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      Terme générique Sciences médicales


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        Termes associés


          697 Description archivistique résultats pour Chirurgie

          697 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
          Russell, Raymond Anthony (1922-1964)
          GB 0114 MS0174 · c1957

          Papers of Raymond Anthony Russell, c 1957, comprising 4 files of manuscript notes, letters and photographs relating to surgical instruments, amputating instruments, and surgical instrument makers; biographical material including manuscript notes, letters, photocopies of articles and photographs relating to Sir William Blizard (1743-1835); and 4 volumes of a surgical instrument catalogue titled Notes on Instrument Makers.

          Sans titre
          Hicks, John Herbert (1915-1992)
          GB 0114 MS0186 · c 1949-1992

          Papers of John Herbert Hicks, c 1949-1992, comprising an unpublished manuscript titled A Clinician's Observations on Bone Behaviour; numbered folders; material relating to the foot and mechanics of the foot; publications, writings, and reprints; personal papers and ephemera; material relating to forearm fractures; material relating to Colles fractures; miscellaneous; material relating to non-union of fractures; material relating fracture fixation; clinical photographs and slide lists; material relating to sepsis and infection; material relating to corrosion; material relating to the tibia; box files; case notes; and slides and films.

          Sans titre
          Rumsey, Henry Nathaniel (fl 1786-1809)
          GB 0114 MS0197 · 1786-1787

          Papers of Henry Nathaniel Rumsey, 1786-1787, comprising 4 volumes of manuscript notes by Rumsey titled A Course of Lectures on Surgery by Mr John Hunter, Surgeon to St George's Hospital, 1786, taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter.

          Sans titre
          Seager, Charles Dagge (1779-1844)
          GB 0114 MS0198 · c 1800

          Papers of Charles Dagge Seager, c 1800, comprising a manuscript transcript by Seager, of the notes taken at lectures on surgery by John Hunter, arranged into aphorisms by Charles Brandon Trye.

          Sans titre
          Wilson, Thomas (d 1791)
          GB 0114 MS0201 · Mid to late 18th century

          Papers of Thomas Wilson, mid to late 18th century, comprising a volume containing notes by Wilson, of lectures given by John Hunter. Including notes on astronomical and mathematical topics, c 1854.

          Sans titre
          Abernethy, John (1764-1831)
          GB 0114 MS0210 · Early 19th century

          Papers of John Abernethy, early 19th century, comprising one and a half volumes of manuscript notes by R Collett, House Surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital and dresser to Abernethy, taken at Abernethy's lectures on surgery, c 1806; two and a half volumes of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's lectures on surgery, c 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's surgical lectures at St Bartholemew's Hospital, 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, taken at Abernethy's surgical lectures; and an envelope of manuscript fragments including a slip containing Abernethy's signature; a museum admittance for [G]iles Gardner and Captain Phillips signed by Abernethy; a slip signed by Abernethy regarding a payment; and an undated letter from Abernethy regarding an absence from the College due to the illness of his mother.

          Sans titre
          GB 0114 MS0216 · 1817-1830

          Papers of John Abernethy, 1817-1830, comprising an autograph letter from Abernethy of Bedford Row, to the Master, Governors, and Court of Assistants of the Royal College of Surgeons, 23 Jul 1817, thanking the College for his election; and an autograph letter from Abernethy of Enfield, to the President and Members of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, 1 Jul 1830, resigning his seat on the Council and on the Board of Curators.

          Sans titre
          Rodd, George Ramsey (fl 1807-1827)
          GB 0114 MS0226 · 1807

          Papers of George Ramsay Rodd, 1807, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Rodd, taken at the surgical lectures of Sir Astley Cooper in 1807. An inscription on the fly leaf reads "Geo R Rodd's hasty notes of A Coopers Surgical Lectures 1807."

          Sans titre
          GB 0114 MS0259 · 1794-1808

          Papers of William Clift, 1794-1808, comprising 2 volumes of manuscript notes taken at lectures on practical surgery by Sir Everard Home, delivered at 13 Castle Street, Leicester Square, 1794-1796. The notes were corrected by Clift in 1808.

          Sans titre
          Poole, Thomas James (1809-1881)
          GB 0114 MS0265 · 1825

          Papers of Thomas James Poole, 1825, comprising an indenture of the apprenticeship of Poole as a surgeon, apothecary and accouchier to Anthony Huxtable and Henry Clark, 1825.

          Sans titre
          Thomas, Hugh Owen (1834-1891)
          GB 0114 MS0267 · c1857-1875

          Papers of Hugh Owen Thomas, c 1857-1875, comprising a casebook, 1857-[1867]; a notebook containing drawings, 1875; correspondence with his wife, Elizabeth Thomas; and a volume of papers.

