GB CR/1906/2 JSCSC - Staff College 1906. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.

Zone d'identification


GB CR/1906/2 JSCSC


Staff College 1906. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.


  • 1906 (Création/Production)

Niveau de description

Étendue matérielle et support

1 volume, bound, various pagination

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur

Notice biographique

Staff College, Camberley, was inaugurated in 1862 to provide Staff training to British Army officers, and remained in existence until 1997 when single-Service Staff training was ended. Staff Training for the British Army is now conducted by the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

Histoire archivistique

A lack of any proper records makes it difficult to write any history of the Staff College, including that of its archives. Created by the Army Staff College, Camberley (1862-1997) the collection was housed in the Library at Camberley. The collection consists of schemes of work, precis lectures, reports, notes, administrative instructions and other documents relating to the course of studies offered by Camberley during the period and covers the period 1903 to 1997. The collection is not continuous, in part due to the exigencies of war (the college was closed from 1914 to 1918) and the administrative decision made in 1940 to destroy records. Since 2000 the collection has been securely housed in the JSCSC.

GB CR/1906/2 JSCSC 1906 Collection (fonds) 1 volume, bound, various pagination Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley

Staff College, Camberley, was inaugurated in 1862 to provide Staff training to British Army officers, and remained in existence until 1997 when single-Service Staff training was ended. Staff Training for the British Army is now conducted by the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

A lack of any proper records makes it difficult to write any history of the Staff College, including that of its archives. Created by the Army Staff College, Camberley (1862-1997) the collection was housed in the Library at Camberley. The collection consists of schemes of work, precis lectures, reports, notes, administrative instructions and other documents relating to the course of studies offered by Camberley during the period and covers the period 1903 to 1997. The collection is not continuous, in part due to the exigencies of war (the college was closed from 1914 to 1918) and the administrative decision made in 1940 to destroy records. Since 2000 the collection has been securely housed in the JSCSC.

Created for the 1906 course at Staff College, Camberley. Received at the JSCSC on the occasion of the closure of Staff College, Camberley in 1997.

Staff College 1906. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.: 1 Position of both armies 31st July 1870, Col Kiggell. 2 Rough sketch, Central Europe, Col Kiggell. 3 State knowledge of foreign places visited, Col Aston. 4 Discuss the best course of action for the French on 31st July 1870, Col Kiggell. 5 March of the IIIrd German army, 4th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 6 Railways of South Africa, Lt Col Stopford. 7 List of books etc best suited for study of Imperial strategy, Col Aston. 8 Imperial strategy scheme 1 (preliminary). Study of Hampshire, especially ground near Blackwater, Col Aston. 9 Draw up distribution of German cavalry throughout German armies for 1870 war, Lt Col Gough. 10 Employment of population of the United Kingdom, Col Aston. 11 Seizure of harbour to be used as fortified base, Col Aston. 12 Prepare railway station for reception of troops, Lt Col Stopford. 13 Battle of Weissenburg, Col Kiggell.

14 As officer of HQ French staff, draft instructions for Emperor and MacMahon on information received up to 30-7-1870, Col Kiggell. 15 As C of S Prussian HQ in 1870, draw up dispositions of covering force of VII and VIII Corps and Cavalry to cover concentration of IInd army, Lt Col Gough. 16 Proportional annual values of United Kingdom trade routes, Col Aston. 17 Raily. Exercise. Report on stations for entraining, Lt Col Stopford. 18 Financial aspects of the Franco-Prussian War, Col Aston. 19 Arrangements for battlefield tours, April and May, Col Kiggell. 20 The difficulties and cost of sea transport during war, Col Aston. 21 British vessels suitable for infantry transport, Col Aston. 22 Large general map of 1870 campaign showing positions of armies on 5th August, Col Kiggell. 23 Annual coal production of the world, Col Aston. 24 Disembarkation (preliminary) appreciation of the situation as member of Committee of Imperial Defence, Col Aston. 24a Problem No 3. 25 List of ships that can be used as transports, Col Aston. 26 Embarkation and disembarkation, capture of Blackwater, landing in Stratfieldsaye Bay, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 27 French positions at Woerth about 8.15am, Col Kiggell. 28 Operations of 5th German cavalry 11th to 14th Aug 1870, Lt Col Gough. 29 Attack of the XIth German corps on Lartigue's divn at Woerth, Col Kiggell. 30 Joint naval and military staff tour. Four parties with directing staff, the Commandant. 31 Battle of Spicheren about 12.30pm, Col Kiggell. 32 Sketch showing positions of both armies 5th August 1870, Col Kiggell. 33 List of lectures on 1870 campaign to end term, Col Kiggell. 34 Sketch of positions night of 13th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 35 Rough notes on Battle of Rezonville from French official account, Vol "Metz 2", Lt Col Gough.

