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      • Usado para Botanical research
      • Usado para Plant biology
      • Usado para Biologie des plantes
      • Usado para Recherche botanique
      • Usado para Biología de las plantas
      • Usado para Investigación botánica

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      118 Descripción archivística resultados para Botánica

      118 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      SMITH, Sir James Edward (1759-1828)
      GB 0100 G/PP2/23 · 1796

      'Lectures on Botany by James Edward Smith, MD FRS, President of the Linnaean Society, delivered in the theatre, Guy's Hospital, 1796'- manuscript volume of 18 lectures, titles include: A general view of the three kingdoms of nature; vegetable anatomy; parts of a plant; the various effects of light upon plants; the seed vessels; the sexual system of plants; the Linnaean system; illustrations of the Linnaean classes and orders. Also contains botanical illustrations 73 folios.

      Sin título
      Sanders, John
      GB 0114 MS0100 · c1689

      Papers of John Sanders, c 1689, comprising a manuscript volume in Latin and English, titled small tract of Chirurgerie and Phisical plants etc, all which I have faithfully gathered from divers Learned Authors, Besides mine owe practise, and what I have seen of others, in this citty of Doublin. Containing notes on treatments for various medical conditions, including gun shot wounds, ulcers, and the King's Evil (Scrofula), and advice on how to provide the Chirurgeons Chest for Military occasions; a list of medicaments bought from an Apothecary in Bow Lane, London, in 1689; a list titled Medicamentorum formulae apud medicos Londinenses usilationes; a list of herbal plants used in remedies; and a table of diseases.

      Sin título
      Ramsay, Alexander (1754-1824)
      GB 0114 MS0107 · Early 19th century

      Papers of Alexander Ramsay, early 19th century, comprising a manuscript volume titled N125, Compendium. Grass, herbaceous and medical Plants, collected and arranged in their prominent families, the less important species being left out, thus comprising the leading features of Botany. By A Ramsay MD. And Presented By him to the Royal College of Surgeons, London - as a small testimony of his respect for its members. containing dried, pressed plants with manuscript labels, c 1801 (watermark); and a manuscript volume titled N126, Compendium of the Musci Tribes. By Alexander Ramsay MD. Presented by him to the Royal College of Surgeons, London. containing dried, pressed British mosses with manuscript labels, and plants from North America.

      Sin título
      GB 2130 E/8/1/2 · sub-series · 1830-1894

      Society of Apothecaries of London: Prizemen in Botany and in Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry collection, 1830-1894, comprises records relating to the two prizes offered to male medical students by the Society of Apothecaries and include various registers detailing entrants and prizewinners, press notices, the Clerk Robert Brotherson Upton's letter to the Royal College of Physicians regarding Willam Wyon's design for the Galen Medal and his letter to Joseph Hooker at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew requesting his assistance in editing a press notice and Hooker's reply, 1862, prizewinners' bookplates (blank) and copies of examination papers, 1893 and 1894.

      Sin título
      Rose, Caleb Burrell (fl 1830-1890)
      GB 0117 MS/223 · sub-fonds · 1830-1890
      Parte de Manuscripts General

      Scrapbook of letters and other material collected by Caleb Burrell Rose including an anonymous photogenic drawing of two plants, mounted on paper with the title 'An early attempt of photography from Norwich'.

      Sin título
      Spruce, Richard (1817-1893)
      GB 0117 MS/236 · sub-fonds · 1850-1863
      Parte de Manuscripts General

      Drawings from Richard Spruce's travels across Northern South America, primarily the Amazon and Orinoco river systems, throughout Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezeuela and the Guyana highlands. Included are several renderings of indigenous picture-writing figures Spruce found in the Guyana Highlands, with notes on their possible origin and meaning, portraits of local people from nine different nations of the Orinoco and Rio Negro with notes thereon, drawings of notable landscapes in the region, vegetation and sundry objects from local villages.
      Drawn on for 'Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes' (1908).

      Sin título
      BERRIDGE, Emily Mary (1872-1947)
      GB 0505 PP27 · 1904-1948

      Papers relating to her life and career, 1904-1948, including correspondence and notes, 1904-1906, mainly relating to experiments by Berridge on the fertilisation of Carpinus Betulus (European Hornbeam), and the publication of a paper on the subject by the Linnean Society, notably including correspondence with Professor Margaret Jane Benson, Head of the Botany Department at Royal Holloway College, and a copy of 'Contributions to the embryology of the Amentiferae part II: Carpinus Betulus' by Berridge, Benson and Elizabeth Sanday, [1905]; correspondence, 1912, between Berridge and Professor Margaret Jane Benson, on the collection of new flower samples and the prospective reading of their Amentiferae paper in Dundee; research notes by Berridge, 1910-1948, on a variety of botanical subjects including Carpinus and agglutination, mainly comprising notebooks, notes on articles and experiment notes; notebook, 1948, belonging to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of the Botany Department at Royal Holloway College, containing obituaries of Berridge from the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 26 Nov 1948, and Nature vol 161, 17 Jan 1948, with a list of Berridge's papers.

