Cultural identity

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Denotes the correspondence which exists between a community (national, ethnic, linguistic, etc.) and its cultural life, as well as the right of each community to its own culture.
  • Désigne la correspondance qui existe entre une communauté (nationale, ethnique, linguistique, etc.) et sa vie culturelle, aussi bien que le droit de chaque communauté au maintien de sa propre culture.
  • Correspondencia que existe entre una comunidad (nacional, étnica, lingüística, etc.) y su vida cultural, así como el derecho de cada comunidad a mantener su propia cultura.

Source note(s)


Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Cultural identity

    Equivalent terms

    Cultural identity

    • UF Cultural alienation
    • UF Cultural identification
    • UF Ethnic identity
    • UF Aliénation culturelle
    • UF Identification culturelle
    • UF Identité ethnique
    • UF Alienación cultural
    • UF Identidad étnica
    • UF Identificación cultural

    164 Archival description results for Cultural identity

    164 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/NLS · Collection · 1864-1957

    Records of the North London Synagogue, consisting of correspondence and a kethuba register [marriage contracts].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    North London Synagogue
    GB 0074 CLC/197 · Collection · 1691-1912

    Collection of records relating to non-established religion in London, including papers of the Freethinking Christians, the Dutch churches in Colchester and Norwich and St Martin Orgar French Church. The record of the latter comprise minutes, lists of members and seatholders, and financial material.

    French Protestant Church at St Martin Orgar Freethinking Christians Dutch Church, Colchester Dutch Church, Norwich
    GB 0074 LMA/4456 · Collection · 1804-2002

    Records of The Home for Aged Jews (later called Nightingale House and later Nightingale). This collection contains a wide range of records of the Home including minutes, a good set of annual reports, accounts, property and building records, printed material, photographs, film and videos. The archive gives detailed coverage of changes in care work and the life of residents and staff working at Nightingale. Of particular interest are the residents' admission book (1914-1933) and official 'diary' of events (1916) which are a good resource for tracing residents admitted to the Home, and the annual reports (1896-1997) which cover all aspects of the work of the Home including the early introduction of Occupational Therapy and other facilties for residents.

    The majority of the archive relates to the later half of the 20th century, although there is a small survival of records from the early period of the Home and its former Charities (from 1879) before its move to Wandsworth in 1907. The minutes include a minute book of the Wandsworth Hospital Group's Jewish Home of Rest, Birchlands Avenue, Wandsworth. The property deeds include deeds of the Farmiloe family, lead and glass merchants of Rochester Row, Westminster.

    Nightingale x Nightingale House (The Home for Aged Jews) The Home for Aged Jews
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WES · Collection · 1879-1910

    Records of the New West End Synagogue consisting of minute books.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    New West End Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/NWS · Collection · 1761-1962

    Records of the New Synagogue, Leadenhall Street, consisting of administrative and financial records, including laws and byelaws, minutes, annual reports, letter books, membership records and photographs; an extensive run of correspondence files, registers of memorials; chalitzah books and registers of kethubot [marriage contracts].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    New Synagogue , Leadenhall Street
    GB 0074 ACC/2943 · Collection · 1924-1974

    Records of the New Road Synagogue, Whitechapel, 1924-1974. With the exception of the two minute books the majority of the records date from the mid 1960s, when J. Lindsay took over as Secretary of the New Road Synagogue. He remained in post until the amalgamation in 1974. The correspondence files are those which were maintained by J. Lindsay. Their contents reflect the wide range of duties undertaken by members of the Synagogue within the Jewish community.

    New Road Synagogue , Whitechapel
    GB 0074 ACC/3087 · Collection · 1950-1993

    Records of the National Council for Soviet Jewry, later called the National Council for Jews in the Former Soviet Union, 1950-1993. Records include Council and Committee minutes, correspondence and reports; general correspondence; conferences and seminars; National Council for Soviet Jewry publications including Jews in the USSR, circulars and newsletters; publications relating to Soviet Jewry by other organisations; photographs of events and refuseniks; films; press cuttings and financial records.

