Textile arts

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      Textile arts

      Textile arts

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      Textile arts

      • UP Artisanat textile
      • UP Artesanado textil

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      Textile arts

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      Camberwell College of Arts
      GB 0000 Camberwell College of Arts Archive · 1898-2002 (ongoing)

      Records of Camberwell College of Arts, comprising minutes of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1898-1938; reports of the Joint Advisory Printing Advisory Committee minutes, 1965-1973; minutes of meetings of the Governors, 1980-1981;Sub-Committee, 1917-1949; attendance books, 1898-1951; agenda books, 1906, 1913-1915;

      correspondence from London County Council Higher Education Sub-Committee concerning their decision on reports of the Joint Advisory Sub-Committee, 1921-1924;

      Secretary's account book, 1899-1901; accounts, including for the Sketch Club, 'Cambians' student association, students' union, exhibitions and examination expenses, 1930-1945; register of staff, [1898-1939]; papers relating to teaching staff, 1914-1962, including correspondence concerning appointments, memorandums; register of students, 1898-1900;

      minutes of meeting concerning the extension of the school, 1901, estimates for building alterations, 1903; address on the opening of the school extension, 1904; programme and press cuttings for opening of the new building, 1913; papers relating to the sculpture building extension, 1950-1954, including building plan, 1950; notes and minutes of site meeting, 1950; builders' estimates, 1951; programme for the opening of the new School for Sculpture, correspondence concerning the ceremony, text of speech and list of guests, 1953; press cuttings, 1953;

      papers relating to a school war memorial, 1919-1923; correspondence relating to gifts to the school, 1935-1954, including portraits, furniture, books and journals, equipment; plans, notes and invitations relating to exhibitions of students work at the South London Art Gallery, 1913-1914, 1928-1932;

      papers relating to Diploma of Art and Design at Camberwell, [1960]-1963; copy instrument of government of the London Institute, [1985]; correspondence and papers concerning proposed changes to Higher Education, 1977, including statement from Camberwell opposed to the changes;

      prospectuses, 1898-2002; exhibition catalogues and degree show catalogues, 1989-2002;

      press cuttings relating to the school, 1924-1937; students' exhibitions and work of students and staff, 1960-1967; private view cards of staff and students, [1980s-2002]; photographs, 1970s, of students and staff working at Camberwell;

      copies of 1st and 2nd editions of the Cambian, 1928, 1930, printed by the School Press containing examples of student work;

      ephemera relating to Camberwell School, art and the Camberwell area, 1950s-2002, including press cuttings and programmes for events; typed notes on the history of the School, 1990s.

      copies of the London Technical Education Gazette, 1900-1903; London County Council Technical Education Board minutes, 1904; London County Council circulars, 1931-1932.

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      Cartwright, Edmund: letter (1828)
      GB 0096 AL17 · Arquivo · 1828

      Letter from Edmund Cartwright of Lyminster, Arundel, [Sussex] to [the Editor of the Edinburgh Review], 29 Jan 1828. Describing the services rendered by his late father in the invention of the power loom and the inadequacy of the Government grant of £10,000, which 'did not repay one fifth part of loss which his family sustained, and which, as his only son, has continually fallen on me'. With the letter are 7 printed verses which Cartwright senior had desired 'might be engraven on his tomb'.

      Autograph, with signature.

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      Federation of Clothing Designers and Executives
      GB 2159 Federation of Clothing Designers and Executives · [1916-1970]

      Records of the Federation of Clothing Designers and Executives, comprising volumes of pattern cutting layouts for a wide range of garments for men and women, including jackets and suits, possibly for tailoring exercises, [1916-1970].

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      GB 0074 CLC/L/BG · Coleção · 1509-1989

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Broderers, compiled between 1509 and 1989, but they include an abstract of a document dated 1508 (Ms 14703), and title deeds dating from 1292. Records include charters, oaths, bye-laws and ordinances; Court minute books; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; financial accounts; volumes relating to the Broderers' exhibition of embroidery at the Royal School of Art Needlework, Hyde Park; photograph albums; legal papers including deeds and wills; papers relating to charities; and papers relating to property.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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      COX, Ethel E (d 1979)
      GB 2159 Ethel Cox Collection · 1915-1965

