Civil and political rights

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      Gelijksoortige termen

      Civil and political rights

      • UF Civil liberties
      • UF Civil rights
      • UF Freedom
      • UF Political rights
      • UF Right to dignity
      • UF Droit à la dignité
      • UF Droits civils
      • UF Droits politiques
      • UF Liberté
      • UF Libertés civiles
      • UF Derecho a la dignidad
      • UF Derechos políticos
      • UF Libertad
      • UF Libertades civiles
      • UF Libertades políticas

      423 Archivistische beschrijving results for Civil and political rights

      423 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 1556 WL 599c · 1935-1936

      Correspondence documenting the concerns of the distinguished academic, Charles Singer and colleagues, in relation to the restrictions on academic freedom in Nazi Germany and in particular the discrimination against non-Aryan professors during the Heidelberg University Jubilee celebrations, 1935. Correspondents include: J.D. Bernal, P.J. Noel Baker, E.M. Forster, Leonard Woolf, C.M. MacInnes, J.R. Marrack, Bishop of Durham, F.M. Powicke, Sir Josiah Stamp, Leonard G. Montefiore, Alfred Wiener, Ephraim Little, Cyril Bailey, Aldous Huxley.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 605 · Collectie · 1937-1950s

      Papers of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland and Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland, 1937-1950s, comprising correspondence; press cuttings and reports and papers providing statistical data on the Jewish population in Germany, with particular reference to the expropriation of Jewish property.

      Zonder titel
      Wittig, Karl (fl 1939-1950)
      GB 1556 WL 856 · Collectie · 1938-1947

      Copies of papers documenting the time spent by Karl Wittig in concentration camps during the Nazi era, 1938-1947, including letters to his wife and sworn statements, including by Martin Niemöller that he knew Karl Wittig as a political prisoner in Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

      Zonder titel
      GB 1556 WL 897 · Collectie · 1944-1957

      Papers of Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, 1944-1957, notably include his personal papers including passport and notebook containing addresses and notes apparently taken during Baker-Byrne's time as investigator into war crimes in Kiel, 1948-1957; a memoranda from War Crimes Group (North West Europe) regarding the role and activities of Captain Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, 1947-1948; correspondence and papers regarding 'the Kiel Hassee case' in which 50 allied prisoners of war were summarily executed by Gestapo officers, 1948-1951 and correspondence including affidavits regarding an application for restitution money from the German government.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 GP/31 · 1904-1955

      Papers of Thomas Jeeves Horder, 1904-1955, including Horder's appointment diaries, [one at St Bartholomew's Hospital and one at his private practice], memorabilia, Horder's talks and writings, obituaries and appreciations of his life and work, and a very small accumulation of case notes, apparently from his private practice.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 ICS 105 · 1958 (covers 1901-1958)

      Memoir dictated by Philip Qipu Vundla, trade unionist and political activist in South Africa, 1958: covering his childhood and family background and details on South African politics, trade unions and moral rearmament, 1901-1958; including account of strike by African mineworkers in 1946, the tram boycott in the native townships of Johannesburg, in 1948, a demonstration by African teachers for higher wages and better working conditions, the School Boycott and protests against the Bantu Education Act, 1953-1955, and the bus boycott by Africans in Johannesburg in 1957.

      Zonder titel
      MASABA, Tony (fl 1980-1985)
      GB 0101 ICS 130 · 1985 (covers 1980-1985)

      Photocopy of statement by Tony Masaba, a member of the Ugandan National Security Agency during the regime of President (Apollo) Milton Obote, 1980-1985; giving an account of his work on Obote's personal staff, and an account of the activities of Uganda's security organisations, National Security Agency (NASA) and Military Intelligence and Security during Obote's Government.

      Zonder titel
      TUROK, Benjamin (b 1927)
      GB 0101 ICS 143 · 1961-1984

      Papers of Benjamin Turok, South African educationalist and politician, relating to his political involvements in South Africa (1961-1981) and biographical tapes and transcripts (1983-1984): including African National Congress (ANC) speeches, publications, press releases, and other material, 1971-1981; papers of the Institute for Industrial Education, Durban, 1974-1978; papers of the Communist Party of South Africa, 1978 and undated; papers of the South African Congress of Trade Unions, 1971-1973; correspondence, 1971-1980, with Oliver Tambo and others, mainly on ANC activities; transcripts of audio tapes of biographical material.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 ICS 25 · 1966

      Photocopy of notes of Canon Leslie Gready's conversation with police on police brutality against black africans in Rhodesia, with related correspondence with the Commissioner of Police and the Minister of Justice, Rhodesia, 1966.

