GB CR/1907/1 JSCSC - Staff College 1907. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.

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GB CR/1907/1 JSCSC


Staff College 1907. Schemes, Indoor and Outdoor, and Notes issued: Senior Division.


  • 1907 (Produção)

Nível de descrição

Dimensão e suporte

1 volume, bound, various pagination

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

História biográfica

Staff College, Camberley, was inaugurated in 1862 to provide Staff training to British Army officers, and remained in existence until 1997 when single-Service Staff training was ended. Staff Training for the British Army is now conducted by the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

História do arquivo

A lack of any proper records makes it difficult to write any history of the Staff College, including that of its archives. Created by the Army Staff College, Camberley (1862-1997) the collection was housed in the Library at Camberley. The collection consists of schemes of work, precis lectures, reports, notes, administrative instructions and other documents relating to the course of studies offered by Camberley during the period and covers the period 1903 to 1997. The collection is not continuous, in part due to the exigencies of war (the college was closed from 1914 to 1918) and the administrative decision made in 1940 to destroy records. Since 2000 the collection has been securely housed in the JSCSC.

GB CR/1907/1 JSCSC 1907 Collection (fonds) 1 volume, bound, various pagination Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley

Staff College, Camberley, was inaugurated in 1862 to provide Staff training to British Army officers, and remained in existence until 1997 when single-Service Staff training was ended. Staff Training for the British Army is now conducted by the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

A lack of any proper records makes it difficult to write any history of the Staff College, including that of its archives. Created by the Army Staff College, Camberley (1862-1997) the collection was housed in the Library at Camberley. The collection consists of schemes of work, precis lectures, reports, notes, administrative instructions and other documents relating to the course of studies offered by Camberley during the period and covers the period 1903 to 1997. The collection is not continuous, in part due to the exigencies of war (the college was closed from 1914 to 1918) and the administrative decision made in 1940 to destroy records. Since 2000 the collection has been securely housed in the JSCSC.

Created for the 1907 course at Staff College, Camberley. Received at the JSCSC on the occasion of the closure of Staff College, Camberley in 1997.

1 Memo detailing manner of disposing of auxiliary forces during absence of regular troops, The Commandant. 2 List of books, maps &c, best suited for study of Imperial strategy, Col Aston. 3 List of books to read for study of Franco-German war 1870, Col Du Cane. 4 Fill in form showing places visited in foreign countries, for use in setting up Imperial strategy schemes, Col Aston. 5 General outlines of French & German armies 31.7.70, Col Du Cane. 6 Draw up memo to French emperor recommending plan of campaign in event of failure or negotiations with Austria and Italy, Col Du Cane & Lt Col Braithwaite. 7 Notes on strategy by Col Henderson, Col Du Cane. 8 Railway map, South Africa, Lt Col Stopford. 9 List of N.I.D books, Col Aston. 10 Numbers of population of U.Kingdom (B.2), Col Aston.

11 Trade of United Kingdom, 1905 (C.2), Col Aston. 12 Reconnaissance of Blackwater, with view to attack in case of war. Imp.Strat.Scheme I, Col Aston. 13 Financial aspects of Franco-Prussian War, Col Aston. 14 Outline of 1806 campaign with map, Lt Col Braithwaite. 15 Action at Klip Drift Feb 1900, Col Du Cane. 16 Discuss employment of Douay's divn at Weissenburg as strategic advance guard, Lt Col Braithwaite. 17 Compare strategical and tactical lessons of 1815, 1862, 1866 and 1870 with Manchurian War, The Commandant. 18 Diagrams of rolling-stock, rails, etc, Lt Col Stopford. 19 Difficulties of sea transport during war, Col Aston. 20 March of Grande Armee to Danube 1805, Col Du Cane.

