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        GB 0074 LMA/4398 · Coleção · 1894-1995

        Records of DeClermont and Donner Limited, manufacturers, importers and exporters of and dealers in leather, and their subsidiary companies, 1894-1995. The records include minutes, memoranda and articles of association, accounts, papers relating to shares, and correspondence.

        Sem título
        GB 0060 DF ZOO · 1819-2000

        Papers of the Department of Zoology comprising: DF200 Keeper of Zoology's correspondence and files;
        DF201 Keeper of Zoology's out-letters;
        DF202 Department of Zoology: Keeper's miscellaneous documents;
        DF203 Keeper of Zoology's wartime papers and memoranda;
        DF204 Registers and indexes of Zoology departmental correspondence;
        DF205 Zoology Reports to Trustees and other official documents;
        DF206 Keeper of Zoology's subject files;
        DF207 Zoology Departmental finance and accounts;
        DF208 Keeper of Zoology's staff files and official diaries;
        DF209 Zoology reports of progress, monthly and annual;
        DF210 Keeper of Zoology's building and accommodation files;
        DF211 Keeper of Zoology's publication files;
        DF212 Keeper of Zoology's confidential files;
        DF213 Keeper of Zoology's expedition files;
        DF214 Keeper of Zoology's Great Barrier Reef Expedition files;
        DF215 Keeper of Zoology's John Murray Expeditions files;
        DF216 Zoology Acquisition, loan and exchange records;
        DF217 Artwork for publication;
        DF218 Zoology Accessions Registers;
        DF219 Collection Catalogues;
        DF220 Zoology Departmental Visitors Books;
        DF230 Bird Section correspondence;
        DF231 Vertebrate Section reports to Trustees and other official documents;
        DF232 Mammal Section correspondence;
        DF233 Fish Section correspondence;
        DF234 Osteology Section subject files;
        DF235 Reptile Section correspondence;
        DF250 Invertebrate Section correspondence and papers;
        DF251 Invertebrate Section reports to Trustees and other official documents;
        DF252 Crustacea Section correspondence;
        DF253 Coelenterata Section correspondence;
        DF254 Mollusca Section correspondence;
        DF255 Arachnida Section correspondence;
        DF256 Crustacea Section research papers;
        DF257 Coelenterata Section research papers;
        DF258 Coelenterata Section collection records;
        DF259 Parasitic Worms Section correspondence;
        DF260 Sponge Section correspondence;
        DF261 Bryozoa Section correspondence;
        DF262 Invertebrate sections visitors books;
        DF263 Sponge Section, photographs and artwork for publication;
        DF264 Echinodermata and Protochordata Section correspondence;
        DF265 Annelida Section Correspondence and Papers;
        DF266 Echinodermata and Protochordata Section research papers;
        DF270 Zoology Library accession records;
        DF271 Zoology Library correspondence and memoranda;
        DF272 Zoology Library catalogues and related material.

        Sem título
        CLA/015 · Coleção · 1553-1964

        Records of the Metropolitan Cattle Market, Islington, 1553-1964, including general administrative papers (inspector's report books, letter books, correspondence, report books, registers of drover's licences, bye-laws); posters; newspaper cuttings; photographs; annual reports of the Superintendent and Chief Veterinary Officer; legal papers; regulations regarding cattle driving; papers regarding the prevention and control of disease in cattle; papers relating to the City Meat Inspectors; accounts books; tenancy and rental agreements; rental ledgers; weighing and storage charge books; chill room charge books; lairage books and slaughtering charge books.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/L/CK · Coleção · 1553-2000

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Curriers. The records were compiled from 1553, but they include copies of Acts from 1473. The registers of freedom admissions and apprentice bindings date from 1658. The records also include Court minute books; Committee minutes; financial accounts; Clerk's letter books and papers relating to charities.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/130 · Coleção · 1902-1979

        Records of J T Hart and Sons Limited, butchers, including financial accounts; purchase books; and illustrated brochures.

        Sem título
        THOMAS, James and POWELL, Thomas
        GB 0074 CLC/B/213 · Coleção · 1848-1890

        Records collected by James Thomas and Thomas Powell, leather and hide factors, comprising leather brokers' trade circulars, tables of prices and sales reports.

