Taller (método pedagógico)

Área de elementos



Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Meetings of individuals with common interests and problems, usually with experts, to exchange information and learn needed skills or techniques.
  • Réunion d'individus, généralement des experts, partageant les mêmes intérêts et les mêmes problèmes, pour favoriser les échanges d'information et acquérir des habiletés et des techniques utiles.
  • Reuniones de individuos, generalmente expertos, con intereses y problemas comunes, para intercambiar información y adquirir habilidades y técnicas útiles.

Nota(s) sobre el origen

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept3244

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    Términos jerárquicos

    Taller (método pedagógico)

    Término General Enseñanza en grupo

    Taller (método pedagógico)

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      Taller (método pedagógico)

        Términos asociados

        Taller (método pedagógico)

          1 Descripción archivística resultados para Taller (método pedagógico)

          1 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
          GWB · Colección · 1875-1960

          Minutes, 1875-1958; Chairman's papers, 1928-1929; Committee papers, 1926-1938; rule book, 1936; annual reports, 1878-1957; correspondence with the Ministry of Health, 1920-1957; correspondence with the Board of Education, 1921-1947; correspondence with Kent County Education Committee, 1920-1937; case papers, 1929-1946; orders for goods placed by the Army Ordnance Department, the Blind Employment Factory, the Port of London Authority and the Office of Works, 1915-1928; correspondence with Banstead, Holborn and Hackney Poor Law Unions, 1926-1928; advertising handout, 1930; legal papers, 1890-1892; sales particulars, including catalogues, inventories and agreements, 1891-1935; papers regarding the centralization of collections for the blind in London, 1923; correspondence with the Charity Commissioners, 1900s; financial accounts, 1925-1960.

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