21 Telegraph cables (F) (F2), Col Aston. 22 Number and tonnage of British and foreign merchantile marine, Col Aston. 23 Prussian outposts of Saarbrucken Ridge Aug '70, Col Du Cane. 24 Weissenburg and march of III German army 4.8.70, Col Du Cane. 25 Railway exercise, preparation of station, Lt Col Stopford. 26 Programme of battlefield tour April and May, Col Du Cane & Lt Col Braithwaite. 27 2 [maps] of positions at Woerth and 1 [map] of position of both armies on 5th August 1870, Col Du Cane. 28 Staff arrangements for overseas expeditions, Lt Col Stopford. 29 1870 campaign. Problem no 3: discuss action of De Failly on 6th August, Col Du Cane. 30 Railway exercise. Entraining force of 3 divns and 1 cavalry brigade, Lt Col Stopford. 31 Special lantern lecture Clacton manoeuvres '04, Col Aston. 32 Battle of Spicheren & movements of leading troops evening of 5th, during 6th & night 6/7th, Col de Cane. 33 Capture of defended harbour in enemy's country, Contn of No 12, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 34 Preliminary course. Imp strategy, list of lectures (0.4), principles of (K), Col Aston. 35 General map 1870. Strassburg to Metz, Lt Col Braithwaite. 36 Sketch of positions night of 13.8.70 Colombey, Lt Col Braithwaite. 37 As C.G.S German and French armies write instructions for employment of cavalry morning of 7th Aug, also memo on probable effect of actions by cav, Col Du Cane.

38 Disembarkation scheme III Part I. Re-embarkation part II, contn of no 33, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 39 Naval and military strategy compared etc D.G.G5, Col Aston. 40 Embarkation scheme, Lt Col Stopford. 41 1870 campaign, problem no 5, Col Du Cane. 41A British Navy, strategical policy and distribution, Col Aston. 43 [sic] Combined naval and military staff tour. Reconnaissance of portion of South Coast and Isle of Wight, The Commandant. 43 Re-embarkation of force. Scheme III Part III, contn of no 40, Col Aston & Lt Col Stopford. 44 Sketch showing German movements on 18th Aug, Lt Col Braithwaite. 45 Sketch showing attack of XI Corps on 18th August, Lt Col Braithwaite. 46 Sketch showing position of both armies 24 and 28 Aug, Lt Col Braithwaite. 47 Sketch illustrating Battle of Beaumont, Lt Col Braithwaite. 48 Sketch showing position of forces 31st August, Lt Col Braithwaite. 49 Offensive action by British army in war (M), Col Aston. 50 Second combined naval and military staff tour. 4 parties with directing staff, The Commandant. 51 Types of tactical exercise to be studied, Col Du Cane. 52 Draw up scheme for tactical exercise suitable for regimental officers, Col Du Cane. 53 Scheme IV. Possible objectives for expeditions, Col Aston. 54 Tactical exercise selected from schemes drawn up under No 52 (6 situations), The Commandant (& Col Du Cane). 54A Tactical exercises selected from schemes drawn up under No 52 (4 situations), Lt Col Braithwaite. 55 Instructions re keeping and writing up of staff diaries and intelligence reports on staff rides, Lt Col Stopford. 56 Staff tour - opposing forces Red and Blue. Northland, Eastland, Welshland & Southland, The Commandant.

57 Combined scheme. Strategy, tactics and staff duties Saxonia, Anglia, Normania and Cambria. Problem no 1 (strategy), Col Du Cane. 58 Special naval problem in connection with No 57, Col Aston. 59 Railway scheme no 3, Lt Col Stopford. 60 List of strategical lectures (Imperial strategy), Col Aston. 61 Continuation of no 57. Problem no 2 (strategy). Red and Blue, Col Du Cane. 62 Show on map dispositions of troops to hold positions and dispute passage of river, The Commandant. 63 Combined schemes, tactics (cavalry) with narrative of events to 14th day, Col Du Cane. 64 Criticise paper M - objectives in foreign territory for British expeditionary forces, Col Aston. 65 Combined scheme. Problem 4 (staff duties). Disembarkation of larger force, Lt Col Stopford. 66 Combined scheme. Special problem for 24th June (4 officers Blue), Col Du Cane.

