Textile industry

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Textile industry

      Textile industry

        Gelijksoortige termen

        Textile industry

        • UF Clothing industry
        • UF Textile technology
        • UF Industrie de la confection
        • UF Industrie de l'habillement
        • UF Technologie du textile
        • UF Industria de la confección

        Verwante termen

        Textile industry

        67 Archivistische beschrijving results for Textile industry

        67 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-090 · Collectie · 1948-1969

        Records of Jarmain, Davis and Company, silk buying agency, comprising correspondence with Harrisons and Crosfield Limited.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 O/414 · Collectie · 1852

        Deed of dissolution of partnership between tailors Stephen Brown, 63 Buttesland St, Hoxton and Daniel Kirby, 43 Harmood St, Kentish Town, 1852.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2546 · Collectie · 1901-1904

        Records of the Tudor Brothers, fancy drapers, comprising copy draft agreement by Evans to Tudor Brothers regarding shops numbers 4-6 Imperial Court, Albert Gate, Brompton Road, Kensington (with plans), 26 Aug 1903 and copies of profit and loss accounts of Tudor Brothers, fancy drapers, 1901-1904.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-46 · Collectie · 1949

        Records of the Nuddea Mills Company, comprising memorandum and articles of association.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 CLC/B/207/ES01 · 1920-1979

        Records of E D Sassoon and Company Limited including records relating to the foundation of the company such as memoranda and articles of association, certificates of incorporation and special resolutions; a board minute book and power of attorney.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 CLC/B/227-134 · Collectie · 1790-1814

        Day book of a Northamptonshire wool broker, recording purchases and sales.

        Zonder titel
        PENGELLY, Thomas (d 1696)
        GB 0074 CLC/B/227-150 · Collectie · 1656

        Particulars of expenses incurred on the account of Thomas Pengelly, merchant of London, by the purchase of broadcloths at Aleppo [Syria], 8 Dec 1656.

        Zonder titel
        London Time Log
        GB 2159 London Log · 1891-1937

        Records relating to the London Log Conciliation Board, 1891-1937, comprising papers and correspondence of William Cooling Lawrence, President of the Association of London Master Tailors and Chair of the Joint Log Committee, namely copies of the London Log, some annotated with amendments, 1891-1935; agenda and papers relating to the Conciliation Board meeting, 1922; papers relating to the Conciliation Board, 1923; papers relating to the annual general meeting of the Amalgamated London Master Tailors, 1924; minutes, correspondence and papers of the Conciliation Board, 1925, relating to demands by the Amalgamated London Master Tailors and National Federation of Merchant Tailors (London) for an increase in rates; Conciliation Board reports and papers, 1925; working papers and correspondence relating to the log, 1894-1895; press cuttings and correspondence, 1892, 1908-1912, concerning the London Log committee;

        correspondence, [1910-1937], concerning a dispute between the London Society of Tailors and Tailoresses and Thomas & Son, [1910]; dispute over machine work at Kerslake & Dixon, 1911; definition and classification of fabric with the Association of London Master Tailors, 1910; hours of employment of women, 1914-1915; relating to the log, agreements and revisions, 1909-1931;

        minutes and correspondence of the Emergency Committee relating to the supply of work to unemployed tailors and tailoresses due to the war, 1914-1915; papers concerning a strike by London Tailors and workshop accommodation, 1912; papers, correspondence and draft report relating to Sub-Committee of the Retail Bespoke Tailoring Trade Board on conditions in certain workshops, [1922-1924]; papers relating to tailoring apprenticeships, 1927-1937;

        papers relating to the establishment of Area Committees of the Retail Bespoke Tailoring Trade Board, [1922]; correspondence relating to the Association of London Master Tailors, [1921-1922], including attempted extension of membership.

        Zonder titel
        Cross, J: letter (1794)
        GB 0096 AL327 · Archief · 1794

        Letter from J Cross of London to [Mr Oriel], 14 Apr 1794. 'I laid your proposal respecting the mill at Quemerford [near Calne, Wiltshire] before my Lord Lansdown [i.e. the Marquess of Lansdowne], in answer to which he had directed me to give you, in his own words, his opinion of the use of machinery in the cloathing manufacture - vizt "Nothing can be more mistaken than the prejudice conceived against machinery, nor could be more unfortunate for the country if suffer'd to prevail - for the consequence must be, the transfer of the manufacture either to the North of England, where the prejudice has been got the better of, and where they experience the advantage, or else to foreign countrys - or part to one and part to the other. Calne is calculated to be the seat of it, much better than either Chippenham or Devizes, or any town which I can immediately recollect, and independent of the great increase of trade, it would create a number of mechanists, and promote in consequence every sort of ingenuity, which would make up abundantly the loss sustain'd by the spinners; besides the navigations which are proposed [i.e. the Wilts and Berks Canal] will furnish a great deal of work; but rather than attempt any thing so arbitrary & absurd as to stop the progress of the machinery, I am very clear it would be better to come to a general rise of wage, especially if every person was compell'd at the same time to belong to some amicable society ...".'

        Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 AL382 · Archief · 1868

        Letter from William Henry Leatham of 45 St James Place, St James's, London to the Rt Hon Sir Stafford H Northcote, Bart, MP, HM Secretary of State for India, 9 Jul 1868. Stating that he will forward the offer of a collection of plates (for a price of £100) illustrating the textile manufactures of India, to the Industral and Fine Art Institution (and museum), at Wakefield; giving the names of three officials in Wakefield who might be concerned with the offer.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        DuPonceau, P S: letter
        GB 0096 AL47 · Archief · 1831

        Letter from Peter Stephen DuPonceau of Phildelphia, [Pennsylvania] to J Vaughan, Esq, 19 Nov 1831. Asking him 'to send the enclosed [a copy of An Historical Review of the ... Silk Culture, Manufacture and Trade, etc (1831)] to your excellent nephew'.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 MS 121 · 1760-1775

        Manuscript account book of Jones and Co, London cloth merchants, giving details of cloth sold from 18 Feb 1760-6 Mar 1775, and details of buyers. Most entries contain a sample of the cloth involved.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 MS 402 · 1668

        Manuscript orders made by the Hamburg Company, 26 Jan 1668, to prevent 'employing unfreemen to buy and shipp off woolen' .

        Zonder titel
        Bridges, George
        GB 0096 MS 438 · 1739

        A signed holograph proposal, 1739, for preventing the illicit practice of wool, tea and brandy smuggling, submitted to both Houses of Parliament.

        Zonder titel