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        321 Descripción archivística resultados para Infraestructura de transportes

        321 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        GB 0074 ACC/1297/MET · Colección · 1853-1933

        Records of the Metropolitan Railway Company, including minutes of Board meetings; General meetings; Finance Committee meetings; Electric Traction Committee meetings; Law and Lands Committee; Parliamentary, Law and Lands Committee meetings; Stores Committee meetings; Traffic Committee meetings; Officer's Monthly Conferences; reports; agreements; registers of accidents and special occurrences; guard books of circulars; books of diagrams; instructions to signalmen; petitions from users of the line; papers of the General Manager relating to various matters including construction of stations and line improvements, daily operations and personnel management; and publications.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/1297/MSGA · Colección · 1926-1934

        Records of Morden Station Garage, comprising minutes of Board and General meetings and financial accounts.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/1297/RQC · Colección · 1900-1902

        Records of Railway Equipment and Construction Company, comprising minutes of meetings of Directors.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/1297/SMET · Colección · 1899-1934

        Records of South Metropolitan Electric Tramways, comprising minutes of Board meetings and minutes of General meetings.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/1748 · Colección · 1883

        Printed memorandum from Office of Works and Public Buildings about the Longford River, brought from Colne to supply Hampton Court Palace, including maps.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2324 · Colección · 1865-1880

        Records of the Hammersmith and City Railway Company, comprising capital account (items charged to capital in period 1875-1877 but incurred from 1865-1868) includes extracts from minutes of Hammersmith and City Railway Joint Committee; Audit Office notes; a note of Hammersmith and City Railway Company investment shares; expenditure by Great Western Railway Company and Metropolitan Railway Company, c.1865-1880.

        Records of the Hammersmith and City Railway Joint Committee, including capital account (charges in half-yearly units), 1867 - 1873; expenditure on capital account (of dissolved Hammersmith and City Railway Company), 1867-1874; miscellaneous accounts, including correspondence with Messrs Grierson and Lewis, extracts from minutes of Joint Committee, and statement of number of times GWR exceeded the agreed number of trains (as in Agreement of 1868), c.1866 - 1878; papers and memoranda relating to accounts for half-year ended June 1878, includes extracts from minutes of Joint Committee 1866-1869; papers relating to case in High Court Baylis V Metropolitan Inner Circle Completion Railway Company; loss of working of Omnibus Service; statement of GWR/MRC working expenses on passenger traffic, c.1866-1878; statements of account for period December 1877 to December 1878; together with statement of train mileage, 1878; estimated statement of account for half-year ended December 1878 with correspondence and extracts from minutes; includes traffic receipts and passenger numbers, 1868; and revenue for half-year ended June 1879; together with expenditure on Capital account 1 July 1877 to 31 December 1878; correspondence with Hammersmith Gas Works 1879; notice to ratepayers of St Marylebone, 1879.

        Records of the Metropolitan Railway Provident Savings Bank, comprising annual reports and statements of account, including lists of deposit accounts and balances; 1875-1935.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/017-26 · Colección · 1842-1975

        Records of the London Wharf and Warehouse Committee, including minute books; surveyors' reports; and plans of wharfs, warehouses and docks.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 B/NTG-10 · Colección · 1823-1875 (property records span 1729-1932).

        Records of the Ratcliff Gas Light and Coke Company, including Bill and Act (4 Geo. IV cap. xcviii) for lighting with gas the parishes of St. Botolph, Aldgate, St. Paul, Shadwell, and parts of St. George-in-the-East, St. John, Wapping, Mile End Old Town and Ratcliff, 1823; notices; particulars of sale of shares in the company; agreements and contracts; papers relating to legal actions and lawsuits; correspondence; and papers relating to Company premises in Stepney and Wapping.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/03 · Colección · 1840-1897

        Staff records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including register of employment; wages accounts and wages books.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/A · Colección · 1705-1910

        Corporate records of the East London Waterworks Company, including Court of Director's minute books; legal papers; Committee papers; title deeds; correspondence and letter books; papers relating to stocks, shares and debentures; Parliamentary papers; papers relating to royal commissions on water supply; Secretary's files; press cuttings; and plans.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/01 · Colección · 1726-1907

        Corporate records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors minute books; Committee books; Court record books; General Assembly minute books; Directors' reports; correspondence and letter books; registers of shareholders; stock ledgers; mortgage records; and contracts records.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/02 · Colección · 1809-1907

        Financial records of Kent Waterworks Company, including statements of account; ledgers; journals; cash books; revenue ledgers; allocation of expenditure books; receipts books and collector's accounts.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/04 · Colección · 1859-1910

        Records of the Kent Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including engineer's reports; water supply agreements; records of supplies laid on and cut off; meter books and water rent books.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LA/01 · Colección · 1785-1914

        Corporate records of the Lambeth Waterworks Company, including minute books of the Committee of Management and Directors; Committee minute books; agenda books; Director's reports; correspondence and letter books; legal papers; papers relating to stocks and shares; dividend books; registers of bonds; and contracts records.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LA/04 · Colección · 1838-1908

        Records of the Lambeth Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including engineer's report books; Inspector's report books; water supply applications and agreements; supply registers; water meters; constant supply registers; registers of fires; water rent registers; engine time books and statistics; house surveys and works in progress.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LA/05 · Colección · 1797-1905

        Further records of the Lambeth Waterworks Company, including Board papers; Secretary's reports; correspondence; legal papers; Parliamentary papers; contract papers; engineer's reports; inspector's reports; foreman's reports; papers relating to water supply; property records and staff records.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LB/02 · Colección · 1778-1823

        Financial records of the London Bridge Waterworks Company, including cash books; Treasurer's accounts; monthly balances; Collector's accounts; arrears books; papers relating to rents; water rents lost by collectors and receipt books.

        Sin título
        British Rail Plans
        GB 0347 D169 · Colección · 1897-1986

        British Rail Plans, 1897-1986.

        Sin título
        Post Office: Supplies Department
        GB 0813 POST 78 Series · Serie · 1874-1985

        This POST class mainly comprises correspondence, committee and other reports, statistics, staff manuals, and training information for new staff, relating to the organisation, development and operation of the Post Office Supplies Department.

        It also includes a collection of material on posting boxes, including information relating to the design, development, positioning, installation, painting and repainting, locks and keys, and indicator and notice plates for pillar boxes.