      Sin título
      GB 0102 PP MS 66 · Created c1906-1948

      Papers of Lt-Col David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer, c1906-1948, comprising linguistic papers relating to his work on Burushaski, Khowar, Shina, Bakhtiari, Kermani Persian, and Gabri; photographs and 22 reels of cinefilm of a field trip to the Hunza Valley (north west Pakistan), 1934-1935; other photographs and glass plate negatives, including Persia, among them images of people, buildings and places; Hunza rock and seed samples.

      Sin título
      Sherard, William (1659-1728)
      GB 0117 MS 88 · sub-fonds · 1703

      Copies of letters from William Sherard, Consul of the Turkey Company at Smyrna, 1703.

      Sin título
      MALCOLM, Lt Neill (1869-1953)
      GB 0402 NMA · 1896

      Papers of Lt Neill Malcolm including diary of travels in India, Tibet and China, 1896 and preliminary list of flora collected in Tibet by Wellby and Malcom, 1896.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/103 · Colección · 1882-1972

      Records of predecessors of the Grain and Free Trade Association, as follows:

      Cattle Feeding Stuffs Central Advisory Committee;
      Edible Oil Association;
      London Oil and Tallow Trades Association;
      London Cattle Food Trade Association;
      London Copra Association;
      London Corn Exchange Importers' Association;
      London Corn Trade Association;
      London Port Area Grain Committee;
      National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers;
      National Federation of Corn Trade Associations;
      United Associations Limited;
      National Lubricating Oil and Grease Federation.

      The records include minutes and agendas, financial accounts, cash books, ledgers, papers relating to arbitration and appeals, registers of members and samples books.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 B/HRS · Colección · 1755-1839

      Records of Harrisons Nursery Garden in Kensington, 1755-1839. The most interesting are the records of the nursery and seed business begun by Henry Hewitt in 1775 or earlier and carried on by his nephews John and Samuel Harrison. These include account books and stock books which list a wide variety of seeds of vegetables and flowers, bulbs bought from Holland, and seedlings of various ornamental trees, shrubs and fruit trees. Some were grown at the nursery but the majority were grown by country farmers on contract. The business was run with some success and had regular clients in all parts of England including many titled families. It was the practice for one of the partners to travel round the country to collect payment for outstanding accounts and probably orders (for the expenses for these trips include many gratuities to gardeners). In spite of this and an apparent high turnover, however, clients were bad at paying bills and the business was sometimes in difficulties. New partners brought fresh capital from time to time. The last partner was William Bristowe who joined in 1819 with, a fourth share, the firm then being described as Harrison and Bristowe. In 1833, however, Samuel Harrison was described as a bankrupt.

      Also included are the records of Lane and Prideaux, solicitors, 1775-1839, concerning the settlement of the estate of Samuel Harrison, a bankrupt, and the estate of his uncle Henry Hewitt, d.1790 and other relatives and friends for whom the Harrison family acted as executors, and the payment of annuities under Henry Hewitt's will.

      Sin título
      Ball, John (1818-1889)
      GB 0068 JBA · [1840]-[1889]

      Papers of John Ball comprising botanical manuscripts relating to the Southern Alps, Morocco and other parts of Europe including a catalogue of plants on the South side of the Alps, Moroccan plants and more generally notes on plants in other European countries. Also correspondence with Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1859-1896).

      JBA/1/1: "Distribution of Plants on the South Side of the Alps". Large volume recording plants in their scientific names and the frequency of their distribution in various European mountainous areas in table format; the geographical areas covered are as follows: S. Alpine distribution, French Alps, Swiss Alps, German Alps, Illyrian Alps (Bosnia, and Herzegovina), Ligurian Apennines (Italy), central Apennines, Neap. Apennines, Pynrenees, Scandinavia and Carpathian mountains. There are also additonal manuscript notes, some with numbers contained within 1 to 50. The very last page of the volume gives a list of Italian geographical locations numbered 1 to 50 entitled 'Districts South Side of the Alps'.

      JBA/1/2: "Distribution of Plants on the South Side of the Alps". Small volume of manuscript notes recording latin plant names and locations; some are accompanied by numbers.

      JBA/1/3-5: Three manuscript volumes listing Moroccan plants with locations and plant descriptions; the altitude is also sometimes mentioned as well as some observation notes.

      JBA/1/6: General bontanical notes with lists of plants from Europe and Morocco. This volume comprises general botanical notes which have been bound together, and an index (Not comprehensive) was produced at a later stage (after binding), situated at the front of the volume. The content ranges from general botanical notes, sketches and memoranda such as description of a new species of Veronica, notes on melaphyre observed near Verona (Italy), notes on other group of plants such as Saxifraga and Sagiona, the genus Polynogon and others. Includes also list of plants: from Olympus and Brussa - an island off the coast of Italy, in the Veneto region; list of plants from Uina, Switzerland, list of plants from Tangier with a tabular view of the mountain flora of the Great Atlas mountains (Morocco), showing th distribution of species and the altitude. Comprises other botanical notes such as an account of an excursion through Portugal and Spain (1850s); folios 125-127 are ink sketches of Hieracium species observed in Italy; folios 128-188 consist of notes entitled 'Genera plantarum Vol I'; folios 188-208 are notes on Alpine and Moroccan flora in table format; folios 209-218consist of notes on the distribution and genera of the Alps and analysis of the 'genera plantarum'; folios 219-228 consist of a 'table showing the georgraphical distribution of the genera in each natural ? distinguishing the monotpypic genera'. Folios 233-234 consist of a list in table fromat of 'Natural orders in European Alps and other mountain regions, warm temperate and tropics.

