Planification des transports

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Termes hiérarchiques

Planification des transports

Terme générique Transport

Termes associés

Planification des transports

47 Description archivistique résultats pour Planification des transports

47 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
GLC · Collection · 1810-1988

Records of the Greater London Council, 1810-1988. Papers of the Architect's Department including the Building Regulations Division, Street Naming Section, District Surveyors, Education Division, Maintenance Division, Engineering Division, Structural Engineer, Historic Buildings Division, Housing and Town Development Branch, Technical Publications, Photograph Library, Plan Registry, Special Works Branch and Technical Policy Division; and papers of the GLC London Community Builders.

Papers of the Director-General's Department, including papers of the Administration Division, Finance Division, Personnel Division, Registry and Dispatch Division, Record Office and Library, Director-General's Board, Public Health and Safety Programme Board, Ceremonial Office, Entertainments Licensing Group, Ethnic Minorities Unit, Housing and Technical Services Committees, Industry and Employment Branch, Intelligence Unit and Policy Study Groups, Judicial Services Section, Majority Party Secretariat, Member's Support Unit, Minority Party Secretariat, Police Committee Support Unit, Professional and General Services Committee, Programme Office, Policy and Resources Group, Public Relations Branch, Public Services and Fire Brigade Department, Planning Transport and Industry Group, Scrutiny Committee, Secretariat, Scientific Services Branch, Town Development Committee and Women's Committee Support Unit. Also Committee agendas, minutes and papers, periodicals, and publications of the Council.

Papers of the London Fire Brigade administrative branch. Papers of the Public Health Engineering Department, including the Rivers Branch and the Solid Waste Management Branch. Papers of the Housing Department, including the Controller of Housing and Technical Services, the Directors of Housing, the Development Branch, Management Branch, Professional Services Branch, Renewals Branch and Thamesmead Branch. Papers of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department including the Design and Technical Policy Branch and the Maintenance Branch.

Papers of the Medical Adviser's Department including the School Health Division, Health and Housing Division, Inspectorate, Mental Deficiency case files and Slum Clearance case files. Papers of the Recreation and Arts Department including papers of the Director of Development and Controller of Operational Services, papers of the General Landscaping Division, Housing Landscaping Division, Thamesmead Landscaping Division, Planning and Strategy Division, Architectural Design and Construction Division, General Practice Surveying Division, Entertainments and Fairs Division, Information and Publicity Division, Sports Division, Grants Branch, Open Space and Recreation Branch, Horticulture Division, Open Air Entertainments Division and Parks Department.

Papers of the Supply Department. Papers of the Transportation and Development Department, including papers of the Controller of Transportation and Development, papers of the Construction Branch, Statutory Division, Local Plans Division, Land Use Section, Programme Management and Resources Branch, Cycling Project Team, Chief Traffic Engineer, Traffic Control Division, Plan Registry, Traffic Management Section, Transport Planning Branch, Environmental Management Division, and Policy and Projects Division. Also Greater London Development Plan files, photographs, technical publications, and Greater London traffic surveys.

Also papers of individual members of the GLC including Ken Livingstone, GLC Leader 1981-1986; Paul Boateng, Chairman of GLC Police Committee, 1981-1986; Sir Horace Cutler, GLC Leader, 1977-1981; papers of staff clubs and societies and non-GLC publications concerning the Council and its work.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/BKW · Collection · 1897-1910

Records of the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway, including minutes of Board Meetings, Committee Minutes and Shareholders Meetings; indexes to minutes.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/CSL · Collection · 1884-1933

Records of the City and South London Railway (formerly the City of London and Southwark Subway Company), comprising Board meetings minutes and General meetings minutes; volume of monthly reports giving Operating Statistics of the City and South London and Central London Railway Companies and volume of monthly reports relating to the generating stations at Stockwell (City and South London Railway) and Shepherds Bush (City London Railway).

