Desarrollo urbano

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      Desarrollo urbano

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      Desarrollo urbano

      • Usado para Expansion urbaine
      • Usado para Extension urbaine
      • Usado para Expansión urbana
      • Usado para Extensión urbana

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      Desarrollo urbano

      79 Descripción archivística resultados para Desarrollo urbano

      79 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0074 LMA/4206 · Colección · 1981-1995

      These images, dating from 1981 to 1995, are of a number of events in London, as well as changes to the landscape and sights.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4208 · Colección · 1904-1907

      Photographs of site of the Rotherhithe Tunnel, East London, 1904-1907.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4625 · Colección · 1924-1999

      Project case files seeking consultation and approval from the RFAC for various London-wide architectural proposals and developments dating from 1924-1999.

      Sin título
      LCC/AR/CB · Colección · 1836-1964

      Papers of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Council Buildings: standard specifications, tenders and quotations, 1922-1940; materials, 1930-1937; air raid precautions at Council premises, 1937-1947; salvage of waste metals and other materials, 1925-1942; lists of Council premises damaged by enemy action, 1940-1945; papers relating to the construction of hospitals and other institutions, 1929-1947, including standard planning and points of construction, fire prevention arrangements and transfer of property under the National Health Service Act 1946; papers relating to the construction of museums, 1914-1938; papers relating to the construction of housing estates, 1898-1934; papers relating to the construction of schools, 1910-1939; papers of the Board of Education Departmental Committee on the Construction of School Buildings, 1925-1927; papers relating to the construction of playgrounds, 1911-1928; programmes of building work for the Children's Department, 1950-1960; standards for car parks, 1955-1959; papers of Housing Layout Committee, 1952-1958; papers of Architects' Housing Conferences, 1950-1959; development work on Housing type plans, 1951-1962; papers relating to homes for the elderly, 1934-1961; papers relating to halfway houses and hostels, 1952-1959; design of school furniture, 1949-1959; investigations leading to selection of the Hook, Hampshire, for site of new town, 1955-1959; papers relating to Basingstoke, 1952-1963; Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Committee on Official Architecture, 1913-1929; papers relating to work done by non-LCC architects and criticism of the official Architect, 1905-1920; papers relating to town development, including Bracknell, Corby, Hemel Hempstead, Letchworth, Welwyn and Hatfield, 1952-1964; papers relating to the development of the Royal Festival Hall, South Bank.

      Sample files relating to individual premises, comprising subject and policy files retained when a large number of similar files were destroyed, to illustrate the construction and maintenance works carried out at typical LCC developments. Examples include housing estates, schools and colleges, a workhouse, a hospital, a historic building, bridges and County Hall.

      Reports, including surveys by the Architect of properties transferred to the LCC, including hospitals, institutions, schools, children's homes, and ambulance stations, 1929-1930; surveys of general and special hospitals, 1934-1937; minutes and reports of Departmental Committee on Hospital Standards, 1930-1934; schedule of prices for repair to buildings, 1915-1919; register of construction works, 1892-1912.

      Visitor's Books for historic building Prince Henry's Room, 17 Fleet Street, 1906-1925; publication The Architectural Work of the London County Council by WE Riley, Architect to the Council, 1909; plans of demolished or disused buildings including Clerkenwell Sessions House, India Office Store, Chandos Street Fire Station, Tooley Street Fire Station, Clapham Fire Station, Bayswater Fire Station and Dulwich Fire Station.

      Sin título
      LCC/AR/TP · Colección · 1870-1965

      Records of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Town Planning, including proposals prepared under the 1909 Town Planning Act, 1909-1938; papers regarding the Restriction of Ribbon Development Act, 1935-1937; proposals for Town Planning Schemes, 1927-1935; regulation of advertisements and illuminated signs, 1914-1939; preservation of trees, 1932-1939; papers regarding zoning, 1921-1936; coordination and development of transport, 1926-1932; arterial and classified roads, 1915-1935; papers and research data prepared for the Plan for Redevelopment of the County of London, 1940-1942; appeals against town planning decisions, 1949-1951; schemes for Croydon and Beckenham under the 1909 Town Planning Act, 1921-1923; papers regarding garden squares and enclosures, 1923-1945; Town Planning Information Bulletins, 1959-1965; papers regarding reviews of the County of London Development Plan, 1957-1964.