      JBA/2: file of correspondence with J D Hooker.

      Sin título
      Lovell Reeve Publishing Company
      GB 0068 LRP · 1847-1966

      Papers of the Lovell Reeve Publishing Company, 1847-1966, comprising 10 series. The first series (LRP/1) contains correspondence with authors as well as relating to publications; the second series consists of stock records including valuations (LRP/2); the third series( LRP/3) relates to financial records such as Cash Books, Day Books and various ledgers; the fourth series (LRP/4) comprises illustrations and patterns, some coloured and some plain accompanying various publications, including the Curtis Botanical Magazine. The fifth series (LRP/5) deals with subscription records; the sixth series (LRP/6) contains a volume of press cuttings; the seventh (LRP/7) series relates to production records; the eight series (LRP/8) comprises catalogues, prospectuses and circulars advertising Lovell Reeve publications; the ninth series (LRP/9) relates to legal and business papers and the tenth (LRP/10) series to binding records.

      Sin título
      Bonnet, Hyacinthe (fl 1795)
      GB 0120 MSS.1316-1317 · 1795-1804

      Collection of 9 'cahiers' containing a student's notes of lectures on medicine and allied subjects: Volume 1: (1) Médecine clinique de la Charité de Paris du 7 Prairial inclus le 22 Messidor l'an 3me; [1795] (76 ll.). (2) Clinique externe de l'Hospice de l'Humanité [Hôtel-Dieu] le Paris. Maladies des os. L'an 3me de la République, [1795] (54 ll.). (3) Clinique externe de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. an. xi [1803] (6 ll.). (4) Dartre [etc.]. an. xi [1804] (8 ll.). (5) Candolle (A. P. de) Physiologie végétale. an. xi [1803] (33 ll.). Volume II: (1) Vauquelin (L. N.) Chimie. Analyse des eaux minérales et chimie végétale. an. xi [1803] (54 ll.). (2) [Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. de)] Anatomie comparée. an. xi et xii [1803, 1804] (48 ll.). (3) Dumas (C. L.) Extrait des Principes de physiologie. n.d. (30 ll.). (4) Mémoires lus à l'Académie des Sciences. n.d. (68 ll.). On Meteorology. The writer's name appears on the 5th and 6th leaves of the 'Physiologie végétale' (No. 5), in the form of a copy of a Certificate of Attendance given to Hyacinthe Bonnet by [Joseph Claude Anthelme] Récamier [1774-1752], 'Chirurgien en chef de l'Hospice de l'Humanité à Paris [Hôtel-Dieu], et professeur de l'École de Médecine à Paris, etc.' Produced in Paris.

      Sin título
      Holmes, Edward Morell (1843-1940)
      GB 0120 MSS.2867-2932 and 7961, WMS/Amer.145-148 · 1876-1930

      Notes and extracts on vegetable materia medica, botany, etc. (with the exception of MS.2882, which deals with British insects, and MS.7961 which consists of general correspondence). The plants discussed include species from Africa, Asia and the Americas. Many of the pieces are drafts of lectures (to bodies such as the Royal Botanic Society) or of papers later published in journals such as the Pharmaceutical Journal, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, etc. Some items include inserted correspondence.

      Sin título
      Jermyn, Emily Harriott (1793-1824)
      GB 0120 MSS.3074-3077 · Colección · 1818

      Emily Jermyn papers, 1818, comprising: 'Botanic etymology, or an attempt to derive from their original language, and to explain the names and terms, generic and specific, used in the Science of Botany: and to determine from such sources their proper and correct prosody. With short biographical notices of such eminent persons whose names have been honored in their adaption to plants: and many anecdotes ... relating to their cultivations, properties and uses. Author's holograph MSS. An exhaustive work which must have involved enormous labour: it is unpublished.' Produced in Sibton (Suffolk).

      Sin título
      Lillie, Denis Gascoigne (1888-1963)
      GB 0120 MSS.3259-3285 and 5252-5254 · 1824-1915

      MSS.3259-3285 comprise chiefly scientific material; they include student notebooks on zoology, botany and geology (MSS.3259-3280); scientific logs from the British Antarctic Expedition (MSS.3281-3283), specifically a biological log (MSS.3281-3282) and a log of whales sighted (MS.3283), both spanning 1910-1913; an address delivered in 1913 to the New Zealand branch of the British Medical Association on Mendel's principle of heredity (MS.3284); and some notes on fish and fishing (MS.3285). MSS.5252-5254 comprise more personal and more miscellaneous material. MS.5252 is a scrapbook kept by Lillie, containing news cuttings, photographs and miscellaneous papers, spanning the period c.1845-1910 and including cuttings (with portrait prints) on science and scientists, 1845-1901; caricatures by Lillie of lecturers and staff at Birmingham University, 1904-1905; geological photographs, 1907-1909; family photographs (including a group class portrait at United Services' College, Westward Ho!, c.1892); and ephemera from Cambridge, 1909-1910. MS.5253 comprises cuttings from newspapers and illustrated magazines, spanning 1910-1914 and mainly relating to Robert Falcon Scott's British Antarctic Expedition. Finally MS.5254 comprises correspondence and very miscellaneous papers from the period 1824-1938 (plus some undated material) among them letters to his grandfather John Lillie D.D. (1806-1866), and to his maternal relatives the Macaire family, and letters to Lillie from E.A.N. Arber, Caroline Oates and others.

