Technology assessment

Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • Refers to the examination and evaluation of the possible consequences of the introduction of new technologies.
  • Fait référence à l'examen et à l'évaluation des conséquences possibles de l'introduction d'une technologie nouvelle.
  • Se refiere al examen y la evaluación de las posibles consecuencias de la introducción de nuevas tecnologías.

Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Technology assessment

Technology assessment

Equivalent terms

Technology assessment

  • UF Technology evaluation
  • UF Évaluation de la technologie
  • UF Valoración de la tecnología

Associated terms

Technology assessment

2 Archival description results for Technology assessment

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0098 KCU · Created 1955-1988 (ongoing)

Records of the Centre for Computing Services (formerly Computer Unit and Computer Centre) of Imperial College, 1955-1980, including annual reports and research reports, 1965; newsletters, 1971; Advisory Committee papers, 1964-1967; papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, Rector, relating to the department, 1955-1963; opening of the unit, 1964-1965; future of computing and organisation of the unit, 1964-1976; working party minutes on the separation of the centre from the Department of Computing and Control, 1974 (KCU); Rectors' correspondence relating to the Computer Centre, 1971-1980, concerning separation from the Department of Computing and Control, headship and future of the centre (KCUB);
Rectors' correspondence relating to the Computing Department, 1966-1981, concerning headship of the department, Chairs of Computing Science and Software Engineering, general matters (KCUC); papers relating to the Department of Computing and Control (later Department of Computing), 1970-1988, including BSc and MSc courses, 1963-1986; research reports, 1970-1971; opening of the Wiliam Penney Laboratory, 1988; Kobler Unit for the Management of Information Technology, 1984-1988; annual reports, research reports (KCUD).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 378 GSL/OM · Series · 1807-current
Part of Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Ordinary Meetings of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, comprising:

Minutes of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-current; Printed notices and meetings cards giving dates of the forthcoming Ordinary Meetings and later other meetings organised by the Society and its specialist groups, 1810-1996 [incomplete]; Agendas for Ordinary Meetings, 1855-current; Attendance books containing signatures of Fellows and their visitors attending Ordinary Meetings of the Society, 1858-1991 [incomplete].

Geological Society of London , 1807-