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      • UF Télédiffusion

      80 Archivistische beschrijving results for Broadcasting

      79 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      TAYLOR, Duncan
      GB 0366 DT · Collectie · 1948-1973

      Scripts, with annotations, for various children's history series, broadcast by the BBC in the 1960s-1970s comprising: Stories from World History,1948-1973; Contemporary History, 1968-1970; Stories from Scottish History, 1964; Peoples of the World, 1971-1972; Great People of History, for Nigerian schools, Dec 1961; Religion and Philosophy: Archaeology and the Bible, 1955; Europe since 1945, (Study on three; Radio Three, 1968-1969); History 1917-1967 (BBC Schools Television, 1969); Human Rights, 1968; Britain in the sixties (Study on three: Radio Three, 1970); For the Middle Years on Romans, 1973; recording for Radio Enterprises, including a script for 'Drake sails round the world', Nov 1970, with a script from the World History Series on the same topic, 1967. Papers relating to the making of children's history series including on 'Recordings for Scandinavia' , including scripts, and notes, 1951-1965; list of titles of past programmes, with names of scriptwriters. List of programmes and schedules, 1938-1972; comments on and suggested alterations to 'How things began: Roman Britain II', with 2 scripts on Roman Britain, 1956-1957; working file for 'Talks for Sixth Forms: The History of Science', including journals, press cuttings and notes [1948-1956]; 'Ancient Greece', including extracts from reference works and press cuttings; 'Cook's second voyage (Radiovision)', including notes, drafts of scripts, key to pictures and photographs of the recording studio; 'Lincoln frees the slaves', including notes on picture sources, background and draft script, 1972. Radio Times articles by Duncan Taylor about the BBC Broadcasts to Schools, Sep 1950-Jan 1952. Publications including, Modern History: notes for the teacher (BBC Sound Broadcasts to Schools), 1944-1963; History I: notes for the teacher (BBC Broadcasts to Schools), 1944-1957 and Stories from British History: notes for the teacher (BBC Broadcasts to Schools), 1957-1966. Talks and other publicity material including 'Initiation, planning and production of a school broadcast', a talk delivered to H.M.I.s' conference [May 1949] and 'BBC talks and articles', containing published articles and notes for talks by Duncan Taylor on BBC Schools Broadcasting, [1960-1969]. Notes for intended contributors to 'Stories from World History' and 'Stories from British History', Jan 1962.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0366 IAL · Collectie · 1984-1988

      Correspondence, memoranda and reports of Edward Rosen, Director of the Networks for Informal Adult Learning, 1984-1988.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0366 IE/GBJ · Deelarchief · 1940s-1960s

      Papers collated by George Barker Jeffrey whilst Director of the Institute of Education, including papers relating to the administration of the ATO (Area Training Organisation) including minutes of Institute committees such as the Council, Committee of Principals, and the Conference of LEAs, correspondence with the student union, and files regarding collegiate visitations; files relating to individual departments of the Central Institute; papers relating to external committees including the Inter-departmental Sub-Committee on Social and Economic Research, 1947-1949, the Secondary Schools Examination Council, 1947-1955, King George's Jubilee Trust, and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate; correspondence with the Ministry of Education; correspondence and committee papers relating to the University of London; papers relating to the establishment of the Music Teacher's Certificate, 1954-1956, and to the introduction of a three-year course of teacher training, 1955-1959; research papers including raw data and statistical analysis of class sizes, c 1950s; returns to the Ministry of Education on the employment of graduate teachers, 1950-1961; lecture notes and scripts of radio broadcasts; letters of condolence and tributes on death, including papers concerning a memorial fund and memorial bust; papers relating to the West African Examinations Council, 1950s-1960s.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0366 JL · Collectie · c1920s-1980s

      Extensive collection of personal and working papers reflecting many aspects of Joseph Lauwerys' varied career, including science education, educational broadcasting, international co-operation and understanding and comparative education. They include correspondence files, mostly dating from the late 1940s onwards; lecture notes, articles, conference papers and other published and unpublished writings; files relating to societies, associations and organisations; material about post-War reconstruction and the founding of UNESCO; files relating to specific overseas visits and tours; and collected papers on the educational conditions in many different countries.