        Sin título
        River and Mercantile Trust Records
        GB 0103 RMT · 1819-1983

        Records of the River Plate Trust Loan and Agency Company Ltd, 1876-1978, including minutes, ledgers, registers, accounts, annual reports, legal documents, insurance records, staff records, letters and files, some relating to subordinate companies (Ref: A); and records of the subsidiary companies it administered:
        River Plate and General Investment Company Ltd, comprising minutes, 1888-1965, ledgers, 1888-1941, and annual reports, 1889-1983 (Ref: B);
        Mortgage Company of the River Plate Ltd, comprising minutes, 1888-1965, ledgers, 1888-1953, and annual reports, 1888-1981 (Ref: C);
        Compagnie Française des Chemins de Fer de la Province de Santa Fé, comprising circulars to bondholders, 1891-1947, and reports, 1936-1947 (Ref: D);
        London Trust Company, comprising ledgers, 1889-1928, registers of stock, 1889-1958, and miscellaneous papers, 1819-1974 (Ref: E);
        Entre Rios Railway Company, comprising reports, 1891-1900, and circulars and minutes, 1933-1947 (Ref: F);
        Cucuta Railway Company, comprising Presidents' reports, 1926-1936 (Ref: G);
        Montevideo Waterworks, comprising reports and accounts, 1880-1940, and notices and circulars, 1949-1953 (Ref: H);
        Consolidated Waterworks of Rosario, comprising reports and accounts, 1897-1946, and notices and circulars, 1930-1955 (Ref: J);
        Rosario Drainage Company, comprising reports and accounts, 1898-1947, and notices and circulars, 1955 (Ref: K);
        Buenos Aires Central Railway, comprising minutes, 1916-1944 (Ref: L);
        Buenos Aires and Lacroze Tramways, comprising minutes, 1932-1940, and reports and accounts, 1933-1941 (Ref: M).

        Sin título
        BARTLETT, Hardington Arthur (d 1920)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP 80 · 1907-2000

        The collection comprises copies of printed material, 1907-1984, including history of Perry and Co, builders and contractors, with list of completed building projects, photographs of founders, and notes on the company's projects including St Thomas's Hospital, London, Tower Bridge and numerous Underground railway stations including Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus, [1907]; copy of article on the Perry & Co employee, Sir Herbert Henry Bartlett, by Sir Basil Bartlett, printed in David Jeremy ed., Dictionary of business biography (London, 1984); manuscript pedigree describing the relationship between the Robinson and Bartlett families, to whom the donor was related, [2000].

        Sin título
        GB 0096 AL416 · Fondo · 1857

        Letter from Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott to Messrs Chubb, 25 May 1857. Asking the firm to make 6 locks for miniature frames, exactly similar to those they made for him previously, and to send them to Mr Scott of Messrs Colnaghi.

        Autograph, with signature.

        Sin título
        Logan, W: letter (1824)
        GB 0096 AL71 · Fondo · 1824

        Letter from W Logan of the [Forth and Clyde] Canal Office to James Buchanan, Esq of 36 Candleriggs, [Glasgow], 28 Sep 1824. Giving information asked for by George Chalmers respecting the Forth and Clyde Canal.

        Autographs, with signatures.

        Sin título
        GB 0096 MS 719 · [1850]

        Copy of a memorandum [by George Fyler] entitled 'Further memorandum as to the most eligible transit route for mails, passengers & traffic through Mosquito & Costa Rica (being a rider to the memorandum of Dec 5th 1849) and directed to consider the shackles which now impede the development of trade with Central America, the means available for their removal and the concentration of the British Mails and traffic to and from Australia as also the Pacific generally... Presented to the Right Honourable Henry Labouchère [President of the Board of Trade], 29 Jan 1850. The manuscript memorandum suggests a route via Greytown (now San Juan del Norte), River St. John, Lake Nicaragua, and by road, eventually by canal, from the lake to Port Salinas, and indicates the advantages of the route, such as quicker mail services and avoidance of the influence of the United States at Panama.

        Sin título
        Creswick, Thomas
        GB 0096 MS 996 · 1837

        Small mounted oil painting by Thomas Creswick, of a steam train passing Leighton Buzzard on the London and Birmingham Railway line. A note on the reverse suggests that the work was painted in 1837.

        Sin título
        Oldham, James
        GB 0096 MS 174 · 1842-1863

        Book contains full notes on the administration and officers of the Port of London, customs and excise, freights, smuggling, etc., arranged in alphabetical order, preceded by an index, 1842-1863.

        Sin título
        Nottingham and Lincoln Railway
        GB 0096 MS 472 · c1842-1867

        Papers and drawings relating to the Nottingham and Lincoln Railway, c1842-1867, namely:

        1. Lithograph of Nottingham contract specification for execution of the works, to be completed before 1st June, 1846, with a list of 12 drawings to which the specification refers. (These do not, in most cases, correspond with the 12 numbered drawings that now accompany this document). (47 leaves. 12½" x 8").
        2. Three lists of equipment and materials, compiled for comparison of the total weights various types of lifting gear will bear, c 1845. (2 leaves. 13" x 8").
        3. Printed testimonials of Charles Kinder, railway engineer, 1851-1867, who was trained in the Newcastle works of Robert Stephenson, under whom he prepared the contract plans for and superintended the works on the Nottingham and Lincoln railway. (2 leaves. 9¼" x 7½").
        4. 12 engineering drawings, c 1842-1845, comprising a section and plan of the railway through Belper, 1842 (27½" x 51"); sections of cuttings and embankments, numbered 5a and 6a, incomplete (19½" x 23¼"); sections of cuttings and embankments, numbered 7a and 8a (19½" x 27½"); drawings and sections of a mile and ½-and ¼-mile posts (13" x 14¼"); elevations, plans and sections for a bridge for the Flood Road, numbered 10 (this corresponds with drawing No.10 listed in the contract, p.2.); tracing on linen (24" x 72"); elevations, plans and sections for a bridge over the branch of the River Trent near the 18th mile, numbered 8; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); elevations and sections of a bridge over the River Witham at Lincoln, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); plan, drawings and section for a lifting gear to the bridge for crossing the canal at 14.50 chains, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); plan and sections for a bridge for crossing the canal at 14.50 chains, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); elevation, plan and section of a bridge for the footway of Queens Road, numbered 8 (this corresponds with drawing No.8 listed in the contract, pp.1-2); tracing on linen (24" x 36"); printed plan and section, with manuscript additions, of the proposed railway line from Nottingham to Lincoln (this sheet, numbered 1, shows the town of Nottingham and 1 mile East - i.e. to the parish boundary), surveyed by J.G.Binns in 1844 (19½" x 27"); printed plan and section, with manuscript additions, of the proposed railway line from Nottingham to Lincoln (this sheet is unnumbered but is the final one of a set; it shows the city of Lincoln and 1 mile West), endorsed 'Nottingham and Lincoln Railway. The ends of the working plans and sections' (19½" x 26½").
        Sin título
        Aire and Calder Navigation
        GB 0096 MS 489 · [1714-1772]

        Manuscript copies of papers relating to the Aire and Calder Navigation Company's proposed Leeds and Selby Canal, [1714-1772], as follows.