      Papers, 1922-1956, regarding the formulation of town planning schemes, including consultation with crown lands, estate owners, borough councils and local authorities both in and outside of London. Subject and policy files relating to Green Belt proposals, 1926-1937, town planning schemes, 1924-1939 and correspondence of the Greater London Regional Planning Committee, 1933-1936. Objections, public enquiries and modifications to the County of London Development Plan, 1951-1962. Article 'Town Planning in relation to old and congested areas with special reference to London', by Arthur Crow, 1910; papers on Arterial Roads in London, 1914-1915; report on the travelling facilities to and from south east London, 1926; reports relating to post-war reconstruction, 1943-1949; 'Plan for Saint Pancras', prepared by the Saint Pancras Borough Council, 1949; reports of the Greater London Regional Planning Committee, 1929-1931. Registers of planning applications under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947-1951.

      Maps of London, Middlesex, Kent and Hertfordshire, 1860-1940, showing sewers, drains, sites of Council buildings, locations of proposed developments, street name changes, road widening schemes and tree preservation, all stamped as 'superseded'. Plans including land use surveys, 1922-1957; maps and plans made to accompany town planning schemes, 1928-1941; age of buildings survey, 1870-1916; war damage surveys, 195-; objection maps, showing the site of buildings in the 1951 Development Plan about which objections were raised, 195-; maps showing the listed historical buildings in each borough, 1965 and Bermondsey reconstruction plans, 1937-1950.

      Sin título
      LEVERKUS, Gertrude (1899-1976)
      GB 106 7GLE · Fondo · 1976

      The archive consists of a typescript autobiography, written in 1976, entitled 'Auntie Gertrude's Life', 1889-1976.

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      Art and Architecture Archive
      GB 1134 AA · Fondo · 1982-2007

      The archive spans the years 1982-2007 and comprises: administrative papers, including correspondence, 1982-2004; documentation of A and A-organised events and conferences, 1982-2007; minutes of meetings, 1982-2000; accounts, 1994-2003; membership lists, 1980s-1990s; and documentation of A and A funding bids, 1983-2004. Printed matter includes a complete run (to issue 60) of the Art and Architecture Journal (1984-2006), and a range of other A and A publications and ephemera (postcards, fliers), many of which were designed by Pentagram Design. There is also a set of posters used to advertise the lecture series. The collection is augmented by a range of peripheral material published by other sympathetic bodies, including the Public Art Forum and the Landscape and Arts Network.

      Sin título
      Slight, Lewis: letter (1839)
      GB 0096 AL406 · Fondo · 1839

      Letter from Lewis Slight of the Town Hall, Brighton to the Clerk to the Commissioners for Lighting, [King's] Lynn, Norfolk, 6 Jul 1839. Printed circular explaining that the Commissioners under the Brighton Improvement Act [6 Geo.4. c.clxxix (22 Jun 1825)] are about to enter into a new contract for lighting the town with gas; asks the recipients to supply the information specified on the accompanying half sheet [missing], and any other useful particulars.

      Signed by Lewis Slight.

      Sin título
      Imperial College Expansion Scheme
      GB 0098 I · Created 1860-1992 (ongoing)

      Records of South Kensington Development Schemes, 1936-1948, and Imperial College Expansion Scheme, including proposed schemes for South Kensington, 1936-1945; minutes of the Sites Committee, 1945-1950; plans and correspondence relating to the South Kensington site, 1944-1947; notes and plan of the Chemical Technology extension, 1949; new biochemistry building, 1950; purchase of various properties on Queen's Gate, 1937-1969, including war damage compensation; papers relating to the development of Silwood Park Field Station, Sunninghill, Berkshire, 1954-1957; minutes of the Dean's Committee, later Development Committee, 1953-1970, with correspondence (IA);
      papers relating to academic posts, 1953-1962, including new chairs, 1953; postgraduate bursaries, 1955-1957 (IB);