      Zonder titel
      WAITE, Amory Hooper (b 1902)
      GB 0402 AHW · Collectie · 1960-1984

      Papers of Amory Hooper Waite, 1960-1984, chiefly comprising biographical material including details of Waite created for the occasion of Waite becoming a Fellow of the Radio Club of America, Sep 1976; press release on Waite receiving triple honours, 1 May 1980 and material provided by Waite for his own obituary including an autobiography, 1 Dec 1983; material from the 50th anniversary of the Byrd rescue mission, 1984; papers and history relating to radio ice depth measurements; copy of a paper by Noel Stone, entitled 'The Airborne Survey of Ice Caps at Radio Frequencies', Aug 1960 and copies of articles including 'An Empirical Determination of the Relative Dielectric Constant of the Greenland Ice Cap', by D C Pearce and J W Williams, in the Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 72, 15 Nov 1967; 'Airborne Radar Sounding of the Greenland Ice Cap: Flight 1', by A H Zanella, D C Pearce and J W Williams, in the Geographical Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 79, Nov 1968 and article on Waite, Jun 1984.

      Zonder titel
      Max Lock Archive
      GB 1753 MLA · Archief · 1936-1988

      Papers of Max Lock, 1936-1988, produced and collected by Max Lock and the Max Lock Group, relate to Lock's career as a planner and architect and to wider issues in planning, particularly after World War Two, and comprise working papers (including survey papers) and finished material.

      They include correspondence; notes and card indexes; photographs (some aerial), slides, drawings, maps and plans; Bills, Acts, white papers and other official publications; books, articles, reports and other publications (some annotated); typescripts; press cuttings; and conference papers. The bulk of the material dates from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Material relating to Lock's career and projects within the UK includes papers on his time as a Watford councillor and his architectural practice in the 1930s, including a timber house he designed at Stanmore, Middlesex; Hull, 1939-1957, including conflicts between Lock and his superiors; Scalby, 1940-1941; Middlesborough, 1943-1970; Hartlepool, 1946-1970; Portsmouth, 1948-1973; Salisbury, 1949-1969; Sutton Coldfield, 1950-1967; Bedford, 1950-1971; Sevenoaks, 1954-1965; Aberdare, 1957-1959; Stratford (West Ham), 1957-1962; Hackney and Shoreditch, 1960-1971; Woodley, 1962-1969; Oldham, 1962-1971; Covent Garden, 1963-1971; Battle, 1964; Brentford and Chiswick, 1964-1970; Torbay, 1968-1969; Dunstable, 1968-1972; Greater London Development Plan Inquiry, 1969-1971, and other material on GLC planning and transport; Beverley, 1969-1972. Material on projects and visits overseas includes papers on Scandinavia, 1937-1939, 1946-1949; India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1946-1955; the Netherlands, including the Town Planning Institute Tour (1946), 1946-1957; the Americas, including Brazil, the West Indies and the USA, 1952-1969; Italy, 1952-1970; the Middle East, including Iraq and Jordan, 1954-1958; Australia, 1959-1960; Aden, 1960-1961; Kuwait, 1961; Nigeria, including Kaduna and Maiduguri, 1962-1975.

      The collection includes a large volume of accumulated material, 1944-1987, largely printed material by other authors, including other planners, planning bodies and architects, some from architectural and planning journals and from the national and regional press, on planning and related issues both in the UK and overseas, such as planning law and procedures; central and local government and administration; public inquiries; housing; historic buildings; urban development; industry and retail; transport infrastructure, including roads and ports; traffic, noise, and the environment; social and economic issues including employment, labour, and social class; population levels and density; public amenities and utilities; land use and open space; and statistical data. Some papers relate to the affairs, including legal and financial matters, of the Max Lock Group; the architectural work of Max Lock and Partners; premises in Victoria Square, London; and the Max Lock Group Nigeria. Papers of or concerning Lock himself include his notebooks and other papers reflecting the development of his ideas; papers relating to publications and broadcasts; papers relating to professional bodies, including the TPI, RIBA, TCPA and UDAG; personal correspondence; photographs of him and his friends; papers on music and architecture, including lecture notes; articles about Lock, and his obituary in the Independent, 3 May 1988.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 PP/AEM · 1919-1996