        1. Memorandum, [1771], upon the monopoly enjoyed and the exorbitant charges imposed by the farmer of the Aire and Calder Navigation, and the danger of the proprietors' wish to reroute the navigation away from Knottingley, Yorkshire, '...[which] proceeding would depopulate the... town reduce the property of individuals therein below it's present value and... totally deprive the same of all the natural advantages of it's situation...'. (Single sheet. 13" x 7¾").
        2. Memorandum of a meeting held on Monday, 30 December, 1771, at Bluits Inn, York, under the chairmanship of Charles Ingram, 9th Viscount Irwin, held to oppose the plans of the Aire and Calder Navigation to alter the route of the navigation by Act of Parliament. A list is given of the more notable attenders at the meeting. A plan of intended alterations was produced by Messrs. Wilson, Birt and Smeaton, but not considered, grievances of objectors to the plan were heard, and a subscription entered into to prevent 'the course of the rivers Aire and Calder from being altered by the present undertakers...and... [to concert] the proper means for reducing and ascertaining the tolls and duties on the said rivers...'. Adjournment to 28 January, [1772]. (Single sheet. 19½" x 14").
        3. Subscription list dated 30 December 1771 [referred to above] composed of thirteen names, headed by that of Lord Irvine. (Single sheet. 7" x 8").
        4. Articles of agreement of 9 July, 1714, made between (1) William Milner, of Leeds, and John Smith, of Heath, Yorkshire, on behalf of themselves and the other undertakers of the navigation on the rivers Aire and Calder, (2) Robert, Marquis of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain and Privy Councillor, and (3) Arthur Ingram and Thomas Atkinson, both of Knottingley, on behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of that town. To settle disputes touching the erection of a lock and dam at Chapel Haddlesey (1) will, on or before 29 September, 1715, make one or more new large cuts or sluices with a turnpike in the middle of the dam at Chapel Haddlesey in the river Aire at least 15 yards wide...and maintain them at their own costs. They will also deepen by one foot the drain running out of Haddlesey Ings into the river Aire, and will erect a good and substantial bridge with two leaves over the Aire near the ferry by Chapel Haddlesey Marsh as good and substantial as Beal Bridge lately built on the said river, and make a good and sufficient causeway to Chapel Haddlesey. There are other clauses relating to tolls, flooding, etc. Bond in £2000 by (1) to (2) to observe and perform all covenants conditions, etc. (2 leaves. 15½" x 10").
        Sin título
        Leeds and Liverpool Canal
        GB 0096 MS 498 · 1865

        Memorandum of agreement of 20 July, 1865, between (1) the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Leeds to Liverpool and (2) the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Liverpool, whereby (1) will excavate, make and maintain three side basins and wharves connected with their canal at Philip Street Wharf, Liverpool, for the exclusive use of (2) in the removal of refuse. Term - 21 years. Rent - £1750 p.a.

        Sin título
        Exeter and Exmouth Railway
        GB 0096 MS 552 · 1847-1857

        Papers relating to the Exeter and Exmouth Railway, 1847-1857, comprising correspondence concerning purchase of lands for the railway and parliamentary proceedings as follows.

        1. Four printed letters completed in manuscript, dated between 11 and 17 Dec 1856, and addressed to Frederick Sanders, solicitor, of Exeter, registering assent, dissent or neutrality to proposals to extend the time for compulsary purchase of lands for the railway which were to appear before parliament; (i) and (iii) assented, (iv) dissented, and (ii) James Pitts, declared himself neutral, adding 'If you get an extension of time for 50 years I do not believe your line will be made'.
        2. Letter of 28 Apr 1847, from Messrs. Carter & Chanter, Barnstable, to Frederick Kitson, solicitor, of Exeter, concerning land in the Manor of Tawton Deane required for the Taw Valley Railway, in which the Dean of Exeter and Mr Brailey have an interest.
        3. Letter of 5 Jan 1854, from Messrs. Osborne Ward & Co., Bristol, to Ralph Barnes, solicitor, of Exeter, replying to a request for advice on the 'mortgage of tolls under the Railway Act'.
        4. Letter of 24 Apr 1857, from Messrs. Pritt, Sherwood, Venables, and Quiller, of 7 Great George Street, Westminster, to Frederick Sanders, solicitor, of Exeter, concerning the progress of the railway's bill in parliament.
        Sin título
        GB 2856 (NEW)LT000498 · Serie · 1939-1947

        This series contains reports and memoranda on the purchase of stores and stocks, including details of tyre contracts and lists of contractors, proposed contracts for the sale of bus bodies and war risk clauses, the use of firezone oil and waste oil and fuel rationing as well as Railway Executive Committee correspondence on petrol allocation and coupons.

        Sin título
        Tower of London collection
        GB 2919 TOWER · 1506-1987

        Collected archive relating to the Tower of London (ToL) comprising: General Documents including Act of Parliament for regulating the nightly watch, 1756; newspaper containing account of fire at the ToL, 1774; newspaper containing account of fire at the ToL, 1788; newspapers containing accounts of the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; report describing the removal of the Regalia from the Jewel House during the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; report that the Public Records had not been affected by the fire in the Grand Storehouse, 1841; regulations for HM Royal Palace and Fortress of the ToL, 1878; regulations for HM Royal Place and Fortress of the ToL, 1882; account of the fire bomb raid on the ToL, 1940; regulations for HM ToL, 1946;

        General maps and plans including map of London, 1560 (mid 19th century copy); map of London, 1862 (copy); plan of the ToL, 1597 (reduced 19th century copy); plan of the ToL, 1597 (18th century copy); plan of the ToL, 1660 showing suggested alterations (copy); plan of the ToL, c.1680 (copy); plan of the ToL, 1681-1689; plan of the ToL, c.1682 (copy); plan of the area occupied by the Royal Mint, 1701 (copy); map of the Tower Liberty, 1720; map of the Tower Liberty, 1754; plans of the White Tower, 1754; plan of the ToL and St. Catherines, 1754; plan of the ToL, 1760; plans of the White Tower, early 19th century; plans of the White Tower, 1815; Ordnance Survey plan of the ToL and Tower Hill, c.1900; various plans of works carried out at the ToL, 1960-present; plan showing the re-arrangement of the area to the south of the White Tower, c.1965; plan of the ToL, 1966; elevations of the White Tower, 1966;

        General photographs of the ToL, c.1850, c.1890, c.1898; ToL and the Royal Mint, c.1850-60; ToL from the Wharf, c.1870, 1888; c.1890, c.1899, c.1910; the Cradle Tower after the reinstatement of the first floor, c.1878; interior views of the ToL, c.1880; the demolition of the Horse Armoury, 1883; ToL from the river Thames, 1888, late 19th century; the Byward Tower from the west, c.1890; the Byward Tower from the east, late 19th century; ToL from the west, late 19th century; the Grand Storehouse pediment, late 19th century; ToL from the north west, late 19th century; the Beauchamp Tower, late 19th century; photograph of the Byward Tower, late 19th century; the Middle Drawbridge soon after construction, c.1910; the White Tower, 1914; Tower Green, 1922; the entrance to the ToL, mid 20th century; the second floor of the White Tower, c.1939; Aerial photos of the ToL, 1949, c.1960, 1970, 1987;
        and stereoscopic photographs of the Bell Tower, and the Byward Tower, mid 19th century; ToL from Tower Hill, c.1870; ToL from the west, late 19th century; and the Waterloo Barracks, late 19th century;

