Air transport

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Air transport

Air transport

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Air transport

22 Archivistische beschrijving results for Air transport

GB 0099 KCLMA Hutton, M H · 1998

Just a Bit of Time, memoir of the life and service of Captain Michael Hugh Hutton, 1931-1985; including descriptions of training at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, 1938; service as midshipman aboard HMS JAMAICA and HMS ROCKET, 1942-1943; the Battle of Barents Sea, Dec 1942; involvement in Operation TUNNEL for the interception of German shipping in the English Channel which resulted in the loss of HMS CHARYBDIS and HMS LIMBOURNE, Oct 1943; the bombardment of the Normandy coast by HMS WARSPITE, D Day, 6 Jun 1944; training to become a pilot, 1945-1948; work as personal pilot to Vice Admiral Sir John Eccles, 1954-1956; service aboard HMS BULWARK, Singapore, 1963-1965. With photocopied photographs of Hutton as Captain, HMS JAMAICA, HMS ROCKET, HMS WARSPITE, HMS OCEAN, a Firefly aircraft approaching a landing deck and HMS HARDY.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Berlin Airlift · 1997 - 1998

Transcripts of 45 interviews recorded for The Berlin Airlift, a television documentary produced by 3BM Television for Channel 4's Secret History series and broadcast on 29 June 1998. Those interviewed include individuals and or relatives of individuals connected with the airlift operation which took place in response to the Berlin blockade, 24 June 1948 - October 1949, notably members of the armed forces of UK and USA including the RAF, RN and WAAF, a representative of the Foreign Office, journalists and authors, German interpreters, German civilians and children, members of Soviet administration and relatives of servicemen.
Attention is given to direct roles and experience of the airlift but also seeks views of its historical significance to them personally and to the wider world. Topics covered in the interviews relate to causes of the blockade, Stalin's aims for Germany after 1945, the potential threat of war in 1948, British and US responses to the blockade, Soviet intelligence gathering and espionage in the UK Foreign Office, attitudes of British servicemen to American servicemen in Germany and vice versa, German experience of the Soviet conquest of Berlin in 1945 and ensuing occupation, living conditions at the air bases in West Germany and in Berlin, food and fuel shortages, rationing, operation of the black market, prostitution, relations between conquered and occupying forces, 'no fraternisation' rule, the logistics of the airlift operation - aircraft maintenance, loading and unloading of supplies, Soviet harassment, experience of pilots and crew, incidents such as air crashes, evacuation of Berliners including children, and Operation Little Vittles. The role of significant individuals such as Ernest Bevin (1884-1951), British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, and Gen. Lucius D. Clay (1897-1978), Military Governor of Germany 1947 - 1949, are also discussed.
Notable participants include Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat and Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during 1948 - 1949, Mrs Jessamy Waite, widow of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975), who devised and organised the airlift operation, and Col Gail S Halverson who became known as the 'Candy Bomber' for his drops of packages of candy attached to miniature parachutes to the children of Berlin.
Transcripts include questions and answers, and the tape counter numbering has been logged. The interviewer is not identified. Where interviews were translated this has been noted. Some names, places or phrases have been guessed at, or spelled phonetically by the transcriber. No information is given about the date or identity of the transcriber.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Douglas-Scott-Montagu · Created 1910-1928, 1948, 1987

Papers relating to aviation and transport, dated 1910-1928, principally comprising papers relating to Joint War Air Committee (Inter-Departmental Committee on the Air Service) chaired by Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, 1916, Committee on the Administration and Command of the Royal Flying Corps, 1916, and Air Boards chaired by Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray, 1917, and George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston, [1916]; correspondence, 1915-1916, 1920, notably including correspondence with Herbert Henry Asquith, 1916, Curzon, 1916, Derby, 1916, the Imperial Defence Committee, 1916, the Parliamentary Aviation Committee, and George Sydenham Clarke, 1st Baron Sydenham of Combe, 1916; printed books, pamphlets, memoranda, notes and texts by Douglas-Scott-Montagu and others, 1910-1920, mainly relating to aviation technology, anti-aircraft defence and the organisation of the air services; memoranda, official reports, notes and texts relating to his work as Adviser on Mechanical Transport Services to the Government of India, 1915-1919; manuscript account of service of No 1 Armoured Motor Unit, North West Frontier, India, 1915-1916, by Capt A J Clifton, 68 Durham Light Infantry, 1915-1916, dated 1917, including photographs and preface by Montagu. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1914-1926, dated 1914-[1926], 1948, principally comprising letters relating to his service with 7 Hampshire Regt in Egypt, 1914, and India, 1915; photographs and photographic negatives, 1915-1922, mainly relating to his service in India, 1915-1919. Typescript draft of A strange war. Burma, India and Afghanisatan, 1914-1919 (Sutton, Gloucester, 1988), an account of 2/5 Bn, Somerset Light Infantry and 2 Mechanical Transport Company by Chris P Mills, based on the recollections of Col B G L Rendall, the diary of Edward William Ewens and research into the Montagu papers, dated 1987.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Dunbar · Created 1953-1977

