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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

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      Termes hiérarchiques


      Termes équivalents


      • Employé pour Criminality
      • Employé pour Criminals
      • Employé pour Crime
      • Employé pour Criminel
      • Employé pour Criminal
      • Employé pour Criminalidad

      Termes associés


      115 Description archivistique résultats pour Criminalité

      115 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      GB 0074 LMA/4200 · Collection · 1891-1966

      Statistics relating to crime, licensing and prisons, generated by various courts in Middlesex, 1891-1966. Also some Chairman's notebooks.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 LMA/4462/J · Collection · 1977-1983

      Records of the Bookshop Joint Action Committee, including correspondence between bookshops and to the Home Office; witness statements of attacks on the Bogle-L'Ouverture bookshop and notes written at the time of the incidents; letters of support from organisations and bookshops in Britain, America and the Caribbean; press cuttings and magazine articles about the events; letters, stickers and publicity materials sent to or left on shops by the National Front and the Ku Klux Klan (LMA/4462/J/01/009), and copies of photographs of damage done to the bookshops.

      'Fourth Idea Bookshop' set up the 'Fascist Information Centre' to collect information about the attacks and to create a fund to assist the shops involved. A questionnaire was distributed to collate materials for a report and photocopies of documents are contained in the series. They aimed to compile a dossier of attacks and to start a security fund to assist with damage to bookshops.

      Sans titre
      Christian family papers
      GB 0064 CHN · Collection · 1797-1828

      The papers relating to Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian all date from 1798 when he was second in command of the Cape of Good Hope station. They include official correspondence relating mainly to the day to day running of the station but particulaly to the mutiny and subsequent Court Martial concerning the East Indiaman, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. The papers relating to Sir Hugh's son, Hood Hanway Christian, are more extensive. Apart from an order book from 1812, when Christain was the governor of the Spanish fort at Castro, they are mostly official correspondence from the period 1824-1828. These relate to the supression of the slave trade and various disciplinary proceedings together with correspondence from the Navy Board. There is a small amount of personal correspondence including letters from Sir Richard Keats and Sir Edward Pellew.

      Sans titre
      Christian, Sir Hugh Cloberry (1747-1798)
      GB 0064 CHN/1-9 · Sous-fonds · 1797-1798
      Fait partie de Christian family papers

      Papers of Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian relating to his period as Commander-in Chief of the Cape of Good Hope station. They include correspondence regarding the general running of the station with the Governer of the Cape of Good Hope, George, 1st Earl Macartney, as well as letters with news on the war at home from Admiral Sir Richard Strachan, and the Controller of the Navy, Sir Andrew Snape Hamond. There is also an interesting section of letters relating to the mutiny on board the East Indiaman PRINCESS CHARLOTTE.

      Sans titre
      Gosse, Dr Philip (1879-1959)
      GB 0064 GOS · Collection · [1680-1819]

      The collection illustrates the history of piracy from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. It includes a journal of the voyage of Captain Bartholomew Sharp in the MAYFLOWER, 1680 to 1682, kept by his second-in-command, John Cox; it was on this voyage in the Pacific that Sharp captured a Spanish derrotero and the navigational information in it was used in the atlases of William Hack ([1656]-1708). Two letters from Sir Thomas Lynch (1603-?1684), Governor of Jamaica, give many details about measures taken to suppress piracy; the first, written to Sir Leoline Jenkins (1623-1683), Secretary of State, in 1683 relates principally to the interruption by privateers of the sugar trade of the West Indies; the second letter was written in 1683 to the Secretary of State for Northern Affairs, Lord Sunderland (1640-1702), and gives an account of the attack, led by Vanhorne (d.1683), on Vera Cruz. There is a journal and narrative account of the burning of La Trompeuse and other pirates in port at St Thomas's Island by Captain Charles Carlisle (d 1684) in the FRANCIS, 1683, and a collection of documents received by Sir Evan Nepean with some draft replies while Nepean was Governor of Bombay. These are mainly concerned with the expedition against piracy in the Persian Gulf between 1817 and 1819. There are also personal papers of Dr Gosse, which all relate to his publications on piracy.

      Sans titre
      GB 0064 MAX · Collection · [1873-1889]

      Papers of Adml William Henry Maxwell, Dec 1873 - Apr 1889, they begin with Maxwell's early childhood reminiscences and record his career in the Royal Navy. Significant events in Maxwell's naval service include: a visit to Pitcairn Island, where Maxwell encountered some of the BOUNTY mutineers' descendents; his involvement in the suppression of the slave trade; his extensive travels in Polynesia; and his role as Aide-de-Camp to Queen Victoria during the Jubilee celebrations in Hong Kong.

      Sans titre
      Pole and Penn family papers
      GB 0064 WYN · Collection · [1621-1822]

      Sir William Penn's life after 1650 is well covered but for the earlier period there are only a few orders, instructions and isolated documents. The collection includes a log, 1650 to 1651, accounts of battles, 1652 to 1653, a log of the SWIFTSURE and sailing and fighting instructions, both to and from Penn, for the expedition to the West Indies. The 1665 campaign is covered by an incomplete log of the ROYAL CHARLES, a description of the battle of Lowestoft, several sailing and fighting instructions and orders of battle. There are also administrative papers and personal letters covering Penn's tenure of office at the Navy Board. The Pole papers consist of eight volumes of private letters from a wide variety of correspondents, 1769 to 1822. Two particularly large series are those from Admiral Sir William Young (1751-1821) and Pole's brother, Reginald Pole Carew, while Prince William Henry also wrote a considerable number of letters to Pole. The loose papers are mainly administrative and include accounts, prize papers, orders and memoranda. They also contain papers concerning Pole's representation of Plymouth from 1806 to 1818; printed papers and general letters on naval mutiny, 1795 to 1797, with particular reference to the mutinies of 1797; reports and surveys on the Sea Fencibles, 1804 to 1806, and other general reports on such matters as medical experiments, 1791, and experiments with gunpowder, 1796.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 388-401 · 1938-1945, 1982

