Committee and sub-committee minutes, annual reports and Secretary's files.
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Committee and sub-committee minutes, annual reports and Secretary's files.
Sem títuloAdministrative records.
Sem títuloAdministrative records, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs, pharmacy records and miscellaneous records.
Sem títuloAdministrative records, Chaplain's records, financial records, patient records, nursing records.
Sem títuloAnnual reports and 'The History of a Hundred Years: East London Nursing Society 1868 - 1968' by Edith Ramsay, M.B.E. (missing).
Sem títuloAdministrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs, pharmacy records, surveyor's records and papers, photographs and paintings from unofficial sources.
Sem títuloMinutes, constitutional and membership papers, meeting and agenda papers, secretary's papers, medical agency papers and miscellaneous papers.
Sem títuloMinutes of Management Committee, Establishment Committee, Works Committee, Nursing Committee; Secretary's files.
Sem títuloComprises: Dispensary; Alexandra Hospital School; Administrative records; Financial records; Estate and property records; Drawings and illustrations; Postcards; Nursing records; Medical records; Photographs; Staff records; Operating theatre records; Supplies Department; External publications.
Sem títuloPapers and correspondence, 1913-1973, of Sir Francis Martin Rouse Walshe. Personal and biographical documents and correspondence, 1913-1965, include certificates and documentation about appointments and honours; photograph of Walshe at Queen Square, 1915; papers, 1915-1920, relating to service in Egypt; papers relating to visits to the USA, 1924-1925, 1959, 1965; caricature of Walshe, 1948; letters of congratulation on Walshe's knighthood, 1953; a manuscript biographical note by Walshe prepared for the journal Brain, 1965; letters containing recollections of Walshe sent by colleagues for a memorial volume, 1973. Drafts and manuscripts of publications, speeches and addresses, some heavily revised and with later annotations and comments by Walshe, date from 1918-1972, and, besides scientific papers, include some publishers' contracts; reviews of Walshe's published works, chiefly Critical Studies in Neurology (1948) and Thoughts upon the Equation of Mind with Brain (1953); and Walshe's earliest discussion of 'miraculism' in medicine, published in the Catholic Medical Guardian, 1938. Manuscripts and printed material relating to various controversies in which Walshe was involved as a leading member of the Roman Catholic medical community include lectures on stigmatization; a letter from Walshe on the duties of lay Catholics; printed works on religious matters, 1926-1938; a memorandum, 1965, correspondence, 1960-1966, and various press cuttings and printed matter on contraception. There is various correspondence, 1922-1927, 1940-1973, some of it scientific, including a postcard to Walshe from J S Haldane, 1921, and copies of correspondence between William B Bean and Walshe, 1950-1973.
Sem títuloManuscript notes taken by Nathaniel Rogers, from medical lectures given by the following eminent medical lecturers: William Alison, James Blundell, Richard Bright, Henry Clutterbuck, Sir Astley Cooper, Samuel Cooper, Joseph Green, Charles Key, Robert Knox and Frederick Tyrrell.
Sem títuloManuscript volume, probably late 14th century, containing a collection of medical treatises by various authors, including prescriptions and treatises on medicinal herbs. With many later notes and corrections.
Sem títuloBatty's medical notebook, c.1846-1854
Sem títuloBayly's medical casebook, 1762-64
Sem títuloTwo journals of Sir James Clark, 1847-68, including notes on Clark's travel with the Royal family to Scotland and Ireland.
Sem títuloMedical notebook of George Gregory, 1813-1833, containing cases, observations and notes on medicine and surgery.
Sem títuloSir Henry Head's papers, 1891-1909, consist of his casebooks of patients with Herpes Zoster, with sketches and photographs, chiefly from Head's work at the London Hospital, 1891-1909, and his casebooks of patients with various diseases, with sketches and charts, from his work at the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, Victoria Park, 1894.
Sem títuloText of oration on the improvement of medicine given by Saunders, 27 Jan 1790.
Sem títuloTweedie's casebooks detailing cases of cholera in Abchurch Lane, East London, March-September 1832
Sem títuloWilfrid Bernard Vaillant's papers, 1926-1939, include his family tree of the physician Thomas Sydenham, showing Vaillant's descent from Thomas Sydenham, 1938; Biographical notes on the Sydenham family, 1926-39.
Sem títuloThe papers relate exclusively to Bryce's service for the Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons. The material is principally correspondence but includes minutes, agendas and circulars and a sequence of printed membership booklets, 1934-1958. There are papers relating to the foundation of the Society in 1933, including the replies to the original invitations to join the Society (sent out by Bryce), to relations between the Society and the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons, and to overseas visits of the Society to Switzerland in 1934 and to Berlin and Bruges in 1937. Later material reflects the adjustments necessitated by the Second World War and the establishment of the National Health Service.