      Sin título
      ROBINSON, William (1838-1935)
      gb803wro · Colección · c 1865-1935

      The archive comprises two volumes relating to work carried out at Gravetye Manor, 227 letters written to William Robinson and his nurse, Mary Gilpin, and a small number of papers collected by William Robinson. The letters reflect Robinson's wide network of friends and acquaintances, and topics represent many aspects of 19th- and early 20th-century society. His correspondents include fellow horticulturalists (E.A. Bowles, Gertrude Jekyll, Frank Crisp, Mrs C.W. Earle, Frances Wolseley, Arthur Bulley, Samuel Reynolds Hole, Robert Marnock, Ellen Willmott, Augustine Henry), botanists (J.D. Hooker, Reginald Farrer, Frederick Hanbury, Arthur Hill, J.T. Boswell, George Maw, Henry Vilmorin), scientists (Charles Darwin, Richard Owen, Oliver Lodge), social reformers (Edwin Chadwick, John Hanham), figures from the art world (Edward Burne-Jones, Frank Miles, John Ruskin, Carolus-Duran, Alfred Parsons), writers and poets (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Francis Newman, Henry Avray Tipping, E.V. Lucas, Alfred Austin, Charles Reade) and other well-known individuals such as Joseph Chamberlain, Viscount Esher, Lord Ronald Gower, Lady Constance Lytton, Heinrich Schliemann, Émile Faguet, William Tegetmeier and Vernon Lushington. While much of the correspondence focuses on gardening and horticultural matters, the letters also reflect Robinson's interest in the promotion of cremation, his protests against new taxes and the Government of the day, and include descriptions of individuals' experiences during the Franco-Prussian War and the Frist World War, and visits to Gravetye Manor, East Grinstead, where Robinson lived from 1883.

      Sin título
      Chambers, Mary Grace
      GB 0120 MSS.8213-8214 · 1829

      Manuscript and watercolour copy of text and illustrations from English Botany by Sir James Edward Smith and James Sowerby (1790-1814), volumes VIII-XI. chiefly manuscript plus watercolour illustrations (a few entries in original form of printed text and engraved plate).

      Sin título
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.49, 55 and 74 · 1783-1784

      The items in this collection comprise returns from local Thenientes to a survey launched by the Justicia mayor of Sonora province, Patricio Antonio Gómez de Cossio. The subject of the survey was the fruits, trees (economic and medicinal) and medicinal herbs of the province.

      Sin título
      SMITH, Ellen Marion Delf- (1883-1980)
      GB 0370 EMDS · 1895-1974

      This collection contains the personal and professional papers of Ellen Delf-Smith, 1895-1974. It comprises papers relating to Westfield College; including Career Developments 1906-1922; Teaching papers 1934-1947; Retirement 1948; Contact with ex colleagues and students 1917-1948; Continuation of the legacy of Ellen Delf-Smith 1955-1964; and 90th Birthday Celebrations 1973. Research and Academic Interests; including Publications 1940-1950; Laboratory Work and Experiments 1926-1966; Field Work and Samples 1915-1932; Secondary Research 1936-1938; and Academic Interests 1912-1974. Papers from work in South Africa; including Field Work 1920; and Letters from colleagues in South Africa 1921-1923. Personal memorabilia and ephemera; including School and College 1895-1934; Marriage 1926-1973; Diaries 1925-1948; Photographs and Drawings c.1906-c.1935; and a Church Donation 1976.

      Sin título
      CLYMO, Richard S (fl 1961-1995)
      GB 0370 RC · 1922-1996

      Papers of Richard S Clymo, 1922-1996, comprising papers generated by Westfield College and Queen Mary College, chiefly relating to their merger in 1989. Includes Westfield College papers relating to the merger of Westfield College and Queen Mary, 1922-1992; correspondence and papers relating to a 'History of Botany at Westfield College', 1983-1984; plans for botany at Queen Mary, 1982-1988; Queen Mary College finance schemes for biology and engineering, 1990-1996; papers, plans and correspondence concerning the teaching of Environmental Sciences at Queen Mary, 1983 and correspondence and papers relating to the future of biological sciences at Westfield College, 1980-1987.

