University students

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      Hierarchical terms

      University students

      University students

        Equivalent terms

        University students

        • UF College students
        • UF Universitario

        80 Archival description results for University students

        80 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0505 BC AS210-215 · 1894-1974

        Papers relating to the Athletics Union, comprising correspondence concerning the purchase and equipping of College sports grounds, 1919-1934, and an accounts book, 1937-1944; correspondence of the Sports Club, 1912 and 1942; minutes of the Architectural Society, 1894-1919; programmes and posters relating to the Bedford Light Opera Group, [1960-1970]; copies of Bots Up, the magazine of the Botany Department, 1972-1974; copy of Bio-Log, the magazine of the Biological Society (and successor to Bots Up), 1977; copies of Ho, the magazine of the Psychology Department, 1972-1974; minutes and member lists of the Geological Society, 1910-1944.

        Bedford College
        GB 0098 KEC · Created 1928-1981

        Records relating to the Department of Civil Engineering of Imperial College, 1928-1981, comprising correspondence relating to the establishment and organisation of a four year course in Engineering, 1977-1981 (KE); departmental history from 1884-1956; lists of students, 1929-1931; laboratory work, 1928-1943; correspondence, 1933-1981, including administration, 1933-1940, donation of records by Captain WN McClean, 1954-1968; Rector's correspondence, 1955-1981 (KEC);
        papers relating to the Highway Engineering Department, 1928-1970, including correspondence relating to the Maybury Chair of Highway Engineering, 1929-1934; minutes of the Highway Engineering Advisory Committee, 1936-1944; departmental reports and correspondence, 1928-1943 (KECA); papers relating to the Building Science Course, 1929-1953, including correspondence concerning the establishment of a postgraduate course, 1929-1933; establishment of a Chair at the City and Guilds College, 1942-1947 (KECB); papers relating to Concrete Technology and Structures, 1944-1974, including minutes and reports of the Advisory Committee, 1944-1974; correspondence with the Cement Makers' Federation, 1949-1964 (KECC);
        papers relating to the London Centre for Marine Structures and Materials, 1974-1978, including proposal for an offshore structure centre (KECM); leaflets on Engineering Hydrology courses, 1955, (KECH); papers relating to Public Health Engineering, 1947-1967, including correspondence concerning Rockefeller bursaries and Readership, 1947-1951; minutes of the Advisory Committee, 1949-1967 (KECP); leaflets on Soil Mechanics courses, 1967 (KECS).

        Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
        City and Guilds College
        GB 0098 FC-FS · Created 1876-1985

        Records relating to the City and Guilds College (formerly the Central Institution of the City and Guilds Institute), 1876-1995, comprising a history, 1896; printed reports and schemes for the new institution, 1876-1884; speeches and accounts of the opening of the Central Institution, 1884; correspondence relating to the Jubilee, 1933-1935; programmes of the Central Institution, 1884-1931; letter books of the Secretary to the City and Guilds College Delegacy, 1911-1927; papers relating to the City and Guilds College Centenary, 1885-1985, and visitor's book (FC);
        minutes of the Board of Studies, 1885-1913; report on equipment, 1889 (FE);
        papers relating to the Engineering Board, notably minutes, 1915-1965, 1980-1984; correspondence and papers, 1911-1935; conference on postgraduate courses, 1962-1965; Chairman's notes and correspondence, 1955-1961; correspondence of the Research Committee, 1932-1951; senior appointments, 1913-1933 (FF);
        papers of the Delegacy, notably minutes and reports, annual reports of the Dean of the Central Institution, 1911-1968; correspondence, 1910-1937, including research grants, 1915-1921; appointment of members, 1936-1970; minutes and accounts of the Finance and Special Committees, 1911-1924; correspondence and reports of the Organisation Committee, 1930-1931; chairmans' notes and correspondence, 1954-1968, donations, 1934-1936 (FG);
        papers relating to links with Imperial College and the University of London, notably history of the City and Guilds London Institute, 1910; joint meetings and committee relating to the Delegacy, 1907-1910, 1955; correspondence of the Delegacy concerning the University of London, 1911-1921; degree and diploma examinations, 1926-1930; suspension of the Delegacy, 1966-1976 (FH);
        papers relating to staff roles, including staff conference with Imperial College, 1911-1912; powers and duties of the Rector, 1918 and Deanship, 1931-1936; organisation and administration, 1918; papers relating to the Chemistry department, comprising regulations, examination papers and course notes of Professor Henry Edward Armstrong, 1884-1897; papers relating to the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department, comprising notebook of Professor William Ernest Dalby on courses, 1904-1908; notes on lectures given by Professor William Cawthorne Unwin, 1885-1887; lecture and laboratory notebooks of C E H Salmon, 1894-1896; examination papers, 1913; correspondence relating to the Unwin Library, 1933-1934; papers relating to the Mechanics and Mathematics department, comprising notes on lectures given by Professor Olaus Henrici, 1885-1889; examination papers, 1888-1929; papers relating to the Electrical Engineering department, comprising notes on lectures given by Professor William Edward Ayrton, 1885-1887, notebooks of C Percy Taylor, 1892-1895 (FK);
        records relating to students, 1884-1913 (FP); matriculation and entrance examination results; 1905-1938, examination results, 1887-1913 (FQ); registers of students, 1884-1948, tuition fees ledgers, 1911-1918, attendance registers, 1919-1940 (FR); Central Gazette and other journals, 1889-1906 (FSG).

