Littérature asiatique

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      Termes hiérarchiques

      Littérature asiatique

      Terme générique Littérature nationale

      Littérature asiatique

        Termes équivalents

        Littérature asiatique

        • Employé pour Littérature orientale
        • Employé pour Literatura oriental

        Termes associés

        Littérature asiatique

        3 Description archivistique résultats pour Littérature asiatique

        3 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        Turner, Sir Ralph Lilley
        GB 0102 MS 380710 · c1910-1983

        Papers, c1910-1983, of Sir Ralph Turner.

        Papers relating to his military experience comprise leave pass, Cambridge University Officer Training Corps, undated, c1910 (Ref: 1); volume containing manuscript 'Diary of Small Events', 1915-1917, compiled from war diary, battalion orders, Turner's letters, and diaries of other soldiers, containing brief entries on subjects including work and personnel changes, with some days blank (Ref: 2), and another volume containing a similar manuscript diary, 1917-1919 (Ref: 3); file containing typescript and manuscript notes, correspondence, maps, and other documents on military action in Egypt and the Middle East, 1915-1919, including personnel, awards and casualties, also including papers, 1919-1922, relating to a proposed history of the battalion 2nd/3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifles (Ref: 4); file containing typescript and manuscript notes and texts and cutting on military action in Palestine, 1917-1918, including later copies of other participants' accounts (Ref: 5).

        Language papers comprise a bound manuscript, 'Dvâvimúatyavadâna', 1911, collected from 9 manuscripts in various locations (Ref: 6); file on the Dvâvimúatyavadânakathâ, containing loose manuscript and typescript notes and texts, undated (Ref: 7); notebook entitled 'Dvâváúatyavadânakathâ Notes', containing numbered manuscript notes (index), with additional notes inserted, undated (Ref: 8); postcard on language to Turner from Jules Bloch, 1913 (Ref: 9); file entitled 'IA Introduction', containing manuscript notes and texts on Indo-Aryan languages, including lectures, largely undated [1920s or after] (Ref: 10); draft letter from Turner to [Sir Edward Denison?] Ross, 1926, on Turner's edition of the Dvavimúatyavadânakathâ manuscripts (Ref: 11); two letters from C E A W Oldham and three letters from Turner to Oldham, 1936, concerning place-names in Indic languages, and Turner's appointment [presumably as Director of the School of Oriental Studies] (Ref: 12); letter to Turner from J C Powell-Price, 1962, concerning various matters relating to India and Asia (Ref: 13); copy of a typescript foreword by J Brough to a collection of articles by Turner, undated [before 1983] (Ref: 14).

        Copies of five plans and one drawn view of the School of Oriental Studies, 1938 (Ref: 15).

        Papers relating to Turner's death comprise two letters from his daughter Audrey [Turner] to 'Clifford' [Wright?] concerning his death, 1983 (Ref: 16); printed order of thanksgiving service in memory of Turner, 1983 (Ref: 17).

        Sans titre
        Hill, David
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 24-29 (Boxes 630-636) · 1822-1917

        Papers, 1822-1917, of and relating to the Rev David Hill, including journals, 1865-1889 (some gaps); Hill's notes, sermons and addresses, 1863-1875 and undated, including some lantern slides, the subjects including the Old Testament, missionary work, China, including the opium trade and Chinese literature, and Hill's visit to America; letters from Hill to various members of his family, 1847-1896, and other correspondents, 1873-1895; various letters, 1847-1917, some to Hill, but including miscellaneous others; photographs of Hill and other subjects, including Chinese costumes; books belonging to Hill, 1857-1895, such as Bibles, a prayerbook, and hymnbooks; woodcut for visiting card; correspondence and papers, 1858-1897 and undated, some printed, relating to missionary work and other affairs in China, including anti-foreign riots, 1891; papers, 1877-1881 and undated, relating to the opium trade; Central China Lay Mission cash book, 1894-1899; printed papers, 1822-1917, including material relating to missionary work in China and to Methodism, including Methodism in York.

        Sans titre
        Ross, Sir Edward Denison and Lady Ross
        GB 0102 PP MS 8 · Created 1890-1957

        Papers, 1890-1957, of Sir Edward Denison Ross and his wife Dora, comprising his correspondence, including that with his wife (1902-1940); personal material including diaries and notebooks of Lady Ross; articles, lecture notes, language material and notes gathered by J. A. Chapman whilst editing Denison Ross's autobiography Both Ends of the Candle published in 1943.

        Sans titre