        General guidebooks to the Tower including An historical description of the Tower of London and its curiosities, David Henry (published from 1757-1803); A new history and description of the Tower of London, David Henry (published from 1810-1834); The Tower: its histories, armories and antiquities, John Hewitt (published from 1841-1854); A short history of the Tower of London, Joseph Wheeler (published from 1842-52); The Tower of London; its armouries and regalia, H G Clarke (c.1855); A sketch of the Tower of London, A. Harman (published from 1859-1884); 1The people's history of the Tower of London and visitor's guide (c.1875); Authorised guide to the Tower of London, W J Loftie (published from 1886-1897); Authorised guide to the Tower of London, W J Loftie [much abridged version (published from 1885-1920); The Tower of London - a guide for catholics, C L Jones (published from 1913-1931); Authorised guide to the Tower of London (Ministry of Works, published from 1923-46); The Tower of London (Ministry of Works, published from 1953-1967); The Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1974); The pictorial story of the Tower of London [title varies slightly] (Pitkin Pictorials, published from 1950-1969); Her Majesty's Tower of London (Pitkin, published from 1973-1996); Royal fortress : the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1978); The Tower of London: a young visitors guide, P Hammond (1981); Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1984); Her Majesty's fortress of the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1987); Inside the Tower: the alternative guide, James Bartholomew (1990); The Tower of London: the official guidebook (Historic Royal Palaces, 1996); as well as a number of foreign language guides;

        documents and photographs relating to Officers of the Tower, including Report on the state of the ToL by Sir John Peyton, 1597; expenses of Sir John Peyton, Lt. of the Tower, 1598; Commission signed by Oliver Cromwell appointing John Miller, Captain and Major of the company of foot appointed to garrison the ToL, 1652; letter from Col. John Berkstead, Governor of the ToL to the Commissioners of the Navy, 1653; warrant signed by John, Lord Berkeley to Col. William Legg, Lt. Governor of the Tower, authorizing the issue and replacement of weapons, 1668; Muster roll of the ToL garrison, 1691; journal kept by George, Earl of Northampton, as Constable of the Tower, 1712-15; two letters from Viscount Falmouth to Earl Cornwallis, Constable of the ToL, 1760; warrant appointing Louis Grauze to be yeoman or under porter to the ToL, 1787; letters patent appointing Francis, Earl of Moira, to be Constable of the ToL, 1806; warrant granting William Kinchin the right to collect duty on goods landed at Iron-Gate stairs, 1808; ticket and order of service for the funeral of the Duke of Wellington, 1852; photos of nine yeoman warders with the Resident Governor, (undated); photographs of eight yeomen warders (undated).; photograph of the Officers of the Tower and the Yeomen Warders, about 1890; photogravure of yeomen warders practicing with partisans, late 19th century; photograph of 12 yeomen warders in undress uniform, late 19th century; photograph of the changing of the guard, late 19th century; photograph of the Kings House, 1914; photos of the King's House, c.1920; photograph of the ToL from the west with the signatures of the Officers of the Tower on the mount, 1917; photograph of the Officers of the Tower, 1917; photos of the handing over of the colours of the Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1923; blueprints for the sealed pattern yeomen warder's partisan, 1985;

        Documents, and photographs relating to the prison and prisoners, including Warrant signed by Henry VII for the provision of clothing and bedding to Lord Willam of Devon and William de la Pole, 1506; documents relating to the trial and execution of Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex, 1601; warrant relating to the detention of Robert Johnstone, 1662; regulations relating to the opening, guarding and closing of the gates of the Tower, c.1680; list of inscriptions in the Salt Tower, 1856; Guidebook - A short sketch of the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London, W.R. Dick (c.1860); Ferdinand Buschmann papers, early 20th century ; Prisoners of the Tower compiled by A.H. Cook, 1959; inscriptions in the ToL; Guidebook - Prisoners in the Tower (Pitkin, 1972-94); guide to the inscriptions in the Beauchamp Tower, c.1985; Condensed summary of prisoners at the Tower originally compiled by A.H. Cook and revised by B.A. Harrison, 1986; the first prisoner of the 20th century [Hans Lody], 1987; stereographic photographs of the block and axe, mid 19th century; stereographic photograph of the block and axe, about 1890; photographs of the interior and exterior of the Bloody Tower, late 19th century; and interiors of the Bell Tower and the Beauchamp Tower, late 19th century;

        newspaper articles relating to the prison and prisoners including the execution of James Radcliffe, Earl of Derwentwater, and William Gordon, Viscount Kenmure, 1715; the imprisonment and execution of Charles Radcliffe, 1746; the imprisonment of Lord Lovat, 1747; the release of John Wilkes from the Tower, 1763; the imprisonment and release of Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor, and Alderman Oliver from the Tower, 1771; the Gordon Riots, 1780; the imprisonment of Lord George, 1780; the imprisonment and release of Henry Laurens, 1780-82; the imprisonment and release of state prisoners, 1794; the imprisonment of Francis Burdett, 1810; the escape of Lord Nithsdale, 1816;

        material relating to the Crown Jewels including newspaper account of Margaret Moore's attempt to steal the crown, 1815; photographs of the Crown Jewels, late 19th century, and the Crown Jewels on display in the Wakefield Tower, about 1900; stereographic photograph of the new Jewel House, late 19th century; and guidebooks: The Crown Jewels (Ministry of Works, 1949-67); The Crown Jewels at the Tower of London (Ministry of Works, 1968); The Crown Jewels of England (Department of the Environment, 1986);

        material relating to the Menagerie, including broadsheets containing verses on the deaths of three lions at the Tower, 1681, and one entitled `the she lyon's speech in the Tower', early 18th century; newspaper account of a fight between a lion and two tigers, 1830; and documents relating to the presentation of animals to the Prince Regent, 1816-20;

        material relating to the Tower Record Office including letter and receipted bill from Robert Lemon, Tower Record Office, 1806; and notes of the Keeper of the Record Office, John Bayley, c.1820;

        material relating to the Tower and the Church including printed Act of Parliament granting a piece of land with the ToL for use as an additional burial ground, 1811; plan of the Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, 1842; photograph of the interior of St. John's Chapel, late 19th century; and guidebooks titled The chapels royal of St. Peter ad Vincula and St. John the Evangelist, HM Tower of London (Pitkin, 1971); and The chapels of the Tower of London (Department of the Environment, 1987); Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Pete ad Vincula in the Tower of London D C Bell (London, 1877)

        material relating to Tower Bridge including photographs of the official opening of Tower Bridge, 1894; and of Tower Bridge, late 19th century; tickets and programme for the opening of Tower Bridge (1894); Welch's A Short Account of London Bridge Welch, (1894); copy of the Act empowering the corporation of London to build a bridge over the River Thames near the Tower of London (August 1885);

        there is also a collection of prints and engravings depicting people, events, external and internal view of the tower and plans;

        collection of photocopied material from the National Archives (Public Record Office) relating to the Tower, including copies and transcripts of Exchequer records, 1425-1508; Chancery records, 1455-1655; State Papers, 1569-1585; War Office records, 1681-1752; Office of Works plans; records of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory, 1739-1832; and manuscripts held in the British Library, c.1485-1715.