Papers, 1953-1977, including draft of article relating to the role of air transport in army supply, published in the Army Journal; Imperial Defence College background study notes, 1966, on international relations, the UK economy, research and development; papers relating to Aden, 1967, including extracts of regimental journals relating to operations of British units in Aden, situation reports of 1 Bn the Lancashire Regt (Prince of Wales's Volunteers), translations of daily communiqués of FLOSY (Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen) and NLF (National Liberation Front), texts of speeches and official briefing papers of Headquarters MELF, notes and drafts for a book by Dunbar on Aden; articles by Dunbar, 1971-1973, relating to operations of 8 Bn (Midland Counties) the Parachute Regt in France, Belgium and Palestine, 1944-1948, and 16 Independent Parachute Bde Group in Cyprus and Suez, 1956.

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COL/CC/APC · Deelarchief · 1938-1956

Records of the Airport Committee, Court of Common Council, 1938-1956, comprising minutes, committee papers and various files, including correspondence, particularly regarding use of the land by the Air Ministry during World War Two and the post war sale of land to Ilford Borough Council; relevant Acts and Bills; minutes of meetings of the Aerodrome Owners Association; off-prints and press cuttings; memorandums; sub-committee minutes and surveyors reports.

Also papers relating to the inauguration of the first direct air service between London and Venice, April 1956.

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GB 0074 ACC/1095 · Collectie · 1935

Papers of Airwork Limited relating to Heston Aerodrome, comprising two annotated copies of a plan entitled 'Heston Aerodrome: Survey of land to be purchased by Airwork Ltd. April 5th 1935' and two annotated Ordnance Survey maps of the area.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Waite · Created 1942-[1953]

Papers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Wretham · 1943-1945

Copies of official photographs of HMS RAJAH, 1944-1945, including details of anti-aircraft guns; aircraft on board (some crashed onto deck); aircraft being unloaded by crane; Suez Canal; wardroom and ratings messdeck, Christmas 1944; boxing and hockey on deck. Also copy of a certificate of service for 1943-1946; wireless history sheet, 1943-1945.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke-Popham · 1890-1902, [1907]-1953