36 Railway exercise No 3, concentration of invading army from south at Guildford, Lt Col Stopford. 37 Two sketches: 1. showing positions on 18th August 1870. 2. showing 1st attack of IXth corps on 18th Aug, Col Kiggell. 38 Cavalry problem No 3. As Bazine about 2pm on 16th Aug, draw up plan of attack on Germans, Lt Col Gough. 39 Positions of armies on 24th and 28th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 40 British and Foreign Mercantile Marine (E), Col Aston. 41 Battle of Beaumonth (30th Aug 1870), Col Kiggell. 42 Semene [sp? Meant to be "scheme"?] I embarkation at Southampton, The Commandant. 42a Scheme II raid on Portsmouth and Reconnce, Cols Aston and Stopford. 43 Positions evening of 31st Aug 1870. 44 British vessels suitable for transports (E1), Col Aston. 45 Principles of Imperial strategy applicable to the British Empire (K), Col Aston. 46 Naval and military strategy compared (D), Col Aston. 47 Notes on telegraph cables (E), Col Aston. 48 Special idea No 1 and special idea no 2} Staff tour with opposing forces 21st to 24th May: Red - Marlborough; Blue - Winchester, The Commandant.

49 List of NID books, Col Aston. 50 Distribution of 1st class battleships on 15-4-1906, Col Aston. 51 General idea of permanent scheme for summer term, the Commandant. Appreciation etc from French side. 9 syndicates of 3 (K.L), Col Kiggell. Prepare army order giving effect to "linked county" Bde: system. 4 syndicated of 3 (S.1), Lt Col Stopford. 52 Contn. of no 51. Units composing 1st, 2nd and 3rd cav: bde and 1st IInd and IIIrd Army Corps, Lt Col Stopford. 53 Cont. of no 48. Map showing positions of Red and Blue just N of Winchester, Col Kiggell. 54 Imperial strategy no IV. Ascertain how far desirable to employ raiding forces in case of war, Col Aston. 55 Lines of communication of a fleet (D.2), Col Aston. 56 List of lectures given in a preliminary course of imperial strategy, Col Aston. 57 Narrative of field operations, Col Kiggell. 58 List of parties, Red and Blue, Col Kiggell. 59 Permt. Scheme, work for 11th June. Reconnaissance. Red with view to offensive operations. Blue for defensive position, Col Kiggell.

60 General idea and Part I Wales staff tour 25th to 30th June. Description of proposed operations &c. Plan of campaign and exercise no 11. Intelligence report of country, composition of columns etc, the Commandant. 61 Offensive action by the British Army in war (M), Col Aston. 62 Permt. scheme. Narrative to 7th day. Work for 2nd July. Red & blue. Reconnaissance for 8th day. Force orders and sketch showing dispositions, Col Kiggell. 63 Amplify and criticise paper (M) no 61, Col Aston. 64 Instructions re visit of portion of division to Channel Fleet at Weymouth, the Commandant. 65 Frame 4 day's staff ride scheme, the Commandant. 66 Instructions re writing report while attached to other arms during August, the Commandant. 67 Narrative of supply arrangements up to 3rd day, Lt Col Stopford. 68 Work for Monday, "8th day", Col Kiggell. 69 General situation 8th day, conference with sketch and dispositions of red and blue, Col Kiggell. 70 Work of red and blue for 12th day, Col Kiggell. 71 Positions of both forces at dusk 8th day. Work for 16th and 18th July, Col Kiggell. 72 Staff duties required in carrying out withdrawal in face of enemy, Col Kiggell. 73 Red - General dispositions of troops during 9th day. Blue - reconnoitre red position with view to attach, Col Kiggell. 74 Issue of verbal orders in attack by commanders of divns, bdes and battns, Col Kiggell.

