Administración de justicia

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      Administración de justicia

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      Administración de justicia

      • Usado para Legal actions
      • Usado para Legal administration
      • Usado para Legal practice
      • Usado para Action judiciaire
      • Usado para Action juridique
      • Usado para Pratique du droit
      • Usado para Pratique juridique
      • Usado para Acción judicial
      • Usado para Acción jurídica
      • Usado para Práctica del derecho
      • Usado para Práctica jurídica

      Términos asociados

      Administración de justicia

      615 Descripción archivística resultados para Administración de justicia

      615 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0074 COR/LNE · Colección · 1927-1930

      Records of the London North Eastern Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1927-1930.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 COR/LSE · Colección · 1927-1934

      Records of the London South Eastern Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1927-1934.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 COR/LSW · Colección · 1927-1945

      Records of the London South Western Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1927-1945.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 COR/N · Colección · 1965-2001

      Records of the Greater London Northern Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1965-2001. Please note these records are subject to a 30 year closure period.

      For the closed period researchers are advised to consult local newspapers for references to inquests. In very rare cases where medical or legal questions are involved, information from closed records may be made available. It will be necessary to contact the Coroner currently in charge of the court concerned, who has the power to release transcripts or details of inquests to suitable applicants.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 COR/NWK · Colección · 1951-1965

      Records of the North West Kent Coroner's District, comprising case papers, 1951-1965.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 E/NOR · Colección · 1279-1951

      The records of the Marquess of Northampton's London Estates in Holloway and Canonbury form a considerable collection of material from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries relating to the development of Islington.

      Estate Records (E/NOR/E): These relate almost entirely to the Northampton Estates in London in Clerkenwell and Canonbury, Islington. There is a fine series of eighteenth century rentals and accounts which extend into the twentieth century. These can be used in conjunction with the leases and maps in E/NOR/L.

      Also included in this section are records of Estate administration in the twentieth century, relating to legislation under the Housing Acts of 1925, 1930 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, together with more local orders by Finsbury Justices. In particular, there is a lot of material relating to the Clearance of the Northampton Road area in the 1930s and the building of new flats in Canonbury via the Compton Housing Association in the same decade. By 1954 at least part of the Canonbury Estate had been sold by the Northampton trustees to property companies Western Ground Rents and the Oriel Property Trust.

      The development of the Canonbury Estate is outlined in the Victoria County History of Middlesex vol VIII pp 54,55.

      Leases (E/NOR/L): There are a number of schedules of leases giving an insight into the running of the Estates in the nineteenth century; these are complemented by the Maps of Estates which vary in date from 1809 to 1947 (E/NOR/L/2), the maps in the Map and Print Section of the LMA, and Estate Records mentioned above.

      The leases have been split into two groups: one covering the geographical area of Clerkenwell (E/NOR/L/3) and one covering Canonbury (E/NOR/L/4). They include documents from all forms of transfer of property and other related records: bargain and sale, demises, assignments, abstracts of title, building agreements, mortgages. Most of these have been kept in original bundles where possible.

      For ease of access the leases have been listed in alphabetical order of streets and within each street by the numbered property. An attempt has been made to give alternative street names. Similarly cross references to properties mentioned in other deeds have been added. However, it has not been possible (or considered necessary) to produce a totally comprehensive appendix of street numbering changes. Individual instances of street numbering can be further clarified by reference to the LCC's published Names of Streets and Places and the accompanying list of Street Naming and Numbering records in the Catalogue Room.

      Many of the nineteenth century leases have plans on them, but a number of separate plans of buildings are included separately at the end of the leases section (E/NOR/L/5).

      Among the leases of Clerkenwell properties belonging to the Marquess of Northampton are the London Spa, Wilmington Square, Exmouth Market, the Sheep Skin Market at Woods Close, and Northampton Square.

      Canonbury leases include Canonbury Tower, Canonbury House, Canonbury Square and Northampton House. Pevsner describes Canonbury as "especially illuminating for the development of domestic building in London."

      Other Records: Apart from the Estate Records there are a number of significant small collections and individual items in this archive.

      The Sheep Skin Market run by the Skinners Company in Woods Close is documented by three volumes of market books 1754-1772 (E/NOR/S/1-3).