      papers relating to Imperial College Expansion Scheme, including press cuttings, 1946-1970; early history, 1950-1955; reports and plans for the expansion scheme, 1958; correspondence concerning the proposed demolition of the City and Guilds College building, 1955-1956; notes concerning future Student Union facilities, 1955;
      papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, Rector, including correspondence concerning the expansion scheme, 1944-1966, notably the retention of the Imperial Institute building, 1955; the Collcutt (now Queen's) Tower, 1956-1957; 170, Queen's Gate, 1957-1963; accommodation for departments, 1959-1965; new hall of residence (Linstead Hall), 1963-1969;
      papers relating to the demolition programme and architects, including correspondence with the architects, 1951-1963; plans and finance, 1953-1967; demolition programme, 1954-1957; Imperial Institute, 1955-1956; building programme, 1957-1958; use, restoration and occupation of Queen's Gate and Prince's Gardens, 1957-1962; Royal College of Science adaptations, 1957-1962; correspondence relating to the Roderic Hill Building, 1949-1962; Biochemistry building, 1964-1967; adaptations to the Royal School of Mines, 1958-1970; papers relating to the Falmouth Gates, including the Memorial fund, 1962-1965; design of the gates, 1964-1969; report and correspondence relating to landscaping, 1958-1967; souvenirs from the demolished Royal College of Science building, 1956-1977;
      papers relating to halls of residence, including Prince's Gardens, development scheme, 1957-1962; acquisition, 1954-1960; architects, 1956-1976; occupiers of the site, 1860-1959; correspondence relating to Linstead Hall benefactions, 1963-1975, extension, 1976-1980 and building specification, 1964; correspondence concerning Southside Halls opening and maintenance, 1963-1966; papers concerning Weeks Hall, 1956-1975, including the opening, 1958-1959, structural failures, 1973-1975;
      papers relating to the Mechanical Engineering Building, 1956-1960, including contract documents, 1956-1957; papers relating to the Physics Building, 1953-1975, including planning, 1953-1964, opening of the Blackett Laboratory, 1975; correspondence and opening programme relating to the Huxley building 1966-1976; correspondence relating to the College Block, 1958-1969; papers relating to the Science Museum Library, 1953-1962; college estates development plan, 1992 (IC).

      Sin título
      GB 0097 SURVIVAL · Colección · 1973-2006

      Survival Programmes comprises photographs (all black and white), interview transcripts, drafts and other materials relating to the book Survival Programmes by the Exit Photography Group (Nicholas Battye/Chris Steele-Perkins/Paul Trevor). The photographs and interviews were made between 1974 and 1979, and record life in Britain's inner urban areas in the 1970s.

      Sin título
      Hake, Andrew
      GB 0102 PP MS 46 · Created 1949-1991

      Papers and correspondence, 1949-1991, of Andrew Hake, accumulated during the course of his career in Kenya as an industrial missionary. The papers reflect the diversity of his work and interest in the urban and industrial community in Nairobi. The collection also includes publications collected by Hake, including Kenyan government publications and publications of the National Christian Council of Kenya.

      Sin título
      Max Lock Archive
      GB 1753 MLA · Fondo · 1936-1988

      Papers of Max Lock, 1936-1988, produced and collected by Max Lock and the Max Lock Group, relate to Lock's career as a planner and architect and to wider issues in planning, particularly after World War Two, and comprise working papers (including survey papers) and finished material.

      They include correspondence; notes and card indexes; photographs (some aerial), slides, drawings, maps and plans; Bills, Acts, white papers and other official publications; books, articles, reports and other publications (some annotated); typescripts; press cuttings; and conference papers. The bulk of the material dates from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Material relating to Lock's career and projects within the UK includes papers on his time as a Watford councillor and his architectural practice in the 1930s, including a timber house he designed at Stanmore, Middlesex; Hull, 1939-1957, including conflicts between Lock and his superiors; Scalby, 1940-1941; Middlesborough, 1943-1970; Hartlepool, 1946-1970; Portsmouth, 1948-1973; Salisbury, 1949-1969; Sutton Coldfield, 1950-1967; Bedford, 1950-1971; Sevenoaks, 1954-1965; Aberdare, 1957-1959; Stratford (West Ham), 1957-1962; Hackney and Shoreditch, 1960-1971; Woodley, 1962-1969; Oldham, 1962-1971; Covent Garden, 1963-1971; Battle, 1964; Brentford and Chiswick, 1964-1970; Torbay, 1968-1969; Dunstable, 1968-1972; Greater London Development Plan Inquiry, 1969-1971, and other material on GLC planning and transport; Beverley, 1969-1972. Material on projects and visits overseas includes papers on Scandinavia, 1937-1939, 1946-1949; India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1946-1955; the Netherlands, including the Town Planning Institute Tour (1946), 1946-1957; the Americas, including Brazil, the West Indies and the USA, 1952-1969; Italy, 1952-1970; the Middle East, including Iraq and Jordan, 1954-1958; Australia, 1959-1960; Aden, 1960-1961; Kuwait, 1961; Nigeria, including Kaduna and Maiduguri, 1962-1975.

