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      • UP Aerial surveying
      • UP Arpentage
      • UP Levé de plans
      • UP Levé topographique aérien
      • UP Agrimensura
      • UP Medición de tierras
      • UP Prospección topográfica
      • UP Reconocimiento aéreo

      92 Descrição arquivística resultados para Surveying

      Bax Family Papers
      GB 0064 BAX · Coleção · [1844-1894]

      Papers of Admiral Robert Bax, Henry Bonham Bax and Captain Bonham Ward Bax.

      Sem título
      HMS Dryad
      GB 0064 DRY · Coleção · [1754-1944]

      Papers relating to HMS Dryad consisting mainly of manuscripts relating to the education of naval officers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It includes a 'Plan of Learning' executed by a student at the Royal Academy, Portsmouth, in 1754; the order book of the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth containing Admiralty and internal orders, 1839 to 1855; the regulations of the College, 1869, also with officers' signatures; and papers including a report on the sanitary conditions in the College, 1889 to 1890. There are also five notebooks, 1763, c 1770, 1812 and c 1850, kept by naval officers under training, containing navigational notes and calculations; and a small volume containing in question-and-answer form the information required for the Master's examination for the Channel, 1780. Other volumes and documents include: the illustrated log of the BOMBAY, 1864 to 1865, NARCISSUS, 1865 to 1868, BEACON, 1868 to 1869, and GREYHOUND, 1869, kept by Midshipman G E Morrison (fl 1864-76); the record of the BOMBAY includes an account of the loss of the ship by fire. The journal of the SYLVIA, 1876 to 1878, was kept by Sub-Lieutenant Edward Helby (fl 1869-1899) while the ship was surveying in the Korean archipelago and includes descriptions of the area. In addition there are some letters of Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) with reports on a device for taking soundings through a ship's hull, 1905 to 1908; and towing time tables for the sections of Mulberry harbours, 1944.

      Sem título
      Graves family papers
      GB 0064 GRV · Coleção · [1711-1804]

      Papers of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves. They consist of logs, 1738 to 1744, an official letterbook, 1711 to 1738, a private letterbook, 1721 to 1740, and two order books, 1711 to 1728 and 1739 to 1741. There are some commissions and an abstract of orders received, 1739 to 1743.

      Papers of Adml Thomas Graves including logs, 1742 to 1744, 1746 to 1748 and 1779 to 1782; a letterbook, 1793 to 1794; order books, 1788 to 1793; a book of sailing directions with some orders, 1755 to 1756; letters and a volume on courts martial, 1771 to 1780 and 1786 to 1787. There are some loose papers which relate to Graves' court martial and to his Governorship of Newfoundland. The latter contain some documents on hydrographic surveys, among which is a letter of 1764 to Graves from Captain James Cook (1728-1779) There are also some commissions, official letters and drafts, 1764 to 1767, 1777 to 1782, a few private letters, 1782 to 1797 and a biography of Graves up to 1790. Some papers of Admiral Sir Thomas Graves (c 1747-1814) another cousin of Lord Graves are also in the collection. They are orders received as Captain of the Savage, North American Station, 1779 to 1781, and official letters received, 1800 to 1804.

      Sem título
      Stokes, Admiral John Lort (1812-1885)
      GB 0064 STK · Coleção · [1837-1863]

      Papers of Adml John Lort Stokes. They include logs, 1837 to 1843, 1848 to 1849, 1851 and 1859 to 1863, letter-books, 1841 to 1843, 1848 to 1851 and 1860 to 1862, and correspondence, 1844 to 1858. There are no papers for the first voyage of the BEAGLE. For the second and more famous voyage, 1831 to 1836, on which Charles Darwin sailed, there are some official service documents of Stokes, some orders, notes on surveying, rough notes on navigation in South American waters and a few rough sketches. For the third voyage, 1837 to 1843, there are survey notebooks, some letters and orders, a night order book, a game book, a list of the crew, some accounts, an album of sketches and some loose sketches. The bulk of the collection relates to the voyage of the ACHERON. There is a draft narrative of the first part of the voyage, together with survey notebooks, an abstract of the ship's positions, miscellaneous letters and papers and views, sketches and rough charts. This last group comprises about 150 single items, mostly coastal views. Some of the more finished sketches can be identified as the work of William Swainson (1789-1855), Frederick John Owen Evans (1815-1885), later Hydrographer to the Admiralty, and W.J.W. Hamilton, an artist who accompanied the expedition. His sketchbook is also in the collection. Finally there are survey notebooks and a calculations book for the English Channel survey.

      Sem título
      BOMFORD, Col Guy (1899-1996)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bomford · Created 1945

      Copy of account of the Survey Service of the Eastern and 14 Army in India and Burma during the period 1942-1945, written in 1945.

      Sem título
      CLIFFORD, Col Esmond Humphrey Miller (1895-1970)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Clifford · Created 1892-1960

      Narrative of operations of 7 Division, 1918 by the Revd E C Crosse including reference to Clifford's service as Officer Commanding 95 Field Company, Royal Engineers; papers relating to Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928 including maps; British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936, including intelligence reports on French Somaliland, air survey operations, Walwal incident between Italian and Ethiopian troops, and printed reports on the work of the Commission; Chief Engineer, China Command, including report on Royal Engineers in Hong Kong, 1941-1942; Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-1957, including diaries, 1951-1955, printed reports, and maps of the boundary, 1946-1949; published articles by Clifford, 1928-1947, mainly on boundary commissions; technical manuals, 1924-1932, including surveying; publications and printed works, 1892-1952, including boundary commissions.