      Biographical material includes the draft of Mourant's autobiography, Blood and Stones published after his death in 1995, together with the correspondence and papers Mourant assembled while writing it. There is also documentation of Mourant's education at Victoria College Jersey and at Exeter College Oxford. The latter includes notes on lectures 1922 - ca 1926. Documentation of Mourant's career, honours and awards is patchy, although there is material relating to his search for employment in the early 1930s. There are pocket diaries spanning 1915-1982, with a fairly continuous sequence 1922-1961. Biographical material also includes extensive family and personal correspondence, much of which dates from or relates to the German occupation of Jersey or shortly thereafter. Mourant's other documented interests include his membership of the Methodist Church and his political affiliations, the League of Nations Union in particular.

      There is a little material relating to Mourant's early career with the Geological Survey 1929-1931, miscellaneous material relating to Mourant's service with the MRC's Blood Group Reference Laboratory at the Lister Institute and the Nuffield (later Anthropological) Blood Group Centre at the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, and more extensive but uneven coverage of the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory. Although there is some documentation of the foundation of the Laboratory 1964-1965 and of its staff, the surviving material consists chiefly of correspondence and papers relating to Mourant's largely successful efforts to find continued funding for the Laboratory 1969-1977. Haematological research material, though not extensive, covers Mourant's work in a number of areas from research on blood serum in the mid-1940s to the mapping of blood groups in the 1960s and 1970s. There are early research notes, correspondence and papers relating to student and other expeditions undertaking blood group and physical anthropology research and some MRC material assembled by Mourant relating to projects in which he had an interest. The largest group of research papers, however, is maps and data produced during preparation of the second edition of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups. There is a chronological sequence of drafts and correspondence relating to Mourant's publications, 1929-1991, with extensive material relating to editions of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups and to The Genetics of the Jews (1978). There is also editorial correspondence relating to publishers and journals, chiefly invitations to review books or referee papers and an incomplete set of offprints. There is correspondence and papers relating to some of Mourant's lectures and broadcasts, most notably the lectures on blood groups given at the Collège de France, Toulouse, 1978-1979. Societies and organisations material is not extensive, and is confined to brief documentation of only a few of the societies and organisations with which Mourant was associated. It includes professional and geological bodies as well as haematological, biological and medical organisations. Visits and conferences material covers the period 1960-1987. It is not comprehensive, though there is also considerable documentation of Mourant's visits and conferences in the papers he assembled in the course of preparing his biography and with lectures material. Mourant's correspondence is extensive. Its complexity reflects Mourant's organisation of the material, the bulk of which was found in three main series: 'Foreign 1965-1977', 'Biological' and 'Geological', together with a fragment of a fourth series 'Home 1965-1977'. Principal correspondents include C.C. Blackwell, B. Bonné, O.J. Brendemoen, V.A. Clarke, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, A. W. Eriksson, T.J. Greenwalt, J.K. Moor-Jankowski, T. Jenkins, W.S. Pollitzer, D.F. Roberts, J. Ruffié, D. Tills and J.S. Weiner.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0064 JAC · Collectie · [1868-1920]

      Papers of Sir Henry Bradwardine Jackson containing items that cover the majority of Jackson's career in the Royal Navy. Within the collection are records and logs from Jackson's early career, essays on the use of radio, etc, as well as various official letters that illustrate Jackson's role in many of his appointments, up to the end of his career.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 GC/98 · Collectie · 1982

      Tapes of interviews used as the basis for a BBC Radio 3 programme entitled 'Stuffing their Mouths with Gold', on the origins of the National Health Service, broadcast in 1982. A total of ten tapes, interviewees include Rt Hon Enoch Powell, MP, Minister of Health, 1960-1963, Frank Honigsbaum, historian of the NHS, Rt Hon Michael Foot MP, biographer of Aneurin Bevan.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bonham-Carter · Created [1960-1964]