67 Combined scheme. Problem no 5 (staff duties) bivouacs, Lt Col Stopford. 68 Scheme for tour in Wales 1st-4th July. Ist ex. Minutes describing suggested operations against Afridis, The Commandant. 68A IInd ex and plan of campaign. Composition of columns with standing orders for same, The Commandant. 69 Table of transport for moving supplies from base to army in the field, Lt Col Stopford. 70 Instns for writing report on training with other arms (summer vacation), The Commandant. 71 Combined scheme, operation orders issued in connection therewith (Maj McMicking), Lt Col Braithwaite.

72 Combined operation orders (Capt Montgomery); combined disposition of advd gd (Maj Buckley); combined narrative 18th div (Capt Kenrick); Col Du Cane. 73 Combined problem no 6. Organisation of L of C supply from base, advanced depot &c, Lt Col Stopford. 74 Combined scheme. Problem no 7. 1st day billeting and supply, Col Du Cane. 75 Combined scheme. Problem no 7. 2nd day: march of 1st army on 17th day, Col Du Cane. 76 Maps prepared by parties in Imp strategy sch No IV, used for conference, Col Aston. 77 Prepare scheme for tactical exercise; selected schemes to be worked out on 22nd, Col Du Cane. 78I Tactical exercise. 5 situations. ½ division, Col Due Cane. 78 II Tactical exercise. 4 situations. ½ division, Lt Col Braithwaite. 79 As Major GS arrange examination of officers in 'tactical fitness for command'. 5 syndicates, Lt Col Braithwaite. 80 Scheme no VI. Objectives in foreign territory for force not exceeding 6 divns & 4 cav bdes, Col Aston. 81 Staff duties. Arrangement for carrying out review, Col Stopford. 82 Inspection staff tour 15th-18th Oct. Red and blue opposing forces, The Commandant. Red, 1st part, appreciations, Col Aston. Blue, both sides, Col Du Cane. Work for Monday, composition of forces etc, Red, Col Aston. Work for Monday, composition of forces etc, Blue, Col Du Cane. MM overseas operations on a large scale, Col Aston. 83 Operations involving employment of Brit exped force on Continent. Gt Britain to uphold France and neutrality of Belgium, Col Du Cane. 83A Spanish-American war, 1898, Paper S, Col Aston. 84 Return of strength in Far East during war etc, with railway map of Trans-Siberia, Lt Col Braithwaite. 85 To illustrate war between Russia & Japan. 1 Situation end of April 1904. 2. Situation 8th June 1904, Col Du Cane. 85A War in Chile 1891. Diary of events, composition of forces &c. Papers X, X2, X3, Col Aston. 86 Staff duties. Scheme I, Army manoeuvres, Col Stopford. 87 Formation and disembarkation &c of Japanese armies in 1904, with map of N-W Korea, Lt Col Braithwaite. 88 Overseas employment of British Army in war. List of lectures. Paper 0.6, Col Aston. 89 Approx situation in Far east at beginning of 2nd week in May 1904, Col Du Cane. 90 Belgian scheme Part II, Col Du Cane. 91 Copy of Kuropatkin's and Oku's orders 7th and 13th June 04, Col Du Cane. 92 Heads of parties to amend schemes in accordance with conference. Cont of No 86, Col Du Cane. 93. Austro-Italian war '66. Lissa. Papers U, U2, Col Aston. 94. List of lectures. Historical course, Paper 0.7, Col Aston. 95 Employment of British Army in war. Part III. Oversea garrisons and home defence forces. Paper Y, Col Aston. 96 Staff duties. Scheme II. Training in Aldershot command for 1908, Col Du Cane and Col Stopford. 97 Amphibious strategy, Paper Z, Col Aston. 98 Extract from lecture. Recon of defended harbours. Paper L, Col Aston. 99 Home defence scheme. Part I. report on distribution of field units, organisation etc, The Commandant. 100 War vessels of principal foreign naval powers, G5, Col Aston. 101 Scheme for defence of India. 8 syndicates, The Commandant. 102 Russo-Japanese war, events during June, July & August '04, with maps of positions June 20th and August 26th, Col Du Cane. 103 Naval situation assumed. Cont of no 99, Col Aston. 104 Home defence scheme part II. Draw up scheme for British defence and German raids, The Commandant. 105 Schemes set during 1907 in connection with Imperial strategy. Paper 0.9, Col Aston. 106 Final lectures 1907. Paper 0.8, Col Aston. 107 4 maps to illustrate battle on the Schaho, Lt Col Braithwaite. 108 Arrangements for war game. Cont of no 104, The Commandant.