        City and Guilds College
        GB 0098 KC · Created 1880-1991 (ongoing)

        Records of the Department of Chemistry of Imperial College, 1880-1991, including articles, press cuttings, reminiscences of old students, 1912-1991; regulations, 1901-1925; examination papers, 1886-1972; correspondence concerning equipment and test certificates, 1905-1933; notebooks of students' laboratory work, 1890-1903; notes on advanced organic chemistry lectures, 1914-1915; practical chemistry, 1894-1896; physical chemistry lectures, 1905; inorganic chemistry, 1894-1895; correspondence of staff, including Professor Sir William Augustus Tilden, 1907-1909; Professor James Charles Philip, 1909-1934; Professor Sir Thomas Edward Thorpe, 1909-1921; Professor H B Baker, 1912-1932; Martha Annie Whiteley, 1918-1934; Professor Friedrich Adolf Paneth, 1933-1939; correspondence relating to departmental reorganisation, 1939, and reconstruction of advanced analytical laboratory, 1938-1939; papers relating to laboratory work, 1925-1963, including sample analysis, 1925-1963; Rectors' papers relating to the department, 1950-1981, including correspondence relating to a Rockefeller grant, 1950-1957; appointments and future of the department, 1975-1981; staff attendance book, 1909; correspondence relating to war emergencies, 1938-1961; papers, including minutes, relating to the National Joint Committee on recruitment and training of science laboratory technicians, 1951-1957; papers of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 1907-1921; examination lists and results, 1907-1924; annual dinner menu, 1931, and list of members, 1947, of the 31 Club; analytical laboratory students records, 1910-1925; inventories of platinum apparatus and platinum, 1920-[1967]; second and third year student records and reports, 1939, 1940 (KC);
        papers relating to Agricultural Chemistry, 1880-1955, including notes on Henry Tanner's lectures, 1880; correspondence concerning the course, 1935-1955 (KCA);
        papers relating to the Chemical Engineering Department, 1910-1985, including press cuttings and departmental history from 1912-1939, [1960]; departmental annual and research reports, 1926-1991; postgraduate courses, 1910-1991; Professors' records, 1945-1956; students' records, 1919-1945; lists of students, 1936-1944, 1947-1950; research assistants, 1939-1941; correspondence of staff notably Professor William Arthur Bone, 1911-1936; Professor John William Hinchley, 1919-1932; Professor Sir Alfred Egerton, 1936-1946; correspondence relating to the establishment and organisation of the department, 1911-1942; papers relating to the department building, 1911-1935, including correspondence with the architect, 1911-1914; specifications and agreements, 1913-1930; estimates and expenditure for equipment, 1911-1950; correspondence relating to the Courtauld Trust endowment for a Chair of Chemical Engineering, 1944-1959; with Radiation House relating to a fellowship, 1938-1961; Rectors' correspondence with Heads of the Department, 1957-1981; British Iron and Steel Research Association research plans and press cuttings, 1947-1966; papers relating to Health Physics (Radiation Protection) summer schools, 1960-1980 (KCT).

        Royal College of Science Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/SU, C/SAC · 1908-1980

        The records of the South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Students Union and social clubs, 1908-1980. These notably consist of Social Council and Students' Union Society minute books, 1908-1980 (Ref: C/SU/M1-5); Student Debating Society minute book, 1931-1936 (Ref: C/SU/M6); Chemical Society minutes of meetings, 1947-1977 (Ref: C/SU/M7); Chelsea Polytechnic/College Social and Athletic Council ledger and journal, record of athletics distinctions and the award of colours, 1936-1963 (Ref: C/SAC).

        South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College Students Union
        GB 0100 KCLCA CAR/FP, CAR/FPC, CAR/RE · [1968]-1989

        Chelsea College Registry undergraduate and postgraduate student files, 1979-1989 (Ref: CAR/FP), student record cards, [1968-1977] (Ref: CAR/FPC). File information varies, but typically contains some correspondence, an application form giving name, department, date of birth, address, year of entry, nationality, course title, previous education, student number, photograph, names of referees and source of finance. Some also contain transcript information giving course codes and marks, others include a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) file, or a withdrawal form, if applicable. Information contained on record cards typically includes name, date of birth, nationality, parents' occupation, matrimonial status, USR number, date of entry, field of study, permanent address, qualification sought, department, session, results, tutor, scholarships, qualification obtained, previous education and a photograph. Registry student information also includes University registrations, 1903-1936, 1946-1971 (Ref: CAR/RE).

