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          697 Descrição arquivística resultados para Surgery

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          Royal Army Medical Corps Muniments Collection
          GB 0120 RAMC · 17th century - 20th century

          Reports, diaries, memoirs, photographs and memorabilia given to the Royal Army Medical Corps Museum and Library by former officers and men of the Corps. Some date back to Marlborough's campaigns of the late 17th century; there is also material relating to the continuing European and Imperial conflicts of the 18th and early 19th centuries, the Crimean War (1854-1856), the Boer War and the Balkan conflicts of the early 20th century, the two World Wars, the Korean War and other smaller conflicts thereafter.

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          Association of British Ophthalmologists (founded 1937)
          GB 0120 SA/ABO · 1937-1946

          Volumes of minutes containing annual alphabetical indexes of ophthalmologists who joined the Association of British Ophthalmologists, together with subject indexes.

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          Abortion Law Reform Association
          GB 0120 SA/ALR · 1930s-1980s

          Records of the Abortion Law Reform Association, its officers, and individuals connected with the attempt to reform the abortion laws, plus various associated materials. The administrative records of the ALRA c 1935-1978, include papers of Chairman Janet Chance, and, following the passing of 1967 Act making abortion legal, papers of the 'Lane' Committee on Working of the Aberdeen Act and Abortion Amendment Bills.

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          Birth Control Campaign
          GB 0120 SA/BCC · 1971-1977

          Papers of the Birth Control Campaign (BCC), 1971-1977, including papers relating to Parliamentary action on wider provision of male sterilisation (vasectomy), free provision of contraception under the NHS, and general improved NHS facilities for contraception, abortion and sterilisation. There is also a large section of press cuttings, and files relating to the internal organisation of the campaign, various attempts to promote and publicise its aims, and relations with other bodies in connected fields.

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          Medical Research Council Blood Group Unit (1935-1995)
          GB 0120 SA/BGU · 1927-1993

          The records cover the period 1927-1993, although the majority date from the 1940s to the 1970s. Notable series include general correspondence with colleagues world-wide, 1935-1984; Dr Race's research papers on human genetic markers, late 1930s/early 1940s; files of correspondence, research notes, pedigrees etc. on blood grouping investigations, 1942-1993; and a comprehensive collection of photographs recording Medical Research Council Blood Group Unit staff at work and play, 1927-[1980s].

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          Brain Research Association (founded 1968)
          GB 0120 SA/BRA · 1968-1992

          Records of the Brain Research Association (BRA), 1968-1992, comprising committee and Annual General Meeting minutes and papers, and Honorary Secretary's correspondence. There are, however, no committee minutes after 1987 or correspondence before 1977.

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          Eugenics Society (founded 1907)
          GB 0120 SA/EUG · 1863-1996

          The initial deposit, sections A-K, consists mainly of correspondence and associated papers (leaflets, memoranda, extracts from minutes, etc.). There are two main series of correspondence: 'People' and 'General' and some other distinct smaller series such as 'Branches and other Societies'. The internal arrangement of these files is normally chronological, with a few exceptions (usually an alphabetical arrangement). There are also lecturers' report sheets, publications, slides, posters, charts, and photographs, mainly but not exclusively in Section G: Propaganda and Publicity. There is a set of Annual Reports and related material 1908-1979 (Section A). Under the will of Dr. Marie Stopes the Eugenics Society was left her birth control clinic, books from her library and certain emoluments. Three boxes of her correspondence and some miscellanea, were assigned to section K. In 1988 minute books and the Society's extensive collection of press cuttings plus some financial records were added as GB0120 SA/EUG/L-N.

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          Mexico: Junta Principal de Caridad
          GB 0120 WMS/Amer.45 and 89 · 1797-1798

          The items in the collection span the work of the Junta during the 1797-1798 smallpox epidemic, comprising a circular announcing the setting up in late 1797 of local charitable societies to be co-ordinated by the Junta, and the Junta's concluding report of early 1798.

