
Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques


      Terme générique Conflit international


      Termes équivalents


      • Employé pour Armed conflicts
      • Employé pour Invasion
      • Employé pour War aggression
      • Employé pour Conflit armé
      • Employé pour Guerre d'agression
      • Employé pour Invasion
      • Employé pour Conflicto armado
      • Employé pour Conflicto bélico
      • Employé pour Contienda
      • Employé pour Invasión

      Termes associés


      1045 Description archivistique résultats pour Guerre

      1045 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      GB 1556 WL 832 · Collection · 1939

      List of instructions for new recruits to the Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 220, Rendsburg, consisting mainly of rules of behaviour, annotated and underlined, signed 'Enemark', 20 Nov 1939.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL 929 · Collection · 1939

      Papers of Tythrop Institute, 1939, comprise a letter, copy of an appeal and an account of the activities of the Langham Committee and Tythrop House, written by Joyce Weiner.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL 962 · Collection · 1939

      Papers of Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten, 1939, comprise two newsletters. The first, newsletter 3, describes the position of Austrian emigrants in war time; the internment of men aged 17-65; the reporting of women to the police to be finger-printed and the situation regarding re-joining the French forces. The second, newsletter 4, appeals for help to Austrians from neutral countries; reports on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees on internees; reports on the position of emigrants in other countries and appeals to all Austrians to register with the Zentralvereinigung.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL MF 56 · 1919-1976

      World Jewish Congress Central files on microfilm, 1919-1976, comprising Sub-series 1: Organisational History and Activities, 1919-1970, includes correspondence, minutes and publications and reports related to the organisational and political activities of the WJC and its forerunner, the Committee of Jewish Delegations. Reports on the history and activities of the WJC from before its inception through to the 1960s are also included in this sub-series. Significant subjects covered include anti-Semitism, relief for refugees, and relations with the League of Nations. More material dealing with WJC activities in Europe during the 1930s can be found in Sub-series 2 under the Stephen S. Wise/Lillie Shultz and Nahum Goldmann papers, and under Pre-WJC Conferences and the First Plenary Assembly (1936) in Sub-series 3.

      Sub-series 2. Executive Correspondence and Project Files, 1920, 1931-1975, includes records and reports from the files of WJC presidents (Stephen S. Wise, Nahum Goldmann); chairmen of the Executive Committee (Nahum Goldmann, Israel Goldstein); followed by the administrative/executive directors of the New York office (Abraham S. Hyman, Monty Jacobs, Yehuda Ebstein, Greta Beigel). The sub-series contains general correspondence arranged chronologically, individual and departmental correspondence, country files, subject files, speeches, and publications.

      Sub-series 3: Plenary Assemblies, pre-1936 conferences, and special conferences, 1932-1975, contains minutes, proceedings, reports, and other materials dealing with three pre-WJC conferences together with extensive files for the first six WJC Plenary Assemblies (1936-1975). Also included are materials pertaining to the War Emergency Conference (1944) and the Inter-American Jewish Conference (1941).

      Sub-series 4: Committees, 1940-1976, consists of 33 boxes in its original format. This sub-series contains materials pertaining to committee meetings (Office, Administrative, Executive). The Executive Committee files include material from the South American, European, and Israeli Branches of the Executive. Within the files for each committee/branch, materials are arranged chronologically.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL MF 57 · Collection · 1900-1939

      Personal and family papers, 1900-1939, ranging from First World War army records to correspondence and passports of several hundred Jews, handed over to the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland whilst the individuals were waiting in collection centres, having been rounded up by the Nazis prior to deportation to Eastern Europe. Includes index.

      Sans titre
      Women - Employment
      GB 1924 Women - Employment · Fonds · 1916 - to date

      Collection of books, leaflets, articles and periodicals relating to women and employment. Includes: 'The Position of Women after the War' Committee of Women's Organisations, 1916; 'Women in Industry after the War' by B L Hutchins, 1917; 'Payment structures and smaller firms: women's employment in segmented labour markets' by Christine Craig and others, 1985, reference HD 6061; 'The position of women in industry' by Nancy Seear, 1968, reference HD 6664; 'Putting equality into practice: a Shadow Ministry of Women consultation document' 1991; 'Unemployed Women: a study of attitudes and experiences' by Arnold Cragg and Tim Dawson, 1984. Other topics includes: legislation, local government, First World War, Second World War and other countries. Periodicals include: Woman Engineer, Women's Gazette, Women and Manual Trades Newsletter.

      Sans titre
      GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/10 · 1918-1919

      30-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

      This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force's bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume analyses German counter-measures to defend against air raids in the Independent Force's area of operations. The counter-measures studied were the German telephone communication system, the organisation and procedures for the warning of air raids, and anti-aircraft defence measures including AA guns, searchlights and balloon barrages.

      Sans titre
      GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/12 · 1918-1919

      18-page foolscap volume with photographs pasted onto the pages.

      This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force’s bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume consists of 26 photographs each with a brief caption. The photographs show bomb damage to buildings, industrial works and railways in German towns attacked by the Independent Force.

      Sans titre
      GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/8 · 1918-1919

      31-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

      This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force’s bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume records attacks and their affect on blast furnaces in iron and steel works situated at Burbach, Maizieres, Karlshutte, Hagendingen, Rombach, Dillingen and Volklingen. Many of the photographs show bomb damage caused by specific raids and many of the site plans are marked to show where bombs exploded. A statistical appendix records loss of production ascribed to the air raids.