      The collection includes a large volume of accumulated material, 1944-1987, largely printed material by other authors, including other planners, planning bodies and architects, some from architectural and planning journals and from the national and regional press, on planning and related issues both in the UK and overseas, such as planning law and procedures; central and local government and administration; public inquiries; housing; historic buildings; urban development; industry and retail; transport infrastructure, including roads and ports; traffic, noise, and the environment; social and economic issues including employment, labour, and social class; population levels and density; public amenities and utilities; land use and open space; and statistical data. Some papers relate to the affairs, including legal and financial matters, of the Max Lock Group; the architectural work of Max Lock and Partners; premises in Victoria Square, London; and the Max Lock Group Nigeria. Papers of or concerning Lock himself include his notebooks and other papers reflecting the development of his ideas; papers relating to publications and broadcasts; papers relating to professional bodies, including the TPI, RIBA, TCPA and UDAG; personal correspondence; photographs of him and his friends; papers on music and architecture, including lecture notes; articles about Lock, and his obituary in the Independent, 3 May 1988.

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      COL/CC/JTB · Subfondo · 1869-1872

      Records of the Joint Bridge House Estates and Improvement Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes regarding opening of Blackfriars Bridge and Holborn Viaduct by Queen Victoria, 8 Oct 1869 - 5 Dec 1872; committee papers, 1869-1870; tickets for opening, including pass tickets for Bridge and Viaduct, admission card to ceremony of opening, and programme of ceremony, 1869; plans of platforms etc. at Blackfriars Bridge, 1869; correspondence regarding the organisation of the opening ceremony and applications for tickets, 1869 and correspondence regarding the creation and provision of commemorative medals.

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      COL/CC/LBC · Subfondo · 1823-1859

      Records of the London Bridge Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1823-1859; minutes, 1823-1840; rough minutes, 1823-1846; committee papers with indexes, 1823-1847; extracts from proceedings of Common Council regarding the rebuilding of London Bridge, 1821-1823; report by Thomas Telford on the effect of the rebuilding on the Thames, 1823; specification of the mode of executing the proposed new London Bridge as designed by the late John Rennie, 1823; list of Acts of Parliament regarding London Bridge with another list showing the streets affected by each Act, 1823-1842; minutes of evidence before the New London Bridge Committee, 1828; letter books, 1823-1846; order books, 1829-1834; warrant book, 1824-1847; administrative papers, financial accounts and papers relating to the opening ceremony, 1824-1847.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/LBI · Subfondo · 1754-1838

      Records of the London Bridge Improvements Committee, Court of Common Council, including journals, 1822-1838; minute books, 1756-1767 and committee papers, 1754-1765, including the original signed reports and estimates of George Dance and Robert Taylor, architects.

      Sin título
      COL/PLD/PL · Colección · 1752-1979

      Plans used by the City Architect, Planning Department, 1752-1979, including plans, diagrams, maps and photographs of City of London and Greater London housing estates, offices, warehouses, wharves, churches, railway stations and tunnels, police stations, public houses, schools and colleges, the Guildhall complex, Mansion House, markets (including the Metropolitan Cattle Market, Spitalfields, Billingsgate, Leadenhall and London Central Market), streets, squares, bridge approach roads, City of London Cemetery, courts, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, open spaces, parks and gardens, the Monument and sewer systems, 1752-1979.

      Also plans of Tower Pier, 1827-1828; Victoria Embankment, 1910, including proposals for a miniature rifle range; plans of the proposed site for Fairlop Airport, Essex, 1938-1950; War Department plans of Burnham Beeches, 1940-1946; anti tank ditches in Epping Forest, 1945; tracings of sites of Temple Bar and Temple Bar Memorial, with tracings of elevations and detail of Memorial, and notes on history, sculptors etc, also includes tracings of Queen Anne's Statue in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1960.

