Cultural events

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Cultural events

Cultural events

45 Archival description results for Cultural events

45 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0074 ACC/0761 · Collection · 1865-1961

Collection of items belonging to Frederick Winfield, comprising handkerchief commemorating Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, presented to Frederick Winfield as a boy at Saint Pancras Sunday School; bookmark commemorating the assassination of "The Late Lamented President Lincoln"; and photographs of Frederick Winfield.

GB 0074 ACC/2569 · Collection · 1898-1902

Year books of the West London Rifles (4th Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps), giving details of parades, drills, and camps. Also copy of the will of Mrs Harriet Urquhart, wife of William Urquhart of 111 Riversdale Road, Highbury.

4th Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps x West London Rifles
GB 0120 WA/HMM · 1874-[1984]

Papers of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1874-[1984], comprising reports, correspondence, administration records, staff files, inventories, diaries, registers, notebooks, financial records, details of exhibitions and events, visitors books, photographs, publications, presscuttings, and papers relating to Henry Solomon Wellcome's personal life including arrangements for his funeral.

Wellcome Historical Medical Museum
GB 1370 WIA, Aby M Warburg · Collection · 1866-2000

Papers created and collected privately by Aby Moritz Warburg and members of his family, and administrative records of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg and its successor institution, the Warburg Institute, 1866-2000. Including records of the history of the Warburg Institute from the beginnings of Aby Warburg's private library to the present day in sections under the following headings: Buildings; Administration; Organization and Activities of the Library / Institute; Annual Reports; Visitors' and Address Books; Accession Books; Account Books and 'Scrap' Book. Personal documents and working papers of Aby Warburg, including his bibliographical notes, notebooks, diaries and journals, drafts of lectures and articles; poems and dramatic sketches. Topics covered include: Contemporary Art; Hamburg University; Early Renaissance and Florentine Art and Patronage: Botticelli, Leonardo, Ghirlandaio, Sassetti; Flemish Art; Transformation of Style; Festivals; Psychology of Art; Pueblo Indians; Art and Astrology in Italy and the North: Palazzo Schifanoia, Luther and the Art of the Reformation, Dürer; Rembrandt; Cosmology; Postage Stamps; 'Mnemosyne-Atlas'. Papers collected by Aby Warburg on the following topics: Hamburg University; Hamburg City Affairs; Hamburg Institutions; Art Historical and other Congresses; Kunsthistorisches Institut (Florenz); First World War and Aftermath and Universities. Photographic Material including negatives and prints.

Warburg , Aby Moritz , 1866-1929 , art and cultural historian
Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg x Warburg Institute
GB 0074 CLC/018 · Collection · 1877-2004

Records of the United Wards Club covering 1877-1996 and comprising: minutes, 1877-2004 (Ms 11722-4, 19293, 21481); registers of members, 1902-59 (Ms 19294); financial records, 1910-65 (Ms 19295-6, 20352); transactions, 1907-29 (Ms 21483); and miscellaneous papers, 1951-96 (Ms 21482, 30762, 36859). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff between 1966 and 2006.

United Wards Club of the City of London
GB 0074 LMA/4261 · Collection · 1887-1919

This short series of scrapbooks cover the period 1887-1912 and contain invitations, cuttings and information on many of the social events that William Whitaker Thompson and his wife attended during his years in office.

Thompson , William Whitaker , 1857-1920 , chairman of London County Council
COL/SJ · Subfonds · 1216-1997

Papers relating to railways, 1839-1983, including reports, evidence and petitions relating to the construction of new lines and stations; papers relating to fires, 1522-1974, including papers on the provision of fire fighting equipment, the introduction of fire insurance policies and the establishment of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade; papers relating to the Great Fire of London, 1667-1966, including acts, orders and financial accounts relating to the rebuilding of the City of London including receipts from Christopher Wren, papers relating to the investigation into the cause of the Fire, financial accounts of funds to relieve those affected, descriptions and accounts of the Fire; papers relating to Royal and Municipal Commissions, 1816-1969; papers relating to war 1692-1995, including papers relating to the Corporation's activities during World War One; air raid precautions and casualties, Roll of Honour of Civilian War Dead in the City of London and papers relating to the bombing of Guildhall, World War Two and City of London salute to the task force, Falklands Campaign, 1982.