    PLEASE NOTE: Written permission from the depositor is required to access this collection. Contact: Executive Director, Board of Deputies of British Jews, 5th Floor, Commonwealth House, 1-19 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1NF.

    National Council for Jews in the Former Soviet Union National Council for Soviet Jewry
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/MBS · Collection · 1928-1976

    Records of the Mile End and Bow Synagogue, consisting of minutes, a kethuba register [marriage contracts] and a register of donors to the Building Fund.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Mile End and Bow Synagogue
    GB 0074 LMA/4553 · Collection · 1699-192-

    Records of the Mendes da Costa family, including contracts, wills, certificates, extracts, letters, invoices, certificates, and one drawing document for Emanuel Mendes da Costa and his family. Of note are documents settling the accounts from Emanuel's brother David's involvement in the sale and distribution of bread and other provisions to British troops during King George's War in Flanders, 1743. The bulk of his business-related papers show many accounts in arrears.

    Several family members were known by two given names, both a Jewish and a Christian alias. Names are recorded in this catalogue as described in the documents.

    Also letters, contracts, burial records, and photographs documenting the life of the Skillman family, including their life involving Hendon Manor in North London.

    Mendes da Costa , family , of London
    GB 1556 WL 1437 · Collection · 1761-1785

    Papers of Moses Mendelssohn, 1761-1785, comprise draft typescript transcriptions of Moses Mendelssohn's letters to Friedrich Nicholai, 1761-1785, along with a draft forweard by Richard Wolff and draft editorial notes.

    Wolff , Richard , 1886-1985 , chairman of the Paulusbund
    GB 1556 WL 636 · Collection · [1761]-1913

    Papers gathered through an appeal for memorabilia and documents of Germany Jewry by the Council for Jews from Germany, including papers of Joseph Feig including Bürgerbrief, 1842 and letter of acceptance into the Berlin Kaufmannschaft, 1842. Drawing of the synagogue in Zerbst, Saxon-Anhalt, by W Kariel, 1913; copy of a letter confirming the right of Herr Veit Weil to wear the medal of his majesty the King of Württemberg and copy brochure 'Zum andenken an Herrn Veit Weil, Fabrikant zu Oberdorf', 1889; typescript translation of a newspaper article about JS Bernhardt's financial involvement in the extension of the town hall, Lissa (Posen), 1818; copies of Bürgerbriefe of Franz Josef Fränckel of Hamburg, 1898, and Philipp Schmann, 1876; photograph of synagogue at Pömbsen. Copies of papers relating to Salmon Müller of Paderborn and his wife (née Schüler), including Preussischer Orden; Commemoration of service to Kultusgemeinde in Paderborn; honorary membership of Red Cross; obituaries and documents relating to the activities of Max and Frau Schüler in war of 1870-1871. Edict issued on behalf of Maria Theresia, 17 Dec 1761, concerning work by Jewish women and documents pertaining to Abraham Levin Broch, Berlin 1872. Correspondence between the depositors and the Council for Jews from Germany, often containing biographical and historical information.

    Council for Jews from Germany
    GB 0074 LMA/4286 · Collection · 1943-2008

    Records of the Maccabi Union of Great Britain, 1943-2002. Please note written permission from the depositors is required to access these records.

    This collection reflects how the Maccabi organisation functions on an international, European and national level. The hierarchy of authority is evident in the way the series of records have been organised. The Maccabi World Union, International Maccabiah Committee and European Maccabi Confederation are represented in the holdings mostly through official reports. However, although the records for the Maccabi Union of Great Britain start with the official minutes of what was to become the National Executive Committee, it is the personal correspondence from key figures in the Union, for example Eric and Beryl Rayman, which greatly enhance our understanding of this organisation.