75 Discuss in syndicates of 3, best course of action for red and blue. Work for Thursday (9th day), Col Kiggell. 76 Work for Friday 27th, Col Kiggell. 77 Precise of solutions of scheme IV, Col Aston. 78 Inspection staff tour 8th to 11th October, the Commandant. 79 Imperial strategy. Scheme VI. Report conditions under which force not exceeding 4 cav: bdes: and 6 infty: divns: would be likely to be required, Col Aston. 80 Frame schemes and make arrangements for examination of officers for tactical fitness, Col Kiggell. 81 Opposing forces cavalry Gettysburg campaign, Col Gough. 82 Study of a possible campaign in Abyssinia, the Commandant. 83 Comparative statement of war vessels in principal foreign powers, Col Aston. 84 Japanese lines of advance to Liao Yang, Col Kiggell. 85 Brandy Station, showing battle of 9.6.1863, Col Gough. 86 Distribution of the British Fleet, Col Aston. 87 Sketch of Liao Yang operations up to 31st August 1904, Col Kiggell. 88 Draw up scheme for propose manoeuvres in 1902. 8 parties, Lt Col Stopford. 89 Outline of events of China-Japanese war 1894-5, Col Aston. 90 Study of possible operations of British force on the continent in case of violation of Belgium neutrality, Col Kiggell. 91 Papers to be read in connection with lecture "Regtl tactical exercise" on 14th inst, Lt Col Du Cane. 92 Outline of events of Spanish-American war of 1898, Col Aston. 93 Belgian scheme part II (contn of no 90). New appreciation of situation &c. Syndicates as before, Col Kiggell. 94 Certain officers of division only. "Tactical fitness" scheme no 1, Col Kiggell. 95 Imperial strategy scheme VII. Part I. Raiding forces reaching shores of U Kingdom in war. Outline map with objectives, Col Aston. 96 Precis of solutions of scheme VI (no 79), Col Aston. 97 Scheme for the defence of India. 10 syndicates, the Commandant. 98 Cont. of no 94. Certain officers of divisions. Exercise in "tactical fitness", Col Kiggell. 99 List of lectures in Imperial strategy II, Col Aston. 100 Contn of nos 90 and 93. Positions of Germans and Dutch and French and Belgians, Col Kiggell. 101 "Tactical fitness" problem no 3, Col Kiggell. 102 Heads of syndicates to draw up brief summary of conclusions arrived at. Cont of nos 90 and 93, Col Kiggell. 103 Austro-Italian war 1866, events up to battle of Lissa, Col Aston. 104 Sketch of positions of Grant and Lee in 1864, Col Kiggell. 105 "Tactical Fitness" scheme no 4. Action between opposing advanced guards, Col Kiggell. 106 5 maps to illustrate lectures of "cavalry and horse artillery", Lt Col Du Cane. 107 Precise and comment of Royal Commission of 1859 on stationery defences, Col Aston. 108 Abyssinian scheme. Summary of work submitted by parties, Lt Col Stopford. 109 Precise of work. NW frontier scheme, the Commandant. 110 Maps re issues for students lectures, the Students.

110 folios arranged in a single bound volume.

The collection is open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of a letter of introduction.

Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Head of Library Services, Joint Services Command and Staff College.


Contents listing at front of volume, OPAC at JSCSC, record on AIM25

Camberley 'Reds' collection, 1903-1913, 1919, 1923, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1937-1945, and 1947-1997.

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Finding aid prepared Mar 2012 Military education Military exercises Military logistics Staff College, Camberley Higher science education Warfare Military engineering

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Created for the 1906 course at Staff College, Camberley. Received at the JSCSC on the occasion of the closure of Staff College, Camberley in 1997.

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Staff College 1906. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.: 1 Position of both armies 31st July 1870, Col Kiggell. 2 Rough sketch, Central Europe, Col Kiggell. 3 State knowledge of foreign places visited, Col Aston. 4 Discuss the best course of action for the French on 31st July 1870, Col Kiggell. 5 March of the IIIrd German army, 4th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 6 Railways of South Africa, Lt Col Stopford. 7 List of books etc best suited for study of Imperial strategy, Col Aston. 8 Imperial strategy scheme 1 (preliminary). Study of Hampshire, especially ground near Blackwater, Col Aston. 9 Draw up distribution of German cavalry throughout German armies for 1870 war, Lt Col Gough. 10 Employment of population of the United Kingdom, Col Aston. 11 Seizure of harbour to be used as fortified base, Col Aston. 12 Prepare railway station for reception of troops, Lt Col Stopford. 13 Battle of Weissenburg, Col Kiggell.

