Religión antigua

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      Religión antigua

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      Religión antigua

      1754 Descripción archivística resultados para Religión antigua

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      GB 0074 P95/TRI1 · Colección · 1637-1980

      Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Clapham Common North Side, Clapham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; church services registers; Trustees minutes; Vestry minutes; annual parochial reports; papers relating to the construction of the church; financial and administrative papers; papers relating to tithes; records of the parish schools; parish magazines; curates' licences; papers relating to parish boundaries; papers of the Parochial Church Council.

      Papers relating to the workhouse; settlement examinations; poor rate assessments; financial accounts of the Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor and Highways Surveyors; and other papers relating to poor relief.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P97/AND · Colección · 1844-1936

      Records of the parish of Saint Andrew, Court Road, Mottingham, comprising altered apportionments of tithe rent charges.

      Sin título
      N/C/12 · Colección · 1850-1920

      Records of Horbury Congregational Chapel, Kensington Park Road, including correspondence relating to expenses of erection of chapel and general finances, 1850-1869; correspondence relating to a dispute between Reverend F.W. Pitt and the congregation, with subsequent intervention of the London Congregational Union, 1909-1914; further correspondence and notes relating to the dispute including a subsidiary quarrel and case between Reverend F.W. Pitt and Reverend H.A. Powell, 1915-1920; copies of 'The Bible Crusade/Quarterly Message', 1917-1919 and engraving of architect's drawing of chapel, 1860?

      Sin título
      N/C/19 · Colección · 1834-1958

      Records of the New Tabernacle Congregational Church and its mission church, the Hoxton Academy Congregational Church, including register of marriages, 1899-1941; roll of members and register of attendance, 1918-1930; minute book of joint Church Meetings, 1911-1946; minute book of Management Committee of the New Tabernacle Church, 1834-1852; minute book of Deacon's Meetings, 1938-1946; minute book of Committee and Visitors of "The Hoxton Auxiliary Christian Instruction Society", 1827-1835; cash book of "Sick Man's and Friend in Need Society", 1883-1936; papers relating to property and Trustees, 1842-1904; sealed order of Charity Commission authorising sale of site of New Tabernacle Chapel, 1949; order of Charity Commission setting out scheme for administration of New Tabernacle Chapel Fund and Charity of John Homes, 1951.

      Sin título
      N/C/20 · Colección · 1845-1888

      Records of the Pavement Chapel, Hoxton, later the Southgate Road Chapel, Hackney, including minutes of Church and Committee meetings, 1845-1859; Collections, 1845-1859; Roll of members, 1845-1878; register of marriages, 1851-1878 and register of baptisms, 1845-1888.

      Sin título
      N/C/21 · Colección · 1866-1939

      Records of Burdett Road Congregational Church including registers of marriages, 1909-1939; register of membership, 1866-1932; minutes of Deacon's meetings, 1913-1927; Treasurer's accounts, 1917-1926; tenancy agreement between the Church and the Borough of Stepney to use the ground floor rooms of the church as a Maternity and Child Welfare Centre, 1932; printed order of service for Ordination of Sydney Smith, 1908; correspondence, 1915-1936 and photograph of chancel and organ at Harvest Festival.

      Sin título
      N/C/24 · Colección · 1883-1900

      Records of the Brunswick Chapel, Stepney comprising correspondence relating to leases of Nos. 192, 194 Whitechapel Road and negotiations with London School Board concerning adaptation of Brunswick Chapel premises as special school, 1899-1900.

      Records of Sion Chapel, Stepney, comprising minute book of Trustees of Sion Chapel, 1883-1892.

      Sin título
      N/C/56 · Colección · 1894-1905

      Counterpart Lease for Land and Church buildings in Church Terrace, Kentish Town, Saint Pancras, 1849; counterpart lease for land in Congregational Church Avenue, Kentish Town, Saint Pancras, 1851; scrapbook containing notes, correspondence, membership cards, newspaper cuttings, programmes and similar, relating to the Church, Sunday School, Christian Endeavour Society, Total Abstinence Union and other Church societies, 1897-1905; Monthly Magazine, 1902-1903.

