Beveridge's papers as Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food during World War One, including:
Volume 6: The 9d loaf and the bread subsidy, May-Aug 1917.
Volume 7: Sugar distribution scheme, Dec 1916-Sep 1917.
Volume 8: Rationing. Jan-Apr 1917.
Volume 9: Rationing, Apr 1917-Mar 1918.
Volume 13: Papers on the future of the Ministry of Food, Nov 1918-1921.
Volume 15: Industrial unrest. Railway strike, 1919.
Volume 16: Industrial unrest. Coal strikes, Oct 1920 and Apr 1921.
Volume 23: Diary of the Ministry of Food, 1917-1919.
Volumes 24 - 26. Minutes of the Food Council, 1917-1920.
Elements area
Source note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Supply and demand
Equivalent terms
Supply and demand
- UF Demand
- UF Supply
- UF Demande
- UF Offre
- UF Demanda
- UF Oferta
Associated terms
Supply and demand
- RT Markets
- RT Prices
- RT Microeconomics
- RT Market economy
- RT Consumption
- RT Trade