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        GB CR/1908/2 JSCSC · 1908

        1 Outline of theatre of war, 1870, Lt Col Braithwaite. 2 Notes on strategy, by Col Henderson, Lt Col Braithwaite. 3 Books to read for study of Franco-German war, Lt Col Braithwaite. 4 Railway system, South Africa, Col Stopford. 5 Defence of United Kingdom during formation of Territorial army. 3 parties, Col Stopford. 6 Plates of relative strengths of fleets, and ships in commission in European waters, Lt Col Harper. 7 As CGS French army (1870), draw up memo dealing with possible altered strategical situation, and draft orders for Army & independent corps commanders (syndicates not shown in table), Lt Col Braithwaite. 8 Reconnaissance of Blackwater with view to defence from land side. Imperial strategy scheme No 1. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 9 Programme for 2 parties visiting battlefields, Lt Col Braithwaite. 10 With ref to theory of employment of strategic advanced guard, discuss occupation of Weisenburg by Douay's division, Lt Col Braithwaite. 11 Compare strategical and tactical lessons of 1815 etc with experiences of Manchurian War, The Commandant.

        12 Outline of campaign of 1806, preliminary movements of French army and map, Lt Col Ross. 13 Railway exercise No 1, Col Stopford. 14 Weissenburg and march of III German army, Lt Col Ross. 15 Woerth. French obstns and attack of XI G corps, Lt Col Braithwaite. 16 Staff arrangements for over-sea expeditions, Col Stopford. 17 Railways across Canada, Lt Col Harper. 18 Capture of defended harbour (B'water). Orders for landing in Stratfieldsaye Bay etc. 4 syndicates, Col Stopford and Lt Col Harper. 19 Discuss action De Failly should have taken on 5.8.1870 on receipt of MacMahon's telegram, Lt Col Braithwaite. 20 Entraining a force of 3 divns and a cavalry Bde, Col Stopford. 21 Spicheren about 12.30pm, and position on evening of 5.8.70, and movements 6th and night of 6th-7th, Lt Col Ross. 22 Positions 13th August, 1870, E of Metz (Colombey lecture), Lt Col Ross. 23 Give opinion as to how far French criticism of handling of German cavalry 10-11th.3.'70 is justified, Lt Col Braithwaite. 24 Stocks of raw material held in this country and imported, Lt Col Harper. 25 Reconnaissance of position for attack after disembarkation of expeditionary force. Re-embarkation. 4 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 26 Combined naval and military tours, No 1. 3 parties, The Commandant. 27 Embarkation scheme. 6 parties, Col Stopford. 28 Gravelotte. German movements during 16th August and 1st attack of IX corps, Lt Col Braithwaite. 29 Discuss action of v.Kamepe, v.d.Goltz and v.Alvensleben at battles of Spicheren, Colombey and Mars le Tour. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Braithwaite. 30 Scheme IV. 5 syndicates, The Commandant (Lt Col Harper). 31 Positions of both armies 24th and 28th August, Lt Col Ross. 32 Railway exercise No 3. 7 syndicates, Col Stopford. 33 i. Battle of Beaumont. ii. Positions evening of 31st August and German advance 1st September (Sedan), Lt Col Ross. 34 Attack on L of C. Red side - appreciation etc. Blue side - dispositions for convoy, etc. Lt Col Harper. 35 Combined naval and military staff tour, 2nd tour. Disembarkation, The Commandant. 36 Typical line of communication (both divisions), Lt Col Banon. 37 Tactical scheme. 1. Short appreciation. 2. Reconnaissance and operation orders (2 parties). 3 Further operation orders, Blue force, Lt Col Ross. 38 To illustrate campaign in valley of Po, 1859, Lt Col Braithwaite. 39 2 graphs showing supply arrangements to a force from a stationary advanced depot (both divns), Lt Col Banon.

        40 Re intelligence reports and war diaries, Col Stopford. 41 Appreciation. Reconnaissance &c, opposing forces, Redland and Blueland, The Commandant. 42 Camping scheme for advance guard, Lt Cols Perceval and Ross. 43 Tactical scheme, Red (defending force). Reconnaissance, etc, 4 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 44 Memoranda relating to Blue medical arrangements during Severn Balley staff tour, Lt Col Braithwaite. 45 Campaign scheme for division - 4 syndicates, Lt Col Perceval. 46 Tramways and light railways, Lt Col Perceval. 47 Part I Wales staff tour. Short minute from GOC to C-in-C in India, from all officers. Part II. Composition of columns and standing orders for forces. 3 parties and GOC expedition, The Commandant. 48 Combined scheme. 1st exercise (strategy), Red and Blue plans of campaign and special naval (Red) problem, Lt Col Braithwaite. 49 Combined scheme. 2nd exercise (staff duties). Disembarkation. 6 syndicated, Col Stopford. 50 Medical arrangements in the field, Col Stopford. 51 Combined scheme, III exercise (staff duties) Forward march of Normanian army to concentration area: supply system etc, Col Stopford. 52 Tactical scheme - advanced guard action. Two situations. 3 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 53 Re writing report while attached to other arms, The Commandant.