      Sin título
      N/C/63 · Colección · 1877-1978

      Church Books containing various entries including history of chapel, minutes of Church Meetings, roll of members, marriages and baptisms, 1878-1934; membership rolls, 1902-1949; Deacon's Meeting minute books, 1878-1952; minutes of the Building Committee, 1884-1889; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1896-1916; Church Meeting minutes, 1934-1954; Missionary Committee minutes, 1911-1965; general correspondence, 1902-1912; financial accounts, 1877-1914; annual reports, 1879-1910; printed items including notices, hymn sheets, appeals, handbills, programmes, brochures and histories, 1877-1998; newspaper cuttings, 1906-1928; The Outlook monthly magazine, 1930-1954; papers regarding the Church centenary, 1978 and photographs of ministers, staff and the interior and exterior of the Church, 1877-1930.

      Sin título
      N/C/65 · Colección · 1852-1929

      Church Meeting minute book, 1852-1875; minute books including Church Meetings, Deacon's Meetings and Trustee's Meetings, 1877-1924; Building Committee minute book, 1883; statement of the Church principles and practice, 1881 and handbills, tickets, programmes, and so on for Church events such as laying of foundation stone, opening of church, concerts and bazaars, 1884-1886.

      Sin título
      N/C/66 · Colección · 1883-1899

      Minutes of Committee of Beckenham Road Chapel/Branch Church, 1883-1887; bills for entertainment expenses, 1887; minutes of "Saturday Nights for the People" Committee, 1888-1899; minutes of Anerley Congregational Church Guild Committee, 1891-1894.

      Sin título
      N/C/69 · Colección · 1707-1975

      Registers of baptisms, 1871-1974; registers of marriages, 1943-1948; register of members' attendance, 1934-1947; register of deacons' attendance, 1905-1941; registers of preaching engagements, 1896-1953; applications for fellowship, 1889-1971; Church Meeting minute books, 1707-1974; Deacons' Meeting minute books, 1877-1967; Choir Meeting minute books, 1924-1969; minute books of Trustees Meetings, General Purposes Committee, Supply Committee, Deacons Finance Committee, and Committee for Alterations and Additions, 1870-1934; Sunday School Teachers' Meeting minute books, 1932-1961; Women's Council minute books, 1917-1975; accounts, 1871-1972; deeds, 1754-1959; correspondence and related material, 1813-1975; Church magazines, 1885-1974; Church manuals, 1873-1962; printed material relating to New Court Chapel, 1792-1921 and sketches and photographs, 1872-1967.

      Sin título
      N/M/003 · Colección · 1857-1859

      Trustees minute book, 1857-1859.

      Sin título
      N/M/004 · Colección · 1825-1922

      Deeds relating to the Chapel, 1825-1906; Trustees minute book, 1863-1922 and Treasurer's account book, 1905-1922.

      Sin título
      N/M/029 · Colección · 1877-1880

      Minutes of Sub Committee and General Committee of the Great Queen Street Circuit, 1877-1878; plan showing proposed site for Chapel and Schools at Agincourt Road, 1880?; draft proposed terms of purchase for plot of land on the north east of Agincourt Road, 1880 and correspondence concerning proposed Chapel in Agincourt Road (Gospel Oak site), 1880.

      Sin título
      N/M/035 · Colección · 1961-1965

      Schedules of trust property and copies of statistical returns, 1961-1965.

      Sin título
      N/M/042-1 · Colección · 1819-1965

      Register of baptisms of Brunswick Chapel, Limehouse, 1909- 1954; baptism certificate stubs, 1947-1963; register of names in Brunswick Chapel burial ground and vaults, 1831-1853; minute book of trustees' meetings, 1847-1965; minute book of meetings of the trustees of Mitre Schools, 1878-1933; booklet of the Limehouse Wesleyan Sunday School of the Seamen's Mission at Brunswick Chapel, 1913; minute book of meetings of the Wesley Guild Executive, 1922-1940; Collection book of the Wesleyan Foreign Missionary Society, Limehouse based at Brunswick Chapel, 1891-1913; schedule of deeds and documents relating to Limehouse Chapel, 1723-1899, compiled 1899; general correspondence, 1901-1902 and 1940; agreement regarding the improvement and alteration of the Mitre Schools, 1819; Memorandum of Choice and Appointment of new Trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School and Trust Property at Mitre Buildings, Limehouse, 1899 and 1911; Fire Insurance Policy of the Wesleyan Methodist Trust Assurance Company Limited, 1884; Conveyance in Trust for vacant ground lying on south side of and near to the Works of the Blackwall Railway Company in street leading from Church Lane to Three Colt Street called Mitre Buildings, Limehouse, 1842; schedule of deeds and other documents relating to Brunswick Chapel and the Mitre Schools, Limehouse, 1934.

