Enseignement commercial

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source

    • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept5676

    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Enseignement commercial

      Terme générique Enseignement professionnel

      Enseignement commercial

        Termes équivalents

        Enseignement commercial

        • Employé pour Distributive education
        • Employé pour Cours commercial
        • Employé pour Formation aux métiers de la distribution
        • Employé pour Formación comercial

        Termes associés

        Enseignement commercial

        11 Description archivistique résultats pour Enseignement commercial

        11 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        City of Westminster College
        GB 2110 CWC · 1955-1974

        Contains the records of the City of Westminster College, comprising:

        CWC/1, Minutes of the Governing Body, Heads of Departments and the Staff Association, 1960-1974;

        CWC/2, Publications: prospectuses and the student magazine 'Unicorn', 1955-1971;

        CWC/3, Library: annual reports and photographs of the Library, 1959-1970;

        CWC/4, External Publications: Ministry of Education Inspector's Reports, 1959;

        CWC/5, Staff Association Constitution, 1965.

        Sans titre
        West Ham College of Technology
        GB 2381 WHM · 1898-1970

        Records of the West Ham College of Technology and its predecessors, 1898-1970, comprising:

        Minutes of the Board of Governors, 1959-1965; Minutes of the Board of Studies, 1924-1960; Minutes of the Academic Board, 1964-1969; minutes and report of the University Board, 1933-1958; Board of Education circulars, 1911-1919;

        Correspondence and general administration, 1911-1970, notably the establishment of the new Polytechnic, 1968-1970;Annual Report, 1966-1967;

        Day student lists (incomplete),1914-1961; Sessional reports for evening and part-time courses (incomplete), 1905-1957; Fee Registers, 1949-1955; Exam results (incomplete), [1914]-1957;

        Exam papers, 1951-1956; Prospectuses and Course Handbooks (incomplete), 1899-1970;

        Records of the Engineering Department, 1904-1962; Financial records (incomplete), 1948-1970; Records of the Students' Union and its Clubs (incomplete), 1930-1970; Staff and student publications, 1963-1970; Student Laboratory Reports, 1955-1964;

        Minutes of the Technical Instruction Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1898-1918; Minutes of Council and Reports of Committees of the County Borough of West Ham, 1946-1964; Minutes of Education Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1954-1963.

        Sans titre
        Commercial School for Girls, Walthamstow
        GB 2381 CSG · 1923-1937

        Records of the Commercial School for Girls, Walthamstow, comprising:

        'The Lantern', student magazine of the Commercial School for Girls, 1923-1937.

        Sans titre
        City of London College
        GB 1432 CLC · 1861-1970 (predominantly 1941-1970)

        Papers of the City of London College, comprising:

        Publications, including Journal of the Evening Classes for Young Men, 1859; College Calendars, 1882-1948; prospectuses, 1920, 1941-1970; circulars, leaflets and handbills, 1938-1966; reports, 1948-1970; Director's reports to Governing Body, 1963-1966; HMI reports, 1935, 1958.

        Administrative papers (very limited) include a few files and reports of the Director on foreign tours and academic organisation, enrolment statistics, syllabuses and book lists, papers on course development, and papers of the Banking and Commerce Department, 1950s-1960s; catalogue of books in the library, 1907; library guides and reading lists, 1920s-1960s.

        College Societies papers including papers, minutes and correspondence of the Students' Union, 1927-1936, 1954, 1964-1968; Debating Society, 1869-1893; Chess Club, 1894-1898.

        College Journals including Staff Bulletin, 1947-1968; The Londinian, 1913-1920, 1947-1953; City of London College Magazine, 1927-1938; The Hub, 1930-1962;

        Papers relating to college history, mainly comprising correspondence of the College Director and Secretary on aspects of college history, orders of service, tickets and programmes, 1940s-1960s; photographic prints and slides (including albums relating to World War Two); press cuttings volume, c1860-1973, volume 1949-1958, and monthly files Jun-Dec 1969; text, proofs and correspondence relating to the City of London College History, 1964.