        54 Combined scheme. IVth exercise (staff duties). Organisation of L of C, advanced depot, etc. 4 syndicates, Col Stopford. 55 Prepare scheme for 'tactical fitness' examination. 5 syndicates, Col Stopford and Lt Col Braithwaite. 56 Combined scheme Vth exercise. Move of Normanian army to position selected by C-in-C for night of 13th/19th days, Lt Col Braithwaite. 57 Staff duties. Arrangements for carrying out a review. 3 syndicates, Col Stopford. 58 Inspection staff tour. Opposing forces. Individual appreciations and orders for movements written by 16th October, The Commandant. 59 Alterations in Army establishments 1908-9 as compared with 1907-8 (to all officers), Col Stopford. 60 Tactical scheme, opposing sides. 2 syndicates each, Red and Blue, Lt Col Ross. 61 Paper for DSD "What is best organization for independent cavalry." Syndicates of 3, Lt Col Braithwaite. 62 Army manoeuvres, detailed arrangements prior to carrying out. 4 syndicates, Col Stopford. 63 Trees of Japanese army administration in peacetime, etc (staff system), Lt Col Perceval. 64 Russian staff system, Lt Col Perceval. 65 1st set Russo-Japanese war. Forces at end of April. 2nd week in May and on 8th June, 1904, Lt Col Braithwaite. 66 SE Belgium, Lt Col Harper. 67 3 papers issued in connection with lectures on Russian and Japanese mobilization, Lt Col Perceval. 68 Staff duties. Preparation of scheme of training for troops. 2 parties, Col Stopford and Lt Col Braithwaite. 69 Home defence scheme, part I, Lt Col Harper. 70 Russo-Japanese war. NW corner of Korea, and form showing field rations carried by 1st Russian army, Lt Col Banon. 71 Russo-Japanese war. Battle of the Yalu, Lt Col Furse. 72 Continuation of No 69. War ships in commission, Lt Col Harper. 73 Home defence scheme, part II. 5 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 74 Russo-Japanese war. 2 maps showing Japanese landing at Pi-tzu-wo, and one of battle of Nanshan, Col Perceval and Lt Col Ross. 74A [Map of] Te-li-su, Lt Col Furse. 75 Home defence scheme, part III, Lt Col Harper. 76 Belgian scheme, part I. 7 syndicates, The Commandant. 77 Russo-Japanese war. Situation 22.8.04, up to Liao-Yang, Lt Cols Furse and Ross. 78 Belgian scheme, Part II. Appreciations, orders, etc. Same syndicates as for part I, The Commandant. 79 Scheme for defence of NW frontier of India. 6 syndicates, The Commandant. 80 Set of 3 maps to illustrate battle of Liao-Yang, Lt Col Ross. 81 Russo-Japanese war. Mischenckos raid, Lt Col Barrow.

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        GB CR/1909/2 JSCSC · 1909

        1 Books to read, F-G War, 1870, Col Braithwaite. 2 Outline of theatre of war, 1870, Col Braithwaite. 3 War Office scheme, for practice in minute writing etc. 4 syndicates, The Commandant. 4 2 railway maps of 1870, French and German, Col Perceval. 5 Strengths of British, French and German navies, Lt Col Harper. 6 Scheme 1, 1870. As CGS French army draw up memo and draft orders &c. 14 syndicates, Col Braithwaite. 7 Programme for visit to 1870 battlefields, Col Braithwaite. 8 Reconnaissance of defended port with view to attack on land side. 10 syndicates, Col Banon and Lt Col Harper. 9 Railways in South Africa, Col Perceval. 10 Memoir - how far are strategical and tactical lessons of 1815 etc confirmed or modified by war in Manchuria, The Commandant. 11 4 maps issued for lecture on "Cavalry", Lt Col Barrow. 12 Discuss suggestions in p.118, part 3, FOA 1870, re employment of French cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 13 1st railway exercise. 6 syndicates, Col Perceval.

        14 Discuss occupation of Weissemburg by Douay's division, Col Braithwaite. 15 2 [maps] of position at Woerth, Col Braithwaite. 16 Discuss action De Failly should have taken on 5.8.70. 4 syndicates, Col Braithwaite and Lt Col Ross. 17 As Gen. Staff Officer in Berlin state hostile acts to be committed before formal outbreak of war with England, Lt Col Harper. 18 Continuation of No 8 (Scheme 1). Attack of defended harbour, Col Banon and Lt Col Harper. 19 Spicheren, 2 plans and 1 plate of profiles, Lt Col Ross. 20 II railway exercise - 6 syndicates, Col Perceval. 21 Showing arrangements on beach for disembarkation. Issues for lecture by Capt. Gilpin-Brown RN, Col Banon. 22 Staff arrangements for overseas expeditions, Col Banon. 23 Colmbey, Lt Col Ross. 24 Scheme no 3. Discuss actions of v. Kameke, v. der Goltz, and v, Alvensleben re Spicheren, Colombey and Mars la Tour. 11 syndicates, Col Braithwaite. 25 Lecture - cavalry in battle, Lt Col Barrow. 26 Dimensions &c of British warships and destroyers, Col Banon (Comdr. Jeffreys). 27 Combined naval and military staff tour - papers 1-4 - first tour - general and special ideas. 10 parties, The Commandant. 28 Embarkation scheme. Ist part - prepare instns for movement to docks etc, 7 syndicates. IInd part. Command tables, maps, plans, instns etc necessary, Col Banon. 29 As C. of S. to Macmahon 22-8-70, draw up project for operations of "Army of Chalons". 14 synds, Lt Col Ross. 30 Cavalry scheme. Detaining hostile force, Lt Col Barrow. 31 2 maps - 1 position on morning of 18th Aug and II attack of IXth Corps Gravelotte, Lt Col Furse. 32 Stocks of raw material and foodstuffs, Lt Col Harper. 33 Re foreign officers travelling in Germany, and summary of laws dealing with espionage on Continent, Col Banon. 34 3 of 1870. I position of 10th armies 24-28th Aug. II B of Beaumont. III Sedan, Lt Col Rose. 35 Regns affecting requisitioning in France and Belgium, Col Banon. 36 Von Werder's campaign in the south-east of France 1870-71, The Commandant.

        37 Part III. 1st three days work at College with naval officers, The Commandant. 38 SC officers on East Coast, The Commandant. 39 Part III. Re-embarkation, The Commandant. 40 Exercise in setting tactical scheme. Division divided half red, half blue (attack and defence), Col Perceval. 41 Comparison between Walley of R.Po and the Valley of the Severn, Col Perceval. 42 Appreciation; Scheme with opposing forces (Severn Valley); Blueland (Gloucester); Redland (Bath), The Commandant. 42A Operation orders, order of battle and red and blue forces, The Commandant. 43 Billeting in depth, requisitioning and living on the country, Cols Banon and Perceval. 44 Notes and points in connection with Severn Valley staff tour June 1st-4th, The Commandant. 45 2nd exercise in setting tactical schemes. "Advance and rear guard commands". Division divided into two parties. Individual work, Col Perceval. 46 Table of Indian pack transport, Lt Col Barrow.

        47 Scheme for staff tour in Wales. I exercise. From all officers - minute from GOC epdn. To C-in-C India, The Commandant. 47A Part II. Ex II. Composition of columns. Standing orders for forces. Staff and 3 parties. 47B Notes for directing staff and train arrangements. 47CNarrative and table of road spaces. 48 Mountain warfare, Lt Col Stewart. 49 Advantages and disadvantages of billeting and bivouacking for cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 50 Communication scheme, Lt Col Harper. 51 Communication scheme of 23rd June, Lt Col Harper. 52 General idea and special ideas Northland and Westland. Appreciations 1st exercise - opposing forces, The Commandant. 53 Report on training with other arms, The Commandant. 54 Arrangements for tactical fitness examination. 12 parties. Selected schemes worked out on ground, Cols Banon and Perceval. 55 Ordnance depot. General Hospl and supply depot, Col Banon. 56 Combined scheme. Part I. General and special ideas. Reconnaissance of area of concentration, Cols Banon and Perceval.

