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        • UF Mapping
        • UF Mapas
        • UF Planos

        Verwante termen

        31 Archivistische beschrijving results for Cartography

        GB 0074 ACC/0986 · Collectie · 1964-1967

        Photograph and press release relating to the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Heathrow Airport.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0099 KCLMA Stevenson · Created 1913-1958

        Papers and photographs, 1913-1958, including fourteen panoramic photographs produced by Survey Company, Royal Engineers, Salonika Force, labelled to show topographical details, Feb 1917; 'Salonika fire', 18-19 Aug 1917, a series of 24 official photographs of the city, taken by Survey Company, Royal Engineers and Royal Flying Corps; two photographs, one of a uniformed group including Stevenson, [1946], and the other of an unidentified painting showing construction work on an airfield [1940]. Papers relating to the evacuation of Royal Engineers establishments in Beit-Nabala and Haifa, Palestine, 1948. Editions of Notes on building materials and their uses (School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1913); 'RMA (Royal Military Academy) Magazine', Vol XV, No 58, Nov 1914.

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 GSL · 1807-

        Records of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, notably comprising:

        Minutes and papers of Annual General Meetings, 1840-current; minutes, correspondence and papers relating to meetings of the Council, 1810-current; minutes and papers of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-1998; minutes and papers of Special General Meetings; 1834-2001; Minutes and papers of Standing and Ad Hoc committees of Council, [1810-current] [section is currently undergoing revision]; Charter and Bye-laws, 1810-1993;

        Correspondence and other administrative papers relating to the running of the Geological Society, including: Presidents' Papers, 1977-1997; Elected Officers' papers, 1956-1995; Executive Secretary's papers, 1950-2013; Financial records, including bequests, trust funds, 1820-2011; Letterbooks of the Assistant Secretary and other Officers, [1807]-1960;

        Administrative records of departments, including: Membership, 1807-current; Conferences and scientific meetings, 1932-2006; Library, 1835-current; Archives and conservation, 1971-2004; Education Department, 1993-1998; Society's Museum, 1808-1911; Publications, 1906-2009;

        Portraits and photographs of Fellows, 1792-2011; Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House, 1873-[1995]; Plans of the Society's apartments at Somerset House and Burlington House, 1828-[1982]; Obituaries and biographical information on Fellows, [1895]-current; Records of the Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907-1908; and Bicentenary celebrations, 1994-1998;

        Records of the Geological Society Club, 1824-2006; Records of the Society's Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1964-[2009].

        Zonder titel
        SEDGWICK, Adam (1785-1873)
        GB 378 LDGSL/57 · Reeks · 1816, 1843-1854

        Papers of Adam Sedgwick, 1816 and 1843-1854, comprising:

        Two notebooks from Sedgwick's tour through the continent of Europe, June-September 1816; manuscripts of Sedgwick's papers, mostly on the geology of Wales, which were read and later published by the Society, 1843-1854.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0117 MS 251 · 1812-1902

        Letters addressed to William Buckland (DD, FRS, Dean of Westminster and Reader in Mineralogy and Geology in University of Oxford) and other posthumous correspondence relating to his work.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 HGF · [1682-1829]

        French documents collected by Sir George Fordham relating to posts, routes and cartographers in 18th century France including a receipt and two letters signed by Jacques Cassini; a memoir and a letter of Pierre Tardieu and papers of Rigoley d'Ogny including three letters.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 HSP · 1918-1955

        Papers of Harry St John Bridger Philby, 1918-1955, including notebooks, journals, observations, letters and annotated typescript of Arabian Highlands. The journal and notebooks cover his journey across the Empty Quarter (Al Rub al Khali) in 1932. Typewritten reports cover his motorised journeys around Saudi Arabia from 1946-1955. His observations formed the basis for maps of Arabia prepared and published by the Royal Geographical Society.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 PBB · 1909-1921

        Correspondence, log books survey notes, maps and other papers concerning the members and the work of the Commission and the publication of its results, 1909-1921, including correspondence with H S Toppin; calculations of positions; survey notebooks, angle books and log books of H S Toppin, 1911-1913 and log book of C G Moores, 1911.