104 folios arranged in a single bound volume

The collection is open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of a letter of introduction.

Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Head of Library Services, Joint Services Command and Staff College.


Contents listing at front of volume, OPAC at JSCSC, record on AIM25

Camberley 'Reds' collection, 1903-1913, 1919, 1923, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1937-1945, and 1947-1997.

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997. Finding aid prepared Mar 2012 Military education Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) Naval history Staff College, Camberley History Wars (events) Higher science education

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Created for the 1907 course at Staff College, Camberley. Received at the JSCSC on the occasion of the closure of Staff College, Camberley in 1997.

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

1 Memo detailing manner of disposing of auxiliary forces during absence of regular troops, The Commandant. 2 List of books, maps &c, best suited for study of Imperial strategy, Col Aston. 3 List of books to read for study of Franco-German war 1870, Col Du Cane. 4 Fill in form showing places visited in foreign countries, for use in setting up Imperial strategy schemes, Col Aston. 5 General outlines of French & German armies 31.7.70, Col Du Cane. 6 Draw up memo to French emperor recommending plan of campaign in event of failure or negotiations with Austria and Italy, Col Du Cane & Lt Col Braithwaite. 7 Notes on strategy by Col Henderson, Col Du Cane. 8 Railway map, South Africa, Lt Col Stopford. 9 List of N.I.D books, Col Aston. 10 Numbers of population of U.Kingdom (B.2), Col Aston.

11 Trade of United Kingdom, 1905 (C.2), Col Aston. 12 Reconnaissance of Blackwater, with view to attack in case of war. Imp.Strat.Scheme I, Col Aston. 13 Financial aspects of Franco-Prussian War, Col Aston. 14 Outline of 1806 campaign with map, Lt Col Braithwaite. 15 Action at Klip Drift Feb 1900, Col Du Cane. 16 Discuss employment of Douay's divn at Weissenburg as strategic advance guard, Lt Col Braithwaite. 17 Compare strategical and tactical lessons of 1815, 1862, 1866 and 1870 with Manchurian War, The Commandant. 18 Diagrams of rolling-stock, rails, etc, Lt Col Stopford. 19 Difficulties of sea transport during war, Col Aston. 20 March of Grande Armee to Danube 1805, Col Du Cane.

21 Telegraph cables (F) (F2), Col Aston. 22 Number and tonnage of British and foreign merchantile marine, Col Aston. 23 Prussian outposts of Saarbrucken Ridge Aug '70, Col Du Cane. 24 Weissenburg and march of III German army 4.8.70, Col Du Cane. 25 Railway exercise, preparation of station, Lt Col Stopford. 26 Programme of battlefield tour April and May, Col Du Cane & Lt Col Braithwaite. 27 2 [maps] of positions at Woerth and 1 [map] of position of both armies on 5th August 1870, Col Du Cane. 28 Staff arrangements for overseas expeditions, Lt Col Stopford. 29 1870 campaign. Problem no 3: discuss action of De Failly on 6th August, Col Du Cane. 30 Railway exercise. Entraining force of 3 divns and 1 cavalry brigade, Lt Col Stopford. 31 Special lantern lecture Clacton manoeuvres '04, Col Aston. 32 Battle of Spicheren & movements of leading troops evening of 5th, during 6th & night 6/7th, Col de Cane. 33 Capture of defended harbour in enemy's country, Contn of No 12, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 34 Preliminary course. Imp strategy, list of lectures (0.4), principles of (K), Col Aston. 35 General map 1870. Strassburg to Metz, Lt Col Braithwaite. 36 Sketch of positions night of 13.8.70 Colombey, Lt Col Braithwaite. 37 As C.G.S German and French armies write instructions for employment of cavalry morning of 7th Aug, also memo on probable effect of actions by cav, Col Du Cane.

