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Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Social and cultural functions of language.
  • Fonction sociale et culturelle du langage.
  • Función cultural y social del lenguaje.

Nota(s) sobre el origen


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      4 Descripción archivística resultados para Sociolingüística

      Vincenz Collection
      GB 0369 VIN · 1961

      PhD thesis submitted to Paris University by André de Vincenz "Les noms de personnes du pays houtzoule" [The names of Estonian people], 1961.

      Sin título
      Henderson, Eugenie Jane Andrina
      GB 0102 PP MS 45 · Created 1878-1988

      Papers, 1878-1988, of Eugenie Henderson, comprising collected language, phonetics and linguistics material; conference papers and lecture notes from major linguistic conferences that she attended; socio-linguistic material; and papers from the societies and organisations to which she belonged.

      Sin título
      Whiteley, Wilfred Howell
      GB 0102 PP MS 42 · Created 1935-1972

      Papers, 1935-1972, of Wilfred Howell Whiteley, comprising his personal correspondence (1956-1972); language material on over 30 Bantu languages collected by Whiteley during his lifetime; and socio-linguistic material. Also included is a major section on Swahili (including papers on the socio-political issues raised over the adoption of Swahili as a national language).

      Sin título
      BERNSTEIN, Bernard Basil (1924-2000)
      GB 0366 BB · Colección · [1950-1990]

      Papers of Professor Bernard Basil Bernstein from the 1950s and 1960s include: notes; lecture notes; published and unpublished papers; research grant applications; a small amount of correspondence; and personalia, including certificates. Later papers (from c1980 onwards) consist of correspondence with colleagues and students worldwide about research and other matters; files relating to research proposals and the administration of research and teaching at the Institute of Education; offprints of published articles and unpublished papers by Bernstein and others.

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