      Sans titre
      Stephensen, Magnús: letter
      GB 0096 AL114 · Fonds · 1807

      Letter from Magnús Stephensen of Copenhagen to His Excellency the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks, 17 Oct 1807. Referring to Banks's visit to Iceland and complaining of the severe effects of war [i.e the Napoleonic Wars] on the trade of that country. 'For it is altogether unavoidable for this Island to escape hunger if it is only to hold out one single winter without being supplied with provisions.'

      Written in another hand and signed by Stephensen.

      Sans titre
      GB 0096 MS 1 · [1385]

      Manuscript volume containing a metrical chronicle composed by the Chandos Herald in French verse, commemorating the life and feats of arms of Edward the Black Prince, [1385]. The poem is a valuable authority for certain events of the Hundred Years War, and gives a brief description of Edward III's French campaign of 1346, culminating in the Battle of Crecy, and followed by the Battle of Calais, with some details of the plot for the recovery of the latter at the end of 1349. Next comes a very detailed description of the Battle of Poitiers (1356), and an eyewitness account of the Spanish Campaign of the Black Prince on behalf of Don Pedro (Peter) of Castile, culminating in the Battle of Nejera (1367). A brief overview is given of the end of the Black Prince's government in Gascony, and of the war which led to the loss of almost all the possessions gained at Brétigny, followed by a comprehensive account of the last years of the Prince's life. After the poem, the author also gives a list of the chief officers of the Black Prince in Aquitaine, and copy of the epitaph on his tomb in Canterbury Cathedral.

      The manuscript contains a full-page miniature illuminated in gold and colours, which is divided into two compartments. The upper compartment contains a representation of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity; God the Father is here portrayed in a blue robe on a background of gold. He is seated on a throne and holds in His extended arms a crucifix, above which a dove is introduced to symbolise the Holy Ghost. In the lower compartment the Black Prince is depicted kneeling in adoration on a red cushion. His hands are joined in prayer, and his special devotion to the Holy Trinity is indicated by a scroll proceeding from his mouth bearing the words 'Et hec tres unum sunt' (1 John v.7). The Prince is clad in armour, covered by a tight-fitting leather jupon without sleeves, finished along the bottom edge with a border of escallops, and emblazoned with the arms of England and France. He wears a sword and dagger, golden elbow and knee cops, and golden spurs. On each side of the kneeling Prince, standing in a golden socket, is a large ostrich feather in silver, his personal badge assumed after the Battle of Crecy, with the motto 'Ich dene' on a scroll below. The text of the poem commences on the next page with a large illuminated initial O, containing the Royal Arms emblazoned, and this leaf is surrounded by a border of strap work and flowers in gold and colours. There are also a number of small initial letters in gold on a coloured background.

      Sans titre
      English Exchequer Bills
      GB 0096 MS 65 · 1696-1697

      Manuscript volume containing papers relating to the issue of Exchequer Bills during the reign of King William III in order to carry on the war with France (the War of the Grand Alliance), 1696-1697, notably a holograph memorandum by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, advocating steps to encourage subscriptions to Exchequer bills and steps to make the bills assignable, [1696]; a draft of letters patent of King William III concerning the payment of Dutch troops, written in Dutch, [1696]; a list of subscribers to the contract for exchanging bills, 4 May 1697; a copy of the sign manual warrant to the Treasury ordering payment to the trustees of the second contract for Exchequer bills of the interest on the subscription contracted, [1697]; a Statement of Exchequer bills from 27 Apr to 9 Jun, 11 Jun 1697; a tract [by William Paterson] headed 'A proposall for setling a transferrable fund of perpetual interest', which is possibly the first proposal for a funded debt.

      Sans titre
      Rolland, Romain
      GB 0096 MS 803 · 1919

      An appeal, entitled Déclaration d'indépendance de l'esprit, to intellectuals to forget the divisions made by World War One. Duplicated typescript sheet signed by Romain Rolland.

      Sans titre
      Gomm, Sir William Maynard
      GB 0096 MS 993 · 1866

      Notes on the Battle of Waterloo written by Sir William Maynard Gomm for the benefit of Sir George Grote, 1866.

      Sans titre
      Geology Department of Imperial College
      GB 0098 KG · Created 1876-1996 (ongoing)

      Records of the Department of Geology of Imperial College, 1876-1996, including histories and notes on the department, [1851]-1996; papers relating to courses, 1878-1949, comprising notes, 1896-1942, including laboratory work, 1878-1883; courses for teachers, 1895-1908; lectures and addresses by Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1942-1949; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981, concerning grants, headship, transfer of the department, courses; newletters, 1969-1995; research report, 1988; papers of Professors' and Heads of Sections' Meetings, 1969-1988; papers of historical interest accumulated by the department, 1876-1964, including Professorial correspondence, 1876-1916; departmental reports, 1907-1930; financial papers, 1906-1936; war work, 1914-1919; papers of Professor Percy George Hamnall Boswell, 1932-1960; Professor Charles Gilbert Cullis, 1923-1937; Professor Herbert Harold Read, 1944-1964 (KG);
      papers relating to Geochemistry, concerning the opening of new laboratories, 1956; Wolfson Foundation grant, 1978 (KGC); items from the Murchison Museum, [1773-1825] (KGM); papers relating to Geophysics, including correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Royal Society concerning the foundation of a postgraduate school, 1929-1943; leaflet, 1956 (KGP3); papers relating to Oil Technology (KGO).