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          Lovett-Campbell, Alexander Cosby (1899-1985)
          GB 0120 WTI/ALC · 1930s-1970s

          Photographs and publications relating to surgery, elephantiasis and local customs in Nigeria, 1930s-1940s.

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          Browne, Stanley George (1907-1986)
          GB 0120 WTI/SGB · 1909-1986

          The archive spans Browne's career from school onwards, but the core series of records focus on his work as a medical missionary at the BMS hospital in Yakusu, Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Section B comprises records for the period 1938-1958, including registers of leprosy sufferers, case records and photograph albums documenting various symptoms. Section K contains further photographs (mainly clinical) for the period 1938-1977, the most important series of which dates from Browne's time at the Baptist Mission Hospital and comprises over 900 negatives and prints together with supporting documentation, 1954-1958.

          Section C contains a small number of files compiled by Browne during his research into leprosy, yaws, onchocerciasis and ainhum, 1946-1983. Particularly notable are the files on the anti-leprosy drug B663 (now known as clofazimine), into the use of which Browne conducted pioneering studies whilst director of the Leprosy Research Unit, Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria, 1959-1966.The remaining records comprise personal and biographical material, 1923-1985 (section A); general subject files containing correspondence, reprints etc. on a wide variety of topics, 1948-1986 (section D); writings by Browne, 1935-1985 (section E); records of Browne's involvement with the International Leprosy Association, 1909-1985 (section F) and various other organisations, 1959-1986 (section G); records on foreign visits, 1965-1985 (section H); and a few files on religious matters, 1959-1984 (section J).

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          East Ham Memorial Hospital
          RLHES · Arquivo · 1929-1946

          Registers of nurse training and registers of trained nurses.

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          RLHHM · Arquivo · 1890-1991


          1. The Hospital: a weekly journal of Science, Medicine, Nursing and Philanthropy, editorial marked files, 1890-1923, containing manuscript annotations on each page identifying contributors to the Journal, with details of their remuneration;

          2. The Hospital , incorporating the Hospital Gazette, bound volumes, 1935 - 1971, vols. 1-39 , continued as: The Hospital and Health Service Review, vols. 40-84, 1971 - 1988, vol. 85-87; continued as: Health Services Management, 1989 - 1991 (60 volumes + 60 volumes of duplicates);

          3. Sir Henry Burdett [et al.]: Burdett's Hospitals and Charities: being the year book of philanthropy and The Hospital annual: 5th edition, 1894 - 38th edition, 1928;

          4. . The Charity Record and Philanthropic News, vols. 1-4, 1881 - 1884 (4 volumes);

          5. The Association of Clerks and Stewards of Mental Hospitals Journal, vols 5-17, 1920 - 1930; continues as The Incorporated Association of Clerks and Stewards of Mental Hospitals Journal, vols. 1-10, 1931 - 1942 (6 volumes);

          6. Aldridge's Hospital Diary and Buyers's Guide, 1947 - 1953 (7 volumes);

          7. Sir Henry Burdett [et al.]: Hospitals and Asylums of the World. vol. 1 Asylums; vol. 2. Asylum construction with plans and bibliography (1891); vol. 4. Hospital construction, with plans and bibliography (1892). J & A Churchill, London.

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          Medical Council of the London Hospital
          RLHLM · Arquivo · 1868-1991

          Minutes, committee minutes, agenda books, rules and regulations, files and miscellaneous.

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          Mildmay Mission Hospital
          RLHMM · Arquivo · 1877-1996

          Administrative records, patient registers, nursing records and photographs.

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          London Hospital Pathological Institute
          RLHPI · Arquivo · 1907-2004

          The Institute's records are arranged as follows: Director's books and associated records of post mortem examinations, 1907-200, including Bethnal Green and Mile End Hospitals autopsies, 1969 - 1978 and indexes 1907 - 1967; Surgical Department Director's books 1909 - 1995, including indexes 1909 - 1982; Cytology Department registers, 1966-1982; Bethnal Green Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1976; Mile End Hospital Surgical Department records, 1972-1982; Mile End Hospital Cytology Department records, 1969-1981; Specimen books, 1923-1934; Photographs and slides, 1959 - 1980; Classification schemes and indexes, 1907-1981; Publications, 1906 - 1979.