          Sans titre
          GB 0114 MS0268 · 1785-1804

          Papers relating to William Cumberland Cruikshank, 1785-1804, comprising 9 volumes of manuscript lecture notes by Henry Nathaniel Rumsey, titled Anatomical lectures by Mr Cruikshank. Course 1st, vol. 1st, October 1785.; Anatomical lectures by Mr Cruikshank & Mr Baillie. Course 1st, vol. 2nd, 1785.; Lectures on anatomy by Mr Cruikshank. Course 1st, vol. 3rd, 1786.; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank and Mr Baillie, course 2nd, vol. 1st, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank and Mr Baillie, course 2nd, vol. 2nd, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank, course 2nd, vol. 3rd, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank, course 2nd, vol. 4th, 1786; Lectures on anatomy, by W. Cruikshank, course 2nd, vol. 5th, 1786; and Lectures by Mr Cruikshank, containing physiology notes; a volume of manuscript notes on anatomy by William Clift, titled Mr Cruikshank and Dr Baillie 1798.; and a manuscript volume containing notes on muscles, notes on Cruickshank's lectures, remarks by J Thompson, and a report from the Board of Curators concerning the skeleton of a mammoth, 1793-1804.

          Sans titre
          Guthrie, George James (1785-1856)
          GB 0114 MS0270 · 1841-1856

          Papers of George James Guthrie, 1841-1856, comprising a letter from Guthrie to William Clift, 15 Jun 1841, requesting a skeleton hung up in the theatre. Clift has noted at the end of the letter "This note came a week after the date"; and an obituary for Guthrie, from the Illustrated London News, 10 May 1856.

          Sans titre
          GB 0114 MS0284 · 1893-1936

          Papers of Lord Berkeley George Andrew Moynihan, 1893-1936, comprising 45 volumes of case books, 1893-1936; 22 volumes relating to private operations, 1908-1935; 7 volumes relating to private operations in London, 1927-1935; 1 notebook relating to London patients, 1920-1922; 2 volumes relating to records of pathological researches, 1921-1923; press cuttings relating to euthanasia, 1924-1936; 2 albums of tributes to Moynihan, 1936; press cuttings relating to Moynihan, 1908-1930; scrap book relating to Moynihan, c1913-1934; miscellaneous material including photographs of Moynihan, letters, lecture notes, testimonials and articles, c1913-1934; album of newspaper cuttings relating to Moynihan, Sep 1934- Aug 1936; album of newspaper cuttings relating to Moynihan, Sep 1930- Jul 1934; and 47 diplomas awarded to Moynihan, 1886-1935.

          Sans titre
          Brock, Lord Russell Claude: Papers
          GB 0114 MS0285 · 1926-1977

          Papers of Lord Russell Claude Brock, 1926-1977, comprising 5 volumes of surgical notebooks, 1926-1976; an undated manuscript of a book on Astley Cooper; correspondence relating to the annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; material for a British Medical Journal article on the importance of environmental controls in the operating room and the intensive care unit, c 1975; a file of charts and readings relating to clinical temperature observations: material for a British Medical Journal article titled 'Observations on central and peripheral temperatures etc relating to shock', c 1969; and material for a Journal of Physiology article on the thermal sensors of the heart, 1977.

          Sans titre
          GB 0114 MS0290 · Early 19th century

          Papers of Thomas Moore, early 19th century, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken at the anatomical, physiological, and surgical lectures of, presumably, Alexander Monro secundus, at the University of Edinburgh, covering topics such as sutures, lithotomy, paracentesis and hare lip; and a volume of manuscript notes titled An account of the operations of surgery taken from the lectures of Alexander Monro, professor of anatomy in the University of Edinburgh and FRS, covering topics such as gastroraphia, lithotomy, and couching cataracts.

          Sans titre
          Brown, Sir George Lindor (1903-1971)
          GB 0117 GLB · 1925-1970

          The correspondence, papers and scientific notebooks of Sir George Lindor Brown. The majority of notebooks relate to the investigations of Brown and his co-workers (notably Feldberg, Harvey and Maycock) at the National Institute for Medical Research, Hampstead, into neuromuscular transmission. The correspondence and remaining papers cover Brown's administrative work in the decades from the 1950's. His relationships with the Royal Society and the Medical Research Council are well represented. The papers include personal files, correspondence with institutions and individuals, working scientific notes and sets of slides.

          Sans titre
          GB 0117 HF · 1924-1968

          Extensive papers of Howard Walter Florey, Baron Florey, relating to almost every aspect of his career in science and public life. The scientific materials include a complete run of laboratory notebooks, 1924-1968, files on the work for which Florey is best known, penicillin and antibiotics, 1940-1962, together with papers, research notes and photographs on mucus secretion, traumatic shock and electron microscopy. Florey's writings are preserved in the form of drafts and proofs of published items, together with relevant correspondence. His correspondence indicates the depth of his involvement in the affairs of particular organisations, notably the Oxford University School of Pathology and the Royal Society. The work of Ethel Florey (née Hayter) and Margaret Augusta Florey (née Fremantle) is also present.

          Sans titre
          Desbout, Louis (fl 1796)
          GB 0117 MS/60 · sub-fonds · 1796
          Fait partie de Manuscripts General

          'Memoir au College Royal de Medecine sur l'utilite d'un Tratement simple pour les Maladies Chirurgicales en genral, etc', by Louis Desbout MD. Contains 7 sheets of drawings of instruments and appliances and illustrations of how they are used.

          Sans titre
          Malpighi, Marcello (1628-1694)
          GB 0117 MS 103 · 1668-1693

          Letters, papers and original drawings including the manuscripts of Marcello Malpighi's works published by the Royal Society.