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/CXEH · Collection · 1893-1910

Records of the Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway, comprising Board meeting minutes and General meetings minutes.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/GNPB · Collection · 1897-1909

Records of the Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway, comprising minutes of Board meetings and contract drawings for the line between West Kensington and Barons Court.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/H&U · Collection · 1898-1905

Records of the Harrow and Uxbridge Railway, comprising Board and General meetings minutes.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/LOT · Collection · 1911-1933

Records of the Lots Road Power House, comprising minutes of Joint Committee Meetings; minutes of the Metropolitan District and London Electric Railway Companies Power House Working Committee; minutes of meetings of Trustees; and monthly reports.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LTE · Collection · 1947-1964

Records of the London Transport Executive, including scheme of delegation of functions to the London Transport Executive by the British Transport Commission; traffic circulars for buses and railways; annual reports 1953-1962; and publicity materials including brochures and pamphlets.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LUT · Collection · 1901-1934

Records of London United Tramways, comprising minutes of Board meetings and General meetings.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/MET · Collection · 1853-1933

Records of the Metropolitan Railway Company, including minutes of Board meetings; General meetings; Finance Committee meetings; Electric Traction Committee meetings; Law and Lands Committee; Parliamentary, Law and Lands Committee meetings; Stores Committee meetings; Traffic Committee meetings; Officer's Monthly Conferences; reports; agreements; registers of accidents and special occurrences; guard books of circulars; books of diagrams; instructions to signalmen; petitions from users of the line; papers of the General Manager relating to various matters including construction of stations and line improvements, daily operations and personnel management; and publications.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/MSGA · Collection · 1926-1934

Records of Morden Station Garage, comprising minutes of Board and General meetings and financial accounts.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/RQC · Collection · 1900-1902

Records of Railway Equipment and Construction Company, comprising minutes of meetings of Directors.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/SMET · Collection · 1899-1934

Records of South Metropolitan Electric Tramways, comprising minutes of Board meetings and minutes of General meetings.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/UNC · Collection · 1901-1934

Records of the Union Construction Company, manufacturer of tube and tram cars, comprising minutes of Board meetings and minutes of General meetings.

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GB 0074 ACC/2324 · Collection · 1865-1880

Records of the Hammersmith and City Railway Company, comprising capital account (items charged to capital in period 1875-1877 but incurred from 1865-1868) includes extracts from minutes of Hammersmith and City Railway Joint Committee; Audit Office notes; a note of Hammersmith and City Railway Company investment shares; expenditure by Great Western Railway Company and Metropolitan Railway Company, c.1865-1880.

Records of the Hammersmith and City Railway Joint Committee, including capital account (charges in half-yearly units), 1867 - 1873; expenditure on capital account (of dissolved Hammersmith and City Railway Company), 1867-1874; miscellaneous accounts, including correspondence with Messrs Grierson and Lewis, extracts from minutes of Joint Committee, and statement of number of times GWR exceeded the agreed number of trains (as in Agreement of 1868), c.1866 - 1878; papers and memoranda relating to accounts for half-year ended June 1878, includes extracts from minutes of Joint Committee 1866-1869; papers relating to case in High Court Baylis V Metropolitan Inner Circle Completion Railway Company; loss of working of Omnibus Service; statement of GWR/MRC working expenses on passenger traffic, c.1866-1878; statements of account for period December 1877 to December 1878; together with statement of train mileage, 1878; estimated statement of account for half-year ended December 1878 with correspondence and extracts from minutes; includes traffic receipts and passenger numbers, 1868; and revenue for half-year ended June 1879; together with expenditure on Capital account 1 July 1877 to 31 December 1878; correspondence with Hammersmith Gas Works 1879; notice to ratepayers of St Marylebone, 1879.

Records of the Metropolitan Railway Provident Savings Bank, comprising annual reports and statements of account, including lists of deposit accounts and balances; 1875-1935.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/A&B · Collection · 1860-1894

Records of the Aylesbury and Buckingham Railway Company, comprising Directors' Meetings minutes; Proprietors' meetings minutes; Wotton Tramway Committee minutes; and Contract Plan and Sections for the Aylesbury - Verney Railway.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/H&C · Collection · 1861-1867

Records of the Hammersmith and City Railway, including Board meeting minutes; General meeting minutes; Board of Trade inspection reports; agreements, tenders and contracts; list of staff; financial accounts and petitions from inhabitants of Westbourne Park for a station between Notting Hill and Bishops Road.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LPT · Collection · 1880-1953

Records of the London Passenger Transport Board, including minutes of Meetings of the Board; reports to the Board; album of photographs illustrating the catering facilities afforded by the LPTB to shelterers in the London Tubes during the air raids on London; minutes of Accounts Advisory Committee; plans and sections; tenders, specifications and contracts; Traffic Circulars (Central Buses); papers relating to the Passenger Pooling Scheme; diaries; official booklets, pamphlets and leaflets; and appointment books, issued annually (those filed herewith have had the calendar leaves extracted but the interesting photographs which interspersed them are left in position. They give a true contemporary picture of the life of London and its surroundings, including its building and transport).