        57 Schemes selected from work sent in, in connection with No 54. Tactical fitness examination, Officers of Division. 58 Notes on, and solution of certain points raised during staff tour in North Wales, Lt Col Stewart. 59 Tables and distributions of Divinl. Signal Co, Lt Col Harper. 60 Combined scheme. Part II. Staff duties. Connected with disembarkation of large force, Col Banon. 61 Combined scheme Part III Staff duties. Connected with advanced base and billeting and bivouac arrangements, Col Banon. 62 Second exercise for "tactical fitness examn." Separate scheme issues to officers on Junr Divn staff tour, Cols Banon and Perceval. 63 Exercise [blank space] writing orders for change of direction of large force. Issues in place of part IV, combined scheme, Cols Banon & Perceval. 64 Points brought out in connection with wildland staff tour 12th-16th July, The Commandant. 65 Staff duties. Arrangements for carrying out a review, 4 syndicates, Col Banon.

        66 General idea with special ideas for opposing forces. Preliminary work - appreciations and orders for movements, The Commandant. 67 tactical scheme, night operations. Two sides. Red 7 parties, Blue 1, Col Perceval. 68 Staff duties. Army manoeuvres. 3 syndicates, Col Banon. 69 Trees of Japanese army staff system, Lt Col Barrow. 70 Trees of Russian army staff system, Lt Col Barrow. 71 Points raised in connection with Insp. Staff tour, with 2 appendices, (A) on fortresses by the CGS and (B) on railways by Lt Col Whigham. 72 Syllabus of lecture "Cavalry in co-operation with the other arms", recapitulation of ways in which cavalry can co-operative, and three maps, Lt Col Barrow. 73 Order of battle Japanese forces etc, Col Perceval. 74 Japanese mobilization and syllabus of lecture, Lt Col Whigham. 75 Administration of a training grant. 3 parties, Cols Banon and Perceval. 76 Distribution of troops in Manchuria '04 and syllabus of lecture "Russian mobilization", Lt Col Whigham. 77 Rations carries with field troops in Russian army, Col Banon. 78 Belgian scheme, Part I. 7 syndicates, The Commandant.

        79 Syllabus of lecture on & paper of names and lengths of Trans-Siberian railway, Lt Col Whigham. 80 [Map] to illustrate advance of 1st Japanese army through Korea, Col Banon. 81 [Map] to illustrate Battle of the Yalu, Lt Col Furse. 82 Belgian scheme, Part II, same syndicates as for Part I, The Commandant. 83 3 maps illustrating landing of 2nd Japanese army and battle of Nanshan, Lt Col Ross. 84 [Map] showing situation in Manchuria 8th June '04, Lt Col Furse. 85 [Map] illustrating battle of Te-li-ssu, Lt Col Furse. 86 Yeomanry schemes. Ought they to have a separate training manual? 11 syndicates in 2 groups, The Commandant. 87 Cavalry scheme, Lt Col Barrow. 88 Situation in Manchuria, 22.8.04, Lt Col Ross. 89 Home Defence Scheme, Part I, The Commandant. 90 Reinforcements to expeditionary force and base record office (all officers), Lt Col Whigham. 91 Set ofthree [maps] to illustrate battle of Laio Yang, Lt Col Ross. 92 Home defence scheme Part II. 7 syndicates, The Commandant. 93 Instructions for utilization of local resources scheme. 12 syndicates in 3 groups, The Commandant. 94 The defence of India (lecture), Lt Col Stewart. 95 The defence of India. 7 syndicates, The Commandant. 96 Education scheme. 8 syndicates in 3 groups, The Commandant. 97 Illustrating Mischenko's raid, Lt Col Barrow. 98 Subjects treated in Part I of memoirs, The Commandant. 99 On fighting in enclosed country, The Commandant.

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        Bridges, Roads and Canals in Scotland
        GB 0097 COLL F · 1782-1841

        Papers mainly concerning the construction and administration of bridges, roads, piers, railways, harbours, reservoirs and canals in Scotland, 1782-1841, including correspondence of Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville (1742-1811), Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1771-1851), and Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Baron Dundas (1741-1820). The collection comprises letters, petitions, memorials, plans, estimates, reports, financial accounts, legal papers, trustees minutes and circulars relating to bridges including the Dee, Don, Urie, Findhorn, Montrose, Nairn, Pease, and Spey; canals including the Borrowstone Canal Navigation, the Clarence Canal, the Forth and Clyde Navigation, and the Union Canal (Falkirk to Edinburgh); ferries such as the Dysart Ferry, Queensferry, and Tay Ferries; harbours and piers notably Burntisland Harbour and Pier, Kinghorn Harbour, Hartlepool Pier, and Newhaven Pier; the Gala Water Railroad; the North Esk Reservoirs; roads in Aberdeen, Inverness, Dalkeith, Edinburgh, Glenlaidnaig, Glenlichorn, Lanarkshire, Lauriston, Perth, and Stirling.

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        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0068 · Colección · 1794-1795

        Report on a plan by William Vaughan for a dock at Wapping, by John Powsey. Report on plans of wet docks at the Isle of Dogs planned by Mr Milligan, Mr St. Barbe and Mr Bettesworth, by John Powsey. Report on the cut from Old Gravel Lane to Blackwall by Daniel Alexander. Tides of the river Thames connected to the London docks by William Vaughan. Copies of reports to the committee, of dock plans at Wapping and the Isle of Dogs.

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        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0390 · Colección · 1813-1872

        Copy of the minutes of the Hipperholme with Brighouse townships meetings, in the possession of Brighouse Corporation, copied in 1929. The meetings' main concerns were poor relief, roads and local tax assessment.

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        GB 0102 CGPC · 1926-1951

        Records, 1926-1951, of the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission (CGPC), including information on the state of Chinese communications; the workings of the Chinese Ministries of Communications, Railways and Industries; Chinese banking; construction and engineering technology and the work of British manufacturers; and some information on Chinese educational and cultural institutions in receipt of subsidies from the Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

        Records, 1926-1951, relating to the foundation and constitution of the CGPC comprise printed report of the Anglo-Chinese Advisory Committee (China Indemnity Advisory Committee), 1926; correspondence, largely letters from the Board of Trustees to the CPGC, 1931-1950, concerning the constitution of the Commission, procedural issues, personnel and financial matters; file on procedure on appointment of a new member of the Commission, 1947-1948; correspondence concerning events preceding the winding-up of the Commission, 1951.