Papers relating to transport, 1663-1985, including hackney coaches and hackney carriages, carts and carmen, stage coaches, river traffic, tramways, omnibuses and buses, subways, Heathrow and Fairlop Airports, the London Underground and the Channel Tunnel terminal in London; papers relating to shipping, 1610-1989; papers relating to trades and crafts, 1510-1991, including bills, wages, regulations, acts and petitions regarding bricklayers, carpenters, carters, founders, glaziers, masons, painters, paviors, plasterers, plumbers, smiths, wireworkers, button makers, butchers, chimney sweeps, hairdressers, ironmongers, spoon makers, paper makers, tanners, tailors, rakers, midwives, engravers, clock makers and printers; papers relating to the Honourable Artillery Company, 1503-1967.

Papers relating to the history of London, 1565-1994, including "An exposicion of the Kinges prerogative collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitz-Herbert and other olde writers of the lawes of England" by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, 1565, "Londinopolis: An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, The Imperial Chamber, and chief Emporium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster, with the Courts of Justice, Antiquities, and new Buildings thereunto belonging" by James Havel, 1657, and various other antiquarian and modern books, articles and pamphlets on the history of London; papers relating to health and medicine, 1657-1994, including bills of mortality, papers relating to the outbreak of plague in London, 1665-1666, letters, reports and conference papers relating to the control of cholera; papers regarding provisions, 1607-1990, including warrant authorising the Mayor to receive venison out of the Royal Parks, 1607 and papers of committees investigating the high price of provisions, 1767-1822; papers relating to the government of the City of London and Greater London, 1849-1993; papers relating to the provision and price of gas, 1828-1918; papers relating to the supply of water to the City, 1538-1992; papers relating to the placing, erection and upkeep of statues and monuments in London, 1680-1995; papers relating to weights and measures, 1678-1997, including records of action taken against those using false weights and measures and registers of weighed goods; papers relating to seals and medals, 1285-1995, including examples of medieval seals and register of documents sealed; papers relating to insignia and plate, 1650-1993, including information on the Collar of SS, Diamond Badge or Jewel, Mace, Crystal Mace, Swords, City Purse, Mayoralty Seal, Robes and Sceptre and inventories of City plate; papers relating to the population of the City of London, 1719-1982, including "A compu tation of the increase of London and parts adjacent; with some causes thereof, and remarks thereon", 1719, population returns, 1821-1897 and population studies and articles; papers regarding tolls, 1605-1833, including Acts, bonds, exemptions and leases; papers relating to the postal service, 1741-1938, including examples of early stamps and papers relating to the Penny Post; papers relating to the carrying out of writs, 1460-1965, including writs of habeas corpus, certiorari, subpoenas and jury summons; papers relating to the textile trade, 1674-1995, including orders, rates, inventories, petitions relating to the production of textiles including cloth, lace and wool, bonds of searches and sealers of tanned leather, 1699-1804, and articles on the history of textiles.

Papers relating to probate, 1693-1786, including estate inventories, letters of administration and notes on legal customs; papers relating to the regulation of fireworks and bonfires within the City, 1673-1857; papers relating to archaeological investigations in the City of London, 1972-1989; extracts relating to archery in Finsbury Fields, 1521; reports and articles relating to the armorial bearings of the City, 1216-1973; bullion certificates, 1696-1819; licences issued for the right to use calcium carbide, 1897-1919; papers relating to convex lights, 1692-1694; papers relating to conveyancing, 1770-1948 and various other papers relating to aspects of the administration of the City of London including common soil, conservation, criminal prosecutions, city customs and liberties, the Customs House, erection of hoardings, gifts and presentations, regulation of gunpowder, income tax, the London Building Acts, licensing, lotteries, regulation and licensing of petroleum, precedent books, precepts issued by the Mayor or Common Council, bills for printing and stationery, the Olympic Games, pageantry, proclamations, brewers and public houses, the Shops Act, smoke abatement and clean air, street cleaning, theatres, the unemployed, Viewer's reports, wharves, woods and forests, newspapers and cuttings, fishing, the Festival of the City of London, coffee houses, coinage, the Bank of England and other financial institutions.