          Sans titre
          Ridge, William Sheldon and Frances
          GB 0102 PP MS 30 · Created c1917-1948

          Papers, c1917-1948, of William Sheldon Ridge, comprising photographs, manuscripts of books containing material used for his lectures on Chinese international relations, and miscellaneous papers. Includes papers relating to his wife Frances.

          Sans titre
          Cole, Dr Robert Benjamin Ageh Wellesley
          GB 0102 PP MS 35 · Created 1928-1991

          Papers, 1928-1991, of Dr Robert Benjamin Ageh Wellesley Cole, including private correspondence; papers relating to his professional career in Newcastle and Nottingham, including letters from his patients; papers relating to his work with the Colonial Office; papers relating to his work in Nigeria and Sierra Leone; scholarly work, including manuscripts, articles and speeches; and financial papers.

          Sans titre
          Tippet, Charlotte
          GB 0103 CIM/PP 27 · 1938

          Typescript memoir by Charlotte F Tippet, 'Diversities of Operations', 1938, written at Chefoo, including her childhood and religious development and beliefs, nursing career, and missionary work and life in China (1902-1938), including medical, educational and evangelistic work.

          Sans titre
          Roberts, William (fl 1837-1849)
          GB 0114 MS0111 · c 1843-1847

          Papers of William Roberts, c 1843-1847, comprising a volume titled Rough Journal containing case notes on patients attended whilst in the Royal Marines during the landing at Montevideo, Uruguay, from 1843-1845; and as Acting Surgeon on the HMS FROLIC, stationed in the Pacific, from 1845-1847.

          Sans titre
          GB 0099 KCLMA Hargreaves · Created 1939, 1988

          Copies of letter to Hargreaves from Maj Gen Bernard Montgomery, thanking him for medical care he received in the British Military Hospital, Haifa in May-Jun 1939, written on 16 July 1939, with covering letter from Hargreaves to the Centre, 1988.

          Sans titre
          HAUGHTON, Surgeon R Adm J M (1924-1992)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Haughton · Created 1982

          Photograph album presented to Haughton by RN Hospital Haslar to commemorate the visit of HRH Prince Charles to the hospital, 28 Jun 1982, including photographs of troops wounded in the Falklands War, 1982.

          Sans titre
          HUDSON, Maj Gen Corrie (1874-1958)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Hudson · Created 1905, 1929, 1980

          Summary of his military career, 1890-1932, [1932], his daughter's birth certificate, 1905, and a list of medals, papers and other items relating to Hudson received by the National Army Museum, 1980. 'Correspondence regarding the removal of the grave of Capt Granville Gower Loch CB, RN from the Shwedagon Pagoda, Burma', 1924-1929, a pamphlet published at the request of MajGordon Loch in 1929.

          Sans titre
          MARNHAM, Brig Sir Ralph (1901-1984)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Marnham R · Created 1941-1942, 1945, 1991

          Papers relating to his service in the Middle East, principally comprising account of his work at No 62 General Hospital, Tobruk, Libya, Oct 1941-Feb 1942; cutting of newspaper article based on this account, written by Patrick Marnham (his son) in 1991; text of his lecture on surgery in the Middle East, 1940-1943, [1943]; photocopy of his printed article 'The Tobruk Plaster', 1945;diary of Col H V Leigh, Commander, No 62 General Hospital, Oct 1941-Jan 1942; Leigh's official report on No 62 General Hospital for the period Oct-Dec 1941, written in Jan 1942.

          Sans titre
          WARRACK, Col Graeme Matthew (1913-1985)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Warrack · Created [1944], 1949-1951, 1979, 1998

          Diary, 17 Sep-16 Oct 1944, covering his service at Battle of Arnhem (Operation MARKET GARDEN), with part of 'Suggested medical plan' prepared for Deputy Director of Medical Services, 1 Airborne Corps, 22 Sep 1944, and part of note relating to the strength of medical forces, [1944]. Transcript of part of above diary made by Sir Basil Liddell Hart, with related correspondence, 1949-1951. Bound transcript of above diary made by Lt Col Kenneth Garside, Honorary Keeper of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, with foreword by Warrack, 1979. The diary formed the basis of Warrack's book Travel by dark: after Arnhem (Harvill, London, 1963), and a BBC television production Arnhem: the story of an escape, originally broadcast in 1976. Typescript copy of 'The Airborne Hospital, Willem 111 Kazerne, Apeldoorn, 25th Sept 1944 to 26th Oct 1944. Nominal roll of the wounded' compiled by Peter H Starling, Curator of the Army Medical Services Museums, Aldershot, Hampshire, 1998.

          Sans titre
          WOOD, Col Philip Lawrence Eric (b 1909)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Wood · Created 1943-1944

          Papers relating to his service in Italy, 1943-1944, principally comprising 1 Div, 3 Infantry Bde and 3 Field Ambulance operation orders concerning the landings on Pantelleria (Operation CORKSCREW), May-Jun 1943, and at Anzio (Operation SHINGLE), Jan 1944; report on the action at Campoleone, 30 Jan-4 Feb 1944, written by J G James, Commander, 3 Infantry Bde, 12 Feb 1944; 3 Infantry Bde intelligence summary for Operations ANT and APHIS; three aerial photographs of Anzio beaches, 1943, and plan of Blue Beach (North), Anzio, 1944; two parts of 'The First Division in action' covering the Anzio campaign, Jan-Jun 1944, written in Apr and Jul 1944.

