Among the documents are Bills of Sale, 1651, 1695, 1775; Letters of Marque, 1780, 1799. (PHB/: PLA/P: 4 vols: 12 items) Royal Navy: Administration: This group consists of nineteen volumes and four documents relating to the administration of the Navy. It includes the naval accounts from 1422 to 1427 of William Soper (fl.1410-1459), Clerk of the King<sup>1</sup>s ships; a list of ships' stores 'wasted' in the Prymrose after the Rochelle expedition, 1573; a volume of the records collected by Sir Robert Cotton (1571-1631), the antiquarian and collector, containing summaries of papers on naval matters and defence from the time of Henry III to Elizabeth I; a copy, dated 1638, of the first 'Discourse of the Navy of England' by John Hollond (fl 1624-1659); regulations for the Ordnance Office, 1683; an account, written by a clerk, of the dispute between Samuel Pepys and Colonel Middleton (d 1672) about the importation of cottons and kerseys, 1667 to 1668; two lists of official documents transferred by Pepys to his successor on leaving the Admiralty, 1689; two volumes of Navy Board orders to Deptford and Woolwich dockyards, 1644 to 1722; and eleven volumes of papers, bound by Phillipps in no particular order, relating to general administrative matters, including sea-men's pay, 1711 to 1790; however, among these papers are three letters from Vice-Admiral Benbow (1653-1702) written from Jamaica, 1699. Finally, there are a number of lists; of Admiralty Commissioners, 1673 to 1782; of ships, 1625 to 1636, 1705, 1706 to 1745, and of foreign navies, 1755 to 1778 (PLA/: PLA/P: 2 1/2ft: 76cm) Royal Navy: Law and Prize Money: This group consists of a volume, 1658 to 1673, containing a collection of sentences and decrees made at the Court of Admiralty; a volume of 1685 chiefly concerning the powers and rights of the Lord High Admiral, with an abstract of the judgements of Oleron, translated from the French; a further seventeenth-century volume concerning maritime customs and law from the time of Henry III; a French treatise of maritime law, 1690; a volume containing bound letters from senior naval officers expressing their opinion on the prize money dispute between Lord Nelson (q.v.) and Lord St Vincent (q.v.), 1801 to 1802; vindication of the conduct of Surgeon D.T. McCarthy, court-martialled 2 lines 1 field in 1804.

        GB 0064 PHL · Collection · [1835-1897]

        Papers of Sir Augustus Phillimore. They consist almost entirely of Phillimore's private and semi-official correspondence from 1835 until the end of his life. These include many letters from relatives, including Phillimore' s numerous brothers and sisters, and some of his letters to them. The remainder are mostly from naval officers. Admiral Sir George Ommaney Willes (1823-1901) was a regular correspondent from the 1840s onwards. There are official letterbooks, papers relating to Jamaica and some papers for the Channel Squadron, a few letters and official service documents and some biographical notes.

        Phillimore , Sir , Augustus , 1822-1897 , Knight , Admiral
        GB 0064 PET · Collection · [1908-1945]

        Papers of Adml Sir Arthur Malcolm Peters. They span the wide range of Peters' naval career, from his time at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich in 1908, to his later appointment as Flag Officer Commanding West Africa (1943-1945). The papers include a large number of notebooks and lecture notes from various naval courses, journals, logbooks, material relating to cables, some correspondence, ephemera, printed books and a large amount of photographic material.

        Peters , Sir , Arthur Malcolm , 1888-1979 , Knight , Admiral
        GB 0100 G/PP1/72 · 1920

        Commemorative volume containing testimonial to Sir Edwin Cooper Perry, (1856-1938), on the occasion of his retirement from the post of Superintendent to Guy's Hospital, signed by past and present students and staff, 29 Jan 1920.

        Perry , Sir , Edwin Cooper , 1856-1938 , physician
        GB 0100 G/PP1/45 · [1909], 1955

        Papers of Edward Austin Penny, comprising manuscript list of house officers, dressers and ward clerks, and list of patients by disease, in Naaman, Dorcas, and Astley Cooper wards of Guy's Hospital titled Mr Dunn's take in'[1909]; also letter to Mr Tomlin from Edward Austin Penny, Jan 1955, who was thetake in' dresser on the list.

