Administration of justice

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Scope note(s)

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      Equivalent terms

      Administration of justice

      • UF Legal actions
      • UF Legal administration
      • UF Legal practice
      • UF Action judiciaire
      • UF Action juridique
      • UF Pratique du droit
      • UF Pratique juridique
      • UF Acción judicial
      • UF Acción jurídica
      • UF Práctica del derecho
      • UF Práctica jurídica

      Associated terms

      615 Archival description results for Administration of justice

      615 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0074 MF · Collection · 1737-1900

      Records of the County Treasurer for the Middlesex Quarter Sessions, 1737-1900. No proper county accounts have survived for Middlesex before 1739, although the series MF which includes them up to 1900 does have record of transactions back to 1737; MF/L are accounts of the reclamation of subsistence paid to families of men serving in the Middlesex militia from outside the county (1779 - 1861); MF/T are records of annuities (or tontines) sold to raise a loan to build a new house of correction (1790-1888); MF/V are accounts concerned with the removal and subsistence of vagrants (1740-1864); MF/A covers the maintenance of lunatics and asylums (1828-1889); and MF/X are watch repairs accounts (1838).

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0074 ACC/0381 · Collection · 1819-1829

      Records of the Middlesex Sessions of the Peace comprising extracts from minutes of the orders of court relating to County business. The extracts were first made in 1819 for the period 1716-1829. Only two entries were made between 1826 and 1829.

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0074 ACC/1055 · Collection · 1802

      Records deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the Middlesex Quarter Sessions, comprising a parochial list of the poll for the County of Middlesex at the General Election 1802; printed in 1803 with minor handwritten additions, including the signature of Edward Knight, former owner.

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0074 MJP · Collection · 1648-1974

      Records of the Justices of the Peace for Middlesex, 1648-1974. MJP/C contains the original Commissions of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer issued to the Justices of the Peace; MJP/L are lists of the justices in those commissions; MJP/D contains names of justices who had paid subscriptions for dinners held at the Sessions House; MJP/EC concerns the election of a Chairman of the sessions in 1872-1873; MJP/O contains a record of oaths taken by justices upon their appointment to the commission. The series in MJP/Q, MJP/QC and MJP/R are concerned with the qualifications needed by justices in order to be eligible for appointment.

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0074 MSJ · Collection · 1774-1915

      Records of Middlesex Quarter Sessions relating to Petty Sessions and summary jurisdiction, 1774-1915. Generally, records of summary jurisdiction and petty sessions are not regularly found before the mid Nineteenth Century because there was no obligation to return any to the Clerk of the Peace before then, and their survival rate is low. Some were voluntarily returned (mainly convictions and depositions), and there is record of cases within the main sessions records, particularly on the sessions rolls (see MJ/SR). An Act of 1847 required details of juvenile convictions to be returned to the Clerk; an Act of 1848, required details of fines, depositions and case papers; but it was the Criminal Justice Act of 1855 which laid down that all petty sessional records should be returned for filing in the main sessions records at the next Quarter Sessions following. The quantity of records that have survived for the Middlesex petty sessions is small and date mainly from the Nineteenth Century. MSJ/PR are poor law removal orders; MSJ/F are returns of fines imposed at petty sessions; MSJ/R are returns of offenders and bastardy maintenance orders; and MSJ/C and MSJ/CY are records of convictions.

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0074 MXS · Collection · 1907-1982

      Records of Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1907-1982. Records relating to Justices of the Peace including registers of attendance of justices; Registers of Justices' oaths; Middlesex Victoria funds; Quarter Sessions Society; Chairman's notebooks; Society of Chairmen of Quarter Sessions; Justices' Property Committee; Conferences of Justices' draft minutes; official registrations; Justices' clerks' fees and accounts and lists of Justices of the Peace.

      Records of the Court in session, including Sessions rolls; Court minutes; depositions; calendars; registers of cases; registers of appeals; general orders of the Court; probation reports and registers of probation orders; recogizances; Criminal Justice Act papers; County Day papers; records of convictions; register of cases committed for trial; oaths, bibles and swearing aids; case papers and registers under tuberculosis orders and standing orders of court and committees.

      Administrative papers of the Quarter Sessions including prison reports; costs papers; maps and plans; accounts of fees and fines; papers of committees including the Parliamentary Committee, Petty Sessional Boundaries Committee, Rota Committee, County Confirming and Compensation Committee, London Area and Advisory Committee and Middlesex Sessions Area Administrative Committee; and Court year books.

