Association d'enseignants

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Association d'enseignants

      Terme générique Association éducative

      Association d'enseignants

      Termes équivalents

      Association d'enseignants

        Termes associés

        Association d'enseignants

        8 Description archivistique résultats pour Association d'enseignants

        8 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        Assistant Masters Association
        GB 0366 AMA · Collection · 1898-1978

        Records of the Assistant Masters Association from 1898 until its amalgamation in 1978, including minutes, officers' files, correspondence and publications.

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        SPRAGGS, Gillian (b 1952)
        LMA/4616 · Collection · 1980-199-

        Records of Gillian Spraggs, 1980-199-, including numerous leaflets, pamphlets, magazines and posters produced, printed and publicised by various gay and lesbian action and support groups during the latter part of the 20th century. Many of them advertise the existence and need for such support groups, while others work to promote necessary information and advice for lesbians and gays who had either suffered from discrimination or wanted to help campaign against such discrimination. They document the campaign against the introduction of Clause 27 and the campaign to ensure equality and equal opportunities for lesbians and gays within the work place.

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        WRIGGLESWORTH, John M (1941-2005)
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/PP5 · 1963-1985

        Papers of John M Wrigglesworth, 1963-1985, comprise records reflecting his role at Chelsea College, as Chair of the Association of University Teachers (AUT) and reflect his commitment to the College and biochemistry. The collection notably includes material regarding the threat of College closure (it eventually merged with King's College in 1985), including a copy of the petition by members of Chelsea College acting through the AUT, regarding six resolutions affecting the future structure and activities of the College, [1982]; the answer of the College to the petition of some of its members concerning the discontinuance of certain academic departments, [1982]; typewritten results of a College assembly regarding the proposed closure of the Liberal Education Department, 1982; correspondence between Laurie Sapper of the AUT and Norman M Waldron of the Chemistry Department of Chelsea College, regarding a petition concerning redundancy.

        The collection also includes minutes of the Senate, October 1981-February 1982; Chelsea College of Science and Technology, 1963, a history of the College and its departments and a typewritten list of research degrees awarded in Biochemistry at Chelsea College, arranged by year of award. Also including two black and white photographs of groups of people, one inscribed 'Some aspects of modern biochemistry!!', the reverse of the photograph reads 'Swinburne, Stevens, Prenton, Howalt and David Peg', the second 'Stevenson, Martin, Jean, Spencer, Mrs Beard, Miss Young from Lyn Fitschen'.

        Sans titre
        Digby Stuart College
        GB 99999 Digby Stuart · [1672]-2001

        Records of Digby Stuart College, comprising: Minutes of Governors' Meetings, 1874-1953; Student registers, 1874-1938; staff registers, 1886-1956; College Journal, 1911-1939, 1960-1968; Studies Journal, 1904-1968; papers relating to teaching practice and school visits, 1924-1953; papers relating to examinations, [1874-1939], including schedules and results; Inspectors' reports, 1874-1909; papers relating to the University of London Delegacy, 1932-1949, including the McNair Report, 1944; papers relating to the Missionary Sisters Course, 1931-1940, including the setting up and the running of the course, the syllabus, brochures, lecture material and a register of students; Warden's Book (West Hill), 1954-1967; papers relating to the Old Students' Association (later the Digby Stuart Association), 1874-1973, notably registers of old students, 1874-1957; rules and lists, 1874-1935; minutes, 1966-1975; material relating to Decade Lunches, 1956, 1969-1974; secretaries book, 1874-1961; newsletters, 1946-1954, 1970-1995; copies of St Charles' Chronicle, 1922-1945; copies of The Chronicle, 1920-1969; reports, 1946-1954; material relating to student activities, including copies of Prism, 1962-1966, Fleet, 1963, and Those Days, [1984]; papers relating to the Student Union, notably handbooks, 1972-1988; and press cuttings concerning student activity, [1980s-1990s]; papers relating to the College Centenary, 1974, including liturgies, committee papers, correspondence and press cuttings; scrapbook containing photographs and memorabilia, 1935-1946; material concerning conferences and meetings, 1982-1990s; material relating to buildings, notably Shaw House and the Jubilee Wing, [1994-1996]; papers relating to the College Chaplaincy, 1970-2000; material on the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1973-2001, including annual reports, 1980-1994, press cuttings, 1974-1999, trust deeds, 1977-1978, and prospectuses, 1975-1995; papers relating to the constituent colleges pre and post RIHE, [1970-2001].
        There are also working papers of several principals of Digby Stuart College namely:
        Papers of Sister Mary Kathleen Richardson (Principal 1948-1969), comprising papers on subjects including three year training, the Robbins Report, the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, the University of London visitations, and the Association of Catholic Teacher-College Students (ACTS); as well as Academic Board minutes, 1956-1967, and documents on the governance and maintenance of the College.
        Papers of Sister Dorothy Bell (Principal 1969-1989), including papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges; minutes and papers of the Academic Board and Academic Council, 1968-1988; correspondence on the governance of the College and the site, 1968-1982; papers relating to the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1975-1987; College staff lists, [1966-1987]; lists of student numbers, 1968-1974, student nuns, 1969-1983, and exam results, 1969-1988; Annual Reports, 1971-1977; papers relating to involvement in Provincial matters, 1968-1973; papers of College Governors meetings, 1971-1989; papers of the Senate, 1975-1984; papers of the RIHE Council, 1975-1986; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1976-1989.
        Papers of Sister Bernadette Porter (Principal 1989-1999), comprising papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, 1990-1992 and the Council of Church and Associated Colleges, 1988-1992; papers of the Senate, 1989-1992; papers of the Committee of Principals, 1990-1991 and the RIHE Collegiate Committee, 1990-1996; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1990-1993; papers of the RIHE Council, 1989-1999; and papers of College Governors meetings, 1989-1998.