        Sem título
        Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
        GB 0120 PP/FPW · 1886-1962

        The papers of Frederick Parkes Weber, 1886-1962, consist of case notes from his Harley Street and German Hospital practices, some very fine annotated clinical photographs, and (the bulk of the collection) a large number of volumes and bundles dealing with a vast array of diseases and medical conditions, usually accreted around an original paper by Parkes Weber himself. He described how these 'small collections and bundles around kernels of my earliest writings on the subject' evolved in a letter to the Librarian, Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 27 Feb 1958: "I was in the habit of surrounding my own writings with manuscript and printed correspondence, and all kinds of cuttings and small articles bearing on the subject. Many interesting autograph letters and small essays have in this way become buried and practically altogether lost." These had become 'gradually very extensive, and many of them have become dislocated and unmanageable'. On examination they have been found to include reprints and cuttings of articles, case notes, notes and annotations, correspondence, and photographs. There is also material on more general philosophical questions, and relating to his book Aspects of Death and other publications, and a little personalia and correspondence. Diaries apparently received with the papers were returned to Parkes Weber late in 1958 to assist in the preparation of the notes published as Miscellaneous Notes (see PP/FPW/D.11) and seem never to have been returned to the Wellcome Library (Parkes Weber to Dr Poynter, Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 24 Dec 1958 and 11 Feb 1959). This is a collection of major importance for the medical historian.

        Parkes Weber had a very active life during a period of unprecedented developments in medicine. He produced well over 1000 articles, and was particularly interested in rare diseases and conditions: conditions with which he is eponymously associated are Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (familial telangiectasis), Weber's diseases (localised epidermolysis bullosa), Weber-Klippel syndrome (haemangiectatic hypertrophy of limbs), Weber-Christian disease (relapsing febrile nodular non-suppurative panniculitis) and Sturge-Weber-Kalischer disease (angioma of brain revealed by radiography). His papers also include much on more common ailments and phenomena, on balneological and climatological treatment, healthy life-style and the promotion of longevity, social medicine, etc. His associates and colleagues included many of the great names in medicine of his day.

        Sem título
        On the Incubation of an Egg
        GB 0114 MS0062 · c 1769

        Manuscript volume titled 'On the Incubation of an Egg', c 1769, comprising notes and observations on the incubation of a hen's egg. Including references to the work of Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777), and John Hunter (1728-1793).

        Sem título
        International Wool Secretariat
        GB 2159 International Wool Secretariat · 1940s-1970s

        Records of the London Office of the International Wool Secretariat, 1940s-1970s, comprising publicity photographs of womenswear, menswear and some childrenswear, mainly from the UK but including some from Europe and the USA.

        Sem título
        COL/CA/MIN · Subarquivo · 1705-1865

        Records of various temporary committees of the Court of Aldermen, 1705-1865, including minutes of all the Aldermanic committees, particularly Gaol, with other subjects such as Cattle, Saltmeters, Watermen, petition of Drysalters against Brokers, Ganger and Riots, 1790-1794 and 1808-1815; papers of the Assize of Bread Committee, 1795; papers of the committee to enquire into the complaints touching several extensive fees demanded and received in the outer Chamber, at the binding of Apprentices and in making free, 1705-1706; minutes of Committee to consider of the duty and nature of the office of Chamberlain, 1727; papers of the Committee on the Chamberlain's income, 1843; papers of Committee of Aldermen on convicts, 1786-1787; minutes of the Committee of Aldermen to prepare a petition to the House of Commons to stop exportation of corn, 1765; minutes of Committees regarding the election of Aldermen, 1710 and 1769; minutes of Committee to consider the conduct of Marshalmen, 1798; papers of a Committee of Aldermen to take into consideration the state of the unclaimed dividend of the orphans fund, 1802; minutes of Committee regarding Oyster grounds, 1775; minutes of a Committee to provide plate for use of Lord Mayor, 1770-1771; report and papers of a Committee appointed to consider necessary repairs and additions to the Mansion House plate, 1842; proceedings of the Shipwrights Petition Committee, 1782; minutes of a Committee to examine Wardmote Presentments, Jan 1738/39 - May 1739, with summary of Wardmote Presentments to be examined, 1738-1741; letters and regulations regarding street traffic, 1851-1865.