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          Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children
          RLHQE · Arquivo · 1868-1998

          Administrative records, chaplaincy records, clinico-pathological minute books, title deeds and other legal records, financial records, patient records, nursing records, photographs and records received from unofficial sources.

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          BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins, (1783-1862)
          GB 0406 Brodie · 18th century-1934

          Papers of or relating to Sir Benjamin Brodie comprising case notes taken by Brodie as House Surgeon at St George's Hospital, 1805-1851, and include details of experiments on guinea pigs, 1817-1826 and notes of lectures on madness delivered by Dr Sutherland at St Luke's Hospital, 1851; surgical cases and commentaries by Brodie, 1805-1807 (2 volumes); hospital notes, 1813-1816; case books, 1821-1834, including letter from Mrs Marion Warren Harries, St Thomas' Rectory, Haverfordwest, requesting new prescription for her throat, 29 Dec 1840; case notes, 1824-1827; note book containing extracts from Wallace Dublin on venereal disease, 1833, and case notes 1827-1828; case notes, 1849; case notes, 1839-1854 (3 volumes); case notes, 1829-1830, 1838-1839, 1854 (4 volumes); case notes of Hugh Rowen, 73 Henry Street, 1815; case book, 1820-1860. Lectures and related notes, comprising 'An essay on the principles of science', read to the Academical Society, 1802; 'Analysis of the principal memoirs of the French Academy of Surgery', 1808; 'An introduction to comparative anatomy and physiology', introductory lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeon, 1816; introductory lecture of anatomy and physiology, 1820; notes of lectures on anatomy, 1820; notes of lectures delivered by Brodie, taken by Gregory Smith, 1827 (4 volumes); notes of lectures delivered by Brodie, taken by Henry Johnson, 1830; notebook containing: 42 lectures, undated, lecturers name not given, including clinical lectures by Brodie, 1839-1840; introductory discourse to the students of St George's, 1843, including testimonial given by Brodie to Dr Morson, 12 Dec 1834; 'Psychologia', 1851; physiological experiments and observations, 1810-1817; selections from notes of Brodie's physiological experiments and observations, 1812-1826; notes of lectures on the practice of medicine, 1816; notes of symptoms, 18th-19th centuries; commonplace book, undated. Other material, comprising notes of anatomical lectures delivered by Thomas Tatum and Henry James Johnson, taken by John Morgan, School of Anatomy, Kinnerton Street, 1837-1839; notes of lectures on structural anatomy and physiology delivered at the Hunterian School of Medicine by William Vesalius Pettigrew, 1840-1846; copy of an address presented by the students of St George's to G G Babington on his retirement as Surgeon to St George's, with his reply, 1843; testimonial presented to George D Pollock, on his retirement as Consulting Surgeon to St George's, 1882; notes taken by Dr Charles Slater while attending a course in bacteriology at the Pasteur Institute, 1893; case notes of Dr Marriott Fawckner Nicholls, 1933-1934.

          Note: this collection is currently on loan to the Royal College of Surgeons.

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          Albert Dock Seamen's Hospital
          RLHAD · Arquivo · 1916-1979

          Administrative records, patient records, nursing records.

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          GATTER, Ellen V (fl 1905-1909)
          GB 0100 TH/PP25 · 1905-1909

          Papers of Ellen Gatter comprising note/sketch book containing anatomical drawings, mostly pencil sketches, occasional colour added, as well as some notes on anatomy. The volume also contain sketches of classical designs, and patterns and ornaments, and notes on `the principles of ornament' [1905-1909]; note/sketch book, containing pencil drawings of anatomical subjects and human models, as well as bibliographic notes, 1907; sketch book, of anatomical drawings, some coloured, and sketches of models, 1905-1909, with sketches in the back depicting coats of arms, and armour.

