Lengua asiática

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      Términos jerárquicos

      Lengua asiática

      Términos equivalentes

      Lengua asiática

      • Usado para Oriental languages
      • Usado para Langue orientale
      • Usado para Lengua oriental

      Términos asociados

      Lengua asiática

      21 Descripción archivística resultados para Lengua asiática

      Duckworth-Baker Collection
      GB 0369 DUC · 1984 (covers 1930s)

      Copy of letter from Vernon Duckworth-Baker to Professor G F Cushing about his involvement in the 1930s with plans to introduce Hungarian studies to the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 1984.

      Sin título
      Matthews Collection
      GB 0369 MAT · 1911-1958, mostly 1930-1958

      Papers of William Kleesman Matthews on East European linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, comprising:
      papers on Baltic languages, c 1926-1947, including drafts of an anthology of translated Baltic poetry and a Latvian calendar of Saints; notebooks on Bulgarian linguistics, 1921, 1947-1951, including notebooks on the grammar and phonetics of Bulgarian and Old Bulgarian; papers on Estonian literature, 1939-1950, comprising drafts of an anthology of Estonian poetry which Matthews began before the Second World War; papers on German lingusitics, 1943-1944; papers on Polynesian linguistics and the Marathi language in particular, 1945-1946; papers on Russian linguistics and literature, 1911-1958, including mss and proofs of published works, notes and translated poems some intended for publication, articles, minutes of meetings of the Kings College London Russian Society, Russian appointment diary and typescript by Emmanuil Kazakevich; notebooks on Slav languages, 1935-1958; notebooks on Ukranian linguistics, 1946-1954; general papers on the study of literature and linguistics, 1930-1958, including bibliographies, articles and notes on linguistics and literature, translated poetry and correspondence; typescripts and manuscripts of Matthews' (mainly) unpublished poetry, c 1935-1958

      Sin título
      Lewis (Bunnell) Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 291 · c1859-c1873

      Most of the notes are not in Lewis's hand. They are draft footnotes and suggestions for a preface for an illustrated edition of Juvenal, apparently produced by Lewis's students, though not published. There are other notes on classical archaeology and philology, and also notes on the Turkish language.

      Sin título
      Modern Poetry in Translation
      GB 0100 KCLCA Modern Poetry in Translation · 1961-2000

      Records, 1961-2000, relating to the original and new series of the periodical Modern Poetry in Translation and associated projects. The material pertains to languages including Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Yiddish. Publications comprise issues 1-44 of the magazine, 1965-1982, covering poetry from a wide range of sources including countries in Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, Asia and Russia; MPT Year Book (1983); MPT programme for Poetry International 71 (1971); Poetry World (1986); and an Anthology of Twentieth Century Russian Poetry (1974), edited by Max Hayward and Daniel Weissbort. There are also files of translated poems, undated, from sources including various countries in Europe, Central and South America, and Asia. The bulk of the records comprises correspondence, covering all aspects of MPT's organisation including discussion with publishers, printers and distributors; decisions on the content of future issues and work by guest editors; correspondence with translators on specific projects and the general theory of translation; and many letters from translators offering their services, demonstrating the wave of enthusiasm of which MPT was part. The first series of correspondence, covering 1961 to 1984, relates to issues 1-6 (1965-1969, when MPT was published by Cape Golliard) and includes files on particular countries and related translators; organisations including the Arts Council and Gulbenkian Foundation; individuals including Ted Hughes and his involvement with MPT; distribution in Britain and America. The second series, 1966-1984, relates to the independent production of the magazine from 1969 and also to the Year Book (1983), and comprises some files on particular countries and their translators but also more general files covering aspects of production and admininstration over particular periods. The third series, 1964-1984, relates to translation projects in which Daniel Weissbort, editor of MPT, was engaged outside MPT. Subsequent deposits relate largely to the revival of MPT from 1992 and include papers on MPT, 1978-2000, among them translations, correspondence, reviews, biographical information and ephemera; papers relating to Poetry World after its launch in 1986; files relating to new series issues of MPT, comprising correspondence and translations; printed material including issues 1 and 2 of the new series, 1992; and working papers of Professor Norma Rinsler, 1993-1994 and undated, relating to the MPT new series and the Second International Poets Festival in Jerusalem, 1993, and including typescript poems and information on poets.

      Sin título
      Haymon Papers
      GB 0103 HAYMON · 1910-1992

      Files of various legal documents belonging to Mark Haymon and relating to C K Ogden and his work, including papers about the Orthological Institute and the Basic English Foundation, c1930-c1965; correspondence regarding various publications, letters to, from and concerning C K Ogden, and general correspondence, 1910-c1955; material post-dating C K Ogden's death, including press cuttings about C K Ogden's death, papers about the British Council, photographs, papers on the Japanese language, copies of C K Odgen's Basic Words, and other papers and journals, 1957-1992.