Papers relating to early career, including material on early aviation, 1911-1913, and texts of lectures given at the RAF Staff College, Andover, 1922-1926. Material relating to post as Air Officer Commanding, British Forces in Iraq, 1928-1935, including correspondence, memoranda and telegrams relating to operations in Iraq and Kuwait, 1928-1930, and negotiations for the Anglo-Iraq Treaty, 1930; news cuttings and notes relating to political and military affairs in Iraq, and the situation of the Assyrians and Kurds, 1930-1935. Papers created as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Air Defence of Great Britain, 1933-1935, mainly relating to a Royal Review of the RAF at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Papers relating to post as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Middle East, notably memoranda, cypher signals, letters and notes, 1931-1936, relating to RAF operations, mainly planning and preparation for the possibility of war between the League of Nations and Italy following the Italian invasion and annexation of Abyssinia; correspondence with ACM Sir Edward Leonard Ellington, Chief of Air Staff, 1935-1936; memoranda, telegrams, correspondence and newscuttings on operational matters relating to the Arab Rebellion against the British Mandate in Palestine, 1936; material collated by Brooke-Popham for lectures on the Middle East, 1930, 1936; correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the formation and working of an Executive Committee on Assyrian Settlement, 1943-1947. Papers relating to the creation and implementation of the Empire Air Training Scheme in Canada and South Africa, 1939-1945, including personal correspondence with Arthur William Street, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Air, 1940. Papers relating to post as Commander in Chief, Far East, notably telegrams and memoranda relating to the requirements of the RAF and Army in the Far East, 1940-1949; personal correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Hastings Lionel Ismay, Secretary to the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1940-1941; semi-official correspondence with Street, 1940-1941; material relating to the replacement of Brooke-Popham as Commander in Chief, Far East, Nov 1941; telegrams relating to reconnaissance sightings of Japanese convoys, the decision not to launch Operation MATADOR, the outbreak of war with Japan, and the sinking of RN battleships HMS PRINCE OF WALES and HMS REPULSE, Dec 1941; papers, correspondence and proofs relating to the publication of various despatches and reports concerning operations in Malaya, 1941-1947. Papers created whilst Inspector General of the Air Training Corps, 1942-1947, 1950-1952, mainly comprising inspection reports and material relating to the post-war organisation of the Air Training Corps. Booklets, memoranda, and reports collated by Brooke-Popham relating to RAF training, policy and operations, [1914]-1946. Material relating to research for and writing of articles, lectures and pamphlets, mainly relating to history, aviation or training, 1923-1952. Printed material, 1890-1953, mainly relating to aviation. Maps and photographs, 1917-[1945], including aerial photographs of the Western Front during World War One, 1917-1918.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Dean · Created 1919-1978

The collection consists primarily of master copies and research papers for Dean's book on the RAF, The Royal Air Force and two World Wars, foreword by Sir Arthur Travers Harris (London, Cassell, 1979). The research papers contain Dean's correspondence on aspects of RAF history with leading RAF personnel of the period before and during World War Two, in particular with ACM Sir Arthur Travers Harris with comments by him on the text of Dean's book, particularly on sections relating to Bomber Command. There is also a correspondence between Harris and MRAF Sir Charles Frederick Algernon Portal over the issue of bombing targets. Also included are extensive research notes from Public Record Office files and from secondary sources. The collection includes a paper written by Dean on dynamics and optics, 1928; papers relating to the development of airships and the crash of the R101 airship dating from Dean's initial period at the Air Ministry, 1929-1943; texts of lectures and seminars relating to the Civil Service given by Dean at the University of Strathclyde and other colleges and entries and related papers compiled by Dean for the Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, Oxford).

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 21 · 1941-1946

Fifty editions of Tee Emm, the Department of the Air Member for Training, Air Ministry, training memoranda monthly magazine, Apr 1941-Mar 1946. In addition to containing RAF training procedures and memoranda relating to RAF administration, navigation techniques, airmanship, crew co-operation requirements, gunnery, and aerial intelligence matters, the magazines included leisure articles and cartoons; fictional accounts of air operations; RAF honours lists; and updates on technological developments in the RAF

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GB 0074 CLC/L/AD · Collectie · 1929-1974

Records of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, 1929-1974, including Court minute books; minute books of the General Purposes Committee; minutes of the Instructors Committee Panel of Examiners; minutes and reports of the Grading Committee; minutes of the the Airline Pilot and Navigation Committee (renamed Technical Committee in Oct 1963) and minutes of the Aviation Training Committee.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 44 · 1933

Edition of History of British Aviation, 1908-1914 by R Dallas Brett (Aviation Book Club, London, 1933), with foreword by Rt Hon Sir Philip Alfred Gustave David Sassoon, 3rd Bt, Under Secretary of State for Air.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Edens · 1926-1928

Photograph album containing photographs on board the HMS CALYPSO and HMS PEMBROKE I, including crew attending a sporting event, 1925; aeroplane wreckage and the forced landing of an air liner, Corfu, 1926; ship football team and officers, 1926; torpedo firing, 1927; and crew dressed as clowns for Navy week, 1928.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 22 · 1959

Edition of Squadron Histories, RFC, RNAS, and RAF, 1912-1959 by Peter Lewis (Putnam, London, 1959), a history of the Royal Flying Corps, the Royal Naval Air Service, and the Royal Air Force, 1912-1959