      Zonder titel
      HAYMAN, Ruth (d 1981)
      GB 0101 ICS 30 · 1950-c1976 (mainly 1963-1966)

      Papers of Ruth Hayman on politics and human rights in South Africa, c1950-c1968; comprising file of press cuttings on law cases in Eastern Districts, mainly under the Suppression of Communism Act, or for membership of the African National Congress and the Pan African Congress; file of judgements in cases of Roly Israel Arenstein, Helen Beatrice Mary Joseph, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Terence Vigors Rait Beard, Lancelot Makgothi, Isaac Heyman, Phillip Sello and Violet May Weinberg under the Suppression of Communism Act, 1963-1966; legal papers mainly counsel's opinions on the Suppression of Communism Act, 1965-1966; papers on Johannesburg City Council Election campaign, in which Hayman stood unsuccessfully as an Independent Candidate in Berea; file of legal opinions and judgements, mainly relating to individuals served with Banning Notices under the Suppression of Communism Act, 1962-1965; paper by D V Cowan 'Parliamentary sovereignty and the entrenched sections of the South Africa Act', 1957; file of papers on case of Walter Vannet Hain, Adeline Florence Hain, and Fatima Meer, who had been served with Banning Notices under the Suppression of Communism Act 1963, 1976.

      Zonder titel
      PALMER, Josie (b 1903)
      GB 0101 ICS 57 · 1977 (covers 1928-1955)

      Notes of interviews by Julie Wells with Josie Palmer, active in the Communist Party of South Africa, and the African National Congress, and founder member of Transvaal All-Women's Union and the Federation of South African Women), 1928-1955, on 19 and 26 October 1977.

      Zonder titel
      SAFFERY, A L (fl 1926-1943)
      GB 0101 ICS 69 · 1931-1941

      Photocopies of papers of A L Saffery on the trade union movement in South Africa, particularly the black trade union movement in the 1930s and early 1940s and the internment of Max Gordon, a trade unionist, 1940-1941.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 ICS 91 · 1970-1973

      Papers of Didymus Mutasa, on Rhodesian politics, 1970-1973; including papers on his detention, 1970-1972; correspondence on the possibility of suing the British Government for his detention, 1973; letter to Sir Alec Douglas Home, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), on Rhodesia, 1973; correspondence with Lady Tweedsmuir on Rhodesia/UK relations, 1973

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PG.NZ · 1971-

      Pamphlets, leaflets, addresses, papers, posters, stickers, letters, newsletters, press cuttingas and other miscellaneous materials, 1971 onwards, issued at national and local level by the Apartheid Information Centre, the Auckland Committee on Racism and Discrimination, the Auckland Council for Civil Liberties, the Campaign Against Foreign Control in New Zealand, the Campaign for Better Government, the Campaign for Equality (New Zealand), the Citizens Association for Racial Equality, the Coalition Against Police Oppression (N.Z.), the Coalition for Open Government (N.Z.), the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, the Freedom Leadership Foundation Inc. (N.Z.), Halt All Racist Tours (HART), the Maori Organisation on Human Rights, the National Anti-Apartheid Committee (N.Z.), the National Council of Women of New Zealand, the National Interest Day Campaign Organisation (N.Z.), the New Zealand Anti-Common Market Association, the New Zealand Coalition for Trade and Development, the New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties, the New Zealand Employers Federation, the New Zealand League of Rights, the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Committee, the New Zealand Race Relations Council, the New Zealand Women's Electoral Lobby, Public Eyes (New Zealand), the Progressive Youth Movement (New Zealand), the South Island Movement (New Zealand), the Wellington Marxist-Leninist Organisation, the Wellington Organisation for Women Incorporated, and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (New Zealand Section).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PP.II · 1898-

      Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, and miscellaneous election material at national, state and youth levels issued by the Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, the Akhil Bhartiya Ramarajya Parisada, the Association of Indian Communists of Great Britain, the All India Forward Bloc, the All India Kisan Sabha, All-India Ramarajya-Parishad, the All Jammu and Kashmir National Conference, the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee, the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Bharatiya Jan Sangh, the Bombay Pradesh Congress Committee, the Communist Party of India, the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Congress Seva Dal, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, the Four Party Alliance, the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee, the Gujarat Sanyukta Sadachar Samiti, independent candidates, the Indian National Congress, the Indian National Congress (I), the Indian National Congress (O), the Indian National Congress (U), the Indian National Youth Movement, the Indian Youth Congress, the Janata Dal, the Janata Party, the Jammu and Pradesh Congress Committee, the Kashmir Democratic Union, the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, the Lok Dal, the Mysore Pradesh Congress Committee, the Orissa Provincial Congress Committee, the Praja Socialist Party, the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee, the Revolutionary Communist Party of India, the Radical Democratic Party, the Republican Party of India, the Revolutionary Socialist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, the Socialist Party, the Socialist Republican Party, the Shiv Sena, the Samyukta Socialist Party, the Swatantra Party, the Telangana Congress Party, and the United Left Front.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PP.SA · 1919-

      Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters, press releases and miscellaneous election material at national, local and youth levels issued by the African Democratic Party (South Africa), the African National Congress, the African National Congress Youth League, the Azanian Students' Organisation (South Africa), the Congress of the People, the Conservative Party (South Africa), the Defenders of the Constitution (South Africa), the Democratic Party (South Africa), Denis Worrall, the Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa, the Freedom Front (South Africa), the Freedom Party (South Africa), the Herstigte Nasionale Party van Suid-Afrika, Independent Candidates, the Independent Party (South Africa), the Inkatha Freedom Party, the Labour Party of South Africa, the Liberal Party of South Africa, National Conservative Party (South Africa), the National Party (South Africa), the Non-Racial Franchise Association, the New Republic Party (South Africa), the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, the Progressive Federal Party (South Africa), the Progressive Federal Party (South Africa) Youth Movement., the Progressive Party of South Africa, Revolutionary Party (South Africa), the South African Coloured People's Congress, the South African Communist Party, the South African Congress of Democrats, the South African Labour Party, the South African Progressive Reform Party, Umkhonto we Sizwe, the United Democratic Front (South Africa), the Union Federal Party (Natal), the Unification Movement (South Africa), the United Party (South Africa), the Unity Movement of South Africa, and the Vigilance Association (Orlando, South Africa).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS 196 · 1628

      Manuscript volume containing a [contemporary copy of an] account of the proceedings of the conference between the House of Commons and the House of Lords concerning the liberty of the subject, undertaken before drawing up the Petition of Right. Includes the arguments of Sir Dudley Digges, Sir Edward Littleton, John Selden, Sir Edward Coke, [Richard] Cresheld and [Robert] Mason, and extracts from the Parliament, Pipe and Close Rolls from 1272.

      Zonder titel
      Gordon family
      GB 0096 MS 754 · 1735-1800

      Papers of the Gordon family of Letterfourie, Banffshire, Scotland, relating to their merchant interests and financial matters, 1735-[1800], comprising, including a bond in £250 of 1735 discharged in 1751 by James Gordon and his son Patrick to John Gordon; two letters from Strauss & Schmidt, Lisbon, to James Gordon, 1763; an invoice and bill of lading, dated Oct 1770, for goods shipped on the Hambro Packet from Hamburg by order of Alexander Gordon & Co., Madeira; a letter from C. Grant, Edinburgh, to James Gordon, 7 Dec 1785; two receipts of 1799 for money paid by a Mrs. Gordon; and a letter from James and Alexander Gordon at school to their parents in Letterfourie, [1800].
      The collection also contains material not apparently relating to the Gordon family: accounts of John Scott, vintner in Portsoy, 'for Letterfouries servants and horses when sundry times in Banff', 22 Dec 1798-3 Jun 1799; a 'Certificate of the term of payment of Lady Fraiser [of Durris]'s annuities, 19 Nov 1776, signed by the town clerk of Aberdeen; and a receipt of 1780 for payment for goods bought from E. Fielder, stationer, London, by a Mr. Ruddick. The connection between the Gordon items and the last two items is unknown.

      Zonder titel
      Tappe Collection
      GB 0369 TAP · 1946-1979

      Correspondence and papers of Eric Ditmar Tappe, 1946-1979, comprising:
      Correspondence and papers of Maria Golescu, 1946-1979, including correspondence with Tappe and other correspondents, publications sent to Golescu by Stefan Nenitescu and notebook containing excerpts from her correspondence. The correspondence is mainly personal in nature but some references to Romanian people and politics particularly the fate of political prisoners
      Correspondence between Tappe and Professor Emil Turdeanu, Professor of Romanian Language and Literature at the Sorbonne, Paris, 1948-1972
      Correspondence with other Romanian academics and exiles and general correspondence (1948-c1985)
      Papers relating to the Romanian language, literature and history
      General background notes on Romania
      Papers relating to Tappe's publications and public lectures
      Papers relating to SSEES and the University of London and Tappe's visits to Romania and international conferences

      Zonder titel
      GB 2925 LAGNA · 1930s-1990s

      Over 80,000 newspaper and journal cuttings from national and local press, 1930s-1990s, covering all aspects of gay life from the 1930s to the present time. The range of topics covered in the collection is very broad and includes arts and the media (film, television, theatre, literature, and entertainment), censorship and obscenity laws, counselling and sex education, employment, international and British lesbian and gay organisations, sexual law reform, trials, prisons, lesbian and gay politics, "the pink economy", religion, transsexuals, transvestism, sex education, health and biographies. The collection is of prime interest to those studying visual culture and the influence of the media on public and private attitudes, but also to law students, twentieth century historians, psychologists and social scientists. The collection also includes a complete bound set of Gay News and its photograph collection, a nearly complete set of Gay Times, and a collection of banners (including those of OutRage!), badges, T-shirts and other artefacts.