      Papers deposited with the Clerk of the Peace including highway diversions, register of fines and cost and jurors' books. Papers of the Clerk of the Peace including reference files; papers relating to ceremonial occasions and receipt book. Also financial accounts of the County Treasurer.

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0074 LMA/4410 · Collection · 1941-2000

      Records of the Middlesex Victoria Fund, a charity for the aid of discharged prisoners, including minutes; rules of the fund; reports of the Trustees; papers relating to grants to individuals and organisations; correspondence; and financial records.

      Middlesex Victoria Fund , charity for the aid of prisoners
      GB 0074 ACC/0393 · Collection · 1950

      Letter from Harold G Broadbridge, Coroner for the County of Middlesex Western Division, to Mr G Chandler, County Councillor, regarding the holding of his first sitting at the Court at Ealing Town Hall.

      Coroner for the Jurisdiction of the Western District of the County of Middlesex
      GB 0074 M&WA · Collection · 1670? - 1872

      Records of the Haymarket Committee of the Middlesex and Westminster Justices, [1670]-1872. The records in this collection were produced from both the committee which oversaw the administration of the Haymarket, and from the general courts of sessions held in Middlesex. They include minutes, reports, orders, contracts for repairs and financial records.

      Haymarket Committee of the Middlesex and Westminster Justices
      GB 0074 ACC/1865 · Collection · 1828

      Pardon for prisoners at Millbank Prison, 1828.

      General Penitentiary, Millbank
      Milner, John (1687-1724)
      GB 0120 MSS.3550, 3551 · Collection · 1729

      Charles Milner versus Alicia Milner alias Taylor, in re John Milner, deceased. Official copies of two documentary records. The case concerned John Milner, MD of Aylesford who died intestate in 1724, and the action was brought by his brother Charles in respect of John's marriage settlement drawn up in 1723. Volume I: The severall Answer of Dame Maria Taylor alias Milner widow Defendant to the Bill of Complaint of Charles Milner Doctor of Phisick Complainant. Aylesford, 26/2/1729 (12 folios + 1 l). Volume 2: II Ex parte Querentis [Charles Milner]. Depositions of Witnesses taken ... at the house of John Lockin ... by the name or signe of the George at West Malling ... Interrogatories to be administered to the Witnesses. West Malling, 31/3/1729 (5 folios). Produced in Aylesford and West Malling.

      Milner , John , 1687-1724
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 75 · 1939-1967

      Official transcripts from the Nuremberg trials of German war criminals, 1949 and related published books including Documents concerning German-Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3 1939 (HMSO, London 1939); Jahrbuch für Auswärtige Politick, 1939, ed. Friedrich Berber (August Gross Verlag, Berlin, 1939); Jahrbuch für Auswärtige Politick, 1940, ed. Friedrich Berber (August Gross Verlag, Berlin, 1940); Jahrbuch für Auswärtige Politick, 1941, ed. Friedrich Berber (August Gross Verlag, Berlin, 1941);
      Nazi-Soviet relations, 1939-1941: documents from the archives of the German Foreign Office (US Dept of State, 1948); The Captured Archives: the story of the Nazi-Soviet documents, Bernard Newman (Latimer House Ltd, London, 1948); Ciano's diary, 1939-1943, ed Malcolm Muggeridge (Heinemann, London, 1947); International Military Tribunal: trial of the major war criminals, Nuremberg, 1949, Vols 40, 41 and 42;
      L'Allemagne et le genocide: plans et realisations nazis, J Billig (Editions du Centre, Paris, 1950); Les archives secretes de la Wilhelmstrasse. Vol 2: L'Allemagne et la Tchecoslovaquie, 1937-1938 (Librairie Plon, Paris, 1951); The Holstein memoirs: memoirs and diaries of German Foreign Ministry official Friedrich von Holstein, Vol. 1 and 2, eds Norman Rich and M H Fisher (Cambridge University Press, 1956-1957);
      A catalogue of German Foreign Ministry files and microfilms, 1867-1920 (American Historical Association for the study of war documents, 1959) and Probleme des zweiten weltkrieges, ed. Andreas Hillgruber (Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Koln, 1967).

      Duke , Kenneth H M
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 84 · 1809-1810

      Manuscript minutes of proceedings for the Royal Navy courts-martial, 1809-1810, of: Robert Chubb, seaman, HMS ALCESTE; Lt William Buckle, HMS LEONIDAS, John Dennet, Boatswain, HMS VOLAGE, William Logan, seaman, HMS SUCCESS, and Sub Lt John Richardson, HMS CONFOUNDER, with details of charges brought, transcripts of witness examinations, transcripts of related correspondence, verdicts and sentences.