Sem títuloThe papers include publications, some in manuscript or draft, biographical material, material relating to committees and organisations (British Society of Periodontology, Nuffield Foundation), and correspondence. Very little remains of Fish's professional research material. Fish had worked carefully through his papers after his retirement, and many items bear lengthy comments and evaluations, personal recollections of his career and colleagues, and reflections on the state of dental health.
Sem títuloPapers of Robert Rutson James, 1933-1945, comprising transcripts of sources relating to 17th and 18th century surgeons: transcripts of the Admiralty Surgeon's Passing Certificates, 1933-1934; transcripts of the Barber Surgeon's Apprentice Books, 1936; transcripts of the Freemen of the Barber Surgeon's Company, c 1936; transcripts of the Warden's Great Account Book, c 1930s; transcripts of the Lambeth Archbishop's Licences, 1937; transcripts of Fleet Prison Marriage Registers, 1930s-1940s; transcripts of Medical Wills, 1933; transcripts of the List of Marriage Licences from the Harleian Society, including some medical wills, 1933-1945; and transcripts of the St George's Hospital Pupil Register, c 1930.
Sem títuloPapers of Berhard Siegfried Albinus, 1721-[c1846], comprising an undated manuscript, probably containing a student's lecture notes, titled Collegium Physiologiae, [c 1721-1770]; letters from Bernhard Siegfried Albinus to Robert Nesbitt, 1721-1728; and a manuscript copy of the text and plates of Albinus' Tabulae anatomicae musculorum hominis by Thomas Howitt, [1785-1846].
Sem títuloPapers of Alfred Poland, 1845-1846, comprising a volume titled Surgical Analysis of cases reported by the Clinical Society during the last six months of 1845 and the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September 1846. Alfred [Poland] containing a table of contents; lists of cases including detailed patient information; and a letter concerning the deposit of the volume with the Library.
Sem títuloPapers of Samuel Hall Wass, 1951-1954, comprising the case notes of patients at Guy's Hospital Out-Patient Department, mostly concerning the treatment of haemorrhoids, and bowel and colon complaints.
Sem títuloPapers of John Thomas Woolhouse, early 18th century, comprising two manuscript volumes written in French and Latin, probably containing transcripts of lectures given by Woolhouse. The title on the spine reads Traite des Malad. de l'Oeil.
Sem títuloPapers of Thomas Henry Watson, 1871-1874, comprising notes on botany from lectures by John Hutton Balfour (1808-1884) and notes on chemistry from lectures by Dr Letts, 1872-1873; notes on chemistry from lectures by Professor Alexander Crum Brown (1838-1922), 1871-1872; notes on systematic surgery from lectures by Dr John Chiene (1843-1923), 1872-1873; notes on materia medica and therapeutics from lectures by Professor Sir Robert Christison (1797-1882), 1873-1874; notes on clinical surgery from lectures by Professor Joseph Lister (1827-1912), 1872-1874; notes on pathology from lectures by Professor Sanders, 1873-1874; notes on natural history from lectures by Professor Sir Charles Wyville Thomson (1830-1882), 1872; and notes on anatomy from lectures by Professor Sir William Turner (1832-1916), 1872-1874.
Sem títuloNotebook, [1923], containing manuscript essay entitled 'The physical characters and properties, mechanism, chemical composition, minute anatomy, development and growth of bone including the process of reparation in fractures and the use of the skeleton'. With postcard to Cowper from F von Hügel, relating to the assembling of a meeting, 5 Dec 1923.
Sem títuloDulwich Hospital case notes, consisting of out-patient case notes, 1947-1951, for a named patient suffering from Addison's disease, who was treated at various hospitals and clinics.
Sem títuloDulwich Hospital Nursing School registers, 1917-1967 comprising: Sisters' Register, 1920-1961; General Staff Registers, 1930-1967; Male Nurses Registers, 1940-1961; Part-time and Auxiliary Nurses' Register, 1947-1954; Assistant Nurses' Register, 1947-1959; Matron's Log Book, 1945-1948; Student Nurses' Examinations Register, 1938-1947; Student Nurses' Registers, 1943-1967; Probationer Nurses' Registers, 1917-1955; and photographs of the hospital buildings, [1940-1980].