    It is apparent from the records that the Maccabi Union GB has many related parts to it. This demonstrates the level of organisation involved and fund raising necessary to run a major youth movement. The Maccabi Foundation, an independant body, has, as its main purpose, a funding function for Maccabi activities. This itself was previously linked to a company called Maccabi Stadium Limited. The Maccad Agency Limited, also no longer functioning, charged commission from companies to advertise in Maccabi Union publications. This commission was most likely ploughed back into the Union's activities.

    The Maccabi Century Club took over the activities of the Sportsmen's Century Club in 1992. This club was founded by generous, wealthy men who ran one fundraising event per year at the Dorchester Hotel. The "Century" referred to the fact that this stag dinner function cost 100 pounds per head for 100 people. By 1992 the cost of the ticket had risen to 500 pounds and the number of attendees increased. Fine speakers, fine food and wine and top names in cabaret ensured a memorable evening. Over 33 years these dinners raised over 1,000,000 pounds to keep the Maccabi movement alive. The Maccabi Century Club continued this work with a slightly altered structure, that is, that the fundraising work is shared with the Maccabi Centurions. This Club is no longer operating.

    By far the most comprehensive series of records is that of sports events and games. The Maccabiah is covered from the 3rd to the 16th Games. A set of photographs of the 1950 Games is of particular interest as it shows not only the opening cermonies in Israel but members of the team from Great Britain and the competitors as they take part.

    The involvement of the Maccabi Union Great Britain in the Maccabiah, European and North American Games is known to us mainly through the personal papers of Ken Gradon who served the Union in many capacities. Ken Gradon was a key figure in the development of the Maccabi Union because he has served at all levels. He was, among other roles, President of the Maccabi Union Great Britain, Honorary President of the European Maccabi Games, a member of the International Maccabiah Committee on a personal basis, nominated to stand for committees of the Maccabi World Union and standing on the British Maccabiah Organising Committee.

    The photographic collection includes meetings, conferences, dinners and other events held between the 1940s and 1960s with particular reference to Maccabi Association London depicting speakers, audiences and assembled groups, the Jewish Welfare Unit ambulances, and the opening of the Maccabi running track at Hendon Stadium in 1953. Among the ephemera there are football league trophies, sports caps and T-shirts, commemorative pennants, banners and plaques.

    Besides the Maccabiah, individual sports are represented through the files of affiliated sports groups such as the Maccabi Southern Football League and Wingate Football Club, as well as the Union's own records of certain sports and their annual tournaments, such as table tennis, athletics and cricket.

    Maccabi Union of Great Britain x Union of Maccabi Associations in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    LMA/4356 · Collection · 1822-1836

    Register of baptisms, 1822-1836.

    Presbyterian Church of England
    GB 0074 ACC/3686 · Collection · 1925-1995

    Records of the London Society for Jews and Christians, including minute books; correspondence; financial accounts; reports; bulletins; press cuttings; papers for publication; copies of talks; and programmes and advertisements for meetings and conferences.

    London Society for Jews and Christians
    GB 0074 LMA/4180 · Collection · 185--1999

    Records of Jews' College (later known as the London School of Jewish Studies), including constitution; minutes of meetings of the College Council and various committees; minutes of annual general meetings; student attendance registers; student admission registers; reports on students; papers relating to exams; agreements relating to property; financial accounts; papers of staff; papers relating to teaching; plans; photographs; printed material. Also papers relating to the Library including meeting minutes and reports, agreements, correspondence and centenary celebrations; and papers relating to Northwold Road Synagogue include a congregation scrapbook, congregation attendance register and marriage certificates.

    London School of Jewish Studies , 1998- Jews' College , 1855-1998
    London Jewish Hospital
    RLHLJ · Fonds · 1926-1985

    Administrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records and photographs.