      Sin título
      COL/TSD/AD · Colección · 1968-1997

      Technical Services Department building project files created to manage individual construction projects undertaken by the Corporation of London. Files for the City of London School rebuilding, 1983-1986, including project background file giving information about the historical evolution of the project, 1968-1982, and the project manual which provides general information on the running of the project, as well as progress reports, technical information, architectural sketches, correspondence, plans, archaeological details and legal papers, 1973-1991. Also files for the Craft, Design and Technology (CDT) block, constructed 1990-1993, including design notes and sketches, reports, correspondence, certificates, bills, tenders and technical information, 1984-1995.

      Also files for the conversion of the National Safe Deposit into the City of London Magistrate's Court, 1988-1991, including plans, reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, diagrams, technical information and the project manual, 1986-1997.

      Sin título
      ACC/1409 · Colección · [1912]-1952

      London County Council register of tramway track lengths, recording description and lengths of route, street length, track length and remarks, such as "conversion to trolleybus", "abandoned" and so on, [1912-1952], with enclosures: photocopy of map of tramways in the London County Council area, revised to 1931; and diagrams of track lengths in Leyton and Hammersmith.

      Sin título
      Records of the Borough of Barking
      BD2 · Fondo · 1882-1965

      This collection comprises the following minute books, departmental records, financial accounts, correspondence, building plans and photographs of the Borough of Barking and its predecessors, including the Barking Town Local Board and Barking Urban District Council (1882-1965), relating to the management of the council, public health and housing, highways and town planning, parks, cemeteries and public buildings, education, public libraries, lighting, civil defence, transport, finance, welfare and rates.


      Minute books of the Barking Local Town Board, 1882-1894 (BD2/A/1/1)

      Committee minute books of the Barking Local Town Board, 1883-1895 (BD2/A/1/2)

      Minute books of Barking Urban District Council, 1895-1931 (BD2/A/2/1)

      Committee minute books of Barking Urban District Council, 1895-1931 (BD2/A/2/2)

      Minute books of the Borough of Barking, 1931-1965(BD2/A/3)

      Declarations and acceptance of office books of the Borough of Barking, 1931-1963 (BD2/A/4)

      Public health and housing

      Minute book of the Barking Town Local Board of Health, 1853-1866 (BD2/B/1/1)

      Reports of the Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Committee, 1935-1969 (BD2/B/2/1)

      General ledger of the Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Committee, 1956-1969 (BD2/B/2/2)

      Infectious diseases registers of the Public Health Department, 1915-1951 (BD2/B/3/1)

      Tuberculosis registers of notifications of the Public Health Department, 1916-1924 (BD2/B/3/2)

      Death registers of the Public Health Department, 1936-1965 (BD2/B/3/3)

      Research on diphtheria by the Public Health Department, 1958-1961 (BD2/B/3/4)

      Photographs of the Public Health Department, circa.1930-1965 (BD2/B/3/5)

      Correspondence and papers on housing of the working classes in Barking, 1901-1908 (BD2/B/4)

      Correspondence and papers on temporary housing in Barking, 1898-1907 (BD2/B/5)

      Correspondence and papers on sewerage and drainage in Barking, 1893-1905 (BD2/B/6)

      Correspondence and papers on water supply in Barking, 1895-1901 (BD2/B/7)

      File on the National (Coal Strike) Emergency, 1921 (BD2/B/8)

      File on population rates in each ward of Barking Urban District Council, 1928 (BD2/B/9)

      War damage and repairs ledgers of Borough of Barking, 1940-1945 (BD2/B/10)

      Highways and town planning

      Correspondence and papers on highways of the Borough of Barking, 1891-1905 (BD2/C/1)

      Correspondence and papers on street improvements of the Borough of Barking, 1892-1909 (BD2/C/2)

      Correspondence and papers on private street works of the Borough of Barking, 1905-1909 (BD2/C/3)

      Correspondence and papers on the Town Wharf of Barking Urban District Council, 1897-1908 (BD2/C/4)

      Parks, cemeteries and public buildings

      Minute book of the Barking Burial Board, 1884-1897 (BD2/D/1/1)