      Sans titre
      GB 0096 MS 33 · [1581]-1638

      Volume mainly containing treatises on French financial administration, [1581-1610], namely a report by Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de Sully, Director of the Council of Finance, on the finances of France, [1607]; a paper on the Estates General of France, [1583]; a history of royal taxation in France up to the reign of King Henry III, ending with a statement of the revenue in 1581, [1581-1589]; and a paper giving instructions on the powers and authority of the officers of the French Chambre des Comptes (Chamber of Accounts), [1589-1610]. The manuscript also contains papers relating to diplomatic negotiations during the Thirty Years War, comprising a speech on a peace assembly at Cologne, Italy, [1636], and a letter from the Swedish Chancellor Count Axel Greve Oxenstierna to the English Ambassador, Sir Thomas Roe, on the alliance between England and Sweden, 1638.

      Sans titre
      Russo-Turkish War Album Collection
      GB 0369 RUO · 1877-1878

      Album of illustrations from the "Illustrated London News" entitled "Russo-Turkish War, 1876"

      Sans titre
      Servo-Bulgarian War Collection
      GB 0369 SER · 1885

      Two part printed diary of events in the Servo[Serbian]-Bulgarian War, 1885, compiled by the Intelligence Branch, Quarter-Master General's Department of the British War Office by Major G C Wynne under the direction of Colonel A S Cameron. These papers are duplicates of those kept at the Public Record Office.

      Sans titre
      CHEVINS, Hugh, 1898-1975, journalist
      GB 0097 CHEVINS · 1912-1974

      This collection is divided into two sections, correspondence and press cuttings. The first consists of Chevins' personal correspondence including confidential memoranda concerning World War Two, correspondence concerning the Industrial Correspondents Group, material relating to Chevins' BBC broadcasts, correspondence with various American individuals and societies, correspondence with Hutchinson about Lord Citrine's memoirs, correspondence with Tribune, and circulars, press cuttings, propaganda leaflets, and texts of broadcasts about occupied France and the Gaullist movement. The press cuttings are stories, or transcripts of stories, written by Chevins.

      Sans titre
      Ministry of Information
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0148 · Collection · 1940-1941

      Newspaper cuttings, Ministry of Information bulletins and notes on social conditions in Great Britain in war time, collected by the London Region of the Ministry of Information.

      Sans titre
      Resisters Inside The Army (RITA)
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0701 · Collection · 1968-1971

      Press cuttings, articles, leaflets, pamphlets (original and photocopies) concerning the Resisters Inside The Army (RITA) campaign, collected or produced by RITA.

      Sans titre
      War Emergency Workers National Committee
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0956 · 1914-1918

      Memoranda on the increased cost of living during World War One, Aug 1914- Jun 1917. Also, Executive Committee of the Workers' National Committee minutes, 11 Sep 1914-10 Oct 1918.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 DOUGLAS OF BARLOCH · [1925]-1980

      Papers of Francis Campbell Ross Douglas, Baron Douglas of Barloch, [1925]-1980, notably correspondence with politicians, public servants and others, 1937-1977, including (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton, and Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone, on subjects including the pasteurisation of milk, adulteration of food, fluoridation, the Solicitors' Bill of 1941, and his deputy speakership of the House of Lords; correspondence and papers concerning the case of JJ Scorey, newspaper editor, Malta, 1949; correspondence with Sir Emmanuel Kaye, 1963-1979, relating to fluoridation; miscellaneous personal papers, 1888-1980, including marriage certificates, Christmas cards, account books and press cuttings relating to the North Battersea election in 1940; letters of condolence to Adela Elizabeth Douglas, Lady Douglas, on the death of her husband, 1980; a typescript history of Maxfield Manor, the Douglas' home in Sussex, with related papers; printed volumes containing economic and social surveys of Germany, made by the Foreign Office and Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1944-1945; printed pamphlets and speeches by Douglas, 1929-[1977]; photographs and press cuttings relating to Malta, [1946-1949]; photographs of the Douglas family, [1925-1970].

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 JENKINS · 1945-1970

      Papers relating to Jenkins' early political career, including material concerning the Suez Crisis, post-war Czechoslovakia, the National Union of Bank Employees, and industrial welfare; papers relating to Jenkins' time on the London County Council; parliamentary papers on subjects including the Arts and foreign visits; Jenkins' diary as Minister for the Arts; papers relating to Putney Labour Party, including constituency correspondence, publicity material, 'Why: Putney Labour Monthly', 'Voice: Putney Labour Party', and photocopies of press cuttings from 'Battersea News'; publications and scripts for broadcasts by or concerning Jenkins; pocket diaries and personal ephemera; photographs of public engagements; papers relating to Jenkins' work with Rangoon Radio; and papers relating to Victory for Socialism.