      Sem título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Misc 20 · Arquivo · 1915-1918

      Twelve published maps of Mesopotamia, titled 'Turkey in Asia', produced by the Survey of India, 1915-1917, showing an area from Baghdad in the north west to Basra (Basrah) and the border with Iran (Persia) in the south east, scale 1 inch to 4 miles, many areas marked 'unsurveyed'. Also two maps produced by 'the Compilation Section GHQ', 1918, of the town of Najaf (An-Najaf) scale 6 inches to 1 mile, and of the area around the town of Mosul, scale 1 inch to 4 miles.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/0986 · Coleção · 1964-1967

      Photograph and press release relating to the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Heathrow Airport.

      Sem título
      STEVENSON, Col Robert Colin Russell (1896-1983)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Stevenson · Created 1913-1958

      Papers and photographs, 1913-1958, including fourteen panoramic photographs produced by Survey Company, Royal Engineers, Salonika Force, labelled to show topographical details, Feb 1917; 'Salonika fire', 18-19 Aug 1917, a series of 24 official photographs of the city, taken by Survey Company, Royal Engineers and Royal Flying Corps; two photographs, one of a uniformed group including Stevenson, [1946], and the other of an unidentified painting showing construction work on an airfield [1940]. Papers relating to the evacuation of Royal Engineers establishments in Beit-Nabala and Haifa, Palestine, 1948. Editions of Notes on building materials and their uses (School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1913); 'RMA (Royal Military Academy) Magazine', Vol XV, No 58, Nov 1914.

      Sem título
      MARTIN-KAYE, Peter H A
      GB 0101 ICS 124 · 1951

      Typescript copy of the diary of Peter Martin-Kaye written whilst conducting a geological survey of the unmapped Ekereku River in the Pakaraima Mountains, British Guiana, Mar-Jun 1951 (also known as the Kamarang - Ekereku - Wenamu expedition).

      Sem título
      GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/12 · 1918-1919

      18-page foolscap volume with photographs pasted onto the pages.

      This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force’s bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume consists of 26 photographs each with a brief caption. The photographs show bomb damage to buildings, industrial works and railways in German towns attacked by the Independent Force.

      Sem título
      Records of the Geological Society of London
      GB 378 GSL · 1807-

      Records of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, notably comprising:

      Minutes and papers of Annual General Meetings, 1840-current; minutes, correspondence and papers relating to meetings of the Council, 1810-current; minutes and papers of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-1998; minutes and papers of Special General Meetings; 1834-2001; Minutes and papers of Standing and Ad Hoc committees of Council, [1810-current] [section is currently undergoing revision]; Charter and Bye-laws, 1810-1993;

      Correspondence and other administrative papers relating to the running of the Geological Society, including: Presidents' Papers, 1977-1997; Elected Officers' papers, 1956-1995; Executive Secretary's papers, 1950-2013; Financial records, including bequests, trust funds, 1820-2011; Letterbooks of the Assistant Secretary and other Officers, [1807]-1960;

      Administrative records of departments, including: Membership, 1807-current; Conferences and scientific meetings, 1932-2006; Library, 1835-current; Archives and conservation, 1971-2004; Education Department, 1993-1998; Society's Museum, 1808-1911; Publications, 1906-2009;

      Portraits and photographs of Fellows, 1792-2011; Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House, 1873-[1995]; Plans of the Society's apartments at Somerset House and Burlington House, 1828-[1982]; Obituaries and biographical information on Fellows, [1895]-current; Records of the Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907-1908; and Bicentenary celebrations, 1994-1998;

      Records of the Geological Society Club, 1824-2006; Records of the Society's Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1964-[2009].

      Sem título
      FERMOR, Sir Lewis Leigh (1880-1954)
      GB 378 LDGSL/348 · Série · 1889-1998

      Personal papers, notebooks and diaries relating to Sir Lewis Leigh Fermor, particularly his early life. Personal papers include marriage certificate to second wife (Lady Frances Fermor), and birth certificate of son (Patrick Leigh Fermor), CV, photos, and his initial contract with the Geological Survey of India, with diaries covering 1902-1904 and 1908, and notebooks on natural history.

      The series also includes extensive correspondence between Lady Frances Fermor, the Geological Society, and other individuals on the subject of Lady Fermor's will and the establishment of the Fermor Fund and Fermor Lecture, as well as the will itself and conditions of the Fund.

      Material ranges in date from 1889 to 1998.

      Sem título
      SEDGWICK, Adam (1785-1873)
      GB 378 LDGSL/57 · Série · 1816, 1843-1854

      Papers of Adam Sedgwick, 1816 and 1843-1854, comprising:

      Two notebooks from Sedgwick's tour through the continent of Europe, June-September 1816; manuscripts of Sedgwick's papers, mostly on the geology of Wales, which were read and later published by the Society, 1843-1854.

      Sem título
      HAWKSHAW, John Clarke (1841-1921)
      GB 378 LDGSL/73 · Série · 1871

      Manuscript of paper 'Notes on the Peat and Underlying Beds observed in the construction of the Albert Dock Hull', by John Clarke Hawkshaw, 1871. Paper is illustrated at the back with diagrams of sections of borings taken before and during the progress of works.

      Sem título
      Buckland, William (1784-1856)
      GB 0117 MS 251 · 1812-1902

      Letters addressed to William Buckland (DD, FRS, Dean of Westminster and Reader in Mineralogy and Geology in University of Oxford) and other posthumous correspondence relating to his work.