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          HULBERT, John (fl 1807)
          GB 0100 TH/PP33 · c.1807

          Two volumes of manuscript notes bound together, containing lectures on the principles and practice of surgery by Astley Paston Cooper, and Benjamin Travers's lectures on diseases of the eye, taken by Hulbert as a pupil, 1807.

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          MITCHINER, Major General Philip Henry (1888-1952)
          GB 0100 TH/PP42 · [1904-1952]

          Papers of Philip Henry Mitchiner comprising notebooks [1904-1910], notebook on fevers (undated); notebook on practical chemistry and physics and nervous diseases, 1904; on anatomy and diseases, with sketches, (2 vols) [1907]; notebook recording instruments for operations, preparations of ligatures, 1910; notebook on district (maternity) cases and pregnancy, [1908];
          notebooks containing lecture notes on surgical pathology, 1909; surgery, 1909; diseases of stomach and intestines, 1909; medicine, lung and liver, 1910]; practical surgery and diseases of the breast, 1910;
          collection of typescript papers and articles by Mitchener on subjects including the problem of the acute abdomen, gas, swellings in the groin, organisation of surgery under war conditions, injuries of blood vessel, wounds of joints, diseases of the veins, techniques of intravenous transfusion and infusion, comparison of the results of conservative and radical surgical treatment in carcinoma of the breast, 1924-1933 (co-authored), etc; also contains a list of Mitchiner's published articles, 1915-1939; and printed photograph and obituary.

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          MURCHISON, Charles (1830-1879)
          GB 0100 TH/PP43 · 1845-1879

          Papers of Charles Murchison, 1845-1879, comprising school essays, 1845-1846; notebook containing notes and extracts on anatomy and zoology, 1846-1847, including an account of a meeting of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, 1847; notes on the New Testament, 1846; notes on Homer's Iliad, 1846 (3 vols); notes on the skin and subcutaneous cellular structure, with sketches, 1847; notes entitled 'observations on the spleen', with pencil sketches, 1849; note book entitled 'observations on temperature';

          lecture notes taken by Charles Murchison as a student, comprising notes on Professor John Hutton Balfour's lectures on botany, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847, including ink and pencil sketches; notes on Sir Robert Christison's lectures on vegetable material medica, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847-1848, including diagrams and some notes on electricity (2 vols); notes on Professor James David Forbes' lectures on heat, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846, with diagrams (2 vols); notes on John Goodsir's lectures on comparative anatomy, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846-1847, including sketches (5 vols); notes on Robert Jameson's lectures on natural history, including geology and zoology, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848, including ink diagrams (3 vols); notes on Professor Allen Thomson's lectures on the institutes of medicine, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848;

          case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, containing details of six cases and an autopsy; case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, of fifty cases, and at Westminster General Dispensary, 1854-1855, of one hundred and fifty six cases; four volumes of case notes of (mainly male) patients at St Thomas's Hospital, 1871-1879, including temperature charts and letters, written in a variety of hands (4 vols); case books, 1877-1878 containing case notes of female patients at St Thomas's Hospital (4 vols);

          Letter to Murchison from [R Cokam] relating to a report of operations (undated); manuscript notes on Metals, 1847; black and white photograph of letter from Mr Snow to Murchison relating to presentation of a book by the late brother of William Snow.

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          SHELDON, John (1752-1808)
          GB 0100 TH/PP55 · [1770, 1788]

          John Sheldon's notes on lectures by Alexander Monro on anatomy and surgery, delivered at Edinburgh [1770].

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          THUDICHUM, Johann Ludwig Wilhelm (1829-1901)
          GB 0100 TH/PP67 · 1869, 1871

          Letter to Dr Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Thudichum, from F Hoppe-Seyler, Tubingen, 1869; and letter from Justus Liebig, Academie der Wissenschaften, 1871.