        Penny , Edward Austin , fl 1911-1955 , surgeon
        GB 0099 KCLMA Penney · Created 1920-1962

        Papers relating to his command of 1 Infantry Div, Anzio, Italy, 1944, dated 1943-1962, principally comprising correspondence and memoranda, 1943-1944; diary and typescript diary entries, 1943-1944; operation orders, tactical notes and maps, 1944; written accounts of operations carried out by 1 Div and individual regiments and battalions, 1944; correspondence relating to historical accounts of the landings, 1945-1962, notably Anzio by Wynford Vaughan Thomas (Longmans, London, 1961). Other papers relating to his life and career, 1920-1958, notably including an article by Penney on his service in Wazaristan, India, 1937, reprinted from the Royal Signals Quarterly Journal, Oct 1938 and Jan 1939; memoranda from General Staff, Shanghai, from the City Government of Shanghai and from W R Connor Green, British Embassy, Tokyo, concerning relations between the Chinese and Japanese, and the role of the British garrison in the protection of Shanghai, 1931-1933; diary, 1932, referring principally to matters affecting British troops in Shanghai; press cuttings, [1932]; anti-Japanese propaganda posters produced by the Shanghai Municipality National Salvation Committee to Resist Japan, [1932]; itinerary of Penney's movements in the Middle East and North Africa, 1941-1943; diary, 1943-1944, including description of Allied Forces HQ, Algiers, and reflections on the differences between US and British signals procedure; official and personal correspondence relating to his service as Director of Intelligence, HQ Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia, [1945].

        GB 0064 PEL · Collection · 1804-1816

        Papers of Adml Edward Pellew, consisting of letterbooks, 1804 to 1807, 1815 to 1816, order books, 1810 to 1814, admiral's journals, 1804 to 1807, 1815, and promotion lists, 1804 to 1809.

        Pellew , Edward , 1757-1833 , Admiral , 1st Viscount Exmouth
        GB 0064 PLL · Collection · 1809-1863

        Papers of Sir Watkin Owen Pell, consisting of his diaries, 1824 to 1863, and his official, semi-official and private correspondence from 1809 onwards. This includes a number of letters from Admiral Sir George Cockburn, 1834 to 1851, and from the Spencer family, 1827 to 1856. There are extracts from logs, notes and drafts for a biography begun by his daughter, Mrs S M Maude, some account books and some items relating to Greenwich Hospital. There are also a few letters, diaries and account books of his wife, Lady Pell, and a few diaries and papers of Lieutenant Edwin Pell, 24th Regiment, dating mainly from 1809 to 1812 when he was serving in the Peninsular War.

        Pell , Sir , Watkin Owen , 1788-1869 , Knight , Admiral
        GB 0100 G/PP1/44 · 1832-1833

        Two letters from J Channing Pearce, 1833, to his father James Pearce, Surgeon, Bradford, Wiltshire, concerning the outbreak of Cholera in London and cases he attended, 16 Feb 1832; and relating to his winning of the first anatomical prize given by Mr [Bransby Blake] Cooper including a description of the prize examination, 5 May 1833.

        Pearce , Joseph Channing , fl 1832-1833 , medical student
        GB 0064 PRR · Collection · 1864-1876

        Papers of Admiral Alfred Arthur Chase Parr. They include: three logbooks (HMS VICTORIA; HMS MINOTAUR and PYLADES; HMS ZEALOUS, REVENGE AND HERCULES) 1864-1872; and documents from Parr's service in the 1875-1876 Arctic Expedition, including observation records, two expedition journals recording his personal experiences, official proceedings of the Expedition and a printed chart of the Northern shores of Greenland.

        Parr , Alfred Arthur Chase , 1849-1914 , Admiral
        GB 0064 PKS/151-158 · Subfonds · 1878-1890
        Part of Parks family collection

        Papers of Captain Murray Thomas Parks, including official service papers 1876 to 1878; letters sent home 1878 to 1890; and a midshipman's log for the INVINCIBLE and CRUISER 1881 to 1882.