        The College records are only a part of the English Provincial Archive of the Society of the Sacred Heart, which contains a large collection of archival material relating to convents, colleges and training schools founded by the Society. These records include papers of Cannington Priory Church and Convent, [1843-1975]; the convent at Roscrea, Ireland, [1842-1884], the first foundation in the British Isles; the convent at Woldingham, Roehampton, [1842-1992], including material relating to Woldingham School; the convent at West Hill, Wandsworth, 1874-1975, including papers relating to attached schools; the convent in St Charles' Square, 1905-1946, and Roehampton, 1946-1992, including papers relating to attached schools, [1906-1994]; the convent at Hammersmith, [1672-1994], including papers of the attached schools; the convents at Blackheath and Goodrington, [1903-1975], and Leamington, [1913]; the convent at Bonchurch, [1904-1975]; the convent at Tunbridge Wells, [1915-1973], with material relating to the training school; the convent at Oxford, [1902-1972]; the convent at Fenham, Newcastle, [1828-1998], including a history of the site and material concerning the attached schools and St Mary's Training College; and papers relating to small communities at Gateshead, Burnham, Bexhill, Blyth and Southall, [1984-2000]. The Provincial Archive also holds the papers of AMASC (World Association of the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart), NASHE (National Association of the Sacred Heart, England and Wales) and associated groups, 1957-1995.

        There is a large collection of photographs relating to all of the above, as well as historical material relating to the Roehampton area, [1724-1995], mainly relating to buildings owned and including plans, deeds, and specifications relating to 'Roehampton House' (now Queen Mary's Hospital) and 'Parkstead' (now Manresa House); historical material relating to Wimbledon and Putney.

        Sans titre
        National Union of Women Teachers
        GB 0366 UWT · Collection · 1904-1961

        Extensive collection of records of the National Union of Women Teachers, 1904-1961, including minutes of the Council and various committees, conference reports, branch records, correspondence, press cuttings, handbills, pamphlets, posters and photographs. There is also a large series of subject files on particular issues, individuals, organisations and campaigns documenting the wide range of the Union's interests. These include, for example, papers concerning women's organisations such as the Six Point Group, the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, the Women's Freedom League, the Open Door Council, the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries and others and educational groups such as the English New Education Fellowship and the Workers Educational Association. There is also a series of collected biographical material on a wide range of individuals.

        Sans titre
        GB 2107 · 1892-2000

        Records of City University and predecessors, 1892-2000, covering all aspects of the establishment and development of the University, and including foundation documents and University charter, 1966; Governing Body records including minutes, 1892, annual reports, 1897-2000, and various management schemes, 1912-1960s; general administrative records including prospectuses, 1930s-1960s, records of prizes, scholarships, and ceremonial occasions, and in-house publications; financial records, 1893-1999; estates and buildings records and plans, 1892-2000; academic administrative records including Departmental syllabuses, 1927-1996, research and publications reports, 1952-1992, publications, 1970-1997, and promotional literature, 1960s-1990s; lists of students, 1899-1960s; staff records, 1895-1926; Library records, 1940s-1990s; Student Union records and records of other student societies, 1906-1999, including student magazines, 1912-1999; records of staff associations, 1950s-1990s; presscuttings, 1909-1999; photographs, 1892-1999; and audio tapes of special lectures, 1960s-1980s.

        Sans titre
        GB 0366 LAE · Collection · 1947-1970

        The collection comprises information pertaining to the formation and activities of the London Association for the Teaching of English (L.A.T.E), specifically Annual General Meetings, Annual quarterly meetings, Conferences (where educational matters were discussed), Study Groups reports as well as transcripts, scripts and papers relating to the work of students. Some of the collection contains correspondence with other agencies, as well as the correspondence between members of the Association, in particular Miss Nancy Martin with other persons. There are some newspaper clippings.

        Sans titre
        GB 1432 SJC · 1902-1970

        Papers of the Sir John Cass Technical Institute and Sir John Cass College, comprising:

        Publications, including syllabuses, 1902-1936; calendars, 1936-1940, prospectuses and course handbills, 1946-1970.

        Administrative records, including Principal's reports, 1902-1932; annual reports, 1902-1967; Governors of Sir John Cass Foundation minute books, 1901-1964; College Council minute books, 1965-1969; Board of Studies/Academic Board/University Board minutes, 1917-1970; Consultative Committee on Petroleum Technology minutes, 1920-1953; Consultative Committee on Fuel Technology minutes, 1930-1945; Nautical School entry book, 1913-1950; Department of Navigation enrolment book, 1950-1969; staff records, 1916-1960s; Library Committee papers, 1953-1970; School of Art correspondence, 1936-1969; School of Navigation, Board of Studies papers, 1940-1970; Soirée minute book, 1902-1911; building work, plans and correspondence, 1941-1960s.

        Papers of the Teaching Staff Association, Sir John Cass College Association and Students' Union, 1950s-1960s.

        College journals, including Red Quill, 1921, 1959-1967; Cassowary, 1961-1967; The Bookcase, 1950-1956.

        Papers relating to college history, 1880-1970, including charity schemes papers (including report of the Royal City Parochial Charities Commission, 1880, and papers relating to the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, City Parochial Foundation, Sir Thomas Gresham, Wyndham Deedes Memorial Fund, 1946-1972; opening pamphlet, 1902; visitors' book, 1903-1934; institute history, c1939.

        Papers relating to conversion to polytechnic status, 1950s-1970, including proposals and college committee minutes.

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