Teaching materials

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  • Any printed and/or nonprinted material designed specifically for or used in instruction. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
  • Tout matériel, imprimé ou non, conçu spécialement ou utilisé dans l'enseignement. Employer un descripteur plus précis quand c'est pertinent.
  • Todo material, impreso o no, concebido especialmente para la enseñanza o empleado en ella. Utilizar un descriptor más preciso cuando sea necesario.

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    Hiërarchische termen

    Gelijksoortige termen

    Teaching materials

    • UF Educational materials
    • UF Educational media
    • UF Instructional materials
    • UF Teaching aids
    • UF Aide didactique
    • UF Auxiliaire pédagogique
    • UF Matériel éducatif
    • UF Matériel pédagogique
    • UF Média pédagogique
    • UF Moyen éducatif
    • UF Support didactique
    • UF Material de apoyo didáctico
    • UF Material pedagógico
    • UF Medios pedagógicos

    2 Archivistische beschrijving results for Teaching materials

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    GB 0100 KCLCA McClare · c1957-1981

    Papers of Colin William Fraser McClare, c1957-1981, comprising biographical and autobiographical material; laboratory notebooks c1964-1976; 'ideas' diaries; drafts for lectures and papers (not all published) c1959-c1976; teaching material, in particular for a course on the 'Social Impact of the Biosciences' which started in 1973, with which McClare had been closely involved; a set of McClare's publications including his major papers on bioenergetics and the correspondence arising; correspondence, 1964-1976 (mainly early 1970s), includes letters exchanged with the philosopher Sir Karl Raimund Popper, who offered considerable encouragement to McClare's early attempts to formulate and publish his scientific ideas, and whose philosophy McClare acknowledged as a profound influence.

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    GB 0102 PP MS 19 · c1917-1990

    Papers, c1917-1990, of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf relating to his work on tribes and anthropology in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet and the Philippines.

    Papers relating to anthropological fieldwork, 1936-1989, comprise diaries, 1936-1985, some by Betty Fürer-Haimendorf, including detailed accounts of fieldwork; field-notes, 1936-1989; research proposals and reports relating to fieldwork, c1953-1985; fieldwork questionnaires, 1949-1957, on marriage, economic status and kinship; house-lists and genealogies, undated; diagrams and charts on distribution of tribes, families, households, and herds, undated; maps, undated; official correspondence and permits to travel, c1974-1988; miscellaneous papers, c1960-1981, including some relating to travel arrangements.

    Papers relating to tribal welfare and development, Andhra Pradesh, c1918-1985, comprise tour notes, c1918, 1945-1946; correspondence between Fürer-Haimendorf and the Revenue Department of the Nizam's Government, 1939-1949; reports on Hyderabad Tribal Affairs, c1935-1949; Gondi reading charts for adults produced as part of an education scheme, 1943-1948; correspondence with tribesmen concerning the alienation of tribal land, 1976-1978; notes on the position of Indian tribal populations, c1960-1985; press cuttings on tribal affairs in India, c1977-1984; Government reports and publications, c1949-1979; miscellaneous papers on tribal welfare, undated.

    Working papers for teaching and research, c1949-1979, comprise conference and symposia papers, 1960-1978; lectures and seminar papers, c1949-1977; working papers (subject files) on miscellaneous research topics, c1960-1979 but largely undated; working papers created by René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz on Tibetan dance, religion and ritual, and on medicine and medicinal plants, undated.

    Publications and accompanying material, c1917-1990, comprise published texts and articles, 1932-1990; rough drafts and working copies (books) [1939]-[1990]; rough drafts and working copies (articles), largely undated; publications containing photographs by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1937-1960; illustrations used in texts by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; reviews of Fürer-Haimendorf's publications, 1943-1982; reviews by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1958-1983; extracts and notes from anthropological works by other authors, undated; bibliographies compiled by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; a large collection of published and unpublished works by other authors, c1917-1989, largely on social and cultural anthropology, and particularly on India, Nepal and Tibet.

    Miscellaneous papers, c1935-1989, include further correspondence with colleagues, other scholars, students, publishers, academic institutions and other organisations.

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