        Zonder titel
        REID, Charles Arthur
        GB 0402 CAR · 1910-1913

        Three survey notebooks, Belgian Congo, 1910-1913.

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 LDGSL/713 · Reeks · [1862-1881]

        Papers of Searles Valentine Wood Jnr, [1862-1881], comprising:

        Illustrated manuscript, 'A memoir in explanation of the structure of the glacial and post glacial beds.... in the Thames valley between London and the sea...', 1867; Ordnance Survey maps of East Anglia and the Thames Valley, annotated with geological lines, notes and colouring by Searles Valentine WOOD jnr, which were used as field maps during his research into glacial deposits in the south east of England, [1862-1881]; File of letters concerning the complaint by Searles Valentine Wood jnr about the alterations made to Joseph Prestwich's published paper on the Crag of Norfolk, Mar-Apr 1875.

        Zonder titel
        BARRETT, Lucas (1837-1862)
        GB 378 LDGSL/719 · Reeks · 1859

        'Geological map of the Neighbourhood of Cambridge', by Lucas Barrett, 1859. Geological colouring with printed key on base map Ordnance Survey, one inch (Old Series) quarter sheet no.51 (SW Cambridge), by Lt Col Thomas Frederick Colby, published 1 June 1836.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 ARH · 1896-1930

        Papers of Arthur Hinks including private scientific correspondence, proofs of articles and other papers, 1896-1930, concerning map projections and methods of survey; typed list of Hinks' contributions to the Geographical Journal and papers relating to A E Young.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 GRC · 1951-1960

        Papers of Gerald Roe Crone, 1951-1960, are yet to be catalogued.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 JMS/19 · sub-fonds · 1830-1952

        Letters and articles by various authors relating to maps and map making, sent to the Royal Geographical Society for publication in its Journals, 1830-1952. The articles were often sent to referees and their reports are often to be found with the article, in some cases the referee report has been retained even though the article has been returned to the author.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 11 · [1922-1943]

        World War Two ordnance survey maps of the United Kingdom and Europe, mainly 1 inch, prepared by the Geographical Section, General Staff, and the War Office, for use by the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), including 1:40,000 map of Antwerp, Belgium; 1:100,000 map of Brussels, Belgium; 1:5,000,000 map of South Africa; 1:250,000 map of Italy; and 1:50,000 map of Northeast France. Also included are German survey maps of North Africa and Northern Greece, and 1:300,000 map of the Netherlands with manuscript outline of German Army occupation districts, 1940-1943

        Zonder titel
        GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 37 · 1942-1971

        Edition of A Gazetteer of Greece published by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for the Admiralty and War Office (House of the Royal Geographical Society, London, 1942). Also, official 1945 edition of RAF Map Catalogue containing lists of maps of Europe, the Middle East and the Far East held by the RAF and published by Directorate of Military Survey, Middle East; Directorate of Survey, Geographical Section General Staff, India; the Australian Survey Corps; the Aeronautical Chart Service; US Army Air Forces; and the Army Map Service, US Army. Book of maps published by the Institute for Army Education relating to the British campaign in Burma, 1942-1945, and including maps of Northern Arakan, the Assam Front, the Kohima Sector, the Imphal Sector, the Irrawaddy, and campaigns in Burma and Eastern India, 1942-1945. Ministry of Defence map and air chart sales catalogue containing details of all maps and aeronautical chart series released for sale to the public by the Ministry of Defence, including world surface maps, aeronautical topographical and planning charts, and special navigational charts, 1968- 1971.

