Water supply

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Water supply

        Gelijksoortige termen

        Water supply

        • UF Water distribution
        • UF Water requirements
        • UF Approvisionnement en eau
        • UF Besoins en eau
        • UF Distribution d'eau
        • UF Aprovisionamiento de agua
        • UF Distribución de agua
        • UF Necesidad de agua
        • UF Suministro de agua

        105 Archivistische beschrijving results for Water supply

        105 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/B · Collectie · 1806-1905

        Financial records of the East London Waterworks Company, including general ledgers; journals and cash books; Collectors' accounts volumes; analyses of expenditure volumes; minor financial volumes and rating files.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/C · Collectie · 1865-1905

        Staff records of the East London Waterworks Company, including Officers' guarantees; papers relating to salaries annual holidays and sickness; and staff lists.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/05 · Collectie · 1879-1905

        Purchase records of the Kent Waterworks Company including stock books, store book meters, and weigh bridge books (containing descriptions of goods and their weights).

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/07 · Collectie · 1839-1905

        General papers of the Kent Waterworks Company including press cuttings; papers relating to the Royal Commission on Water Supply; legal case papers and indexes.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LB/04 · Collectie · 1780-1822

        Records of the London Bridge Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including water rental books; particluars of improvements to iron pipes; log book for steam engines and account of the working of the fire engine.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/MW/01 · Collectie · 1903-1974

        Records of the Metropolitan Water Board, including minutes and related papers for the Board; the Appeal and Assessment Committee; the Works and Stores Committee; the Stores Account Sub-committee; the Special Co-ordinating Committee and the Special Arbitration Committee.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/MW/CC · Collectie · 1851-1909

        Records of the Metropolitan Water Board relating to the Croydon Corporation Waterworks, comprising plans from the Engineering Department including Croydon Corporation Waterworks; Waddon Pumping Station; Stroud Green Waterworks; Surrey Street Pumping Station and water mains, ponds, wells and rivers.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/03 · Collectie · 1770-1913

        Correspondence files of the New River Company, including Secretary's letter books; letter books of staff members including engineers, supervisors and surveyors; general letter books and estate letter books.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/06 · Collectie · 1849-1904

        Records of the New River Company relating to Parliamentary proceedings, including papers regarding relevant Select Committees and Bills; memoranda of proceedings; reports; and correspondence, statistics and reports relating to the Royal Commission on the Metropolitan Water Supply.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/08 · Collectie · 1737-1904

        Contracts of the New River Company including specifications; quotations; contracts; tenders; accepted contracts; accepted stores contracts and contracts for building offices.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/10 · Collectie · 1803-1903

        Staff records of the New River Company, including wages books; returns of employees and papers relating to staff appointments.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/SV/01 · Collectie · 1797-1906

        Corporate records of the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, including Board meeting minute books; Committee meeting minute books; Secretary's reports; correspondence and letter books; solicitor's accounts; legal papers; records relating to stocks and shares; registers of probates; mortgage records and contracts records.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/SV/03 · Collectie · 1877-1904

        Staff records of the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, including wages books; expenses books; time books and applications, testimonials and correspondence.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/SV/07 · Collectie · 1852-1904

        General records of the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, including newscuttings books; papers relating to a legal case; papers relating to stocks and papers relating to works.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/WM/A · Collectie · 1770-1976

        Corporate records of the West Middlesex Waterworks Company, including Board of Directors minutes; General Assembly minutes; Committee minutes; letter books and correspondence; legal papers; records relating to stocks and shares; files on Royal Commissions on water supply; and general files of the Secretary.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/WM/C · Collectie · 1861 Nov-1891 Nov

        Staff records of the West Middlesex Waterworks Company, comprising correspondence relating to the appointment of JA Christie.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/3077 · Collectie · 1673-1869

        Records of the Shadwell Waterworks Company, 1673-1869, including records relating to the establishment of Shadwell Waterworks, agreement with West Ham Waterworks, opposition to proposed London Docks, purchase of Waterworks by London Dock Company, papers concerning unclaimed shares and ownership of a share in the Shadwell Waterworks.