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          WHITFIELD, Richard (c.1764-1837)
          GB 0100 TH/PP81 · [1780]-1814

          Manuscript volumes collected by Richard Whitfield comprising lecture notes taken either by Whitfield or unidentified pupils including:
          one volume of notes on a course of anatomy lectures by Henry Cline including lectures on pathology and physiology, 1793, delivered 1787, taken by Whitfield;
          one volume of notes on anatomical lectures of Joseph Else delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, [1780], including notes on John Hunter's lectures on anatomy, 1781, taken by an unidentified pupil;
          six volumes of notes on Fordyce's lectures on medicine, delivered [1788-1789], taken by Richard Whitfield, [1792], containing lectures on material medica, natural history of the human body, doctrine of diseases, doctrine of fevers, doctrine of inflammations, particular inflammations, inflammation of the mucous membrane, lues venereal, eruptive fevers, chronic diseases, spasmodic disease;
          three volumes of notes on lectures on the practice of physic of James Gregory, delivered at Edinburgh, 1814, taken by an unidentified student;
          one volume of notes on William Herbeden's lectures containing observations on the history, nature and cure of poisons, delivered at the College of Physicians, 1749, with copy notes made by Whitfield, 1792;
          two volumes of notes on surgical lectures by John Hunter, 1786;
          four volumes of notes on anatomical and surgical lectures by Alexander Monro, [1788];
          1 volume of notes on Percivall Pott's surgical lectures, delivered [1787], taken down [1794];
          and one volume titled Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica vel Institutiones Chirugicae.

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          Moyne papers on West India Royal Commission
          GB 0101 ICS 56 · 1938-1945

          Papers of Walter Edward Guiness, Lord Moyne, relating to his chairmanship of the West India Royal Commission (WIRC), 1938-1939; comprising speech notes by Moyne for the first public session of WIRC; annotated notes for preparation of the WIRC report; copies of published Colonial Office reports including Report of the West India Sugar Commission, 1930, Report by Lord Moyne on Financial Mission to Kenya, 1932, Report of Enquiry on the Trinidad and Tobago disturbances, 1937, Report by G St J Orde Browne on Labour Conditions in the West Indies, 1939, WIRC Report on agriculture, fisheries and veterinary matters by F L Engledow, 1945; memoranda submitted to WIRC by interested parties in Trinidad and Tobago, on means of improving the social and economic conditions of the people, including the Port of Spain Ministerial Association, the Civil Service Association of Trinidad and Tobago, the Port of Spain Nurses and Midwives Association, the Railway Workers Trade Union, Captain C R Williams, Church Army, the Presbyterian Church in Trinidad, the Trinidad Labour Party, Port of Spain City Council, the British West Indies and British Guiana Teachers' Association, the Trinidad and Tobago Teachers' Union, Trinidad Federation Workers Trade Union, the Guianese and West Indies Labour Congress, the Chinese Commercial Association, Trinidad Chamber of Commerce, South Trinidad Cane Farmers Association, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago on agriculture, forestry and fisheries and social welfare, the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad Asphalt Operating Company, the Coconut Growers Association, the Petroleum Association of Trinidad, memorandum by Arthur Calder-Marshall on Trinidad, impressions of the social situation in Trinidad by A E Jeffery, the Trinidad and Tobago Union of Shop Assistants and Clerks and the Trinidad Landowners' Association.

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          CAYGILL, Marjorie L (fl 1970-1998)
          GB 0101 ICS 9 · c1974

          Typescript of paper by Marjorie Caygill 'The British Medical Association and its Overseas Branches: A Short History' on the development of medical links within the Empire and Commonwealth, and variations between the UK pattern and its overseas offshoots. The paper covers the establishment of the BMA in the UK and in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, India and the Colonies; the development of the medical education and General Medical Council recognition; and the establishment of the Commonwealth Medical Conference and the Commonwealth Medical Association. It is a working paper prepared in the 1970s as part of Terry Johnson's project on the Nature and Significance of Professional Links within the Commonwealth.

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          Comfort Papers
          GB 0103 COMFORT · 1937-c1990

          Papers, 1937-c1990, of Alex Comfort.