      The MAGIC Documents: Summaries and Transcripts of the Top-Secret Diplomatic Communications of Japan, 1938-1945, is a themed microfilm collection relating to US deciphers of Japanese diplomatic codes through the use of MAGIC decryption, 1938- 1945. The collection contains copies of deciphered official and unofficial Japanese diplomatic communiqués sent from Japanese personnel stationed at embassies and consulates in the Far East, Europe and the Middle East, to Tokyo, Japan, 1938-1945, and includes material relating to Japanese civil, political and economic conditions and policies, military expenditures, strategy, tactics, and campaigns, and eventual peace initiatives and surrender, 1938-1945. Included in the collection are deciphered messages concerning Japanese perceptions of Allied strategy against Japan; the effect of Allied air raids on Japan; Japanese relations with the German Foreign Office; Japanese relations with the governments of Burma, Indo-China; Korea, Netherland East Indies, Siam, China, the Philippines; perceptions of Allied chemical warfare capabilities; perceptions of Allied Lend-Lease naval forces and strategy; British and French relations with colonies in the Far East; control of industry in Manchuria (Manchukuo); perceptions of Axis strategy and Japan's role within it; Japanese interest in Indian nationalism and the Indian Independence League; the Burma-Siam railway; Japanese attacks on the Burma Road, the supply route which connected Burma to Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek's nationalist forces in China; administration of the government of Japanese occupied Nanking, China; the Chinese Communist Party; the rationing of clothing and food in Japan; perceptions of the Soviet Comintern Pact; Japanese relations with German, European, and Chinese banks; Japanese relations with Spanish Gen Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the German High Command and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini; interpretation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; concern for Japanese nationals abroad, 1937-1945; Japanese naval strategy and tactics; function of the Japanese Consular Police, China; territorial claims on the Kurile Islands; material relating to Japanese military campaigns during World War Two; Japan's search for strategic resources in the Far East; military strengths and dispositions of the German Armed Forces; the origins of the Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact; Allied and Axis propaganda methods; the treatment of Allied prisoners of war; the surrender of Japanese armed forces in the Far East.

      Sans titre
      LCC/FB/GEN · Collection · 1822-1965
      Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

      Records of the London County Council Fire Brigade Department, 1822-1965, including subject and policy files on general topics including correspondence on question whether horses can smell fire and locate scene of outbreaks; participation by Brigade in International Horse Shows; surprise inspections of stations by the Chief Officer; passing of information on fires to firms of fire assessors; the funerals of Sir Eyre Massey Shaw and Sir Lionel Wells; drills and competitions; Women's Fire Protection Force; emergency arrangements during the 1926 General Strike; pamphlet on National Fire Brigades Association; International Fire Exhibition, Paris; mutual arrangements between brigades for extinguishing fires; London Fire Brigade Questions and Answers Book; liaison with press; displays and demonstrations at exhibitions and events; London Fire Brigade Museum; reorganisation of the Brigade (1934); visits by officers to foreign fire brigades; the Royal Commission on Fire Brigades and Fire Prevention; Departmental Committee on Fire Brigade Services (Riverdale Committee); Fire Brigades Act, 1938; insurance companies' contributions towards the cost of the Brigade; Central Advisory Council for Fire Services; press cuttings; transfer of Fire Services from National Fire Service to local authorities after Second World War.

      Subject and policy files regarding fires and special services, including papers on: fires aboard ships; fires on tramcars; fires in dance halls, factories, workshops, warehouses, Government and LCC buildings, hospitals, nursing homes, massage establishments, chimneys, hotels, clubs, lodging houses, restaurants, fried fish shops, places of public entertainment, houses, flats, tenements, schools, colleges, churches, church halls, University buildings, wharves, docks, gasworks, gas mains, departmental stores, shops and retail markets; fires involving explosives; static electricity as a cause of fire; reports on serious fires; legal right of Brigade to enter premises on fire; Society for the Protection of Life from Fire; special services including gas escapes, lift accidents, railway accidents and pumping operations during flooding; fires of doubtful origin or caused by arson and incendiaries; City fire inquests; lives lost at fires; electrical hazards at fires; organisation at large fires; oil fires; fires and panics; special reports on individual fires; fires involving celluloid; reports on fires by fire prevention officers; register of fires and other incidents attended by the Brigade Control Unit.

      Subject and policy files regarding appliances and equipment including land steamers, horses and stabling, motor vehicles, motor pumps, Merryweather's pumps, escape vans and turntable ladders, electrical turntable ladders, foam tender, fireboats "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Massey Shaw" and "Raidwood", smoke helmets, respirators and breathing apparatus, chemical fire extinguishers, fire escapes, asbestos protective equipment, air foam. Also Stores Ledgers and registers of accidents to vehicles and appliances.

      Subject and policy files relating to communications including street fire alarms, fire alarm telegraph systems, fire telephones, malicious false alarms, automatic fire alarms, radiotelephony, messages, Watch-room and Control Room procedures, teleprinters, radio installations, list of automatic fire alarms and fire telephones connected to each station.