      Zonder titel
      Uruguay: Political Pamphlets
      GB 3032 R 320 PAM · 1970-

      Pamphlets and reports, 1970, issued by Amnesty International, Facultad Latinoamerica de Estudios Teológicosm, Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (Uruguay) and the World University Service (UK).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Campaign for Homosexual Equality · 1940-1996
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE), 1940-1996, notably Annual Reports, 1973-1983, 1986; Executive Committee minutes, 1971-[1996], and election papers, 1971-1977; Executive Committee papers, 1970-[1996], including reports, abstracts, leaflets, conference papers and circulars; minutes of the Management Committee, 1975-1977; papers of the National Council, 1971-1981; material relating to CHE publications, 1969-1982, including copies of the Bulletin, 1970-1974, the Broadsheet, 1975-1980, and Out magazine, 1976-1977, as well as numerous newsletters and financial files relating to sales; administrative correspondence of the CHE Executive Committee, 1970-[1996], including the Chairman, the General Secretary, the Administration Officer, and the Information Officer; correspondence relating to membership of CHE, 1970-1976; correspondence with local and national gay organisations, 1970-1981; general correspondence, 1970-1987, on subjects including the media, discrimination, police harassment, homosexual law reform; CHE financial papers, 1965-[1996], including committee papers, account books and invoices; substantial numbers of papers concerning the activities of local CHE groups, 1970-[1996], from throughout the UK; material relating to the organisation of CHE conferences, 1972-[1996]; subject files compiled for CHE working parties and campaigns, 1970-[1996], mainly relating to homosexual law reform, discrimination, the women's movement, the media, education, the homosexual age of consent and AIDS; reports compiled by CHE, 1976-1981, relating to gay rights; leaflets and pamphlets, 1970-1982, of CHE and other gay organisations; material collated by CHE regarding other organisations, 1960-[1996], notably the Gay Activists Alliance, the Gay Liberation Front, Outrage!, Outright Scotland, the National Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation and the Lesbian and Gay Switchboard; general papers, 1940-1987, including posters, newsletters, conference papers, National Council papers, CHE accounts, and material concerning gay student groups; papers of the Discrimination Commission, 1976-1980, including chairman's papers, treasurer's documents, case files, reports, conference papers and press cuttings.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/GMAP · 1980-1983
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of the Gay Monitoring and Archive Project of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, including newsletters, indices and general papers about the work of the project, 1980-1983.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Robert Palmer papers · 1970-1983
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of Robert Palmer, 1970-1983, mainly relating to gay rights, and including correspondence created during his role as Treasurer and Chair of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE), 1976-1980, notably relating to the media, the administration of CHE, research and surveys into homosexuality, local groups, and publications; financial papers of CHE, 1973-1981, including general accounts and progress reports, material relating to fund raising activities, and Treasurer's papers; minutes of the CHE Executive Committee management group, 1977-1978; minutes of the Gay Rights Committee of the National Council for Civil Liberties, 1978; CHE administrative and working files, 1970-1981, on subjects including the history of CHE, the Friend counselling service, education, social services, Gays in Media, women's issues and campaigns, trade unions, law reform and legal campaigns, and discrimination cases; correspondence and newsletters relating to CHE local groups, 1976-1980; CHE conference papers, 1975-1980; CHE files on other gay organisations, 1975-1980; CHE files on anti-gay associations, 1976-1983, gathered by Palmer under a pseudonym; CHE files on international gay organisations, 1973-1980; CHE reports and articles, 1976-1980; personal papers of Palmer, 1977-1980, mainly relating to his work for CHE.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Tatchell papers · Deelarchief · 1966-2007
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of Peter Tatchell, 1966-2007, including press cuttings, articles [by Tatchell] and letters to the press, 1984-[2000], on subjects including government policy on AIDS, lesbian and gay equality, ethnic minorities, green socialism, European strategies for socialism, South Africa, the Church of England, Clause 28, relations between the police and the gay community, and papers relating to Stonewall, OutRage! and Act Up; material relating to campaigns and protests, 1983-[2000], notably the Bermondsey by-election of 1983, AIDS research, lesbian and gay rights in Europe and South Africa, gays and the military, the homosexual age of consent, psychiatric treatment of lesbians, gays and bisexuals, gay marriage, Clause 28, Labour Party policy on gay rights, homophobic violence, and Tatchell's trial at Canterbury Magistrates Court following OutRage!'s Easter Sunday protest in 1998; writings, interviews, press cuttings, texts of speeches and correspondence relating to Tatchell's activism, 1971-2007, especially relating to his work for gay rights.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 ROLPH · Collectie · 1930-1988

      This collection is divided into two sections. Section one contains material on capital punishment and the death penalty, against which Hewitt campaigned. Section two covers material concerned with obscene publications and other forms of media, including censorship, Obscene Publications Acts and other allied topics. The papers contain many printed examples of C H Rolph's articles and materials by organisation such as the Howard League for Penal Reform and the National League for the Abolition of the Death Penalty. Infamous legal cases such as the obscenity trials in the 1960s relating to 'Oz' magazine and Hubert Selby's novel 'Last Exit to Brooklyn' are discussed.