      Papers relating to Soldier true, the life and times of FM Sir William Robertson, 1860-1933 (Frederick Muller, London, 1963), dated [1960-1963], principally comprising Bonham Carter's corrected proof of the book, together with his typescript and notes. Papers relating to BBC television series The Great War, broadcast in [1964], dated [1963-1964], principally comprising programme summaries, Bonham Carter's notes, his drafts of the script and a joint script with Antony Jay.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2381 C182665 · Collectie · 1968-2005

      Audio-visual collections of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), London, 1968-2005, comprising photographs, slides, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs and audio tapes. Includes UNHCR audio visual presentations, 1981-1983; audio tapes of UNHCR seminars, radio broadcasts and recorded interviews relating to refugee and migration issues, 1981-2002; CD-ROMs, 1996-2001, including information on UNHCR, statements by the High Commissioner; Executive Committee papers; fundraising reports, evaluation and policy analysis and statistics. Educational packs on refugees produced by the UNHCR for schools, 1981-1983, comprising pamphlets, slides and audio tapes. VHS videos and DVDs, 1980-2005, chiefly produced by the UNHCR, on topics including the lives of refugees, conditions in war torn countries, appeal videos, the work of the UNHCR, environmental problems in and around refugee camps; music videos, child refugees, educational videos, asylum seekers in the UK, women refugees and training videos for UNHCR staff.

      The UNHCR Photograph and Slide Library comprises slides and photographs produced by UNHCR, including of refugees in the Horn of Africa, 1980-2000; East Africa, 1980-1999; the African Great Lakes region, 1984-1997; West Africa, 1981-1999; Southern Africa, 1968-1994; North Africa, 1990-1998; Central Africa, 1981-1998; Nepal, 1992-1995; South East Asia, 1979-1999; Croatia, 1992; Macedonia, 1999, Albania, 1999; Azerbaijan, 1993-1994; the former Yugoslavia, 1991-1999; the former Soviet Union, 1986-2001; Central America, 1982-1997; Europe and the USA, 1961-1996; Afghan refugees in Iran, Europe and Pakistan, 1979-2002; Indochinese refugees in South East Asia, 1984-1993; Iranian, Iraqi and Kurdish refugees; Bosnian refugees in Yugoslavia, Slovenia and Croatia, 1992-1998; Chechen and Georgian refugees in the Russian Federation, 1996-2000; refugees from Tajikistan, 1995; Kosovar refugees, 1991-1999; UNHRC photo series of refugees in Africa, 1970; elderly refugees in Cambodia, 1982; child refugees in Senegal; women refugees, 1988-2002 and photographs used for UNHCR campaigns and events including the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless, 1987; UNHCR fiftieth anniversary, 2000 and a UK poster campaign.

      Zonder titel
      Breda' war criminals: papers
      GB 1556 WL 1259 · Collectie · 1955

      Papers of 'Breda' war criminals comprise transcript of a radio interview, which deals with misunderstandings concerning the Germans still imprisoned in Breda, 1955; press release of the Dutch embassy (in Germany) regarding the Breda prisoners including lists of the following categories of prisoners: those originally sentenced to death and later commuted to life (with details of their offences); those sentenced to death (with details of their offences); those sentenced to 20 years (with details of their offences); those released in 1952 after serving two thirds of their sentences.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 564 · 1940-1949

      Microfilm of the papers of the Brussels Relief Committee on the fate of Belgian Jewry during World War Two, 1940-1949, comprising information regarding radio broadcasts on 16 and 17 July 1942, from the Belgian Information Center; American Joint Distribution Committee publication, 'Liste des Israelites liberés de Camps d'Allemagne et arrives en Belgique', 31 July 1946; typed extract from the 'Bulletin d'information No. 3 du conseil des Association Juives de Belgique', Manifestation Publique de Reconnaissance au Peuple Belge, 5 May 1946; invitation to the AGM of Comité Israelite des Refugiés victims des lois raciales A.S.B.L., 23 Jan 1949; Bulletin of the World Jewish Congress in Brussels, 10 May 1940 and typed report, 'Six mois d'activité de la section, recherches et rapatriement d l'A.I.V.G. affiliée au S.E.R.'.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 646 · Collectie · [1939]-1980s