Corporation of London
COL/SD · Subfonds · 1660-1998

Papers relating to the Royal Family, including papers relating to the organisation of coronations, including proclamations, financial accounts and extracts on precedent, 1714-1984; papers relating to royal funerals, including proclamations and extracts regarding mourning precedents, 1694-1952; notes of precedents as to ceremonial entries of Kings and Queens into the City, 1689-1814; accounts of money subscribed by the Companies and bills of expenses of the Coronation of King Charles II 1661, and accounts book detailing monies spent on royal entertainments and the building of the ship Loyal London, 1660-1665; bills for expenses incurred by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Councilmen on Committees attending upon the King at Newmarket, Windsor, Hampton Court, 1674; bills for expenses incurred carrying surgeons to Windsor, 1687; payments to nurses, the reader of the news and to the City's waits and music, for their service and performance on the thanksgiving day for the birth of the young Prince James Francis Edward, son of King James II, 1688; contemporary copy of the Prince William of Orange's letter to the Common Council 16 Dec 1688, with a copy of the answer of the Common Council, 17 Dec 1688; precept to the Aldermen "to cause their ward beadle to visit each house along the route to give notice to the inhabitants to decorate their balconies and windows and pave and amend and clean the streets and to give orders that no coaches or carts stand in the streets" for the passage through the City of William III, 1697; reception of George I on his way from Hanover to St James Palace as he passed through the City, 20 Sep 1714; extracts as to the visit of Her Majesty Queen Charlotte to the Mansion House at the annual examination of the children of the City of London National Schools, 1818; report to the Court of Mayor and Aldermen in relation to police arrangements for the public entry of the Princess Alexandra, 7 Mar 1863.

Arrangements for the reception of Queen Victoria on the occasion of general thanksgiving, on 27 Feb 1872, for the recovery of Edward, the Prince of Wales, with newspaper cutting of 12 Dec 1871 concerning the Prince's illness and a chart of the progress of the Prince's illness with details of the bulletins issued, 23 Nov 1871 - 8 Jan 1872, also papers of Thanksgiving Committee; arrangements for George V Silver Jubilee week, 1935 and public relations material relating to celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee, 1977.

Papers relating to individuals connected with the City of London, including certificates of a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and others relating to the poverty of Mary Murrey, daughter of Sir Mungo and Lady Anne Murrey, owing chiefly to the suffering of her father through his loyalty to King Charles 1, 1689; certificates demanding a poll on behalf of John Wilkes, 1776; answer to the defence of John Wilkes, by J Dumford, 1784; minutes of the proceedings of a Committee of the Whole Court of Aldermen to investigate the charges made against Alderman Thomas Wood in respect of the Talacre Mining Company, 1842-1843; minute book and papers of Committee to organise the funeral and monument of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1852-1857; diary of Lady Eliza Moore, Wife of Sir John Voce Moore, as Lady Mayoress, 1899; programmes for Corporation of London events attended by Committee Clerk R A Miller, 1953-1968 and articles relating to various London persons and families including extracts relating to the orphans of John Donne, citizen and ironmonger, died [1576], father of John Donne the poet, Dean of St Paul's, compiled 1952; The Tattered Flag by K.N. Marshall, 1985 article on the fragments of the flag supposedly torn up at Nelson's funeral in 1806; The Charles Lamb Bulletin, published by the Charles Lamb Society, 1998 and articles on Robert Hooke's work as Surveyor for the City of London in the aftermath of the Great Fire, 1998.

Corporation of London
GB 1556 WL 1537 · 2000

Papers of Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, 2000, contain transcripts of speeches by a number of leading European political figures and Professor Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, on the occasion of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust.

Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust
GB 0074 CLC/539 · Collection · 1556-1943

Collection of documents relating to national events or institutions. The documents relate to varied subjects including Parliamentary elections and proceedings; taxation including tax assessments, tax agents and accounts; military commissions; the Tower of London; excise; military orders; passwords issued by royalty; bankruptcies; militia; licences; warrants; petitions; and patents.

CLA/081 · Collection · 1893-2005

This collection contains material relating to Sir Michael Savory's years as Lord Mayor of the City of London, (1984-2005); Sheriff (1996-2003); Alderman (1893-2005) and Common Councillor (1992-1995). It also contains material relating to his work with the Britain-Austrailia Bicentennial Trust (1988-2005) and HSBC's "HSBC in the Community" programme (2000-2002). There is also some material relating to his personal life (1996-2005).