      High Court of Admiralty
      GB 0097 MOREL · Collection · 1883-1957

      Biographical material of Edward Dene Morel, including diaries and photographs; papers and correspondence concerning Morel's parliamentary candidature and activities as an MP, his publications, the Congo Reform Association and its publications, trials and atrocities in the Congo, the Union of Democratic Control, and research into the origins of World War One and armaments after the war; general correspondence; books of outgoing letters concerned mainly with the Congo Reform Association and the publication of the 'African Mail'; material relating to the newspapers with which Morel was involved, including the 'West African Mail', the 'African Mail', and 'West Africa'; books, pamphlets and articles by Morel and others on Africa, the Congo, and World War One; British and Belgian parliamentary reports and discussions concerning the Congo; and family correspondence.

      Morel , Edmund Dene , 1873-1924 , MP author and journalist
      GB 1556 WL 1603 · Collection · 1960s

      Papers of Josef Mueller, 1960s, came about as a result of research into the events that took place in Plaszow concentration camp, in particular the crimes and testimony of Josef Mueller, one of the former commandants. The papers consist of the trial judgement, a transcript of his interrogation and various statements in the case against Mueller. There are also numerous statements from Mueller, acting as a witness in the trials of other defendants. All of the records are copies from the main repository for war crimes trials records at Ludwigsburg. Many of the names refererred to in the records have been deleted for reasons of data protection.

      Mosbach Scwurgericht, Baden-Württemberg
      GB 0064 HIS · Collection · 1690-1939

      This class is made up of contemporary first-hand narrative accounts, contained in sixteen volumes. Narratives of naval actions include a volume of accounts of the Battle of Beachy Head, 1690, for presentation to the King; and an illustrated pocket-book of Lieutenant Lewis Stephen Davis (fl 1777-1799) containing accounts of various actions including the First of June, 1794, Cape St Vincent, 1797, and the Nile, 1798. There are five volumes relating to wrecks and salvage including an account of the loss of the merchant ship LUXEMBURGH , 1727; of the CENTAUR, 1782, by Captain John Nicholson Inglefield (1748-1828) with the verdict of the court martial, 1783. (A version of this was first published in 1782 in London as Captain Inglefield's narrative concerning the loss of His Majesty's ship the Centaur of seventy-four guns.) There is an account of wrecks and disasters on the north Norfolk Coast, 1880 to 1939, by William John Harman (1854-1944), a local fisherman; and also an account of the wreck of and salvage work carried out on the LUTINE which was sunk in 1799, written in 1898 by the salvage engineer Johan J Fletcher (fl.1893-1900). There are two foreign narratives in this section; one, a French manuscript, is 'Campagne Navale de M de Tourville' (1642-1701), which is an account of the movements of the French fleet in the Mediterranean in 1693, with pen and ink drawings and coloured illustrations of flags, probably written by Captain Longeron of the L'ORGUEILLEUX. There are also four annotated printed works, including the author's copy of the 1790 edition of A History of the late siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783 by Colonel John Drinkwater (later Bethune, 1762-1844) with annotations and additional illustrations, and the galley sheets of The Submarine Peril, published in 1934 by Earl Jellicoe (1859-1935), with manuscript corrections and additions.

      National Family Mediation
      GB 0097 NATIONAL FAMILY MEDIATION · Collection · 1981-2000

      Papers, correspondence, reports and photographs concerning National Family Mediation and their work, 1981-2000. Includes material concerning the administration of central and local branches, training courses and workshops, involvement in the shaping of government legislation, casework material and the arrangements and proceedings of conferences. Also includes minutes of NFM committees, publications and photographs of staff and events.

      National Family Mediation
      GB 0074 ACC/0750 · Collection · 1708-1768

      Copy of Court Roll for the Manor of Enfield, 1768; and sessions paper from the Middlesex Sessions of Gaol Delivery, 1708.

      Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace
      GB 0120 MSS.3667-3681 · 1780-1805

      The collection consists of original and copy documents relating to Viscount Nelson. Although it spans his career from 1780 to his death in 1805, the bulk of the collection centres on 1798 - the year of the battle of Aboukir Bay - and the three years 1803-1805, during which Nelson commanded the Mediterranean Fleet. Included are several hundred official reports and surveys concerned with the manning, ordnance, stores, defects and sick lists of the ships under Nelson's overall command, plus reports on courts martial, prize money, prisoners, sailors' pay, etc. Also present are weekly reports by the chief physicians of the Fleet comparing health on various vessels and giving details of treatments proposed; letters to Nelson on issues such as inventions, requests for places, etc.; and a collection of bills. The papers carry the signatures of most of the senior officers under Nelson and are generally addressed to Nelson himself.