        Parks , Murray Thomas , 1862-1932 , Captain
        GB 0100 KH/NL/PP23 · 1913-1919

        Small photograph album of Elsie M Parkinson containing images of King's College Hospital, nurses, staff, wards, patients, etc. Also includes some pencil sketches, rhymes and poems [1913-1919]. Most photographs have captions.

        Parkinson , Elsie M , fl 1913-1919 , nurse
        GB 0064 PAR · Collection · 1794-1857

        Papers of Sir William Parker. The papers form a full collection for all periods of Parker's service. There are official and private logs, 1794 to 1811, 1827 to 1834 and 1841 to 1852; official letterbooks, 1799 to 1834, and order books, 1795 to 1834, 1841 to 1857, and loose papers relating to his commands. Parker's personal papers include official service documents, his letters home, and his correspondence which includes letters from Sir James Graham (1792-1861), 1831-1845, Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy (1769-1839), 1831 to 1834, Gilbert Elliot, 2nd Earl of Minto 1841 to 1848, and Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons (1790-1858), 1845 to 1854. There is a log of a Spanish ship captured by Parker in 1794 and a register of lading of Nuestra Senora de la Esperanza, captured in 1804. The collection also contains letters written to Dr Andrew Baird by Earl St. Vincent. The final section, loaned in 1974, consists of two series of letters. The first consists of those received by Earl St. Vincent, 1791 to 1821, and includes some from Lord Nelson, 1796 to 1804, and the second, letters to Parker, including Nelson letters, 1803 to 1805.

        Parker , Sir , William , 1781-1866 , 1st Baronet , Admiral of the Fleet
        GB 0064 PKM · Collection · 1884-1933

        Papers of Sir William Christopher Pakenham. The papers relate to official and personal aspects of Pakenham's life and cover the period 1884-1933, though the main focus is 1904-1922. They are particularly strong on his period as naval attache to Japan (1904-1905), with whom Great Britain had an alliance and include copies of reports to the Naval Intelligence Department; accounts of battles at Port Arthur and Tsushima including position charts and photographs and freqent personal letters to his aunt, Lady Jessica Sykes. They also cover his period in the eastern Mediterranean and role intervening in the Armenian massacre of 1909, including requests from the local population for protection. In the period leading up to and during World War I there are reports and correspondence of both a strategic, technical and operational nature. In the period after World War One, there is a lengthy series of personal correspondence with Admiral David Beatty (1871-1936). Other correspondents include Admiral Charles Beresford (1846-1919); Winston Churchill; Admiral Sir Asheton Gore Curzon-Howe (1850-1911); Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher (1841-1920); Lord Geddes, British Ambassador, Washington (1879-1954); Walter Hume Long, politician (1854-1924) and Sir Claude MacDonald (1852-1915). Includes the dispute between Fisher and Beresford over naval reform and the controversy over the Battle of Jutland. There is correspondence, lecture notes and photographs relating to the tour of the coast of Noth America in 1922 and the later grounding and salvage of his ship HMS RALEIGH.

        Pakenham , Sir , William Christopher , 1861-1933 , Knight , Admiral
        GB 0064 PAK · Collection · 1758-1782

        They consist of two logs, 1758 to 1761 (with additional notes up to 1793) and 1779 to 1782, four signal books, 1778 to 1782, and a presentation copy of Captain Pakenham invention of a substitute for a lost rudder.

        Pakenham , Edward Michael , 1743-1792 , Captain , 2nd Baron Longford
        PAGET, Sir James (1814-1899)
        GB 0113 MS-PAGEJ · c.1844

        Sir James Paget's index to references for medical biographies, intended for the Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (1842-44), c.1844.

        Paget , Sir , James , 1814-1899 , 1st Baronet , surgeon
        GB 0064 PGE · Collection · 1778-1841

        Papers of Adml Benjamin William Page. They consist of Page's official and private correspondence 1778 to 1841, contained in three volumes and loose papers.