Records of particular interest are those relating to Michael Savory's mayoral year. There is a complete set of day files (CLA/081/A/03) documenting the events he attended; a large number of photographs (CLA/081/A/06) and files relating to his many visits, mostly overseas (CLA/A/04). The collection illustrates the preparation for the mayoral year and the planning involved in various activities and events (CLA/081/A/01). Press clippings (CLA/081/A/05) and the electronic records (CLA/081/A/07) illustrate the public side of the Lord Mayor.

The collection also includes aspects of Sir Michael's shrieval year and mainly contains a selection of day files (CLA/081B/02) illustrating events attended. Papers and correspondence relate to major events (CLA/B/01) like the presentation of the shrieval chain.

Corporation of London
GB 0074 LMA/4462/N · Collection · 1991-1995

Records relating to event 'Salkey's Score', commemorating the life of Andrew Salkey. Includes correspondence and minutes for the setting up of the committee. Biographical information on all participants. Drafts and proof copies for the programmes and letterhead. An original poster of Salkey's poem on the underground, A Song for England and copied pages from the comment book by attendees of the symposium.

Salkey's Score , cultural symposium
GB 0100 KCLCA Q/EPH/LEC, Q/EPH/PRG · 1909-1986

Queen Elizabeth College lectures, programmes and events literature, 1909-1986. This class notably contains printed and typescript lectures delivered by Professor Ronald Burge, Professor Arnold Bender, Neville Marsh and others on subjects including on nuclear chemistry, nutrition and experimental botany, 1964-1972; notices, programmes and tickets relating to lectures, 1934-1972 (Ref: Q/EPH/LEC); other programmes, tickets and invitations to Annual Dinner, degree presentations, carol services and other events, 1909-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PRG).

King's College for Women , Household and Social Science Department King's College of Household and Social Science Queen Elizabeth College
GB 0096 MS1146 · Fonds · 1874-[1926]

W North collection, 1874-[1926], comprising a Leeds parliamentary election poster titled "Reaction versus Disunion", 1874; a report on potato disease by Robert Veitch and Son with sketches of vegetables, possibly by Veitch, 1892; and a children's poster titled "A Pageant of London", c 1926.

North , W , fl 1874-[1926] , collector
GB 0074 LMA/4206 · Collection · 1981-1995

These images, dating from 1981 to 1995, are of a number of events in London, as well as changes to the landscape and sights.

Neligan , John , fl 1980-2008 , photographer
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 88 · May-July 1945

Photographs of London, 8 May 1945, including views of celebrating crowds in various sites including Parliament Green and Trafalgar Square; war savings hoardings covering the site of the statue of Eros at Piccadilly Circus, and the base of Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square; and people queuing to enter an exhibition showing a V2 rocket. Also photographs of Rt Hon Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill saluting crowds from an open car and of election posters, June-July 1945.

RLHML · Fonds · 1792-2000

Minutes, constitutional and membership papers, meeting and agenda papers, secretary's papers, medical agency papers and miscellaneous papers.