      Among items of local historical interest there are photographs of Canonbury (E/NOR/X) and a small amount of printed material on Clerkenwell including a History of Spa Fields Burial Ground (E/NOR/Y/2), and a sketch of Finsbury Health Centre (E/NOR/Y/7).

      Away from Clerkenwell and Canonbury, there are some records concerning the Northampton family's involvement in the Ragged School at Hertford Place, Mile End Old Town (E/NOR/R) and the Northampton Training Ship (E/NOR/Y/8).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 F/RBS · Colección · 1767-1829

      Papers of the Rathbone, Blomfield and Stone families, comprising apprenticeship indentures and certificates of freedom of the City of London, with oath of freemen of the Company of Loriners.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0047 · Colección · 1644

      Printed sheet of orders issued by the Committee for the Militia of the County of Middlesex, ordering lists of able-bodied men to be made, and 'watches' to be raised and armed when necessary.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0076 · Colección · 1315-1885

      Papers of the Northwick family relating to the manors of Harrow alias Sudbury and Harrow Rectory alias Harrow-on-the-Hill, including court rolls, financial accounts, rentals, surveys, papers relating to the livings and churches of Harrow and Pinner, papers relating to Harrow School, family papers including correspondence, and papers relating to property owned by the family in Bloomsbury, Shoreditch, the City of London, and Paddington.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0133 · Colección · 1689 - 1905

      Records of the Manor of Durants and Garton, Enfield, 1689-1905, including Court Baron and Special Court book with minutes.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0245 · Colección · 1453-1685

      This collection consists of title deeds relating to property in Hendon and Totteridge owned by the Nicoll family.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0248 · Colección · 1676-1748

      Records of the Manor of Colkennington alias Kempton, comprising court rolls for views of frankpledge and courts baron, and a survey.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0249 · Colección · 1343-1792

      Records of the Hawtrey-Deane family, including manorial records such as court rolls; estate management records such as surveys, rentals and accounts; muniments of title; papers relating to Ruislip parish and church, including the rectory, glebe and tithes; family and household papers and financial accounts; legal papers including records relating to a dispute with King's College and Chancery cases; records of taxation; papers relating to an outbreak of plague in 1636; records relating to Parliamentary business; and verses and poems.

      Sin título
      STEPHEN, Sir George (1794-1879)
      GB 0074 ACC/0283 · Colección · 1666

      Legal papers from the office of Sir George Stephen, barrister and solicitor, 1807-1841, including writs issued to Sheriffs of London to take up various persons to answer charges in the Court of King's Bench and Court of Exchequer, 1807, 1822, 1826, 1827, 1832 and 1838; memorial of assignment of lease of land in Saint George Hanover Square, 1815; petition for commission in bankruptcy, by Robert Lang of Wilson Street, Finsbury, merchant, against William Abbott, merchant, dealer and chapman, partner with Richard Arthur Maitland of Madras, East Indies, in firm of Abbott and Maitland, 1820; subpoenas for various persons to appear at Gaol Delivery Sessions for City of London to testify against William White and others for felony, 1821; subpoena for George Holt to appear at Middlesex Sessions of the Peace to testify touching bill of indictment against Thomas Odderley Phipps for libel, 1821; correspondence, 1834-1835, and form of proposal for sale of reversionary interest in personal property of Henry Laing of Camberwell, 1841.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0345 · Colección · 1719-1822

      Records of the Dewell family of Brentford, relating to property in Old Brentford, New Brentford, Hanwell, Chiswick and Isleworth, including wills, leases, extracts from court rolls and legal opinion.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0363 · Colección · 1655-1874

      Records of Teddington Manor, comprising court books, index to the court books and plan of an estate in the parish of Teddington.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0374 · Colección · 1636-1826

      Records of the Manor of Cowley Peachey, Colham, Hillingdon; comprising court book for views of frankpledge with courts baron; rental and survey; and statement of quit rents.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0393 · Colección · 1950

      Letter from Harold G Broadbridge, Coroner for the County of Middlesex Western Division, to Mr G Chandler, County Councillor, regarding the holding of his first sitting at the Court at Ealing Town Hall.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0507 · Colección · 1751-1913