      Sin título
      MURCHISON, Charles (1830-1879)
      GB 0100 TH/PP43 · 1845-1879

      Papers of Charles Murchison, 1845-1879, comprising school essays, 1845-1846; notebook containing notes and extracts on anatomy and zoology, 1846-1847, including an account of a meeting of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, 1847; notes on the New Testament, 1846; notes on Homer's Iliad, 1846 (3 vols); notes on the skin and subcutaneous cellular structure, with sketches, 1847; notes entitled 'observations on the spleen', with pencil sketches, 1849; note book entitled 'observations on temperature';

      lecture notes taken by Charles Murchison as a student, comprising notes on Professor John Hutton Balfour's lectures on botany, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847, including ink and pencil sketches; notes on Sir Robert Christison's lectures on vegetable material medica, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1847-1848, including diagrams and some notes on electricity (2 vols); notes on Professor James David Forbes' lectures on heat, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846, with diagrams (2 vols); notes on John Goodsir's lectures on comparative anatomy, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1846-1847, including sketches (5 vols); notes on Robert Jameson's lectures on natural history, including geology and zoology, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848, including ink diagrams (3 vols); notes on Professor Allen Thomson's lectures on the institutes of medicine, delivered at Edinburgh University, 1848;

      case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, containing details of six cases and an autopsy; case notes taken at Edinburgh, 1850, of fifty cases, and at Westminster General Dispensary, 1854-1855, of one hundred and fifty six cases; four volumes of case notes of (mainly male) patients at St Thomas's Hospital, 1871-1879, including temperature charts and letters, written in a variety of hands (4 vols); case books, 1877-1878 containing case notes of female patients at St Thomas's Hospital (4 vols);

      Letter to Murchison from [R Cokam] relating to a report of operations (undated); manuscript notes on Metals, 1847; black and white photograph of letter from Mr Snow to Murchison relating to presentation of a book by the late brother of William Snow.

      Sin título
      Hunter-Jenner Letters
      GB 0114 MS0015 · 1773-1793

      Volume containing 32 letters from John Hunter to Edward Jenner, 1773-1793. The letters were written whilst Jenner practiced medicine at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, having been a pupil of Hunters in London from 1770 to 1772. The letters record Hunter's encouragement of Jenner in his botanical, ornithological and medical observations and experiments, and include requests for Jenner to send him animal specimens, including fossils.

      Sin título
      Durning, Jemma
      GB 0096 MS 772 · c1816-1838

      A note book containing notes (dated 1838) on the history of Russia and on the Reformation. Also, in a different hand, 'A Syllabus of Mr. Hinch's Botanical Lectures'. Inside the front cover is written 'Emma Durning makes a present of this Book to her sister Jemma Durning Sunday August. 27 1820'.

      Sin título
      Huysum botanical paintings
      GB 0117 MS/109 · sub-fonds · [18th century]
      Parte de Manuscripts General

      A volume of botanical paintings, many of which have been used in the botanical works of John Martyn, especially in his 'Historia Plantarum Rariorum'.

      Sin título
      GB 0096 UoL/BS · 1950-1990
      Parte de University of London

      Material about the Botanical Supply Unit and Botanic Garden including minutes, agenda and supporting paperwork for meetings of the Botanic Garden Committee and the Botanical Supply Unit Sub-Committee; reports, including the Bromwich Report; administrative papers and promotional material.

      Sin título
      GB 0098 KB · Created 1894-1992 (ongoing)

      Records of the Department of Botany of Imperial College, 1894-1976, including press cuttings and reports, 1959-1972; correspondence relating to Agricultural Research Council grants, 1935-1940; correspondence of staff, including Professor Sir John Bretland Farmer, 1907-1932, Professor Vernon Herbert Blackman, 1912-1939, Professor Percy Groom, 1909-1924; correspondence concerning the Chair of Plant Physiology, 1910-1912; Plant Physiology building, 1911-1916; Biochemistry block, 1919-1923; Chair of Comparative Pathology, 1915; examination papers, 1894-1969; correspondence and papers of Sir John Bretland Farmer, 1916-1928, including rubber research, Departmental annual reports, 1921-1927, proposed field station; students' schedules for the Animal Biology Division, papers relating to mathematics for botany and biology students, 1933-1946; registers of students, 1900-1953, staff, 1945-1953; notes and logbooks relating to courses, lectures and laboratory work, 1896-1960; minutes of the Brownian Club, 1935-1939; minutes of the Imperial Botanical Conference Executive Committee, 1923-1926, 1934; papers relating to departmental appointments, including headship and chairs, 1966-1976; Rectors' correspondence with the department, 1955-1976 (KB);
      papers relating to the Plant Physiology Research Institute, 1911-1964, including correspondence with the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1911-1918, Rothamsted Laboratory, 1935-1960 (KBA);
      papers relating to the Division of Life Sciences, 1952-1987, including brochures and reports, 1969-1987; Department of Pure and Applied Biology research reports, annual reports, and course prospectuses, 1981-1987; Division of Life Sciences newsletter, prospectus, 1973-1978; papers of the Biology Working Party, 1966-1975; Professor Arthur Rutter, 1973-1982; Rector's papers relating to proposed division, 1979-1980; Advisory Panel on Life Sciences, 1978; Life Sciences Steering Group, 1978-1979; proposed merger of Botany and Zoology departments, 1966-1980 (KBB);
      papers relating to the Department of Biochemistry, including press cuttings, 1960; research and annual reports, 1992-1999; correspondence relating to finance, 1965-1967; Rector's correspondence relating to the Rank benefaction, 1967-1978, with Professor Chain, 1969-1979, Rank chair of Biochemistry, 1973-1975 (KBC);
      correspondence relating to the Centre for Biotechnology, 1980-1990 (KBT).