          The first deposit (6 boxes) comprises letters received, 1937-1964, on his literary and other interests, with the letters of 1937-1945 focussing particularly on literary subjects, including poetry in the 1940s, but latterly more varied, including ideas and activism in anarchism, pacifism, and nuclear disarmament, as public speaker, broadcaster and pamphleteer, including for example letters from Bertrand Russell, 1960-1962; copies of letters from Herbert Read, 1941-1964; a few personal papers, 1936-1946, including The Times announcement of the birth of Comfort's son, 1946; papers relating to peace campaigns in which Comfort was involved, 1944-1961; lecture notes and poetry, stories, and articles by Comfort on pacifism, politics, and science, 1941-1960 and undated; printed papers relating to Comfort's interests, 1945-1962.The second deposit (46 boxes, 4 files) comprises 14 boxes of correspondence relating to Comfort's work, publications, and other interests, some dating back to 1949 but largely dating from the 1960s to 1980s; manuscripts and, particularly, typescripts of both published and unpublished verse and prose, both scientific and non-scientific, including for example 'I and That', 'The facts of love', 'A practice of geriatric psychiatry', 'Reality and empathy', 'The Power House', 'More joy', 'A giants strength', 'Darwin and the naked lady', 'Come out to play', 'The Almond Tree', and 'Letters from an outpost'; printed articles by Comfort, the topics including old age and some sexual subjects; scripts for talks and broadcasts; press cuttings, dating largely from the 1950s and 1960s, relating to Comfort and his work; a file of slides of India, 1962, and two files of scientific slides; printed papers by other authors on various scientific topics.

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          Burdon-Sanderson Papers
          GB 0103 MS ADD 179 · 1843-1912

          The collection contains papers, correspondence and diaries of Sir John Burdon-Sanderson and also papers of his wife Lady Burdon-Sanderson. Some of the papers include notes and drafts of lectures and addresses. There are also papers that were used for a Memoir of John Burdon-Sanderson, begun by Lady Burdon-Sanderson and completed by Burdon-Sanderson's niece and nephew, Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane and John Scott Haldane (published in Oxford, 1911).

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          Sharpey Papers
          GB 0103 MS ADD 227 · 1852-1866

          The collection consists of letters, most of which are addressed to William Sharpey as Secretary of the Royal Society. The main correspondents are Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (President of the Royal Society, 1858-1861); Sir Edward Sabine (President of the Royal Society, 1861-1871); George Gabriel Stokes (one of the Secretaries, 1854-1884). The numerous other correspondents include many people active in the scientific world.

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          Grant Papers
          GB 0103 MS ADD 28 · 1813-1823

          Essays on medical subjects (1813-1815); notes on lectures delivered by John Barclay on comparative anatomy (1821); notes on the geology of Scotland (1823).

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          LAWRENCE, Thomas (1711-1783)
          GB 0113 MS-LAWRT · c.1750-1766

          Papers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.

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          PLOWDEN, Andrew (fl 1601)
          GB 0113 MS-PLOWA · Arquivo · 1601

          'A book of Surgerie and Phisick of Mistress Honorie Henslow', by Andrewe Plowden, Servant to Mistress Honore Henslow, 1601.

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          RAMSAY, Mabel Lieda (d 1954)
          GB 0113 MS-RAMSM · 1952

          1 notebook of biographical memoirs.

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          WESTERN DISPENSARY, Westminster, London
          GB 0113 MS-WESTD · 1833-1952

          The records of the Western Dispensary comprise chiefly minute books, annual reports and patient registers.

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          WILLCOX, Sir William Henry (1870-1941)
          GB 0113 MS-WILLC · 1896, 1911-1915, 1923-1924, 1932-1941

          Papers of Sir William Henry Willcox, relating to a variety of topics: murder trials, criminal abortion, the use of insulin and the production of table salt.

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          Bedford, Nathaniel (b 1757)
          GB 0114 MS0002 · Arquivo · 1781-1783

          This collection contains a single manuscript volume, the 'Naval Surgeons Casebook'. The volume begins with details of cases, symptoms and cures of Nathaniel Bedford's patients at St George's hospital during 1781. The rest of the volume contains descriptions of cases, sickness, and treatments during his travels whilst a ship's surgeon in the West Indies during 1781-1783.