        Zonder titel
        MCS · Collectie · 1847-1862

        Letters patent appointing the commissioners; orders of court; minutes of various Committees including the General Purposes Committee, By-laws Committee, Committee on Claims, Disposal of Refuse Committee, Finance Committee, Trial Works Committee, Sewage Manure Committee and Ordnance Survey Committee; original contracts for the construction of new sewers, including plans, sections and elevations; registers of in-letters; letter books for out-letters; drainage applications; registers of applications to construct sewers and drains; registers of proposed drainage of buildings; registers of house drainage; register of complaints; applications for private works on sewers and drains; registers of streets showing existence or absence of sewers and drains; surveyor's report books; staff records; financial accounts; rate books; printed items bound into volumes, including reports (several written by Joseph Bazalgette), papers, resolutions, prospectuses, surveys and inspections on various subjects including sewers and drains, cesspools, sewage, manure, waterways, flushing operations, public health, industrial sites, public conveniences, subterranean surveys, tides and water supply; minutes of the Commissioners and plans and maps of sewers, drains and waterways.

        Zonder titel
        RMSB · Collectie · 1863-1965

        Minutes of the Board, 1887-1965; minutes of Finance Committee, 1916-1965; minutes of Works Committee, 1950-1965; letter books, 1909-1964; wages account books, 1893-1965; register of tenders and contracts, 1951-1954; visitors books for the Kew Sewage Works, 1891-1961; press cuttings albums, 1886-1963; booklet "The Richmond Main Sewerage Board - The Main Drainage of the District" by W. Fairley, 1926; three maps showing layout of main sewers, 1888; photographs including Colonel J.L.G. Powell, Clerk to the Board, 1887-1909; Mr Stampa W. Lambert, Chairman of the Board, 1909-1921; Lieutenant Colonel W Merrick, Member of the Board, 1909-1912 and Clerk to the Board, 1925; laying of memorial stone at the Works, 6 October 1890; group photograph taken at an Inspection of the Works, 30 July 1924 and photographs of new oil engine, 1930.

        Zonder titel
        THCS · Collectie · 1703-1847

        Letters patent appointing Commissioners, 1811-1837; writ to swear in Commissioners and orders to summon juries, 1795-1827; solicitor's notes offering advice for legal cases and presentments, 1780-1845; minutes of the Commissioners, 1702-1811; registers of the Commissioners, 1702-1830; minutes of the proceedings of the Committee, 1831-1847; Chairman's business papers, 1821-1838; Committee reference books, 1832-1846; extracts from the Registers, 1702-1821; order of Court for the presentment of landowners and tenants within area of Commission, 1837; order to owners and occupiers to appear in Court regarding non-payment of rates, 1831-1832; presentments of jurors, 1746-1844; reports and petitions, 1703-1749; reports of Committees, 1750-1846; petitions, officer's reports and letters, 1750-1847; petitions to open drains into sewers, 1802-1824; petition books, 1838-1847; financial accounts, 1707-1847, including accounts of works expenditure; rate books, 1703-1846; tenders, specifications, agreements and contracts by and with tradesmen for work on the sewers, 1751-1846; report of the Committee in response to statements made in the Report of the Poor Law Commissioners on the 'sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain', 1843; plans of drains and public sewers, and maps of the jurisdiction of the Commission with levels and sewers marked.

        Zonder titel
        HFCS · Collectie · 1683-1847

        Letters Patent appointing Commissioners, 1811-1837; qualification books, containing signatures of Commissioners acknowledging their allegiance to the sovereign, 1812-1847; standing orders of the Court, 1812-1826; minutes, copies of warrants, and presentments, 1683-1688; minutes of the Commissioners, 1716-1847; General Committee minutes, 1813-1847; Committee of Accounts minutes, 1813-1847; Committee of Works minutes, 1818-1847; entries of bonds and contracts, 1814-1841; specifications for contracts for new sewers, 1839-1847; description and particulars of sewers built by contract, providing name of contractor, place, length of sewer, 1821-1837; out-letter books, 1812-1847; in-letter books, 1840-1847; petitions for new sewers, 1812-1848; petitions for drains from houses to sewers, 1812-1848; clerk's monthly reports upon sewers ordered to be built upon contributions being paid, 1842-1847; complaints and applications from householders and others, 1813-1848; Surveyor's order books, 1812-1846; Surveyor's report books, 1811-1847; financial records, 1812-1849; rate books, 1779-1848; a collection of the public statutes relating to sewers and the local acts for Holborn and Finsbury Division, 1830; registers of sewers, 1849; maps and plans, 1745-1846.