          Sans titre
          Handley, William Sampson (1872-1962)
          GB 0120 GC/152 · 1894-1938

          Papers of William Sampson Handley including student notebook Guy's Hospital, 1894, with notes on surgical techniques and diagnosis,and notes on cases seen at the Middlesex and Samaritan Hospitals, 1902-1912, with correspondence inserted.

          Sans titre
          Williams, Bernard Lewis (b 1910)
          GB 0120 GC/172 · 1942-1945

          Papers of Bernard Lewis Williams, 1942-1945, including case book containing patient records, with enclosed memorabilia; the case-book is described by Mr Williams as `my private record of cases of special interest concerning which I requested follow-up information', but was continued for another two months after his departure from the unit.

          Follow-up cards for most of the cases were attached to the relevant pages of the volume. For conservation reasons, these and the other enclosures have been removed to separate folders (GC/172/2-3).

          Mr Williams also allowed copies to be made of text and photographs from a scrapbook which he had put together of his service with No 6 Field Surgical Unit (FSU), and of loose photographs, including transparencies.

          Sans titre
          DAVIDSON, Brig Thomas Walker (1900-1987)
          GB 0099 KCLMA Davidson T W · Created [1950]

          Copy of account of his service with the Royal Army Medical Corps in the Sudan, 1924-1931, written for [The Sudan Society].

          Sans titre
          Hampstead General Hospital
          GB 0074 H71/HG · 1882-1975

          Records of the Hampstead General Hospital, formerly the Hampstead Home Hospital Hospital and Nursing Institute, 1882-1975, comprising:

          Administrative records, notably Annual Reports, 1906-1945; Council minutes, 1886-1889, 1895-1948; House Committee minutes, 1886-1948; Visitors Books, 1898-1946; Building Committee minutes, 1899-1912; Medical Committee minutes, 1905-1974; correspondence and papers on dispute with the British Medical Association over the appointment of local medical practitioners to the Hospital, 1908-1910; Chaplain's Attendance and Report Book, 1911-1919; West End War Memorial Bed Committee minutes, 1921-1936; House Inspection reports, 1927-1947; Seal Books, 1931-1939; First Aid Post correspondence and accounts, 1940-1945; Nursing/Education Committee minutes, 1943-1967; Nurse Preliminary Training School Committee minutes, 1943-1953; Hospital Committee minutes, 1948-1951

          Financial records, including Finance Committee minutes, 1901-1948; Audited Accounts, 1911-1948; Wages Book, 1912-1917; Medical Costs, 1915-1917; Clinical Analysis and Costs, 1931-1950; Patient's accounts, 1949-1968

          Patient records, including Consultant books of Sidney Boyd, 1910-1939; Operating Department Registers 1970-1974; X-Ray Department Registers, 1968-1975

          Ladies Association Annual Reports, 1914-1972; minutes, 1899-1912; Treasurer's records, 1952-1975

          Nurses League publications, correspondence, photographs and ephemera, 1955-2000

          Sans titre
          New End Hospital
          GB 0074 H71/NE · 1902-1986

          The archives of New End Hospital, Hampstead, comprising series of administrative and patient records, registers, photographs and records of education and training, 1914-1981, comprising:

          Administrative Records, notably Medical Superintendent's reports, 1926-1930, containing details of births and deaths, accident and emergency admissions and summaries of operations performed; Medical Committee minutes, 1968-1973 and correspondence, 1969-1974; Archway Group Hospital Management Committee Annual Reports, 1948-1962; Fire Drill Instruction Reports, 1942-1981; Chaplain's Journal, 1965-1977, containing record of services and hospital visits; Planning Committee minutes, 1963-1967;

          Matron/School of Nursing records including registers of nurse education and service, 1902-1938; Nursing Staff Registers, 1947-1971;

          Patient records including Registers of Births, 1914-1915, 1920-1953; Register of Baptisms, 1920-1958; Maternity Registers, 1939-1953; Consultant's case books, 1931, 1934, 1936; Death Registers, 1930-1967; Admission and Discharge Register 1937-1938; Operation Registers, 1941-1952; Post Mortem Registers, 1930-1964, 1974; Mortuary Registers, 1949-1986;

          Ephemera including photographs, ward signs, labels and plaques.

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 H71/RF · 1828-2002

          The archives of the Royal Free Hospital, London, 1828-2000, comprising:
          Administrative Records, 1828-1974; including Court of Governors Annual Reports and minutes, 1828-1946; Royal Free Hospital Group Board of Governors minutes, 1948-1974 (this series also contains material relating to other Hospitals in the Group, particularly the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, 1948-1962, Hamstead General Hospital, 1948-1970 and the Liverpool Road and Lawn Road branches of the RFH); Committee of Management minutes 1828-1948; Weekly Board minutes 1846-1948, sub-committee minutes and reports 1899-1936; RFH Committee minutes, 1952-1971; House Committee minutes, 1928-1948; Building Sub-Committee minutes 1933-1940; Secretary and House Governor's out-letter books, 1920-1923, 1936-1948; Development Committee minutes 1945-1946; Patients' Services Committee minutes, 1971-1974; University College Hospital and RFH Joint Working Party minutes 1970-1972; Anniversary Committee minutes and papers, 1977-1979;