      Sin título
      Zoology Department of Imperial College
      GB 0098 KZ · Created 1908-1979 (ongoing)

      Records of the Department of Zoology of Imperial College, [1851]-1979, including a departmental history from 1851-1939; Department of Entomology 1927-1965; papers relating to courses, including student register of attendance at lectures, 1909-1912; lectures on invertebrata, 1950-1959; staff papers including pratical work, examination papers, 1931-1971; examination results, 1950-1959; practical instruction sheets; correspondence of staff, including Professor Adam Sedgwick, 1909-1911; Professor MacBride, 1911-1934; Professor Lefroy, 1912-1925; Professor T R E Southwood, 1967-1978; Professor James Watson Munro, 1929-1954, including Congress of Entomology at Berlin, 1938, personal papers; applications for the Chair, 1908; papers relating to the Huxley Library and Museum, 1963-1965; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1979, including relating to Ford Foundation grant, Electron microscope, Chair of Zoology; correspondence concerning the fumigation of carnation cuttings, 1953-1962; Department of Zoology field work, 1938 (KZ);
      pamphlets relating to Entomology, including courses and training, [1917-1974]; Dr T A M Nash's notebooks on a course, 1923-1926; notes on lectures by Professor James Watson Munro concerning the anatomy and physiology of insects, 1933; departmental history, 1995 (KZE).

      Sin título
      TUPPER family papers [1794-1844]
      GB 0100 G/PP1/60 · 1795-1797

      Notes taken from lectures and texts by Martin Tupper and James Tupper 1795-1797, including: 'Lectures on botany by James Edward Smith MD FRS, President of the Linnaean Society, Proprietor of the Linnaean Collection, delivered at the theatre, Guy's Hospital, London, taken by J P Tupper, 1795', manuscript volume of lecture notes with botanical illustrations, 364pp; volume entitled 'Philosophy, 1795' containing Martin Tupper's notes on natural philosophy, probably taken from published works; 'Lectures on botany by James Edward Smith MD FRS, President of the Linneaean Society, delivered in the theatre, Guy's Hospital, 1797', manuscript notes on 18 lectures taken by Martin Tupper on subjects including: the three kingdoms of nature; vegetable anatomy; parts of a plant; the various effects of light upon plants; the seed vessels; the sexual system of plants; the Linnaean system; illustrations of the Linnaean classes and orders. 143pp; 'Babington extracts' - notes on various medical subjects, presumably from lectures by William Babington (1756-1833).Also includes notes of lectures on comparative anatomy by Astley P Cooper, St Thomas's Hospital.

      Sin título
      GB 0100 KCLCA Q/EPH/LEC, Q/EPH/PRG · 1909-1986

      Queen Elizabeth College lectures, programmes and events literature, 1909-1986. This class notably contains printed and typescript lectures delivered by Professor Ronald Burge, Professor Arnold Bender, Neville Marsh and others on subjects including on nuclear chemistry, nutrition and experimental botany, 1964-1972; notices, programmes and tickets relating to lectures, 1934-1972 (Ref: Q/EPH/LEC); other programmes, tickets and invitations to Annual Dinner, degree presentations, carol services and other events, 1909-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PRG).

      Sin título
      GB 0505 PP25 · 1880-1977

      Papers, 1887-1977, relating to Blackwell's time as Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, University of London, notably correspondence with her parents, 1922-1945, discussing life at Royal Holloway College; letters of congratulation on her appointment as Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, 1922; correspondence and notes, 1928-1949, relating to gifts to Royal Holloway College; personal correspondence, 1941-1970, notably with Ellen Charlotte Higgins, former Principal of Royal Holloway College, (Elsie) Marjorie Williamson, Principal of Royal Holloway College, and John Cameron; papers, 1887-1969, relating to the Royal Holloway College Botany Department, including Botany Lunches, 1949-1977, Botany School Record Books, 1887-1969, and correspondence relating to field trips, 1930-1944; Blackwell's copies of the Royal Holloway College Boat Club Rules, 1914-1918, and the Royal Holloway Rules and Regulations, 1925; notes, memoranda, correspondence, minutes and reports of the University of London Botanical Supply Unit, 1944-1952; invitations and Christmas cards, 1922-1963; autograph books, 1922-1950, including one presented to Blackwell by her old students and staff at a luncheon at the Forum Club, [London], 1950. Records, 1897-1971, relating to the history of Royal Holloway College and the Botany Department, including press cuttings, photographs, memoirs, correspondence and draft articles, notably and article by Blackwell entitled '75 years of Royal Holloway College Botany Department', copies of College songs, and obituaries of old colleagues and students. Publications, 1902-1949, mainly comprising histories of the Botanical Departments of Liverpool and Manchester Universities. Photographs, 1880-1970, including the Botany Department staff and students, 1898-1962; Botany Department field trips, 1898-1948; Royal Holloway College staff, buildings and grounds, 1908-1952; Botany laboratories and gardens, 1912-1949; social and botanical activities at Royal Holloway College, 1927-1955.