      Subject and policy files relating to fire prevention, including tests of fireproof flooring; inspection of public, government and Council buildings; fire precautions at various buildings including hospitals; petroleum storage; petrol fires on barges; celluloid risks; explosives; electric high voltage and neon signs; household fire protection rules; revised fire drill rules for schools; automatic sprinkler installation; foam installations to deal with petrol and oil fires; automatic drencher installations; means of escape in case of fire; Advisory Committee on the Amendment of the London Building Act, 1930; fire prevention arrangements on ships and Tube railways; Fire Prevention (Business Premises) Order, 1941.

      Subject and policy files relating to water supplies including liaison with Metropolitan Water Board in cases of water shortage at fires; hydrants and hydrant tablets; maps showing locations of hydrants; hydrant registers. Subject and policy files relating to Fire Brigade buildings, particularly London Fire Brigade Headquarters at Albert Embankment.

      Original fire reports, containing detailed reports concerning individual calls to fires, including false alarms, including: address of fire, occupiers of premises, business or trade carried on, where fire started, particulars of fire, times of calls, method of extinguishing fire, fire appliances in attendance and fire station called. Also daily return of fire calls, compiled under section 31 of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865, which required the Fire Brigade to supply each fire insurance company with a daily return of fires occurring in the Metropolis. The information generally duplicates that of the fire reports.

      General reports and publications, including Memoir of James Braidwood; pamphlets and order of proceedings; handbooks; lectures; reports; articles; guidebooks; memoranda, orders and instructions; order books, statistics and log books. Also photographs.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MFF15 · 1946-1991, 1995

      The Soviet Estimate: US Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US intelligence estimates and studies relating to Soviet strategic projections, military capabilities, science and technology, economics and internal politics, 1946-1991. The estimates and studies were produced either collectively as national intelligence products or by individual agencies, and include contributions from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Director of Central Intelligence; the US Defense Intelligence Agency; and, the US State Department. The collection includes CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service debriefing transcripts of former Soviet Gavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye (GRU), Chief Intelligence Directorate, Soviet General Staff, operative Oleg V Penkovskii, relating to Soviet military organisation and plans for nuclear war, Soviet nuclear targets and deployments in Europe, missile technology and launch sites, Soviet military personnel, the capture of Capt Francis Gary Powers, US Air Force U-2 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft pilot, 1 May 1960, profiles of Soviet military officers, locations of Soviet nuclear weapons tests, Soviet intelligence organisations and Soviet chemical and biological weapons programs, Soviet development and deployment of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), positions of Soviet divisions in East Germany, and the Berlin Crisis (1958- 1962), 20 Apr-14 Oct 1961; yearly US estimates of Soviet strategic capabilities, 1947- 1983, including the 'missile gap' National Intelligence Estimates, 1957-1961; detailed estimates of the Soviet space program, including National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) relating to lunar exploration, manned space flight, reconnaissance satellites, space exploration, space weapons and weapons development, 1962-1967; US Air Force report entitled 'A History of Strategic Arms Competition: Volume 3, A Handbook of Selected Soviet Weapons and Space Systems', including data relating to Soviet air to surface missiles (AS), Tupolev bomber aircraft, M-4 / Mya-4 / 2M Myasishchev ('Bison') aircraft, space weapons, communication satellites, electronic intelligence capabilities, surface to surface (SS) theatre missiles and ICBMs, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs), Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs), Jun 1976; US intelligence community experiment in competitive analysis conducted by the CIA 'B Team' relating to US misperceptions of Soviet strategic objectives and offensive and defensive forces, Dec 1976; report from the US Department of State entitled 'History of the Strategic Arms Competition 1945-1972, parts 1 and 2', including detailed surveys and analyses of Soviet and US decision making on nuclear forces, force deployments, and nuclear strategies, Mar 1981; Special National Intelligence Estimate relating to Soviet support for international terrorism and revolutionary activities, including mention of arms transfers, military training, political violence, and terrorist activities in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, May 1981; reports from the CIA concerning Soviet perspectives on research and development in energy-directed weapons and involvement in space weapons and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research, 1985; National Intelligence Estimates relating to General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev's prospects for reforming the Soviet economic and political system, including mention of his economic agenda and its implications for the Soviet military program, the dynamics of Soviet civil-military relations, the impact of reforms on labour production, health, standards of living and technological development, and the rise of civil unrest and nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1985- 1989; CIA report concerning the probabilities of a coup d'etat in the Soviet Union and the growing influence of Chairman of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, May 1991.

      Sans titre
      RAMSBOTHAM, General Sir David John
      GB 0099 KCLMA Ramsbotham · 1971-1997

      Papers of Sir David Ramsbotham, including reports, correspondence, photographs, lecture texts, press cuttings and ephemera, relating to his career, 1974-1995.

      Papers relating to Northern Ireland including Northern Ireland intelligence summaries, 22 Mar-11 Aug 1978; reports including report on 2nd Bn, Royal Green Jackets, Northern Ireland operations, Nov 1974-Feb 1975 and related correspondence; report on the organisation and operation of Bn search teams, 8 Aug 1974; report to Brigadier Ramsbotham from J.H. Dunlop on the subject of education in Belfast, 7 Jan 1980; 'Report on the situation in Belfast as at 14 July 1980'; report by Ramsbotham while commanding 39th Infantry Brigade to Major General Glover Commander Land Forces Northern Ireland, 15 Jul 1980 and situation report 39th Infantry Bde, Belfast, July 1980; training notes and reports; operation statistics, 6 Dec 1978-5 Dec 1979; papers relating to riot and crowd control in Northern Ireland, 19 Sep 1978; correspondence, 1971-1993, including two letters from Dervla Murphy Oct and Dec 1987; transcripts and notes for lectures on 2nd Bn, The Royal Green Jackets' time in Ireland between 1 Nov 1974 and 28 Feb 1975 and press cuttings and articles on Northern Ireland, 1971-1990.