          Financial records including Finance Committee (later titled Finance and General Purposes Committee and Finance and Policy Committee) minutes, 1948-1974;

          Almoner's records including Report Book 1895-1913 and correspondence, 1901-1961; reports of Royal Free Hostels for Women and Girls, 1919-1960;

          Records of Charitable Funds, 1902-1977; comprising Students' Bed Endowment Fund minutes 1904-1939; Dresden Assistance Fund minutes 1904-1953, accounts 1912-1948, records of payments to patients 1938-1961; Scottish Womens Hospitals Memorial Association Executive Committee minutes, 1921-1958, financial records 1940-1951; Ladies Association Executive Committee minutes 1902-1916, 1927-1929; Princess Marie Louise Guild of Work minutes, 1907-1911; Patients and Friends League Executive Committee minutes, 1933-1977; Auntie Ruby's Jig Stamp Club minutes and cash books, 1954-1962;

          Medical Advisory Committee (formerly Medical Staff Advisory Committee) records, 1905-1984,including: Medical Committee minutes 1906-1977 and reports 1905-1950; Medical Executive Committee minutes and agendas, 1975-1990; Venereal Disease Sub-Committee reports, 1919-1940; Sub-Committee of Anaesthetists minutes 1952-1969; Sub-Committee of Surgeons (renamed Division of Surgery, 1970) minutes 1959-1982; Sub-Committee of Physicians minutes 1957-1971; Renal Unit Sub-Committee minutes 1965-1967; Division of Radiology minutes 1977-1984; Division of Medicine minutes 1971-1984; Control of Infection Sub-Committee minutes 1976-1985; Division of Psychiatry minutes 1980-1986; Division of Oncology minutes 1985-1988; Surgical Specialty Group minutes relating to the disciplines of Opthalmology, Ear Nose and Throat, Plastic, Oral and Dental, Accident and Emergency and Othopaedic surgery, 1988-1990;

          Nursing records including Register of Nurses, 1868-1937; Matron's Reports to Weekly Board, 1899-1905, 1930-1948; Matron's Register of Probationers, 1901-1933; Nurses log book, containing record of work, training and examinations, 1902-1920; records of Probationer and Student Nurse Examination results 1925-1988; Sisters' record books, 1955-1952; register of Pupil Midwives, 1929-1933; Staff Nurses and Staff Midwives record books, 1928-1954; Nurses' Ward Reports, 1950-1956; Register of Affiliated Nurses, 1938-1953; General Nursing Council Index of Student Nurses, 1947-1953; photographs of Student Nurses, 1947-1970; Nurses Education Committee minutes and papers, 1949-1959; School of Nursing Academic Board minutes, 1972-1983; records of the RFH Nurses League, 1910-2000;

          Patient records including Case Notes 1890-1944; microfilms of patient records, 1974-1980, subdivided into Transplants, Miscellaneous, Deaths, DIC (Differential Interference Contrast) films; Post Mortem Examination Reports, 1907-1914, 1928-1973; Cause of Death Registers, 1950-1966; index of patients of the Marlborough Department of Genito-Urinary Medicine (formerly the Marlborough Clinic), 1917-1974; Electro-cardiograph (ECG) Registers, 1968-1975; Dischage and Death registers, 1981-1989; Ward Admission Registers, 1974-1975, 1983-1985; RFH Lawn Road (or North Western) Branch: In-patient Registers, 1965-1972;

          Press cuttings relating to the Royal Free Hospital, 1934-1946, 1974-1998, including collection of cuttings and articles relating to the outbreak of 'Royal Free Hospital Disease', 1955, one of the earliest documented outbreaks of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome;

          Photographs of the RFH, c. 1880-2002, particularly construction of the 'new' Royal Free in Hampstead, 1970-1974;

          Ephemera relating to the history of the RFH, c1828-2002, including papers and artifacts relating to benefactors, hospital events and anniversaries, particularly 100th and 150th anniversaries of the foundation.

          Sans titre
          Museum Collection: Badge Collection
          GB 106 TWL.badge · 1907-2000

          As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 562 badges in the Museum Collection, with c 200 additional badges identified in the archives.

          The earliest badges held in The Women's Library were produced by women's suffrage campaigns, organisations represented include: the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, the Women's Social and Political Union, Women's Freedom League, and faith-based organisations such as the Catholic Women's Suffrage Society and the Jewish League for Women's Suffrage.

          In addition, the collection contains women's liberation movement and contemporary badges dating from the 1970s to the present day. It includes a selection of badges produced by women's anti-nuclear and peace organisations, campaigns against male violence, pro-choice (abortion) organisations and lesbian support and campaigning groups.

          A small number of modern women's campaigning jewellery items, such as earrings and pendants that are currently stored in this collection.

          Sans titre
          Museum Collection: Poster Collection
          GB 106 TWL.poster · 1877-2000

          As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 1050 posters in the Museum Collection, with c 100 posters identified in the archives.