      Sin título
      N/M/042-3 · Colección · 1894-1920

      Minute book of trustees, 1894-1919; report on chapel building by Charles Campion, builder and decorator, 1895; Trustees Treasurer's account book, 1915-1920 and bank book of the trustees, 1916-1920.

      Sin título
      N/M/042-4 · Colección · 1851-1919

      Register of baptisms, 1851-1919. Some entries copied from the Register of Baptisms, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Fetter Lane, Holborn.

      Sin título
      N/M/042-9 · Colección · 1883-1899

      Minute book of the quarterly meetings of the Islington Circuit, First London District, 1883-1899, with enclosures including newspaper cuttings concerning the quarterly meetings, 1886 and the First London District Synod, 1898, printed notice concerning Islington Circuit Bazaar, 1880s and balance sheet of Islington Circuit Bazaar Account, 22 Sept 1897.

      Sin título
      N/M/043 · Colección · 1866-1977

      Registers of marriages for the following Methodist chapels or missions:

      Albany Methodist Mission, 1954-1958

      Brockley Wesleyan Chapel, 1914-1947

      Brunswick Chapel Limehouse, 1900-1954

      Calderwood Street Methodist Chapel (Woolwich Methodist Church from 1965), 1939-1977

      Cassland Road Wesleyan Chapel, South Hackney, 1900-1940

      Charlton Methodist Church, Woolwich Road, Charlton, 1919-1940

      Dulwich Road Methodist Church, Herne Hill, 1950-1962

      Emery Hall, Augusta Street, Poplar, 1918-1954

      Green Lanes Methodist Chapel, Stoke Newington, 1906-1967

      Grove Mission, Great Guildford Street, 1889-1913

      Highbury Wesleyan Chapel, Drayton Park, Highbury, 1868-1929

      High Street Wesleyan Chapel, High Street, Hampstead, 1881-1933

      Hither Green Wesleyan Chapel, Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, 1913-1940

      Hornsey Road Chapel, Hornsey Road, 1915-1940

      Lambeth Wesleyan Chapel, Lambeth Road, 1916-1928

      Liverpool Road Chapel, Liverpool Road, 1865-1953

      Locksfield Wesleyan Chapel, Rodney Road, Walworth (Lockfeld Methodist Chapel, from 1939), 1926-1955

      Lycett Memorial Methodist Chapel, White Horse Lane, 1955-1962

      Methodist Chapel, Hackney Road, 1933-1942

      Methodist Chapel, Poplar, 1946-1973

      Methodist Chapel, St Johns Square, Clerkenwell, 1949-1952

      Methodist Chapel (Welsh), City Road, 1933-1940

      Methodist Chapel, Westbridge Road, Battersea, 1960-1967

      Methodist Church, Crystal Palace Road, East Dulwich, 1940-1942

      Methodist Chapel, Grayshott Road, Lavender Hill, 1938-1939

      Methodist Church, Herbert Road, Plumstead, 1935-1968

      Methodist Church, Lynwood Road, Tooting, 1947-1967

      Methodist Church, Waterloo Road, 1935-1941

      Mildmay Park Chapel, Mildmay Park, 1862-1963

      New Surrey Chapel, Blackfriars Road, 1924-1943

      Packington Street Methodist Chapel, 1947-1964

      Primitive Methodist Chapel, Chrisp Street, Bromley, 1907-1925

      Primitive Methodist Chapel, Eglinton Hill, Plumstead, 1920-1935

      Primitive Methodist Chapel, Furber Street, Hammersmith, 1916-1954

      Primitive Methodist Chapel, Kilburn Lane, 1921-1934

      Primitive Methodist Chapel, Robert Street, Plumstead, 1900-1965

      Primitive Methodist Chapel, Stoke Newington, 1928-1940

      Queensway Methodist Hall, Queens Road, 1902-1958

      Roupell Park Wesleyan Church, West Norwood, 1907-1966

      St Georges Hall and Schools, Old Kent Road, 1906-1955

      St James Church, Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, 1908-1966

      Southwark Park Methodist Chapel, Bermondsey, 1937-1955

      Sutherland Avenue Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1899-1977

      The Edinburgh Castle, Rhodeswell Road, Mile End Old Town, 1936-1951

      United Methodist Church, High Road, Lee, 1927-1971

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, The Broadway, Streatham, 1889-1966