      Sin título
      GB 0505 PP26 · 1871-1943

      Correspondence, 1892-1943, between Benson and various academic colleagues, mainly on subjects relating to botany, and the reading and publication of papers by women to scientific societies, notably with Professor Francis Wall Oliver, Professor of Botany at University College London, Professor Sir Albert Charles Seward, Professor of Botany at Cambridge University, and Dukinfield Henry Scott, President of the Linnean Society. Papers, 1871, 1906 and [1936] relating to Benson's death, including her childhood exercise book, 1897, given to Professor Elizabeth Marianne Blackwell, Head of Botany at Royal Holloway College, various copies of the obituary notice written by Blackwell, [1936], and material relating to a bequest by Benson to the Botanical Laboratory at Royal Holloway College, [1936]. Photographs, [1893-1922] of staff and student life at Royal Holloway College, including boating scenes, costume tableaux in the College quad, formal portraits of Benson in academic dress, and laboratories in the College.

      Sin título
      GB 1538 S2 · 1922-1973

      Papers of John Chassar Moir, 1922-1973, including rough notes and case notes; copies of articles and offprints on ergot, 1935-1964; ms and original tracings and photographs, 1954-1955; correspondence, chiefly relating to ergot, including with H W Dudley, 1930-1973; papers relating to the opening of the new Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' building (Sussex Place), 1960; papers relating editing Munro Kerr's Operative Obstetrics, 1957-1965; papers relating to Moir's presidential address as president of the obstetrics and gynaecology section of the Royal Society of Medicine, entitled 'Men I have known', 1962-1963; photographs including group photographs of members of the British College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and papers relating to the Gynaecological Visiting Society including rules, list of members and photograph of members, 1955.

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      Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von
      GB 0102 PP MS 19 · c1917-1990

      Papers, c1917-1990, of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf relating to his work on tribes and anthropology in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet and the Philippines.

      Papers relating to anthropological fieldwork, 1936-1989, comprise diaries, 1936-1985, some by Betty Fürer-Haimendorf, including detailed accounts of fieldwork; field-notes, 1936-1989; research proposals and reports relating to fieldwork, c1953-1985; fieldwork questionnaires, 1949-1957, on marriage, economic status and kinship; house-lists and genealogies, undated; diagrams and charts on distribution of tribes, families, households, and herds, undated; maps, undated; official correspondence and permits to travel, c1974-1988; miscellaneous papers, c1960-1981, including some relating to travel arrangements.

      Papers relating to tribal welfare and development, Andhra Pradesh, c1918-1985, comprise tour notes, c1918, 1945-1946; correspondence between Fürer-Haimendorf and the Revenue Department of the Nizam's Government, 1939-1949; reports on Hyderabad Tribal Affairs, c1935-1949; Gondi reading charts for adults produced as part of an education scheme, 1943-1948; correspondence with tribesmen concerning the alienation of tribal land, 1976-1978; notes on the position of Indian tribal populations, c1960-1985; press cuttings on tribal affairs in India, c1977-1984; Government reports and publications, c1949-1979; miscellaneous papers on tribal welfare, undated.

      Working papers for teaching and research, c1949-1979, comprise conference and symposia papers, 1960-1978; lectures and seminar papers, c1949-1977; working papers (subject files) on miscellaneous research topics, c1960-1979 but largely undated; working papers created by René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz on Tibetan dance, religion and ritual, and on medicine and medicinal plants, undated.

      Publications and accompanying material, c1917-1990, comprise published texts and articles, 1932-1990; rough drafts and working copies (books) [1939]-[1990]; rough drafts and working copies (articles), largely undated; publications containing photographs by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1937-1960; illustrations used in texts by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; reviews of Fürer-Haimendorf's publications, 1943-1982; reviews by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1958-1983; extracts and notes from anthropological works by other authors, undated; bibliographies compiled by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; a large collection of published and unpublished works by other authors, c1917-1989, largely on social and cultural anthropology, and particularly on India, Nepal and Tibet.

      Miscellaneous papers, c1935-1989, include further correspondence with colleagues, other scholars, students, publishers, academic institutions and other organisations.

      Sin título
      LUCAS, Louis Arthur (1851-1876)
      GB 0402 LAL · 1876

      Papers of Louis Lucas, 1876, including aneroid observations for altitude of Khartoum, 1876 enclosing a report by J A Grant and a further report by R Strachan; five leatherbound notebooks containing botanical notes, topographical notes and lists of stores and instruments.

      Sin título
      PIKE, Emmeline (fl 1907-1909)
      GB 2121 Pike · 1907-1909

      Papers of Emmeline 'Lena' Pike, comprising her notebooks on nature study, containing illustrations, pressed leaves and flowers and notes on experiment with bulbs, compiled whilst a student at Avery Hill College, 1907-1909.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0576 · Colección · 1922-1936

      Records of the Harrow and District Field Club, comprising minutes and programmes of meetings (including rules and lists of officers).

      Sin título
      Virtudes del Balsamo Peruano
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.2 and 13 · late 18th century

      These manuscripts comprise two copies of a work on the theory and extensive therapeutic uses of Peruvian balsam, probably produced in Mexico in the second half of the 18th century.