        Page , Benjamin William , 1765-1845 , Admiral
        GB 0100 TH/PP44 · 1725-1726

        Papers of Charles Oxley, comprising casebook, 1725-1726, recording details of surgical cases at St Thomas's Hospital; notes on lithotomy and operations for cataracts.

        Oxley , Charles , fl 1725-1726 , medical student
        GB 0064 COO/3 · Subfonds · [1774-1857]
        Part of Owen Family

        Papers of William Fitzwilliam Owen. They include a narrative of Owen's naval service, an account of the proceedings in the Cornelia and papers relating to the Africa survey and his work at Fernando Po. There are also papers concerning the settlement founded by Commander Owen, Admiral Owen's father, in Nova Scotia.

        Owen , William Fitzwilliam , 1774-1857 , Vice-Admiral
        Osterberg Collection
        GB 2121 Osterberg Collection · [1885]-1986

        Records of Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College, later Dartford College of Physical Education, comprising meetings of the Committee of Management, [1916-1960]; minutes of Governors meetings, 1962-1965; minutes of the Governing Body, 1970-1976; ?minutes of College Committee meetings, 1927-1937; minutes of College and Council meetings, 1955-1964; minutes of the College Council, 1968-1969; minutes of the Academic Board, 1969, 1972-1975;

        minutes of Library Committee meetings, 1956-1962; minutes of the Games Committee, 1919; minutes of Games meetings, 1949-1955; Games Executive meetings, 1979-1983; minutes of the Bergman Osterberg Union of Trained Gymnastic Teachers, 1916-1917; minutes of staff meetings, 1951-1959, 1969-1973; minutes of the Staff Council, 1972-1977; minutes of Dartford Sports Association, 1980-1981; minutes of the B.Ed Honours (Physical Education) Course Committee, 1980-1985; minutes of the Staff/Student Advisory Committee, 1982;

        students' book, 1900-1914, giving lists and details of students; card indexes recording details of former students; pass lists and examiners reports, 1971-1986; Thames Polytechnic examination papers, 1980-1986; student assessments and reports, 1935-1938, 1946-1962; individual student records, 1915-1921; student entry files, 1921-1947; uniform lists, 1911-1950s; rules of residence at the College, 1947; papers relating to staff appointments;

        papers relating to the College remedial clinic for children, [1900-1964], including details of treatment and exercises, case histories and photographs of patients; patient record cards, 1950s-1960s; record book, containing photographs and clinical details; correspondence; patient case book, 1916-1921;

        volumes recording sports matches, notably lacrosse, cricket, hockey, swimming, netball and tennis, some with photographs, 1904-1985;

        plans, maps and drawings of site buildings, [1895-1995]; letters and plans relating to the site and buildings, 1950s; papers relating to college properties; papers relating to the amalgamation of Dartford College with Thames Polytechnic, [1975-1976]; prospectuses, 1891-1982; programmes, 1891-1977;

        papers relating to the College during the Second World War, [1939-1945]; College papers relating to the removal of the College to Newquay, Cornwall, [1941]; papers relating to establishment of the University of London Diploma in Physical Education, 1930-1939; correspondence, 1945-1948; correspondence and press cuttings relating to proposals on teacher training, 1982; papers relating to proposal to close teacher training courses at Thames Polytechnic, 1982;

        financial records, notably staff pay salary books, 1953-1961; Games Association accounts, 1969-1986; Principals' account, 1944-1951; Bergman Osterberg Trust financial records, notably accounts and ledgers, 1922-1960; correspondence of the College Bursar and Treasurer, 1950s-1960s; papers relating to staff salaries and other expenditure, 1946-1960; deeds and correspondence relating to Pauline Ada Starling Memorial Fund, 1928, and the Bergman Osterberg Trust;

        photographs of College life (loose and in albums), including views of College buildings, staff and students, student activities, the remedial clinic, sports and sports teams, classrooms, outdoor activities, dance and gymnastic displays, royal visits, 1890s-1970s; photographs of principals, 1891-1978, including Madame Bergman Osterberg;