      Zonder titel
      Benson, Mary
      GB 0102 MS 348942 · Created 1946-1974

      Papers, 1946-1974, of Mary Benson, comprising drafts, research notes and transcripts for interviews she used for her publication The African Patriots: The Story of the African National Congress of South Africa (London, Faber & Faber, 1963). Also includes articles on famous African leaders written by Z K Matthews, and newspaper cuttings and pamphlets concerning political protest in South Africa.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0102 MS 380397 · Created 1959-1973

      Correspondence, newsletters, press cuttings and notes, 1959-1973, of Reginald Frederick George Pearce, relating mainly to civil rights issues in South Africa.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 Q/UL · Collectie · 1600-1924

      Collection of conveyances and other legal papers received from the British Records Association. Please note that cataloguing is still underway in some sections of this catalogue.

      Q/UL/A1 Saint John's Street, Saint Sepulchre, London 1628- 1752;
      Q/UL/A2 The Kynaston (Southouse) family 1656- 1835;
      Q/UL/A3 Crane Court, Fleet Street, London 1667-1734;
      Q/UL/A4 Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch 1685-1725;
      Q/UL/A5 Hedge Lane, Saint Martins in the fields 1690-1802;
      Q/UL/A6 Parish of Saint George's, Hanover Square (Grosvenor Street section) 1722-1883;
      Q/UL/A7 Parish of Saint George's, Hanover Square (Hereford Street section) 1777-1883;

      Q/UL/C1 Leases, wills etc. 1663-1887;
      Q/UL/C2 Leases, wills etc 1771-1789;
      Q/UL/C3 Leases, wills etc. 1790-1795;
      Q/UL/C4 Leases, wills etc 1795-1800;
      Q/UL/C5 Leases, wills etc 1801-1908;
      Q/UL/C6 Attwood family with independent London and Lincoln records 1673-1840;
      Q/UL/C7 Hammond and Douglas 1674-1821;
      Q/UL/C8 The Peache Family 1820-1893;
      Q/UL/C9 Miscellaneous documents 1843-1913;

      Q/UL/D1 Deeds 1606-1835;
      Q/UL/D2 The James Family 1671-1857;
      Q/UL/D3 Deeds 1229-1804;
      Q/UL/D4 Will 1882;
      Q/UL/D5 Defeasance and Lease 1645- 1676;
      Q/UL/D6 Property records 1601-1873;
      Q/UL/D7 Property records 1665- 1865;

      Q/UL/E1 The Rayley Family 1604-1844;

      Q/UL/F1 Clapham in relation to the Atkins family 1631-1776;
      Q/UL/F2 Documents re Whitbread's, the brewing family 1695-1855;
      Q/UL/F3 Whitbread (the brewing family) deeds 1803-1855;
      Q/UL/F4 Samuel Whitbread (the brewing family) 1734-1840;
      Q/UL/F5 The manor of Canlowes or Cantlers 1714-1769;
      Q/UL/F6 The Family of Robert Pratt 1739-1864;
      Q/UL/F7 Margaret Street and Oxford Road (Oxford Street) 1739-1825;
      Q/UL/F8 Philip lane, St. Alphage (St Mary Aldermanbury) 1745-1831;
      Q/UL/F9 The affairs of John Watt 1756-1848;
      Q/UL/F10 Documents relating to the Peache family 1759- 1878;
      Q/UL/F11 Peache family property records 1841-1878;
      Q/UL/F12 The Maynard family, including Spencer road, Clapham 1779-1861;
      Q/UL/F13 Parish of St Marylebone (various) 1794-1878;
      Q/UL/F14 Grosvenor Place (records no longer in collection) 1801-1875;
      Q/UL/F15 Thomas Hasker 1805- 1824;
      Q/UL/F16 Eastcheap 1810-1833;
      Q/UL/F17 Marquis of Headfort 1811-1819;
      Q/UL/F18 St. Giles's, Camberwell and district 1812-1863;
      Q/UL/F19 The affairs of John Robertson Bell and WM Wilkinson 1816-1820;

      Q/UL/G1 West Smithfield 1818-1862;
      Q/UL/G2 Clapton and surrounding area 1820-1829;
      Q/UL/G3 Stepney 1824-1867;
      Q/UL/G4 Anti-Gallican and Star 1838-1856;
      Q/UL/G5 Cheapside 1836-1877;
      Q/UL/G6 John Britten 1840-1878;
      Q/UL/G7 The Hodgkinson 1843-1866;
      Q/UL/G8 Southwark 1851-1887;
      Q/UL/G9 The Parish of Lewisham 1854-1890;
      Q/UL/G10 Messrs. Wilson and successors, Cheapside (File no longer in collection) 1854-1858;
      Q/UL/G11 Rotherhithe 1855-1861;
      Q/UL/G12 Miscellaneous documents 1693-1738;
      Q/UL/G13 Miscellaneous documents 1752-1827;
      Q/UL/G14 Miscellaneous documents 1777-1799;
      Q/UL/G15 Miscellaneous documents 1801-1841;
      Q/UL/G16 Miscellaneous documents 1820-1836;
      Q/UL/G17 Miscellaneous documents 1836-1852;
      Q/UL/G18 Miscellaneous documents 1846-1862;
      Q/UL/G19 Miscellaneous documents 1852-1867;
      Q/UL/G20 Miscellaneous documents 1856-1865;
      Q/UL/G21 Miscellaneous documents 1866-1885;