      Records of the Manor of Harrow alias Sudbury, including court books (court leet and court baron); minute book and custumal. Records of the Manor of Harrow Rectory, including court books (court leet and court baron) and minute book. Records of both manors including quit rent books; account books; steward's papers; voters lists and enclosure records. Also sales particulars for premises at Roxeth, Alperton and Northolt.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0568 · Colección · 1767-1893

      Papers of Grundey Hooper, solicitors, including copy of Act for improving navigation of River Lee from Town of Hertford to River Thames; and for extending said navigation to floodgates belonging to Town Mill in Town of Hertford, 1767; legal papers relating to a case, the proprietors of Water of River Lee against Thomas Gates for unlawful fishing at Hackney, 1780; legal documents relating to The King against John Marks (indicted in the name of James) on the prosecution of William Sharpe, for assault, 1781; legal documents relating to The King against Joseph White and William Sharp, both of Hendon, for assault against Henry Copland, 1778-1781; legal papers relating to The King against Robert Davis alias Gaby and Thomas Diter, on the prosecution of John Etheridge for a robbery near the Swan, Hendon, 1781; statements of costs for various cases, 1781-1784; legal papers relating to James Ebenezer Mosely versus George Denton, Chief Beadle of Whitecross Street Liberty and John Evans, Headboro' of Whitecross Street Liberty in Manor of Finsbury, for assault and false imprisonment, 1780-1781; legal papers relating to an Appeal for release from "pressed" service in Navy by James Gray of Highgate, apprentice to Benjamin Pawley, of Jewin Street, baker, who made a voyage on board a Privateer with his master's consent and was impressed from the privateer into the Navy, 1779-1780; legal papers relating to case brought by John Ketcher Watchman of Liberty of Moorfields in Shoreditch, who discovered Joseph Lee and John Cox stealing lead from empty house in Crown Alley, in consequence of which they were committed to Newgate, 1785; legal papers relating to petition of John Seager of Swinton Street, Saint Pancras, builder and others regarding the notice of intention by the Trustees of Turnpike Road leading to Highgate Gatehouse and Hampstead and their lessee, John Evans, to apply for Writ of Certiorari to remove into Kings Bench an order made by Justices of Peace for Middlesex at Quarter Sessions on 22 October 1778 to remove the Turnpike at the end of Grays Inn Lane, 1778; legal papers relating to case of Charles Greentree, indebted to William Montagu in sum of £67 on promissory note payable to Thomas Worraker, 1777; draft agreements; will of Susanna Mole of Isleworth, 1893 and declaration by Middlesex Magistrates, setting out chief items of expenditure, in answer to a petition, 1811.

      Sin título
      PARK, John Cornelius (fl 1825)
      GB 0074 ACC/0598 · Colección · 1676-1953

      Records of the Manor of Sunbury and other property of John Cornelius Park in Sunbury, Teddington and Walton, and records of the Pride family in Hendon, Golders Green and Streatham. The records include court rolls, court books, surveys, book of customs, plans, papers relating to stewards, deeds and other property ownership documents, legal papers and financial records.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0658 · Colección · 1775-1924

      Records of the Manor of Little Stanmore, comprising court books and minute book; and records of the Manor of Great Stanmore comprising court books, minute book, conveyance, and compensation agreements.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0704 · Colección · 1726-1920

      Papers of Jessop and Gough, solicitors, 1726-1920, including practice papers; papers arising from work as clerks to Edmonton petty sessions, relating to licensing, rates, school attendance and certain other matters; list of Guardians of Edmonton Union, elected between 1865 and 1879; vestry papers for Waltham Abbey parish, and correspondence. The papers relate mainly to Edmonton and Enfield, but also Wood Green, Kentish Town, Islington, Waltham Abbey, Hendon, Ponders End, Cricklewood, Lea Valley, Harrow, Lee, Catford and Tottenham.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0866 · Colección · 1587-1679

      Records of the Manor of Great Stanmore, comprising customs of the manor.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0976 · Colección · 1705-1854

      Records of the novelist George Payne Rainsford James and his family, a total of about 350 items, with documents relating to other families, either short series or isolated items. There are several wills and settlements among the papers (ACC/0976/136-155). The manuscript of chapters 14-22 of the novel Ehrenstein is preserved among these archives (ACC/0976/163). There is a series of title deeds to an entailed estate at Hampton Wick and Teddington inherited by James; papers relating to law-suits with various publishers (ACC/0976/156-171); and a petition to the Foreign Secretary (ACC/0976/222).