      Sans titre
      Small LSE Deposits
      GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/Small LSE Deposits · 1909-2000
      Fait partie de London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

      Small collections of material relating to the LSE, comprising:
      Papers of the LSE Athletics Committee (formerly the Malden Committee), 1947-1981, including minutes, correspondence, annual reports and accounts.
      Papers of Sir Ronald Stanley Edwards, Professor of Economics, 1933-1956, mainly relating to the teaching of accounting and industrial organisation in the Department of Business Administration.
      Records of the LSE Sociology Club, 1923-1953, including minutes, accounts and correspondence.
      Lecture notes and essays taken by J Young, [1950-1960], reading Economics and Government.
      Papers of Peter Hodges concerning the Social Administration Department, 1962-[1971], including departmental information, papers of the Overseas Students Welfare Committee and correspondence relating to social work training in Nigeria.
      Papers collected by E Grebenik concerning the Committee of Enquiry into the Governance of the University of London, 1971.
      Lecture notes on law made by R N Hutchins, and undergraduate at the School, 1934.Lecture notebooks kept by Richard Fitter whilst an undergraduate at LSE, [1929-1932], mainly on Economics and Economic History.
      Lecture notebooks kept by Hilda Lake whilst a student at LSE, 1909-[1917], on subjects including Economics, Anthropology, Finance and Public Administration.
      Papers of the Board of Studies in Economics, 1932-1953, including agendas and minutes.
      Minutes and papers of the Industrial Relations Department, 1969-1974.
      Letters and postcards from LSE lecturers sent to Neville Vandyk, an LSE undergraduate, 1942-1954.
      Notes taken by Professor Hilde Behrend of Morris Ginsberg's lectures on Social Institutions, Social Psychology, Ethics and Social Philosophy, [1942].
      Lecture notes taken by Margaret Jenkins (later Thomas) for her BSc Econ in Industry and Trade, 1951-1956.
      Texts of lectures given at the LSE by Lewis George Robinson, a Reader in International History, 1943, on the geographical factor in international relations.
      Papers by Ralf Dahrendorf summarising responses to his discussion papers 'A Centre for Economic and Political Studies in London', 1976.
      Examination papers for the Department of Anthropology, 1923-1995.
      Press Office file on the opening of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1979.
      LSE scarf from the World War Two period, [1941].
      Papers relating to Dr Hilda Ormsby and her husband George Vandeleur Ormsby, [1927-1972], including articles on the teaching of Geography at the LSE.
      Papers and slides relating to the British Rail Locomotive 'London School of Economics', 1985.
      Degree certificates issued to Samuel William Buxton, a BSc student at the LSE, 1917-1924.
      Papers of Vera Anstey, Reader in Commerce at LSE, 1921-1948, relating to her employment at the School, and correspondence between her family and Jim Thomas relating to his research on her, 1999.
      Scrolls presented to Dr J M Ashworth and Sir Peter Parker, 1996-1998.
      Papers relating to student disturbances at LSE, 1968-1969, collected by Professor Kenneth Minogue, as well as material relating to his editing of the LSE Annual Report, 1989-1990.
      Papers of the LSE Society, [1948-1956], including administrative correspondence and membership applications.
      Papers of the Accounts Research Association, 1940, comprising accounts and register of members.
      Texts of a series of lectures given by GF Thirlby, [1944].
      Texts of Army Class lectures given by Sir Douglas Owen, [1913-1914].
      Papers of the Greater London Group, 1962-1967, relating to the reorganisation of London local government and the establishment of the GLC.
      Photographs of a plan to roof over Houghton St, London, [1996].
      Papers of George Watson, 1956-1997, comprising photocopies of letters from Lord William Henry Beveridge to Watson and an article by the latter from the Liberal Democrat History Group.
      Photographs of Alice Thistle Bottomley, [1910-1912].
      Videos of the LSE Cabaret performed during the Centenary Celebrations, [1995].
      Papers collated by John Alcock relating to the School's relations with the University Grants Committee and the Quinquennial Plan, 1960-1966.
      Paper by Percy S Cohen, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, on 'Aspects of undergraduate teaching: tutorials and classes at the London School of Economics', [1971].
      Publicity material for the move of the School to County Hall, [1990], including colour pictures and press cuttings.
      Chapter of family history written by John Grist, dealing with the period at the end of World War Two, [2000].

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

      Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 MALINOWSKI · [1920-1942]