      Q/UL/H1 Deeds 1667- 1924;

      Q/UL/J1 Miscellaneous deeds 1714-1767;
      Q/UL/J2 Miscellaneous deeds 1772- 1779;
      Q/UL/J3 Miscellaneous deeds 1780-1789;
      Q/UL/J4 Miscellaneous deeds 1790-1799;
      Q/UL/J5 Miscellaneous deeds 1800-1809;
      Q/UL/J6 Miscellaneous deeds 1810-1819;
      Q/UL/J7 Miscellaneous deeds 1820- 1829;
      Q/UL/J8 Miscellaneous deeds 1824-1845;
      Q/UL/J9 Miscellaneous deeds 1830-1853;
      Q/UL/J10 Miscellaneous deeds 1837-1839;
      Q/UL/J11 Miscellaneous deeds 1840- 1861;
      Q/UL/J12 Miscellaneous deeds 1844- 1849;
      Q/UL/J13 Miscellaneous deeds 1850-1859;
      Q/UL/J14 Miscellaneous deeds 1860-1879;
      Q/UL/J15 Miscellaneous deeds 1870-1885;
      Q/UL/J16 Miscellaneous deeds 1880-1919;

      Q/UL/K1 Leases, Deeds and Grants 1710- 1900;

      Q/UL/L1 Assignments, Convenience, Deeds and Leases 1667-1894;

      Q/UL/M1 Bargain Sales, Leases, Deeds and other property records 1630-1866;

      Q/UL/N1/1-2 Bread St, Nicholas Olaf 1600-1605;
      Q/UL/N1/3-13 The Hat and Feather, Birchin Lane, St. Michaels 1670-1748;
      Q/UL/N1/14-17 1 Birchin Lane 1845-1859;
      Q/UL/N1/18-27 Upper Fuzzy Field, St. Georges, Hanover Square 1732-1804;
      Q/UL/N1/28-29 18 Laurence Pountney Lane 1797- 1803;
      Q/UL/N1/30-36 20 Adam St., Adelphi 1811-1865;
      Q/UL/N1/37- 43 21 Grosvenor St. 1815-1864;
      Q/UL/N1/44-47 Trafalgar House, Walham Green 1854-1871;
      Q/UL/N1/48-63 Shepherds Bush, Hammersmith 1869-1869;
      Q/UL/N1/64-65 Mortgages from Clara Elizabeth, Albert and Rosina Pitter 1891-1891;
      Q/UL/N1/66-88 Miscellaneous documents 1610-1893;
      Q/UL/N1/89-90 Miscellaneous documents 1623-1735;
      Q/UL/N1/90-202 Indenture of apprenticeship and other documents 1750-1879;

      Q/UL/O1 The Sebright Collection 1605-1777.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/BER · Collectie · 1552-1922

      Records of the estates of the Russell family, Dukes of Bedford, in Covent Garden, Streatham and Rotherhithe, 16th to 19th Century. These records are of properties no longer owned by the Bedford Estate and none of them relate to Bloomsbury. The papers include title deeds, leases, abstracts of title, surveys, valuations, maps, plans, rentals, financial accounts, correspondence, legal papers, printed items, papers relating to Covent Garden market and Rotherhithe docks.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/BGS · Collectie · 1816-1864

      Records of William Bagshaw relating to two properties in which he had an interest, 42 Craven Street, Strand and 3 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, and to a grave in Highgate Cemetery he purchased. One document shows him acting as a trustee. Two apprenticeship indentures have no obvious link with the rest of the documents, and may have come from another source.

      Zonder titel
      BACON, John (1777-1859)
      GB 0074 E/BN · Collectie · 1683-1866

      Papers relating to the estate of John Bacon the younger, sculptor, including title deeds and documents relating to the purchase, ownership and sale of properties in the City of London, Bethnal Green, Paddington, Marylebone, Hoxton, Shoreditch, Stepney, Knightsbridge, Westminster and Kent; correspondence; articles of co-partnership with Charles Manning; and lists of sculptural works underway.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/DCA · Collectie · 1498-1840

      Records of the du Cane family relating to their estates in London, as follows:

      Freehold title:
      E/DCA/001-041 Manor or farm of Ballams/Balham, in Clapham and Streatham;
      E/DCA/042-049 Ruddocks and 7 Acres Grove, in Croydon.