        Papers relating to ceremonials, including various certificates, 1862-1901; Director's reports on distributions of prizes, 1909-1970; sports programmes, 1931-1959; a few papers relating to studentships and awards, 1950s-1960s.

        Sans titre
        GB 0100 KCLCA KSS · c1869-1979

        Records, c1869-1979, of the Strand School and its predecessors, comprising Headmaster's general and policy files, 1875-1977 (Ref: KSS/GPF); minutes of the Strand School, 1913-1938, and minutes relating to staff, 1957-1978, Houses of the school, 1942-1969, school societies, 1936-1957, parents' open evenings, 1956-1969, and conference of Headmasters and mistresses of London County Council (LCC) secondary schools, 1925-1952 (Ref: KSS/M); ledgers of pupils' accounts with the school, 1868-1908 (Ref: KSS/L); printed school accounts, 1910-1913 (Ref: KSS/ACC); registers containing staff details, 1893-1970, pupils' details, 1900-1925, 1931-1936, 1946-1979, and House records, 1933-1959 (Ref: KSS/R); Headmaster's albums of commended essays and artwork, 1912-1929 (Ref: KSS/ALB); record books of the Nature Society, 1909-1939, and sports record book, 1950-1956 (Ref: KSS/RB); programmes for school events, 1905-1912, 1950-1973, and school calendars, 1969-1977 (Ref: KSS/PRG); school magazines, 1905-1977 (Ref: KSS/PM); school prospectuses, 1915, 1938 (Ref: KSS/SYL); catalogues of books in Strand School and King's College use, c1869-c1894 (Ref: KSS/CA); bound addresses of thanks from staff and students to William Braginton, 1909-1910 (Ref: KSS/SP); private papers of Lt H Alnwick, comprising exercise books of plays written by him, 1924 (Ref: KSS/PP); ephemera including various invitation cards to school events, 1912, 1957-1968, a scheme for amalgamation of schools, 1906, regulations regarding management of the school, 1909, and the Strand School song and school rules, both undated (Ref: KSS/EPH); photographs, c1900-c1970 and undated, including school classes, staff, sports, portrait of William Braginton and the front of the Strand School, Brixton (Ref: KSS/PH); LCC's London School Plan and associated maps, 1947 (Ref: KSS/PBN); Keith Thomas White, 'History of Strand School, 1875-1913', written for MA in Science Education, Chelsea College, University of London, 1984 (Ref: KSS/TH).

        Sans titre
        Polytechnic Secondary School
        GB 1753 PSS · Fonds · [1885]-1986

        Records, [1885]-1986, of the Polytechnic Secondary School, its predecessors and successors, consisting of membership records, comprising Day School registers, 1890-1892, 1905-1911, including lists of free scholarships, 1891-1894, Girls' Day School register, 1900-1906, and Polytechnic Secondary School lists, 1925-1935; administrative papers, including papers relating to a conference between the Governing Body and H M Inspectors concerning inspection of the Polytechnic Secondary School, 1929, circulars from the London County Council, Ministry of Health and Board of Education and other papers relating to the evacuation of the school, 1939-1940, Instrument dealing with the government of the Quintin School, 1951, file relating to management of the Quintin School, including Governors' minutes, 1962-1967, and miscellaneous other papers relating to the school; material relating to events, comprising Polytechnic Intermediate & Technical School for Boys programme of swimming display, 1890, programme of annual sports, 1920, Speech Day programmes, 1920-1922, 1926, 1930-1931, 1934, 1951, 1968, including Headmaster's reports, 1925-1926, 1929-1930, 1933-1924, programmes of presentation of athletic prizes, 1929-1930, 1934, including Headmaster's report, 1928-1929, programme for the opening of the new building, 1957; printed material, comprising photocopy of a prospectus of the Polytechnic Middle Class School for Boys [1885], Commercial School fifth form gazette, 1903, The Old Quintinian, 1912-1913, The Quintinian, 1920, 1927-1943, 1949-1959, The Polytechnic Secondary School [1938], L C B Seaman, The Quintin School 1886-1956: a brief history (London, 1957), and The Quintin School Hymn Book, undated; photographs of pupils, staff, activities and sports teams, c1888-[1960s], some undated; ephemera, artefacts and memorabilia, including dictionary inscribed F H Master, 1917, Christmas crackers, 1938, engraved House Fours cup, 1939, school cap and tie, and undated song sheet; papers of Lehman Robert Baars relating to his time at the school, 1931-1935, including reports, exam results and school lists; papers relating to an exhibition on the school, 1986.