      Papers relating to the Falkland Islands including detailed account of Ramsbotham's tour, 23 Jun-1 Jul 1982; photographs; related press cuttings and notes on a 1989 visit.

      Transcripts of speeches by Ramsbotham on defence and peacekeeping, 1982-1995; transcripts of speeches on military subjects by various speakers, 1982-1995; articles relating to defence 1959-1989; articles and talks by FM Lord Carver 1971-1996; papers relating to HRH Silver Jubilee review of the Army 1977; papers relating to official visits; papers relating to the United Nations, 1993-1997; booklets on military subjects, 1962-1995 and memoranda and copies of articles on defence and the media, 1982-1985.

      Photographs including of the Falkland Islands visit; the opening of the Adjutant General Information Centre; Ramsbotham's early career; presentation of the Imperial Service medal to June Small; visit to the Guides Infantry; visit to the USA; visit to the UNISYS International management centre; visiting troops during winter training; visits by Col Gen Omelichev to Winchester and Winchester Cathedral; meeting soldiers on patrol; official visits in Germany; on exercise Lone Star; visiting commonwealth troops in India and Africa and a visit to Gibraltar.

      Sans titre
      BOWREY, Thomas (d 1713)
      GB 0074 CLC/427 · Collection · 1666-1714

      Papers of Thomas Bowrey, sea captain and merchant, including ledger; correspondence; diaries; drawings; charts; and maps; relating to travel and trade in India, Africa, Holland, France, Batavia (Jakarta) and Persia (Iran); the "Coffree" language of Delagoa and the Telenga language; shipping insurance and Lloyd's coffee house; whaling; and piracy.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/0381 · Collection · 1819-1829

      Records of the Middlesex Sessions of the Peace comprising extracts from minutes of the orders of court relating to County business. The extracts were first made in 1819 for the period 1716-1829. Only two entries were made between 1826 and 1829.

      Sans titre
      EVANS, Sarah (fl 1798)
      GB 0074 ACC/1421 · Collection · 1799

      Royal pardon granted to Sarah Evans, previously convicted at Middlesex Sessions of the Peace, 13 Feb 1798, of petty larceny, and sentenced to transportation for seven years.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/2201 · Collection · 1895-1985

      Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Wel-Care and associated organisations, 1895-1985. Records of the Southwark Diocesan Council for Welcare, 1895-1972, including Diocesan Council minutes, Finance Committee minutes, Executive Committee minutes, and minutes of the Rochester Diocesan Association of the Care of Friendless Girls.

      Records of the Diocesan Office, 1895-1982, including policy and information files relating to illegitimate children, juvenile offenders, the mentally handicapped, sexual offences, ethnic minorities, mother and baby homes, housing, moral welfare work and the social services; files relating to finance and organisation including cooperation with other voluntary agencies and annual reports of local associations; and files relating to the employment and training of staff.

      Ledger of the London and Southwark Diocesan Moral Education Committee, 1957-1958. Committee minutes and admission and discharge register of the Diocesan Medical Home, 1909-1935. Records of the Stretton House Diocesan Maternity Home, 1918-1977, including minutes of annual meetings and Committee meetings, annual reports, registers, day books, financial accounts and job applications.

      Records of the South London Association for the Moral Welfare of Children, 1914-1950, including Committee minutes, annual reports and correspondence.

      Records of local associations, 1895-1985, including Greenwich Association, Lambeth Association, Lewisham Association, Southwark and Camberwell Association and Wandsworth Association. Records include annual reports, financial accounts, Committee meeting minutes, Annual meeting minutes, case files, registers, adoption files, correspondence and administrative papers.

      Also the Southwark Diocesan Council for Welcare reference collection, 1920-1982, comprising books and pamphlets on various subjects, including abortion, contraception, mother and baby homes, adoption, fostering, one parent families, child care, housing, social security, juvenile offenders, ethnic minorities, moral welfare work, social work, psychiatry, and the position of the Church of England on these issues.

      Sans titre
      Sargant, William Walters (1907-1988)
      GB 0120 PP/WWS · c1920s-1987

      Sargant was an outspoken supporter and practitioner of what he termed the 'practical rather than philosophical approaches' to the treatment of mental illness, pioneering and publicising various physical treatments and vociferously opposing the use of psychoanalytic techniques. The majority of the collection consists of his writings, both published and unpublished, supplemented by a small quantity of correspondence and other material. In addition, the collection contains clinical records for about 500 cases from Sutton Emergency Hospital in the 1940s. As well as covering clinical subjects (in Sections D, E, and F) and Sargant's views on the practice of psychiatry in general (Section B), the collection also contains material relating to his interest in the related issues of religious conversion and brainwashing (Section G).

      Sans titre
      British Vigilance Association
      GB 106 4BVA · Fonds · 1923-1971

      The archive consists of records, mostly originating from the General Secretary, of the British Vigilance Association, 1923-1971. These include campaign and resource files (prostitution, immoral earnings, and conditions of employment for au pair girls), correspondence with individuals and organisations, fragments of other administrative series and files relating to the final winding up of the British Vigilance Association (BVA), International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons (IBS) and their associated organisations in 1971.

      The minutes of the British Vigilance Association, including those of the Sub-Committee on the Welfare of Irish Girls in England (renamed the Irish Girls' & Related Problems Sub-Committee) are also held by the Women's Library but within the National Vigilance Association Archive (see 4NVA).