      Sem título
      FORDHAM, Sir Herbert George (1859-1929)
      GB 0402 HGF · [1682-1829]

      French documents collected by Sir George Fordham relating to posts, routes and cartographers in 18th century France including a receipt and two letters signed by Jacques Cassini; a memoir and a letter of Pierre Tardieu and papers of Rigoley d'Ogny including three letters.

      Sem título
      PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger (1885-1960)
      GB 0402 HSP · 1918-1955

      Papers of Harry St John Bridger Philby, 1918-1955, including notebooks, journals, observations, letters and annotated typescript of Arabian Highlands. The journal and notebooks cover his journey across the Empty Quarter (Al Rub al Khali) in 1932. Typewritten reports cover his motorised journeys around Saudi Arabia from 1946-1955. His observations formed the basis for maps of Arabia prepared and published by the Royal Geographical Society.

      Sem título
      GB 0402 PBB · 1909-1921

      Correspondence, log books survey notes, maps and other papers concerning the members and the work of the Commission and the publication of its results, 1909-1921, including correspondence with H S Toppin; calculations of positions; survey notebooks, angle books and log books of H S Toppin, 1911-1913 and log book of C G Moores, 1911.

      Sem título
      ASHBURNHAM, Sir Cromer (1831-1917)
      GB 0402 SCA · 1894-1899

      Notebook of Sir Cromer Ashburnam containing details of a journey from Mombasa to Uganda, 1894, with notes on surveying and lists of kit and typescript copy of letter from Ashburnham to Lady Baker offering to send her Sir Samuel Baker's gun, plus photocopy of original.

      Sem título
      VANDELEUR, Lt Col Seymour (1869-1901)
      GB 0402 SVA · Coleção · 1893-1901

      Observation files of Maj Seymour Vandeluer, 1893-1901, comprising observations on altitudes and bearings in Uganda, 1895 and observations on altitudes, meteorological observations and bearings, upper Nile and Sudan, 1899.

      Sem título
      GB 0402 AP/49-53 · sub-fonds · 1830-1938

      Papers relating to the work of the Royal Geographical Society, cientific enquiries, instruments and instruction, 1830-1938, including rough minutes of the Scientific Committee, 1830; note on the potential effects of the projected magnetic expedition, 1842; draft letter to Sir Robert Peel, 1843; plan for correcting and extending knowledge of the Chinese Empire; suggestions for the captains of vessels proceeding to the Antarctic seas, 1892; notes on instruments including of the Instruments Committee, 1857-1860; memorandum on training travellers to make useful scientific observations, by Clements Markham, 1879; draft of proposed arrangement with Mr Coles for instruction, 1879; rough minutes of Scientific Purposes Committee, 1879; instruction and instrument report, 1881; list of instruments lent to travellers, 1877-1883; proposals for instruments, 1884; report on instruments, 1894; prospectus for a 'Course of Instruction in Practical Astronomy and Surveying…' as given by E A Reeves, 1922; 'Course of instruction in exploratory survey and field astronomy', by Col C F Close, 1931; minutes, notes and correspondence of the Committee of Supervision of Instruction, 1936-1938 and instruments catalogues, 1862-1941.

      Sem título
      REID, Charles Arthur
      GB 0402 CAR · 1910-1913

      Three survey notebooks, Belgian Congo, 1910-1913.

      Sem título
      FLOYER, Ernest Ayscoghe (1852-1903)
      GB 0402 EAF · [1880-1900]

      Papers of Ernest Ayscoghe Floyer comprising computations of positions, Egypt, 1892 and other papers relating to Egypt, the Nile valley and Sinai.

      Sem título
      Hydrographic Department: Chronometer Records
      GB 0064 CSR · Coleção · [1821-1961]

      Chronometer records of the Hydrographic Department, consisting of sixty-three volumes of registers, digest books, indexes, trial records and correspondence, 1821 to 1950. Issues and receipts of chronometers are registered in twenty-eight volumes, 1821 to 1936, and on a series of record cards, 1936 to 1950. Digests of chronometer repairs comprise nine volumes, 1836 to 1933; indexes to these registers and digests are contained in twelve volumes, 1820 to 1939. Other subjects include records of observations of standard mean solar clocks, 1951 to 1961 (2 vols). Single volumes include a list of contracts, c 1917 to 1918; a list of chronometers, c 1920; a departmental address book, c 1913 to 1922; a record of instruments which were not government property (including loans), 1940 to 1947; valuations and reports on second-hand instruments, 1943 to 1944. Single volumes of internal reference and communication sheets (with some external correspondence) relate to returned instruments, 1938; to those removed from departmental books, 1930 to 1939; to chronometers issued on loan, 1930 to 1937; to sales of instruments, 1932 to 1936; to those returned from service, 1937 to 1938; and to chronometers formerly belonging to Royal yachts, 1930 to 1935.