        Chelsea College Registry
        GB 0100 KCLCA CA/S/M, CA/S/MP, CAR/RI, CAR/RS, CAR/S, CAR/AR, CAR/STATS, CAR/1986, 1987/CAR, CAR/1990, 1995/CAR · 1895-1985

        Chelsea College Registry records, 1895-1985, contain a wide variety of committee, Senate and other governing and administrative material illustrative of the strategic direction, financial status and academic organisation of the institution. They notably include Senate committee membership and overview, 1971-1984 (Ref: CAR/RI, CAR/RS); minutes of the BSc Sub-Boards of Examiners meetings, 1967-1985 (ref: CAR/1986); Committee, Working Party and Faculty Board minutes and papers including of the Fees Committee, Academic Board Planning Committee and Higher Degrees Committee, 1965-1985; staff files, 1967-1985 (Ref: CAR/S); papers concerned with course and academic planning and, in particular, postgraduate degrees, modular courses, 1967-1985, KQC Planning Group for Academic Affairs, 1983-1984, data privacy, 1981-1984, University of London regulations, 1967-1980, strategic planning including the Swinnerton-Dyer report, 1979-1981; Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), 1976-1985; University Grants Committee, 1973-1984; examinations procedure, 1976-1985; Student Union and services, 1968-1983; overseas and exchange students, 1968-1984; student ratios and statistics, 1972-1982; departmental correspondence and memoranda, 1970-1985 (CAR/AR1-24, CAR/1990); information and reports covering attempted relocation of College and the merger with King's College, 1968-1984 (Ref: 1987/CAR); student correspondence with the Registrar, 1939-1948 (Ref: 1995/CAR) ); volumes of statistics describing teaching, student numbers and class structure, 1934-1979 (Ref: CAR/STATS).

        South Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College Registry
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/PUB, C/RPT, C/HAN, C/SYL, CU/HAN, CSU/REG, CSU/F, C/REG · 1895-1985

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Prospectuses, Handbooks and other Publications, 1895-1985. This class of material forms the most readily accessible source of information on the academic and other historical development of the College from its inception until the merger with King's and Queen Elizabeth College in 1985, and notably contains sets of general undergraduate prospectuses for Chelsea courses, 1895-1985, and of general postgraduate syllabuses, 1967-1985; prospectuses for specific undergraduate and postgraduate component courses of study including physics, chemistry, electronics, pharmacy and science education, 1962-1985 (Ref: C/SYL); student information brochures including information on courses, facilities, regulations, Library readers' guides and other academic services handbooks and College histories, 1932-1996 (Ref: C/HAN, C/PUB); Student Union handbooks and related publications such as activities booklets and Union constitution, 1959-1984 (Ref: CU/HAN, CSU/REG, CSU/F); Annual Reports summarising College business, including departmental summaries, finances, academic awards, appointments and retirements and notable events, with statistics and some higher degree and professional examination results in reports prior to the incorporation of the College into the University of London, 1896-1983; a collection of ad hoc reports addressing specific issues concerning Chelsea such as the evolution of the Higher Education sector in the United Kingdom, reports on scientific expeditions to the Azores, Arctic and other locations, and progress reports on research projects undertaken at Chelsea, 1909-1983 (Ref: C/RPT); College rules and regulations including financial regulations, 1967-1982 (Ref: C/REG).

        South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/PC · 1895-1984

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Press Cuttings, 1895-1984, comprises one box of loose press cuttings, 1895-1903, and nine volumes of cuttings covering news on the strategic and academic development of the College, on the effects of major events such as the two World Wars, advertisements for Chelsea courses, features on the College with occasional photographs, and relating to individual students and staff, including announcements of prizes and obituaries, 1903-1984.

        South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/PH · 1891-1986

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Photographs and Illustrations, 1891-1986. These comprise photographs of interiors of the Manresa Road buildings including chemistry and biology laboratories, library, gymnasium, cookery classroom and engineering workshops, [1895-1985]; exteriors of Chelsea buildings, 1891-[1985]; College events and student activities including outings, theatre productions, geology field trips, opening ceremonies, retirement drinks and sporting fixtures, [1920]-1986; portraits and group photographs of students and staff, notably departmental group photographs, photographs of successive Principals and other senior staff, sporting teams, 1900-[1985]; 12 boxes of 16mm film loops of electronics-related lecture material, [1970].