          The earliest posters held result from suffrage activities and can be divided into three main groups; advertisements for meetings and events, illustrated propaganda posters arguing why women should get the vote, and thirdly newspaper bills bearing suffrage related headlines, used to promote paper sales.

          All other posters are arranged by subject and date from the 1970s to the present day. The collection represents a mixture of women's campaigning, campaigning by organisations to promote gender equality, and posters produced to advertise women-focused events and publications. There are a small number of posters that portray women's issues and campaign work internationally. The work of The Equal Opportunities Commission in England and Ireland is particularly well represented as a result of a large donation of their obsolete posters during the 1990s. Also well represented with almost 80 posters is the work of See Red Women's Workshop, a women's liberation screen-printing collective (1974-1984).

          Sans titre
          Cline, Henry (1750-1827), surgeon
          GB 0120 MSS.6008-6009 · 1821

          Notes on surgical lectures [given in London] by Henry Cline, and taken by an unnamed student. The text, neatly written in a uniform hand, is possibly a fair copy of notes taken at an earlier date. Dated watermarks are partially visible on the outer margin of leaves (e.g. MS. 6009, f. 98, where the date 1821 seems discernible).

          Sans titre
          GB 0120 MSS.7601-7602 · c 1780

          Notes of lectures on anatomy and surgery by William Hunter and William Cruikshank, taken by a student. The notes cover a course of 79 lectures given at Hunter's Great Windmill Street School, London, at some time after he had been joined by Cruikshank as assistant in 1771 (cf. MS. 5595). The latter's contribution to the course seems from these notes to have been considerable, suggesting that he was already well-established as co-lecturer. The student was probably John Power (fl. 1791-98), later a surgeon at Market Bosworth, Leics.

          Sans titre
          Porter, Surgeon-Major J. H. (1831-1880)
          GB 0120 MSS.7841-7843 · 1850-1881

          Papers of Joshua Henry Porter including manuscript draft and published version of The Surgeon's Pocket-book, 2nd edition, 1880 and military scrapbook, 1850-1881.

          Sans titre
          Barlow, Sir Thomas (1845-1945)
          GB 0120 PP/BAR · 1794-1981

          Although Barlow is best known for his original researches on infantile scurvy, there is very little material relating to that subject in the collection. There are manuscript drafts of his address to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh and his Bradshaw Lecture on infantile scurvy (BAR/E1-2), but the bulk of the clinical and scientific component of the papers relates to other matters, particularly Raynaud's disease and erythromelalgia, diseases to which Barlow turned his attention later in his career.

          Among Barlow's clinical papers is a notebook recording minutes of a 'Clinical Club', 1875-77 (BAR/D.2), whose members included, apart from Barlow himself, Sidney Coupland, Rickman Godlee, William Smith Greenfield, Robert Parker, and William Allen Sturge.

          Most of Barlow's private patients' records have not survived, though there is an index to his private patients' books, covering the years 1876-1918 (BAR/F.1).

          Scientific and clinical matters are also discussed in Barlow's correspondence, but again this is relatively thin for the period when he was active in research. Barlow's non-family correspondence has clearly been heavily weeded: there are few letters from patients, with the exception of some prominent individuals, such as Mary Curzon, wife of Lord Curzon, Randall Davidson, archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Salisbury and Lord Selborne, and in general it seems that while letters from important or well-known figures have survived those from individuals deemed less important have been discarded. Significant numbers of letters remain however from several of Barlow's regular correspondents, such as the poet, Robert Bridges, Lord Bryce, and William Page Roberts, dean of Salisbury, as well as medical figures like Sir William Jenner and Sir James Reid.

          Barlow's personal papers and family correspondence have survived in bulk and form a rich source of material for both his private and family life, and his public career. There are travel journals and sketchbooks from his earlier years, mainly documenting visits to the Continent, 1869-83; correspondence with his parents, brother, wife and children, 1852-1940, including letters written by Barlow from Balmoral, where he served as royal physician intermittently between 1897 and 1899, an eye-witness account of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 (BAR/B.2/4), and letters and telegrams from court in 1902 during the crisis of Edward VII's appendectomy; and commonplace and scrapbooks compiled in retirement, 1920-37. Also from this period are various temperance notes and addresses.

          The archive also comprises letters and papers of Barlow's parents, 1842-87; of Barlow's wife, Ada, including letters from her brother and sisters in India, 1858-80, and to her daughter Helen studying in Darmstadt, Germany, 1905-6; of Barlow's sons, Alan, Thomas and Basil, including letters from the last-named while serving on the Western Front, 1916-17; and notably of his daughter Helen, including correspondence with Archbishop and Mrs (later Lady) Davidson, 1910-35, and letters from Sir John Rose Bradford and his wife while serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps in France, 1914-19. Helen Barlow's papers also include records of three charities with which she was associated: the University College Hospital Ladies Association, 1900-50, the Southwark Boys Aid Association, 1914-36, and the Quinn Square [Southwark] Social Centre Society, c. 1935-1951. Finally there is a handful of letters to Andrew Barlow, Sir Thomas's grandson, mainly relating to articles he wrote about his grandfather, 1955-81.