      Register of burials of the Barking Burial Board, 1886-1901 (BD2/D/1/2)

      Notices of internment of the Barking Burial Board, 1886-1904 (BD2/D/1/3)

      Reports of the Grounds Committee of the Barking Burial Board, 1893-1896 (BD2/D/1/4)

      Correspondence and papers on Rippleside Cemetery, 1906-1908 (BD2/D/1/5)

      Register of graves at St. Margaret's Churchyard, Barking, 1930 (BD2/D/2)

      Correspondence and papers on allotments in Barking, 1908-1910 (BD2/D/3)


      Minute books of Barking School Board, 1889-1903 (BD2/E/1/1)

      Committee minute books of Barking School Board, 1892-1903 (BD2/E/1/2)

      Financial accounts of Barking School Board, 1886-1903 (BD2/E/1/3)

      Registers of the Attendance Officer of Barking School Board, 1885-1897 (BD2/E/1/4)

      Minute books of Barking Education Committee, 1903-1928 (BD2/E/2/1)

      Minute books of Barking Education Sub-Committee, 1903-1922 (BD2/E/2/2)

      Minute book of Barking Education Children's Care and Kitchen Committee, 1912-1920 (BD2/E/2/3)

      Minute book of Barking Education Boot Committee, 1919-1927 (BD2/E/2/4)

      Minute book of Barking Higher Education Committee, 1921-1924 (BD2/E/2/5)

      Annual reports of the Barking Education Committee, 1934-1941 (BD2/E/2/6)

      Correspondence of the Barking Education Committee, 1903-1958 (BD2/E/2/7)

      Newspaper cuttings of Barking Education Committee, 1925-1941 (BD2/E/2/8)

      Public libraries

      Minute books of Barking Public Libraries Committee, 1888-1928 (BD2/F/1)

      Minute books of Barking Public Libraries Sub-Committees, 1890-1894 (BD2/F/2)

      Letter books of the Barking Public Libraries, 1889-1919 (BD2/F/3)

      Issue books of Barking Public Libraries, 1900-1961 (BD2/F/4)

      Junior issue books of Barking Public Libraries, 1924-1952 (BD2/F/5)

      Accounts ledgers of Barking Public Libraries, 1889-1969 (BD2/F/6)

      Statistics ledgers of Barking Public Libraries, 1956-1959 (BD2/F/7)


      Correspondence and papers on lighting of Barking Urban District Council, 1896-1906 (BD2/G/1)

      Revenue accounts ledger on the installation and analysis of electricity, 1935-1966 (BD2/G/2)


      Correspondence on Peace Week, 1936-1937 (BD2/H/1)

      File on the accession of King George VI, 1936 (BD2/H/2)

      Files on the Coronation of King George VI, 1936-1938 (BD2/H/3)

      File on entertainments in Barking, 1934-1940 (BD2/H/4)

      File on the Anglo-Soviet Pact Anniversary Celebrations, 1943-1946 (BD2/H/5)

      File on the V.E. Day Thanksgiving Service, 1945 (BD2/H/6)


      Correspondence and papers on tramways of Barking Urban District Council, 1898-1902 (BD2/J/1)

      Files on light railways in Barking, 1896-1908 (BD2/J/2)

      Files on the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway Bill, 1902-1908 (BD2/J/3)

      Petition on the nuisance caused by motor car and bus traffic signed by the residents of Rippleside,1908 (BD2/J/4)

      Correspondence with the Kearney Society, 1924 (BD2/J/5)


      General ledgers of the Borough of Barking, 1935-1965 (BD2/K/1)

      Rating and valuation

      Reports of the Rating and Valuation Committee, 1942-1950 (BD2/L/1)

      General and poor rate books for Barking, 1921-1933 (BD2/L/2-3)

      General rate demand summary books for Barking, 1934-1964 (BD2/L/4)

      Valuation lists of the Borough of Barking, 1930-1965 (BD2/L/5)

      Loans ledgers of the Borough of Barking, 1939-1965 (BD2/L/6)


      Minute book of the Distress Committee of Barking Urban District Council, 1908-1924 (BD2/M/1)

      Minute book of the Old Age Pensions Committee of the Borough of Barking, 1923-1934 (BD2/M/2)