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        GB 0074 CLC/L/PI · Coleção · 1571? - 1979

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Poulters. The records were compiled from the late 16th century to 1979 (they include a schedule of title deeds 1547-98, compiled ca. 1615). They include registers of freedom admissions; apprentice bindings from 1620; charters; ordinances; Court minute books; quarterage books; financial accounts; records relating to charitable bequests; and deeds for property.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 CLC/L/WF · Coleção · 1549-2002

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Woolmen, including registers of freedom admissions from 1666 and of apprentice bindings from 1665; Court minute books and financial accounts.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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        GB 0074 O/413 · Coleção · 1759

        Articles of partnership in business as fishmongers and venison dealers, 1759.

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        GB 0074 CLC/027 · Coleção · 1943-1974

        Minute books of the Association of Fresh Meat Wholesalers.

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        GB 0074 CLC/499 · Coleção · 1657-1963

        The Salaman family papers are a collection of deeds, documents and accounts arising from settlements and trusts under the wills of Myer Salaman (died 1 April 1896) and Nathan Salaman (died 18 April 1905). The properties mentioned in the deeds are in the City of London, Islington, Hammersmith and Westminster. Also includes ostrich feather auction sales catalogues.

        Sem título
        GB 0074 ACC/3527 · Coleção · 1891-1995

        Records of J Lyons and Company Limited, food manufacturers and caterers, 1891-1995. The archives reflect all aspects of the company's history. There are some of the usual company records relating to management, shareholding and administration, but the collection is particularly strong in what may be termed ephemera. There are hundreds of photographs, from 1887 up to the present day, a few films and videos, and large collections of press cuttings, advertisements, menus and even a set of lithographs which were commissioned by the company after the Second World War as a way of brightening up Lyons Corner Houses.

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        SIMONDS, James Beart (1810-1904)
        GB 1510 SIMONDS · 1838-1896

        Scrap books of press-cuttings and other papers compiled by James Bearton Simonds, 1838-1896, including scrapbooks of press cuttings on the cattle plague, 1844-1869; scrapbook of press cuttings on cattle diseases and legislation, 1854-1865; scrapbook of press cuttings on veterinary and other matters, 1875-1879; scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on Variola Ovina, 1847-1863; scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on the veterinary profession, 1838-1896 and scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on pleuro-pneumonia, 1843-1869.

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        PARIS, John Ayrton (1785-1856)
        GB 0113 MS-PARIJ · Arquivo · 1809-1810

        John Ayrton Paris' annotated copy of 'A memoir on the physiology of the egg', read before the Linnean Society of London, 21 Mar 1809' (London 1810), with two unpublished watercolour drawings by M C Noble interleaved.

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        Experiments [in] Physiology
        GB 0114 MS0034 · 1776-1777

        Manuscript volume titled Experiments Physiology 1776, 1776-1777, comprising notes of experiments carried out on dogs, cats, and on eggs. Including the names of persons present during the experiments. The script of the volume's title is in the handwriting of William Clift, however the text inside does not belong to Clift. In his catalogue of manuscripts, Victor Plarr suggests that the text is by a Scot experimenting at John Hunter's house.

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        Mitchell, John and Maude, W M: letters (1820)
        GB 0096 AL204 · Arquivo · 1820

        (1) Letter from John Mitchell of 35 Wimpole Street, [London], to W M Maude, 24 May 1820. 'The Pamphlet you were so obliging to send me, I have read with great attention; and I think the reasoning of it so sound that I intend to vote for Lord Sutton's motion ...' ; autograph, with signature.

        (2) Covering note from [W M Maude] to John Mitchell, [c1820]. Accompanying a 3rd edition of James Bischoff's pamphlet Reasons for the immediate repeal of the tax on foreign wool (1820); note undated and unsigned.