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          Clift, William (1775-1849)
          GB 0114 MS0007 · Arquivo · 1780-1849

          The collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.

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          Hunter-Baillie Collection
          GB 0114 MS0014 · 1704-1923

          The collection represents the contacts through two centuries of a group of men and women of high distinction ramifying through the medical, legal and literary worlds. It forms a not unimportant fund of minor historical material, comprising more than a thousand letters from nearly five hundred writers.

          The autograph letters are mounted in 10 large volumes: -

          1. Letterbook of John Arbuthnot (1667-1735). The most interesting letters are those of Pope and Swift and their circle written in 1714 when the Queen's death involved the destruction of their political hopes. Letterbook of William Hunter (1719-1783). It includes letters from Tobias Smollett the novelist, from Dr. Johnson thanking Hunter for presenting his book to the King, and from Edward Gibbon 'proposing himself the pleasure of attending some of Dr. Hunter's Anatomical lectures.'

          2. Hunter and Baillie family letters and reminiscences, including the letters written by John to William Hunter from active service in 1761-62; poems by Sophia Baillie, Jenner family letters.

            1. Letters to Matthew Baillie from the Royal Princesses. Letters of the Bentham family, including three from Jeremy Bentham. Autograph letter collection includes letters from Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens. 1735 - 1845
          3. Denman family collection; autographs collections of Lady Bell and Dr. William Whewell; letters of John Baron, Edward Jenner's biographer; fragment of unpublished music by Mozart; letters from Joanna Baillie's friends including c.1782-1877

          4. Letters to Joanna Baillie includes letters from Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth. Various dates

          5. William Hunter's diplomas, and letters to him, Hunter family documents, and notes on family history compiled by Joanna and Matthew Baillie. Locks of hair and christening caps worn by Hunter family. Various dates

          6. Matthew Baillie's letters to William Hunter includes material relating to treatment of George III and to his wife Sophia (Denman) and his diplomas. C. 1783-1823

          7. Matthew Baillie's professional correspondence including notes on illness of George III and on labour of Princess Charlotte. Letter to Helen Hunter Baillie from George Peachy re Matthew Baillie's notebooks (1923). 1783-1923

          8. Joanna Baillie's letters and papers relating to her plays, sale of her works, mss. of two stories and a comedy, letters from Mrs Sigourney, Henry Siddons, Anne Hunter, Mary Somerville; Agnes Baillie's reminiscences, prescriptions by Matthew Baillie

          9. Princess Mary's letters to Baillie concerning the illness of Princess Amelia, Anne Hunter's autograph poems, libretto of Haydn's Creation; account of death of Princess Charlotte.

            The Hunter Baillie collection comprises also a number of manuscript books, the oldest of which is a commonplace book of the early eighteenth century, giving details of family history of the Hunters. Matthew Baillie's notebooks include: -

          Journal of a tour in Europe in 1788 and A short memoir of my life, 1818. 'Some brief observations from my own experience upon a considerable number of diseases', in two volumes. n.d. With these are his casebooks, fee-books and other professional notes, including details of his attendance on King George III. Baillie records that his total annual fees mounted from £121 in 1792 to £9,995 in 1815.

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          Hunter-Jenner Letters
          GB 0114 MS0015 · 1773-1793

          Volume containing 32 letters from John Hunter to Edward Jenner, 1773-1793. The letters were written whilst Jenner practiced medicine at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, having been a pupil of Hunters in London from 1770 to 1772. The letters record Hunter's encouragement of Jenner in his botanical, ornithological and medical observations and experiments, and include requests for Jenner to send him animal specimens, including fossils.

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          LAWRENCE, Sir William (1783-1867)
          GB 0114 MS0020 · c1817-1860

          Papers of Sir William Lawrence, c1817-1860, comprising an account of patients admitted into the London Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, (cases under Lawrence and Tyrell), 1817-1825; notes of hospital cases; notes used for delivery of lectures in surgery; notes and papers, including addresses made at St Bartholomew's Hospital; notes for lectures in ophthalmic surgery; notes and papers relating to comparative anatomy and physiology; notes of hospital cases; notes on surgical subjects; commonplace book containing case notes on his patients; lecture on ophthalmic surgery; case notes on ophthalmic patients of Lawrence and Travers.