      Papers of Ethel E Cox, 1915-1965, comprising papers compiled as Headmistress of Barrett Street Trade School, namely photographs, programmes and invitations relating to the opening of Barrett Street Trade School extension, 1928; photographs of the 'Roamers' student outings, 1930-1939, including to Hampton Court, Kew Gardens, Windsor and Eton, Greenwich, Royal Holloway College, St Albans, Cambridge; photographs of sports days and exhibitions, 1930-1949;

      programmes for evening classes and special lectures, 1915-1940; programmes, flyers, correspondence, press cuttings and photographs relating to London County Council 'Lectures for Distributors', on Gloves, Underwear, China, Glass And Earthenware, Salesmanship, Hosiery, Fashion, Colour, Textiles, given at Barrett Street and organised by the School, [1933-1951]; programmes for Christmas services, 1935-1950; photographs and students' essays of their memories of Coronation Day (coronation of George VI), 1937; correspondence and cards commemorating the 'Silver Jubilee' of Barrett Street, 1940; photographs of Barrett Street Dramatic Society plays, [1917]-1936;

      diary of Elsie Thompson on the evacuation of the school to Maidenhead during World War Two, [1941-1945]; evacuation projects by students, containing photographs, correspondence, programmes and press cuttings relating to the evacuation of the School to Maidenhead, [1940-1945];

      photographs of retirement luncheon given for Miss Cox, 1950; speech to Miss Cox on her retirement, 1950;

      photographs and press cuttings of a Royal Visit, 1965; scrapbook of press cuttings relating to the school, 1950-1959; prospectuses, 1915-1963;

      photographs, press cuttings and exhibition programmes of students' work, 1936, 1937; photographs of the annual exhibition and dress parade, 1938; photographs of the fashion show, 'Fashion For Beaux & Belles', 1958; black and white photographs of womenswear and some menswear made by students, interior scenes of the school and classes including dressmaking, embroidery, tailoring, hairdressing, beauty culture and keep-fit, 1915-1960s;

      register and subject marks book, containing students' names, 1953-1954;

      name and address book, 1946-1953; visitors' book for Open Days, 1953-1965.

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      GARRETT, Patricia (fl 1999)
      GB 2159 Garrett · 1913-[1938]

      Papers collected by Mrs Patricia Garrett, comprising embroidery transfers, 1913-1938 and knitting patterns, 1930s, some from magazines such as Woman's Weekly and Woman's Journal.

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      GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

      Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

      Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

      Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

      Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

      Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

      Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

      Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

      Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

      Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

      Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

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      Barrett Street Technical College
      GB 2159 Barrett Street · [1904]-1966

      Records of Barrett Street Technical College, formerly Barrett Street Trade School, [1904]-1966, comprising minutes of the Consultative Committees for Hairdressing, Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring, 1915-1950; minutes of the School Consultative Committees on Technical Education for Distributors, 1931-1939; student fees registers, giving names of students, addresses and dates of entry and leaving, 1915-1953, covering the Junior and Senior Technical Schools students; staff register, 1904-1921, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; prospectuses, [1915-1963];

      scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning Barrett Street Technical College, 1915-1966;

      note books of a student, Dorothy C M Ludicke, on massage, health and beauty, treatments, [1948].

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      London College of Fashion
      GB 2159 London College of Fashion · 1967-2002

      Records relating to the London College of Fashion, 1967-2002, comprising papers relating to course submissions to the Technical Education Council, 1977-1980; course handbooks, papers relating to courses and course validations, 1985; course leaflets for Cosmetic science, Fashion design & technology, Fashion promotion, Fashion futures, Costume & make-up for the performing arts, Media, BA Hons fashion management and Access to fashion business, [1986]; bulletins and newsletters, 1967-1979; prospectuses, 1980-2002; London Institute annual review, 1997;

      photographs of students, students' work, interior scenes of the college, 1967-2002; photographs of the HND FDT students' show, 1995;

      videocassettes of students' shows, 1980-[2002]; scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning the London College of Fashion and former students, 1975-1993;

      audio tapes and transcripts of interviews, [1996], with Mary Wildman on her time as a student at Barrett Street Trade School, 1936-1938, and Eddie Thornton, student, 1963-1965; paper entitled 'Needle trades to the needs of fashion', 1996.

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      Shoreditch College for the Garment Trades
      GB 2159 Shoreditch · [1904]-1967

      Records of Shoreditch College for the Garment Trades, formerly Shoreditch Technical Institute Girls Trade School, [1904]-1967, comprising staff register, [1904]-1922, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; school rolls, giving names of students, 1948-1961; syllabuses, 1967; examination papers, 1967; examination results, 1961-1965; summary detail of classes, 1949-1965; minutes and papers of the Publicity sub-committee, 1958; papers concerning a ministry inspection of Shoreditch College, undated; annual report, 1964-1965; prospectuses, 1929-1967; photographs of students and press cuttings, 1949-1955; papers and press cuttings relating to Shoreditch Technical Institute, 1949-1955; photographs of prizegivings, 1954-1963; programmes for shows and plays, 1950s; Shoreditch Girls Junior Technical School visitors' book, containing visiting cards left by visitors, 1910.

