Educación comunitaria

Área de elementos



Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Enabling process through which children and adults receive a sense of identification with their community.
  • Processus favorisant chez l'enfant et l'adulte le développement d'un sentiment d'appartenance à leur communauté.
  • Proceso que favorece en los niños y a los adultos el desarrollo de un sentimiento de pertenencia a su comunidad.

Nota(s) sobre el origen


Mostrar nota(s)

    Términos jerárquicos

    Educación comunitaria

    Término General Educación no formal

    Educación comunitaria

      Términos equivalentes

      Educación comunitaria

      • Usado para Social education
      • Usado para Éducation sociale
      • Usado para Educación social

      Términos asociados

      Educación comunitaria

      2 Descripción archivística resultados para Educación comunitaria

      GB 0098 L · Created 1948-1991 (ongoing)

      Records relating to Teaching Methods and Equipment at Imperial College, 1948-1991, including papers of Interdisciplinary Research Centres, notably Population Biology, Process Systems Engineering, Semi-Conductor Materials; minutes and inventories of the Audio visual aids working party, 1966-1967; representation on the British Universities Film Council, 1948-1963 (LA);
      Hale Committee Report on teaching methods, 1964-1965 (LB);
      papers of the Educational Technology Committee, 1968-1978, including Rector's correspondence and report on computers (LC);
      Education Forum leaflets; papers relating to Unusual Entry Procedure meeting, 1981 (LD);
      papers concerning English classes, 1972-1974 (LE);
      reports and correspondence of the Postgraduate education working party, 1975-1977 (LF);
      papers relating to the presentation of technical education, 1958-1964 (LL);
      papers concerning Pimlico Connection tutoring schemes, 1981-1991, comprising reports and brochure (LP).

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4463 · Colección · 1940s - 2012

      Personal records of Eric and Jessica Huntley relating to non-publishing businesses, political campaigns, community and heritage initiatives, education work, concerns with the environment in the Caribbean and papers relating to their personal lives including family and friends.

      Please see individual sections for further information.

      Sin título