      Papers of Professor Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski, 1907-1947, comprising the following: Material relating to his work in the Trobriand Islands, [1907-1934], such as field notebooks, pencil drawings and notes; manuscript notes for a general ethnography of the Trobriands; notes on agriculture, economy, magic, warfare and social structure; working materials for articles; correspondence, and photographs, [1915-1918], taken whilst undertaking fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands. Material relating to Malinowski's early works, [1918-1935], such as unfiled manuscript notes on ethnological society, evolution and the functional method, early scientific notes, notes on reading in areas of sociological theory, psychology and folklore, working notes and drafts for early articles and extensive manuscript notes on economics and primitive economics. Working papers and manuscript and typescript drafts for published works and lectures, notably Coral gardens and their magic (G Allen and Unwin, London, 1935), [1916-1935]; a general study of kinship, [1919-1930], especially notes on the linguistic and cultural aspects, and drafts of chapters by both Elsie and Bronislaw Malinowski; The sexual life of savages in North-West Melanesia (Routledge and Sons, London, 1929), 1917-1938; general writings and working papers on kinship, [1920]-1939, including drafts of articles, reviews and lectures at the London School of Economics; papers relating to linguistics, [1915-1935], notably collections of Kiriwina vocabulary and texts, field records, notes on grammar, and working papers and seminar transcripts for a course of lectures on linguistics given at SOAS in 1932 and 1935; manuscript drafts, notes and papers relating to religion and myth in primitive societies, [1917-1938], including drafts for lectures and books; papers relating to culture in general and on the functional method, [1925]-1942, notably notes and drafts on the nature of culture, working papers for articles and lectures on the subject, charts for the analysis of culture, and notes for a projected book; working materials, notes, drafts and texts for lectures and papers on the function of war and nationalism in human societies, 1924-1942; working papers and drafts for Malinowski's articles on anthropology in the 1926 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, [1925-1926], and the 1937 and 1938 Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbooks, 1937-1938; notes, working papers and materials relating to law, [1924]-1942, notably revisions and part of the original manuscript of Crime and custom in savage society (Kegan Paul, London, 1926), and corrected typescripts of articles on primitive law; working materials, 1940-1942, comprising drafts, synopses and notes for a book provisionally entitled 'Human nature, freedom and civilisation', which was published posthumously. Material relating to Africa and the International African Institute, 1925-1938, including papers on finance and organisation, memoranda concerning the teaching of anthropology and research in Africa, research papers and proposals, correspondence and manuscript texts of lectures on anthropology and war; general material relating to the African research of Malinowski and his students, 1934-1941, such as working papers and drafts for The dynamics of cultural change: an inquiry into race relations in Africa (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1945), correspondence with contacts and pupils in Africa, and notes and articles on African politics and culture. Papers relating to Malinowski's teaching work, including the London School of Economics, 1923-1938, mainly comprising correspondence with and about his anthropology students, including copies of papers and fieldwork, and texts of seminars and lectures on subjects including the functional method, primitive economics, colonial administration, religion and magic and linguistics; papers relating to teaching at Yale University, 1939-1941, notably a list of referees for the appointment, correspondence relating to lectures at other US colleges, and business correspondence. Drafts, correspondence and press cuttings relating to talks given by Malinowski, notably for the BBC on 'Marriage', 'Race and African labour' and 'Science and religion', 1930-1938, and external lectures and activities, 1934-1938, such as invitations to Malinowski to deliver lectures in the UK and abroad, and papers concerning trips to the USA and Scandinavia. Printed material, 1910-1942, including offprints of published material, scrapbooks containing press cuttings relating to Malinowski (1922-1936), reviews of his books, books and journals annotated by Malinowski. Material relating to Malinowski's later life, [1933-1942], including papers concerning his position at the LSE and move to the USA following the outbreak of World War Two; typescript drafts of reviews, articles and lectures; personal and business correspondence; papers concerning Polish refugees; and material relating to fieldwork in Mexico during 1940 and 1941 and the publication of research undertaken there. Personal material, 1931-1942, including correspondence with and relating to his children; financial papers; correspondence with friends, students and colleagues, 1917-1942, notably Professor Charles Gabriel Seligman, Raymond William Firth, Sir James George Frazer, Fernando Ortiz, Robert Harry Lowie, Princess Marie Bonaparte (Princess George of Greece), Karl Mannheim, Professor Montague Francis Ashley Montagu, Phyllis Kaberry, and Audrey Isabel Richards; posthumous papers, 1942-1947, including obituaries, letters of condolence and material relating to the publication of an edition of Malinowski's papers. The papers also include correspondence relating to the Malinowski Archive and the archival collection of other anthropologists, 1951-1983.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 MAYO · Collection · 1913-1947

      The papers comprise personal correspondence between G Elton Mayo and his wife, Dorothea and his daughters, Patricia and Gael, 1913-1947. Dorothea Mayo expected her husband to write to her daily whenever he was away and the result is a series of diary style letters sent during their periods of separation. The fullest series are for 1922-1923 when Mayo visited the USA prior to settling in Philadelphia and for the period from 1929 to 1937 when Dorothea remained in England with their daughters.
      The second series of correspondence comprises letters to his daughters while they continued their education at Bedales in England and during World War Two. The correspondence is mainly with his eldest daughter, Patricia, though there is some correspondence with Gael and also Patricia's first husband, Walter Goetz.
      Both series of letters contain detail on Mayo's work and life at Harvard, including meetings with colleagues, lectures and research projects. In addition there is discussion of books, ideas and people which influenced his work and thinking. The World War Two letters include comments on the war from the USA and detail events leading to Gael's escape from behind German lines in France with her son and first husband.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 MCFADYEAN · Collection · c1891-1974

      Papers of Sir Andrew McFadyean, c1891-1974], notably material concerning the Dawes Plan and other reparation negotiations of the 1920s, his connection with the Liberal Party; correspondence from his work at the Treasury (1910-1920), extensive personal and business correspondence; papers relating to rubber production and regulation and his work in North Borneo and draft trasncripts of his autobiography 'Recollected in Tranquility'.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 SR 1065 · 1918

      Part one of a mimeographed collection of documents entitled 'Friedensmoeglichkeiten, Sommer und Herbst: verhandlungen ueber die kriegsziele' ('Peace possibilities, Summer and Autumn 1917: negotiations over the war targets'), produced in 1918. The documents deal with Germany's possibilities for a negotiated end to World War One in 1917, with this particular section concerning discussions regarding war aims. This copy was number 7 and is marked 'Geheim', though the name of the recipient has been removed.

      Sans titre
      Chinese Government Purchasing Commission
      GB 0102 CGPC · 1926-1951

      Records, 1926-1951, of the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission (CGPC), including information on the state of Chinese communications; the workings of the Chinese Ministries of Communications, Railways and Industries; Chinese banking; construction and engineering technology and the work of British manufacturers; and some information on Chinese educational and cultural institutions in receipt of subsidies from the Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

      Records, 1926-1951, relating to the foundation and constitution of the CGPC comprise printed report of the Anglo-Chinese Advisory Committee (China Indemnity Advisory Committee), 1926; correspondence, largely letters from the Board of Trustees to the CPGC, 1931-1950, concerning the constitution of the Commission, procedural issues, personnel and financial matters; file on procedure on appointment of a new member of the Commission, 1947-1948; correspondence concerning events preceding the winding-up of the Commission, 1951.