London Hospital Medical Club
COL/MH/LM · Collection · 1544-1999

Records relating to the Lord Mayor, including articles on the history and duties of the Mayoralty, 1972, 1986, 1988 and 1992; lists of the Lord Mayors, 1189-1951; notes and historical extracts on the appointment of a locum to stand in for the Lord Mayor, compiled 1960; papers relating to the election and admission of the Lord Mayor, 1546-1999, including ballot papers; affidavits sworn before the Lord Mayor, 1758-1805; papers relating to the Lord Mayor's chaplain, 1805-1807, 1953 and 1982; papers relating to the Lord Mayor's Coach, 1757-1990, including agreements with the coachmaker and information sheets about the coach; notes on the proceedings following the death of a Lord Mayor while in office, 1885?; duties of the Mayor, 1665; bill for a purple robe trimmed with fur made for the Lord Mayor, 1861; speeches given at the presentation of the Lord Mayor to the Judges of the Queen's Bench, 1803-1991; papers relating to State Visits by Lord Mayors, 1930-1991; lecture on the precedence of the Lord Mayor in State Ceremonies outside the City, in State Ceremonies within the City and in State Ceremonies within the City attended by a Member of the Royal Family but not the Sovereign, 1915; papers relating to the Mayoralty Seal, 1580-1980; diaries of various Lord Mayors, 1935-1972; invitation books for various Lord Mayors, 1890-1955; Swordbearer's diaries, 1872-1904; visitor's books, 1935-1963; extracts of orders from the Court of Aldermen relating to the Lord Mayor, 1544-1719; papers, including biographical information, articles and photographs, on individual mayors including Henry Fitz-Ailwyn, John Philipot, Sir Thomas Leigh, Sir William Turner, Frederick Bull, Sir William Plomer, Robert Peckham, Sir John Hopkins, Sir William Curtis, Sir Peter Laurie, Thomas Quested Finnis, Sir James Whitehead, Sir Joseph Dimsdale, Sir James Thomson Ritchie, Sir George Truscott, Sir James Roll, Sir William Robert Pryke, Sir Percy Greenaway, Sir Peter Vanneck, Sir Allan Davis, Sir Greville Spratt, Sir Brian Jenkins, Sir Francis McWilliams and Sir Peter Gadsen.

Corporation of London
GB 0074 ACC/2092 · Collection · 1931-1935

Minute book of the London Salzburg Society, 1931-1935.

London Salzburg Society x London Salzburg Club
GB 0074 LMA/4205 · Collection · 1980

Colour transparencies, dating from 1980, of different scenes of events and daily life in London.

GB 0074 ACC/3743 · Collection · 1949-1979

Papers relating to the work of Witold Kay-Korzeniewicz, including development plans, photographs and reports for Paternoster Square, Saint Paul's Cathedral, Heathrow Airport, Elephant and Castle, King's Cross Station, Saint Pancras Station, South Bank, Festival of Britain, London Underground, Wembley Stadium, Grand Union Canal, and Warren Street Station.

Korzeniewicz , Witold , Kay- , fl 1949-1979 , town planner x Kay-Korzeniewicz , Witold , fl 1949-1979 , town planner
CLA/061 · Collection · 1841-1966

Papers of Major Harry Ronald Jacobs and his father Hyman Jacobs acquired during their service as Common Councilmen, including programmes and menus from Corporation and linked functions, 1938-1966; programmes and menus from non-Corporation functions including London County Council 1960, Freemasons 1948-1965, Bassishaw Ward 1962, Portsoken Ward 1946-1963, Livery Companies: Haberdashers' Company 1960-1961, Paviors' Company 1947-1966, Skinners' Company no date [c. 1950s?], Solicitors' Company 1960, Wheelwrights' Company 1964, City Pickwick Club 1962-1966, City University 1966, United Synagogue Orders of Service 1960; official Corporation publications and guides; art, library and museum catalogues 1950-1965; brochures from the Festival of the City of London 1962-1966; and publication The Corporation of the City of London and the First Twelve of the Great City Guilds in the Diamond Jubilee Year of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1897. Also Broker's Medal of Charles Telford, 1841.

Jacobs , Harry Ronald , 1912-1966 , Major , Common Councilman Jacobs , Hyman , 1888-1945 , Common Councilman Telford , Charles , ? 1876 , Stock broker
GB 0074 LMA/4262 · Collection · 1992-1994

This collection consists of working papers, publications, and ephemera relating to the International Year of the Family (1994).

International Year of the Family , 1994
GB 0074 LMA/4462/M · Collection · 1982-2002

Records relating to the International Bookfair of Radical Black and Third World Books, including original programmes, stationery, correspondence and notes from members of The Alliance and from artists and those who attended the conferences. Also listings of families and individuals who provided accommodation for artists and rotas for the staffing of the Fairs.

The programmes are an excellent resource for information about the social and political issues that were of concern to Black people living in London in the 1980s and 1990s. They show the international links and connections between individuals of different artistic disciplines.

The development of the organisation and it's influence on diverse groups in the community are well documented in the correspondence and minutes; LMA/4462/M/01 and 02.

The photographs are both formal and informal. They show the Fair in action and special guests and artists performing or speaking at the different events. One album was put together by a participant as a gift to the Huntleys.

The press cuttings give valuable information on how the Fairs were being received by the Black community and others in London and internationally. There is an exclusive interview with Sonia Sanchez and an article by Margaret Busby which gives an historical overview of the Fair.