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        Letter concerning Merino sheep
        GB 0096 MS 765 · [1810-1812]

        Copy of 'A letter to the most noble the Marquis of Titchfield [William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, later 4th Duke of Portland], President of the Newark Agricultural Society, on the practability [sic] and importance of introducing the merino breed of sheep extensively, upon the forrest farms of Nottinghamshire, by Benjamin Thompson' [the dramatist, [1776] - 1816]. This letter, dated from Redhill Lodge near Northampton on 20 Jun 1808, was read at a meeting of the Society held at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on 5 Jul 1808. It is followed by an extract in the same hand from The Boston Gazzette and Lincoln Shire Advertiser of 21 Jan 1812, about Thompson and his breeding of Merino sheep.

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        Nightingale, Florence: Correspondence and Papers
        GB 0114 MS0261 · 1876-1956

        Papers of Florence Nightingale, 1876-1956, comprising notes on sick nursing addressed to the editors of Every Girl's Magazine, 19 Nov 1881; photographs of autograph labels for Nightingale's collection of shells. Including a letter from G Ellis Flack from Nottingham University, where the shell collection is now housed, 1951; autograph in pencil; correspondence with Dr John Shaw Billings, 23 Oct 1876-4 Dec 1876, requesting advice from Nightingale on the building of a hospital in Baltimore by the Johns Hopkins Trust; and 2 letters relating to the efforts to locate the correspondence, Apr-May 1956.

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        GB 0074 CLC/L/TC · Coleção · 1519-1952

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers, including registers of freedom admissions and apprentice bindings from 1551, and title deeds dating from 1249.

        The archives held in the Library have been compiled from the early 16th century. However they include photographic negatives of charters dating from 1462 (Ms 24947) (the original charters have been retained for display by the Company). Access to the negatives will not normally be granted - they are to be used only for making photographic prints.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

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        GB 0074 E/NOR · Coleção · 1279-1951

        The records of the Marquess of Northampton's London Estates in Holloway and Canonbury form a considerable collection of material from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries relating to the development of Islington.

        Estate Records (E/NOR/E): These relate almost entirely to the Northampton Estates in London in Clerkenwell and Canonbury, Islington. There is a fine series of eighteenth century rentals and accounts which extend into the twentieth century. These can be used in conjunction with the leases and maps in E/NOR/L.

        Also included in this section are records of Estate administration in the twentieth century, relating to legislation under the Housing Acts of 1925, 1930 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, together with more local orders by Finsbury Justices. In particular, there is a lot of material relating to the Clearance of the Northampton Road area in the 1930s and the building of new flats in Canonbury via the Compton Housing Association in the same decade. By 1954 at least part of the Canonbury Estate had been sold by the Northampton trustees to property companies Western Ground Rents and the Oriel Property Trust.

        The development of the Canonbury Estate is outlined in the Victoria County History of Middlesex vol VIII pp 54,55.

        Leases (E/NOR/L): There are a number of schedules of leases giving an insight into the running of the Estates in the nineteenth century; these are complemented by the Maps of Estates which vary in date from 1809 to 1947 (E/NOR/L/2), the maps in the Map and Print Section of the LMA, and Estate Records mentioned above.

        The leases have been split into two groups: one covering the geographical area of Clerkenwell (E/NOR/L/3) and one covering Canonbury (E/NOR/L/4). They include documents from all forms of transfer of property and other related records: bargain and sale, demises, assignments, abstracts of title, building agreements, mortgages. Most of these have been kept in original bundles where possible.

        For ease of access the leases have been listed in alphabetical order of streets and within each street by the numbered property. An attempt has been made to give alternative street names. Similarly cross references to properties mentioned in other deeds have been added. However, it has not been possible (or considered necessary) to produce a totally comprehensive appendix of street numbering changes. Individual instances of street numbering can be further clarified by reference to the LCC's published Names of Streets and Places and the accompanying list of Street Naming and Numbering records in the Catalogue Room.

        Many of the nineteenth century leases have plans on them, but a number of separate plans of buildings are included separately at the end of the leases section (E/NOR/L/5).

        Among the leases of Clerkenwell properties belonging to the Marquess of Northampton are the London Spa, Wilmington Square, Exmouth Market, the Sheep Skin Market at Woods Close, and Northampton Square.

        Canonbury leases include Canonbury Tower, Canonbury House, Canonbury Square and Northampton House. Pevsner describes Canonbury as "especially illuminating for the development of domestic building in London."