        letters to Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1906-1915 (in Swedish); notes by Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1887-1911, including notes on the Theory of Movement; scrapbook of College history compiled by Madame Bergman Osterberg, [1885-1915];

        certificates awarded to students, [1914-1948]; information files, [1902-1985], relating to individual students and staff, College administration and management, buildings, curriculum and syllabuses;

        records relating to the Bergman Osterberg Union, namely Committee Meeting minutes, 1940-1987; magazines, 1917-1996; Bergman Osterberg Trust, anniversaries and celebrations, finance;

        memoirs relating to the College, 1900s-1970s; essays by old students relating to College life between 1892-1914; letters from old students who attended the College between 1891-1981; press cuttings relating to the College, 1932-1975; scrapbook of royal visit, 1918;

        notes by E A Macleod, relating to theory of education and movement, biology, theory of games, practical science, anatomy, physiology, undated; notes (in Swedish) by Miss A Wikner, relating to pedagogical gymnastics, symptamology, gymnastic exercises, history, physiology, [1904]; exercise books of Katharine Lewis, 1930s, relating to various subjects taught at the College; course notes and lesson plans prepared by Margaret E Welch, 1964, on anatomy, physiology, remedial work; student notes by Cath Martineau, 1948-1951, including notes on anatomy, physiology, pathology, theory of movement.

        Hampstead College of Physical Training Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College Dartford College of Physical Education Dartford College
        Osborn, Henry (1694-1771)
        GB 0064 CAL/1-7 · Subfonds · 1730-1757
        Part of Caldwell family papers

        Papers of Henry Osborn comprising five logs, 1730 to 1742, and an order book, 1747 to 1757.

        Osborn , Henry , 1694-1771 , Admiral
        GB 0064 OSB · Collection · 1853-1875

        They consist of eleven log books, the first of which was written by Osborn as a Mate, with the rest by him as Master. Ranging between 1853 to 1875, they span the majority of Osborn's career at sea. As well as containing the standard information one would expect, ( bearings, weather details, journal entries, etc), the logs also contain nearly 100 drawings and sketches in ink, pencil and watercolour of various ships, coastline profiles, sea-birds, etc.

        Osborn , Joseph , 1823-1907 , Captain
        GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/Organisation for Comparative Social Research · 1953
        Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

        Papers of the Organisation for Comparative Social Research relating to an international study of the teaching profession carried out in 1952-1953, with the aim of providing a comprehensive account of the views of teachers on a number of problems of national and international concern. The papers mainly comprise manuals and instructions for interviewers, circulars to headmasters and coding guides.

        Organisation for Comparative Social Research
        GB 0064 OMY · Collection · 1873-1903

        Papers of Rear-Admiral Erasmus Ommaney. They consist of logs, 1873 to 1877 and 1883 to 1894, and diaries, 1878 to 1881 and 1901 to 1903.

        Ommaney , Erasmus Denison St. Andrew , c 1853-1936 , Rear-Admiral
        GB 0064 OLI · Collection · [1960-1978]

        Papers of Vice Admiral R Don Oliver. They consist mainly of family correspondence, but there are some official service documents; Vice Admiral Robert D Oliver's recollections; files of personal papers from the 1960s and 1970s; papers of both his first wife, Mrs Torfrida L.A. Swann (nee Huddart) and the Huddart family, and those concerning his second wife, Mrs Marion Joyce Glendinning Van de Velde; diaries for 1960-1978; newspaper cuttings and photographs. There are also papers belonging to his father, Colonel William James Oliver, and his uncle, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Francis Oliver: these include Sir Henry Oliver's recollections, 100th birthday letters and letters of condolence to his wife, Dame Beryl Oliver, on his death in 1965.

        Oliver , R Don , 1895-1980 , Vice Admiral
        GB 0064 OLV · Collection · 1914-1965

        Papers of Sir Henry Francis Oliver, they include papers relating to the establishment of the Navigation School, and to the Dardanelles Operations, 1915 to 1917; included in the latter are minutes and notes by Churchill. There is also a Report of the Grand Fleet Committee on Officers' Pay and Prospects, 1919. Other letters and papers span Oliver's career, 1914 to 1965, although thinly. There is a diary, 1925 to 1927, a draft autobiography and official service documents.

