Maladie vénérienne

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Maladie vénérienne

      Terme générique Maladie contagieuse

      Maladie vénérienne

      • Terme spécifique Sida

      Termes équivalents

      Maladie vénérienne

      • Employé pour Sexually transmitted diseases
      • Employé pour STD
      • Employé pour Maladie sexuellement transmissible
      • Employé pour Maladie transmissible sexuellement
      • Employé pour MST
      • Employé pour Enfermedad de transmisión sexual

      Termes associés

      Maladie vénérienne

      63 Description archivistique résultats pour Maladie vénérienne

      63 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      Sandler, Bernard (1907-1997)
      GB 0120 GC/149 · 1946-1989

      Papers of Bernard Sandler, 1946-1989 including correspondence, reprints and unpublished material on infertility, sex education and allied subjects.

      Sans titre
      Chalke, Herbert Davies (1897-1979)
      GB 0120 GC/200 · 1924-[1980]

      Papers of Herbert Davies Chalke, 1924-[1980] including lecture notes, papers and publications, including re alcoholism, TB, care of the elderly, and food safety. Also papers re service with RAMC in North Africa.

      Sans titre
      H02/WH · Sous-fonds · 1627-1974

      Records of the Westminster Hospital, including minutes of the management, estates, finance, nursing, research, policy, catering, almoners, incurables, drugs and other committees, 1716-1969; relevant Acts of Parliament, 1835-1932; rules and regulations, 1835-1932; annual, matron's and secretary's reports, 1825-1971; papers concerning proposed amalgamations with other hospitals, 1907-1924; papers regarding non-nursing staff, 1749-1962; papers and photographs concerning ceremonies and celebrations, 1948-1967; administrative files on a variety of subjects including staffing, policy, research, legal proceedings, training, civil defence, World War Two, pathological services, pharmaceutical services, catering, equipment and wards, 1939-1969; registers of in-patients, 1933-1973; registers of patients, 1937-1958; registers of police and ambulance cases, 1937-1962; admission and discharge registers, 1961-1973; death registers, 1860-1967; operations books, 1939-1968; prescription book, 1733-1734; returns of cholera patients, 1849-1854; returns of patients, 1928-1963; Venereal Disease department registers, 1917-1974; registers of nurses, 1885-1950; Westminster Training School registers of nurses, 1899-1939; financial records and papers relating to endowments, 1719-1969; legal records, including deeds, 1881-1961; chaplain's records, 1790 and 1921-1973; medical school papers, 1822-1972 (not including student records); plans and architect's drawings, 1832-1937; papers relating to hospital societies and associations, 1848-1972; histories of the hospital, 1815-1974; press cuttings, 1921-1964; papers concerning special events, 1823-1973; papers concerning rebuilding of hospital, 1818-1939; Hospital publications, 1922-1974; newspaper articles, 1834-1966; Westminster street plans, 1809-1895 and conveyance of property in Little Oulde Bayliffe, parish of Saint Sepulchre, London, 1627.

      Sans titre
      GB 106 PC/03 · [1860-2008]

      The Josephine Butler Society Library is an unrivalled resource for the study of sexuality and public morality from the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth century. This unique collection of books, pamphlets, periodicals, leaflets and, campaigning documents, covers subjects ranging from the regulation of prostitution, venereal disease, social purity, sexuality and public health to criminology, penology, eugenics and population control. Although a small number of individual items continue to be added to the collection by the Josephine Butler Society, the bulk of the printed materials date from the late nineteenth and early to mid twentieth centuries.

      The Josephine Butler Society Library is particularly important because it brings together the Library of the organisation alongside its campaigning literature and business papers. In addition to sources for the study of prostitution and attitudes to sexuality in Britain the collection includes significant amounts of material on slavery, procuring, public health and the armed forces in India. It contains late nineteenth century works on sexology by Havelock Ellis, Bloch, Forel and Krafft-Ebing and psychology by Freud, Jung and Ellis, as well as works on marriage, the family and sex education. Although most material in the collection is in English there are small but significant numbers of works in European languages. The geographic scope of the collection extends beyond Britain and the Commonwealth; papers of the International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons 1899-1968, for example, relate to the Bureau's work with the League of Nations.

      Sans titre
      GB 106 3BGF · Fonds · 1874-1915

      The archive consists of Annual Reports (1875-1880), Executive Committee (1887-1888) and British Committee (1890-1915) minutes with British Committee Chairperson's Book and Log (1897-1903), circulars (1909), pamphlet (1896), indexes to pamphlets (1874-1909) and indexes to Henry J Wilson files, an 'inwards' letter-book including an envelope containing copies of correspondence with government (1893), a letter-book of correspondence from India and a report compiled by Dr Kate Bushell and Mrs Andrews during a visit there (1891-1896).