      United Methodist Church, Bruce Road, Bromley, 1925-1940

      United Methodist Church, Charlotte Street, Caledonian Road, 1908-1940

      United Methodist Church, Fentiman Road, Lambeth, 1932-1976

      United Methodist Church, Paradise Road, Clapham, 1910-1935

      United Methodist Church, Pembury Grove, Lower Clapton, 1918-1941

      United Methodist Church, Walham Grove, Fulham, 1911-1971

      Victoria Hall, Woolwich Road, East Greenwich, 1929-1969

      Victoria Wesleyan Church, Barrow Hill Road, St Johns Wood, 1905- 1940

      Waltham Green Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Fulham Road, 1904-1964

      Welsh Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Holborn, 1899-1933 (UNFIT for access)

      Wesleyan Chapel, Amhurst Park, Stamford Hill, 1924-1939

      Wesleyan Chapel, Caledonian Road, Islington, 1867-1915 (UNFIT for access)

      Wesleyan Chapel, Camden Street, Camden Town, 1931-1938

      Wesleyan Chapel, High Street, Sydenham (Dartmouth Road, Sydenham from 1938), 1918-1945

      Wesleyan Chapel, London Street, Greenwich (Central Hall from 1906, West Greenwich Methodist Church from 1935), 1885-1969

      Wesleyan Chapel, Wauxhall Walk, 1931-1957

      Wesleyan Church, Rushey Green, Catford, 1897-1967

      Wesleyan Chapel, Oakley Place, Old Kent Road (later St Georges Methodist Church), 1900-1981

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Brockley Rise, Forest Hill (Honor Oak Park Methodist Church from 1934), 1902-1974

      Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall, High Street, Plumstead, 1906-1957

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Danty Street, Hackney Wick, 1909-1935

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Denbigh Road, Westbourne Grove, 1911-1940

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Kitto Road, Nunhead, 1901-1972

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, New Cross Road, 1903-1942

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town, 1922-1964

      Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, The Avenue, Blackheath, 1866-1945

      Wesley Hall, Streatham, 1924-1948

      William Street, Methodist Chapel, Woolwich, (Calderwood Methodist Chapel from 1939), 1900-1939

      Working Lads Institute, Whitechapel Road, 1905-1906

      Methodist Church, Westhorne Avenue, Eltham, 1932-1981

      Kingsway Hall, Lesley House, Kingsway, 1931-1980.

      Sin título
      O/121 · Colección · 1932-1939

      Issues of Pathfinder, the magazine of the Poplar Wesleyan Mission, Methodist Church, 1932-1939.

      Sin título
      O/253 · Colección · 1901

      First issue of Balham Wesleyan Methodist Church Welcome Magazine, December 1901.

      Sin título
      O/376 · Colección · 1826

      Certificate of Mrs Jane Leach for £10 share in Finsbury Chapel, Finsbury Circus, 25 Dec 1826, including signature of Chapel founder and trustee Alexander Fletcher.

      Sin título
      P75/JN · Colección · 1855-1987

      Records of the parish of Saint John, Deptford, including registers of baptisms, marriages and banns; preachers' books; offertory registers; church services registers; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; and papers relating to the parish school.

      Sin título
      DAVIS, Charles Alfred (1923-1999)
      Davis · [1959-1994]

      Papers of Professor Charles Davis, [1959-1994] including personal papers and notes on topics including ethics, conscience, prayer, Eucharist, penance, faith, anointing of the sick, meaning of history, magisterum, atonement, freedom, sexual morality, the devil, the church, contraception, John Milton, hypnotism, Christian reform, Jesus Christ, liturgy, the Virgin Mary, ecumenism, baptism, interpreting modern theology and celibacy; working papers and papers for taught courses on the following topics: Christian mysticism, living as a Christian, theories of religion, Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy, Leslie Milton, promise of critical theology, faith and the artist, doctrine and life, Bernard Lonergan, 'our bodily selves and God', religion and literature, psychoanalysis, William George Ward, early Christianity, unity, Paul Ricoer, transubstantiation, David Lodge, Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, Mary Gordon, John Updike, Johann Baptist, J F Powers, Marc P Lalonde, secularisation, political theology, Medieval Christianity, Christ and the world, parables, Ursula LeGuin, Flannery O'Connor, Callahan, Iris Murdoch, Margaret Drabble, Hermuenics, Christian modernism, Thomas Hardy, the human body, Herbert Hartley Dewart and religious experience.