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 23 · 1945

Official illustrated edition of RAF Middle East: The Official Story of Air Operations in the Middle East, from February 1942 to January 1943 (His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1945); official illustrated edition of Atlantic Bridge: The Official Account of RAF Transport Command's Ocean Ferry (His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1945)

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GB 0099 KCLMA Percival · Created 1919-1920

List of stations on the Tomsk, Sabaikal, Omsk and Chinese Eastern Lines compiled in connection with British Military Mission in Irkutsk, USSR, 1919, with annotations made by the Commanding Officer of the mission while retreating from the Bolsheviks, 1919-1920. Passed to Percival for use on a planned round-the-world flight.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Slessor · 1949-1968

Papers of MRAF Sir John Slessor, 1965-1968, including: correspondence regarding the Defence Review on Naval Airpower with Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Elworthy; W M Mills, Ministry of Defence; Edward Shackleton, Ministry of Defence; Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd; Air Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross, Transport Command; and others, 1965-1968, particularly debating the use of aircraft carriers. Correspondence regarding the Battle of the Atlantic with Vice Admiral Sir Peter Gretton; Capt Stephen Roskill, historian; the Air Historical Branch; the Naval Historical Branch; and others, 1966-67, including statistical analysis of efficacy of RAF and information and statistics from Air History Branch regarding U-Boat destruction, 1955. Correspondence with Capt B H Liddell Hart, 1965; with Rear Admiral Samuel Morison, USNR, 1968; with Professor Arthur Marder, 1966. Articles by Slessor relating to the Defence Review on Naval Airpower, including: An Integral part of the Fleet', 1964;The Capital Ship Complex', 1965; Air Power - Seabourne or Shore-based', 1965;Naval Air Power - Is it Worth It?', 1965; The Story of Jutland: Some reflections on Vol. 3 of "From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow" - Arthur J Marder', 1966;Air Power and the Defence Review', 1966; Air Power East of Suez', 1966;The Purchase of the F111', 1966; Meeting Today's Defence Needs: Virtues of Shore-Based Planes', letter to The Times, 1968; andThe Air League's Memorandum on Defence - January 1967', 1967. Also articles by others including: The case for the Aircraft Carrier' by Fletcher Pratt, and responseThe Case for Land-Based Air Power' by Francis V Drake, The Reader's Digest, 1949; German, Italian and Japanese U-Boat Casualties during the War: Particulars of Destruction, (HMSO, 1946); A memorandum on Defence, The Air League, 1967; and `Merchant Aircraft Carriers' by Kenneth Poolman, Air Pictorial, Oct 1968.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Capper J · Created 1900, [1910], [1913], 1917-1918, [1969]

Papers relating to the military career of Maj Gen Sir John Edward Capper, dated 1900, [1910] and [1913], 1917-1918, principally comprising typescript notes on military aeronautics, [1910]; text of his lecture to the Staff College on the effect of aircraft on war, [1913]; telegrams between German High Seas Fleet and V Adm Sir David Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the British Grand Fleet, concerning the surrender of the former at Scapa Flow, 1918; 'Report of the commission appointed by Act of Parliament to enquire into the operations of war in Mesopotamia' (London, HMSO, 1917). Copy of typescript text on the Capper Medal Collection, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, [1969], including brief biographies of members of the Capper family.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Cox · 1999 (1902-1997)

Autobiography of Harold Roxbee Cox, Baron Kings Norton of Wotton Underwood "A Wrack Behind" (Cranfield University Press, 1999), covering his life and career, particularly the design and construction of the airship R.101, his association with Air Commodore Sir Frank Whittle and the development of the jet propulsion gas turbine, and his association with Cranfield University.

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MOONMAN, Eric (b 1929)
GB 0372 MOONMAN · Archief · 1968-1979

Papers of politician and academic Eric Moonman, including: general papers, correpsondence and press cuttings regarding mental health, industry, local constituency issues, the Laker Skytrain and the Middle East, 1975-1979; press cuttings regarding Moonman's local and national political activities, 1968-1972; election ephemera, 1974-1979; papers regarding the energy crisis and oil policy, 1973-1974; constituency correspondence, 1976-1978.

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