      Papers gathered during the course of research for a Thames Television documentary on Kurt Waldheim's role during the Second World War, comprising photocopies of documents with their translations recording Waldheim's activities in connection with the following war crimes which occurred in the Balkans and Greece between 1942 and 1944: the murder and deportation of civilians in Bosnia to Jasenovac, Spring and Summer, 1942; the murder of Greek civilians and the deportation of Italian POWs to slave labour camps after the Italian capitulation, Summer 1943; the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz from Crete, Corfu and Rhodes, Summer 1944; the torture and murder of captured allied commandos, Summer 1944 and other war crimes committed by the Nazis in the Balkans and Greece.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 793 · Collectie · 1940-1945

      Copies of transcriptions of speeches made by Baldur von Schirach, dealing mainly with youth in Nazi Germany, 19 Apr 1940-20 Dec 1944. Each speech was subsequently checked and edited by Mia Thiel Hansen in the employ of the BBC, 19 Nov 1945. An original certificate of authentication signed by Mia Thiel Hansen is enclosed with each speech. Speeches include speech on behalf of the Hitler Youth congratulating Hitler, 19 Apr 1940; speech in which Schirach replies to President Franklin D Roosevelt and attacks him, particularly on youth employment, education and health, 4 Sep 1942; speech in which Schirach replies to Roosevelt, claiming to be partly of American descent, including a strong personal attack on Roosevelt and eulogies on Hitler, 5 Sep 1942; speech attacking Roosevelt for the Visits Foundation of European Youth League in Vienna, hosted by Italy and Germany, 14 Sep 1942; address to volunteers of the Tank Grenade Division in which he exhorts 'the traitors shall fall and the nation shall conquer' (after the July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler), 7 Aug 1944 and broadcasts on the evacuation of children, 20 Dec 1944.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2108 KUAS48 · Collectie · 1704-2007

      Papers and books belonging to the theatre critic Sheridan Morley (1941-2007). Includes correspondence, records relating to his various productions, volumes of press coverings covering his reviews, research notes and transcripts of some of his publications, photographs, records relating to his father Robert Morley and Grandmother Gladys Cooper, records relating to Noel Coward, theatre memorabilia and ephemera and objects.

      Zonder titel
      Video Collection
      GB 0369 VIE · 1991-1996

      Videotapes containing mainly excerpts from British news and documentary programmes concerning events in and about the former Yugoslavia. Broadcasts are included from British terrestrial stations such as the BBC as well as satellite and cable broadcasters including CNN, Sky, Replay Productions

      Zonder titel
      Jones Papers
      GB 0103 JONES · 1906-1970

      The collection is divided into: personal history; the Department of Phonetics at University College London; lecture notes; published and broadcast work; unpublished research work; correspondence; acquired printed material.

      Zonder titel
      Hurstfield Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 271 · 1953-1977

      Files containing working papers of published works, lectures, broadcasts and book reviews, including manuscript drafts, notes, correspondence, typescript drafts and final copies.

      Zonder titel
      George Orwell Papers
      GB 0103 ORWELL · Collectie · 1875-[1997]

      Papers of and relating to George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair), 1875-[1997], comprising manuscripts and typescripts, 1917-1959 (Ref: A); literary notebooks, 1939-[1949] (Ref: B); Spanish Civil War material, 1936-1939 (Ref: C); general notebooks, 1943-[1950] (Ref: D); political diaries, 1938-1942 (Ref: E); domestic diaries, 1938-1948 (Ref: F); letters from Orwell, 1911-1949 (Ref: G); letters to Orwell, 1928-1950 (Ref: H); associated material, 1935-1949 (Ref: I); personalia, 1903-1971 (Ref: J); Eileen Blair papers [1920s]-1967 (Ref: K); family papers, 1875-1968 (Ref: L); posthumous material, 1950-1972 (Ref: M); proofs, 1932-1953 (Ref: N); radio scripts, 1943-1957 (Ref: O); adaptation scripts and screenplays of Orwell's work, 1952-1986 (Ref: P); documentary scripts, 1946-1983, of recorded interviews about Orwell (Ref: Q); audio-visual cassettes, 1983-[1997], about Orwell and his work (Ref: R); Sonia Orwell papers, 1937-1977 (Ref: S); photographs, 1893-1984 (Ref: T).