      Sans titre
      National Vigilance Association
      GB 106 4NVA · Fonds · 1885-1971

      The archive consists of minutes (including those of the British Vigilance Association (BVA)), annual reports, and publications. Correspondence and campaigning files on issues of public morality, sexual morality, traffic in women, the armed forces, obscenity, prostitution, entertainment and employment. Case files (including some individuals) including regional cases from Wales and North-East England. Administration in connection with British National Council, International Bureau, Travellers' Aid Society (TAS); also the Public Morality Council; and miscellaneous papers including campaign, resource and administrative files about various issues connected with social morality and public morality.

      Sans titre
      PINNEY, Dr Rachel (1909-1995)
      GB 106 7RPI · Fonds · 1960-1986

      Papers of Rachel Pinney on the technique of Creative Listening, correspondence, transcript of an article, press cuttings concerning her court appearance on a kidnap charge.

      Sans titre
      Lind-af-Hageby Libel Case
      GB 0120 GC/89 · Collection · 1913

      Incomplete set of notes of proceedings in anti-vivisection cause célèbre, the Lind-af-Hageby Libel Case, 1913. 19 items. Notes for the first two days of the case are missing.

      Sans titre
      Seaman, P K: letter
      GB 0096 AL354 · Fonds · 1851

      Letter from P K Seaman of HMS Wolverine, docked at St Helena, to his father, 1 Jun 1851. '... I have already told you that we have caught 3 slavers ...'.

      Autograph, with signature. 4 sketches of vessels captured by the Wolverine are pasted to the second leaf of the letter.

      Sans titre
      Tabori, Paul
      GB 0096 MS 1006 · 1927-1973

      Papers of author and journalist Paul Tabori (1908-1974), comprising the following: draft typescripts of novels, poetry and works of fiction, 1927-1973; draft typescripts of completed short stories, ideas and fragments for fiction works, 1938-1970; typescripts of non-fiction works, including typescripts of completed books on a variety of topics covering the supernatural, travel, crime, historical and biographical topics and erotica, along with draft non-fiction fragments and ideas, 1930-1973; typescripts of articles for magazines on various subjects including crime, travel, erotica, the supernatural, historical and biographical topics, along with interviews with international political and celebrity figures, 1940-1969; typescripts of film scripts, screenplays or ideas written or edited by Tabori, including scripts for Hammer and London Films, along with stills [photographs] from some of the productions, 1944-1960; typescripts and working scripts written or edited by Tabori for television and radio plays, including material broadcast in the television series, the Errol Flynn Theatre and The Vise, along with stills [photographs] accompanying the working scripts, 1950-1970.

      Sans titre
      Runnymede Collection
      GB 2925 · Fonds · 1957-[2000]

      The Runnymede Collection comprises books, pamphlets, journals, newsletters, bulletins, press cuttings and working files. The Trust's original working research files contain correspondence, press releases, reports, journal articles and other documents. Subject areas include immigration, deportation, citizenship and nationality, race and racism, politics and race relations, far-right political groups in Britain and abroad, employment, housing, inner cities, social services, health and the National Health Service, education, policing, crime and racially motivated crime, prisons, ethnic minorities and the legal system, demography and the ethnic population in Britain, migrants and ethnic issues in Europe and the European Community, women from ethnic groups in Britain, the media and ethnic minorities, human rights.

      Sans titre
      El Salvador: Political Pamphlets
      GB 3032 EN 320 PAM · 1976-

      Reports, pamphlets, platforms, constitutions, conference proceedings, manifestos, newspaper advertisements, histories, testomonies and letters, 1976 onwards, issued by American Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International, Archbishop Oscar Romero Christian Legal Aid Service, Asociación de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Campesinos de El Salvador (ATACES), Bloque Popular Revolucionario (El Salvador), Catholic Church, Catholic Institute for International Relations, Center for National Security Studies, Central America Human Rights Committee, Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador, Comité de Madres y Familiares de Presos y Desaparecidos políticos de El Salvador, Comité Mexicano de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Salvadoreño, Comisión de Refugiados Salvadoreños, Comité pro Libertad de los Presos Políticos de El Salvador, Conferencia Sindical Internacional de Solidaridad con los Trabajadores y el Pueblo de El Salvador (1981 : Bogotá, Colombia), Coordinadora Revolucionaria de Masas, Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (El Salvador), Faculty for Human Rights in El Salvador and Central America (U.S.), Frente de Acción Popular Unificada(FAPU), Foreign Policy Association, Frente de Acción Popular Unificada (El Salvador), Frente Democrático Revolucionario, Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, International Commission of Jurists, Law Union of Ontario, Movimiento de Liberación Popular (El Salvador), Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (El Salvador), Organization of American States, Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Partido Comunista de El Salvador, Partido de la Revolución Salvadoreña, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (El Salvador), Partido Union Democratica Nacionalista (El Salvador), Radio Farabundo Martí, Socorro Jurídico Cristiano, Unidad Nacional de Trabajadores Salvadoreños, United States Dept. of State, United States House Committee on Appropriations (Subcommittee on Foreign Operations), and World Council of Churches.

      Sans titre
      Committee on children and young persons
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0372 · Collection · 1957-1958

      Evidence presented to the Committee on children and young persons, also pamphlets concerning children and young persons.

      Sans titre
      Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice
      GB 0097 LCCJ · Collection · 1985-1999

      Papers of Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice, 1985-1999, include minutes, financial papers, newsletters and publications.