        Oliver , Sir , Henry Francis , 1865-1965 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet
        GB 0064 BEL/51-55 · Subfonds · 1840-1851
        Part of Oliver-Bellasis Collection

        Papers of Adml Richard Aldworth Oliver. They consist of a notebook kept in the QUEEN; a general order and memoranda book, 1840 to 1850; a letterbook, 1847 to 1851, and a diary, 1848 to 1850, kept in the FLY, describing Oliver's time in New Zealand and a voyage to the New Hebrides.

        Oliver , Richard Aldworth , 1811-1889 , Admiral
        GB 0064 BEL/101-120 · Subfonds · 1872-1888
        Part of Oliver-Bellasis Collection

        Papers of Algernon Hardy Oliver. They comprise a series of logs, some watch, station and quarter bills, a sights book, 1872 to 1876, three diaries, 1879 to 1881, and a notebook, 1888.

        Oliver , Algernon Hardy , c 1855-1934 , Commander
        GB 0100 G/PP1/38 · 1841

        Small manuscript notebook of Henry Ambrose Oldfield, when a medical student at Guy's Hospital in 1841, containing notes on medicinal qualities of various plants, journal of journey through the Derbyshire and Yorkshire, including list of expense, comments on countryside, art and architecture. Also detailed notes on architecture of English cathedrals.

        Oldfield , Henry Ambrose , 1822-1871 , physician
        GB 0064 OGL/9-15 · Subfonds · [1796-1830]
        Part of Ogle family collection

        Papers of Sir Charles Ogle, including a brief record of service; minutes of his court martial for the loss of the brig UNION, while captain of the PETTEREL 1796; papers relating to a mission to Algiers in 1806; and a series of letters 1826 to 1830 from the Duke of Clarence with drafts of two of Ogle's replies.

        Ogle , Sir , Charles , 1775-1858 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet
        GB 0064 OGL/7-8 · Subfonds · 1780
        Part of Ogle family collection

        Papers of Sir Chaloner Ogle, consisting of a commission as commodore 1780; a letter from the Earl of Sandwich 1780; and a draft letter.

        Ogle , Sir , Chaloner , 1727-1816 , Knight , Admiral
        GB 0064 OGL/1-6 · Subfonds · 1716-1744
        Part of Ogle family collection

        Papers of Sir Chaloner Ogle, consisting of commissions 1716 to 1744; a line of battle 1717; some orders received from Vernon 1740; secret instructions 1740; a summons; and letters received.

        Ogle , Sir , Chaloner , 1681?-1750 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet
        GB 1538 M44 · 1980-1987

        Survey questionnaires of obstetric flying squads, a summary of the survey and correspondence regarding hospital call-out team insurance, 1980-1987.

        Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
        North-Western Fever Hospital
        GB 0074 H71/NWF · 1887-1972

        Records of the North-Western Fever Hospital (NWFH), (later the Lawn Road or North-Western Branch of the Royal Free Hospital), 1887-1972, comprising: Nursing Staff Registers, containing service records for nurses and ward orderlies, 1887-1951; Nurse training records, for probationer and student nurses trained at NWFH, 1937-1946; Domestic Staff Registers, containing service records for domestic staff, including housekeeping, laundry and catering staff, 1887-1923.
        Royal Free Hospital, Lawn Road (or North Western) Branch: In-patient Registers, 1965-1972; Patients Property Register, 1944-1962; Joint Consultative Staff Committee minutes, 1951-1954.

        North-Western Fever Hospital Royal Free Hospital, Lawn Road Branch
        North-West London Hospital
        GB 0074 H71/NWL · 1878-1908

        Records of the North-West London Hospital, Kentish Town Road, London, 1878-1908, comprising: Annual Reports (printed), 1884-1904; Committee of Management minutes, 1878-1886, 1902-1908; Medical Committee minutes 1900-1903.

        North-West London Hospital
        GB 0097 NIGHTINGALE · Collection · 1851-1897

        Works by Florence Nightingale, and works by various authors, the property of, or containing contributions by Florence Nightingale, on subjects including nursing, public health, hospital administration, and military hospitals.