        Zonder titel
        Edinburgh Water Company
        GB 0096 MS 470 · 1844-1845

        Printed volume relating to the Edinburgh Water Company, and containing the following manuscript items:

        1. Copies of letters between James A.Balfour, clerk to the Edinburgh Water Company, and Richard Mackenzie, Writer to the Signet, of Abercromby Place. 4-6 Dec, 1844. (2 leaves. 12" x 7").
        2. Copy of a report to the Parliamentary Commissioners under the Edinburgh Water Company Acts of Parliament regarding the Company's accounts from 11 Nov 1843 to 11 Nov 1844, prepared by Robert Christie, accountant, of 26, St.Andrew Square, Edinburgh, at the request of the Commissioners. The report was made on 28 Dec 1844, and presented to them on 8 Jan 1845. (4 leaves. 12" x 7").
        3. Copy of the report of the Law Committee on the above report, signed by John Brown, Chairman of the Committee, 5 Feb 1845. (6 leaves. 12" x 7").
        4. Copy of a report of an adjourned meeting of the Parliamentary Commissioners held on 8th February 1845. (2 leaves. 12" x 7").
        5. Summons of reduction by the Edinburgh Water Company against the Lord Provost of Edinburgh and others: printed form of citation completed in manuscript and signed by Robert Gordon, messenger-at-arms, on 3 May 1845. (Single sheet. 4½" x 7").
        Zonder titel
        GB 0096 MS 732 · 1809, 1811

        Three printed share certificates of the Kent Water Works (incorporated 1809), signed by Samuel Taylor, clerk and secretary, and sealed with the embossed paper common seal of the company. Certificate 175 (7 Oct 1809) was owned by Folliot Scott Stokes of Shorter's Court, London; certificate 468 (17 Oct 1809) by Joseph Petty Toulmin of Lombard Street, London; and certificate 756 (17 Oct 1809) by Harry Ambrose [Hardy] of the Phoenix Fire Office, London. 175 is endorsed with a certificate, 22 Nov 1811, saying that all the instalments on the share had been paid.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/1024 · Collectie · 1841-1843

        Declaration of trusts of £2,400 capital stock (being 24 shares) in the West Middlesex Water Works, assigned for securing £1,400, for Charles Lestock Boileau of Castleneau, esq. and William Tierney Clark of Hammersmith, engineer, 1841; with absolute assignment of the same for £1,120, 1843.

        Zonder titel
        SKCS · Collectie · 1569-1854

        Letters patent appointing Commissioners, 1727-1840; writs to swear in Commissioners and to summon juries, 1727-1830; qualification book containing forms of declaration of £100 property owners, 1834-1844; court minutes and presentments, 1569-1642; court minutes, 1677-1781; court orders, 1703-1781; court minutes and orders, 1781-1847; General Purposes Committee minutes, 1820-1847; plans and sections of sluices, sewers, washways, culverts, roads, streets and wharves; original presentments of juries, not reproduced in full in the minutes, 1743-1793; out letter books, 1833-1848; financial records, 1789-1854 and rate books, 1723-1848.

        Zonder titel
        WRIGHT, John ([1770]-1844)
        GB 0074 CLC/520 · Collectie · 1719-1831

        Papers of John Wright relating to his campaign to improve the water supply of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company. The records comprise: papers relating to the water supply in the Metropolis, 1719-1831; and letter of appeal concerning John Wright's efforts to improve the water supply, 1829.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/1387 · Collectie · 1899-1903

        Records of the East London Water Works Company, 1899-1903, consisting of contract drawings and a timetable of a visit made by members of Portsmouth Water Works Company to East London Water Works.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 O/139 · Collectie · 1798

        Survey of the water mains of the New River Company in the grounds of the Earl of Northampton in Clerkenwell and Islington, 1798.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558 · Collectie · 1582-1976

        Records of Thames Water predecessor companies (water supply) and local authorities (waste water management including sewer network), comprising the following:

        ACC/2558/CH: Chelsea Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/DV: Darenth Valley Main Sewerage Board

        ACC/2558/EL: East London Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/GJ: Grand Junction Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/KE: Kent Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/LA: Lambeth Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/LC: Lee Conservancy Catchment Board

        ACC/2558/LL: London Local Authorities, Metropolitan Board of Works, London County Council and Greater London Council

        ACC/2558/MW: Metropolitan Water Board

        ACC/2558/NR: New River Company

        ACC/2558/S: Shadwell Waterworks Company

        ACC/2558/SR: Staines Reservoir Joint Committee

        ACC/2558/SV: Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company

        ACC/2558/TW: Thames Water Authority

        ACC/2558/WK: West Kent Main Sewerage Board

        ACC/2558/WM: West Middlesex Waterworks Company

        The records include corporate records and minutes, staff records, clerk's papers, records relating to water supply and distribution, technical reports, purchase records, property records, legal papers, plans, substantial series of photographs, glass plate negatives and lanterns slides (especially clean water: under ACC/2558/MW/PH, ACC/2558/MW/GP and ACC/2558/MW/L and sewer and waste water: under ACC/2558/LL/PH) and financial accounts and ledgers.