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      Constance Howard Resource and Research Centre in Textiles
      GB 2603 Howard · [1952-2002]

      The Constance Howard Resource and Research Centre in Textiles contains archives, Materials Collections and a library related to textiles and to the development of textile art. Collections include the archives of the Goldsmiths Textile course 1948-2009, 13, 000 slides of the work of graduates, alumni and staff of the course, teaching notes of the founding team, Constance Howard MBE, Barbara Dawson and Christine Risley. The Materials Collections include items from Constance Howard's personal collection of embroidery and costume; textile samples, a collection of techno-fabric samples from Nuno in Japan; and over 3,000 textiles donated or commissioned for the Centre. Archives include the records of textile artists and groups influenced by the Goldsmiths Textiles course, including the '62 Group' and the 'Fibre Art Group', [1962-2000], both groups of professional textile artists formed to raise the profile of textile art. These archives include slides, photographs, newsletters, correspondence, accounts, reviews and committee minutes. There are over 5,000 books and pamphlets in the specialised library which includes Constance Howard's book collection, and is strong in materials on textiles published in Eastern Europe in the later 20th century.

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      MORRIS, May (1862-1938)
      GB 106 7MMO · Arquivo · 1960s-1980s

      The collection compromises background material for a book on May Morris written by Elizabeth Masterman, titled May Morris: some notes for book collectors, published in 1984 by Book Collector, London. The archive consists of notes, filed alphabetically, covering personalities and subjects referred to in the book, correspondence, a copy of an illustrated catalogue of embroidery designs, a copy of William Morris material in the collection of H Buxton Forman, in possession of the Hammersmith Public Library, a hand list of documents and manuscripts of William Morris and papers and a manuscript text of a lecture about May Morris given by E Masterman at Royal College of Arlon in 1883. Includes details of the Arts and Crafts movement.

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      GB 0074 CLC/L/WC · Coleção · 1155-1971

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Weavers, including registers of freedom admission from 1600-1921 (incomplete), and of apprentice bindings 1655-1867; charters; bye-laws and ordinances; Court and Committee minute books; quarterage books; financial accounts; letter books; deeds and other papers relating to property; and papers relating to charity.

      They also include records of the Weavers' Company almshouses, which include quarterly lists of pensioners, minutes, papers relating to the receipt of rents, and financial records. Further references may be found in other Weavers' Company records such as minutes and accounts. See MS 04648C- D, 05235, 10596A, 17951A.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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      GB 0074 CLC/B/036-03 · Coleção · 1888-1947

      Records of the Boa Vista Spinning and Weaving Company Limited, comprising constitutional documents, agreements, Board minutes, annual reports, and an inventory of property in Portugal.

      The records are held off-site and therefore require 24 hours notice for access.

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      SHUNN, Winifred K (fl 1928-1992)
      GB 2159 Shunn · [1928]-1992

      Papers of Miss W K Shunn, [1928]-1992, teacher at Barrett Street Trade School, comprising prospectuses and photographs of students, including opening of the new school building in 1928, student groups and shows, [1928-1964]; letter containing reminiscences of her time at the school, 1992.

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      Silver Studio design practice collection
      GB 1383 Silver Studio · c1880-c1963

      Papers and designs of the Silver Studio design practice, comprising:
      Personal correspondence and papers of the Silver family, photographs and family albums, personal cards (Christmas, visiting etc).

      Business correspondence, business diaries and time books, staff records, studio trade cards, letter heads, order forms, notes and studio inventories, day books and financial records.

      Books, magazines and other printed ephemera collected as visual reference material by Silver Studio employees.

      Photographic records (glass plate negatives, reference photographs of designs etc); sketch books; printed ephemera, comprising cards (postcards, cigarette cards, greetings, advertising cards), booklets (programmes, guidebooks, exhibition catalogues, leaflets, maps), loose papers (handbills, cuttings, calendars, bookplates, posters).

      Silver Studio designs on paper (c40,000 designs for wallpapers, textiles carpets and other domestic furnishings); 5,000 textile samples (both of the Silver Studio and other designers/manufacturers); 5,000 wallpaper samples (loose sheets and albums, both of the Silver Studio and other designers/manufacturers).

      Studio objects (door plaque, lamp, paint boxes etc).

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      Barbara Sawyer Archive
      GB 3184 BSY · Arquivo · 1943-1982

      The archive comprises weave samples, designs on paper, works on paper, sketchbooks, notebooks and resources relating to Sawyer’s teaching. It also contains industrial ephemera and published material relating to textile production.

      BULLEY, Winifred (fl 1908-1910)
      GB 2121 Bulley · 1908-1910

      Papers of Winifred Bulley nee Bale, 1908-1910, comprising her needlework notebooks compiled whilst a student at Avery Hill College, covering the first and second year syllabus.

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      MASLIN, Ethel (fl 1906-1911)
      GB 2121 Maslin · 1906-1911

      Papers of Ethel Maslin n�e Marshall, 1906-1911, comprising needlework samplers and exhibits worked as a schoolgirl, 1906; 5 notebooks compiled whilst a needlework student at Avery Hill, 1909-1911; teaching practice notebook, 1910; copies of Theory & Practice of Teaching by Edward Thring (1883-1894) and Needlework for the Student Teacher by Amy Kate Smith (1892-1909).

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