      Sin título
      AMBLER, John (fl 1695)
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-003 · Colección · [1671-1699]

      Formulary and precedent book of a London law clerk or attorney's scrivener, possibly John Ambler.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/BD · Colección · 1494-2006

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, 1494-2006. Records include charters; ordinances; court minutes; financial accounts; apprentice bindings registers; freedom admission registers; and deeds relating to Company property. Please note no access is allowed to Ms 2881/27-40 without permission from the Company.

      Collection also includes records of the Fraternity of St Eligius (MS 02883 and 05535, ca 1424 and 1496, 2 production units). An inventory of goods belonging to the Fraternity of St Loye at Blacksmiths' Hall dated 1496 survives in a volume of Blacksmiths' Company wardens' accounts [GL Ms 2883/1]. It includes three garlands [caps] bearing an image of St Eligius, which almost certainly were used to crown the incoming master and wardens. This is apparently the last documented reference to the Fraternity and its subsequent history is unknown.

      Ms 5535 was deposited in the Manuscripts Section of Guildhall Library by the Farriers' Company in 1949. Ms 2883/1 was amongst records deposited by the Blacksmiths' Company in 1929 and 1946. Both volumes now form part of the archive of the Blacksmiths' Company Catalogued at various dates by members of Guildhall Library staff.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/103-08 · Colección · 1882-1978

      The records of the London Corn Trade Association comprise minutes of the executive committee, minutes of annual general meetings, minutes of the American grain committee, the Argentina committee, the African and South American Pulse committee, the South African committee, the North African committee, the Persian Gulf committee, the Black Sea grain committee, the Mediterranean and Adriatic committee, the China and Manchurian feeding stuffs committee, the East India grain committee, registers of members, financial material including cash books and ledgers, and papers relating to arbitrations.

      Also papers of the London Grain Futures Association, including minutes of the Council, minutes of the annual general meetings, annual reports and registers of members.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/549 · Colección · 1843-1886

      Papers, 1843-1886, collected by the solicitors in the course of their work, comprising sales particulars of Marshalsea Prison including the Admiralty Prison, Southwark; notice of share issue and prospectus for the South London Tramways Company and notice of share issue with application form for construction of underground line from City to Newington Butts for the City of London Southwark Subway Company.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/579 · Colección · 1739-1746

      Documents relating to the Westminster Bridge inquisitions, 1739-1746. The documents relate to the acquisition of land in Westminster. For each case there is a precept for summoning a jury, a list of jurymen and their resulting inquisition. The list records the general location of the property and the owner or leaseholder concerned.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/176 · Colección · 1705

      Declaration by a court baron of the Manor of Stebunheath [Stepney], held at Whitechapel, as to six copyhold messuages in Hallowell Street, in the parish of St Leonard Shoreditch.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/311 · Colección · 1747-1750

      Records of the court of Quarter Sessions, London, comprising lists of jurors for Bridge Ward, Aldgate Ward, Bassishaw Ward and Farringdon Within Ward.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/458 · Colección · 1730-1892

      These papers relate to the family of Thomas Henry Hall and include freedom admission certificates; invitations to civic entertainments, and memorabilia relating to Thomas Henry Hall.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1379 · Colección · 1279-1936

      Records of the manor of Isleworth Syon, including court rolls, court books, court minutes and papers, property transaction licences and general papers.