      Sans titre
      GB 106 3JBL · Fonds · c 1816-1907

      This archive consists of letters primarily by Josephine Butler, but also by key members of her family (such as her husband) and by colleagues and friends (such as Henry Wilson). Josephine Butler was a Victorian social reformer who campaigned against prostitution and the Contagious Diseases Acts (1864,1866 and 1869). In addition to the original letters held by The Women's Library, this archive includes photocopies of correspondence held at the University of Liverpool Special Collections.

      At some point (probably in the 1960s) the correspondence held at The Women's Library was placed in chronological order. Prior to the collection being copied to microfiche (possibly in the 1980s), the photocopies from Liverpool were interleaved. Also interleaved and copied to microfiches were abstracts and administrative history notes made by Miss Burton, a member of the Fawcett Library.

      The online catalogue includes the index of who the letters were to and from; the date of the letter; abstracts of each individual letter; and the administrative history and biographical notes made by Miss Burton.

      The catalogue supercedes the original finding aid, a card index of correspondents that was available in The Women's Library Reading Room. The collection is available on microfiche in the Reading Room.

      Henry J Wilson was Honorary Secretary of the Northern Counties Electoral League For The Repeal Of The Contagious Diseases Acts. There are a number of letters in the Josephine Butler Letters Collection which relate to the Northern Counties Electoral League. These letters bear Henry J Wilson's usual stamp for those files and his reference numbers (marked in blue pencil). At some stage his copies of letters were removed from his personal archive and placed in the Josephine Butler Letters Collection. Readers should also look at 3HJW for further records re the Northern Counties League.

      Some of the copy letters are very faint, both on the microfiche and in the original. These are primarily letters that were copied using a 'wet' process. A thin sheet of tissue paper was damped and blotted over the original letter. This took a pale, often fuzzy copy of the letter, which was read 'through' the tissue. As well as being very faint these copies are very fragile.


      CD / CDA Contagious Diseases Act

      'RR' in the notes refers to 'Rough Record' a copy of which is available in the library, [search Printed Collections Catalogue for 'Keyword' for 'Rough Record'.]

      Sans titre
      GB 0809 Sexual Health · 1980s-1990s

      Papers of The Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research comprise posters and ephemera relating to sexual and reproductive health, and evaluation and campaign material, 1980s-1990s. Posters notably concern AIDS prevention and originate from countries across Europe including Norway, Greece, Switzerland and UK. Posters use strong imagery including condoms and syringes to illustrate the importance of sexual health, for example a Swedish poster includes an image of man and woman with condoms as halos, the caption reads 'Var din egen skyddsangel' or 'Be your own guardian angel'. Ephemera includes badges, bags, leaflets and tapes and videos from various countries concerning AIDS and sexual health campaigns.

      Evaluation and campaign material relates to work carried out in 1980s and 1990s concerning AIDS and notably includes pamphlets and leaflets from campaigns carried out across Europe, AIDS Strategic Monitor publications and surveys and research collated by various market research companies. The material was presumably collected from and hence relates to Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Norway and Greece.

      Sans titre
      London Lock Hospital records
      GB 0114 MS0022 · 1746-1948

      Records of the London Lock Hospital, 1746-1948, including administrative records detailing patient admissions and treatment. Board Minutes 1755-1948 (neat), 1761-1857 (rough); Asylum Minutes - general & special & annual, 1746-1948; Asylum Committees 1787-1842; Building Committee 1839-1849 including Chapel building fund 1845; Chapel Committee 1809-1877; Hospital Committee 1781-1870; Financial records 1787-1877; Annual Reports 1818-1945; Bye- laws 1890's; Annual Statistics 1870-1877; Dinners 1846-1864; Drug registers and case notes 1813-1814 and John Pearson (Assistant Surgeon) - clinical notes 1798-1799.

      Sans titre
      ANWYL-DAVIES, Thomas (1891-1971)
      GB 0100 TH/PP3 · [1895-1904]

      Papers of Thomas Anwyl-Davies, comprising photograph albums of exterior and interior scenes of St Thomas's Hospital, 1910-1917, compiled whilst a student and House Surgeon at St Thomas's, including photographs of staff, sports teams and surgical operations; albums of press cuttings, [1918-1965], relating to venereal disease, his work at St Thomas's Hospital Department of Venereal Diseases and London Hospital (Whitechapel) Clinic for Venereal Diseases, copies of some of his articles and lectures on venereal disease, press cuttings relating to the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund.

      Sans titre
      GB 0114 MS0281 · 1810

      Papers of William Hutchinson, 1810, comprising 2 volumes of manuscript notes by Hutchinson, taken at the surgical lectures of Sir Benjamin Brodie, covering topics such as inflammation, head injuries, burns and scalds, gonorrhea, and the effects of mercury.