14 As officer of HQ French staff, draft instructions for Emperor and MacMahon on information received up to 30-7-1870, Col Kiggell. 15 As C of S Prussian HQ in 1870, draw up dispositions of covering force of VII and VIII Corps and Cavalry to cover concentration of IInd army, Lt Col Gough. 16 Proportional annual values of United Kingdom trade routes, Col Aston. 17 Raily. Exercise. Report on stations for entraining, Lt Col Stopford. 18 Financial aspects of the Franco-Prussian War, Col Aston. 19 Arrangements for battlefield tours, April and May, Col Kiggell. 20 The difficulties and cost of sea transport during war, Col Aston. 21 British vessels suitable for infantry transport, Col Aston. 22 Large general map of 1870 campaign showing positions of armies on 5th August, Col Kiggell. 23 Annual coal production of the world, Col Aston. 24 Disembarkation (preliminary) appreciation of the situation as member of Committee of Imperial Defence, Col Aston. 24a Problem No 3. 25 List of ships that can be used as transports, Col Aston. 26 Embarkation and disembarkation, capture of Blackwater, landing in Stratfieldsaye Bay, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 27 French positions at Woerth about 8.15am, Col Kiggell. 28 Operations of 5th German cavalry 11th to 14th Aug 1870, Lt Col Gough. 29 Attack of the XIth German corps on Lartigue's divn at Woerth, Col Kiggell. 30 Joint naval and military staff tour. Four parties with directing staff, the Commandant. 31 Battle of Spicheren about 12.30pm, Col Kiggell. 32 Sketch showing positions of both armies 5th August 1870, Col Kiggell. 33 List of lectures on 1870 campaign to end term, Col Kiggell. 34 Sketch of positions night of 13th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 35 Rough notes on Battle of Rezonville from French official account, Vol "Metz 2", Lt Col Gough.

36 Railway exercise No 3, concentration of invading army from south at Guildford, Lt Col Stopford. 37 Two sketches: 1. showing positions on 18th August 1870. 2. showing 1st attack of IXth corps on 18th Aug, Col Kiggell. 38 Cavalry problem No 3. As Bazine about 2pm on 16th Aug, draw up plan of attack on Germans, Lt Col Gough. 39 Positions of armies on 24th and 28th Aug 1870, Col Kiggell. 40 British and Foreign Mercantile Marine (E), Col Aston. 41 Battle of Beaumonth (30th Aug 1870), Col Kiggell. 42 Semene [sp? Meant to be "scheme"?] I embarkation at Southampton, The Commandant. 42a Scheme II raid on Portsmouth and Reconnce, Cols Aston and Stopford. 43 Positions evening of 31st Aug 1870. 44 British vessels suitable for transports (E1), Col Aston. 45 Principles of Imperial strategy applicable to the British Empire (K), Col Aston. 46 Naval and military strategy compared (D), Col Aston. 47 Notes on telegraph cables (E), Col Aston. 48 Special idea No 1 and special idea no 2} Staff tour with opposing forces 21st to 24th May: Red - Marlborough; Blue - Winchester, The Commandant.

49 List of NID books, Col Aston. 50 Distribution of 1st class battleships on 15-4-1906, Col Aston. 51 General idea of permanent scheme for summer term, the Commandant. Appreciation etc from French side. 9 syndicates of 3 (K.L), Col Kiggell. Prepare army order giving effect to "linked county" Bde: system. 4 syndicated of 3 (S.1), Lt Col Stopford. 52 Contn. of no 51. Units composing 1st, 2nd and 3rd cav: bde and 1st IInd and IIIrd Army Corps, Lt Col Stopford. 53 Cont. of no 48. Map showing positions of Red and Blue just N of Winchester, Col Kiggell. 54 Imperial strategy no IV. Ascertain how far desirable to employ raiding forces in case of war, Col Aston. 55 Lines of communication of a fleet (D.2), Col Aston. 56 List of lectures given in a preliminary course of imperial strategy, Col Aston. 57 Narrative of field operations, Col Kiggell. 58 List of parties, Red and Blue, Col Kiggell. 59 Permt. Scheme, work for 11th June. Reconnaissance. Red with view to offensive operations. Blue for defensive position, Col Kiggell.

60 General idea and Part I Wales staff tour 25th to 30th June. Description of proposed operations &c. Plan of campaign and exercise no 11. Intelligence report of country, composition of columns etc, the Commandant. 61 Offensive action by the British Army in war (M), Col Aston. 62 Permt. scheme. Narrative to 7th day. Work for 2nd July. Red & blue. Reconnaissance for 8th day. Force orders and sketch showing dispositions, Col Kiggell. 63 Amplify and criticise paper (M) no 61, Col Aston. 64 Instructions re visit of portion of division to Channel Fleet at Weymouth, the Commandant. 65 Frame 4 day's staff ride scheme, the Commandant. 66 Instructions re writing report while attached to other arms during August, the Commandant. 67 Narrative of supply arrangements up to 3rd day, Lt Col Stopford. 68 Work for Monday, "8th day", Col Kiggell. 69 General situation 8th day, conference with sketch and dispositions of red and blue, Col Kiggell. 70 Work of red and blue for 12th day, Col Kiggell. 71 Positions of both forces at dusk 8th day. Work for 16th and 18th July, Col Kiggell. 72 Staff duties required in carrying out withdrawal in face of enemy, Col Kiggell. 73 Red - General dispositions of troops during 9th day. Blue - reconnoitre red position with view to attach, Col Kiggell. 74 Issue of verbal orders in attack by commanders of divns, bdes and battns, Col Kiggell.