      Sin título
      MBO · Colección · 1844-1855

      District Surveyors Returns, 1844-1855, providing lists of notices, information and complaints, the results of notices and fees paid for works. The Districts covered were City of London; Tower Division (Tower Hamlets and the East End); Edmonton Hundred Division (Tottenham); Finsbury Division (Islington, Stoke Newington, Hornsey, Clerkenwell); Holborn Division (Bloomsbury, Saint Pancras, Paddington, Marylebone, Hampstead); Kensington Division (Chelsea, Fulham, Hammersmith); City of Westminster Division; County of Surrey (Lambeth, Camberwell, Bermondsey, Rotherhithe) and County of Kent (Deptford, Greenwich, Woolwich, Lewisham).

      Building plans of a variety of buildings and features including houses, offices, embankments, hospitals, chapels and churches, chimney shafts, warehouses, taverns, dockyards, public rooms, lecture halls, colleges and schools, factories, workhouses and asylums, stables, gardens and shop fronts.

      General office papers including registers of approvals; approvals of buildings; cases of Special Supervision; cases of ruinous buildings; registers of awards; registers of reports; enquiries about fires and fire reports; lists of Surveyors; papers on drains and sewers; staff records; circulars and notices; correspondence; parish and ordnance maps; press cuttings; forms and instructions; financial accounts and copies of Acts and Bills relating to building and construction regulations.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4212 · Colección · 1885-1929

      Photographs showing a wide variety of scenes, events and items from London, 1885-1929.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4217 · Colección · 19--

      This collection comprises a photograph of 44 Maida Vale, the house of F.L Poole.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1378 · Colección · 1882-1883

      Records of the United Land Company Limited, comprising plans of freehold building plots suitable for moderate sized villa property, off the Harrow Road, adjoining Sudbury Railway Station, Sudbury, property of The United Land Company, Limited, to be sold by auction 17 July 1882 and 1883.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2983 · Colección · 1894-2000

      Records of the Sutton Housing Trust, consisting of a fine series of minutes and accounts. In particular there are detailed registers of tenants (including information on income and employment), hundreds of photographs of estates and developments and correspondence giving advice from people such as Octavia Hill and Charles Booth.

      Sin título
      BROWN, K C (fl 1935)
      GB 0074 ACC/3497 · Colección · 1935

      Plans and drawings for the proposed redevelopment of the area of Paddington north of the Great Western Railway and south of the Grand Junction Canal and dissected by the Harrow Road. The proposals are for replacement of narrow congested streets and small houses with a dual carriage speedway and blocks of flats with open ground in-between them.

      Sin título
      LCC/HSG/PP · Colección · 1950-1965

      Housing Estate Plans from the London County Council Housing Department, 1950-1965, for the following estates:

      Ainsworth Estate, Hampstead

      Albion Street Areas, Bermondsey

      Ashburton Estate, Chartfield Avenue, Wandsworth

      Avebury Estate, Turin Street Site, Bethnal Green

      Avery Hill, Woolwich

      Barn Elms Park Site, Wandsworth

      Baxter Grove Areas, Islington

      Baylis Road, Lambeth

      Beckenham Hill Road, Lewisham

      Bellingham Estate Extension, Lewisham

      Besson Street Area, Deptford

      Blessington Road Site, Lewisham

      Boreham Wood Estate, Hertfordshire

      Regal Cinema Site, Bromley High Street and Bow Road, Poplar

      Bricknall Place areas, Lambeth

      Broadway Site, Hackney

      Bromley Road Extension, Lewisham

      Brook Lane Site, Greenwich

      Browning Estate, Townley Street Site, Southwark

      Burdett Estate Extension, Stepney

      Burlington Road Site, Fulham

      Butterswick Cottages, Hammersmith

      Campbell House Site, Woolwich

      Carnbrook Road Site, Greenwich

      Caroline Estate Extension, Hammersmith

      Castle House, Woolwich

      Cherry Garden Site, Bermondsey

      Church Crescent, Hackney

      Colebrook Row Area, Islington

      Cordelia Street, Poplar

      Creek Road Site, Lewisham

      Dartmouth Road Site, Lewisham

      Dodson Street Site, Southwark

      Dove Row Extension, Shoreditch

      East Dulwich Estate Extension, Camberwell

      East India Dock Road Site

      Eastman Street Site, Bethnal Green

      Elmington Estate

      Ember Street Site, Bermondsey

      Fayland Estate, Wandsworth

      Finchley Road Development, Hampstead

      Flamstead Estate Extension, Greenwich

      Frampton Park, Hackney

      Gauden Road Site, Wandsworth

      Giffrin Street Site Extension Reginald Road site, Deptford

      Glamis Road Site, Stepney

      Grove Street site, Deptford

      Hawgood Street site, Poplar

      Heathside Estate, Greenwich

      Hedgers Grove, Hackney

      Heston Street Area, Deptford

      Hilgrove Estate, Finchley Road, Hampstead

      Hilldrop Estate, Islington

      Hillside Gardens Estate Extension, Wandsworth

      Hobson's Place, Stepney

      Jackman Street site, Hackney

      Jamaica Road site, Bermondsey

      Kender Street Area, Deptford

      Kidbrooke Park Estate Extension, Greenwich

      King Henry Street, Islington

      Lancaster Street site, Southwark

      Lansbury Estate, Stepney and Poplar

      Lant Street site, Southwark

      Lawson Street Development, Southwark

      Lindley Estate, Camberwell

      Loampit Vale site, Lewisham

      Long Lane Areas, Bermondsey

      Longstaff Estate, Wandsworth

      Loughborough Street, Lambeth

      Lurgan Avenue Area, Fulham

      Malay Street Area, Stepney

      Maple Court, Acacia Grove, New Malden

      Mardyke Street Area, Southwark

      Maxey Road site, Woolwich

      Mill Gardens Area, Lewisham

      Milne Estate Extension, Woolwich

      Ocean Street site, Skidmore Street, Stepney

      Patmore Street site, Battersea

      Pearscroft Road, Fulham

      Pennyfields, Poplar

      Pitsea Street site, Stepney

      Polthorne Street Area, Woolwich

      Poplar High Street, Poplar

      Priory site, Wandsworth

      Prospect Estate, Farnborough, Hampshire

      Raglan Street Area, Saint Pancras

      Rapley Place, Bethnal Green

      Ravensbourne Estate, Lewisham

      Roehampton High Street site, Wandsworth

      Rowlett Street, Poplar

      Ruskin Park Estate Extension, Camberwell

      Saint George-in-the-East Hospital site, Stepney

      Saint Katherine's Way (Matilda House), Stepney

      Saint Luke's Housing Development, Old Street, Finsbury

      Saint Martin's Estate, Upper Tulse Hill Lambeth

      Saint Peter's Hospital site, Stepney

      Samuda's Wharf Site, Poplar

      Southend Lane Site, Lewisham

      Stockwell Gardens, Lambeth

      Stockwell Lane, Lambeth

      Stockwell Road Development, Lambeth

      Streatham Hill, Wandsworth

      Sydenham Hill Site, Lewisham

      Tabard Garden Extension, Southwark

      Teesdale estate, Bethnal Green

      Trafalgar Road Site, Greenwich

      Tyers Street Site, Lambeth

      Tyson Road Site, Lewisham

      Vauxhall Gardens Extension, Tate Street Site, Lambeth

      Wager Street Site, Stepney

      Wapping Estate Extension, Stepney

      Watermead Estate Extension, Lewisham

      Watson's Street, Deptford

      Welshpool Street Site, Hackney

      Weston Rise Site, Finsbury

      Whetstone Road Site, Greenwich

      White City Estate, Hammersmith

      Woodberry Down Estate, Stoke Newington

      York Hill Site, Lambeth

      Zangwill Road Sites, Greenwich

      Sin título
      LMA/4220 · Colección · 1894-1966

      Plans made by the Engineer's Department, West Ham Borough Council, 1894-1966. The collection includes building plans, site plans, proposals for projects and Ordnance Survey maps. The maps have been amended by the engineers to show proposals or extent of works. The proposals include swimming pools, recreation grounds, public baths, sewers, new roads and unemployment relief works. There is a large amount of material relating to Whipps Cross Hospital, including contract plans. A detailed index of the plans can be found in hard copy at the LMA Information Area.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-045 · Colección · 1909-1945

      Minute book of the trustees of the Central Bahia Railway Trust.

      Sin título