      Sem título
      Legge, Admiral George (1648-1691)
      GB 0064 DAR · Coleção · [1660-1689]

      Papers of George Legge, consisting of twenty-seven volumes, partly of Dartmouth's own papers and partly of journals by his contemporaries. In the first category is the log of the ROYAL KATHERINE, 1673; the letter and order book of the Sub-Commissioners of Prizes at Portsmouth, 1672 to 1674; papers relating to Tangier, which include three letterbooks, two order books and a journal of the proceedings of Samuel Pepys and others, enquiring into the properties of the papers not directly relating to Dartmouth include a commonplace book, 1666; two logs, 1671 to 1672, 1672 to 1673, of Sir Edward Spragge; a log of the RESOLUTION, Captain Sir Thomas Allin (1612-1685), 1669 to 1670, Mediterranean; the log of the ASSISTANCE, Captain Sir Richard Munden (1640-1680), during the expedition to St Helena in 1673; a log of the SAUDADOES, Captain James Jenefer, 1672 to 1673, on a voyage to Lisbon; a log of the CENTURION, Captain Charles Wyld on a voyage conveying Sir John Finch (1626-1682), as ambassador to Constantinople, 1673 to 1674, and a log of Captain Grenvile Collins (fl 1679-1693), surveying in home waters, 1688 to 1689. There is a letterbook, 1666, of Prince Rupert and George Monck, Duke of Albemarle (1608-1670), joint Commanders-in-Chief. This was published as 'The Rupert and Monck Letterbook, 1666', ed. J R Powell and E K Timings (Navy Records Society, 1969). There are copies of the Duke of York's Sailing and Fighting Instructions, 1672 and 1673, accounts of the battle of Solebay, an account of the battle of Texel by Sir John Narbrough (1640-1688) and notes on seventeenth century naval affairs. A further volume, a 'Discourse on the state of the Navy', 1660 to 1661, by Sir Robert Slingsby (1611-1661), was presented by Mr J. Ehrman in 1951.

      Sem título
      Graves, Thomas, Admiral 1st Baron Graves (1725-1802)
      GB 0064 GRV/101-120 · Subarquivo · [1742-1804]
      Parte de Graves family papers

      Papers of Adml Thomas Graves including logs, 1742 to 1744, 1746 to 1748 and 1779 to 1782; a letterbook, 1793 to 1794; order books, 1788 to 1793; a book of sailing directions with some orders, 1755 to 1756; letters and a volume on courts martial, 1771 to 1780 and 1786 to 1787. There are some loose papers which relate to Graves' court martial and to his Governorship of Newfoundland. The latter contain some documents on hydrographic surveys, among which is a letter of 1764 to Graves from Captain James Cook (1728-1779). There are also some commissions, official letters and drafts, 1764 to 1767, 1777 to 1782, a few private letters, 1782 to 1797 and a biography of Graves up to 1790. Some papers of Admiral Sir Thomas Graves (c 1747-1814), another cousin of Lord Graves, are also in the collection. They are orders received as Captain of the Savage, North American Station, 1779 to 1781, and official letters received, 1800 to 1804.

      Sem título
      Maclear, Admiral John Fiot Lee Pearse (1838-1907)
      GB 0064 MAC · Coleção · 1872-1887

      Papers of John Maclear, consisting of Maclear's journal of magnetic observations kept in the CHALLENGER, 1872 to 1876; two logs for the ALERT, 1879 to 1881, and one for the FLYING FISH, 1885 to 1887; captain's out-letterbooks from Maclear to the Hydrographer of the Navy, 1878 to 1882, 1884 to 1887; work books, 1879 to 1882, 1885 to 1886, and two remark books kept by Captain Alfred Carpenter of the MAGPIE 1881 to 1882, annotated by Maclear.

      Sem título
      Stopford family papers
      GB 0064 STO · Coleção · [1791]-1908

      Papers of Admiral Robert Fanshawe Stopford, consisting of loose papers mounted in a volume, relating mainly to the TALBOT and ASIA periods, with official service documents. An additional volume relates to RF Stopford's time as a midshipman, featuring sailing and wind calculations, together with observations on forts in the Dardanelles and Sevastopol.

      Papers of Robert Neville Stopford comprising two midshipman's log books kept while Stopford was in the Mediterranean between 1905 and 1908. The first volume covers his time on HMS BARFLEUR and HMS FORMIDABLE. The second volume covers his time aboard HMS HINDUSTAN and HMS BERWICK.

      Papers of Sir Montagu Stopford, consisting of memoranda issued to the fleet in the Crimea, 1854, records of arrivals and sailings of ships at Malta, 1855 to 1856, and the commission appointing Stopford Superintendent of Malta Dockyard.

      Papers of Adml Sir Robert Stopford, comprising an order book, 1803 to 1805, official service documents and private and semi-official letters from many important officers of the time. Among them is one from Nelson (q.v.), 1805, from the Duke of Wellington, 1811, and a series of thirty-five from William, Duke of Clarence, 1827 to 1828, when Lord High Admiral. For the Mediterranean command there are letters from the 2nd Earl of Minto (q.v.) and Lord Ponsonby (1770-1855), ambassador at Constantinople. Finally, there is a volume of letters from well-known literary and social figures received by Stopford and Field-Marshal Thomas Grosvenor (1764-1851) between 1791 and 1850, including one from Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) (Stopford and Grosvenor both lived at Richmond, Surrey). Also, the log of HMS SPENCER, kept while Capt Stopford was attached to the Channel Fleet in 1803-1804.

      Sem título
      Stopford, Admiral Robert Fanshawe (1811-1891)
      GB 0064 STO/101-108 · Subarquivo · [1825-1871]
      Parte de Stopford family papers

      Papers of Adm Robert Fanshawe Stopford, comprising loose papers mounted in a volume, relating mainly to the TALBOT and ASIA periods, with official service documents. An additional volume relates to Stopford's time as a midshipman, featuring sailing and wind calculations, together with observations on forts in the Dardanelles and Sevastopol.

      Sem título
      Tucker Family
      GB 0064 TUC · Coleção · [18th century-19th century]

      Papers of the Tucker family. They are primarily concerned with the career of Benjamin Tucker during his employment with Earl St Vincent and in his role as Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall. A substantial part also relate to the naval career of John Jervis Tucker, especially his service on HMS DUBLIN, and his ownership of Trematon Castle, Cornwall after his father's death.