      Copyhold title:
      E/DCA/050-099 Land of Manor of Fauxhall, in Streatham;
      E/DCA/100-131, 134 Land of Manor of Norbury, in Streatham and Croydon;
      E/DCA/132, 133 Land of Manor of Croydon, in [? Streatham or Croydon].

      Leasehold title:
      E/DCA/135, 136 Houses in City of London;
      E/DCA/137, 138 Sheepwalk of Manor of Battersea and Wandsworth, in [? Battersea].

      E/DCA/139-152 Balham Farm;
      E/DCA/153-163 Streatham Farm.

      Estate management:
      E/DCA/164-189 Valuations, etc.

      E/DCA/190-237 Estate;
      E/DCA/238-241 Croydon Inclosure;
      E/DCA/242-246 Chancery case relating to Shelley family settlement;
      E/DCA/247-250 Family.

      E/DCA/251-256 Documents unrelated to those above.

      E/DCA/257-266 Balham and Streatham Farms, and Streatham Common.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/EV · Collectie · 1828-1932

      Records of the Evelyn family estates in Deptford, including leases and agreements to lease for premises (including public houses the Admiral Rodney, The Ship and the White Hart) in New King Street, Grove Street, Mill Lane, Slaughterhouse Lane, and Czar Street; building agreements for Alexandra Street, Amersham Grove, Amersham Vale Road, Greenfield Place, Junction Road, Milton Court Road, Napier Street, Vansittart Street, Wardour Lane, Woodpecker Road, Evelyn Street and the Prince Street police station.

      Zonder titel
      FERGUSSON, Norman Mello
      GB 0074 E/FER · Collectie · 1762-1941

      Title deeds of Barn House and estates, Eltham, including mention of the Teggart and Lewis families.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/FLD · Collectie · 1703-1860

      Records of the Fielding family estates in Fulham, including leases, releases, bargain and sales, mortgages, bonds, indentures of fine, and bills.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/HOD · Collectie · 1507-1835

      Papers of the Hodson family relating to their properties in London, including

      1. St. Martin's-le-Grand, City of London, property,
      2. Southwark and Camberwell properties,
      3. E. Wickham property, Kent,
      4. Lambeth property,
      5. Properties in London, Westminster, Islington and Fulham, formerly part of the estate of Elizabeth Pratt; found with the Hodson deeds,
      6. Probates and deeds of unknown provenance, found with the Hodson deeds.
      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/IT · Collectie · 1805-1938

      Papers of the Holland family relating to leasehold premises, 21 Shaftesbury Terrace, Warwick Road, Kensington (re-named and re-numbered 139 Warwick Road in 1890).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/KEN · Collectie · 1717-1839

      Papers of Lord Lloyd Kenyon relating to premises in Conduit Street, St George Hanover Square, Westminster.

      Zonder titel
      MAXSE, Major John
      GB 0074 E/MXS · Collectie · 1772-1882

      Records of the Maxse family relating to property in Marylebone, Hanover Square, Westminster and Kensington.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/NOR · Collectie · 1279-1951

      The records of the Marquess of Northampton's London Estates in Holloway and Canonbury form a considerable collection of material from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries relating to the development of Islington.

      Estate Records (E/NOR/E): These relate almost entirely to the Northampton Estates in London in Clerkenwell and Canonbury, Islington. There is a fine series of eighteenth century rentals and accounts which extend into the twentieth century. These can be used in conjunction with the leases and maps in E/NOR/L.

      Also included in this section are records of Estate administration in the twentieth century, relating to legislation under the Housing Acts of 1925, 1930 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, together with more local orders by Finsbury Justices. In particular, there is a lot of material relating to the Clearance of the Northampton Road area in the 1930s and the building of new flats in Canonbury via the Compton Housing Association in the same decade. By 1954 at least part of the Canonbury Estate had been sold by the Northampton trustees to property companies Western Ground Rents and the Oriel Property Trust.

      The development of the Canonbury Estate is outlined in the Victoria County History of Middlesex vol VIII pp 54,55.

      Leases (E/NOR/L): There are a number of schedules of leases giving an insight into the running of the Estates in the nineteenth century; these are complemented by the Maps of Estates which vary in date from 1809 to 1947 (E/NOR/L/2), the maps in the Map and Print Section of the LMA, and Estate Records mentioned above.

      The leases have been split into two groups: one covering the geographical area of Clerkenwell (E/NOR/L/3) and one covering Canonbury (E/NOR/L/4). They include documents from all forms of transfer of property and other related records: bargain and sale, demises, assignments, abstracts of title, building agreements, mortgages. Most of these have been kept in original bundles where possible.

      For ease of access the leases have been listed in alphabetical order of streets and within each street by the numbered property. An attempt has been made to give alternative street names. Similarly cross references to properties mentioned in other deeds have been added. However, it has not been possible (or considered necessary) to produce a totally comprehensive appendix of street numbering changes. Individual instances of street numbering can be further clarified by reference to the LCC's published Names of Streets and Places and the accompanying list of Street Naming and Numbering records in the Catalogue Room.