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 LDGSL/26 · Bestanddeel · [1851-1874]

        Papers of Sir George Duncan Gibb, comprising:

        Manuscript volume entitled 'Geological Rambles around Montreal and its Vicinity. With an account of the history, physical geography and geology of the island. Illustrated with a coloured geological map and numerous wood engravings, by Sir George Duncan Gibb, Bart, MA, MD, LLD, FGS, London 1868'. According to the letter of transmissal (pasted into the front of the volume) and the preface, Gibb's intention was for the work to be published but it was never financially viable to do so. The volume is set out as if it were a published work, with chapters and 'woodcut' illustrations (mostly of fossils) which are in fact original ink drawings by Gibb. The descriptions contained in the volume were compiled between 1851-1853 (although at least one of the illustrations is dated 1855), before the Victoria Bridge and the Grand Trunk Railway were constructed, and prior to the area being covered by the Geological Survey of Canada.

        History of Montreal
        Physical Geography of Montreal
        Geology of Montreal

        Chapter 1 - To Mount Royal to examine the Trap of which is is composed

        Chapter 2 - To Côte-des-Neiges and McGill College to examine the Leda clay and Trap Dykes

        Chapter 3 - To Pampinean Road, to examine a broad band of intercalated trap and Ice grooves

        Chapter 4 - To Cadiuex Village to see Tertiary deposits in which were found bones of whales and seals

        Chapter 5 - To the Mile End quarries to see the limestones at the base of the Trenton formation

        Chapter 6 - To the Second Mile End quarries and La Chapelles Bridge, to examine the Chazy limestone

        Chapter 7 - To the Tanneries of St Henri and Lac St Pierre to see the Alluvial deposits

        Chapter 8 - To Côte St Michel, to explain Gibb's Cavern

        Chapter 9 - To Mount Royal to examine a Fissure in the Limestone Rock

        Chapter 10 - To Bouchette's Cavern, Kildare in the Laurentian limestones

        Chapter 11 - To St Anne's to examine the Potsdam sandstone

        Chapter 12 - To Beauharnois to examine the various beds of Foot-tracks

        Chapter 13 - To Pointe Cavagnol, Vaudreiul, to examine the locality of the broadest Protichnites or Foot-tracks

        Chapter 14 - To Lachute, Riviere du Nord, to examine the Track bed and its relations

        Chapter 15 - To Mont Calvaire, Lake of Two Mountains to examine the gneiss of which it is composed; and also sand hills

        Chapter 16 - To the Trap Mountain of Rigaud on the Ottawa River, with a multitude of small rounded boulders of trap on its summit

        Chapter 17 - To Montarville, to see the Boucherville Mountain and its two little crater lakes

        Chapter 18 - To Mount Rouville, otherwise called Chambly or Beloeil Mountain, and its crater lake

        Chapter 19 - To Rougemont, composed of Dolerite Trap

        Chapter 20 - To Yamaska Mountain, to see micaceous trachyte and diorite of which it is composed

        Chapter 21 - To Monnoir to visit Mount Johnson, formed of feldspathic diorite

        Chapter 22 - To Lachine and Caughnawaga [Kahnawake], to see multitudes of Boulders, Trap dykes, and limestones of the Chazy formation

        Chapter 23 - To Pointe Claire to examine the quarries of limestone and marble

        Chapter 24 - To Isle Bizard and White Horse Rapids to see two outliers of Dolomite conglomerate of the Upper Silurian Division

        Chapter 25 - To the Village and Seigniory of Terrebonne to examine the Upper Laurentian Rocks

        Chapter 26 - To St Helen's Island to examine the Dolomitic Conglomerate and its relations

        Chapter 27 - To the Fort and Basin of Chambly on the River Richelieu

        Chapter 28 - To the Pinnacle Mountain of St Armand formed of the Quebec group of rocks

        Chapter 29 - To Varennes to see the Mineral Springs arising from the Utica Shales

        Chapter 30 - To Grenville on the Ottawa River, to examine the serpentine and other Eozoic rocks

        Chapter 31 - To Chatham on the Ottawa to see the beds of syenite and enromous accumulation of boulders

        Chapter 32 - To Perth, to examine the Potsdam beds, containing Climactichnites associated with Protichnites

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 GHO · c 1950's-1960's

        Papers of George Holland including cartographer's notebooks and correspondence with Brian Moser, 1962, about a map of the Rio Piraparana.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 GRP · 1936-1944

        Typescript drafts of works of George Robert Farrar Prowse on the charting of the coast from Baffin Land to Maine, including copy of Cartological Material vol I: Maps, 1936, and Cartological Material vol III: Names, 1942, and extract from Prowse's Cartological Material vol IV: Voyages 'John Cabot sails for Hudson Strait known before 1073', 1944.