      Sem título
      GLENNIE, Brig Edward Aubrey (1889-1980)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Glennie · Created 1915-1959

      Seventeen volumes of Survey of India. Geodetic Report, 1922-1940 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1928-1945), with editions of Survey of India. Supplement to the Geodetic Report Volume VI. Indian deflection and gravity stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931) and Survey of India. Supplement to the GeodeticReport 1937. Isostatic reductions of Indian Gravity Stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1939). Eight volumes of Survey of India. General Report, 1947-1955 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1959).Twelve volumes of Survey of India. Technical Report, 1947-1954 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1957). Six volumes entitled Survey of India. Professional Paper No 15. The pendulum operations in India and Burma 1908 to 1913 by Capt Harold John Couchman, Royal Engineers, Deputy Superintendent, Survey of India (Government of India, Dehra Dun,India, 1915); Survey of India. Geodetic triangulation by Capt Guy Bomford, Royal Engineers, Superintendent, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 27. Gravity anomalies and the structure of the Earth's crust by Maj Edward Aubrey Glennie (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1932); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 30. Gravity anomalies and the figure of the Earth by B L Gulatee, Mathematical Adviser, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1940); damaged volume entitled Survey history [1950]; The Survey of India during war and early reconstruction 1939-1946 by Brig Sir Oliver Wheeler (Surveyor General of India, Office ofthe Geodetic and Research Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1955). War Office map case containing forty three printed maps of western Europe, mainly France and Germany, and twenty two printed maps of the UK, various scales [1944].

      Sem título
      Mohammed Ibn Al-Hussain Treatise
      GB 0103 MS ARAB 1 · 17th century

      Manuscript volume, 17th century, containing: Mohammed Ibn Al-Hussain Karkhi, Kitab al-kafi fi 'ilm al-hisab wa-'ilm al-misahah wa-al-khawafi (Treatise on arithmetic, geometry, land surveying etc)

      Sem título
      WOOD, Searles Valentine, the younger (1830-1884)
      GB 378 LDGSL/713 · Série · [1862-1881]

      Papers of Searles Valentine Wood Jnr, [1862-1881], comprising:

      Illustrated manuscript, 'A memoir in explanation of the structure of the glacial and post glacial beds.... in the Thames valley between London and the sea...', 1867; Ordnance Survey maps of East Anglia and the Thames Valley, annotated with geological lines, notes and colouring by Searles Valentine WOOD jnr, which were used as field maps during his research into glacial deposits in the south east of England, [1862-1881]; File of letters concerning the complaint by Searles Valentine Wood jnr about the alterations made to Joseph Prestwich's published paper on the Crag of Norfolk, Mar-Apr 1875.

      Sem título
      BARRETT, Lucas (1837-1862)
      GB 378 LDGSL/719 · Série · 1859

      'Geological map of the Neighbourhood of Cambridge', by Lucas Barrett, 1859. Geological colouring with printed key on base map Ordnance Survey, one inch (Old Series) quarter sheet no.51 (SW Cambridge), by Lt Col Thomas Frederick Colby, published 1 June 1836.

      Sem título
      MITCHELL, James (1787-1844)
      GB 378 LDGSL/801 · Série · [1832-1840]

      'Geological researches round London', comprising five volumes of manuscript copies, by a number of hands, of notes made by James Mitchell principally on the geology and botany of London and the Thames Valley during his residence in the City, [1832-1840]. Also includes some cuttings of Mitchell's published articles. An index to the papers appears at the front of each volume and the titles or subjects listed are:

      VOLUME 1

      Loampit Hill; Cavern on the side of Blackheath; Pit in the old Charlton Parish; Shooters Hill; Pit at New Charlton near Woolwich; Sundridge Park near Bromley; Erith; Crayford; Bexley Heath; Dartford; Road from London to Gravesend; Greenhithe Park; Northfleet (including fossils and plants); Shorne; Holly Hill; Gadshill; Pits at Chatham; Gravesend to Wrotham; Town Malling; Quarry near Maidstone; Kits Cotty; Isle of Sheppey; Cliff at Reculver; Margate Sands; Chatham to Canterbury; Key Street; Sittingbourne; Canterbury to Margate; Isle of Thanet; Sandwich; Richborough Castle; Channel Flints; Dover to Folkstone; Hayes Common; Pratts Bottom; Knockholt Beeches; Knockholt to Tunbridge; Tunbridge to Maidstone; London Clay in Kent; Sand found in the Thames; Brickmaking; Useful applications of Chalk; Limeburning; Great Lime; Lias Lime; Cement Stone; Heights in Kent; Manufacturing of Whitening.

      VOLUME 2

      Heights of various places in Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex above the low water according to the Trigonometrical Survey; London Clay; Remains of quadrupeds; Of gravel; Animal remains in flint found in the Clay; Kensington; Hampstead; Highgate; Tottenham Marshes; From London to Edgeware; Stanmore Common; Harrow on the Hill; London to Uxbridge; Amersham; Watford; Hatfield Herfordshire; Well at Beaumont Green; Ware; Hertford; Ware to Cambridge; London to Romford and Brentford; Brook Street; Warley Common; London to Chigwell and Ongar; Ongar; London to Cambridge by Epping; Saffron Walden; Alluvial soil on the banks of the Thames; Purfleet; Artesian Well in the Marsh near Purfleet; Button's Breach; Gray's Thurrock commonly called Grays; London to Woodbridge; Chiselhurst; Gravesend; Dartford Marshes; Orpington; Wandsworth; Knightshill; Kingston upon Thames; Croydon; Head of the Wandle; Carshalton; Beddington Surrey; Mitcham Common; Wells at Mitcham; Ashtead Surrey; Ewell Surrey; Carshalton Downs; Croydon to Merstham; London to Merstham; Merstham; Well below the Church at Merstham; Gatton Park; London to Reigate by Sutton; Reigate; London to Godstone; Godstone; The Bourne; Tilburstow; Bletchingly; Fuller's Earth Pits; London to Dorking; Dorking to Limepits; Dorking to Leith Hill; Leatherhead to Guildford; Guildford; Chelsworth House; Langdon Hills Essex.