      Financial records, 1931-1951, comprise papers on the Board Account, 1937-1950; papers on the Chin Fund (apparently a grant paid to Constance Chin, a patient of the Bethlem Royal Hospital), 1945-1951; summaries of expenses relating to purchase orders made by Chinese ministries, 1931-1951; Indemnity Fund cash books, 1937-1950; invoices and receipts relating to CGPC business, 1937-1951; financial statements and correspondence relating to banking matters with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 1931-1951, the subjects including investments and tax.

      Operational records, c1928-1951, relating to the administration of purchase orders, comprise register of tenders/purchase orders, 1942-1946; contract registers (not comprehensive), 1931-1949, recording the management of contracts for the supply and delivery in China of plant, machinery and other materials manufactured in the UK for the Chinese government, and over 1,000 related contract files for engineering companies and manufacturers for industrial, construction, railway and other projects; tender forms, 1934, issued to contractors by the CGPC; specifications and standards, c1928-1937 and undated, largely for the construction of railways and carriages; correspondence concerning administration of purchase orders, 1932-1951, relating especially to delivery of locomotive spare parts and related materials; registers of export licences issue to British manufacturers under wartime regulations, 1941-1946; applications for export licences, 1939-1945; registers of shipments, insurance, freight and inspection fees, 1931-1951; shipping letters, 1937-1950, issued for CGPC shipments; general correspondence concerning the administration of the CGPC, 1931-1951, including correspondence with solicitors and correspondence concerning the CGPC premises in Tothill Street, London.

      Annual reports and accounts, 1931-1950, comprise typescript accounts and reports, 1931-1950, of the CGPC and published annual reports, 1931-1950, including summaries of receipts and payments; and annual reports of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1938.

      Miscellaneous records, c1932-1950, comprise one file including papers on subjects including railways, training Chinese students, Japanese imperialism, and CGPC records, a photograph of ships in harbour, and maps of China and the Far East.

      Records, 1939-1943, of the China Purchasing Agency Ltd comprise standing regulations of the Board of Directors, undated; correspondence, 1939-1943, concerning various purchase orders; miscellaneous items, c1939-1940, including list of tenders passed for acceptance, 1939, and an undated schedule of materials shipped.

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 CIM/CSP · Created 1880-1999

      Records, 1880-1999, of the China Inland Mission schools originating in Chefoo, China, including school registers, 1880-1950, lists of teachers, school papers, and copies of the school magazine The Chefusian, 1928-1934. There is a run of the Chefoo Schools Association magazine Chefoo, 1916-1999, and minute books of the Association, 1908-1940, 1945-1960. Also includes notes on the history of the school and the China Inland Mission compiled by Fred H Judd in the 1950s, and a copy of the publication Chefoo School, 1881-1951, by Gordon Martin. Photographs illustrate early scenes of the school and missionaries. Material on the internment of the school during World War II includes sketches, pictures and poems.

      Sans titre
      GB 0505 BC AR500-885 · 1873-1985

      Papers relating to fundraising for the buildings of Bedford College, 1897-1981, notably minutes, 1897-1905, and correspondence, 1905-1917, of the Endowment and Buildings Fund Committee; minutes and papers of various Appeals Committees, 1906-1916; correspondence, 1910-1933, concerning financing of building schemes at the Regent's Park site; papers of the Extension Fund Committee, 1919-1932, including committee minutes, minutes and correspondence of the Publicity Sub-Committee, appeal letters, programmes and leaflets for fundraising plays. Material relating to building and development at the Regent's Park site, 1910-1947, including architects' correspondence, mainly from Basil Champneys, concerning plans for the new Bedford College buildings at Regent's Park and the progress of the building work, 1910-1917; Champney's plans, 1913, for the Administrative Block, Senior Common Room, and Science Blocks A and B; plans by Haddocks of the Bursar's Office, 1922; plan and elevations of South Villa, 1926, by Simpson and Maxwell Ayrton; engineer's plans for the Botany Greenhouse and the heating system in the Physiology Laboratory, 1925; plans and watercolour impressions of the Tate Library, 1910, by J R Smith; coloured plans for the layout of rooms in the Physiology Laboratories, [1913]; Maxwell Ayrton's plans, 1925-[1930], for the Tuke Building; correspondence and plans relating to the drainage system at Bedford College, 1920-1947. Papers concerning post-war rebuilding of the Regent's Park site, 1942-1980, notably plans, 1942-1957, by Maxwell Ayrton of Oliver Block, the Herringham Building, the North Science Block (Darwin Building), and extensions to the Tuke Building; correspondence, papers and plans relating to the Tuke-Darwin Infill, 1966-1972; correspondence and plans relating to the Development Programme, 1964-1980, including a report on future library accommodation in the Acland Building, 1971, and proposed plans for an Oliver Infill, a Bedford College Union Society Building and a North Spur, 1979-1980; correspondence concerning the purchase of land for sports facilities, 1922-1925 and 1969-1971. Bursar's papers, 1924-1985, relating to the maintenance of Bedford College buildings, including minutes of the Premises Sub-Committee (Bursar's Meetings), 1965-1976, and minutes and papers of Special Bursar's meetings, 1982-1984; minutes, papers and accounts, 1966-1981 of the Refectory; Bursar's correspondence, 1924-1959; Bursar's working papers, 1978-1981; Bursar's copy of a management study on the efficiency of the Bedford College Administration, 1971, and the Peat-Matwick Report on the financial implications of the merger with Royal Holloway, 1983; minutes and papers of the Safety Committee, 1974-1985, and the General Services Sub-Committee, 1979. General material relating to the Bedford College Halls of Residence, 1873-1982, including legal correspondence concerning the lease and purchase of residential properties, 1922-1953; minutes and papers of the Lodgings Sub-Committee, 1892-1921, formed to vet accommodation offered to students; bound volume of letters offering lodgings to students, 1934-1937; correspondence concerning general policy matters, 1956-1974, and financial management, 1974-1982, of residential Halls; minutes and papers of the Halls of Residence Sub-Committee, 1976-1978; Boarding House accounts, 1873-1901. Correspondence and papers relating to the purchase, lease and maintenance of specific properties used as Halls of Residence, 1895-1985, namely 7, 8, 9, 10 and 28 York Place; South Villa; 17, 20, 35, 36 and 37 Dorset Square (Notcutt House); Bedford College House (Adamson Road and Buckland Crescent), later Lindsell Hall; Hanover Lodge, including plans and Warden's papers; Tennyson Hall; York Gate and Nottingham Terrace; The Holme; Broadhurst Gardens; Nottingham Place (Rachel Notcutt Hall); and St John's Lodge.