    The London Jewish Hospital
    GB 0074 ACC/3400 · Collection · 1855-2008

    Records of the Court of the Chief Rabbi, London Beth Din, 1904-1988. The bulk of the archive transferred to London Metropolitan Archives are the administrative papers and general correspondence of the Court, and in particular that of the Clerks and Registrar. There are also files concerning consultations the Beth Din undertook with the Government on the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Bill in the 1980s. Some correspondence and rough notes of the individual Dayanim and records relating to work done with refugees in the Second World War have also been deposited.

    London Beth Din , Court of the Chief Rabbi
    LING, S (fl 1953-2008)
    GB 0074 LMA/4510 · Collection · 2007 Nov 19

    Transcript of oral history recording Our Laundrette in Birkenhead, describing Mrs Ling's early working life in her father-in-law's laundrette.

    Ling , S , fl 1953-2008 , restaurant owner
    LIM, Shu Pao (fl 1920-1999)
    GB 0074 LMA/4504 · Collection · 1938-2008

    Personal papers of Shu Pao Lim, community worker, including correspondence from the Race Relations and Immigration sub-committee; certificates awarded to Lim for her dedication as a voluntary worker; photographs of Lim and her family in Burma and of Lim receiving the MBE; and Burmese wall hangings.

    Lim , Shu Pao , fl 1920-1999 , community worker
    GB 0074 ACC/3529 · Collection · 1888-1985

    Records relating to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue and the Jewish Religious Union, consisting of the working papers and sermons of Israel Mattuck, Lily Montagu, Claude Montefiore and Leslie Edgar. The records do not deal exclusively with their roles within the Liberal Jewish movement, but cover a range of their activities. Some more personal correspondence also exists within the collection. There are also some papers of the Jewish Religious Union, including history and press cuttings.

    Jewish Religious Union Mattuck, Israel , 1883-1954 , rabbi and founder of Liberal Judaism Montagu, Lily , 1873-1963 , founder of the Jewish Religious Union Montefiore, Claude , 1858-1938 , founde of Anglo-Liberal Judaism Edgar, Leslie , 1905-1984 , rabbi and minister of Liberal Jewish Synagogue
    LI, Muk Wan (fl 1960-1980)
    GB 0074 LMA/4511 · Collection · 1960-1965

    Personal papers of Muk Wan Li, restaurant owner, including travel documents relating to his immigration to Britain; financial papers, and family letters.

    Li , Muk Wan , fl 1960-1980 , restaurant owner
    GB 1556 WL 1241 · Collection · nd

    Papers of Julian Lehmann, [1906-1943] comprising draft articles and draft fragments of two unidentified works on Jewish life and history with particular emphasis on the experiences of German and Austrian Jewish figures.

    Lehmann , Julian , 1886-1943 , journalist
    LEE, Shui-wai (fl 1966-1971)
    GB 0074 LMA/4500 · Collection · 1966-1971

    Papers of Shui-wai Lee relating to her nursing training and permission to work in Britain.

    Lee , Shui-wai , fl 1966-1971 , nurse and lecturer
    GB 0074 LMA/4475 · Collection · 1940-1999

    Organisational papers of the League of Jewish Women, including meeting minutes from various committees; reports; general administrative records; correspondence; papers relating to the organisation of various events and conferences; magazines and press cuttings; and films and photographs.

    PLEASE NOTE: to access this collection written permission is required from the depositors.

    League of Jewish Women
    Lander, Myer Jack (b 1874)
    GB 1556 WL 622 · Collection · 1900-1945

    Papers of Myer Jack Landa, 1900-1945, including papers relating to Jewish organisations including the Jewish Association of Arts and Sciences, the Jewish Fund for Soviet Russia, the Refugee Industries Committee and the Israel Delivered from Bondage Society; correspondence, 3 Sep 1943-27 Feb 1945 and newspaper and journal articles, chiefly reviews of books with a Jewish theme, some of them by Landa, 1900-1943.

    Lander , Myer Jack , b 1874 , writer
    LAM, Yee-Moon (b 1916)
    GB 0074 LMA/4508 · Collection · 1961-1981

    Passports (British and Hong Kong) belonging to Yee Moon Lam, merchant.