      Nelson , Horatio , 1758-1805 , 1st Viscount Nelson , Vice Admiral
      GB 0074 ACC/1085 · Collection · 1509-1925

      Records of the Newdigate [later Newdegate] family relating to their manors of Harefield, Moorhall and Brackenbury, including court rolls, rentals and rent rolls, lists of tenants, surveys, financial accounts, surveys, maps and plans, and legal case papers (cases in Chancery and Common Pleas). Also papers regarding a visit to Harefield by Queen Elizabeth I in 1602; election diary of Sir Roger Newdigate, MP for Middlesex 1741-47; papers relating to the lecturer's house at Uxbridge; papers relating to the Uxbridge Yeomanry, captained by Charles Newdigate; and papers relating to Harefield Church. Also some papers relating to family property in Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Hampton, Ickenham and Hillingdon.

      Newdigate , family , of Harefield x Newdegate , family , of Harefield
      CLA/035 · Collection · 1423-1983

      Records of Newgate Prison, 1423-1983, including lists of prisoners; committee minutes and reports; receipt books for prisoners' goods; lists of keepers; orders for payment; petitions; rules, orders and regulations; papers relating to the treatment of prisoners; visiting justices minute books; papers relating to maintenance and rebuilding and publications regarding the history of the prison.

      Corporation of London
      Newgate Prison - a history
      GB 0096 MS1126 · Fonds · c1910

      "A history of Newgate with an account of some notorious criminals", [1910]: manuscript volume, which includes press-cuttings on prisons policy and pamphlets by the Penal Reform League.

      GB 0074 ACC/2842 · Collection · 1612-1624

      Records of the Manor of Newington Barrow, Islington, comprising court rolls (courts leet and baron).

      Manor of Newington Barrow , Islington x Manor of Highbury , Islington
      GB 0074 PS/NEW · Collection · 1775-1966

      Records of the Newington Petty Sessional Division, 1775-1966, including court minute books; licensing calendars and registers; registers of rates recovery, registers of weights and measures offences and registers of Fire Brigade Act offences.

      Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate. Court minute books or notebooks are rough notes of the proceedings recording the gist of the evidence given.

      Newington Petty Sessional Division
      Newton, Thomas
      GB 0096 MS 886 · 1710-1954

      Personal papers of Thomas Newton, 1710-1807, including correspondence and papers regarding Thomas Newton's business, his relationship with Mary Newton (nee Hurst), the wardship of Sarah Frances and Thomas Richard Fairchild, literary manuscripts, legal and financial documents, 1753-1806. Papers of the executors and trustee of the Thomas Newton bequest, 1807-1954, including a bound volume of papers entitled 'The Newton Estate' 1794-1822; correspondence, memorandum and accounts of the drawing up of the Newton bequest 1805-1811; memoranda and correspondence relating to the admission of new trustees 1820-1878; inventory and sale catalogue of Newton's effects 1807-1821, correspondence from legatees, 1807-1830 and papers relating the administration of the Newton estate 1832-1954.

      Newton , Thomas , 1719-1807 , writer
      GB 0074 ACC/0245 · Collection · 1453-1685

      This collection consists of title deeds relating to property in Hendon and Totteridge owned by the Nicoll family.

      GB 0074 PS/NLO · Collection · 1909-1965

      Records of the North London Magistrates Court, comprising court registers, 1909-1965. Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.

      North London Magistrates Court
      GB 0074 COR/NWK · Collection · 1951-1965

      Records of the North West Kent Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1951-1965.

      Coroner for the Jurisdiction of the North West Kent District of the County of Kent
      GB 0074 E/NOR · Collection · 1279-1951

      The records of the Marquess of Northampton's London Estates in Holloway and Canonbury form a considerable collection of material from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries relating to the development of Islington.

      Estate Records (E/NOR/E): These relate almost entirely to the Northampton Estates in London in Clerkenwell and Canonbury, Islington. There is a fine series of eighteenth century rentals and accounts which extend into the twentieth century. These can be used in conjunction with the leases and maps in E/NOR/L.