      Sans titre
      Governors of Bedford College
      GB 0505 BC GB122-129 · 1849-1985

      Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Bedford College, later known as the Governors Meetings, 1849-1985, including minutes of the provisional General Committee of 1849 which contain copies of the report of the Sub-Committee on the Government of Bedford College and a copy of the original prospectus; typescript Minutes and Agendas of the Special General Meetings to deal with wartime and post-war crises, 1941-1951; Register of Governors, 1909; Minutes of the Fellows Sub-Committee of the Council, 1977-1984.

      Sans titre
      GB 1518 CI/AHL · [1878-1954]

      Papers of Lord Lee of Fareham, [1878-1954], notably papers relating to Lee's book Letters that Remain, including proofs for letters intended for the book, including from Lloyd-George, 1917, 1920; photographs of individuals for the book;

      invitations to events and programmes, [1920s-1930s]; papers relating to speeches, [1915-1930s], comprising notes and texts, including speeches as Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, [1919-1921]; for exhibition opening at Christie's, 1932; press cuttings and Parliamentary reports relating to speeches, printed copies of speeches, [1909-1936], including 'The Need for National Service', 1915, 'The War and After', 1918, 'Lessons of the War', 1936;

      original and copy letters, [1894-1946] includingfrom Neville and Mrs Chamberlain, Stanley Baldwin, Ramsay MacDonald, [1920s-1930s]; Winston and Clementine Churchill, 1945; Micheal Balcon, Kenneth Clark, Osbert Sitwell, [1939-1946], Nancy Astor, A J Balfour, Joseph Duveen, relating to the National Gallery and Courtauld Institute, David and Frances Lloyd-George, Field-Marshall Lord Haig, Rudyard Kipling, Ramsay MacDonald; Graham Sutherland, relating to a painting, 1940;
      papers relating to Lee's military career, including reference from Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Kitson, 1897; letter concerning Lee, 1898; letter of introduction to Commanding Officers, 1899; letters of authority as Colonel, 1914; army pass, 1914; requisition for petrol and tyres, 1914; permit, 1915; agenda for artillery conference, 1916;
      letters relating to Lee's appointment as Chairman of the Radium Commission, 1929, and copy Charter of Incorporation for the Commission; Declaration of Trust between Lord and Lady Lee and the Massey Foundation, 1940;
      personal papers, [1878-1945], including passport, 1889; birth certificate, [1868], anecdotes, jokes, press cuttings, printed books and articles, journal, 1889; correspondence and leases of White Lodge, Richmond Park, 1928-1932; letter from Lloyd-George informing Lee of his viscountcy, 1922; letters of condolence to various people and obituaries, [1940s]; correspondence regarding Lee's will, 1945; obituary of Lord Lee, [1947];
      papers relating to Chequers, 1917-1953, including abstract of Chequers Estate Act, 1917; articles, guide, 1921, press cuttings, 1920s; correspondence relating to Chequers, including the library, Chequers Trust, silver dessert service presented by Lee, 1938; cartoons by Sir Mark Sykes [of Chequers], [1917];
      correspondence concerning pictures and silver, including sale, purchase, restoration work, and some photographs, [1922-1940], including with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1927-1928, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, private dealers;
      correspondence with Theodore Roosevelt, 1897-1918, and Edith Roosevelt, 1912-1945, including an album of selected letters, 1898-1906, including one labelled by Lee 'possibly Roosevelt's first letter as President', 1901; correspondence with Ethel Derby, [daughter of Roosevelt], [1917-1951];
      photographs, [1890-1946], including of the Roosevelt family, the Lees, film stars taken during the Lees' visit to Hollywood, [1930s];

      correspondence regarding the establishment of the Conway Hall, London, 1930-1931; correspondence with Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase; papers of Professor W G Constable; papers relating to the Lee Bequest; Harding Collection; Home House Trust; Wilkinson Bequest; MacColl, Panofsky, Ostrer and Samuel Courtauld correspondence; Pilgrim Trust grant for Corpus of English Medieval Paintings; Scientific Department; Summer course; Lee gift to Hart House; draft scheme for the establishment of art history teaching in UK; insurance papers; press cuttings, 1930-1934; speeches relating to the opening of the Courtauld gallery.