      VOLUME 3

      New River Company's well at the end of Tottenham Court Road; Upper Clapton; List of minerals and fossils in the pits at Muswell Hill by Frederick Purdey; Brentford; Hounslow Heath; Hanwell; Wells at Hanwell; Harefield; Enfield; Northan; Cheshunt Street; Watford; Wades Mill; Puckeridge; Much Haddam; Royston; Tring; Strata of Essex; Waltham Abbey; Sewardstone; Epping Forest; Stratford; Dagenham; Ilford; Romford; Upminster; Peckham Rye; Counter Hill; Norwood; Epsom; Sutton; Cheam; Road from Croydon to Limpsfield; Merstham; Bletchingly; Nutfield and Fuller's Earth Pits; Barnes; Chertsey; Plumstead; Sydenham; Dartford Heath; Chiselhurst; Westerham; Farningham; Maidstone; Wrotham; Upnor; Cliff, Cooling and All Hallows; Cuxton; Halling; Isle of Sheppey; Sittingbourne; Windsor; North side of Bagshot Heath; Bagshot Heath; On the Blackheath formation; Druid Sandstone; On the changes produced on chalk flints.

      VOLUME 4

      Section of the London and Croydon Railway; Of the London Basin; Of the London Clay; Age of the London Clay; Fossil wood in London Clay; Septaria or Cement Stone; Wells in London; Bognor Shells; Woolwich Shells; Mineralogical substances in Middlesex and Essex (Cement Stone, Pyrites, Selenite, Wood, Sulphate of Magnesium); Quartz; Gravel. Series of papers on the construction and description of water wells, including: Foul air - wells; Wells at Sanderstead, Norbury, Epsom Downs, Kent; Air pump used in well digging and well boring; Expense of well digging and well boring; Direction of underground currents; Foul air in Wells in Essex and Middlesex; Beds of sand in the blue clay beneath it; Wells rot each other; Wells at Sheerness and in Sheppey; As to whether digging or boring be preferable; Muswell Hill; Barnet; Hemel Hempstead; Tring; Buntingford; Royston; Hare Street; Danbury; Rochford and Rayleigh; Wallisea Island; Wigborough; Coast near Malden; Braintree; Croydon and the neighbouring Country; Brixton; Forest Hill; Well at Balham Hill; Well at Mortlake; St George's Hill; Kingston to Guildford; Weybridge; Well at Cobham; Godstone; Well at Merstham; Waltham on the Hill; Headley; Reigate; Red Hill Reigate; Dorking; Wells at Normanry and Ash; Wells in the Weald of Sussex; Reading; Newbury; Bexley Heath; Chelsfield and Well Hill; Wells at Margate; Great Baddon; Wells in various places.

      VOLUME 5

      Superficial strata of the county of Middlesex; Wells in Middlesex; Well at St Mary Woolnoth; Church Fenchurch Street; The Thames Tunnel; Mud and sand carried out by the Thames; Hampstead Heath; Watery action on the surface in Essex; On wells formed by digging and boring in Essex; Stratford in Essex; Chigwell and Chigwell Row; Kelvedon; Copford; Great Wakering; Wakering Marsh; Foulness Island; Walton on the Naze; On the watery action on the surface of the county of Surrey; On the sections at New Cross; on the strata of the of the Jolly Sailor Station of the Croydon Railway; Shirley sand pits; Addington Hills; Croham Hurst; Croydon; Woking Common; Leatherhead; Nettley Heath; Heights above the level of the Thames of places in and about London; On the foul air in the chalk and in the strata above the chalk in the country near London.

      Sem título
      Lloyd, John Augustus (1800-1854)
      GB 0117 MS/170 · sub-fonds · 1830
      Parte de Manuscripts General

      Documents relating to John Augustus Lloyd's paper on the difference of level of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans entitled 'Account of Levellings Carried across the Isthmus of Panama, to Ascertain the Relative Height of the Pacific Ocean at Panama and of the Atlantic at the Mouth of the River Chagres; Accompanied by Geographical and Topographical Notices of the Isthmus', 1830.

      Sem título
      HINKS, Arthur Robert (1873-1945)
      GB 0402 ARH · 1896-1930

      Papers of Arthur Hinks including private scientific correspondence, proofs of articles and other papers, 1896-1930, concerning map projections and methods of survey; typed list of Hinks' contributions to the Geographical Journal and papers relating to A E Young.

      Sem título
      CRONE, Gerald Roe (1899-1982)
      GB 0402 GRC · 1951-1960

      Papers of Gerald Roe Crone, 1951-1960, are yet to be catalogued.