      Notes for PhD seminars including on Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegal, G E Moore, Reinhold Niebuhr, Friedrich Nietzsche, Godamer, William James and Richard Hare and other seminars including on Michel Foucault, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Max Weber, Buckminster Fuller and Woodstock College seminar, 1973.

      Lectures including on the Vatican, CBC talks, 1967, the Wilson lectures, lectures at Huron College, Mar 1984 and the Simonsville talks; unpublished papers and articles by Davis; reviews, on and by Davis; papers relating to the Killam Research Fellowship; poems; press cuttings chiefly by or on Davis; obituaries; papers relating to conferences including the 'Critical theory and empirical method' conference and a report on the conference on 'The relevancy of organised religion', Oct 1969; diary of a visit to England, Aug 1975; draft manuscript 'The Presence of Christ, Reflections on the Eucharist'; papers relating to appointments including CVs and references; papers relating to academic institutions including Concordia University, Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Heythrop College, Lakehead University and the University of Alberta; Davis' personal financial and legal papers and other personal papers; offprints of articles and journals; PhD theses supervised by Davis and personal and professional correspondence on topics including leaving the Roman Catholic Church; the birth of his children; conferences and talks; his wedding; on 'becoming a liberated Christian'; ecclesiastical topics; royalties and correspondence with publishers, notably Cambridge University Press.

      Sin título
      POFFLEY, F
      GB 0074 O/251 · Colección · 1947-1965

      Scrapbook compiled by F Poffley containing items relating to St Alban's Church, Streatham Park, including engraving of proposed church, photographs of exterior and interior from 1887, the fire of 1947, and subsequent restoration and rededication, 1954, with notes from parish magazines.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/537 · Colección · 1956

      Records relating to the Church of the Ascension, Blackheath, comprising leaflet and photograph regarding a new stained glass window installed in 1956 and designed by Francis Spear.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/ALH5 · Colección · 1455-1967

      Records of the parish of All Hallows, London Wall, City of London. The earliest records are churchwardens' accounts, which date from 1455. There are parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns, church services) from 1559, and vestry minutes from 1700. However, most of the records date from the 18th century or later, including poor rate assessments and tithe rate assessments.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/ALL · Colección · 1858-1869

      Records of All Saints, Skinner Street, City of London, comprising registers of baptisms, 1858-67, and marriages, 1864-9, (Ms 21142-3); and a voucher book including miscellaneous papers and correspondence, 1858-68 (Ms 5140).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/AND4 · Colección · 1348-1975

      Records of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft, Leadenhall Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, burials, marriages and banns), financial accounts, rate assessments, overseers' papers including papers relating to the workhouse, deeds and rentals, faculties, drawings and plans, parish magazines, records of the Parochial Church Council, and records of charities and estates.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/BAT2 · Colección · 1850-1901

      Records of the parish of Saint Bartholomew, Moor Lane, City of London, comprising registers of baptisms and marriages, banns books; accounts and charity committee minutes.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/BAT3 · Colección · 1563-1981

      Records of the parish of Saint Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield, City of London. The records include parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns), rate assessments, Churchwardens' accounts, Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes, legal papers, deeds, plans and photographs, papers relating to the maintenance of the building, charity and school papers, and administrative records.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/BEN4 · Colección · 1675-1907

      Records of the parish of Saint Benet Sherehog, City of London, including Vestry minutes; Churchwardens' accounts and other papers; church rate assessments; poor rate assessments; papers relating to parish charities; and papers relating to parish properties.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/BOT1 · Colección · 1466-1984