      Sans titre
      GB 1538 S46 · 1917-1918, 1969

      Two letters from William Gilliatt to Dr G de Rudolf, 1917-1918, concerning Rudolf's military service during World War One and correspondence between Rudolf and the Honorary Secretary of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1969, concerning the donation of these letters to the College.

      Sans titre
      GB 1538 S56 · 16558

      The item consists of a typed memoir describing Major McLaren's arrival at Sandbostel concentration camp with other medical staff, his impressions of the medical work carried out and of the further work needed, and physical descriptions of the camp and the condition of the inmates. It is dated May 1945.

      Sans titre
      Ross, Sir James Paterson (1895-1980)
      GB 0114 MS0164 · Mid 20th century

      Papers of Sir James Paterson Ross, mid 20th century, comprising a St Barthlomew's Hospital notebook [?], containg addresses; information relating to the rebuilding of the Royal College of Surgeons of England after World War Two bomb damage; a card allowing Ross to remove packages without inspection, 1941; a letter thanking Ross for his lectures on the Nervous System, 15 Jul 1942; printed notes on 'Enemy Gas Attacks'; and a reprint of The Physician's Testimony for Christ by Andrew Clark, an address originally delivered in 1890.

      Sans titre
      GB 0117 AE · 1898-1970

      Correspondence, diaries and other papers of Sir Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, including some personal papers but largely relating to The Royal Society and particularly to wartime activities and post-war research needs in Britain. The diaries form an almost complete record of Egerton's career during the period 1943-1959. Earlier diaries date back to 1917 and the period 1929-1930, but for the most part they relate to the period 1938-1941.

      Sans titre
      Hayford, Joseph Ephraim Casely
      GB 0102 MS 380610 · (1918-1930) c1930, 1935

      Papers relating to Joseph Ephraim Caseley Hayford, comprising photocopy of typescript, c1930, 'The Foundations of Self-Government: Historic Speeches by ... Joseph Ephraim Casely Hayford (Leader of the West African Congress)', by an [anonymous] admirer, containing speeches delivered by Casely Hayford to the Gold Coast Legislative Council between 1918 and 1930, on subjects including the achievements of the Gold Coast Regiment, colonial administration, the peace treaty of 1919, and African civil service payments, with tributes of the Legislative Council to him following his death appended; and photocopy of a typescript account of his life, 1935.

      Sans titre
      Temple, Margaret
      GB 0102 MS 380619 · 1940-1942

      Papers, 1940-1942 and undated, of Margaret Temple relating to the Ethiopian royal family, comprising three signed typescript letters to her, 1940-1942, from Fairfield, Bath, and from the Imperial Palace, Addis Ababa, including one from Haile Selassie, the subjects including care of the children, the situation in Italy, and air raids on Bath; four undated photographs of the royal family and an undated photograph of a building, possibly Fairfield.

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 MS 380620 · 1900-1902

      Miscellaneous mounted press cuttings, 1900-1902, on various topics including the sieges of Mafeking and Ladysmith during the Boer War; the death and funeral of Cecil Rhodes; the siege of Peking during the Boxer Uprising; and the progress of scientific thought in the 19th century. The sources include the Daily Telegraph, Westminster Gazette, Punch, and the St Andrew's Citizen.

      Sans titre
      Maze, Sir Frederick
      GB 0102 PP MS 2 · Created 1882-1943

      Papers, 1882-1943, of Sir Frederick Maze, including personal and semi-official letters, letter-books, reports and circulars, relating to his work with the Chinese Maritime Customs.

      Sans titre
      Cromwell, Tom Pearson
      GB 0102 PP MS 33 · Created 1923-1966

      Papers, 1923-1966, of Tom Pearson Cromwell, comprising letters written mainly by Tom Pearson Cromwell to his parents (1926-1964). There are also some photographs taken in Malaya of Tom, his wife Betty, Malaya people, flora, fauna etc.

      Sans titre
      Pratt, Sir John Thomas
      GB 0102 PP MS 5 · Created 1892-1960

      Papers, 1892-1960, of Sir John Thomas Pratt, largely dating from after 1941, including correspondence concerning his various publications, files on his campaign against British involvement in the Korean War, articles, lecture notes and press cuttings. Also includes correspondence with his brother William (Billy) Pratt (1949-1957), whose stage name was Boris Karloff.

      Sans titre
      MEYER-GRIFFITH, H Walter G (d 1915)
      GB 0402 HMG · 1914-1915

      Papers of Maj H W C Meyer-Griffith, 1914-1915, including 22 sketches of campaign in the Cameroons, May 1915; Diary of an army officer [probably Meyer-Griffith] accompanying the column in the Cameroons, Nov 1914- May 1915 and press cuttings from the Scottish Chronicle describing Meyer-Griffith's death, 1915.

      Sans titre
      MACFADYEN, Dr William Archibald
      GB 0402 WMA · 1920-1948

      Geological and route notebooks of William Archibald MacFadyen, 1920-1948, including pre war notebooks in Egypt, Farsan Island, Romania, British Somaliland; Iraq and Syria, notebooks made during World War Two in North Africa, Sicily, Corsica and Italy and notebooks made in post war British Somaliland for the General Survey.

      Sans titre