      Also included in this section are records of Estate administration in the twentieth century, relating to legislation under the Housing Acts of 1925, 1930 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, together with more local orders by Finsbury Justices. In particular, there is a lot of material relating to the Clearance of the Northampton Road area in the 1930s and the building of new flats in Canonbury via the Compton Housing Association in the same decade. By 1954 at least part of the Canonbury Estate had been sold by the Northampton trustees to property companies Western Ground Rents and the Oriel Property Trust.

      The development of the Canonbury Estate is outlined in the Victoria County History of Middlesex vol VIII pp 54,55.

      Leases (E/NOR/L): There are a number of schedules of leases giving an insight into the running of the Estates in the nineteenth century; these are complemented by the Maps of Estates which vary in date from 1809 to 1947 (E/NOR/L/2), the maps in the Map and Print Section of the LMA, and Estate Records mentioned above.

      The leases have been split into two groups: one covering the geographical area of Clerkenwell (E/NOR/L/3) and one covering Canonbury (E/NOR/L/4). They include documents from all forms of transfer of property and other related records: bargain and sale, demises, assignments, abstracts of title, building agreements, mortgages. Most of these have been kept in original bundles where possible.

      For ease of access the leases have been listed in alphabetical order of streets and within each street by the numbered property. An attempt has been made to give alternative street names. Similarly cross references to properties mentioned in other deeds have been added. However, it has not been possible (or considered necessary) to produce a totally comprehensive appendix of street numbering changes. Individual instances of street numbering can be further clarified by reference to the LCC's published Names of Streets and Places and the accompanying list of Street Naming and Numbering records in the Catalogue Room.

      Many of the nineteenth century leases have plans on them, but a number of separate plans of buildings are included separately at the end of the leases section (E/NOR/L/5).

      Among the leases of Clerkenwell properties belonging to the Marquess of Northampton are the London Spa, Wilmington Square, Exmouth Market, the Sheep Skin Market at Woods Close, and Northampton Square.

      Canonbury leases include Canonbury Tower, Canonbury House, Canonbury Square and Northampton House. Pevsner describes Canonbury as "especially illuminating for the development of domestic building in London."

      Other Records: Apart from the Estate Records there are a number of significant small collections and individual items in this archive.

      The Sheep Skin Market run by the Skinners Company in Woods Close is documented by three volumes of market books 1754-1772 (E/NOR/S/1-3).

      Among items of local historical interest there are photographs of Canonbury (E/NOR/X) and a small amount of printed material on Clerkenwell including a History of Spa Fields Burial Ground (E/NOR/Y/2), and a sketch of Finsbury Health Centre (E/NOR/Y/7).

      Away from Clerkenwell and Canonbury, there are some records concerning the Northampton family's involvement in the Ragged School at Hertford Place, Mile End Old Town (E/NOR/R) and the Northampton Training Ship (E/NOR/Y/8).

      Compton , family , marquesses of Northampton
      GB 0074 ACC/1379 · Collection · 1279-1936

      Records of the manor of Isleworth Syon, including court rolls, court books, court minutes and papers, property transaction licences and general papers.

      Records of the manor of East Bedfont with Hatton Manor, including court rolls, court books, court minutes and papers, call papers and appearance papers.

      Manor of Isleworth Syon , Corporation of London
      GB 0074 ACC/0507 · Collection · 1751-1913

      Records of the Manor of Harrow alias Sudbury, including court books (court leet and court baron); minute book and custumal. Records of the Manor of Harrow Rectory, including court books (court leet and court baron) and minute book. Records of both manors including quit rent books; account books; steward's papers; voters lists and enclosure records. Also sales particulars for premises at Roxeth, Alperton and Northolt.

      Manor of Harrow alias Sudbury Manor of Harrow Rectory alias Harrow-on-the-Hill
      GB 0074 ACC/0076 · Collection · 1315-1885

      Papers of the Northwick family relating to the manors of Harrow alias Sudbury and Harrow Rectory alias Harrow-on-the-Hill, including court rolls, financial accounts, rentals, surveys, papers relating to the livings and churches of Harrow and Pinner, papers relating to Harrow School, family papers including correspondence, and papers relating to property owned by the family in Bloomsbury, Shoreditch, the City of London, and Paddington.

      Ogle family collection
      GB 0064 OGL · Collection · [1716-1830]

      Papers of Sir Chaloner Ogle ([1681]-1750), consisting of commissions 1716 to 1744; a line of battle 1717; some orders received from Vernon 1740; secret instructions 1740; a summons; and letters received.

      Papers of Sir Chaloner Ogle (1727-1816), consisting of a commission as commodore 1780; a letter from the Earl of Sandwich 1780; and a draft letter.