38 Disembarkation scheme III Part I. Re-embarkation part II, contn of no 33, Col Aston and Lt Col Stopford. 39 Naval and military strategy compared etc D.G.G5, Col Aston. 40 Embarkation scheme, Lt Col Stopford. 41 1870 campaign, problem no 5, Col Du Cane. 41A British Navy, strategical policy and distribution, Col Aston. 43 [sic] Combined naval and military staff tour. Reconnaissance of portion of South Coast and Isle of Wight, The Commandant. 43 Re-embarkation of force. Scheme III Part III, contn of no 40, Col Aston & Lt Col Stopford. 44 Sketch showing German movements on 18th Aug, Lt Col Braithwaite. 45 Sketch showing attack of XI Corps on 18th August, Lt Col Braithwaite. 46 Sketch showing position of both armies 24 and 28 Aug, Lt Col Braithwaite. 47 Sketch illustrating Battle of Beaumont, Lt Col Braithwaite. 48 Sketch showing position of forces 31st August, Lt Col Braithwaite. 49 Offensive action by British army in war (M), Col Aston. 50 Second combined naval and military staff tour. 4 parties with directing staff, The Commandant. 51 Types of tactical exercise to be studied, Col Du Cane. 52 Draw up scheme for tactical exercise suitable for regimental officers, Col Du Cane. 53 Scheme IV. Possible objectives for expeditions, Col Aston. 54 Tactical exercise selected from schemes drawn up under No 52 (6 situations), The Commandant (& Col Du Cane). 54A Tactical exercises selected from schemes drawn up under No 52 (4 situations), Lt Col Braithwaite. 55 Instructions re keeping and writing up of staff diaries and intelligence reports on staff rides, Lt Col Stopford. 56 Staff tour - opposing forces Red and Blue. Northland, Eastland, Welshland & Southland, The Commandant.

57 Combined scheme. Strategy, tactics and staff duties Saxonia, Anglia, Normania and Cambria. Problem no 1 (strategy), Col Du Cane. 58 Special naval problem in connection with No 57, Col Aston. 59 Railway scheme no 3, Lt Col Stopford. 60 List of strategical lectures (Imperial strategy), Col Aston. 61 Continuation of no 57. Problem no 2 (strategy). Red and Blue, Col Du Cane. 62 Show on map dispositions of troops to hold positions and dispute passage of river, The Commandant. 63 Combined schemes, tactics (cavalry) with narrative of events to 14th day, Col Du Cane. 64 Criticise paper M - objectives in foreign territory for British expeditionary forces, Col Aston. 65 Combined scheme. Problem 4 (staff duties). Disembarkation of larger force, Lt Col Stopford. 66 Combined scheme. Special problem for 24th June (4 officers Blue), Col Du Cane.

67 Combined scheme. Problem no 5 (staff duties) bivouacs, Lt Col Stopford. 68 Scheme for tour in Wales 1st-4th July. Ist ex. Minutes describing suggested operations against Afridis, The Commandant. 68A IInd ex and plan of campaign. Composition of columns with standing orders for same, The Commandant. 69 Table of transport for moving supplies from base to army in the field, Lt Col Stopford. 70 Instns for writing report on training with other arms (summer vacation), The Commandant. 71 Combined scheme, operation orders issued in connection therewith (Maj McMicking), Lt Col Braithwaite.