        Other Records: Apart from the Estate Records there are a number of significant small collections and individual items in this archive.

        The Sheep Skin Market run by the Skinners Company in Woods Close is documented by three volumes of market books 1754-1772 (E/NOR/S/1-3).

        Among items of local historical interest there are photographs of Canonbury (E/NOR/X) and a small amount of printed material on Clerkenwell including a History of Spa Fields Burial Ground (E/NOR/Y/2), and a sketch of Finsbury Health Centre (E/NOR/Y/7).

        Away from Clerkenwell and Canonbury, there are some records concerning the Northampton family's involvement in the Ragged School at Hertford Place, Mile End Old Town (E/NOR/R) and the Northampton Training Ship (E/NOR/Y/8).

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/126 · Coleção · 1946-1995

        Records of the Institute of Meat, a training body for the UK meat industry, comprising constitutional documents, minutes, annual reports and accounts, administrative and estate papers.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/103 · Coleção · 1882-1972

        Records of predecessors of the Grain and Free Trade Association, as follows:

        Cattle Feeding Stuffs Central Advisory Committee;
        Edible Oil Association;
        London Oil and Tallow Trades Association;
        London Cattle Food Trade Association;
        London Copra Association;
        London Corn Exchange Importers' Association;
        London Corn Trade Association;
        London Port Area Grain Committee;
        National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers;
        National Federation of Corn Trade Associations;
        United Associations Limited;
        National Lubricating Oil and Grease Federation.

        The records include minutes and agendas, financial accounts, cash books, ledgers, papers relating to arbitration and appeals, registers of members and samples books.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4239 · Coleção · 19-- - 1983

        Records of the Herst Leather Corporation, [1900]-1983. Administrative papers including material relating to the incorporation of the companies, correspondence to and from suppliers and clients, and details of products and processes at the Avondale Tannery; financial papers including records of sales and purchases along with accounts from Herst, Leading Leathers and Avondale and credit reports of companies they dealt with; and publications and ephemera including directories on the leather trade and surveys of the shoe industry. Also a short series of samples of leather from Herst Leather Corporation as well as samples from Buenos Aires.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4700 · Coleção · 1895-1939

        Records of Edward E. Pool and Company including financial ledgers containing daily profit and loss accounts.

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        Haggis, Alec William James (1889-1946)
        GB 0120 MSS.5328-5355, 8280-8282, 8285-8287 & 8662-8663 · c 1937-1946

        Papers and research notes of Alec Haggis relating to medical history. Many relate to Haggis's research into medical licensing in England and Wales prior to the Act of 1858.

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        LCC/PC/ANI · Coleção · 1892-1963

        Records of the London County Council Public Control Department relating to diseases of animals and regulation of performing animals, 1892-1963, including files on foot and mouth disease; anthrax; glanders (a contagious disease in horses); parasitic mange; rabies and hydrophobia; sheep scab; sheep pox; Johne's Disease (wasting condition of cattle); fowl pest; the Report of the Committee on the Slaughtering of Livestock, 1932; the Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Cruelty to British Wild Animals; Interdepartmental Committee on Slaughterhouses; importation of dogs and cats orders; transit of animals orders; animals (sea-transport) orders; destruction of carcases; overcrowding of animals in railway trucks; transit of unfit animals by rail and road; the Control of Dogs Orders and Dogs Act, 1906; Exported Cattle Protection Order, 1957; Protection of Animals Act, 1911; Pet Animals Act, 1951; Animals Boarding Establishments Act, 1963; Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876; Protection of Birds Act, 1954; the Markets (Protection of Animals) Order, 1964; Animal (Cruel Poisons) Act, 1962. Also registers compiled under the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act, 1925.

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        Wilson, Sir Graham Selby (1895-1987)
        GB 0120 PP/GSW · 1891-1987

        Although the collection is by no means comprehensive, there are interesting records of many aspects of Wilson's career.