      Papers of Sir Charles Ogle, including a brief record of service; minutes of his court martial for the loss of the brig UNION, while captain of the PETTEREL, 1796; papers relating to a mission to Algiers in 1806; and a series of letters 1826 to 1830 from the Duke of Clarence with drafts of two of Ogle's replies.

      Ogle , Sir , Chaloner , [1681]-1750 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet Ogle , Sir , Chaloner , 1727-1816 , Admiral Ogle , Sir , Charles , 1775-1858 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet
      GB 0064 OGL/9-15 · Subfonds · [1796-1830]
      Part of Ogle family collection

      Papers of Sir Charles Ogle, including a brief record of service; minutes of his court martial for the loss of the brig UNION, while captain of the PETTEREL 1796; papers relating to a mission to Algiers in 1806; and a series of letters 1826 to 1830 from the Duke of Clarence with drafts of two of Ogle's replies.

      Ogle , Sir , Charles , 1775-1858 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet
      GB 0074 PS/OLD · Collection · 1905-1980

      Records of Old Street Magistrates Court, 1905-1980, including court registers; Married Women Act orders; Guardianship of Infants Act orders; bastardy complaints and bastardy arrears complaints.

      Court registers record the date of the hearing, the name of the informant or complainant (often the police), the name of the defendant, a brief note of the offence and the decision of the magistrate.

      A married woman under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Married Women) Act 1895 and subsequent Acts could go to a magistrates' court and apply for orders which in certain circumstances would enable her to separate from her husband, have custody of any children and receive maintenance from him. Under the Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 a mother expecting a bastard child or who had given birth to one could obtain a maintenance order against the putative father.

      Old Street Magistrates Court
      Orme, James: letter
      GB 0096 AL391 · Fonds · 1804

      Letter from James Orme of London to Fenton, Esq of Newcastle[-under-Lyme], Staffordshire, 21 Aug 1804. Writing on behalf of Robert Shirley, 7th Earl Ferrers, discussing a proposed road to a colliery, to be built by the town corporation across land belonging to the Earl. Suggesting alternative methods of construction and stating that the corporation had not replied to the Earl's suggestion that the corporation should award him an equal quantity of land and destroy some buildings for him, in return for using his land. Asks for the reply to be send to Earl Ferrers, Park Lane, London.

      Written in another hand and signed by Orme.

      Orme , James , fl 1804 , representative of the 7th Earl Ferrers
      GB 1556 WL 1050 · Collection · 1968-1970

      Papers of Osnabrück war crimes trial and appeal, 1968-1970, comprise a trial judgement against 5 former members of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, in which the state court of Osnabrück found 3 of the defendants guilty of mass murder and 2 of being accomplices to mass murder in Italy in 1943, 1968, and a trial judgement of the appeal of the 5 defendants, in which the Bundesgerichtshof upheld the appeal on the grounds that the period of 20 years under the statute of limitations had lapsed, 1970.

      GB 0074 ACC/0130 · Collection · 1654-1920

      Court rolls for the Manor of Paites, East Bedfont. The courts comprise general courts baron and special courts baron; and some out of court admissions.

      Manor of Paites, East Bedfont
      Pannwitz Collection
      GB 0369 PAN · 1959, 1985

      Typescript of Heinz Pannwitz' account of the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich, 27 May, 1942, translated and annotated by Stanislav Berton entitled "The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich"; offprint of German publication of this account, annotated by Berton entitled "Das attentat auf Reinhard Heydrich vom 27. Mai 1942. Ein Bericht des Kriminalrats Heinz Pannwitz" [The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich on 27 May 1942. an account by Criminal investigator Heinz Pannwitz] in "Vierte;jahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte", vol 4, 1985, pp 668-706.

      Pannwitz , Heinz , 1911-?1981 , Gestapo officer
      GB 0074 M/92 · Collection · 1580-1936

      Records of Paris Garden Manor, Southwark, including title deeds such as morgages, leases, and releases; probates, wills and letters of administration; courts leet and courts baron books; court minute books; licence books; lists of copyholders; papers relating to tenants; and map of the manor.

      Manor of Paris Garden , Southwark
      GB 0074 ACC/0598 · Collection · 1676-1953

      Records of the Manor of Sunbury and other property of John Cornelius Park in Sunbury, Teddington and Walton, and records of the Pride family in Hendon, Golders Green and Streatham. The records include court rolls, court books, surveys, book of customs, plans, papers relating to stewards, deeds and other property ownership documents, legal papers and financial records.

