Supply and demand

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Hierarchical terms

Supply and demand

Equivalent terms

Supply and demand

  • UF Demand
  • UF Supply
  • UF Demande
  • UF Offre
  • UF Demanda
  • UF Oferta

Associated terms

3 Archival description results for Supply and demand

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0092 · 1915-1920

Beveridge's papers as Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food during World War One, including:
Volume 6: The 9d loaf and the bread subsidy, May-Aug 1917.
Volume 7: Sugar distribution scheme, Dec 1916-Sep 1917.
Volume 8: Rationing. Jan-Apr 1917.
Volume 9: Rationing, Apr 1917-Mar 1918.
Volume 13: Papers on the future of the Ministry of Food, Nov 1918-1921.
Volume 15: Industrial unrest. Railway strike, 1919.
Volume 16: Industrial unrest. Coal strikes, Oct 1920 and Apr 1921.
Volume 23: Diary of the Ministry of Food, 1917-1919.
Volumes 24 - 26. Minutes of the Food Council, 1917-1920.

Beveridge , William Henry , 1879-1963 , 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal , economist
COL/CC/FSC · Subfonds · 1875-1884

Records of the Fish Supply Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1881-1884; committee papers including suggestions for improving fish supply and markets, returns and related correspondence of railway and shipping companies regarding fish delivered into London, 1878-1881, extracts of evidence and returns regarding railway charges for carriage of fish, 1881-1884, and printed pamphlets and reports relating to fish supply and fish markets, 1875-1881.

Corporation of London
LCC/SU/GEN · Collection · 1889-1965

Records of the London County Council Stores Department, later Supplies Department, 1889-1965, including papers relating to allegations of price ring for the supply of lead pencils; forms of tender for various supplies including boots, clothing, and provisions (a form of tender was provided for each commodity with instructions to the tenderer, a schedule showing quantities required and, where appropriate, a specification); standard forms of tender for individual commodities; standard forms of tender for individual commodities, Tramways Series; reports and research on the stores organisations of other local authorities and organisations; papers and reports of the Departmental Committee on the Organisation of the Supplies Department; papers and reports of the Special Committee on Local Expenditure; annual reports on the work of the Stores (later Supplies) Department with annual accounts; reports on stores procedures; papers on the manufacture and supply of clothing, textiles, soft goods, leather and glassware; papers on the production of the Municipal Map of London and the Education Map of London; findings of an enquiry into the medical requirements of hospitals, asylums and other institutions and the method of supplying; statistics and accounts; plans of Stores Depots; pamphlet containing instructions as to stores procedure for staff ordering stores; 'Please Supply', handbook for new entrants to the Supplies Department; Supplies Department Office Manual; Supplies Department Reports by the Chief Officer; Supplies Department Supplies Committee Orders; Supplies Department other Committee Orders and Chief Officer's instructions.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council