GB 0100 G/PP1/60 - TUPPER family papers [1794-1844]

Identity area

Reference code

GB 0100 G/PP1/60


TUPPER family papers [1794-1844]


  • 1795-1797 (Creation)

Extent and medium

5 volumes

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Martin Tupper was the son of John Tupper of the Pollett, Guernsey, and the father of Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), writer and poet. He entered Guy's Hospital, London, as dresser under Mr Forster, May 1800, having served as apprentice Mr Stocker, Apothecary of Guy's Hospital. He died on 8 Dec 1844, aged 65.

James Tupper entered Guy's Hospital, London, as Dresser under Mr Cline, Sep 1794.

Archival history

Acquired by Guy's Hospital Medical School Library.

GB 0100 G/PP1/60 1795-1797 Collection (fonds) 5 volumes Tupper , Martin , died 1844 , physician
Tupper , James P , fl 1794-1795 , medical student

Martin Tupper was the son of John Tupper of the Pollett, Guernsey, and the father of Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), writer and poet. He entered Guy's Hospital, London, as dresser under Mr Forster, May 1800, having served as apprentice Mr Stocker, Apothecary of Guy's Hospital. He died on 8 Dec 1844, aged 65.

James Tupper entered Guy's Hospital, London, as Dresser under Mr Cline, Sep 1794.

Acquired by Guy's Hospital Medical School Library.

Transferred from Guy's Hospital Medical School Library, 2002.

Notes taken from lectures and texts by Martin Tupper and James Tupper 1795-1797, including: 'Lectures on botany by James Edward Smith MD FRS, President of the Linnaean Society, Proprietor of the Linnaean Collection, delivered at the theatre, Guy's Hospital, London, taken by J P Tupper, 1795', manuscript volume of lecture notes with botanical illustrations, 364pp; volume entitled 'Philosophy, 1795' containing Martin Tupper's notes on natural philosophy, probably taken from published works; 'Lectures on botany by James Edward Smith MD FRS, President of the Linneaean Society, delivered in the theatre, Guy's Hospital, 1797', manuscript notes on 18 lectures taken by Martin Tupper on subjects including: the three kingdoms of nature; vegetable anatomy; parts of a plant; the various effects of light upon plants; the seed vessels; the sexual system of plants; the Linnaean system; illustrations of the Linnaean classes and orders. 143pp; 'Babington extracts' - notes on various medical subjects, presumably from lectures by William Babington (1756-1833).Also includes notes of lectures on comparative anatomy by Astley P Cooper, St Thomas's Hospital.

Arranged as outlined in the Scope and Content.

Open subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.

Copies, subject to condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Director of Archive and Corporate Records Services.


Detailed catalogue

Lecture notes of William Babington [1790s], held at King's College London (Ref: G/PP2/3-6). Notes of lectures given by Atley Paston Cooper, held at King's College London (G/PP1/13, and G/PP1/62; TH/PP Davies; TH/PP Gruggen; TH/PP Hulbert; TH/PP Rayner; TH/PP Ware; TH.PP Warren; TH/PP Williams).

Correspondence and papers of Astley Paston Cooper are held by the Royal College of Surgeons of England; lecture notes, 1806-1807, are held by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (reference: Cooper); lecture notes, 1809-1815 (reference: MSS 1857-60, 5606) and 1816-1817 (reference: MS 7096) are held by the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine; lecture notes, 1803-1832, are held by the McGill University, Osler Library, Canada; correspondence with Charles Lowe, 1824, held by Lincolnshire Archives (reference: Lowe); correspondence, 1823-1826, with Sir Robert Peel, held by the British Library, (reference: Add MSS 40359-90 passim); letters to T J Pettigrew, 1815-1838, held by Beinecke Library, Yale University; letters to the Duke of Wellington, 1833-1839, held by Southampton University Library (reference: MS 61). Correspondence and papers of Sir James Edward Smith (1759-1828)(reference: Smith papers) and correspondence with James Sowerby, held by the Linnean Society of London; miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1801-1827 (reference: MSS Sherard), correspondence with John Hawkins, 1801-1815 (reference: MSS Sherard) and correspondence with James and James de Carle Sowerby, 1816-1827 (reference: MSS Sherard), held by Oxford University, Department of Plant Sciences; correspondence, (3 volumes), held by Beinecke Library, Yale University Libraries (reference: d148); lecture notes, held by the National Archives of Scotland (reference: GD253/144); lectures, 1797, held by Oxford University, Magdalen College Archives (reference: MS 603); correspondence with Sir Joseph Banks, 1786-1818, (66 items) [see WR Dawson, The Banks letters, 1958 for their location]; letters to A B Lambert, 1788-1808 (reference: Add MS 28545) and letters to Macvey Napier, 1814-1820 (reference: Add MSS 34611-12 passim) held by the British Library, Manuscript Collections; letters to James Sowerby, 1789-1802, and letters (404) to members of the Sowerby family, 1789-1828 (reference: L Sowerby Coll A), held by the Natural History Museum.