      Sans titre
      Wilson, Albert (1854-1928)
      GB 0114 MS0176 · [1870]

      Papers of Albert Wilson, c1870, comprising a volume titled [H]uman [P]athology, Prof. Saunders, 2 containing manuscript notes by Wilson, taken at the Pathology lectures of Professor Sanders at Edinburgh University; and a loose sheet containing notes on Tubercular Phthisis. The sheet of paper is from the Edinburgh Medical-Missionary Society's Training Institution and Dispensary at No 39 Cowgate. Wilson was resident physician at the Cowgate Dispensary.

      Sans titre
      GUNN, John Charles (b 1937)
      GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP2 · 1962-2002

      Papers of John Gunn, 1926-2002, including extensive correspondence, notes, memoranda, funding applications, lecture presentations and press cuttings. The collection includes: files concerning the administration of the Institute of Psychiatry and its Department of Forensic Psychiatry, 1975-2000 (including policy, planning, funding, assessments and staffing), and the running of the Denis Hill Unit forensic in-patient service, Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1985-1998; published articles, book, chapters and book reviews by Gunn, 1966-2001, on topics including epilepsy, aggression, sex offenders, mental health legislation and suicide prevention in prison; research and research applications, 1966-2001, on topics including epileptic offenders, violence, and the discharge and subsequent care of Special Hospital patients; psychiatric questionnaires and assessments, 1967-1988; files relating to the Home Office, chiefly 1966-2000, and relating to the treatment of mentally disordered offenders, also copy medical evidence given to the Wolfenden Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, 1954, and papers relating to the May enquiry, 1989-1992, into the convictions for IRA bombings in Guildford and Woolwich, 1974.

      Prison Service correspondence and reports, 1975-2000, covering the provision of secure psychiatric units and psychiatric care of the general prison population; papers, 1975-2000, relating to the UK Special Hospitals (high security psychiatric hospitals), and to Grendon experimental prison for offenders with antisocial personality disorders; correspondence, meeting papers and background information on the impact of amendments and proposed amendments to UK mental health legislation, 1972-2000, including the Floud Committee on dangerous offenders, 1976-1981, and the work of the Parliamentary Mental Health Group in formulating policy to restrict the spread of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 1987-1988; reports and correspondence, 1972-2001, relating to the conduct of psychiatry, psychiatric facilities and prison welfare in countries including Australia, China, Egypt, Greece, Ireland and Turkey; papers, 1967-1999, relating to the Effra Trust, founded by Gunn in 1974 to provide accommodation and support to homeless male ex-offenders suffering from physical or mental disability.

      Sans titre
      HCA/HART AND MCLEAN · [1974-1999]

      Papers collected by Alan Hart and David McLean, including material relating to the following organisations: AIDS AHEAD (AIDS Health Education and Advice for the Deaf): correspondence and papers, newsletters, press cuttings, c 1987-1990; Campaign for Homosexual Equality, c 1979-1985, including conference papers, reports and newsletters of Croydon, Lewisham, Hampstead and Islington and Haringey CHE groups; Frontliners, a self-help group for people with AIDS or ARC, 1988-1992, including annual reports and accounts, financial records, correspondence, minutes and issues of Frontiers, the Frontliners magazine; Gays and Lesbians in Accountancy (GALIA), 1995-1996: newsletters and circulars; Albany Society, 1983, and London Lesbian and Gay Centre, 1983; Gay Community Organisation and GCO Distribution Services, 1980-1984, including papers relating to the foundation of GCO, minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial accounts, grant applications; Greater London Council (GLC) Gay Working Party, Haringey and Islington Councils Lesbian and Gay Working Groups, 1984-1986: minutes, correspondence and other papers; Open University Gay Society/Open University Lesbian and Gay Society, 1975-1985, including correspondence, newsletters; Terrence Higgins Trust, 1985-1987: newsletters, reports, circulars. Also includes: World Health Organisation papers relating to AIDS, including papers of WHO 'First International Conference on the Global Impact of AIDS', London, March 1988, newsletters and other publications, 1987-1990; publications, leaflets and press cuttings, [1974-1995], mainly regarding AIDS (including AIDS and the deaf), gay rights, gay parenting and sex education; gay fiction and photo magazines (including Gay Confessions, Kurt), brochures issued by travel agents specialising in gay holidays, gay and lesbian guides to London and other ephemera, 1970-1995; publications isssued by Inner London Education Authority and other education-related organisations re racial and sexual equality, c 1985-1987; letters to Alan Hart and David McLean, 1994-1999, mainly from MPs and politicians re debates on age of homosexual consent and Section 28; two Thethil Gay News cartoons by Peter Wicker, 1974; badges.

      Sans titre