      Sin título
      New Spain: Real Expedición Botánica
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.38 and 42-44 · 1790-1804

      The items in this collection relate to the work of the Real Expedición Botánica during the period 1790-1804 and particularly to issues of staffing and facilities. WMS/Amer.38 and 42 focus on the removal of the botanist Jayme Senseve for incompetence, his replacement by the physician José Mariano Mociño, his reinstatement and the issue of payment to Mociño for his work. WMS/Amer.44 relates to attempts by Martin de Sessé y Lacasta to gain space in the Hospital General de San Andrés to carry out tests upon indigenous drugs discovered by the expedition. WMS/Amer.43 summarises the achievements of the expedition with particular reference to their medical side.

      Sin título
      Henry, Augustine (1857-1930)
      GB 0068 AUH · 1873-1943

      Papers of Augustine Henry, 1873-1943, comprising four series. The first contains two manuscript Chinese-English dictionaries written by Augustine Henry. The second is a volume of correspondence from Augustine Henry to H. B. Morse, beginning in 1893 and ending in 1909. The third series is three volumes of plant lists, detailing specimens that Henry collected in China and those which he sent to Kew for identification. The fourth series consists of a letter written by Mrs Henry to Mr Cotton and also 6 black and white photographs and a postcard inserted into a printed pamphlet.

      Sin título
      Burkill, Isaac Henry (1870-1965)
      GB 0068 BUR · 1892-1966

      Papers of Isaac Henry Burkil (1892-1966) comprising the preparatory notes and typescripts for Burkill's studies and publications (11 boxes), also one volume and one folder of correspondence, one folder of personnal papers, botanical journals and journals of Burkill's tours in Asia (18 volumes) and 23 boxes of index cards.

      Sin título
      Howard, John Elliot (1807-1883)
      GB 0068 JEH · 1836-1951

      Papers of John Eliot Howard, 1836-1951, comprising three series. The first series (JEH/1/1-JEH/1/48) contains handwritten correspondence and papers between 1836 and 1884. The second series (JEH/2/1-JEH/2/21) contains Press cuttings, Reports and other Publications from between 1856-1951. The third series (JEH/3/1-JEH/3/5) contains Illustrations, Photographs, Botanical bookplates and glass negatives from the 19th Century.

      The bulk of material is correspondence to JE Howard regarding Cinchona, mainly in the form of scientific discussion and research, collection and donation of specimens, and scientific and commercial exploration. It dates from the early to late 19th century. The correspondence is international. It includes some documents relating to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and it's museum collections (For example, correspondence from Joseph Ince and Daniel Hanbury, and formal acknowledgements for specimens donated by Howard to the Society's Museum. - see list for details.) There is also printed material, ranging from newspaper cuttings, journal and periodical articles to East India Company reports and printed records.

      This archive includes correspondence with Charles Ledger, Clements Markham, G M McIvor, John Broughton and others, letters to John Elliot Howard from the Directors of Kew Gardens: Thistleton Dyer and Joseph Hooker.

      This archive contains important information about the international network of botanists and commercial explorers in the field. It contains particularly strong information on the growing of Cinchona in India.

      Sin título
      Simpson, Norman Douglas (1890-1974)
      GB 0068 SIM · 1910-1974

      Papers of Norman Douglas Simpson, 1910-1974, comprising correspondence and papers regarding various topics including botany and plants, the Index ‘A Bibliographical Index of the British Flora’, expeditions and field trips, Simpson’s library and his dealings with publishers, book sellers, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The British Museum (Natural History), societies such as the Botanical Society of the British Isles (B.S.B.I.). There are also invoices and orders for the Bibliographical Index, eleven notebooks which mostly relate to his time at Kew working on identifying specimens from the North-Western Mongolia and Chinese Dzungaria expedition, Astragalus and his time in Egypt and Sudan 1912-1929 and seven boxes of index cards which relate to his plant collecting trips abroad. There are also plant lists, book lists, drawings and some maps. These papers document many of N D Simpson’s activities throughout his life.

      Sin título
      Balfour, John Hutton (1808-1884)
      GB 0120 MSS.1043-1045 · 1845

      Botanical lectures. Author's holograph MSS. Inside the upper cover of Volume III is a pasted-in visiting card, inscribed 'Professor Balfour/Royal Botanic Garden/Edinburgh'. Produced in Edinburgh.

      Sin título
      Hurry, Jamieson Boyd (1857-1930)
      GB 0120 MSS.2968-2988 and 6821-6823 · 1912-1930

      MSS.2968-2988 are chiefly related to Hurry's publications; the best-represented subject in this block of material is "vicious circles" in disease and in general society. In addition, there are papers relating to Hurry's work on Imhotep (vizier and physician to the Pharoah Zoser) and to the woad plant. MSS.6821-6823 comprise correspondence: on the Japanese edition of Vicious Circles in Disease (MS.6821), on the woad plant (MS.6822) and general correspondence (MS.6823).

      Sin título
      Micheli, Pier Antonio (1679-1737)
      GB 0120 MSS.3541-3542 · Colección · 1736-1747

      Diary of a botanical journey, and notes on the clock at Mantua, 1736-1747.

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