        Financial records, 1931-1951, comprise papers on the Board Account, 1937-1950; papers on the Chin Fund (apparently a grant paid to Constance Chin, a patient of the Bethlem Royal Hospital), 1945-1951; summaries of expenses relating to purchase orders made by Chinese ministries, 1931-1951; Indemnity Fund cash books, 1937-1950; invoices and receipts relating to CGPC business, 1937-1951; financial statements and correspondence relating to banking matters with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 1931-1951, the subjects including investments and tax.

        Operational records, c1928-1951, relating to the administration of purchase orders, comprise register of tenders/purchase orders, 1942-1946; contract registers (not comprehensive), 1931-1949, recording the management of contracts for the supply and delivery in China of plant, machinery and other materials manufactured in the UK for the Chinese government, and over 1,000 related contract files for engineering companies and manufacturers for industrial, construction, railway and other projects; tender forms, 1934, issued to contractors by the CGPC; specifications and standards, c1928-1937 and undated, largely for the construction of railways and carriages; correspondence concerning administration of purchase orders, 1932-1951, relating especially to delivery of locomotive spare parts and related materials; registers of export licences issue to British manufacturers under wartime regulations, 1941-1946; applications for export licences, 1939-1945; registers of shipments, insurance, freight and inspection fees, 1931-1951; shipping letters, 1937-1950, issued for CGPC shipments; general correspondence concerning the administration of the CGPC, 1931-1951, including correspondence with solicitors and correspondence concerning the CGPC premises in Tothill Street, London.

        Annual reports and accounts, 1931-1950, comprise typescript accounts and reports, 1931-1950, of the CGPC and published annual reports, 1931-1950, including summaries of receipts and payments; and annual reports of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1938.

        Miscellaneous records, c1932-1950, comprise one file including papers on subjects including railways, training Chinese students, Japanese imperialism, and CGPC records, a photograph of ships in harbour, and maps of China and the Far East.

        Records, 1939-1943, of the China Purchasing Agency Ltd comprise standing regulations of the Board of Directors, undated; correspondence, 1939-1943, concerning various purchase orders; miscellaneous items, c1939-1940, including list of tenders passed for acceptance, 1939, and an undated schedule of materials shipped.

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        GB 0402 LMS · [1691-1994]

        Library Manuscripts comprise manuscript items donated to the Royal Geographical Society. They are chiefly single files or a small number of items which are not large enough to warrant forming a special collection. The papers include, astronomical and meteorological observations, diaries, correspondence, notes, conference papers, reports, articles, photographs, sketches and maps covering all aspects of geography and exploration across the globe and date from 1691 to 1994. Highlights include:

        Memorandum on a map of South America, by John Arrowsmith.

        Papers of Maj R A Bagnold, 1929-1933, comprising positions, routes and heights in Egypt and letters from Bagnold.

        Letters from Sir John Barrow to Lord Melville, 1935-1945 and letters to Barrow from Murzuq, 1822 and J D Dundas, 1818.

        Papers of Dr Heinrich Barth, 1846-1952, letters and copy of a sketch map of Timbuktu.

        Notes on heights of mountains in America by Capt F W Beechey, 1826.

        Letters from the King of Siam to Sir John Bowring, 1855.

        Letters relating to the British Arctic Air Route Expedition, 1928-1932.

        Correspondence and reports of the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition to New Guinea, 1908-1911.

        Papers of G Wyman Bury, 1913-1918.

        Papers of Capt R F M Crozier, 1836-1906.

        Account of a journey to Lhasa and central Tibet by Sarat Chandra Das, 1902.

        Papers of Lt James Barker Emery, chiefly relating to Mombassa, 1822-1835.

        Plan and elevation of the Screw Yacht FRAM as reconstructed in 1898.

        'Narrative of a small party of HMS LEVEN under command of Lt C W Browns sent to explore the Zambesi by one of the survivors, a native of Angola', by Antonio Jozi, 1823.

        Journal of Joseph Kaye's voyage from London to Genoa.

        Papers and maps relating to William Kennish's exploration in South America for a canal route.

        Papers relating to the Kufara expedition led by H W C J Penderel and P A Clayton to Gilf Kebir, 1933.

        Papers relating to the Livingstone Award, 1875-1970.

        H B Molesworth's diary of a journey to Mokalla (Mukalla), 1893.

        Letters from Sir John Morrison to Henry Dundas and others concerning Persia and trade with Persia, 1783-1792.

        Narrative of a shipwreck on the southern shores of Arabia by B A R Nicholson, 1836.
        Correspondence of Walter Oudney, 1821-1823.

        Papers of Adm Sir W E Parry, relating to the Arctic, 1819-1823.

        Papers relating to the Pitcairn Islands, 1831-1885.

        Annotated 'Code of Naval Signals' belonging to Adm Sir Home Popham, 1799.

        Letter from Sultan Husain Sufrari, 1708.

        Account of explorations on the coast of Patagonia by B Villarino, 1782.

        Travel journals of J Washington, chiefly in South America, 1822-1829.

        Letters to A F R Wollaston, 1896-1926.

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        MONEY, Robert I (fl 1910-1917)
        GB 0402 RIM · 1910-1912

        Robert Money's papers on the Mesopotamia Railway project including journals in Mesopotamia, 1910 and 1912; two typed volumes of notes and a collection of maps and plans on the Mesopotamia Railway Project, 1910 and miscellaneous notes and official documents referring to the Baghdad railway.

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        SHERRIFF, William (d 1903)
        GB 0402 SW · [1885-1900]

        Papers of William Sherriff relating principally to historical and survey work on plans for a Burma-China railway through the Shan States of Northern Burma, [1885-1900], including a survey by Sherriff on the feasibility of a Burma to China railway for Rangoon Chamber of Commerce, [1886-1899]; article by Sherriff in the Manchester Guardian, 'Railway communication with China - The Burmah-China Railway', 09 Mar 1900; correspondence, 1888-1890; blueprints for the Burma Railways Mandalay Kunlon railway, 1899; note by [A] R Colquhoun entitled 'Amongst the Shans', 1885; report by Capt A Bowers, 'Bhamo Expedition Report in the Practicability of reopening the trade route between Burma and Western China', 1869; memorandum on a possible railway route on to the Shan Plateau, 1889; reports on the Shan States, 1887-1889 and notes by Sherriff relating to Burma.

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        ACC/0622 · Colección · 1824-1825

        Plan and profile of the road from Tybourne Turnpike to Bayswater Bridge, 1824.

        Plan of part of the Uxbridge Turnpike Road at Notting Hill, 1825.

        Plan for improving the line of the road at Notting Hill, 1825.

        Plan and profile of the road from Notting Hill Turnpike to Holsdon Green, 1825.

        Plan of road from Turnham Green to Shepherd's Bush, 182-.

        King's Scholars Pond Sewer (also known as the river Tyburn) from the River Thames to Mr White's Bridge, showing intended improvements, 182-.

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