      Zonder titel
      Smith (Patrick) Papers
      GB 0103 SMITH, PATRICK · 1942-c1970

      Papers, 1942-c1970, of Patrick Smith, largely typescript dispatches or transcripts for broadcasts for the BBC on foreign affairs from various locations where he was stationed, and including material on World War Two, and on affairs in the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0098 GK · Created 1949-1994 (ongoing)

      Records relating to a proposed Photographic Department of Imperial College, 1949-1981; photographic services, including reports, 1980-1988; Television Studio and Live-net, 1986-1994.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/JEFFREY-POULTER · 1965-1997
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Research papers and videotapes, 1965-1997, relating to 'A Bill Called William', a dramatised documentary produced by Stephen Jeffery-Poulter about the campaign to legalise homosexuality in Britain which resulted in the Sexual Offences Act of 1967. Some of the material was originally collected by Jeffrey-Poulter for his book Peers, queers and commons: the struggle for gay law reform from 1950 to the present.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 RHYS WILLIAMS J · 1908-1978

      Papers relating to Juliet Rhys Williams' work on economics, taxation reforms, wages policy, and Commonwealth trade; her membership of the European League for Economic Co-operation, the United Europe Movement, the European Movement, and other European groups; correspondence, articles and pamphlets relating to European issues; correspondence, speeches, conference papers and pamphlets from the Liberal Party; material concerning Rhys Williams' involvement in the Conservative Party, mostly relating to the Monday Club and elections; papers relating to commercial television, and film making; documents relating to the building and administration of Cwmbran New Town; papers relating to Rhys Williams' time as Churchwarden of St Anne's, Soho, and as vice-president of the St Anne's Society; material relating to the publishing and winding up of the 'European Review' and the 'Economic Digest'; minutes of the Bishop of Llandaff's Committee on hardship in the Rhondda Valley; Rhys Williams' collected writings, correspondence, and pamphlet and newsletter collections; papers relating to projects and societies in which Rhys Williams was involved; and family papers relating to property owned by the Rhys Williams family, family finances, photographs, Elspeth Rhys Williams (her daughter) and Sir Rhys Rhys Williams (her husband).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0102 LH · 1896-1997

      Records, 1896-1997, of the London General Committee of the Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders (formerly Lebanon Hospital for the Insane), comprising:

      papers, 1907-1983, relating to the Hospital constitution, financial and legal postition, and closure, including copies of the constitution, 1907, 1965, and photocopies of the Wakf Deed (1912);

      minutes of the London General Committee, 1897-1982, and Sub-Committee, 1910-1920;

      copies of minutes of the Beirut Executive Committee, 1950-1982;

      accounts and balance sheets, 1941-1982, including some auditors' reports from 1953 onwards;

      ledgers, c1950-1982, recording transactions, investments, funds and expenses;

      cash book, 1977-1981, recording transactions and investments;

      correspondence and papers, 1896-1916, of and relating to Theophilus Waldmeier in connection with the Hospital, including correspondence with the London General Committee and Treasurer, and Waldmeier's progress reports written for donors and subscribers, the subjects including building and equipping the Hospital, patients, treatment and recovery, fundraising and financial matters, also including press cuttings and obituaries on Waldmeier, 1915-1916;

      general files of correspondence and papers relating to Hospital administration, 1902-1997, the subjects including staffing, trust funds and endowments, appeals for funds and other financial matters, and closure, including some correspondence of Sir Geoffrey Furlonge (Chairman of the London General Committee), 1971-1981, and correspondence with the Charity Commission, 1984-1997;
      annual reports, 1899, 1956-1974 (incomplete series);
      publicity material, c1897-1971, including speeches, texts of radio broadcasts, various publications, and autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier;
      photographs, 1909, 1956, 1974, including the hospital at Asfuriyeh and the site at Aramoun;

      miscellaneous papers, 1898-c1992, including undated list of Chairmen of the London General Committee (1906-1970), reports on visits to the Hospital, 1964-1965, reports and photographs of damage to Aramoun, 1991-c1992, and ground plan of Asfuriyeh, revised 1907.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0102 MS 380596 · 1949-1957