          Sans titre
          GB 0120 PP/CMW · [1828]-1977

          The collection covers Lord Moran's life and career. It includes papers (committee minutes, correspondence, notes, printed material, ephemera, articles, parliamentary papers, etc.) re his position as Dean of St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1920-1945; as President at the Royal College of Physicians, 1941-1950; his role in negotiations over the establishment and structure of the NHS, 1942-1960; as Chairman of the Awards Committee, 1948-1962. His other professional activities are covered in general correspondence files; a series of medical records, including material on Winston Churchill, 1944-1965; subject files relating to his role on various government, educational and medical bodies, including the commission to determine whether Rudolph Hess was mentally fit to stand trial in 1945. The collection includes drafts and papers re Anatomy of Courage (including photocopies of his World War I army notebooks), and Winston Churchill: Struggle for Survival. There is also a section of unpublished writings and speeches, 1921-1970. Papers consulted by Professor Lovell in Australia while writing his biography of Lord Moran, were returned in two batches, the first in April 1990, when he helped with the initial sorting and listing of the papers, and the second in April 1991. Some of these papers have been returned to the main body of the collection, however most have been kept in a separate section in the list (section L). The collection also contains personal and family material, photographs, press cuttings and ephemera, and a section comprising personal and professional papers of Lord Moran's wife Dorothy, Lady Moran (d.1983).

          Sans titre
          GB 0120 PP/DAL · 1953-1991

          Papers of Ann Gwendolen Dally and Peter John Dally, 1953-1991 including patient and other records of their joint private practice, plus Dr Ann Dally's correspondence with General Medical Council and writings relating to drug addiction.

          Sans titre
          Turner, Professor George Grey
          GB 0120 PP/GGT · 1935-1951

          Papers of George Grey Turner including correspondence; biographical material; photographs; lecture notes; cuttings; reprints, 1935-1951.

          Sans titre
          GB 0120 SA/CRC · 1923-1981

          Records of the Cancer Research Campaign formerly the British Empire Cancer Campaign, covering all aspects of the Campaign's organization and activities. Sections A-C comprise committee minutes, agenda and papers, 1923-1976. The minutes of central headquarters committees are extensive, but there are serious gaps in the top level committees: Grand Council, the Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Efforts to locate the missing records have so far been unsuccessful. In addition, many minutes of sub-committees are either incomplete or unsigned copies. The collection contains very few records of regional branches; and information regarding either their existence or whereabouts is scant. The main body of the archive, Sections D-R, consists largely of files generated by Campaign headquarters, mainly the General Secretary's office. Files contain correspondence, reports, pamphlets, legal documents, press cuttings, articles, off-prints, posters, ephemera, etc. They cover the Campaign's history and organisation; senior members; relations with regional councils, branches, affiliatated bodies and other cancer organisations, both in the UK and overseas; cancer research and government provision; fund raising; research materials and equipment; cancer cures and causes; views and enquiries from the general public; cancer education and publications. There is also a series of press cuttings volumes, and three publicity films made in the 1950s.

          Sans titre
          GB 0120 SA/PHC · 1910-1999

          Minute books, 1926-1927, and Annual reports, 1926-1938, of the Pioneer Health Centre Peckham, and volumes of press-cuttings about the Centre 1929-1961; files, publications and ephemera relating to the activities of the Centre, 1925-1952; files of the Pioneer Health Centre Ltd following the closure of the Centre, 1950-1999; books about the Centre; photographs, films and videos; papers of George Scott Williamson, 1910-1991, including personalia, correspondence, lectures, drafts of articles and books, notes; papers of Innes Hope Pearse, including personalia, correspondence, notes, manuscripts, drafts of The Quality of Life, reprints; materials relating to Scott Williamson and Pearse's research on pathology and the thyroid, including notes, lectures, manuscripts, correspondence, and reprints.

          Sans titre
          León, Nicolás (1859-1929)
          GB 0120 WMS/Amer.1 and 118 · c1915-c1916

          The collection comprises material on medical history and notes on scatological remedies used in Mexico, and biographical notes on Dr. Miguel Francisco Jiménez (1813-1876).

          Sans titre
          New Spain: official documentation
          GB 0120 WMS/Amer.3, 51, 62, 64 and 96-97 · 1690-1839

          The papers in this collection comprise official documentation issued by the authorities in New Spain (specifically, in Mexico). They include the appointment of José Gracida y Bernal (1760?-1815) as one of the Protomedicatos who were in charge of medical matters in New Spain (WMS/Amer.96); three certificates issued by Protomedicatos giving individuals licence to practice medicine (WMS/Amer.51, 64 and 97); a copy of a notice suspending quarantine procedures in the city of Mexico during the fever epidemic of 1813 (WMS/Amer.3); and a order authorising payment to F.X. de Balmis (1753-1819) for work on indigenous plants in the treatment of syphilis (WMS/Amer.62).