      Parker family
      GB 0096 MS 744 · 1765-1891

      Collection of papers relating to the Parker family of London, 1765-1891, especially of Wilmot Parker the elder (born 1762) and of his son of the same name (born 1804), both solicitors, comprising:

      1. Printed diary The ladies new and polite pocket memorandum-book, for...1765, completed in manuscript and containing details of expenditure on clothes and social engagements. The diary was kept by an unnamed girl under the age of 21, who appears to have lived near Rugby, Warwickshire. The entries are fairly regular until August, occasional for the rest of the year. A typical entry reads: Monday 11 March 'I sent a letter to dear Mrs.Grimes. I made me [a?] black ribbon ruff & set a row of white beads upon it. 1 pair of fine cotton stockings' 4s. 6d. The names of those who called, or who are visited, are given. The period from 25 Jan to 10 Jun appears to have been spent on a visit to Hircott, near Kidderminster, Worcestershire. She also mentions reading Gil Blas de Santillane by Alain-Rene LeSage (1715-1735) and the Tatler, and playing the harpsichord. Some pages of printed matter, and the diary for 1-6 Jan, are wanting. The accounts for 1-6 Jan. survive.
      2. Notebook containing notes on legal subjects made by Wilmot Parker senior, 1786-1808, mostly paraphrases and extracts from legal authorities and cases. On the flyleaf are the signatures of W. Parker, 1786, and 'Mrs.Redman - Reading'. On the spine is written 'H[?]P Miscell[any]'. Inserted at the end of the volume is a draft of the 'Petition of Charles Rogier to the...Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, delivered 12 January 1808'.
      3. Annotated copy of An Analysis of the Practice of the Court of Chancery (London, 1794), by Wilmot Parker senior, with the additions and corrections probably made by the author and by his son. Additions were made up to 1821 at least. Pages 129-32 of the printed text are wanting.
      Parker , family
      GB 0074 ACC/0253 · Collection · 1769-1924

      Records of the Partridge family, comprising title deeds for premises in Hendon and Edgware, including exemplification of common recovery; copies of court rolls; leases and releases; land tax certificates; and mortgages.

      GB 0120 MSS.5274-5275 · 1840

      Proceedings in the case of Richard Paternoster versus William and Charles Finch, proprietors of a lunatic asylum at Kensington, John Paternoster, surgeon, and others, in the Court of Common Pleas, 1840.

      Court of Common Pleas
      GB 0099 KCLMA Paton Walsh · 1885-1947

      Papers comprising printed or typescript reports and supporting publications, on the 1 Army, North Africa, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), and on the administration of civilians in occupied territory including the Control Commission Germany (CCG), 1885-1947; notably comprising printed and typescript instructions, orders and reports issued by the Provost Marshal's Office, 1 Army, North Africa, including on traffic control, stores, planning, lessons learnt from the operations, intelligence summaries, 1 Army newsletters, 'Crusade', with an air raid precautions poster from Algeria, 1939-1943; reports and typescript summaries relating to the Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), on 'captivity neurosis', the economics and finance of wartime Europe, fire and civil defence, road transport, military writing, the welfare of occupied populations, Nazi doctrines, files of information on national temperaments and characteristics of various occupied countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy, 1943-1944; appointments diary compiled by Paton Walsh (1945), memoranda, correspondence and papers on aspects of the German penal system under the Nazis and Allied occupation, notably the police, procedures, juvenile courts, penal statistics from Nazi Germany, 1929-1947, including copies of British Zone Review, Nov 1945-Dec 1946; papers on the Control Commission Germany including confidential reports on police trainees, lectures given by Paton Walsh, the purging of Nazis from office, training and planning for post-Nazi administration, training and organisation of the penal system in Allied occupied Germany with observations on the regulation of the system under the Weimar Republic and the National Socialists, precautions against sabotage directed against occupying forces, 1943-1946; witnesses' depositions in the Nuremberg trials, account of Brendonk Concentration Camp, defence positions of the Gestapo, Sturm Abteilung (SA), 1945-1946; papers on Cologne Prison, including an autobiographical account and journal of Rudolf Kirsch, prisoner, and correspondence, 1939-1944, papers on executions at Cologne Prison with copies of the last letters of the condemned, 1941-1944; publications in English on military law, police and transport, mainly manuals, regulations and information notes on Imperial policing, traffic patrols, military law, inspection and care of vehicles, 1917-1945; publications on the Allied occupation of Germany, consisting of notes on the military government of occupied territory, internment camps, contact lists for civil administrators, Who's who in occupied Europe, chart of the Nazi administrative structure, re-education programmes, maps and gazetteers of Germany, Austria and Denmark, 1943-1945; American publications, namely civil affairs information guides, fileld manual of military government, an entertainment guide for American soldiers entitled, 'What's Cooking in Berlin', copies of The Stars and Stripes and the New York Herald Tribune, 1940-1946; general military handbooks including guidance for officers on allowances, the training of Army tradesmen, training manuals on air support of infantry and the use of parachute troops, catering, defence of aerodromes against attack, the disposition of unit records, signals, mine clearance, anti-malarial precautions, 1939-1943; Army Education booklets in a series entitled 'The British Way and Purpose', 1942-1943; German language publications on law, crime and prisons especially regulations, criminal biology, youth crime, 1885-1942; German National Socialist publications on topics ranging from flying schools, the SA in Berlin to the beginnings of radio broadcasting,1926-1946; maps, mainly Ordnance Survey and Stanfords, of United Kingdom cities and counties, including Wolverhampton, Winchester, Dover, East Sussex and Suffolk, 1913-1940; maps of Germany, central and eastern Europe, 1936-[1945]; maps of Algeria, French North Africa, Tunisia, 1942; propaganda cartoon and other posters published by the Evening Standard, Stationery Office and Army Bureau of Current Affairs, 1944; 1 file of telegrams, commission of 1918 and details of the various promotions of Paton Walsh, 1916-1947.

