Scripts, with annotations, for various children's history series, broadcast by the BBC in the 1960s-1970s comprising: Stories from World History,1948-1973; Contemporary History, 1968-1970; Stories from Scottish History, 1964; Peoples of the World, 1971-1972; Great People of History, for Nigerian schools, Dec 1961; Religion and Philosophy: Archaeology and the Bible, 1955; Europe since 1945, (Study on three; Radio Three, 1968-1969); History 1917-1967 (BBC Schools Television, 1969); Human Rights, 1968; Britain in the sixties (Study on three: Radio Three, 1970); For the Middle Years on Romans, 1973; recording for Radio Enterprises, including a script for 'Drake sails round the world', Nov 1970, with a script from the World History Series on the same topic, 1967. Papers relating to the making of children's history series including on 'Recordings for Scandinavia' , including scripts, and notes, 1951-1965; list of titles of past programmes, with names of scriptwriters. List of programmes and schedules, 1938-1972; comments on and suggested alterations to 'How things began: Roman Britain II', with 2 scripts on Roman Britain, 1956-1957; working file for 'Talks for Sixth Forms: The History of Science', including journals, press cuttings and notes [1948-1956]; 'Ancient Greece', including extracts from reference works and press cuttings; 'Cook's second voyage (Radiovision)', including notes, drafts of scripts, key to pictures and photographs of the recording studio; 'Lincoln frees the slaves', including notes on picture sources, background and draft script, 1972. Radio Times articles by Duncan Taylor about the BBC Broadcasts to Schools, Sep 1950-Jan 1952. Publications including, Modern History: notes for the teacher (BBC Sound Broadcasts to Schools), 1944-1963; History I: notes for the teacher (BBC Broadcasts to Schools), 1944-1957 and Stories from British History: notes for the teacher (BBC Broadcasts to Schools), 1957-1966. Talks and other publicity material including 'Initiation, planning and production of a school broadcast', a talk delivered to H.M.I.s' conference [May 1949] and 'BBC talks and articles', containing published articles and notes for talks by Duncan Taylor on BBC Schools Broadcasting, [1960-1969]. Notes for intended contributors to 'Stories from World History' and 'Stories from British History', Jan 1962.
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