The copyright to these records rests with the depositors, Race Today Publications and New Beacon Books. Permission for the use of images for publication must be sought from all three organisations.

Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications Ltd , specialists in books from and about the Caribbean, Africa, Afro-America and Asia International Bookfair of Radical Black and Third World Books
GB 0098 GJ · Created 1908-1988 (ongoing)

Records of Imperial College Anniversaries and visits, 1908-1988, namely relating to the College centenary celebrations, 1945, comprising papers relating to the celebrations at the Albert Hall, including guest lists; minutes of the Centenary Committee; correspondence, 1944-1945; speeches by George VI, Lord Rayleigh, Sir Richard Southwell, 1945; minutes and correspondence relating to Commemoration Day lectures, 1946-1948; Commemoration Day sub-committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1956; centenary appeal fund papers, 1944-1949; correspondence relating to the Memorial volume, 1944-1950; papers of Charter Day celebrations, 1943-1982, including correspondence concerning dinners; opening of the Roderic Hill building by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 1957; Charter Day parties, 1958-1968; 75th anniversary dinner of the College Charter, 1982;
papers relating to official visits, 1916-1988, notably Commercial Committee of the House of Commons, 1916; Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1953, 1962; Parliamentary Committees, 1953 -1981; Princess Margaret, 1980; Princess Anne, 1981; messages to the Royal Family on royal events, 1910-1952; papers relating to congresses and conferences, 1931-1958, 1970-1971; annual dinner correspondence, 1924-1936; Open Days, 1961, 1969; prizes, 1908-1909; receptions, 1960-1973;
correspondence relating to the Bursar's office, 1955-1975; papers of the Bookings Committee, 1964-1985, including minutes, 1964-1975, correspondence, 1973-1978; papers of the working party on the use of college facilities, 1974-1975; papers relating to marketing, press and public relations, 1969-1991, including visit of the Queen, 1969, working party on women students, 1986-1988.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0074 ACC/3234 · Collection · 1974-1983

Programmes, schedules and certificates from various horticultural shows, 1974-1983; including Middlesex County Shows, local horticultural and allotment society shows, local garden guild shows and the City of London Flower Show.

HG · Collection · 1940-1946

Subject files, 1940-1944, on a range of topics including general organisation, "H" Company (County Hall), "P" Company (Parks Department), "E" Company (Chief Engineers' Department), "C" Company (Cooper's Hill), "F" Company (Fire Brigade Department), "S" Company (Supplies Department), Public Health Company and No.2 Battalion (later 48th County of London Battalion), Mental Hospitals Company, medical organisation and equipment, food rationing and mobile canteens, Battalion Funds, Courts-martial and courts of inquiry, explosions, accidents and injuries, loss of arms and ammunition, dress regulations, storage of ammunition, revolvers, appointment of officers, adjutants and quartermasters, Permanent Staff Instructors, new conditions of service for home guards, man-power figures, attachments and locations, Women Home Guard auxiliaries, compensation for loss of earnings, casualties, discipline, Home Guard duties and civil defence, personnel over 65 years of age, transport, armoured fighting vehicles, Winter and Summer training, assaults at arms, ranges, operations, exercises, security and intelligence, mine watching exercises, anniversary parades, standing-down of Home Guard and awards and commendations.

Also Army Council Instructions; regulations for the Home Guard; Home Guard Information Circulars; Home Guard Instructions; London District Home Guard Orders; London County Council Group Orders; 47th Battalion Orders; 48th Battalion Orders; Guard report books; papers relevant to the history of the London County Council battalions, including copies of the printed histories of "3" and "C" Companies by Majors Brand and Belsham; papers relating to the formation of Old Comrades Association and Home Guard Training Manual (third edition).

Home Guard x Local Defence Volunteers
GB 0074 ACC/0986 · Collection · 1964-1967

Photograph and press release relating to the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Heathrow Airport.

British Airports Authority
O/466 · Collection · 1909-1912

Items from the Crystal Palace Handel-Mendelssohn Festival including admission ticket, to Orchestra, for Miss M. Bruin, 1909; admission ticket to South Area Stall, 1909; photograph of orchestra and choir, 1909 and label for instrument case, 1912.