          Sans titre
          British Institute of Radiology
          GB 1970 BIR · 1896-2001

          Records of the British Institute of Radiology (BIR) and its predecessors comprising:

          minutes of the British Institute of Radiology meetings 1922-1943; Council, 1943-1952; Council and General meetings, 1951-1993; Special General meetings 1934-1960; Medical Committee 1928-1983 ; Museums and Library Committee 1928-1930; Library Committee 1954-1970; Organisation Committee, 1962-1963 ; Physics Committee, 1966-1974; Stanley Melville Memorial Award Committee, 1934-1935; Editorial Committee, 1924-1959; House, Finance and Staff Committee, 1938; Finance Committee, 1939-1944, 1981-1983; Finance and General Purposes Committee 1952-1962; Officers committee, 1977-1994; General Programme Committee, 1959-1992; Developments Committee, 1966; Nuclear Medicine Committee, 1968-1982; Industry Committee, 1928-1981; Radiation Physics Committee 1968-1983; Radiation Protection Committee, 1921-1985; Scientific Committee, 1968-1982; Radiation Hazard Committee papers 1961-1962;

          BIR election register, with death dates annotated, 1929-1939; BIR list of members, 1926; Lists of members, 1954-1989; printed copies of BIR Yearbook and list of members, 1930-1950; printed copies of Handbook of the BIR, 1953-1966; proof copy of Handbook of the BIR, 1978 (1 file); BIR Handbook and list of members, 1991;

          visitors books, 1958-1998;

          papers relating to the Institute's relocation to premises at 36 Portland Place, London, including, papers relating to the appeal for funds, Lord Penny's broadcast, donors and covenants, tender documents, removal plans, architect plans, opening by the Queen, 1977-1984; letters relating to the purchase of the lease for the Welbeck St premises 1922-1924; papers relating to the Special General Meeting, 1953-1954;

          BIR memorandum of objects, officers and council, 1925; articles of association, of the BIR incorporated with the Röntgen Society, 1929; royal charter, 1958; BIR Byelaws, 1959; memorandum and articles of the Society of Radiographers, 1920;

          papers relating to arrangements and programme BIR Annual Congress 1954-2001; files relating to the International Congress, London 1950, Copenhagen, 1953, Munich, 1969; correspondence relating to the Royal Charter, 1959; papers relating to centenary of X-ray, 1990-1996; papers relating to amalgamation with other radiological and medical associations, 1950-1951;

          papers relating to the Royal College of Radiologists' George Simon lecture, 1970s;papers relating to Sugden and Poole's experiments on oxygen tension (undated); offprints and articles by various authors, 1917-1970s;

          photocopies of indexes to volumes of Patent Specifications particular to Radiology (original volumes are no longer held by the BIR), 1925-[1975]; files relating to Symposia and meetings papers; Symposium Ossium cash books, 1967-1968;

          collection of BIR advertisements from the British Journal of Radiology, 1920-1994;

          financial records of the BIR including Register of Seals, 1929-1978; Charities Act 1960 income tax exemptions; List of securities 1926; Detailed balance sheets, 1922-1960 (incomplete); papers relating to BIR voluntary liquidation, 1960; and Stocks and shares - award funds, [1920s];

          radiology related material held by the BIR including miscellaneous financial ledger, 1904-1915; Trade catalogues for radiology equipment from various companies, [1930s-1960s]; Vinyl disc recordings (78 RPM) of a lecture given by Lord Rutherford at Goettingen on 14 Dec 1931 (8 discs); Index to transparencies illustration normal subject technique 'Radiology - a routine normal subject technique';

          minutes and papers of the Radiology History Committee (now the Radiology History and Heritage Charitable Trust), 1990-1995; minutes, correspondence, and papers of the British Radiation Protection Association, 1984-1991; minutes of the International Congress of Radiology Provisional Committee, Organising Committee, and Grand Committee, 1924-1925; attendance book, 1925;

          papers of F G Spear relating to British Radiation Martyrs -presented 1961; copies of letters to and from William Roentgen, 1896-1905; telegram from Lord Kelvin, 1896; news cuttings relating to radium, 1903-1904; volumes of radiographs including W A Coldwell's collection of albums of radiographs 1901-[1918] ; Albums of radiographs, Vol 1, [1896-1898] and Vol 2 [1915]; and album of x-ray plates, (undated).

          photograph albums including BIR 22nd Annual Congress, 1961; BIR album compiled by Dr F Gordon Spear, President 1961-1962 [1940s-1960s]; BIR technical exhibition 1967, and 1964; Farewell to No 32 [Welbeck St, 1981]; BIR Portland Place, 1980s; Official opening [of Portland Place premises, 1982]; album of photographs of x-ray tubes, presented by the Physics Department, The City University, 1976; and other photographs 1990-1993;

          glass plate negatives collection including images of Röntgen tubes [1879-1911]; X-ray tubes (37 slides) part of collection of slides listed in the 1966 BIR Handbook; large glass plate negatives of Lord Salisbury's hand, 1896; Crooke's hand; fish-lemon sole; A J Balfour's hand 1896; and Lord Kelvin's hand 1896;

          x-ray plates, including Lord Salisbury's hand, 1896; and early x-ray glass slides (undated);

          hospital records including Guy's Hospital, London, Radiographic Day Book, Edward W H Shenton, 1900; Hospital for Consumption, Brompton, X-ray register, 1914-1915; Middlesex Hospital radium requisition book (carbon copies), Apr 1963;

          printed copy of Silvanus Phillips Thompson, his life and letters, J S and H G Thompson, T Fisher Unwin, London 1920 (containing some photos and loose papers relating to Thompson); copy of thesis 'Adult Bronchiectases', Dr Barclay, 1930.

          Sans titre