        Nightingale Florence, 1820 - 1910, reformer of hospital nursing
        GB 0120 MSS.5471-5484, 6930 and 8991-9109 · 1847-1905 and undated; also copies, taken during the 1970s, of items dated 1827-1970 and undated

        The collection chiefly comprises correspondence by Florence Nightingale, either in original or in copy form. The date-span covers the whole of her life and the subjects range from her attempts to become a nurse, service in the Crimea and subsequent work reforming the training and practice of nursing, through her other concerns such as Indian sanitation, cottage hospitals and the use of medical statistics, to personal and family matters. Well-represented correspondents include her family (particularly her sister Parthenope and brother-in-law Sir Harry Verney), Sir William Aitken (1825-1892), Professor of Pathology at the Army Medical School; George Hanby De'ath (c.1862-1901), Medical Officer of Health for Buckingham; William Farr (1807-1883), statistician; Miss Louisa Gordon, Matron at St Thomas' Hospital; Miss Amy Hughes, Superintendent of the Nurses' Co-operation; Sir John Henry Lefroy (1817-1890); Charles C. Plowden of the Sanitary Department of the India Office; and Mary Clarke Mohl (1793-1883). In addition, there is twentieth century material relating to Nightingale's legacy such as photographs of her grave (at MS.9101) and administrative papers relating to the compilation of A calendar of the letters of Florence Nightingale (Oxford, 1977) by Sue Goldie (MSS.9106-9109).

        Nightingale , Florence , 1820-1910 , nursing reformer
        NIAS, Sir Joseph (1793-1879)
        GB 0064 BAY/101-104 · 1815-1867
        Part of Baynes and Nias family papers

        Papers of Sir Joseph Nias, comprising letters and orders received, 1815 to 1867, and service papers, and eighteen letters from Sir William Parker to Nias while he was Senior Officer at Hong Kong, 1841 to 1842.

        Nias , Sir , Joseph , 1793-1879 , Knight , Admiral
        RLHNH · Fonds · 1981-1993

        Minutes of Health Authority meetings and records of the District Sub Committees.

        Newham District Health Authority
        New End Hospital
        GB 0074 H71/NE · 1902-1986

        The archives of New End Hospital, Hampstead, comprising series of administrative and patient records, registers, photographs and records of education and training, 1914-1981, comprising:

        Administrative Records, notably Medical Superintendent's reports, 1926-1930, containing details of births and deaths, accident and emergency admissions and summaries of operations performed; Medical Committee minutes, 1968-1973 and correspondence, 1969-1974; Archway Group Hospital Management Committee Annual Reports, 1948-1962; Fire Drill Instruction Reports, 1942-1981; Chaplain's Journal, 1965-1977, containing record of services and hospital visits; Planning Committee minutes, 1963-1967;

        Matron/School of Nursing records including registers of nurse education and service, 1902-1938; Nursing Staff Registers, 1947-1971;

        Patient records including Registers of Births, 1914-1915, 1920-1953; Register of Baptisms, 1920-1958; Maternity Registers, 1939-1953; Consultant's case books, 1931, 1934, 1936; Death Registers, 1930-1967; Admission and Discharge Register 1937-1938; Operation Registers, 1941-1952; Post Mortem Registers, 1930-1964, 1974; Mortuary Registers, 1949-1986;

        Ephemera including photographs, ward signs, labels and plaques.

        New End Hospital Archway Group Hospital Management Committee
        GB 0064 NEP · Collection · 1793-1819

        Papers of Sir Evan Nepean. The first two sections consists of letters from Earl St. Vincent, 1793 to 1803. There are also two series from agents, one of fifty-four letters, 1796 to 1801, which include some from Sir Sidney Smith and the second of seventy-one letters from William May, 1797 to 1798. There is also a secret account book kept by Charles Wright, Chief Clerk to the Admiralty, between 1795 and 1804. This was purchased from Maggs Bros. in 1969. (3 vols, 2 boxes) In the Gosse collection of papers relating to piracy there are letters received by Nepean, 1817 to 1819.