      Records of the parish of Saint Botolph, Aldersgate. The main archive dates from the 17th century, but it also includes churchwardens' accounts from 1466, vestry minutes from 1601 and muniments of title from 1365. Parish registers include baptisms, burials, banns, marriages and church services. The archive includes poor rate assessments; tithe rate assessments; records of the extra-parochial liberty of Glasshouse Yard, which was in the northern part of the parish; and records relating to a number of parish charities, including Dame Anne Packington's School.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/BOT4 · Colección · 1558-1976

      Records of the parish of Saint Botolph, Bishopsgate, City of London. The archive dates from the 16th century, with parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials) from 1558, churchwardens' accounts from 1567 and vestry minutes from 1616. Poor rate and tithe rate assessments are particularly well represented, with a number of extensive and comprehensive series spanning 1703-1946.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/CLE · Colección · 1539-1964

      Records of the parish of Saint Clement Eastcheap, City of London. They include parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials and banns), vestry minutes, churchwardens' accounts, plans, papers of the overseers of the poor, poor and tithe rate books, and material relating to parish charities and estates.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/DIO · Colección · 1538-1949

      Records of the parish of Saint Dionis, Backchurch, Lime Street, City of London, including parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials) dating from 1538; registers of coffins; Vestry minutes, correspondence and notices; financial accounts; papers of the Churchwardens; papers relating to parish poor relief; poor, church and tithe rate assessment books; and papers relating to parish charities and properties.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/FAI · Colección · 1645-1946

      Records of the parish of Saint Faith under Saint Paul's, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials; Churchwardens' accounts; plans; poor rate, church rate and tithe rate assessments; and papers relating to parish poor relief.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/GIS · Colección · 1553-1987

      Records of the parish of Saint Giles Cripplegate, Fore Street, City of London. The main archive dates from the 17th century, but there are also parish registers (baptisms, marriages, banns, burials) from 1561 and estate records from 1553. The archive includes estate and charity material which relates jointly to Saint Giles and Saint Luke Old Street. Saint Luke was established in 1733 from the Middlesex part of St Giles.

      Records of the Metropolitan Dispensary, Fore Street: The records comprise minutes of the managing committee, 1833-1924; ledger, 1854-88; and draft petitions and notes, 1854, [1857?].

      Records of the Cripplegate Church Foundation: The records comprise minutes 1892-1959 and financial records 1892-1966. Further material relating to the Foundation may be found amongst other parish records: see Ms 25026-7 for meeting papers, 1945-53, and accounts authorised for payment, 1942-62; and Ms 6048/12 for minutes of joint meetings of the vestry and the Cripplegate Church Foundation, 1963-5.

      Records of the Cripplegate Foundation: The records comprise minutes 1891-1954 and printed particulars of the constitution of various parish charities with list of meetings 1951-52.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/GRE · Colección · 1559-1947

      The archive of St Gregory by St Paul includes parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns) from 1559, but the main archive dates from the 17th century. It includes Vestry minutes, parish notices, Churchwardens' accounts, plans, registers of parish apprentices; poor rate books and tithe rate assessments.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/JNZ · Colección · 1560-1985

      Records of the parish of Saint John Zachary, Gresham Street, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minute books; financial records of the Churchwardens and the Overseers; poor rate assessments and church rate assessments.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/LAW2 · Colección · 1614-1954

      Records of the parish of Saint Lawrence Pountney, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; Vestry minutes; Churchwarden's accounts and papers relating to poor relief; tithe rate and poor rate assessments; papers relating to parish charities.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/MIC1 · Colección · 1538-1947

      The records of Saint Michael Bassishaw include parish registers (baptisms, marriages, burials, banns) from 1538, vestry minutes from 1669 and churchwardens' accounts from 1617. Also papers relating to parish poor relief; poor rate assessments, and deeds and other documents relating to parish property.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/MIC2 · Colección · 1455-1986

      The main archive of St Michael Cornhill dates from the 16th century, but it includes churchwardens' accounts from 1455. Records include registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; preachers' books; church services registers; Vestry minute books; papers of the Churchwardens; papers relating to parish poor relief; tithe rate assessments; poor rate assessments; papers of parish charities and deed and other documents for parish properties.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P69/MIC3 · Colección · 1538-1949

      Records of the parish of Saint Michael, Crooked Lane, City of London including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; vestry minutes; Churchwardens' accounts; papers relating to parish poor relief; rate books; deeds and other documents relating to parish property.

      Sin título