        Section A. Biographical: Brings together material relating to obituaries, tributes, honours and awards. Includes Wilson's account of his First World War experiences and his assessment of his scientific publications. Section B. Research: Although not extensive, provides documentation of a number of Wilson's principal interests including the Salmonella group of bacteria and milk hygiene. There are three laboratory notebooks with experimental data covering the period 1919-45. Section C. Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS): Relates chiefly to the unpublished history written by Wilson after his retirement as Director of the PHLS. There is also a little material relating to laboratory design and equipment and PHLS personnel. Section D. Lectures and publications: The most substantial in the collection. There are records of Wilson's lectures for a period of forty years from 1944, extensive documentation of the later editions of Principles of bacteriology and immunity, and editorial correspondence and papers for the British Journal of Experimental Pathology and the Journal of Hygiene. Section E. Societies and organisations: Documentation of Wilson's association with ten British organisations including the Medical Research Club, Medical Research Council and Veterinary Club. The Medical Research Council material relates to the Working Party on Tristan da Cunha which was set up to supervise medical investigations when the inhabitants were evacuated to Britain after the island's volcano erupted in 1961. There is also material relating to the Research Foundation, Chicago, which specialised in tuberculosis research, on whose medical advisory committee Wilson served. Section F. Visits and conferences: Records of a number of overseas trips in an advisory capacity for the World Health Organisation, including to Ethiopia 1964, Iraq 1965, Iran, Sudan and Egypt 1971 and the Philippines 1972, and records of international microbiology congresses. Section G. Correspondence: Although not extensive, includes a chronological sequence of scientific correspondence, 1930-1987, Wilson's collection of autograph letters addressed to Topley and himself, and references and recommendations. Section H. Photographs: Photographic records of Wilson, colleagues, conferences and PHLS laboratories. Section J. 'Biographical History of Bacteriology': Manuscript of Wilson's history, with correspondence about publication.

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        Account book, leather tanning
        GB 0096 MS 742 · 1806-1817

        Account book, Jan 1806-Feb 1817, containing details of the sale of wheat, wool and the raw materials needed for tanning leather and leatherworking, as well as wages to servants and workmen, loans and rents. Among nine loose items enclosed in the volume are a letter stamped at Roanne on 1 Jul 1831 to Claude Marie Chartre, 'Proprietaire a Cremeaux', and a fragment of another letter to the same person, who may have been the compiler of the accounts.

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        Whittingham, Sir Harold E. (1887-1983), Air Marshal
        GB 0120 PP/HEW · 1904-1983

        Papers of Sir Harold Whittingham including A. Personal Papers and Early Career, 1904-1956, including papers on cancer research, Glasgow, 1904-1915; B. RAF Sandfly Fever Commission, Malta, 1921-1952; C. RAF Medical Services, c.1920-1945; D. Biochemistry Lectures, London School of Tropical Medicine, 1926-1930; E. British Red Cross Society, 1946-1959; F. Flying Personnel Research Committee, 1940-1976; G. British Airways Overseas Corporation, 1945-1970; H. International Air Transport Association Medical Committee, 1949-1960; J. World Health Organisation, 1948-1968; K. Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1958-1976; L. History of RAF Medical Services, 1958-1983 and M. Publications, 1911-1975.

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        GB 0074 CLC/L/SE · Coleção · 1327-1989

        Records of the Worshipful Company of Skinners, dating from the 14th century, with deeds dating from the 13th. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

        Records include charters; ordinances; Court books; Committee papers and minutes; livery rolls; apprenticeship registers; freedom admissions; financial accounts and papers relating to properties. The archive includes the records of schools established and run by the Company:

        • Tonbridge School: The records comprise minutes, accounts, reports, registers of pupils, 1817-1948, and of examinations, estate and other administrative papers.

          • Sir Andrew Judd's Commercial School, later the Judd School, at Tonbridge: The records comprise minutes, accounts and registers of pupils, 1888-1943, only. See also Ms 30715 and 30949.
          • Tunbridge Wells Middle School for Boys, later Skinners' School for Boys, Tunbridge Wells: The records comprise minutes, accounts and registers of boys, 1887-1949, only.
          • The Middle School for Girls at Stamford Hill, North London, later known as Skinners' School for Girls: The records comprise minutes, accounts and a register of girls, 1917-28.