72 Combined operation orders (Capt Montgomery); combined disposition of advd gd (Maj Buckley); combined narrative 18th div (Capt Kenrick); Col Du Cane. 73 Combined problem no 6. Organisation of L of C supply from base, advanced depot &c, Lt Col Stopford. 74 Combined scheme. Problem no 7. 1st day billeting and supply, Col Du Cane. 75 Combined scheme. Problem no 7. 2nd day: march of 1st army on 17th day, Col Du Cane. 76 Maps prepared by parties in Imp strategy sch No IV, used for conference, Col Aston. 77 Prepare scheme for tactical exercise; selected schemes to be worked out on 22nd, Col Du Cane. 78I Tactical exercise. 5 situations. ½ division, Col Due Cane. 78 II Tactical exercise. 4 situations. ½ division, Lt Col Braithwaite. 79 As Major GS arrange examination of officers in 'tactical fitness for command'. 5 syndicates, Lt Col Braithwaite. 80 Scheme no VI. Objectives in foreign territory for force not exceeding 6 divns & 4 cav bdes, Col Aston. 81 Staff duties. Arrangement for carrying out review, Col Stopford. 82 Inspection staff tour 15th-18th Oct. Red and blue opposing forces, The Commandant. Red, 1st part, appreciations, Col Aston. Blue, both sides, Col Du Cane. Work for Monday, composition of forces etc, Red, Col Aston. Work for Monday, composition of forces etc, Blue, Col Du Cane. MM overseas operations on a large scale, Col Aston. 83 Operations involving employment of Brit exped force on Continent. Gt Britain to uphold France and neutrality of Belgium, Col Du Cane. 83A Spanish-American war, 1898, Paper S, Col Aston. 84 Return of strength in Far East during war etc, with railway map of Trans-Siberia, Lt Col Braithwaite. 85 To illustrate war between Russia & Japan. 1 Situation end of April 1904. 2. Situation 8th June 1904, Col Du Cane. 85A War in Chile 1891. Diary of events, composition of forces &c. Papers X, X2, X3, Col Aston. 86 Staff duties. Scheme I, Army manoeuvres, Col Stopford. 87 Formation and disembarkation &c of Japanese armies in 1904, with map of N-W Korea, Lt Col Braithwaite. 88 Overseas employment of British Army in war. List of lectures. Paper 0.6, Col Aston. 89 Approx situation in Far east at beginning of 2nd week in May 1904, Col Du Cane. 90 Belgian scheme Part II, Col Du Cane. 91 Copy of Kuropatkin's and Oku's orders 7th and 13th June 04, Col Du Cane. 92 Heads of parties to amend schemes in accordance with conference. Cont of No 86, Col Du Cane. 93. Austro-Italian war '66. Lissa. Papers U, U2, Col Aston. 94. List of lectures. Historical course, Paper 0.7, Col Aston. 95 Employment of British Army in war. Part III. Oversea garrisons and home defence forces. Paper Y, Col Aston. 96 Staff duties. Scheme II. Training in Aldershot command for 1908, Col Du Cane and Col Stopford. 97 Amphibious strategy, Paper Z, Col Aston. 98 Extract from lecture. Recon of defended harbours. Paper L, Col Aston. 99 Home defence scheme. Part I. report on distribution of field units, organisation etc, The Commandant. 100 War vessels of principal foreign naval powers, G5, Col Aston. 101 Scheme for defence of India. 8 syndicates, The Commandant. 102 Russo-Japanese war, events during June, July & August '04, with maps of positions June 20th and August 26th, Col Du Cane. 103 Naval situation assumed. Cont of no 99, Col Aston. 104 Home defence scheme part II. Draw up scheme for British defence and German raids, The Commandant. 105 Schemes set during 1907 in connection with Imperial strategy. Paper 0.9, Col Aston. 106 Final lectures 1907. Paper 0.8, Col Aston. 107 4 maps to illustrate battle on the Schaho, Lt Col Braithwaite. 108 Arrangements for war game. Cont of no 104, The Commandant.

Avaliação, seleção e eliminação


Sistema de arranjo

104 folios arranged in a single bound volume

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

The collection is open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of a letter of introduction.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Head of Library Services, Joint Services Command and Staff College.

Idioma do material

  • inglês

Sistema de escrita do material

  • latim

Notas ao idioma e script


Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Camberley 'Reds' collection, 1903-1913, 1919, 1923, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1937-1945, and 1947-1997.

Instrumentos de descrição

Contents listing at front of volume, OPAC at JSCSC, record on AIM25

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

Descrições relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo da descrição

Identificador da descrição

Identificador da instituição

Joint Services Command and Staff College

Regras ou convenções utilizadas

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997.


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

Línguas e escritas

  • inglês



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