        Zonder titel
        TERRY, Michael (1899-1981)
        GB 0402 MTE · 1921-1950

        Papers of Michael Terry, 1921-1950, including observations and lists of collections made during an expedition to Central West Australia, 1932-1933, used as appendices to an article by Terry, 'Explorations near the Border of Western Australia', published in The Geographical Journal, Vol. 84, No. 6 (Dec, 1934), pp. 498-510; observations from Central Australia, 1928; and geological map with notes.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 49 · 1939-1944

        German armed forces maps, gazetteers, and geographic charts of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944. Includes detailed study produced by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force concerning the organisation of the RAF, the strengths and locations of British aircraft production facilities, the location of RAF flight schools, airfields and anti-aircraft facilities, the location and strengths of RN facilities in Britain and the North Sea, and British aircraft carrier strengths, 1939; German harbour atlas and gazetteer produced and distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Seehafensatlas Großbritannien, detailing in 1:50,000 maps and aerial photographs, naval harbours and ports in Britain, 1940; German Navy High Command map books of naval ports and harbours in the United Kingdom, their associated agricultural and heavy industries production rates, defence facilities, and geographical locations, 1940; map books issued by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Luftgeographisches Einzelheft Großbritannien, detailing the location of British heavy industry, gas works, water works, aircraft and naval production facilities in Britain, including 1:21,120 maps, 1940; German Army High Command book, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, and detailing in photographs the towns, cities and countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland; German Army Command gazetteer of Ireland and Northern Ireland, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, listing county sizes, numbers of inhabitants, population densities, industries, and harbour and port facilities in Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1940; German Army High Command gazetteers of Britain, listing alphabetically towns and cities, their longitude and latitude co-ordinates, their respective counties, numbers of inhabitants, industrial and agricultural production rates, and trains station facilities, 1941; map book distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Britische Flugrüstungsindustrie, detailing the location, size, and production rate of ship-building and aircraft production centres in Great Britain, 1941; map books distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force including detailed photographs, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 maps, longitude and latitude co-ordinates, population density statistics, and points of reference notes for town and cities in Britain, 1943-1944

        Zonder titel
        GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 57 · 1977

        Typescript proof copy of article'German Military Mapping: An Exploratory Survey' by Andrew F Tatham, Map Curator, King's College London, for The Cartographic Journal, 1977. Also, typescript draft of same article, in which the author reviews the range and extent of German military mapping, largely of World War Two, and the role of the cartographer in supplying information during conflicts

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 LDGSL/701 · Reeks · 1778, [1808]

        'Scotland coloured according to the rock formations', by Louis Albert Necker, [1808]. Geological colouring on base map 'North Britain or Scotland divided into its Counties, corrected from the best surveys and astronomical observations by Thomas Kitchin', published by William Faden, 1 December 1778. Dissected on cloth.

        Zonder titel
        GB 378 LDGSL/714 · Reeks · [1865-1872]

        Papers of Frederic William Harmer, comprising maps of East Anglia, annotated with geological lines, notes and colouring, used as field maps during research into glacial deposits in the south east of England, in collaboration with Searles Valentine Wood jnr, [1862-1872]. Base maps are Ordnance Survey, one inch (Old Series) sheets nos 50-51, 65-69 (quarter sheets).