        South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/MF · [1923-1971]

        Chelsea College student files, [1923-1971] (reels 1-33). Information contained typically includes name, date of birth, nationality, secondary education, department, main subject, qualification sought, session, full or part time, subjects, tutor, results, scholarships, permanent address and degree awarded. Some records also give other educational institutions attended, GCE and `A' Level results, subjects and marks. This series also includes examination question papers, 1967-1974, 1976-1977 (reels 34-36, 39), BSc degree classifications, 1968-1972 (reel 37), BSc degree pass lists and mark sheets, 1972-1973 (reel 38). The BSc pass list gives name, field of study, course codes and some marks. The BSc mark sheet contains name, course, examiner's name, session, result, value including pass mark and course work percentages, and final degree classification.

        Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College Registry
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/MFF · 1968-1985

        Microfiche records of Chelsea College postgraduate and undergraduate students, 1965-1985 (Ref: C/MFF). Individual fiche items take the form of transcripts. Information typically contained includes name, matriculation number, date of birth, nationality, home address, term address, previous schooling, session, major subject(s), minor subjects, marks, value, degree awarded, date of award, comments, and whether the student transferred to another university.

        Chelsea College , Registry
        GB 0100 CA/G/M, CA/C/M, CA/S/M, CA/S/MP, CA/CS/M, CA/M, CA/CS/MP · 1888-1985

        South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, Chelsea College Governing Body, Council and Academic Board Minute Books, 1888-1985. This series of minute books comprises one of the most important sources of evidence of the strategic and academic development within the Polytechnic and College from the earliest subscription campaign for the new Institute to the closure of Chelsea when it merged with King's in 1985. It comprises the main class of College governance minutes with a duplicate set covering the years 1906-1966, and in particular the manuscript minutes of the Executive or Governing Body of the South Western Polytechnic (with index), 1881-1906; printed and bound minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1906-1918; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body and Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1919-1922; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body, 1923-1966; folders of typescript minutes of the Governing Body, 1966-1972 (Ref: CA/G/M); folders containing typescript Chelsea Council minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/C/M). Governing Body/Council minutes typically contain information on appointments and salaries, strategic and academic planning, academic services, scholarships and student numbers, the relationship with other Higher Education institutions and merger details. Incomplete manuscript and typescript Board of Studies and complete typescript Academic Board and Senate minutes, 1917-1931, 1962-1985 (Ref: CA/S/M), covering topics including departmental organisation, examinations, grants and student discipline; meeting papers relating to the Senate minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/S/MP). Minutes of Special Committees of the Governing Body/Council such as Non-Academic Staff Committee, 1966-1981, Sites and Buildings, 1966-1985; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1967-1985; Residence and Refectories Committee/Amenities Committee, 1967-1985; Development Committee, 1971-1976; Staff Association, 1956-1976; Sports Ground Committee, 1972-1985; Joint Athletic Ground Committee, 1922-1939; Joint Policy Committee, 1973-1978 (Ref: CA/CS/M, CA/M); Special Committee meeting papers for the Academic Planning Committee and a working party on the College Library, 1965-1983 (Ref: CA/CS/MP).

        South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
        GB 0100 KCLCA CA/SFB, CA/STATS, CA/REG · 1895-1938

        South-Western Polytechnic and Chelsea Polytechnic fees book registers for day classes, 1895-[1928], fees book registers for evening classes, 1897-1915 (Ref: CA/SFB), statistics books, 1907-1938 (Ref: CA/STATS), miscellaneous register, 1897-[1913] (Ref: CA/REG). Information contained in fees books typically includes name, age, occupation, classes, time per week and fees. Statistics books contain information on terms kept, student hours per registration, per subject and class entries per term. The miscellaneous register contains lists of certificates awarded to students, the wording on them and distribution details.

        Chelsea College South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic
        GB 0100 KCLCA C/ER, C/MF · 1962-1984

        Examination results, 1962-1984, including Chelsea College of Science and Technology examination results, 1964-1965 (Ref: C/ER1), Chelsea College pass lists, 1962-1984 (Ref: C/ER2), Chelsea College Microfilm BSc examination pass list and mark sheet, 1972-1973, BSc degree classifications, 1968-1972 (Ref: C/MF). Examination results (Ref: C/ER1) cover BSc General, BSc Special, BPharm, DipTech, DCC (Diploma of Chelsea College) degrees, and gives student name and Part 1 and 2 results. Pass lists (Ref: C/ER2) cover BSc Special and General degrees 1962-1971; higher degrees and diplomas, 1963-1976; PhD and MPhil, 1976-1984; MSc and MEd 1976-1982. Information consists of a student name listed under the class of degree awarded. Microfilm records (C/MF) include a BSc pass list giving name, field of study, course codes and mark. The BSc mark sheet contains name, course, examiner's name, session, result, value, with pass mark and course work given in percentage, and final classification.

        Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
        GB 0100 KCLCA CDH · 1958-1983

        Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Department of the Humanities student and other records, 1958-1983. This class of material contains some student information on BSc and visiting BA undergraduate and DCC (Diploma of Chelsea College) students, 1967-1983. BSc and DCC information typically includes name, course work including aggregate marks, percentage marks, letter grading, honour points, degree, class and comments. The remainder of the collection comprises correspondence, accounts and financial data, timetables and printed programmes and handouts. This includes general correspondence on the administration of the College, with the Registry and notably concerning resource allocation, 1958-1983; correspondence with other College departments, 1958-1978; staff correspondence, 1968-1983; selective summary of Senate minutes, 1967-1981; accounts books, 1961-1982; finance yearly estimates, 1959-1983; administrative proposals and submissions relating to the strategic development of the College, 1959-1982; Humanities' Annual Reports, 1958-1982; examination question papers and related correspondence, 1969-1983; handouts describing the course content of the Diploma in Modern Social and Cultural Studies, 1969-1982, and visiting undergraduate BA programmes, 1975-1982; syllabuses and notices of liberal and arts events, 1958-1981.

        Chelsea College of Science and Technology , Department of the Humanities Chelsea College , Department of the Humanities
        GB 0100 KCLCA CDPI/FP · 1969-1982

        Chelsea College Department of Physiology undergraduate student record cards, 1969-1982 (Ref: CDPI/FP). Information contained typically includes transcript details, addresses, photograph, entrance qualifications, tutor, some course codes and marks obtained, but final degree results are not always given. This series also includes withdrawals.

        Chelsea College , Department of Physiology
        GB 0100 KCLCA CDM/ER, CDM/RPG, CDM/FPPG · 1955-1985

        Chelsea Polytechnic/College Mathematics record books, 1955-1972 (Ref: CDM/ER), postgraduate registers, 1965-1972 (Ref: CDM/RPG), postgraduate student files, 1968-1985 (Ref: CDM/FPPG). Information contained in the record books typically includes examination results, terminal essay marks and notes of satisfactory completion of the course. Until 1965 postgraduate details are included in the main series of record books, thereafter a sub series of postgraduate students is kept. Information recorded in this sub series includes name, address, qualification and course of study, and some dates of completion. Postgraduate registers typically give name, address, enrolment date, duration and degree. Postgraduate student files are subdivided into MSc, 1970-1983, (Ref: CDM/FPPG/MS), PhD, 1971-1985 (Ref: CDM/FPPG/P), MPhil and withdrawals, 1968-1974 (Ref: CDM/FPPG/PX), and include application forms and letters of acceptance.

        Chelsea Polytechnic , Department of Mathematics Chelsea College , Department of Mathematics
        GB 0100 KCLCA CDE/FP, CDE/FP(W), CDE/FPPG, CDE/FPPG(W) · 1969-1987

        Chelsea College undergraduate BSc Electronics and Physics student record cards, 1969-1987 (Ref: CDE/FP), undergraduate withdrawals record cards, [1969-1987] (Ref: CDE/FP(W)), postgraduate Electronic Engineering record cards, 1969-1985 (Ref: CDE/FPPG), postgraduate withdrawals record cards, [1969-1985] (Ref: CDE/FPPG(W)). Information contained on record cards typically includes a photograph, course units taken and final grade, and includes those students who failed but completed the course, whilst withdrawals are boxed separately. Those students for whom a date has not been determined are also boxed separately. Included within this series are printouts of all undergraduate student course records for BSc Electronics and Physics and photocopies of some record cards.

        Chelsea College Department of Electronic Engineering
        GB 0100 KCLCA 1996 CDE, 1997 CDE · 1968-1996

        Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Department of Electrical Engineering Records, 1968-1996. This series comprises correspondence with overseas research workers, 1990-1996; rough and fair copy teaching notes and handouts for students on courses taught by John Pearson and others on electronic devices, electromagnetism, circuits and control systems, microwave engineering and communications theory, 1972-1995; tape recordings of lectures on electronic devices, [1975]; Departmental research reports, 1989-1995; papers concerning a reunion of Chelsea Electronics graduates, 1985; incomplete set of examination question papers in Electronics and related disciplines, 1968-1993; group photographs of graduates, 1970-1980, 1985-1986, 1989, 1995; histories of the Electronics Department and other memorabilia, 1977-1978.

        Chelsea Polytechnic , Department of Electrical Engineering Chelsea College of Science and Technology , Department of Electrical Engineering Chelsea College , Department of Electrical Engineering
        GB 0100 KCLCA CDC · [1940-1980]

        Chelsea Polytechnic/College Chemical Department 'locker forms', 1943-1968 (Ref: CDC/FP), Department of Chemistry student record cards, [1940-1980] (Ref: CDC/FPC). Locker forms for early years contain a greater quantity of biographical data. Information typically includes name, date of entry, examination date, course proposed, subjects, occupation, employer's name, address and business, exams passed, number of years in Chemistry, proposed career and country of origin. Occasionally they include a timetable of subjects taken, giving day and time, whether in the evening or part-time during the day. Information contained on record cards typically includes name, country of origin, session dates, field of study, course units and values, address, details on previous education, and some also include a photograph.