      Sans titre
      ANNA Romskog (fl 2005)
      GB 0074 LMA/4641 · Collection · 2013

      Records of Anna Romskog (student at Augsburg College, Minneapolis, USA), including a oral history interview with her tutor, Jacqueline deVries, regarding her experience of the 2005 London bombings, when she was present in central London. Consists of a paper transcript of interview, supporting documentation and an audio copy of interview on CD.

      Sans titre
      Bond, Francis Godolphin (1765-1839)
      GB 0064 BND · Collection · [1774-1839]

      Papers of Francis Godolphin Bond comprising forty letters from William Bligh to Bond, twenty-eight of which deal with the voyage of the PROVIDENCE, three with the mutiny on the BOUNTY and the remainder with Bligh's efforts to promote Bond's career. There are also letters from others on the PROVIDENCE and some notes by Bond on the voyage about Bligh .

      Sans titre
      GB 0064 CHT · Collection · [1932-1940]

      Papers of Alfred Ernle Montacute Chatfield, consisting mainly of semi-official and private letters, 1932 to 1940, from Churchill (1874-1965), Lord Lothian (1882-1940), Admirals Sir Roger Backhouse (1878-1939), Sir Frederic Dreyer (1878-1956), Sir W.W. Fisher (q.v.), Lord Beatty (1871-1936), Sir John Kelly (q.v.), Sir (William) Howard Kelly (q.v.), Sir Charles Little (1882-1973), Sir Eric Fullerton (q.v).), Sir Dudley Pound (1877-1943) and other commanders-in-chief. The topics referred to in this correspondence include the battle of Jutland, 1916, the Invergordon Mutiny, 1931, the Naval Disarmament Conference, 1935, the Abyssinia crisis, 1935, the Spanish Civil War, 1936, the problems of defence and rearmament during the 1930s, international relations and control of the Fleet Air Arm. There are also photograph albums relating to the Royal Tour of India, the Mediterranean Command and the India Mission.

      Sans titre
      GB 0064 COO/2 · Sous-fonds · [1797-1834]
      Fait partie de Owen Family

      Papers of Sir Edward William Campbell Rich Owen. They consist of an account, drawn up in 1825, of the mutiny at Spithead in 1797 and of documents and narrative towards a history of the Walcheren expedition of 1809. There is also a letter of Privy Seal appointing Owen Clerk of the Ordnance, 1834.

      Sans titre
      GB 0064 KEL/101-120 · Sous-fonds · [1831-1936]
      Fait partie de Kelly family papers

      Papers of Sir John Donald Kelly, consisting of reports on the unsuccessful attack on the GOEBEN; on the Dardanelles, February to May 1915, and on a German raider in West Indian and South American waters, December 1916 to March 1917. There are orders relating to the Dardanelles, 1915, to the surrender of the German High Seas Fleet, 1918, to the Chanak incident of 1922, to the Invergordon mutiny in 1931 and to Kelly's final commands. The letters are mainly official but the private correspondents include Prince Louis of Battenburg (1854-1921), 1903, Earl Beatty (1871-1936), 1918 and 1932, Lord Louis Mountbatten (1900- ), 1929, Sir Roger Keyes (1872-1945), 1930 to 1931, and Lord Chatfield, 1932 to 1936. In addition, a small collection of fifteen letters, 1831 to 1847, relate to Captain, later Vice-Admiral, William Kelly (ca. 1795-1874), and are mostly concerned with the attack on the forts of Tamatave, Madagascar, in 1845. William Kelly is believed to have been a relative of Sir John Kelly.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Furness-Gibbon · 1987-2006

      Papers of Lt Col David Norman Furness-Gibbon, 1987-2006, including: photocopy of citation for award covering period March-November 1980 as officer commanding 321 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; information cards detailing how to check a vehicle for explosives, procedure if explosives are discovered and codes and radio procedures; photographs, 1988-1989, showing bomb disposal teams at work in Northern Ireland, bomb disposal equipment, the aftermath of explosions, and group photograph of squadron; group photograph of delegates at the International Conference on Terrorist Devices, Camberley, Surrey, 1988; the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Terrorist Devices and Methods', Washington DC, 22-26 June 1987; articleBomb Squad Belfast' by Chris Ryder, Sunday Telegraph, 2 April 1989; RAOC Ammunition Technical News' Number 13, September 1991, brochure50 Years of Central Ordnance Depot Bicester and Bicester Garrison 1942-1992', May 1992. Also copy of book A Special Kind of Courage: 321 EOD Squadron - Battling the Bombers by Chris Ryder (London, 2006).

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 204-211 · 1942-1945, 1985

      OSS/London: Special Operations Branch and Secret Intelligence Branch War Diaries is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Office of Strategic Services (OSS)intelligence analyses and special operations in Western Europe, Jun 1942-Jun 1945. The collection includes Special Operations Branch organisation charts and directives, orders and summaries, Jun 1942-Jul 1944; Special Operations (SO) Branch and OSS training schedules; papers relating to Special Operations Branch liaison with Scandinavian Special Operations Executive (SOE) Section; reports on military and strategic objectives relating to Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of France, Jan-Sep 1944; estimates of Special Operations personnel strength, Apr-Jun 1944; reports on resistance movements in Norway, Denmark, and Poland; summaries of Secret Intelligence Branch Operations, Apr-Sep 1944; list of decorations, commendations, and payments to families of the Special Operations and Secret Intelligence Branch casualties; biographies of Secret Intelligence personnel; reports from Secret Intelligence Branch operations in the Netherlands, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia; Germany; Secret Intelligence Branch liaison with the OSS; photographs of American and British Special Operations Branch officers; photographs of Maquis, French resistance, operatives; report from the Special Mission on German Methods of Demolition and Sabotage, Sep-Dec 1944; reports on Polish resistance fighters in France, 1944; lists of code names and code words used by the Special Operations Branch; reports from military, demolition, intelligence gathering, and espionage missions in Western Europe, 1944; after action summaries from the OSS Reports and Registry Division, London, and the OSS Reports Board, Paris, France, 1 Jan-15 Jun 1945.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 11 · 1943-1980, 1990