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          NAPLES, Joshua (fl 1811-1812)
          GB 0114 MS0024 · 1811-1812

          Diary of a resurrectionist, 1811-1812, probably Joshua Naples, describing his activities supplying bodies to anatomists in London, including to St Thomas's and St Bartholomew's Hospitals.

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          Fawcett, Rowland Morris (fl 1820-1890)
          GB 0114 MS0040 · 1820-1827

          Papers of Roland Morris Fawcett, 1820-1827, comprising case notes, surgical notes and a commonplace book, 1822-1823; and lecture notes divided into sections titled 'Home', 'Hope', 'Murray', and 'Turner, Duncan and Alison', 1820-1827.

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          Cardiothoracic Society
          GB 0114 MS0063 · 1959-1989

          Papers of the Cardiothoracic Society, 1959-1989, comprising minutes of meetings, including the discussion of mistakes and errors during cardiothoracic surgery, 1959-1989; menus from dinners at the meetings; signatures of various members; and a reprint, and typescript copy, of an article on the history of the Cardiothoracic Society by B B Milstein, published in the European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 1991.

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          Howitt, Thomas (fl 1830-1887)
          GB 0114 MS0092 · 1830-1922

          Papers of Thomas Howitt, 1830-1922, comprising a volume containing notes of lectures by Sir Charles Bell and Herbert Mayo, amongst others, on topics such as teeth, surgery, ovarian diseases, urethra diseases, head injuries, abcesses, and Pleuralgia, c 1830; diary and notes made during a visit to study French hospital practice in Paris, 1832-1833; medical case notes, 1832-1838; recipes for products such as shaving soap and cold cream; a letter from Howitt and J Brockbank to the physicians and surgeons of the Lancaster General Hospital, concerning a patient too poor to pay for medicine; and a letter from Aunt Fanny to Billy, presumably William Howitt Hastings (MRCS 1905), grandson of Thomas Howitt FRCS, 15 Mar 1922, relating to handing over the notebook from her into his care.

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          Bell, Professor Sir Charles
          GB 0096 MS 386 · 1840

          Journals of Sir Charles Bell's tour of Italy in 1840. Volumes contain notes and watercolour sketches.

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          Pearce, Joseph (fl 1791-1822)
          GB 0114 MS0196 · 1791

          Papers of Joseph Pearce, 1791, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Pearce, taken at Lectures on the Principles of Surgery by John Hunter, 1791.

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          Waller, W (fl 1784)
          GB 0114 MS0199 · Late 18th century

          Papers of W Waller, surgeon of Gosport, late 18th century, comprising a manuscript volume of notes taken by Waller at John Hunter's lectures, titled An Abstract of Lectures on Surgery delivered at London by Mr John Hunter.

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          GB 0114 MS0205 · 1776-1812

          Papers of William Allison and William Jeremiah Allison, 1776-1812, comprising a volume titled Hunters Lectures Volume 1, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, c 1785. Including a portrait of William Hunter; a volume titled Hunters Lectures Volume 2, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, on topics including 'Chirurgical Operations' and 'The method given by Dr Hunter for the preservation of dead bodies called embalming', c 1775-1776; a volume titled Hunter's Lectures Volume 3, and Dr Hunter on the Gravid Uterus, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, c 1785; a volume titled A Summary View of the Succeeding Lectures, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures thought to be by William Hunter, on topics including midwifery and children's diseases, c 1785; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 1, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including blood, bile, urine, milk, anatomy and fevers; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 2 containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including diseases; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 3, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including chronic diseases, preganancy, and children's diseases; and a volume of manuscript notes by William Jeremiah Allison titled Lectures on the Principal Operations of Surgery delivered by Sir Everard Hume Bart in the year 1812.

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