      Records of the manor of East Bedfont with Hatton Manor, including court rolls, court books, court minutes and papers, call papers and appearance papers.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1424 · Colección · 1859-1932

      Records of the Manor of Edgware Boys, including schedule of houses in the manor; papers relating to quit rents and fines; list of tenants; papers relating to the appointment of a steward; copies of court rolls; and papers relating to property in Edgware.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/1720 · Colección · 1680-1889

      Records of the Manor of Dunsford, Wandsworth, including court books, conveyances, declarations, mortgages, enfranchisements, maps and plans.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2385 · Colección · 1881-1961

      Calendars of prisoners for various Courts of Law, 1881-1961, including:

      Rochester Sessions;
      Central Criminal Court;
      Middlesex Sessions;
      Surrey Sessions;
      Surrey Assizes;
      Kent Sessions;
      Kent Assizes;
      County of London Sessions;
      Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Sessions;
      Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Assizes;
      Essex Sessions;
      Essex Assizes;
      Gravesend Sessions;
      Maidstone Sessions;
      Tenterden Sessions;
      West Ham Borough Sessions;
      Croydon Borough Sessions;
      Guildford Borough Sessions;
      City of London Sessions;
      Hertford, Saint Albans and Saffron Walden Assizes.

      Please note that some of these calendars are closed under the Data Protection Act.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2805/03 · Colección · 1868-1921

      Correspondence of Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler, 1868-1921, relating to diverse subjects including education, legal cases, Jews College, shechita, charity and relief funds, Russo-Jewish Committee, the United Synagogue, administration, provincial congregations and marriages; and relating to foreign places including Australia, China, Japan, Palestine, Jerusalem, Ireland, Romania, South Africa, Russia and New York.

      PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2805/04 · Colección · 1899-1946

      Records of Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, 1899-1946, including correspondence with various individuals and organisations including the Anglo-Jewish Association, Aria College, the London Beth Din, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers, the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women, the Jewish Chronicle, Jews' College, Central Committee for Jewish Education, the Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish Memorial Council, the Council for Christians and Jews, the Jewish Peace Society, London County Council, the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund, the Mizrachi Organisation, the Provincial Ministers Fund, the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, associate synagogues of the United Synagogue, the War Graves Commission, Zionist groups, the Talmud Torah Trust and the War Victims Fund.

      Also correspondence with Jewish congregations throughout the United Kingdom and in countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America; correspondence relating to matters including shechita, Jews in Ukraine, Germany and Poland, war orphans, rabbinical exams, mikvah, marriages, kabolohs, disarmament, the Coronation of King George VI (1937), and pastoral tours of Wales and Ireland; papers relating to World War One including services for Jewish soldiers, the Kosher Food Fund, correspondence with chaplains, distribution of kosher foods, prisoners of war and Palestine Relief Fund, and copies of publications and sermons.

      PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2805/07 · Colección · 1913-1992

      Records of Chief Rabbi Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, 1913-1992. The records of Lord Jakobovits are the single largest part of the archive, indicative of the large volume of work undertaken and the relative speed with which the records were passed onto London Metropolitan Archives.

      Records relating to the Office of the Chief Rabbi and Chief Rabbi's Cabinet including papers relating to social functions and administration. Correspondence with the Board of Deputies, London Beth Din and United Synagogue. Papers relating to Jewish communal organisations including the Kol Nidre Appeal and the Joint Israel Appeal.

      Papers relating to education and Chaplaincy Boards including general correspondence, the Education Reform Act 1988, Jews' College, individual schools, colleges and universities, the University Jewish Chaplaincy Board, and the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board. Papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust including administration, correspondence, financial records, trustees, donors, applications, fundraising and policies.

      Papers relating to Jewish religious organisations including Reform, Liberal and Sephardi congregations and the Spanish and Portuguese Community. Papers relating to congregations and ministers in Great Britain including the registration of synagogues, the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board and provincial congregations.

      Halacha [a legal decision regarding a matter or case for which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic law, deduced by analogy from this law or from the Scriptures] and rulings on religious questions including correspondence, rulings relating to burial practices, the participation of women in communities, blasphemy, medical ethics, circumcision, bar mitzvah, marriage, conversions, get [divorce] legislation, High Holy Days and mikvaot. Papers relating to Shechita [slaughtering practices] and Kashrut [laws relating to food] including correspondence and minutes of the London Board for Shechita and the National Council of Shechita Boards of Great Britain, general correspondence, reports, and defence of shechita practices.