Sem títuloManuscript notes by Dame Cicely Saunders for lectures, seminars and conferences, with supporting papers, [1967-2002]; administrative records and statistcs relating to St Christpher's Hospice, travel and appointment diaries, 1963-1984; photographic slides showing the construction of St Christopher's Hospice, Sydenham, 1967; photographic albums and lecture slides of early patients of the Hospice, [1967-1980]; photographs of Dame Cicely Saunders receiving honours from HM Queen Elizabeth II and other leaders and of visits to overseas hospices and conferences with folio Report of tour in the United States of America (1963) by Saunders; academic certificates, awards, medals and gifts to Saunders, [1970-2005]; duplicate articles written by Saunders, 1961-1979; offprints of articles by St Christopher's staff on palliative care, 1970-1975; another accesssion of approximate 25 m of books on palliative care, pain, nursing, religion, ethics and dying; a third accession containing 81 boxes, chiefly correspondence relating to drugs, pain control, palliative care, nursing, ageing, bereavement, grief, AIDS, ethics and the role of religion in end of life care with international correspondence organised by country, articles and reports, patient care notes, recorded conversations with patients, correspondence relating to the administration and support of St Christopher's Foundation, items relating to biography, Cicely Saunders: The Founder of the Modern Hospice Movement (London, 1984), by Shirley du Boulay and material relating to the promotion of the hospice movement in the media.
Sem títuloVolume of published memoirs by Belinda Banham, entitled Snapshots in time: some experiences in health care, 1836-1991 (Penzance, 1991), describing her career in health care before the Second World War, as a manager and administrator in the National Health Service (NHS), board director and consultant.
Sem títuloThe collection comprises 44 audio tapes of interviews with the bereaved parents of children with life limiting illnesses, 1995; including a bundle of record cards indexing the tapes with the names of the children, their ages and notes on individual cases.
Sem títuloCorrespondence describing the ear operation performed upon Lillian Lusty by Arthur Henry Cheatle, aural surgeon, 1919, following an attack of Scarlet Fever, and of the operation by Cheatle upon her brother to correct a perforated eardrum.
Sem títuloPapers, 1858-1937, relating to hermaphroditism and hypospadias, particularly concerning their surgical treatment, including correspondence, photographs, diagrams, case notes, case histories, articles from medical journals, newspaper cuttings and text; typed instructions, [1920], with diagrams, for various minor surgical procedures; notes on a surgical procedure [plastic surgery] for the eye area, [1920].
Sem títuloPapers, 1914-1961, including correspondence, mainly between Fairbank and Hubert Lyon-Campbell Wood, Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon, King's College Hospital, on various cases such as oxycephaly, cystic changes in the femora, dislocation of the elbow, Fairbank's birthday dinner, 1956, 1935-1961; scrapbook containing signatures of guests at dinners held in honour of Fairbank, 1936-1956; list of Fairbank's publications, 1957; articles by Fairbank reprinted from medical journals, including 'Dysplasia epiphysealis multiplex', 'Fibrocystic disease of the bone', 'Haemangioma of bone', 1914-1956; programme of a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine, Section on Orthopaedics, with abstract of a paper by Fairbank on the internal derangement of the knee in children and adolescents, 1936; newspaper cuttings of Fairbank's obituaries and memorial service programmes, 1961; a brief typescript biography describing Fairbank's time at King's College Hospital, by Lyon-Campbell Wood, 1961.
Sem títuloRoyal Herbert Hospital case notes, consisting of volume of notes on operations, 1904-1907, carried out by Maj Gen Sir Maurice Holt (then Major RAMC), a specialist on operative surgery.
Sem títuloSt Francis Hospital nursing records including St Francis' Hospital - A complete Training School for Assistant Nurses [1958]; Record of [Nurses]Service Book, 1949-1956; Photographs of the hospital, [1960-1965].
Sem títuloSt Giles Hospital School of Nursing register of Student Nurses particulars, 1944-1949; Student Nurses Register, 1944-1957; Lectures and Examination Particulars, 1952-1966; and photographs of nursing staff, 1931.
Sem títuloPapers of Emma Durham comprising: diary containing description of her nursing experiences in Natal (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), 11 Jun 1879-Feb 1880, with notes on remedies for scorpion stings and tsetse fly; typescript transcript of the sting remedies; letter to Durham from [S Gorrel], Cairo, 18 Jun 1885; black and white photograph of Eliza Durham (sister of Emma) 1867; copy of Golden Gleanings from the thoughts of General Gordon, London, 1885, inscribed 'to Sister Emma from W H [Anderson] nee Gordon'; news cutting from Daily Sketch (undated) relating to Durham's experience nursing of Lord Tennyson during the time that he wrote the hymn 'Crossing the bar'; photocopied article by E Durham 'Nurse training in the Seventies' describing her nurse training; letters from E F J Chavasse to Miss Kenshole, relating to other papers and medals belonging to Durham, 1994; also draft letter to Chavasse [from Kenshole, 1994]; miscellaneous manuscript notes on life of Emma Durham (undated).