75 Discuss in syndicates of 3, best course of action for red and blue. Work for Thursday (9th day), Col Kiggell. 76 Work for Friday 27th, Col Kiggell. 77 Precise of solutions of scheme IV, Col Aston. 78 Inspection staff tour 8th to 11th October, the Commandant. 79 Imperial strategy. Scheme VI. Report conditions under which force not exceeding 4 cav: bdes: and 6 infty: divns: would be likely to be required, Col Aston. 80 Frame schemes and make arrangements for examination of officers for tactical fitness, Col Kiggell. 81 Opposing forces cavalry Gettysburg campaign, Col Gough. 82 Study of a possible campaign in Abyssinia, the Commandant. 83 Comparative statement of war vessels in principal foreign powers, Col Aston. 84 Japanese lines of advance to Liao Yang, Col Kiggell. 85 Brandy Station, showing battle of 9.6.1863, Col Gough. 86 Distribution of the British Fleet, Col Aston. 87 Sketch of Liao Yang operations up to 31st August 1904, Col Kiggell. 88 Draw up scheme for propose manoeuvres in 1902. 8 parties, Lt Col Stopford. 89 Outline of events of China-Japanese war 1894-5, Col Aston. 90 Study of possible operations of British force on the continent in case of violation of Belgium neutrality, Col Kiggell. 91 Papers to be read in connection with lecture "Regtl tactical exercise" on 14th inst, Lt Col Du Cane. 92 Outline of events of Spanish-American war of 1898, Col Aston. 93 Belgian scheme part II (contn of no 90). New appreciation of situation &c. Syndicates as before, Col Kiggell. 94 Certain officers of division only. "Tactical fitness" scheme no 1, Col Kiggell. 95 Imperial strategy scheme VII. Part I. Raiding forces reaching shores of U Kingdom in war. Outline map with objectives, Col Aston. 96 Precis of solutions of scheme VI (no 79), Col Aston. 97 Scheme for the defence of India. 10 syndicates, the Commandant. 98 Cont. of no 94. Certain officers of divisions. Exercise in "tactical fitness", Col Kiggell. 99 List of lectures in Imperial strategy II, Col Aston. 100 Contn of nos 90 and 93. Positions of Germans and Dutch and French and Belgians, Col Kiggell. 101 "Tactical fitness" problem no 3, Col Kiggell. 102 Heads of syndicates to draw up brief summary of conclusions arrived at. Cont of nos 90 and 93, Col Kiggell. 103 Austro-Italian war 1866, events up to battle of Lissa, Col Aston. 104 Sketch of positions of Grant and Lee in 1864, Col Kiggell. 105 "Tactical Fitness" scheme no 4. Action between opposing advanced guards, Col Kiggell. 106 5 maps to illustrate lectures of "cavalry and horse artillery", Lt Col Du Cane. 107 Precise and comment of Royal Commission of 1859 on stationery defences, Col Aston. 108 Abyssinian scheme. Summary of work submitted by parties, Lt Col Stopford. 109 Precise of work. NW frontier scheme, the Commandant. 110 Maps re issues for students lectures, the Students.

Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation


Mode de classement

110 folios arranged in a single bound volume.

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Conditions d'accès

The collection is open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of a letter of introduction.

Conditions de reproduction

Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Head of Library Services, Joint Services Command and Staff College.

Langue des documents

  • anglais

Écriture des documents

  • latin

Notes de langue et graphie


Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

Camberley 'Reds' collection, 1903-1913, 1919, 1923, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1937-1945, and 1947-1997.

Instruments de recherche

Contents listing at front of volume, OPAC at JSCSC, record on AIM25

Zone des sources complémentaires

Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux

Existence et lieu de conservation des copies

Unités de description associées

Descriptions associées

Zone des notes

Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle de la description

Identifiant de la description

Identifiant du service d'archives

Joint Services Command and Staff College

Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision, de suppression


  • anglais



    Zone des entrées