        Chelsea Polytechnic , Department of Chemistry Chelsea College of Science and Technology , Department of Chemistry Chelsea College , Department of Chemistry.
        GB 0505 PP28 · 1906-1968

        Articles, 1941-1968, mainly by Helen Maud Cam on historical topics, also including biographical articles and obituaries; report on 'The objections of the University of London Graduates Association to the scheme proposed by the Royal Commission on University education in London', Dec 1913, with notes by Cam on a meeting held by the students, 12 Nov 1913; items found in the Cam book bequest, 1918-1959, notably correspondence on literature, newspaper cuttings, especially relating to George Bernard Shaw, handwritten notes, and invitations; photographs, [1906-1918], mainly of groups of students at Royal Holloway College, including performances of College plays, and of Bryn Mawr College, USA.

        Cam , Helen Maud Cam , 1885-1968 , historian
        BUSK, Henrietta (1845-1936)
        GB 0505 PP1 · 1891-1936, 1967

        Correspondence and reports, 1891-1892, relating to a proposal to include Bedford College as one of the Schools of the University of London, including drafts and printed copy of a petition sent to the House of Commons and the House of Lords, 1891. Correspondence and reports, 1891-1898, relating to the establishment of the teaching University of London, notably resolutions and reports, 1892, by the Council and Staff of Bedford College giving their opinions on the proposed teaching University; copy of a speech by J Spencer Hill, Honorary Treasurer of the Chelsea Centre of the London University Extension Society, entitled 'A few words concerning the draft charter for the new teaching University for London', given at Gresham College, London, Nov 1891; letters and reports from the Committee for Opposing the Grant of the Albert University Charter, outlining the Committee's objections, Jan-Mar 1892; a printed copy of 'London University Commission Bill: arrangement of clauses' (1897); a pamphlet by members of the Convocation of the University of London, entitled Note on the occasion, effect and expediency of the compromise embodied in the London University Commission Bill, 1898. Correspondence, 1894-1895, comprising letters from William Bruce, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education, to Henrietta Busk, thanking her for help given to the Commission. Text of lecture on 'The position of women in the University of London, the provincial universities and the University of Wales', [1910], given by Professor Beatrice Edgell, Head of Philosophy at Bedford College, to the Council of the National Union of Women Workers. Papers, 1903-[1911] and 1967, relating to Busk's post as Honorary Secretary of the Bedford College Building and Endowment Fund, notably reports, 1903-1906, relating to proposals for a new site for Bedford College, including recommendations for fundraising and outlines of accommodation needs; two plans, [1908-1911], relating to the Regent's Park site and showing the proposed and actual development of the site by the architect Basil Champneys; correspondence, programmes and financial records, 1906-1911, relating to the performances of Greek plays by students and staff to raise money for the move of Bedford College to Regent's Park, including correspondence, 1967, between Doris Bains, Bedford College Librarian, and Kathleen Spears, Secretary of Bedford College, concerning material for use in the Granville Bantock Centenary Exhibition at the Barber Institute, Birmingham. Letter, Dec 1923, from Ethel Hurlbatt, Principal of the Royal Victoria College for Women, Canada, to Henrietta Busk, mainly concerning Canadian views of the League of Nations, and the Canadian Federation of University Women. Correspondence and notes, 1908-1936, relating to the history of Bedford College, mainly comprising accounts by Busk, [1934-1936], of the origins and early history of the College, notable early students, the roles of the Honorary Secretary of Bedford College Council, the Lady Resident and the Committee of Management in the running of the College, courses offered by the College in the 1850s, and reminiscences of Busk's mother concerning the early days of Bedford College; notes, [1933-1936], made by and for Dame Margaret Janson Tuke during her research for A History of Bedford College for Women, 1849-1937 (Oxford University Press, London, 1939), including handwritten notes of informal interviews with Busk.