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/MDR · Collection · 1864-1934

Records of the Metropolitan District Railway, including minutes of Board Meetings, General Meetings, the Traffic, Way and Works Committee, the Law, Parliamentary and Lands Committee, Stock Holders Meetings, Executive Officers Meetings and Standing Joint Committee; guard books containing copies of agreements with other railway companies and non-railway companies; volumes of statistics; financial ledgers; volumes of monthly reports; notices issued jointly with Piccadilly Line of London Electric Railway, concerning track and signal alterations and the bringing into use of new lines in connection with the extension of Piccadilly Line trains to Hounslow, South Harrow and Enfield West and Shareholders' Association circulars, newspaper cuttings and so on.

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GB 0074 ACC/2333 · Collection · 1829-1841

Circular from the "Society for Erecting and Maintaining A Building in the Metropolis For the Meeting of Religious, Charitable, and Scientific Institutions", including plans of the proposed building between Exeter Street and the Strand [later called Exeter Hall, 272 Strand], 1829 and copy of the Ninth Annual Report of the Society For Erecting and Maintaining A Building Called Exeter Hall For the Meeting of Religious, Charitable and Scientific Institutions, 1834.

Copy of the report of the London and Greenwich Railway, read at the first General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors held at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, on 9 February 1841.

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GB 0074 ACC/0469 · Collection · 1845-1908

Plans for the Northern and Southern Railway from Staines to Uxbridge and Harefield, 1845; plans for a projected railway through Acton, Old Brentford, Hounslow, Bedfont, Stanwell and Staines, Isleworth and Twickenham; book of reference of the Windsor, Staines and South Western Railway, 1847. Also assorted sales catalogues for live and dead stock, farm stock, growing crops, corn, furniture, bricks, 1850-1908.

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GB 0074 ACC/1271 · Collection · 1911-1957

Records of the East Surrey Traction Company, 1911-1957, consisting of minute and agenda books, agreements, register of members, newspaper cuttings books, memorandum and articles of association, annual reports, correspondence relating to the purchase by London General Omnibus Company Limited and menu of first annual staff dinner.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/BUS · Collection · 1882-1936

Records of 73 bus companies which became part of London Transport. The records vary from company to company but generally include minutes of Board and Shareholder meetings and financial records such as ledgers, journals and cash books.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/CLR · Collection · 1891-1933

Records of the Central London Railway comprising Board Meetings minutes; General Meetings minutes and Assented Stockholders Meetings minutes; correspondence; reports; contracts; handbills; maps and other administrative papers.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/EH · Collection · 1902-1912

Records of the Edgware and Hampstead Railway Company, comprising minutes of Board meetings.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/H&M · Collection · 1880-1903

Records of the Hounslow and Metropolitan Railway, comprising Finance Committee minutes; Board Meeting minutes; and General Meeting minutes.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/LER · Collection · 1908-1933

Records of the London Electric Railway Company, comprising minutes of Board Meetings; minutes of General Meetings; volumes of monthly reports and operating statistics.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/LGCS · Collection · 1924-1934

Records of London General County Services (Buses), comprising Board and General meetings minutes; and financial records including private journal; salaries ledger; cash payments books; journals; and joint services ledger.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/LTB · Collection · 1963-1969

Records of the London Transport Board, comprising reports and financial accounts.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/M&DJ · Collection · 1868-1933

Records of the Metropolitan and Metropolitan District Joint Railway, including Joint Working Committee minutes and indexes; minutes of the Joint Committee (City Lines and Extensions), with reports and statements; minutes of the Electric Traction Joint Committee; minutes of the Joint Committee for working the District Railway, minutes of the Joint Consultative Committee; minutes of the City Lines and Extension to East London Railway Joint Committee; notes of meetings of Board of Works, Corporation of London, Commissioners of Sewers; and guard book of plans (44 feet to one inch) of Whitechapel, Cannon Street, Mansion House, King William Street (now Bank) and Trinity Square (now Tower Hill) Stations.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/MDET · Collection · 1901-1902