        Nepean , Sir , Evan , 1751-1822 , Secretary to the Admiralty
        GB 0064 ADM/A&N&RP&Q&P&OT · Subfonds · 1689-1815
        Part of Admiralty Collection

        Navy Board in-letters and orders, consisting of I ,582 volumes of letters and orders to the Navy Board from the Admiralty, 1689 to 1815. 1,559 volumes contain those specifically for the Board's attention and relating to the construction and equipment of ships, dockyard affairs, appointments, the settlement of accounts and naval finance, 1689 to 1692, 1692 to 1695, 1695, 1696 to 1732, 1732 to 1737, 1737 to 1815 (class mark, ADM/A); seventeen volumes and one box contain letters to the Navy Board relating to the hire, employment and management of transports, 1741 to 1742, 1747 to 1748, 1749 to 1750, 1757 to 1759, 1763 to 1773, 1775 to 1776, 1778 to 1781, 1793 to 1797 (ADM/N, ADM/RP); four volumes contain matters relating to the work of the Inspector-General of Naval Works, 1795 to 1808 (ADM/Q); and one volume contains letters to the Office for Stores, 1783 to 1788 (ADM/P). There is one exception; one volume contains orders from the Treasury concerning transports, 1783 to 1789 (ADM/OT).

        Navy Board
        GB 0098 National Heart and Lung Institute · 1877-1972

        Records of the National Heart and Lung Institute, 1877-1972, incorporating records of the Brompton Hospital, comprising catalogue of pathological specimens at Brompton Hospital, 1877; Dr Pollock's register of females admitted to the Brompton Hospital, 1878-1881; food supervisor's report book, 1924-1933; matron's report book, 1941-1954; illustrations of physicians and scientists, [1905-1913]; resident medical officer's report books, 1937-1947, 1967-1972;
        correspondence to Dr Marcus Paterson as medical superintendant of Brompton Hospital Sanatorium, comprising letters from physicians, medical officers of health, former patients and their relatives and employers, trade correspondence relating to the sanatorium and treatment of tuberculosis, [1905-1912];
        papers relating to Frederick Rufenacht Walters, [1882-1932], including notebooks concerning his publications, reprints, press cuttings, memoranda and some letters.

        National Heart and Lung Institute
        GB 0064 HIS · Collection · 1690-1939

        This class is made up of contemporary first-hand narrative accounts, contained in sixteen volumes. Narratives of naval actions include a volume of accounts of the Battle of Beachy Head, 1690, for presentation to the King; and an illustrated pocket-book of Lieutenant Lewis Stephen Davis (fl 1777-1799) containing accounts of various actions including the First of June, 1794, Cape St Vincent, 1797, and the Nile, 1798. There are five volumes relating to wrecks and salvage including an account of the loss of the merchant ship LUXEMBURGH , 1727; of the CENTAUR, 1782, by Captain John Nicholson Inglefield (1748-1828) with the verdict of the court martial, 1783. (A version of this was first published in 1782 in London as Captain Inglefield's narrative concerning the loss of His Majesty's ship the Centaur of seventy-four guns.) There is an account of wrecks and disasters on the north Norfolk Coast, 1880 to 1939, by William John Harman (1854-1944), a local fisherman; and also an account of the wreck of and salvage work carried out on the LUTINE which was sunk in 1799, written in 1898 by the salvage engineer Johan J Fletcher (fl.1893-1900). There are two foreign narratives in this section; one, a French manuscript, is 'Campagne Navale de M de Tourville' (1642-1701), which is an account of the movements of the French fleet in the Mediterranean in 1693, with pen and ink drawings and coloured illustrations of flags, probably written by Captain Longeron of the L'ORGUEILLEUX. There are also four annotated printed works, including the author's copy of the 1790 edition of A History of the late siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783 by Colonel John Drinkwater (later Bethune, 1762-1844) with annotations and additional illustrations, and the galley sheets of The Submarine Peril, published in 1934 by Earl Jellicoe (1859-1935), with manuscript corrections and additions.