        Busk , Henrietta , 1845-1936 , educationalist
        GB 0100 KCLCA KAP/BUR · 1912-1920

        The collection comprises Principal Ronald Montagu Burrows' office files including correspondence, memoranda and accounts, 1912-1920. These include correspondence relating specifically to the impact on the College of World War One, including war grants, War Office classes, war-work by staff, lists of student casualties, the Officer Training Corps (OTC), the special constabulary, War Relief Council, erection of a war memorial, lists of refugee students, their status, examinations taken and the hospitality they enjoyed; reports and correspondence relating to the teaching and assessment of individual subjects or departments including Anatomy, Chemistry, Chinese, Day Training, Engineering, Law, Modern Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Theology, 1913-1919; correspondence relating to scholarships, studentships and medals, 1913-1917; correspondence on staff, notably academic appointments and pensions, and the establishment of new chairs, 1913-1918; correspondence relating to public lectures, 1913-1918; correspondence concerning Egyptian students at King's including lists of names, 1914-1915; correspondence and accounts of King's College for Women including the transference of many of its functions to King's College in the Strand, 1915-1917; correspondence relating to the Westminster Training College, Horseferry Road, 1913-1917; typescript accounts of the Plantanes Hall of Residence [King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill], 1913-1915; estimated accounts of King's College London, 1913-1919; incomplete examination pass lists, 1914-1918; framed photograph of Eleutherios Venizelos, Greek Statesman, [1913-1920].

        Burrows , Ronald Montagu , 1867-1920 , Principal of King's College London
        GB 0505 PP25 · 1880-1977

        Papers, 1887-1977, relating to Blackwell's time as Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, University of London, notably correspondence with her parents, 1922-1945, discussing life at Royal Holloway College; letters of congratulation on her appointment as Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, 1922; correspondence and notes, 1928-1949, relating to gifts to Royal Holloway College; personal correspondence, 1941-1970, notably with Ellen Charlotte Higgins, former Principal of Royal Holloway College, (Elsie) Marjorie Williamson, Principal of Royal Holloway College, and John Cameron; papers, 1887-1969, relating to the Royal Holloway College Botany Department, including Botany Lunches, 1949-1977, Botany School Record Books, 1887-1969, and correspondence relating to field trips, 1930-1944; Blackwell's copies of the Royal Holloway College Boat Club Rules, 1914-1918, and the Royal Holloway Rules and Regulations, 1925; notes, memoranda, correspondence, minutes and reports of the University of London Botanical Supply Unit, 1944-1952; invitations and Christmas cards, 1922-1963; autograph books, 1922-1950, including one presented to Blackwell by her old students and staff at a luncheon at the Forum Club, [London], 1950. Records, 1897-1971, relating to the history of Royal Holloway College and the Botany Department, including press cuttings, photographs, memoirs, correspondence and draft articles, notably and article by Blackwell entitled '75 years of Royal Holloway College Botany Department', copies of College songs, and obituaries of old colleagues and students. Publications, 1902-1949, mainly comprising histories of the Botanical Departments of Liverpool and Manchester Universities. Photographs, 1880-1970, including the Botany Department staff and students, 1898-1962; Botany Department field trips, 1898-1948; Royal Holloway College staff, buildings and grounds, 1908-1952; Botany laboratories and gardens, 1912-1949; social and botanical activities at Royal Holloway College, 1927-1955.

        Blackwell , Elizabeth Marianne , 1889-1973 , Professor of Botany
        GB 0505 PP26 · 1871-1943

        Correspondence, 1892-1943, between Benson and various academic colleagues, mainly on subjects relating to botany, and the reading and publication of papers by women to scientific societies, notably with Professor Francis Wall Oliver, Professor of Botany at University College London, Professor Sir Albert Charles Seward, Professor of Botany at Cambridge University, and Dukinfield Henry Scott, President of the Linnean Society. Papers, 1871, 1906 and [1936] relating to Benson's death, including her childhood exercise book, 1897, given to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, various copies of the obituary notice written by Blackwell, [1936], and material relating to a bequest by Benson to the Botanical Laboratory at Royal Holloway College, [1936]. Photographs, [1893-1922] of staff and student life at Royal Holloway College, including boating scenes, costume tableaux in the College quad, formal portraits of Benson in academic dress, and laboratories in the College.

        Benson , Margaret Jane , 1859-1936 , botanist
        Beit Fellowship
        GB 0098 GF · Created 1913-1972

        Records relating to the Beit Fellowship, 1913-1972, comprising minutes of the Trustees, 1913-1972; correspondence relating to the foundation of the fellowship, 1913; deed of foundation, 1913; correspondence of the Trustees, 1914-1972; reports and correspondence of Beit Fellows, 1925-1967; accounts, 1916-1926; registers of Beit Fellows, 1914-1969 and related correspondence, 1963-1964.

        Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
        GB 0505 BC · 1849-1992

        Collection of papers relating to Bedford College, University of London, 1849-1992, namely charters, deeds and statutes of Bedford College, 1849-1985, including foundation documents; records of the Council, 1849-1985, including minute books, register books, outwards letter books and correspondence, and legal documents mainly relating to property held by the College; papers of the Ladies Committee, 1849-1893, including minutes and documents relating to the Lady Visitors; papers of the Governors, 1849-1985, including minutes of the AGMs and Special General meetings, and of the Fellows sub-Committee; papers of the Reid Trustees, 1860-1992, mainly comprising legal, administrative and financial papers relating to the Trust, and including material relating to the Reid Scholarships, 1871-1992; papers of the Managers of the Residence, 1860-1928, including minutes, financial material, legal documents, correspondence, and building plans, notably material relating to the move of Bedford College to Baker Street and later Regent's Park; papers of the Committees of the Council, 1868-1985, mainly comprising minutes, correspondence and papers; papers of the Academic Board, 1909-1965, mainly comprising minutes, committee papers and standing orders; papers of the Academic Committees, 1928-1985; papers of the Faculties, 1907-1985, comprising minutes and committee papers; papers of the Academic Departments, 1849-1985, including departmental files, reports, registers, financial material, building plans and material relating to staff publications; papers relating to Bedford College Library, 1886-1974, including committee minutes, Library working files, correspondence, lists and registers, and building plans; papers of the Principal's Office, 1843-1985, including correspondence with academic departments, material concerning policy and merger issues; Bedford College personnel material, 1900-1985, including staff files, 1900-1985, papers relating to staff appointments and conditions, minutes and papers of the Department Staffing Committees; papers of the Registry, 1849-1985, mainly comprising student records such as register books, course lists, scholarship details, examination records, college publications including prospectus leaflets, timetables and College Calendars, and Registrar's papers relating to financial and academic management of the College; papers of the Secretary's Office, 1849-1985, including material concerning ceremonial occasions, public lectures, gifts and bequests to the College, memorial funds and trusts administered by the College, the administration and award of prizes and scholarships, correspondence with academic departments, London colleges and national bodies, papers relating to financial and funding bodies, and correspondence with academic and residence staff; financial documents of Bedford College, 1849-1983, including the main financial registers, 1849-1965, early accounts, 1856-1866, annual accounts, 1894-1977, material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], material relating to staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, household accounts, 1910-1969, and account books for special funds, 1894-1968; papers relating to the buildings and residences of Bedford College, 1873-1985, notably material relating to fundraising for building schemes, plans and correspondence concerning building and development at the Regent's Park site, 1910-1980, Bursar's papers, 1924-1985, relating to the maintenance of College buildings, correspondence and papers relating to the purchase, lease and maintenance of College Halls of Residence; papers relating to student associations, 1894-1984, including the Bedford College Union Society, the Bedford College Student's Association, the Bedford College Old Student's Association, and the Bedford College Association; Bedford College magazines, 1886-1985; papers of the clubs and societies of the College, 1894-1974, mainly comprising correspondence, accounts, minutes and printed material; records of the staff associations of Bedford College, 1917-[1989], such as minutes, accounts and reports of the Association of University Teachers (AUT), the Bedford College Assistant Staff Association, the Bedford College Staff Association, and the Staff Athletics Club; various unofficial records relating to the College, [1780]-1987, namely reminiscences, press cuttings, drawings and sketches; photographs, [1849-1985], of Bedford College, its staff and students.

        Bedford College Bedford College for Women
        GB 0505 RHC AR400-446 · 1887-1970

        Main accounts of Royal Holloway College, 1887-1970, including Ledgers, 1887-1967; Journals, 1948-1969; and Cash Books, 1887-1970. Accounts of scholarships and prizes, 1887-1954, including Ledgers, 1887-1904, and Cash Books, 1887-1910, for Founder's and Entrance scholarships; Ledger and Cash Books for Driver Scholarship, 1901-1910; Registers of Payments for the Entrance, Founder's and Driver scholarships, 1890-1910, and other scholarships, 1935-1954. Accounts for the Marie Péchinet Fund, 1912-1970, including cash books and statements. Material relating to salaries and wages, including general Wages Books, 1887-1965, and a Wages Book for female household staff, 1923-1948. Volumes of accounts relating to household supplies, 1887-1910 and 1961-1969, notably an analysis of weekly expenditure on food, laundry and household necessities, 1887-1910; analyses of provisions consumed, 1887-1896; produce supplied from the College Gardens, 1887-1910, and 1961-1969.

        Royal Holloway College , Accountant's Department
        GB 0505 RHC AL256-736 · [1901]-1972

        Brochures and syllabuses relating to various departments, 1968-1972, notably Physics, Chemistry and German. Record Book of the Zoology Department, 1936-1952, giving lists of students and notes on developments in the department. Departmental records of the Faculty of Music, notably Registers, 1915-1969, of members and music played by Royal Holloway College orchestra and choirs, lists of musical events and meetings of music societies, and lists of performers and music performed at music examinations and festivals; Organist's Handbook, [1904-1915], including details of procedure for various musical events; minute books of the Music Club, 1916-1949, and the Music Association, 1934-1954; Concert Programmes and invitations, 1908, 1915-1970.

        Royal Holloway College , Academic departments