Records of the Metropolitan and District Electric Traction Company, comprising minutes of Board Meetings and General Meetings.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/MELT · Collection · 1901-1933

Records of the Metropolitan Electric Tramway Company, including minutes of Board meetings; minutes of General meetings; minutes of the Directors' Committee; and reports.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/NMT · Collection · 1869-1912

Records of North Metropolitan Tramways, comprising minutes of Board meetings, minutes of General meetings and minutes of Shareholder meetings.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/W&B · Collection · 1898-1939

Records of the Whitechapel and Bow Railway, comprising Board meeting minutes; General meeting minutes; minutes of the London, Tilbury and Southend and Metropolitan District Railways Whitechapel and Bow Railway Joint Committee; and minutes of the Midland and Metropolitan District Railways Whitechapel and Bow Joint Committee.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/WED · Collection · 1905-1935

Records of the Watford and Edgware Railway, comprising minutes of Board meetings and minutes of General meetings.

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GB 0074 LMA/4033 · Collection · 1867-1919

Records of the London Passenger Transport Board, 1867-1919, comprising annotated plans and Ordnance Survey maps of railway lines. Stations, railway lines and certain other buildings have been coloured.

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ACC/1409 · Collection · [1912]-1952

London County Council register of tramway track lengths, recording description and lengths of route, street length, track length and remarks, such as "conversion to trolleybus", "abandoned" and so on, [1912-1952], with enclosures: photocopy of map of tramways in the London County Council area, revised to 1931; and diagrams of track lengths in Leyton and Hammersmith.

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GB 0074 ACC/1297 · Collection · 1853-1934

Papers of predecessor companies of London Transport. More information regarding each company can be found in the separate sub-fonds entry for that company.


Aylesbury and Buckingham Railway

Baker Street And Waterloo Railway

Central London Railway Minutes

Central London Railway Correspondence, Contracts, Reports, Etc.

City And South London Railway

City And South London Railway

Charing Cross, Euston And Hampstead Railway

Earls Court Grounds Limited

Edgware And Hampstead Railway

Great Northern And City Railway

Great Northern Piccadilly And Brompton Railway

Hammersmith And City Railway

Hounslow And Metropolitan Railway

Harrow And Uxbridge Railway

Hammersmith And City Railway

Kingston And London Railway

London Electric Railway

London General Country Services (Buses)

London General Omnibus Company

Lots Road Power House

London Passenger Transport Board

London And Suburban Traction Company (Tramways)

London Transport Board Reports And Accounts

London Transport Executive Files

London United Tramways

Metropolitan And Metropolitan District Joint Railways

Metropolitan And District Electric Traction Company

Metropolitan District Railway

Metropolitan Electric Tramway

Metropolitan And Great Central Joint Railways

Morden Station Garage

Metropolitan And St Johns Wood Railway Company

Metropolitan Tower Construction Company

North Metropolitan Tramways

Railway Equipment And Construction Company

South Metropolitan Electric Tramways

Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company

Underground Electric Railways

Union Construction Company

Union Surplus Lands Company

Whitechapel And Bow Railway

Watford Joint Railway Committee - Metropolitan And London North Eastern Railways

Watford And Edgware Railway

Wembley Park Estate Company

Also bus companies comprising:

A1 Bus Company

Acme Pullman Services (Buses)

Alberta Omnibus

Amersham And District Motor Bus And Haulage Company

Associated Omnibus Company

Atlas Omnibus Company

C W Batten And Company Limited (Buses)

Bracklin And Vandy Limited (Buses)

Britannia Traction Company

Brixton Motor Omnibus Company

Bucks Expresses (Buses)

Cambrian Coaching And Goods Transport Limited

Cambrian Landray Coaching Limited

Celtic Omnibus Company

Central Omnibus Company

Chesham And District Bus Company

Cosgrove Omnibus Company

Criterion Omnibus Company

Dangerfield Limited (Buses)