        Sans titre
        GB 1432 CLPLGU · 1969-2002

        Records of the City of London Polytechnic and London Guildhall University, London, comprising (but not limited to):

        Governance papers; Annual/statutory reports and accounts; Strategic plans; Ceremonial Prospectuses; Course handbooks; Students' Union magazines and handbooks; Student records*; Staff magazines

        • Requests involving personal data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and on a case-by-case basis.
        Sans titre
        South West London College
        GB 2110 SWLC · 1949-1993

        Contains the records of the South West London College, comprising:

        SWLC/1, Press Cuttings: regarding the College's merger with South Bank Polytechnic, 1990-1991;

        SWLC/2, Publications for SWLC students: produced by South Bank Polytechnic for South West London College students affected by its merger with the Polytechnic, 1991;

        SWLC/3, Minutes of the Governing Body, 1949-1969, 1988-1991;

        SWLC/4, Correspondence: detailing the merger between South West London College and South Bank Polytechnic, 1989-1993.

        Sans titre
        GB 2381 SWET · 1938-1977

        Records of the South West Essex Technical College and School of Art, later Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art, 1938-1977, comprising:

        Minutes and reports of boards and committees (very incomplete), 1938-1970; Annual Reports, 1939-1965; Constitution of the new Waltham Forest Technical College and School of Art, 1965; Constitution of the Students' Union, 1954; Armorial bearings of the South West Essex Technical College and School of Art; [1959]; Programmes and invitations for ceremonies and events, 1939-1963, notably the official opening ceremony of the College in 1939; Prospectuses and course handbooks (incomplete), 1938-1969; Publications, student magazines and staff articles, 1938-1977; Press cuttings, 1945-1977; Photographs of students, classrooms and the College building, [1950s]-1973; Prints, drawings and maps which were once framed and decorated the walls of the College, 1648-[1950s]; Staff and Student Theses, [1941]-1963.

        Sans titre
        Holborn College and predecessors
        GB 1753 HOL · Fonds · 1884-1970

        Records, 1884-1970, of Holborn College of Law, Languages and Commerce and its predecessors, comprising Bowling Green Lane Night School/Hugh Myddleton Institute log books, 1884-1929, 1938-1961; Hugh Myddleton Institute/Princeton Street School of Modern Languages typescript account, mainly 1930s-1940s; Holborn College programme for opening of new buildings, 1962; annual report, 1969-1970; prospectus for language courses, 1969-1970.

        Sans titre
        Woolwich Polytechnic Day Schools
        GB 2121 Woolwich Polytechnic Day Schools · 1906-1951

        Records of Woolwich Polytechnic Schools, 1906-1951, comprising Woolwich Polytechnic Boys Secondary School admission registers, 1906-1923; reports on boys, 1907-1928;
        Junior Technical School for Boys admission registers, 1913-1940; record of boys' engineering trades, 1913-1941;
        Junior Technical School for Girls admission registers, 1912-1940; report forms for girls, 1913-1951;
        Junior Art Department forms, 1930-1940;
        Commercial School reports, 1913-1918;
        School of Domestic Economy reports, 1914-1919;
        photographs of the schools, [1906-1950].

        Sans titre