          As well as education, the archive includes records of other charitable activity by the company, and of several named charities ie Lawrence Atwell's Charity, Hunt's Charity, John Meredith's Charity and Sir Thomas Smythe's Charity. The Charity Commissioners' reports (1819-40) held in the Printed Books Section contain background information about these charities.

          Skinners' Company almshouses: The records of these almshouses comprise regulations, ca. 1800-9 (Ms 30818); plans [1700?] and 1864 (Ms 30961 and Ms 30995), and schedule of plaques, undated (Ms 31313). Further references may be found in other Skinners' Company records such as minutes and accounts.

          The archive also includes extensive records of the Skinners' estates, not only in the City of London, but also particularly in Clerkenwell (Clarke's Close estate) and St Pancras (Sandhill's estate) in London, to a lesser extent in Kent and Surrey, and in Londonderry in Ireland.

        Sem título
        Dixon, John (1832-1930)
        GB 0120 MSS.2135-2195, 5191, 5950 and 6794 · 1848-1903

        Notes by John Dixon on medical matters and on things of personal interest to him such as astrology and photography spanning his entire career, 1848-1903. MS.5191 comprises more formal material, namely certificates and indentures.

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        Scattergood, Thomas (1825-1900)
        GB 0120 MSS.4385-4413 · 1845-1876

        Collection of short works of Thomas Scattergood, mostly on physiological subjects. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in Leeds, 1845-1876.

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        Chalke, Herbert Davies (1897-1979)
        GB 0120 GC/200 · 1924-[1980]

        Papers of Herbert Davies Chalke, 1924-[1980] including lecture notes, papers and publications, including re alcoholism, TB, care of the elderly, and food safety. Also papers re service with RAMC in North Africa.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/072 · Coleção · 1802-1950

        Records of Dyster, Nalder and Company, comprising catalogues of sales of skins, hides, furs, horns, hair and tallow; and an out-letter book.


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        GB 0074 CLC/B/103-04 · Coleção · 1910-1967

        London Oil and Tallow Trades Association records comprise: minutes, 1910-22 (Ms 23230-3); scrapbook of notices and letters etc, 1910-16 (Ms 23234); ledgers, 1921-67 (Ms 23235); and cash books, 1935-60 (Ms 23236).

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/103-05 · Coleção · 1911-1971

        London Cattle Food Trade Association records comprise minutes, accounts and a register of samples.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/109 · Coleção · 1989-1981

        Records of H Barber and Son Limited, salmon and eel merchants, and their subsidiaries including D and J Barber (Eels) Limited; Braddan Fishing Company Limited; Cahill and Young Limited; John T Clark Limited; U C Farmer Limited; A Langley and Company Limited and E F Marchant Limited.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/109-03 · Coleção · 1952-1975

        Records of Braddan Fishing Company Limited including articles of association, profit and loss accounts and cash book.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/109-04 · Coleção · 1947-1975

        Records of Cahill and Young Limited, fishery, including articles of association and financial records.

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        GB 0074 ACC/3361 · Coleção · 1925-1931

        Records of the Belgravia Dairy Company, comprising financial ledgers, 1925-1931.

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        GB 0074 CLC/B/116 · Coleção · 1925-1955

        Records of the Hide Shippers and Agents Association, comprising minutes of council, committee and members' meetings, and financial accounts.

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        HOBDAY, Sir Frederick Thomas George (1870-1939)
        GB 1510 HOBDAY · [1914-1937]

        Official papers of Sir Frederick Hobday as Principal of the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), [1914-1937], including RVC committee papers including the Finance Committee, 1914-1921; General purposes committee, 1914-1921; and the London University Subcommittee; papers of the RVC General Purposes Committee on reorganising and rebuilding the College 1928-1933; report and memorandum of the advisory committee on the Royal Veterinary College on the siting of a research institute in veterinary pathology; report of development commission advisory committee into research on diseases of animals, 1922; memorandum of report of Ministry on the advisability of removing the Royal Veterinary College to Cambridge; Senate minutes including on a consideration of revision of BSC Veterinary Medicine at Senate, 20 Dec 1933; papers of the Academic Board, 1927-1932; minutes of Governor's meetings, 1914-1932; papers of the annual meeting of the RVC, 1914-1921 and papers relating to the building of the new College buildings at Camden Town, 1934.