      Sem título
      GB 0402 JMS/19 · sub-fonds · 1830-1952

      Letters and articles by various authors relating to maps and map making, sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals, 1830-1952. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

      Sem título
      ALDRICH, Admiral Pelham (1844-1930)
      GB 0064 ALD · 1844-1930

      Papers covering a short period of the career of Admiral Pelham Aldrich. There are extracts from journals, 1860 to 1867, returns from the sledge CHALLENGER and notes and journals concerning surveying 1879 to 1884. There are no papers for the CHALLENGER expedition in this collection: the main Arctic papers are with the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge.

      Sem título
      Field, Sir Arthur Mostyn (1855-1950)
      GB 0064 FIE · Coleção · [1839-1903]

      Papers of Admiral Sir Arthur Mostyn Field chiefly comprising letters written by Field to his wife when he was captain of HMS PENGUIN surveying in the Pacific 1896-1899, and from HMS RESEARCH surveying in home waters 1900-1903. The letters were sorted into bundles and labelled by Arthur Mostyn Field and Cecilia Field and this arrangement has been kept. In addition there is a journal kept by his father John Bousquet Field 1839, his own journal 1870 to 1871, his diary 1881, and some personal reminiscences, undated. Other items comprise ephemera and printed material. The museum Hydrography Collection contains charts by Field relating to the voyages and Admiralty charts produced under his aegis as Hydrographer. There is also a memoir by his friend G. Keith Gordon of the Navy's attempts to suppress the slave trade off east Africa in 1873.

      Sem título
      Flinders, Captain Matthew (1774-1814)
      GB 0064 FLI · Coleção · [1791-20th century]

      Papers of Capt Matthew Flinders, consisting of three main groups: the first, the papers of Flinders himself, are charts and original journals, 1791, 1793 to 1794 and 1796, and copies, 1798, 1801 to 1803; narratives of his voyages; service papers, 1797 to 1810, and technical notes on subjects in which he was particularly interested, such as terrestrial magnetism; there is a wide range of original correspondence including letters from Sir Joseph Banks and Sir John Franklin (q.v.). Mrs Flinders' papers make up the second group: these consist mainly of letters, 1799 to 1812, including those from Flinders written during the INVESTIGATOR'S voyage, 1801 to 1803, and correspondence with French residents in Mauritius about her husband's captivity. The final group is Professor Flinders Petrie's collection of biographical material, notes, memoirs, newscuttings, etc, on his grandfather's career and correspondence with J F Shillinglaw about a biography of Flinders, which work Shillinglaw failed to complete.

      Sem título
      Tizard, Captain Thomas Henry (1839-1924)
      GB 0064 TIZ · Coleção · [1854-1890]

      Papers of Thomas Henry Tizard, comprising logs, 1854 to 1867, and diaries, 1880 to 1890. A second acquisition of papers was presented by Professor Sir Peter Tizard FRCP in 1986. This consists mostly of large and small volumes, a few diaries, and official and private letters, including some correspondence re the National Antarctic Expedition and Captain R F Scott. A third acquisition of two logbooks from HMS CHALLENGER was presented by Mr R H Tizard and Professor Sir Peter Tizard in 1989.

      Sem título
      Misc: World War Two Ordnance Survey Maps
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 11 · [1922-1943]

      World War Two ordnance survey maps of the United Kingdom and Europe, mainly 1 inch, prepared by the Geographical Section, General Staff, and the War Office, for use by the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), including 1:40,000 map of Antwerp, Belgium; 1:100,000 map of Brussels, Belgium; 1:5,000,000 map of South Africa; 1:250,000 map of Italy; and 1:50,000 map of Northeast France. Also included are German survey maps of North Africa and Northern Greece, and 1:300,000 map of the Netherlands with manuscript outline of German Army occupation districts, 1940-1943

      Sem título
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 37 · 1942-1971

      Edition of A Gazetteer of Greece published by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for the Admiralty and War Office (House of the Royal Geographical Society, London, 1942). Also, official 1945 edition of RAF Map Catalogue containing lists of maps of Europe, the Middle East and the Far East held by the RAF and published by Directorate of Military Survey, Middle East; Directorate of Survey, Geographical Section General Staff, India; the Australian Survey Corps; the Aeronautical Chart Service; US Army Air Forces; and the Army Map Service, US Army. Book of maps published by the Institute for Army Education relating to the British campaign in Burma, 1942-1945, and including maps of Northern Arakan, the Assam Front, the Kohima Sector, the Imphal Sector, the Irrawaddy, and campaigns in Burma and Eastern India, 1942-1945. Ministry of Defence map and air chart sales catalogue containing details of all maps and aeronautical chart series released for sale to the public by the Ministry of Defence, including world surface maps, aeronautical topographical and planning charts, and special navigational charts, 1968- 1971.

      Sem título
      SERBY, Capt William Francis (1896-1981)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Serby · Created 1916-1925

      Copies of correspondence, 1916-1925, including letter from Lt Frank Sutherland, 2 Dragoon Guards, wounded with Serby in 1916, letters home from the Western Front, 1916 and from northern Russia, 1918- 1919, with letter to Serby from Capt P R Knowles, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) on the Allied intervention in northern Russia, 1919. Copy of diary transcript detailing operations on the Dvina river, northern Russia, Sep-Oct 1918. Copies of twenty three manuscript and printed maps of northern Russia, various scales, ELOPE and North Russia Expeditionary Force Mapping Sections, 1918. Copies of leave papers and travel documents for UK leave granted to Serby from northern Russia, Jul-Aug 1919.