Direct Omnibus Company

District Omnibus Company

Dominion Omnibus Company

East Ham Omnibus Company

Empress Omnibus Company

Fleet Omnibus Company

Florence Omnibus Company

Gearless Motor Omnibus Company

Grafton Omnibus Company

Grangewood Omnibus Company

Green Line Coaches Limited

Haywood And Nowell Limited (Buses)

Horseshoe Traction Company

Invicta Traction Company (Buses)

Jockey Omnibus Company

Lea Valley Omnibus Company

Legion Omnibus Company

London Road Car Company

Lonsdale Omnibus Company

Loveland Omnibus Company

Mcmahon Omnibus Company

Marathon Omnibus Company

Mason Omnibus Company

Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Company

New Central Omnibus Company

Northern Omnibus Company

Nulli Secundus Omnibus Company

Olympic Traction Company

Omnibus Proprietors Limited

Overground Limited (Buses)

Edward Paul Limited (Buses)

Pc Omnibus Company

Priest Brothers (Buses)

Primrose Omnibus Company

Ra Motor Services

Charles Randall Limited (Buses)

Reburn's Motor Services

Shamrock Traction Company

Skylark Motor Coach Company

Silver Star Omnibus Company

Superbus Limited

T And W Omnibus Company

Tottenham Hotspur Omnibus Company

Tower Carriers Limited

Unique Omnibus Company

Victoria Road Car Company

Vivid Omnibus Company

W And P Omnibus Company

Watford Omnibus Company

Wellington Omnibus Company

Western Omnibus Company

White Star Omnibus Company

London And South Coast Transport Limited

National Omnibus And Transport Company

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/GNCY · Collection · 1892-1913

Records of the Great Northern and City railway, comprising Board meeting minutes and General meeting minutes.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/KL · Collection · 1881-1891

Records of the Kingston and London Railway Company, comprising Joint Committee Minutes.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LGOC · Collection · 1855-1933

Records of the London General Omnibus Company, including minutes of Managers Committee meetings, General Board meetings, and the Conseil de Surveillance; reports to Shareholders; Guard Books containing newspaper cuttings relating to early omnibus services and particularly to the last horsedrawn service, photographs, Omnibus and Tramway Guides from 1878, lists of company's stables and premises, time-keepers' books, rules and regulations of the LGOC, checkers' rules prior to 1891, sample tickets and so on; press cuttings; London General Omnibus Company rules and regulations; photographs; list of premises; timekeepers' books; volume containing manuscript copies in French and English of the Deed of Constitution, Statutes and so on of the company, together with prospectus of the Compagnie Generale des Omnibus de Londres; monthly reports relating to Coach Factories and Traffic; Traffic Circulars and financial records including ledgers, journals, and cash books.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/LST · Collection · 1912-1934

Records of the London and Suburban Traction Company, including minutes of Board Meetings; minutes of General Meetings; minutes of Stockholder meetings; and traffic reports.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/MGCJ · Collection · 1889-1948

Records of the Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Railways, including minutes of the Joint Committee; minutes of Officers' Conferences; reports and papers of the Oxford and Aylesbury Tramroad Company; plans of the line between Harrow and Verney Junction; and financial records including ledgers, journals and cash books.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/TMO · Collection · 1911-1934

Records of the Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company, comprising minutes of Board meetings; minutes of the Director's Motor Bus Company; minutes of General meetings and minutes of the Share Allotment Committee.

Sans titre
GB 0074 ACC/1297/UER · Collection · 1902-1936

Records of the Underground Electric Railways Company of London Limited, including minutes of Board meetings; minutes of General meetings; minuts of General Managers Conferences; minutes of the Finance Committee, Works Committee, Advisory Committee and General Purposes Committee; minutes of meetings of Stockholders; minutes of meetings of Executive Officers; registers of designs, trademarks and licences; registers of monthly expenditure; monthly traffic reports and statistics; financial reports; departmental reports; technical handbooks and staff manuals; papers relating to foreign visits by staff; diaries; and publications.

Sans titre
GB 2856 (NEW)LT000475 · Série · 1933-1939

This series contains correspondence, memoranda and extracts from minutes including details of possible railway extensions, trolleybus and bus facilities, a survey of the passenger transport facilities in the London Passenger Transport area and other companies' interest in the Board's outer area.

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