      Papers, 1949-1957, of Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke, giving an insight into events during the transition of the Gold Coast to independent Ghana, including the State of Emergency (1950). The papers comprise typescripts of speeches to local clubs and societies, discussions with the Legislative Council, and some correspondence arranging meetings, 1949-1957, including two congratulatory telegrams received on the independence of Ghana, 1956, and speech when sworn in as Governor-General of Ghana, 1957; text of a radio broadcast on democracy and elections at the General Election, 1956; other papers, 1954-1957, comprising letters received congratulating him on his work, legal documents concerning a libel by the Ghana Nationalist newspaper, articles on Arden-Clarke from The Observer and The Ghana Evening News, and copy letter by Arden-Clarke concerning appointment of the next Governor of Ghana, 1957.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0102 OA3 · 1997, 2000

      Sound recordings and papers relating to the radio series 'India: A People Partitioned', 1997. Cassette tapes of interviews (83 tapes) and partial transcripts concern the social history of partition between India and Pakistan (1947) and its effect on people in south Asia. Interviewees included some prominent political and cultural figures, but also 'ordinary' people whose lives were affected by the events surrounding independence, including the large number of refugees created. The subjects discussed include Communism, politicians including Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Muslim League, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus. Cassette tapes of the five broadcast programmes (3 tapes) are also included: 'The Gathering of the Storm', on the context of partition, disturbances in 1946, and Gandhi's attempts to broker peace; 'The Killing Fields of Punjab', examining partition violence; ' Tearing the Veil', on women's experiences, including abduction; 'Comers and Goers', concerning the experiences of Muslims in India and their dilemma as to whether to migrate to Pakistan or remain in India; 'Unfinished Business', on the Kashmir dispute and the continuing legacy of partition in regional politics, culture and diplomacy. The partial transcripts were made for working purposes and are an indication rather than a definitive record of the contents of the tapes. Appended to the transcripts are copies of an occasional series of articles written by Andrew Whitehead for the Indian Express based on the material he gathered. An additional deposit comprises a cassette tape of the revised programme, 'Unfinished Business', 2000, and six further interview tapes, the interviewees including key participants in India-Pakistan relations, with notes on the contents of the interviews compiled for working purposes.

      Zonder titel
      Moraes, Francis Robert
      GB 0102 PP MS 24 · Created 1930s-1974

      Papers of Francis Robert Moraes, 1930s-1974, reflecting his career as a journalist and author, particularly the period 1950-1974, and including his notebooks and diaries, 1950-1974, from Australia and New Zealand, South East Asia, China, Japan, Pakistan, India, Africa, Western and Eastern Europe and the USA; correspondence, 1956-1974, including professional and personal matters; newspaper clippings, regular columns and articles, 1945-1974, some for the Indian Express and Sunday Standard; reviews of his books, 1953-1961; photographs, 1930s-1970s; recorded broadcasts, 1965-1969; and the diary of Beryl Moraes, 1962.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 WTH · 1946-1994

      Papers of Sir Wilfred Patrick Thesiger, 1946-1994, including lists of fossils, rocks and minerals collected in Arabia, 1947; copies of letters from Thesiger to various correspondents; route notebook from Kachu to Jalalabad, Nuristan, 28 Jul-4 Sep 1956; meteorological observations Rub al Khali, Arabia, 1947; tabulated traverse by draftsman for the 1949 expedition from Muwaiqih; loose notes and notebooks, 1947-1948; seating plan for Thesiger's 80th birthday dinner at the Royal Geographical Society, 6 Jun 1990; transcript of an interview with Thesiger for a Channel 4 television documentary, Heart of a Nomad, Aug 1994; appendices to an article by Thesiger, 'A New Journey in Southern Arabia' published in The Geographical Journal, Vol. 108, No. 4/6 (Oct-Dec, 1946), pp 129-145 and envelope containing notes of payments for camels and servants, South Arabia.

      Zonder titel
      Betty Willingale Archive
      GB 3184 BW · Archief · c 1944-2019

      This archive contains the personal papers of Betty Willingale (1927-2021).
      The archive spans much of her early work at BBC Script Unit, through to projects for Carnival Productions for ITV and also Midsomer Murders, for ITV. It also contains awards, photographs and memorabilia relating to her work in television.