Sem títuloManuscript volume of Irene Rose Hasler titled `Sister tutor's lectures, 1929, Miss K Armstrong, Anatomy and Physiology' containing notes on lectures, with accompanying sketches, which have been annotated in red ink. Inserted are a number of duplicated notes and diagrams relating to physiology and treatment.
Sem títuloPapers of Sister Elsie Mason comprising photograph album containing small black and white photographs depicting, nurses, wards, patients, students at King's College Hospital etc, 1917-1919. Most images are labelled and dated.
Sem títuloCertificates of Dorothy Phillips comprising East London Hospital for Children, certificate of training, 20 April 1913; King's College Hospital Certificate of Invalid Cookery, 3 Feb 1915; King's College Hospital Certificate of training, 1917; Central Midwives Board certificate, 10 Feb 1919; The College of Nursing, certificate of Registration, 27 Mar 1919; General Nursing Council of England and Wales, admission to General Register as Registered Nurse, 3 Feb 1922.
Sem títuloPapers of Isobel Christine Stewart Brown comprising University of London Diploma of Sister-Tutor, 10 Oct 1957; King's College Hospital (KCH) certificate of training, 1947-1949; KCH Nursing School certificate of first place in the Final Examinations, and Monk Memorial Prize, 26 Oct 1949; KCH Nursing School certificate awarding the Monk Memorial Prize, Sep 1949;
file containing copy of Brown's application for appointment as and District Nursing Officer, King's Teaching District of the Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Area Health Authority (Teaching) ; copy of contract of employment as Chief Nursing Officer, Jan 1974; Brown's correspondence; papers relating to the staff structure Senior Nursing staff 1970; papers relating to the Professional Services Committee, International Council of Nurses; papers relating to elections to the Council of the Royal College of Nursing, 1973; carbon copy of Brown's curriculum vitae; papers re nomination to Regional Hospital Boards, 1971; minutes of meeting with Divisional Nursing Officers and Director of Nurse Education to discuss alterations in the Management Structures, 5 Nov 1976;
certificate of the United States Army School, Europe, Executive and Career Development Department for completion of Personnel Management for Executives Programme, 11-20 Mar 1970; brochure for the Army Regional Training Centre, US Army School, Europe, Oberammergau, on Personnel Management for Executives [1970s];
typescript paper `Communication within and among nursing organisations' presented to the International Council of Nurses Congress, Frankfurt, Jun 1965, by Christine Brown, representing the Royal College of Nursing and National Council of Nurses of the United Kingdom;
invitation to Miss Isobel Brown, KCH, to attend the Queen's Garden Party, Buckingham Palace, Jun 1979;
letter from the Prime Minister's Principal Private Secretary relating to the recommendation of Brown for appointment as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 1 May 1981, with related correspondence, 1981-1982; OBE medal and ribbon and British Empire Brooch; certificate of The International Council of Nurses in recognition of services during term of office as a member of the Professional Services Committee, 1973-1981;
two cards signed by many staff on the occasion of Brown's retirement; menu for dinner of the Sisters of KCH to mark the retirement of Brown, 22 Apr 1982;
black and white photograph [Brown and HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother];
typescript biography of Brown.
Papers on Catherine Mary Clappen comprising two volumes of manuscript notes, with tutor's corrections, on lectures attended as part of her nursing training at King's College Hospital, including volume titled Special Lectures' containing manuscript notes, and some diagrams on lectures titled Nursing and public health - infant feeding; public health; drugs and their administration; drugs, drugs effecting the respiratory system; treatment of poisoning; feeding the sick; micro-organisms; Dental lectures; lectures on the ear (Mr A Cheatle); lectures on the eye (Mr Cargil), Feb-Jul 1924; and volume titled
Midwifery Lectures'(undated);
certificate of service at King's College Hospital as staff nurse, Jan - Aug 1925;
State Registered Nurse badge of The General Nursing Council for England and Wales [19 Jun 1925].
Also includes note with biographical information on Clappen, and the deposit information, May 1992.
Papers of Frederick Le Gros Clark, comprising volume of surgical cases at St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals, 1828-1830, compiled by Clark for a prize, containing cases under Joseph Henry Green, Benjamin Travers, Frederick Tyrell, Charles Aston Key, Bransby Blake Cooper and John Morgan.
Sem títuloPapers of William Cribb comprising his notes on lectures by Joseph Else on diseases of the bones, [1779].
Sem títuloPapers relating to Thomas Denman, comprising notes on his lectures on midwifery, 1782, taken by an unidentified student.
Sem títuloPapers of William Gruggen comprising his notes on lectures on surgery, delivered by Sir Astley Cooper, 1809-1811;
also his notes on John Haighton's lectures on physiology 1810-[1811], delivered at Guy's Hospital [1809-1811], and on the gravid uterus, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1810.