        Zonder titel
        MACCULLOCH, John (1773-1835)
        GB 378 LDGSL/78 · Reeks · [1808-1858]

        Papers of John MACCULLOCH, [1808-1858], principally comprising:

        Proofs and publications of John MacCulloch - Author's reprints of nine papers published in the 'Transactions of the Geological Society of London, 1811-1817; Printed proofs of John MACCULLOCH's paper, "On malaria", parts 1 and 2, from the 'Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts', 1827; Proofs for John MACCULLOCH's book 'Proofs and illustrations of the attributes of God, from the facts and laws of the physical universe; being the foundation of natural and revealed religion', 1832-[1837];

        Prints and drawings by John MacCulloch, including - the Channel Islands, 1811; granite tors of Cornwal and Devon, 1814; Glen Roy, 1817; Western Isles of Scotland, 1819; Conwy and Dunkeld, [1808]-1822, although file contains some later material not by MacCulloch; Pentland Hills and Dumfriesshire, [nd, c.1810s]; 'Illustrations of the Highlands of Scotland', [c.1820s]; album of sketches and prints, [1810-1832];

        Maps and sections by John MacCulloch - Sections, elevation and plan of the strata of Heligoland, 1809; Watercolours of fracturing of veins in limestone with sections, 1811; Geological map of Scotland, 1836 [poor condition].

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 CFA · 1934-1944

        Papers of Sir Charles Frederick Arden-Close, 1934-1944, comprise a copy of 'The International Congress of Geography', Warsaw, 1934; three scrapbooks of letters, notes and memos from 1927-1930, the period when Close was President of the RGS; one volume of papers on the Anglo-German Nyasaland/Tanganyika Boundary Commission, 1898; proof of a review written by Close for Nature on the RGS publication of English county maps, 1933; bound volume of printed papers, news cuttings and a photo of the 'centenary meeting' showing Close and the Prince of Wales all marking the centenary celebrations of the RGS, 1930; bound diary illustrated with photographs of the survey of the Niger Kamerun Boundary, 1895 and papers referring to the National Atlas Project 1940-1941.

        Zonder titel
        MARTIN, C G C
        GB 0402 CGM · 1979

        Pre-publication duplicated typescript, by C G C Martin entitled 'Malawi - A study of maps and surveys'.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 FKW · 1911-1958

        Two notebooks of Frank Kingdon Ward, 1911-1958, including bearings, positions and topographical notes made in Tibet, 1933-1934, and statement of the results of his observations.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 GCT · 1935-1985

        Papers of Gertrude Caton-Thompson, 1935-1985, comprise artwork including preliminary drawings of maps, an offprint of an article 'Lake Moeris, re-investigations and some comments' by G Caton Thompson, E W Gardner and S A Huzayyin from Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, T. XIX, 1936-1937 and photocopy of article 'Recent geological work in the Faiyun...' by O H Little from Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, T. XVIII 1935-1936; aerial photo taken autumn 1938 by US pilot prospecting for oil, showing drainage pattern on edge of high plateau between Mukalla and Wadi Hadhramaut; Watercolour by Edith Hughes of the Fayum depression and preliminary drawing of map/sections of Wadi 'Amd at Hureidha, prepared for plate LXXII in the book Tombs and Moon Temple of Hureidha published in 1944.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 MCA · 1909 -1934

        Papers of Michael Corbet Andrews, 1909-1934, comprising notes, photographs, tracings and drawings made by M C Andrews from 1909-1934. They refer to early cartographers, calendars, calendar staves, medieval and Sixteenth Century maps of the world with particular attention to the placenames of Scotland and Ireland. This collection notably includes calendars and almanacs; calendars including notes on lunar notations; correspondence notably concerning maps and calendars; descriptive notes on the work of cartographers; tracings and photographs of medieval maps; maps inlcuding Higden maps; photographs and photostats including maps of British Islands and Scotland. The collection also includes portolan charts and some County and medieval maps.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0402 WMS · 1905-1906

        Papers of Walter Mersh Strong, 1905-1906, comprising notes on secondary positions, notebook containing maps, language notes, bearings and positions, Mafulu to Kambodi, New Guinea, 1905 and two mapping books, New Guinea, 1905-1906.

        Zonder titel