        Cataloguing of this collection has been funded by Thames Water. For more information about the cataloguing project which was completed September 2019, please see 'The Thames Water Treasure Trove' in 'Source' magazine, July 2016 (library reference: 24.217 THA). London Metropolitan Archives would like to thank Thames Water for funding the cataloguing of this collection.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/AM · Collectie · 1879-1904

        Records of Associated Metropolitan Water Companies, comprising minutes and accounts of the Metropolitan Water Companies Meetings of Chairmen; minutes of sub committees including the Intercommunication Committee of Engineers of the Metropolitan Water Companies and the Committee for the Management of Works of Intercommunication; and correspondence.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/01 · Collectie · 1723-1904

        Corporate records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors minute books; General Board minute books; Committee of Accounts and Works minute books; Finance and Audit Committee minute books; Parliamentary Committee minutes; Secretary's report books; agenda books; correspondence; letter books; legal papers; register of stock and share holders; stock and share ledgers and other records; dividend books; registers of wills; bond records; contracts and specifications.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/02 · Collectie · 1825-1905

        Financial records of Chelsea Waterworks Company, including annual account books; annual reports; accounts ledgers; journals; cash books; bills books; revenue ledgers; meter accounts; and order books.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/04 · Collectie · 1822-1908

        Water supply and distribution records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including engineer's reports; meter inspection reports; storekeeper's reports; water supply aggreements and applications; supply records; meter registers; district water services records; collector's rate books; special supplies records; parish assessments and rates; statistical records; stopcock registers; pipelaying and works records; cartage books; meterological data and water analysis records.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/06 · Collectie · 1850-1905

        Property records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, comprising land purchase registers and rent books.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/07 · Collectie · 1828-1904

        General records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including correspondence relating to water charges; printed circulars and forms; newspaper cuttings; and reference material.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/CH/08 · Collectie · 1727-1904

        Records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including papers relating to steam engines and other machinery; service records of workmen; sick pay regulations; deeds and other legal documents relating to company property; financial accounts; legal case records; Parliamentary papers; licences and historical notes.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/D · Collectie · 1807-1905

        Papers of the East London Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including Engineers' reports; Engineers' correspondence; volumes of accepted tenders; water supply agreements; Collectors' and Inspectors' letter books; indexes to the locations of meters; rating volumes; accounts; plans and diagrams.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/F · Collectie · 1820-1905

        Property records of the East London Waterworks Company, including rental ledgers; particulars of land purchases; notices and plans of intended purchase and schedule of deeds.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/04 · Collectie · 1835-1907

        Records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including water supply agreements; laying on books; meter agreements; meter readings; fire report books; water rentals books; pipes records; examination of mains books; papers relating to alterations to pipes and fittings; meter charges; supply and engineering records.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/GJ/08 · Collectie · 1788-1904

        Records of the Grand Junction Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors' papers; legal papers; parliamentary papers; investments records; plans; engine and coal accounts; contracts; staff records and property records.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/KE/03 · Collectie · 1869-1905

        Staff records of the Kent Waterworks Company, including wages accounts sheets; papers relating to salaries and pensions book.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LA/02 · Collectie · 1815-1905

        Financial records of the Lambeth Waterworks Company, including ledgers; journals; cash books and day books; Collector's rent and revenue records; water charges records; road watering and meter account books.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/LB/01 · Collectie · 1703-1904

        Corporate records of the London Bridge Waterworks Company, including Committee of Managers minute books; General Meetings of the Proprietors minute books; shareholders register; stock ledgers and transfer books and dividend books.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/MW/T · Collectie · 1861-1980

        Records of the Metropolitan Water Board Treasurers and Comptrollers Department, including detailed balance sheets; Water Fund general ledgers; general journals; cash accounts ledgers; superannuation volumes; capital ledgers; borrowing powers volumes; investments volumes; mortgage sinking fund volumes; stock volumes; audit files; files relating to stocks and shares; mortgage loans files; registers of bankruptcies and liquidations and salary records.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/01 · Collectie · 1769-1904

        Minutes of the New River Company, including minutes, papers and reports of Weekly Meetings, of the General Courts of Governors, of the Surveys of the River Committee, of the Parliamentary Committee, of the Building Committee and of the River Lee Conservancy Board. Also copies of the charters of 1606 and 1737.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 ACC/2558/NR/09 · Collectie · 1709-1907

        Financial records of the New River Company, including abstracts of accounts; balance sheets; ledgers; collectors ledgers; journals; disbursement books; cash books; revenue account books; audit books; bill book; bill cheque books; taxes and rates ledgers and accounts; landed estate accounts and meter rent books.

        Zonder titel