      Sem título
      WATSON, Janet Vida (1923-1985)
      GB 378 LDGSL/1078 · 1923-1985

      Papers relating to the life and work of Janet Vida Watson, 1923-1985, comprising:

      Biographical material, including: obituaries of Watson and her own autobiographical notes for her Royal Society personal record, 1985; records of her career, honours and awards, from early childhood, 1923-1985; letters of condolence to John Sutton, many with recollections of Watson, 1985; poems and short stories by Watson (possibly including some by her sister and mother), [1940s]; family and personal correspondence, 1944-1985; photographs of Watson including some from visits to East Germany in connection with the International Geological Correlation Programme, 1923-[1980s].

      Thirty-six notebooks covering Watson's research, chiefly in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, from undergraduate research in 1946, through her Ph.D. research in the Scourie area during the late 1940s and the 1950s research in Banffshire and central Rosshire, to her work on the Lewisian granite of the Outer Hebrides from the later 1960s and later work in Orkney during the early 1980s.

      Drafts, annotated off-prints and other material relating to Watson's research activities and publications, the bulk of which concerns her work in Scotland during the 1970s, including drafts prepared in the course of compiling a memoir on the geology of the Outer Hebrides in collaboration with the Institute of Geological Sciences; correspondence relating to Watson's scientific research, 1968-1985.

      Annotated maps, mostly of the Outer Hebrides, 1960s; maps relating to Watson's PhD research in the Scourie area and work in southern Skye, 1947-1962.

      Sem título
      GIBB, Sir George Duncan (1821-1876)
      GB 378 LDGSL/26 · Documento · [1851-1874]

      Papers of Sir George Duncan Gibb, comprising:

      Manuscript volume entitled 'Geological Rambles around Montreal and its Vicinity. With an account of the history, physical geography and geology of the island. Illustrated with a coloured geological map and numerous wood engravings, by Sir George Duncan Gibb, Bart, MA, MD, LLD, FGS, London 1868'. According to the letter of transmissal (pasted into the front of the volume) and the preface, Gibb's intention was for the work to be published but it was never financially viable to do so. The volume is set out as if it were a published work, with chapters and 'woodcut' illustrations (mostly of fossils) which are in fact original ink drawings by Gibb. The descriptions contained in the volume were compiled between 1851-1853 (although at least one of the illustrations is dated 1855), before the Victoria Bridge and the Grand Trunk Railway were constructed, and prior to the area being covered by the Geological Survey of Canada.

      History of Montreal
      Physical Geography of Montreal
      Geology of Montreal

      Chapter 1 - To Mount Royal to examine the Trap of which is is composed

      Chapter 2 - To Côte-des-Neiges and McGill College to examine the Leda clay and Trap Dykes

      Chapter 3 - To Pampinean Road, to examine a broad band of intercalated trap and Ice grooves

      Chapter 4 - To Cadiuex Village to see Tertiary deposits in which were found bones of whales and seals

      Chapter 5 - To the Mile End quarries to see the limestones at the base of the Trenton formation

      Chapter 6 - To the Second Mile End quarries and La Chapelles Bridge, to examine the Chazy limestone

      Chapter 7 - To the Tanneries of St Henri and Lac St Pierre to see the Alluvial deposits

      Chapter 8 - To Côte St Michel, to explain Gibb's Cavern

      Chapter 9 - To Mount Royal to examine a Fissure in the Limestone Rock

      Chapter 10 - To Bouchette's Cavern, Kildare in the Laurentian limestones

      Chapter 11 - To St Anne's to examine the Potsdam sandstone

      Chapter 12 - To Beauharnois to examine the various beds of Foot-tracks

      Chapter 13 - To Pointe Cavagnol, Vaudreiul, to examine the locality of the broadest Protichnites or Foot-tracks

      Chapter 14 - To Lachute, Riviere du Nord, to examine the Track bed and its relations

      Chapter 15 - To Mont Calvaire, Lake of Two Mountains to examine the gneiss of which it is composed; and also sand hills

      Chapter 16 - To the Trap Mountain of Rigaud on the Ottawa River, with a multitude of small rounded boulders of trap on its summit

      Chapter 17 - To Montarville, to see the Boucherville Mountain and its two little crater lakes

      Chapter 18 - To Mount Rouville, otherwise called Chambly or Beloeil Mountain, and its crater lake

      Chapter 19 - To Rougemont, composed of Dolerite Trap

      Chapter 20 - To Yamaska Mountain, to see micaceous trachyte and diorite of which it is composed

      Chapter 21 - To Monnoir to visit Mount Johnson, formed of feldspathic diorite

      Chapter 22 - To Lachine and Caughnawaga [Kahnawake], to see multitudes of Boulders, Trap dykes, and limestones of the Chazy formation

      Chapter 23 - To Pointe Claire to examine the quarries of limestone and marble

      Chapter 24 - To Isle Bizard and White Horse Rapids to see two outliers of Dolomite conglomerate of the Upper Silurian Division

      Chapter 25 - To the Village and Seigniory of Terrebonne to examine the Upper Laurentian Rocks

      Chapter 26 - To St Helen's Island to examine the Dolomitic Conglomerate and its relations

      Chapter 27 - To the Fort and Basin of Chambly on the River Richelieu

      Chapter 28 - To the Pinnacle Mountain of St Armand formed of the Quebec group of rocks

      Chapter 29 - To Varennes to see the Mineral Springs arising from the Utica Shales

      Chapter 30 - To Grenville on the Ottawa River, to examine the serpentine and other Eozoic rocks

      Chapter 31 - To Chatham on the Ottawa to see the beds of syenite and enromous accumulation of boulders

      Chapter 32 - To Perth, to examine the Potsdam beds, containing Climactichnites associated with Protichnites

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