      Papers relating to bills in the House of Lords. Correspondence with central Government departments and local authorities, including correspondence with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Correspondence with welfare organisations and papers relating to ageing, child abuse, crime, drugs, homelessness, hospice care, disabled people and individual welfare cases. Correspondence with religious leaders, individuals, and organisations relating to Israel, including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

      Correspondence with overseas congregations including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America and correspondence with the Conference of European Rabbis. Papers relating to Soviet Jewry including correspondence, appeals and reports.

      Papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews. Papers relating to medical ethics including abortion, sex education, AIDS, organ transplants, Tay-Sachs disease and abortion. Papers relating to social issues including business ethics, disarmament, homosexuality, inner cities, disasters, and race relations. Correspondence relating to the representation of the Chief Rabbi on various public bodies and patronage by the Chief Rabbi.

      Copies of sermons, addresses, publications from the office of the Chief Rabbi, press and publicity, broadcasts and messages from the Chief Rabbi. Personal papers including household accounts, letters of thanks and messages of sympathy. Papers relating to the Chief Rabbinate Fund including the distribution of funds to various causes.

      PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2842 · Colección · 1612-1624

      Records of the Manor of Newington Barrow, Islington, comprising court rolls (courts leet and baron).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/3190 · Colección · 1902

      Auctioneer's recognizance and bond in High Court case Reffell v. The Metropolitan Rifle Range Company, 1902.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/3444 · Colección · 1804-1991

      Records of HM Prison, Wandsworth. The records relate to prison administration, the prisoners, and, to a much a lesser extent, the prison staff. The earliest records are a minute and letter book, 1847-1850, and a letter book, 1848-1852, of the Committee for building a new prison in Surrey (ACC/3444/AD/01/001-002).

      With regard to records relating to prisoners, the main series is the nominal registers (ACC/3444/PR/01), giving details of the name, age, trade, education, and religion of the prisoner, the date of committal, details of the offence and sentence and the date of discharge. These are in chronological order and run from 1879 to 1956, with several volumes produced each year. Unfortunately, there are only a few indexes to these registers. Those that survive run from 1940 to 1956 only (ACC/3444/PR/02).

      The other important series giving details about individual prisoners are the registers of executions, 1892-1961 (ACC/3444/PR/03), and files on condemned prisoners, 1933-1954 (ACC/3444/PR/04).

      Also of interest is a series of glass plates of prison officers and prisoners from 1920 to the 1930s.

      PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Home Office regulations, the entire collection is subject to a 30 year closure period, with the exception of some particularly sensitive series, which are subject to longer closure periods. These are all marked on the catalogue.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 B/IMP/GLC · Colección · 1821-1878

      Records of the Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company, 1821-1878, including Directors' meeting minutes and orders; Shareholders' meeting signed minutes; Committee for General Purposes signed minutes; Committee for Works signed minutes; Committee for Accounts signed minutes; appointments and emoluments of Officers; Committee for Works rough minutes; summary of half-yearly accounts of Metropolitan Gas Companies including The Imperial, Gas Light and Coke Company, Commercial, Independent, Ratcliff, London, Phoenix, South Metropolitan and Surrey Consumers and bound volume of Acts relating to the Company, Gas, Public Companies and so on.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CCT/AK/15 · Colección · 1847-1962

      Records of Bow County Court, 1847-1962, including minute books; plaint and minute books; Workmen's Compensation Act register; and default actions books.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CCT/AK/46 · Colección · 1894-1944

      Records of Edmonton County Court, 1894-1944, comprising plaint and minute book and ordinary action book.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CCT/AK/50 · Colección · 1820-1961

      Records of Southwark County Court, 1820-1961, comprising attorneys roll book, 1820-1933 and legal case files for the following cases:

      Parfett v C. Coules and son and another, 1900
      Edwards v Measures Bros Ltd, 1907
      Medcalf v Surrey Commercial Dock Co, 1908
      Finnis v Owners of S.S. 'Grive', 1909
      Martin v Morris, 1909
      Roberts v E Wells and Sons Ltd, 1911
      Maisey v London Brighton and South Coast Railway Co, 1912
      Fenton v F and H F Higgs, 1912
      Sketton v Owners of the ship 'South Point', 1913
      Hood v Bellamys Wharf Ltd, 1913
      Doolan v Port of London Authority, 1914
      Eyles v Lipton Ltd, 1915
      Dinnes v Holland Hannen and Cubitts Ltd, 1916
      Davis v Samuel Barrow and Brother Ltd, 1916
      Baldock v E Lazenby and Son Ltd, 1917
      Runnalls v London General Omnibus Co Ltd, 1917
      Seabrook v E Lazenby and Son Ltd, 1919
      Armstrong v H J Enthoven & Sons Ltd, 1919
      Allan v Andrews, 1920
      McCoy v Peek Frean and Co Ltd, 1920
      Spencer v W T and E Yates, 1923
      Finn v Southern Railway Company, 1924
      Harrigan v Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd, 1926
      Friend v Pimm and Burrows Ltd, 1926
      Walker v Southern Railway Company, 1927
      Knight v Barclay Perkins and Co Ltd, 1927
      Colbert v Gatesby Ltd, 1932
      Bowie v Wakeley Brothers and Company Ltd, 1932
      Vaughan v F W Barnard Ltd, 1933
      Callan v J T Healey & Co Ltd, 1933
      Rainsbury v G Bernardes and Son, 1933
      Dillon v Bermondsey Borough Council, 1934
      Jeal v Butler's Wharf Ltd, 1934
      Dawes v E Ashby and Co, 1935
      Kitsell v Maybury, 1935
      Sivyer v W S Shuttleworth and Co Ltd, 1935
      Bull v W J Hall Ltd, 1935
      Ward v Waldron, 1935
      Curtis v Hares, 1936
      Marchant v Butler's Wharf Ltd, 1937
      Bertie v Grey and Marten, 1937
      Saunders v J Bowbrick and Sons, 1937
      Rodgers v A Cohen and Company Ltd, 1938
      Leahy v Bermondsey Borough Council, 1938
      Whiffin v Eldorado Ice Cream Co Ltd, 1938
      S eet v Beck and Pollitzer Ltd, 1946
      Quigley v Unit Construction Co Ltd, 1947
      Henderson v Levy, 1948-1957
      Wheatley v T F Maltby Ltd, 1949
      Hubble v Lawrence Bros, 1949
      Laker v Boots Pure Drug Co Ltd 1950
      Felton v T Wallis Ltd, 1951
      Murphy v London County Council, 1952
      Buckle v London County Council, 1953
      Goldsmith v Rosser and Russell Ltd, 1954
      Purdy v Port of London Authority, 1961.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CCT/AK/56 · Colección · 1858-1875

      Records of Waltham Abbey County Court, comprising register of orders for the protection of property of deserted married women.

      Sin título
      MCC/X/PJIC · Colección · 1920-1962

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Provincial Joint Industrial Council, 1920-1962, including correspondence; bank book; agendas, reports and minutes of the Executive Committee; constitution, functions and recommendations of the Industrial Council; schedule of wages and working conditions, and decisions of the Industrial Disputes Tribunal affecting Middlesex staff.

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      MCS · Colección · 1847-1862

      Letters patent appointing the commissioners; orders of court; minutes of various Committees including the General Purposes Committee, By-laws Committee, Committee on Claims, Disposal of Refuse Committee, Finance Committee, Trial Works Committee, Sewage Manure Committee and Ordnance Survey Committee; original contracts for the construction of new sewers, including plans, sections and elevations; registers of in-letters; letter books for out-letters; drainage applications; registers of applications to construct sewers and drains; registers of proposed drainage of buildings; registers of house drainage; register of complaints; applications for private works on sewers and drains; registers of streets showing existence or absence of sewers and drains; surveyor's report books; staff records; financial accounts; rate books; printed items bound into volumes, including reports (several written by Joseph Bazalgette), papers, resolutions, prospectuses, surveys and inspections on various subjects including sewers and drains, cesspools, sewage, manure, waterways, flushing operations, public health, industrial sites, public conveniences, subterranean surveys, tides and water supply; minutes of the Commissioners and plans and maps of sewers, drains and waterways.

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