      Sin título
      Vincenz Collection
      GB 0369 VIN · 1961

      PhD thesis submitted to Paris University by André de Vincenz "Les noms de personnes du pays houtzoule" [The names of Estonian people], 1961.

      Sin título
      Henderson, Eugenie Jane Andrina
      GB 0102 PP MS 45 · Created 1878-1988

      Papers, 1878-1988, of Eugenie Henderson, comprising collected language, phonetics and linguistics material; conference papers and lecture notes from major linguistic conferences that she attended; socio-linguistic material; and papers from the societies and organisations to which she belonged.

      Sin título
      China Association
      GB 0102 CHAS · Created 1889-1969

      Papers, 1889-1969, of the China Association, including minutes and committee papers of the General Committee and Executive Committee; correspondence with the Foreign Office, Board of Trade, Sino-British Trade Council, Tientsin and Hong Kong Chambers of Commerce, Hong Kong Association and the British Consulate in Shanghai; annual reports (1889-1962); and separate items including the minutes and papers of the China Association's School of Practical Chinese Endowment Fund (1908-1955). Also includes committee papers and minutes of the British Chambers of Commerce in Hankow and Tientsin, the Hong Kong Association, the Sino-British Trade Council, and the British Residents' Association in Shanghai. Also includes photographs of banquets (1896-1906), and albums of newspaper cuttings on China (1940-1947) and Japan (1942-1949).

      Sin título
      Edwards, Evangeline Dora
      GB 0102 MS 145609 · Created c1932-1943

      Papers, articles, texts and lecture notes, c1932-1943, largely undated, of Evangeline Dora Edwards, relating to her work and interest in Chinese language, literature and history. The material reflects her particular interest in the T'ang Dynasty (AD 618-907). Lecture notes cover topics such as T'ang poetry, the history of the early T'ang, the social life of the T'ang Dynasty and secular schools of music founded by Ming Huang (AD 713-752) of the T'ang Dynasty. Also includes a typescript article entitled 'Development of Drama before the T'ang Dynasty' (1933). There are several Chinese texts in the collection, some with English translations.

      Sin título
      Inkster, Robert
      GB 0102 MS 380736 · 1931-1958

      Papers, 1931-1958, of Robert Inkster, largely dating from the 1930s, mainly comprising correspondence with friends on subjects including Chinese affairs, Anglo-Chinese relations, the national and international political and economic situation, and the Chinese in Liverpool, including correspondence with General C Y Chang, 1931-1954. Other papers include a photograph of the United Committee for Christian Universities of China luncheon, 1937, and miscellaneous other papers, among them undated notes on China and the Chinese, including politics, language and customs, and a printed pamphlet on Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwain, 1958.

      Sin título
      GILL, Capt William John (1843-1882)
      GB 0402 WJG · 1874-1884

      Papers of Capt William John Gill, 1874-1884, including travel diary in Constantinople, 1879; travel diary in India (the Marri expedition at the close of the second Afghan War), Persia and Russia, 1880-1881; press cuttings chiefly relating to Indian affairs, 1874-1884; travel diary in Tripoli, Oct 1881-Jun 1882; travel diaries in China, 1876-1877 and 1877-1878, and notes on Chinese characters and place names, 1877.

      Sin título
      LOCKHART, William (1811-1896)
      GB 0402 WLO · 1844-1877

      Notes by William Lockhart and locally printed material concerning Peking and the surrounding region, 1844-1877.

      Sin título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Jacobs-Larkcom · Created 1916-1945

      Papers relating to service in World War One, 1917-1919, and in China, 1921-1945, including copies of personal letters from Army colleagues, 1918-1919; copy of manuscript account of service during third battle of Ypres, 1917; typescript narrative diary of 15 Field Company Royal Engineers, 8 Div, 2 Army, Somme, German March offensive, 1918, with copy of manuscript account ofthe German attack, 21 Mar 1918; correspondence relating to road surveys in China, 1921-1927, with copy of typescript account of journey by Jacobs-Larkcom from Yunnan to Sichuan, China, 1921; copies of two manuscript narrative diaries, British Military Mission to China, 1943-1945; three typescript articles relating to China entitled 'Disease', 'For those interested in the Chinese language' and 'River travel-and a question of cash' [1945].

      Sin título
      Kabdebo Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 290 · 1964-1969

      The first part of the collection consists of correspondence, notes, drafts and revised translations for Kabdebo's edition of translations of the poems of Attila József. The second part of the collection consists of 19 letters and manuscript poems for inclusion in 'UCL Poetry 1969', a poetry seminar workshop, edited by Kabdebo.

      Sin título
      Crookshank, Francis Graham
      GB 0114 MS0055 · 1925

      Papers of Francis Graham Crookshank, 1925, comprising a copy Crookshank's book The Mongol in our Midst: A study of man and his three faces 2nd edition (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co Ltd, New York, 1925). Including manuscript notes made by Dr Thomas Brushfield.