Handel-Mendelssohn Festival , The Crystal Palace
GB 0074 Q/CP · Collection · 1856-1897

This collection consists of letters to and from officials of the Crystal Palace relating to exhibitions, visits and events.

Gili, Joan (1907-1998)
GB 0096 MS1154 · Fonds · 1844-1997

Papers of Joan Gili, 1844-1997, comprise Catalonia: press-cuttings, leaflets regarding cultural events; some minutes, circulars of the Anglo-Catalan society, 1976-1995; leaflets by British-based exiles protesting against Spanish government; Monserrat manifesto, 1970; memoranda on Catalonia to international organizations, 1950s; posters from Barcelona, 1844-c 1933.

Serra , Joan Lluis Gili i , 1907-1998 , bookseller, publisher, translator x John Gili
FGL · Collection · 1942-1953

Copies of Bills, Acts of Parliament and statutory instruments relating to the Festival of Britain and the Festival Pleasure Gardens; memorandum and articles of association; alteration of the articles of association by chartered accountants; report by chartered accountants on financial administration; prospectus, brochure and guides to the Festival Pleasure Gardens; signed visitor's book; register of members of the company and books of share certificates; minutes of the Board of Directors; minutes of Committees; minutes of and papers presented at Annual General Meetings; Chairman's report on future of the Gardens; notes of meetings with London County Council representatives; papers on estimates and budgets; notes on investigations into the affairs of the company; leader of London County Council's papers as Director; Finance Officers files including accounting procedures, audit reports, budgets, statistics, fees and estimates; general correspondence files including applications for concessions, circulars, notices, opening day events, publicity and special events; papers regarding construction work and the delay in opening, including the Clerk of Works diaries; papers relating to the winding up of the company including liquidator's papers; contracts with entertainments, entertainers, concessions and catering; statistics, including turnstile takings, rides and shows takings and daily returns; financial accounts including balance sheets, journals, ledgers and summaries; plans of the layout of the gardens and the construction of attractions and charts of financial comparisons.

Chairman and Managing Director's files and correspondence on a variety of topics including the Beer Garden, catering, entertainments pier, maintenance and miniature railways; General Manager's files regarding the Guinness Clock; General Manager's correspondence with businesses including Aerated Bread Company, Floral Crown, Franco British Electrical Signs, National Car Parks, Royal Family Models, Thames Passenger Owners Association and Walls Ice Cream; Secretary's files on a variety of subjects including accident claims, appointment of Directors, attendance figures, Board of Trade, catering, contracts and agreements, correspondence, designers, insurance, London Electricity Board, London County Council, Metropolitan Water Board, North Thames Gas Board, Public Accounts Committee, staffing, and HM Treasury; general files relating to accidents, accounting, art exhibitions, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), catering, British-American Novelty Company, Brylcream, budgets, closing the Gardens, commission and sales, the crown jewels, conditions of employment, flying cars, solicitors, banking, car parks, miniature railway, statistics, wages and salaries, weekly summaries and works orders.

Festival Gardens Limited
GB 0100 KCLCA DH/PP1 · 1944-1987

Dr Freedman's research papers for the opening historical talk at a symposium held to mark Dulwich Hospital's centenary celebration in 1985. Includes correspondence; drafts and text of final version of the talk; plans of the hospital; some 1940s and 1950s electrocardiograms (ECGs) 'on Eindovers string galvanometer' [possibly made at Dulwich Hospital], and programmes for the opening of the operating theatre suite, 1958 and the opening of a new ward in the renal unit, [mid 1980s]. (Note: the talk was never given as the celebration was cancelled.)

Freedman , Bernard J , fl 1944-1987 , physician
COX, Caroline (fl 1970-2002)
GB 2159 Caroline Cox · 1989-1992

Papers compiled by Caroline Cox relating to raves and the rave scene in Britain, [1989-1992], comprising press cuttings, invitations, leaflets, flyers, publicity material and articles.

Cox , Caroline , fl 1970-2002 , Lecturer in Cultural Studies
COL/CA/PVA · Subfonds · 1846-1979

Records of the Privileges Committee, Court of Aldermen, comprising minutes, 1846-1954 and rough minutes, 1966-1979. Please note that some records are closed.