        Papers relating to events including the RVC 1937 opening ceremony; visit of Mayor of St Pancras to the RVC; Lord Mayor's Procession, 1931; Lord Mayor's Show, 1934; Sir Frederick Hobday Complimentary Dinner, 1933; the great thoroughbred contest, 1934; the Animals' Hospital Ball, 1933 and Flag day, 1933.

        Papers relating to fundraising including RVC appeal letters, 1931-1933; Herbert Buckingham fund raising correspondence, 1927-1936; Our Dogs appeal, 1931; Dog World Appeal, 1931; Suffolk women's appeal; donations to rebuilding and endowment fund, General expenses fund (for special purposes and general expenses) and the South Eastern Jersey club appeal.

        Papers relating to conferences, 1928-1932, including the National Veterinary Medical Association Congress, Sep 1929; RVC timetables; RVC monthly examination papers, 1927-1934; RCVS Examinations and mark books; papers relating to students including on scholarships and female students; financial papers including private account invoices; clocking on lists; papers relating to canine hysteria, 1934; applications and testimonials for posts in the RVC, 1933-1934; press cuttings including cuttings relating to the RVC; papers relating to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: Amendments to handbook of diseases of animal acts. Returns of outbreaks of scheduled diseases, 1927-1929; papers relating to anti-vivisection including Anti-vivisection Research Defence Society papers; inventory of books and instruments bequeathed to the College by Hobday; anti-vivisection correspondence and propaganda and anti-vivisection journals, 1932-1935 and issues of journals including the University of London Gazette and the Veterinary Journal, 1933.

        Correspondence including a run of general correspondence arranged alphabetically, 1933-1936 and correspondence on topics including lectures, 1932-1934; the humane treatment and killing of animals, 1933; export of horses, 1929-1932; the Mansion House meetings, 1936; notices, 1917-1927; and the Royal visit to open the new buildings at the RVC, 1937. Correspondents include Margaret Rees, 1933; London livery companies; the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Toye Vise; overseas colleagues; the University of London, 1934-1935; the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; James Basil Buxton, 1936 and Miss Hodge (Principal's secretary), 1936.

        Papers relating to societies and organisations including: the Student Union Society; Students Veterinary Medical Association; Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries; Royal Society of Medicine, 1928-1934; University of London Animal Welfare Society, 1929-1934; Royal Army Veterinary Corps, 1932-1935; Model abattoir society; Silver Fox Breeders and Furriers Association; Society for the Protection of Animals in North Africa; National Greyhound Racing Society, 1933; Council of Justice to Animals, 1933; People's League of Health 1932-1933; Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association; College of Pestology; Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; agricultural societies and poultry and bird societies.

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        Manes, Philipp (1875-1944): Personal papers
        GB 1556 WL 1346 · Coleção · 1887-1944

        Papers of Phillipp Manes comprising the 'Theresienstadt Chronicles', a diary of life in Theresienstadt concentration camp by Manes, 1942-1944; war diaries written by Manes for the benefit of his children, 1939-1942; autobiographical and family history writings; family correspondence; poems and prose and material relating to the German fur industry.

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        MURPHY, Sir Shirley Foster (1848-1923)
        GB 0809 Murphy · 1890s-1900s

        Papers of Sir Shirley Foster Murphy, 1890s-1900s, comprise correspondence and both unpublished and published work in the fields of health and medicine and relate to his work as a medical officer. The collection notably comprises correspondence from Dr Ernest Pfeiffer, 1899-1901 (Murphy/01); handwritten extracts and notes from works concerning slaughterhouses and meat inspection, [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/02); manuscript titled 'Alcohol in relation to the Child and to National Health', [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/03); manuscript notes on topics including 'liberty and authority' and 'alcohol and poverty', [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/04); published paper concerning the sale to the public of tuberculous meat (British Congress on Tuberculosis for the Prevention of Consumption, by Shirley Murphy, Medical Officer of Health of the Administrative County of London), [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/05) and an address, perhaps given to his colleagues at County Council of London on the subject of food supplies, with reference to tuberculosis, [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/06).

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