      Sin título
      Morrison, Robert
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Boxes 1-3 · 1814-1958

      Correspondence and papers, 1814-1958, of and relating to Robert Morrison and his missionary work, translations, and life in China and Malacca, comprising letters of Morrison to various correspondents, 1820-1830; three letter books of Thomas Fisher, 1824-1836, largely comprising copy letters from Fisher in Hoxton to Morrison in Canton and Morrison's replies, and also including correspondence between Fisher and John Robert Morrison, Fisher's papers relating to memoirs of Robert Morrison, and various cuttings and inserts; manuscript translation by William Milne, 1814, of a Chinese catechism compiled and printed at Canton by Morrison (1811-1812); manuscripts of and relating to Morrison and his translations and missionary work, 1824-1826; undated [early 19th century] copy of Morrison's domestic memoir, written in 1824, including references to his family; Morrison's grant of power of attorney, 1826; manuscript containing copies [1832] of various letters from Morrison, 1809-1832; examples of texts printed at Morrison's press, 1831 and undated; publications of Morrison, comprising a printed list of his publications [after 1822], discourse given at Hoxton Academy (1825), pamphlet on Chinese language and literature, Chinese Miscellany (1825), and manuscript of the same; printed report on missionary work in China, 1832; papers relating to the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, comprising a deed, 1820, printed prospectus, c1820, and reports, 1823-1836 (incomplete series); copies of The Indo-Chinese Gleaner, 1821, and The Evangelist and Miscellanea Sinica, 1833; printed report on China and Canton, 1823; papers relating to Morrison, 1934-1958, including correspondence, typescripts and press cuttings.

      Sin título
      Legge, James
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Boxes 4-10 · 1831-c1905

      Correspondence and papers, 1831-c1905, of and relating to James Legge, comprising correspondence, largely manuscript and typescript copies (some later than the originals) of letters, 1831-1897, to and from Legge, the correspondents including his wife Hannah and other family members, also concerning the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, and its successor the Anglo-Chinese Theological Seminary, Hong Kong; sermons, mainly manuscript but including some printed, preached in Hong Kong, including the Union Church, and England, c1837-1880; publications, typescript copies, press cuttings, and manuscripts of articles, addresses and accounts, 1839-1890s (some undated; including some later copies), mainly by Legge but including some publications of other authors, the subjects including theology, Chinese religion including Confucius, Chinese language and literature, missionary work and journeys made, and Legge's work at the University of Oxford; personal papers, 1839-1897, including his certificate of ordination, 1839, print of an engraving of Legge with three Chinese students at the Hong Kong Theological Seminary, 1849, photographs of friends in Hong Kong and Chinese friends, and letter book containing Notes of my Life for my sons ... and their sisters', begun 1896; papers relating to Legge, including printed papers relating to his death, 1897, and the typescriptJames Legge: Missionary and Scholar' [before 1905]. Many of the typescript copies of correspondence and other writings were presumably made for Legge's daughter, Helen Edith Legge, for her James Legge: Missionary and Scholar (1905).

      Sin título
      Grierson, Sir George
      GB 0102 MS 380622 · 1920-1941

      Correspondence and papers, 1920-1931, largely typescript, concerning the possible acquisition of Sir George Grierson's library on Oriental languages and culture by the School of Oriental Studies and other matters relating to the School; letters concerning Sir George's death, 1941.

      Sin título
      Parsons Family
      GB 0102 MS 380686 · (1902-1926), 1951-1998

      Papers, 1902-1998, of the Parsons family, comprising three volumes of typescript copies of letters (1902-1926) written by the Rev and Mrs Parsons from Yunnan, China, the subjects including family matters and mission activities, descriptions of local people and culture, and references to the Miao language; unpublished Hua Miao-English dictionary and phrase book written by P Kenneth and R Keith Parsons, 1998; publications using 'Reformed' Pollard script, 1951-1994, including text books and school primer (some photocopies), collected by them.

      Sin título
      Furnivall, John Sydenham
      GB 0102 PP MS 23 · Created 1917-1961

      Papers, 1917-1961, of John Sydenham Furnivall, comprising correspondence (1948-1956), mostly with C W Dunn (co-editor of the Burmese-English Dictionary); draft annotated chapters of Reconstruction in Burma; statistics and other research material gathered for the above work; Furnivall's lecture notes, scripts of his talks, articles and manuscript research notes.

      Sin título
      Ross, Sir Edward Denison and Lady Ross
      GB 0102 PP MS 8 · Created 1890-1957

      Papers, 1890-1957, of Sir Edward Denison Ross and his wife Dora, comprising his correspondence, including that with his wife (1902-1940); personal material including diaries and notebooks of Lady Ross; articles, lecture notes, language material and notes gathered by J. A. Chapman whilst editing Denison Ross's autobiography Both Ends of the Candle published in 1943.

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