Sources: Entry under Martin Farquhar Tupper in Dictionary of National Biography CD-ROM (Oxford University Press, 1995); Historical Manuscripts Commission On-line National Register of Archives. Compiled by Alison Field.

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names 1997.

June 2004 Anatomy Babington , William , 1756-1833 , physician and mineralogist Biology Botany Classification systems Controlled languages Cooper , Sir , Astley Paston , 1768-1841 , 1st Baronet , surgeon England Europe Guy's Hospital Medical School , London Higher science education Indexing languages London Medical education Plant classification Science of science Science philosophy Smith , Sir , James Edward , 1759-1828 , Knight , botanist Southwark St Thomas' Hospital , London Tupper , James P , fl 1794-1795 , medical student Tupper , Martin , died 1844 , physician UK Western Europe

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Transferred from Guy's Hospital Medical School Library, 2002.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Notes taken from lectures and texts by Martin Tupper and James Tupper 1795-1797, including: 'Lectures on botany by James Edward Smith MD FRS, President of the Linnaean Society, Proprietor of the Linnaean Collection, delivered at the theatre, Guy's Hospital, London, taken by J P Tupper, 1795', manuscript volume of lecture notes with botanical illustrations, 364pp; volume entitled 'Philosophy, 1795' containing Martin Tupper's notes on natural philosophy, probably taken from published works; 'Lectures on botany by James Edward Smith MD FRS, President of the Linneaean Society, delivered in the theatre, Guy's Hospital, 1797', manuscript notes on 18 lectures taken by Martin Tupper on subjects including: the three kingdoms of nature; vegetable anatomy; parts of a plant; the various effects of light upon plants; the seed vessels; the sexual system of plants; the Linnaean system; illustrations of the Linnaean classes and orders. 143pp; 'Babington extracts' - notes on various medical subjects, presumably from lectures by William Babington (1756-1833).Also includes notes of lectures on comparative anatomy by Astley P Cooper, St Thomas's Hospital.

System of arrangement

Arranged as outlined in the Scope and Content.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open subject to signature of reader's undertaking form.

Conditions governing reproduction

Copies, subject to condition of the original, may be supplied for research use only. Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Director of Archive and Corporate Records Services.

Language of material

  • English

Script of material

  • Latin

Language and script notes


Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Lecture notes of William Babington [1790s], held at King's College London (Ref: G/PP2/3-6). Notes of lectures given by Atley Paston Cooper, held at King's College London (G/PP1/13, and G/PP1/62; TH/PP Davies; TH/PP Gruggen; TH/PP Hulbert; TH/PP Rayner; TH/PP Ware; TH.PP Warren; TH/PP Williams).

Finding aids

Detailed catalogue

Allied materials area

Related units of description

Correspondence and papers of Astley Paston Cooper are held by the Royal College of Surgeons of England; lecture notes, 1806-1807, are held by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (reference: Cooper); lecture notes, 1809-1815 (reference: MSS 1857-60, 5606) and 1816-1817 (reference: MS 7096) are held by the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine; lecture notes, 1803-1832, are held by the McGill University, Osler Library, Canada; correspondence with Charles Lowe, 1824, held by Lincolnshire Archives (reference: Lowe); correspondence, 1823-1826, with Sir Robert Peel, held by the British Library, (reference: Add MSS 40359-90 passim); letters to T J Pettigrew, 1815-1838, held by Beinecke Library, Yale University; letters to the Duke of Wellington, 1833-1839, held by Southampton University Library (reference: MS 61). Correspondence and papers of Sir James Edward Smith (1759-1828)(reference: Smith papers) and correspondence with James Sowerby, held by the Linnean Society of London; miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1801-1827 (reference: MSS Sherard), correspondence with John Hawkins, 1801-1815 (reference: MSS Sherard) and correspondence with James and James de Carle Sowerby, 1816-1827 (reference: MSS Sherard), held by Oxford University, Department of Plant Sciences; correspondence, (3 volumes), held by Beinecke Library, Yale University Libraries (reference: d148); lecture notes, held by the National Archives of Scotland (reference: GD253/144); lectures, 1797, held by Oxford University, Magdalen College Archives (reference: MS 603); correspondence with Sir Joseph Banks, 1786-1818, (66 items) [see WR Dawson, The Banks letters, 1958 for their location]; letters to A B Lambert, 1788-1808 (reference: Add MS 28545) and letters to Macvey Napier, 1814-1820 (reference: Add MSS 34611-12 passim) held by the British Library, Manuscript Collections; letters to James Sowerby, 1789-1802, and letters (404) to members of the Sowerby family, 1789-1828 (reference: L Sowerby Coll A), held by the Natural History Museum.

Access points

Description control area

Institution identifier

King's College London College Archives

Rules and/or conventions used

Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G), second edition, 2000; National Council on Archives Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names 1997.


  • English