      Iran: The Making of US Policy, 1977- 1980, is a themed microfiche collection which presents an integrated record of US foreign policy relating to Iran, 20 Jan 1977-29 Jan 1980. Included are memoranda, cabled messages, US embassy and consulate messages, Department of State reports, Central Intelligence Agency reports, US National Security Council reports and studies, and academic historical and political studies of the Middle East generally and Iran specifically, 21 Jan 1943-30 Apr 1980. Although the focus of this document set is on the 1977-1980 period, nearly one-third of the documents listed in the catalogue relate to the period prior to 1977. These are materials that were used in the preparation of the major internal inter-agency review of US-Iranian relations, the US Department of State 'White Paper'. The collection covers the beginning of the popular protests and mass demonstrations that resulted in the Iranian revolution of Feb 1979, which overthrew the pro-American monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, and established the Islamic Republic of Iran. The collection also covers efforts by the US and the Iranian Provisional Government under Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan to normalise relations between Iran and the US, which were frustrated by challenges from Islamic organisations including the Revolutionary Council. The collection records in detail the US reaction to the Iranian Constitutional Assembly, which pitted secular against religious forces during the drafting of the new constitution and which led to the formal establishment of a theocracy and the loss of Iran as a US strategic ally, Feb-Jun 1979. Documents include US Department of State report detailing the stability of Iran under the Shah and the effectiveness of SAVAK, the Iranian domestic and foreign intelligence agency, as a law enforcement agency, 28 Jan 1977; US Embassy, Teheran, Annual Policy and Resource Assessment report identifying US interests in Iran as stable, 4 Apr 1977; briefing paper for Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, for his first visit with the Shah, 30 Apr 1977; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report affirming the stability of the Iranian political regime, Aug 1977; US Department of State cables relating to the police suppression of anti-Shah demonstrations at Qom, the religious centre of Iran's Shiite community, and the resulting series of mass demonstrations against the Shah, Jan-Dec 1978; US Department of State inspection memorandum describing US relations with Iran as excellent, 4 May 1978; US Department of State memoranda concerning meeting of 13 May 1978, at which chief Iranian military and security personnel devised plans to deal with the rise of anti- government demonstrations, 23 May 1978; cable from William H Sullivan, US Ambassador to Iran, relating to the increasing dissent in Iran and the Shah's fears of the religious opposition to his monarchy presented by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 1 Jun 1978; US Department of State airgram relating to meeting held between the Shah and Nasser Moghaddam, Director of SAVAK, in which the Shah ordered that all future demonstrations be broken up by force, 22 Jul 1978; US Department of State cable concerning the Iranian armed forces being put on alert in all major towns in Iran following a series of anti-government bombings, 14 Aug 1978; reports from the US Embassy, Teheran, relating to the 'Black Friday' massacre of anti-government protesters in Jelah Square, Teheran, 8 Sep 1978; US Department of State cable relating to riots in Teheran resulting in the destruction of Western businesses and the occupation of the British Embassy, Teheran, 5 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report relating to the wave of anti-government protests in Iran during the spring of 1978, 5 Nov 1978; US Department of State cable from Ambassador Sullivan to the White House urging the US government to consider that the Shah may have to abdicate in favour of a coalition government, 9 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) profile of Khomeini describing him as the central figure in the anti-Shah movement and his proposed regime as xenophobic and hostile towards Western interests in the region, 20 Nov 1978; US Embassy reports to Washington, DC, relating to the Shah's departure from Iran, Jan 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the return of Khomeini to Iran from Paris, France, and his subsequent demands for the resignation of the Iranian Provisional Government, Feb 1979; US Embassy reports relating to the establishment of the Islamic Revolutionary Council under the leadership of Khomeini, Feb 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the deteriorating civil situation in Iran and growing anti-US sentiments, culminating in the seizure of the US Embassy, Teheran, and 66 of its employees, Feb-Nov 1979.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1177 · Collection · 1639-1848

      Collection of documents including:

      • Memorandum of receipt of £250, upon an Annuity or Pension of one thousand pounds per annum from Commissioners of Excise for the City of London and counties of Middlesex and Surrey, 1677.
      • Special Constable's warrant to assist in control of riots, 1848.
      • Memorandum of special pardon issued under privy seal to William Walker of London, goldsmith, convicted of felony, [1640].
      • Memorandum of proclamation prohibiting the making or wearing of demicasters or using wool with beaver in beaver hats, [1639].
      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/1230 · Collection · 1793-[c. 1814]

      Records of Patrick Colquhoun, police magistrate, comprising letter to Henry Dundas, Home Secretary, relating to a salary dispute, 1793; letter to Richard Ford, magistrate, relating to apprehension of a criminal, 1797; letter to William Wickham, Under-secretary of State for the Home Department, relating to the river police, 1798; letter regarding the Wapping riots, 1798; letters relating to expenditure, 1799.

      Also autobiographical notes giving an account of 'family and public services', including a detailed chronological account of his public services, beginning with his early career in Glasgow, where he was Chief Magistrate. He accepted the position of a police magistrate in London "not so much on account of the salary which was small; but from a strong impression on his mind that by great attention to the duty he had undertaken to perform he would be able after a time to suggest measures for the improvement of a System(?), than which nothing could be worse." His various activities have included regulating public houses, and establishing the river police office, soup kitchens and a public school in Westminster. He has published treatises on these and other subjects which have been read widely, and many of his suggestions have been implemented. In many connections he has been styled a "public benefactor".