Corporation of London
GB 0074 CLC/284 · Collection · 1755-1800

Records relating to officers of the Corporation of London, including City Marshal's ceremonial book, 1755-1800; forms of civic processions and posts allotted to City marshals and other officers in processions and other events, 1791 - 1798; instructions for the guidance of the Swordbearer, [1726-1742]; and abstract of duties of the City Officers, 1789.

Corporation of London
GB 0074 ACC/0595 · Collection · 1857-1869

Collection of ephemera, 1857-1869 and undated {1850s-1860s}, largely printed, including playbills, programmes, song sheets, catalogues and guides, relating to events, including sport, music, fireworks, fountains and illuminations, at the Crystal Palace (Sydenham, Kent); to operas at the Royal English Opera and the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden (Westminster); and to theatrical, musical and other recreational events, including comedies, ballets, tableaux, dioramas, exhibitions, and popular scientific events, at various premises including in Westminster, St Marylebone, Paddington, St Pancras, St Giles in the Fields, South Kensington, Kew, and Greenwich.

GB 0096 AL35 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from Richard Cobden to Mrs Drummond, 16 Shamrock Place, Edinburgh, 12 May 1845. Thanking her for a present to his young daughter. Referring to [Thomas Babington] Macaulay, who 'is now I fear a little under the shade, in consequence of his Maynooth vote, with some of his constitutents', and to the bazaar given by the National Anti-Corn Law League at Covent Garden.

Autograph, with signature. With the original envelope (with a decorative border in the form of wheat ears), bearing the seal of the National Anti-Corn Law League.

Cobden , Richard , 1804-1865 , statesman and businessman
GB 9999999999 Carnival · 1956-1999

Collection of publications, documentation and archive material relating to Caribbean Carnival, predominantly focussing on carnival in Trinidad and at London's Notting Hill, and dating from 1956 to 1999. The collection includes books, press cuttings, magazines and journals, extracted articles, programmes from Carnival at Notting Hill and in Trinidad and Tobago, programmes from carnival theatre performances, press releases, newsletters of The Association for a Peoples' Carnival, photographic documentation of Caribbean and diasporic carnivals, costume designs, video recordings, audio recordings of carnival music and interviews with key practitioners, and slides of carnivals, mask making and masquerades.

Tompsett , A Ruth , fl 2001 , lecturer on drama
GB 0074 CLC/004 · Collection · 1739-1997

Records of the Candlewick Ward Club, comprising: minutes, 1739-1990 (Ms 02641, 32757); membership records, 1876-1914, 1958-89 (Ms 08538, 32758); financial records, 1933-97 (Ms 32759-62); and correspondence and other papers, 1968-88 (Ms 32763-8).

Candlewick Ward Club
GB 0074 CLC/308 · Collection · 164--1854

Records relating to Bartholomew Fair, inclduing pie powder court book, 1790-1854; historical notes, press cuttings and other notes, ca. 1641-ca. 1848; and accounts of receipts and expenditure for Bartholomew Fair, 1671. They were catalogued at various dates by members of Guildhall Library staff.

Bartholomew Fair , market and entertainments at Smithfield
GB 0097 BARRY · 1921-1960

Notebooks of Sir Gerald Barry, record conversations with Carl Goerdeler (a member of the German opposition to Hitler) and notes on British politics before and after World War Two; correspondence concerning editorial responsibilities at the 'News Chronicle'; texts of wartime broadcasts; diaries of Sir Gerald Barry's visits to France, Greece, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and the United States of America; a small section on the Festival of Britain consisting of a file of correspondence on the setting up of an International Design Centre and a file of correspondence on the redevelopment of Crystal Palace; one file of correspondence on censorship reform; and articles and speeches by Sir Gerald Barry and notes and drafts for his autobiography.

Barry, Sir Gerald Reid, 1898-1968, Kt, Journalist and Public Servant
GB 0074 CLC/020 · Collection · 1909-2004

Aldersgate Ward Club records comprising: minute books, 1909-75 (Ms 18738); attendance books, 1948-2001 (Ms 35004-5); account book, 1912-24 (Ms 18739); rules and lists of members, 1995-2004 (Ms 35006); menus, 1996-2004 (Ms 35007-35007A), and text of a guided tour of Aldersgate Ward, 1971 (Ms 33834).

Aldersgate Ward Club
GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

Africa95 , arts festival