      Many of the nineteenth century leases have plans on them, but a number of separate plans of buildings are included separately at the end of the leases section (E/NOR/L/5).

      Among the leases of Clerkenwell properties belonging to the Marquess of Northampton are the London Spa, Wilmington Square, Exmouth Market, the Sheep Skin Market at Woods Close, and Northampton Square.

      Canonbury leases include Canonbury Tower, Canonbury House, Canonbury Square and Northampton House. Pevsner describes Canonbury as "especially illuminating for the development of domestic building in London."

      Other Records: Apart from the Estate Records there are a number of significant small collections and individual items in this archive.

      The Sheep Skin Market run by the Skinners Company in Woods Close is documented by three volumes of market books 1754-1772 (E/NOR/S/1-3).

      Among items of local historical interest there are photographs of Canonbury (E/NOR/X) and a small amount of printed material on Clerkenwell including a History of Spa Fields Burial Ground (E/NOR/Y/2), and a sketch of Finsbury Health Centre (E/NOR/Y/7).

      Away from Clerkenwell and Canonbury, there are some records concerning the Northampton family's involvement in the Ragged School at Hertford Place, Mile End Old Town (E/NOR/R) and the Northampton Training Ship (E/NOR/Y/8).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/PX · Collectie · 1751-1903

      Deeds, correspondence and schedules for 59, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn and 74 and 76, Westbourne Terrace, Paddington.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/SHP · Collectie · 1788-1876

      Papers of the Sheppard family, comprising personal property records as follows:
      E/SHP/001-012 Wills of William Odber, and members of the Sheppard, Hall and Webb families;
      E/SHP/013 Thomas Treadway Odber's estate (abstract of title to estate in Newington);
      E/SHP/014-015 Thomas Treadway Odber's estate (leases for estate in Newington);
      E/SHP/016 Elizabeth Hall's estate (title deed for premises in Newington);
      E/SHP/017-026 John Sheppard Jnr's estate (title deeds to Alfred Place, St. George the Martyr, Southwark);
      E/SHP/027-051 John Sheppard Jnr's estate (leases to Alfred Place, St. George the Martyr, Southwark);
      E/SHP/052-058 John Sheppard jnr's estate (title deeds to other property in Southwark and Kennington);
      E/SHP/059 Tredway Sheppard's estate (title deed);
      E/SHP/060 Ann Webb's estate (title deed to premises in St George in the Fields);
      E/SHP/061-068 Kesterton John Inman's estate (title deeds to property in St Pancras);
      E/SHP/069-070 Papers regarding property in Southwark.

      Zonder titel
      STUART LANE, Richard
      GB 0074 E/SL · Collectie · 1783-1920

      Records relating to property owned by the Lane family in Grosvenor Square and Eaton Square, Westminster; Caterham; Croydon and Hove; and papers relating to a suit in Chancery.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/TD · Collectie · 1548-1846

      Records of the Tyrwhitt-Drake family of Amersham including financial transactions; papers relating to property transactions including abstracts of title, correspondence, bonds, leases, tithes, repair estimates, tradesmen's bills and inventories; family papers including wills, bequests, annuities, funeral records, legal papers and opinions of counsel. Properties mentioned are in diverse locations across London, primarily Fetter Lane in Holborn, Deptford, Chelsea, and Grosvenor Square and South Audley Street in Westminster.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 E/WS · Collectie · 1871-1936

      Papers of Samuel Henry Wilson, including will, probate and correspondence; and deeds, insurance policies, reports, and valuations for properties in Fulham, Brompton, and Ratcliff.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 F/CAL · Collectie · 1698-1874

      Records of the Calvert family of London, including papers relating to properties in Brixton, Kent, Tottenham Court Road and the City of London; genealogical notes on the family; and papers relating to the clerical career of William Calvert, rector of St Antholin with St John the Baptist, City of London.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0076 · Collectie · 1315-1885

      Papers of the Northwick family relating to the manors of Harrow alias Sudbury and Harrow Rectory alias Harrow-on-the-Hill, including court rolls, financial accounts, rentals, surveys, papers relating to the livings and churches of Harrow and Pinner, papers relating to Harrow School, family papers including correspondence, and papers relating to property owned by the family in Bloomsbury, Shoreditch, the City of London, and Paddington.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0088 · Collectie · 1561-1753

      Legal papers, such as court rolls, feoffments, lease and releases, assignments, agreements, bargain and sales, grants, mortgages and common recoverys, relating to properties in Stanwell; Harlington; Cranford; Heston; Uxbridge; Denham, Buckinghamshire; Brentford; Hendon; Hampstead; Cowley; Rickmansworth; Willesden; Tilehurst and Bradfield, Berkshire; St. Margaret's Westminster and Shinfield, Berkshire.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/0245 · Collectie · 1453-1685

      This collection consists of title deeds relating to property in Hendon and Totteridge owned by the Nicoll family.

      Zonder titel