      This document appears to have been composed with a view to publication. In 1818 Colquhoun's son-in-law contributed to the European Magazine "an exhaustive account of his useful and disinterested labours," (Dictionary of National Biography, Vol IV, p.860), and it is possible that this was written for that article. However, as the account of his services ends at 1814 (although he was a police magistrate until 1818), and the watermark is 1814, the earlier date seems the more probable.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/419 · Collection · 1854-1952

      Records of the London Diocesan Penitentiary, consisting primarily of title deeds (which date from 1732), but also a council minute book, annual reports and a purchase fund ledger. The title deeds are listed chronologically at the end. These records were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1979.

      Sans titre
      Scrapbook [of Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence]
      GB 106 10/11 · Fonds · c 1906-1911

      Scrapbook of press cuttings on a wide range of topics, including divorce law reform, imprisonment for debt, the suffrage campaigns, home work and the sweated trades, 'the white slave traffic', and any others.

      Sans titre
      GB 106 4IBS · Fonds · 1899-1970

      The archive consists of minutes of the Bureau (1899-1940, 1942-1953), annual reports (1952-1966), conference papers, publications printed and received, League of Nations files and documents related to other advisory committees, country files containing correspondence and official materials, files of the general secretary containing similar files covering the post-war period and correspondence.

      Abbreviations include:

      ACISJF - Association Catholique Internationale Services de la Jeunesse Feminine: International Catholic Society for Girls.

      AMSH - Association for Moral and Social Hygiene.

      ASHA - American Social Health Association.

      BNC - International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons: British National Committee.

      BVA - British Vigilance Association.

      FAI - Fédération Abolitionniste Internationale.

      IAF - International Abolitionist Federation.

      IB - International Bureau.

      IBS - International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons (also known as IBSTP).

      IBSTWC - International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children.

      NGO -Non-Governmental Organisation.

      NVA - National Vigilance Association.

      TAS -Travellers' Aid Society

      UN - United Nations.

      UNESCO - United Nations Economic and Social Organisation

      USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

      VD - Venereal Disease

      CD - Contagious Diseases

      CDA - Contagious Disease Acts

      Sans titre
      GB 1446 MS 52 · 1926

      Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1926, comprise two books containing notes made whilst Durham was in Vienna titled 'Bearing on the Sarajevo crime'.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL 1129 · Collection · c1933-c1939

      Papers concerning the suicide and murder of German Jewish doctors, c 1933-c 1939, comprising a list detailing the names of such individuals.

      Sans titre
      BENSON, Stella (1892-1933)
      GB 0370 SB · [1930]-1947

      Papers of and relating to Stella Benson, [1930]-1947, comprising 2 letters to Mrs Forster, 1932, concerning a model for a painter, a missionary and the purchase of a clock for a Chinese neighbour who nursed her illness; report of the Sub-committee of the League of Nations Society, Hong Kong, on an investigation into the traffic in women and children and prostitution in Hong Kong, with covering letter presenting the report to the Colonial Secretary, [1930]; article entitled 'Stella Benson goes to a Chinese Wedding' from the Radio Times by Stella Benson, 1932; letter from Mrs G H Forster to Miss White (later Professor Beatrice White), enclosing the papers and containing reminscences about Stella Benson, 1947.

      Sans titre
      Book of Hours
      GB 0103 MS LAT 25 · c1470-1480, 19th century

      Italian Book of Hours, c1470-1480, beginning Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis (office of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Originally 106(?) leaves, with 19th-century additions: full page colour illustrations and decorated borders, including a Crucifixion, added by Caleb W Wing.

      Sans titre
      GB 0096 MS 237 · 1815

      Manuscript indictment of Elizabeth Dunn, late of the Parish of St Paul, Bristol, 1815, for having in her possession a forged Bank of England note. The manuscript is endorsed on the back with 'the list of the Grand Jury who found a True Bill'.

      Sans titre
      GB 0096 AL148 · Fonds · [1850]

      Forged letter pertaining to be from William Makepeace Thackery to an unknown recipient, [1850]. 'When I said that I could do no more for you for the present I meant it literally: I never once said it as a simple excuse... When I find that your views on hard work are different I may perhaps have something to say to you. Believe me a lazy life is a curse to any man.

      Written and signed in an unknown hand, as if by Thackeray.

      Sans titre
      Wilberforce, William: letter, 2 Aug 1823
      GB 0096 AL218 · Fonds · 1823

      Letter from William Wilberforce of Iver, Buckinghamshire to the [? Home Office], 2 Aug 1823. Asking for 'Mr. Peele' [i.e. the Home Secretary, Robert Peel, later Sir Robert Peel] to consider 'the application of several highly respectable people in favour of Geo. Fish [convicted at Hull] ... that instead of being transported for 7 years according to his sentence, he may be placed in the Penitentiary in the not unreasonable hope that the principles which were instilled into him in his childhood may there be reviv'd'. Requesting that any decision be communicated to him at Elmdon House near Coventry.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sans titre
      Meredith, George: letter (forgery)
      GB 0096 AL328 · Fonds · [1900]

      A forged letter written and signed by an unknown hand to resemble George Meredith, sent to an unknown recipient, late 19th century. '... your scheme of a new magazine, which is to be an indicator of the specially good things published monthly or generally, promises usefulness'.

      Sans titre