      Walsh , Edmund James Paton , 1897-1985 , Brigadier
      ACC/3648 · Collection · 1779-1780

      Records of the prison Supervisors comprising: "Act of Parliament to explain and amend the Laws relating to the Transportation, Imprisonment, and other Punishment, of certain offenders, authorising building of two penitentiaries", 1779; order by King appointing John Howard, George Whatley and Dr John Fothergill Supervisors of the penitentiaries to be erected under above Act, 1779; minutes of meetings of the Supervisors to discuss possible sites near London and a plan for the male penitentiary, 1779; draft letter from George Whatley to John Howard, acknowledging receipt of letter, overestimate of savings expected from convicts' labour, and difficulties ahead, 1780; memorial by Supervisors recommending site between Grays Inn Road and Bagnigge Wells Road read out at meeting with Lord Chancellor, Speaker, Judges and Lord Mayor, 1780; proposal by John Howard and John Fothergill for a new site for the Penitentiary near the White Conduit, marked on a map now missing, 1780.

      Howard , John , 1726?-1790 , philanthropist and penal reformer Blackstone , Sir , William , 1723-1780 , Knight , legal writer and judge Eden , Sir , William , 1st Baronet , 1744-1814 , penal reformer and diplomatist Fothergill , John , 1712-1780 , physician and naturalist Whatley , George , fl 1780 , Treasurer of the Foundling Hospital
      Perlman, Melvin Lee
      GB 0102 PP MS 38 · Created 1890-1987

      Papers, 1890-1987, of Melvin Perlman, comprising correspondence; research data gathered during 1959-1962 for his study on Toro marriages in Uganda; data gathered for his research on Tea Estate Workers in Uganda; and his articles and lectures.

      Perlman , Melvin Lee , 1933-1988 , anthropologist
      GB 0120 WA/HSW · 1800-1985

      Papers of Henry Solomon Wellcome, 1800-1985, comprising articles, publications, financial records, legal records, administrative documents, property details, probate records, marriage and divorce records, diaries, microfiche of letter books, details of events, subscription lists, field and geological reports, press cuttings, photographs, ephemera, objects, and family papers dating back to 1800.

      Wellcome , Sir , Henry Solomon , 1853-1936 , Knight , manufacturing chemist, patron of science and archaeologist
      Petition of William Courten
      GB 0096 MS 407 · 1671

      Manuscript petition of William Courten, grandson and heir of Sir William Courten, the administrators and executors of Courten's estate (Sir Richard Mauleverer, Sir Erasmus de la Fountaine, Sir John Ayton, Maurice Thompson, Walter Deureux, Thomas Coppin and William Lloyd) and the rest of Courten's creditors, requesting compensation for the loss of Courten's estates in Barbados. The petitioners beg the king to compel the merchants who have unlawfully dispossessed Sir William Courten of his plantations in the Barbados to make redress to his creditors. Endorsed 'Peticion of Sr Richard Mauleverer & others abt the Barbados'; also, in another hand, 'Rec'd 13th Sept. 1671'.

      Courten , William , fl 1671 , grandson and heir of Sir William Courten