    Lam , Yee Moon , b 1916 , merchant
    LAM, Tom (fl 1970-2008)
    GB 0074 LMA/4502 · Collection · 1968-2007

    Personal papers of Tom Lam, charity worker, including photograph of students at the School for Chinese in Vietnam; edition of Chinese poetry; scroll of Chinese calligraphic work; magazines and journals.

    Lam , Tom , fl 1970-2008 , charity worker
    LAM, Ting Kau (fl 1935-2008)
    GB 0074 LMA/4505 · Collection · 1960

    Personal papers of Ting Kau Lam, restaurant owner, comprising passport and transcript of oral history My Life in London.

    Lam , Ting Kau , fl 1935-2008 , restaurant owner
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/KLS · Collection · 1830-1845

    Records of the Kings Lynn Jewish Congregation, consisting of minutes and a charity register.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Kings Lynn Jewish Congregation
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/KTS · Collection · 1938-1969

    Records of Kenton Synagogue, consisting of correspondence about the construction of the synagogue, 1938; and a kethuba register [marriage contracts].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Kenton Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/2980 · Collection · 1951-1983

    Records of the Kashrut Division of the London Beth Din, 1951-1983. The collection consists mainly of financial records together with some material on koshering work at private functions and newscuttings scrapbooks.

    PLEASE NOTE: Written permission from the depositors is required to access this collection. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

    London Beth Din , Kashrut Division
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/JEC · Collection · 1854

    Records of the Joel Emmanuel Charity, consisting of a minute book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Joel Emmanuel Charity , Jewish almshouses
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/JOA · Collection · 1852-1875

    Records of the Jews' Orphan Asylum, consisting of minutes of the Ladies Society and the Education Committee.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Jews' Orphan Asylum
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/JSH · Collection · 1812-1821

    Records of Jews' Hospital, consisting of minutes.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Jews' Hospital , Whitechapel
    GB 0074 LMA/4722 · Collection · 1966-2015

    Records of the Jewish Vegetarian Society including copies of the quarterly Jewish Vegetarian Society magazine.

    Jewish Vegetarian Society
    GB 0074 LMA/4725 · Collection · 1978-2011

    Records of the Jewish Research Group including minute books and Annual general meeting minutes 1978 - 2011; 'Heritage' publication issues 1-6 1982 - 2007; Launch of 'Heritage 6' publication 2007; The first 100 meetings and day conference exhibition panels 1979 - 1988; Commemoration of VE Day and VJ Day 1995.

    Jewish Research Group
    GB 0074 ACC/3349 · Collection · 1872-1901

    Two volumes of press cuttings from Anglo-Jewish newspapers, concerning aspects of Jewish life; and from national and international newspapers concerning Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler and his successor Chief Rabbi Herman Adler, 1872-1901.

    GB 0074 ACC/2999 · Collection · 1899-2001

    Records of the Jewish Memorial Council, 1899-2001. The archive mainly consists of files and volumes of minutes and working papers. The records of the Reverend Malcolm Weisman are noteworthy for the detail they provide on the survival of Judaism in small, often isolated, communities.

    Jewish Memorial Council
    GB 0074 LMA/4711 · Collection · 1897-2011

    Records of the Jewish Historical Society of England including minutes, administrative papers and correspondence, finance, papers relating to articles, lectures, conferences and essay prizes offered by the society, printed material and a commemorative medallion.

    Jewish Historical Society of England
    GB 0074 ACC/3090 · Collection · 1923-1949

    Records of the Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain, comprising committees, case histories, personnel and general correspondence.

    Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/JFC · Collection · 1949-2005

    Records of the Association of Jewish Friendship Clubs, consisting of administrative and financial records (including minutes, enquiries and reports) for the association itself, and for specific areas and clubs. Also correspondence files for individual clubs, both overseas and in Britain.

    A further deposit included an extensive run of office files regarding both the administration of the AJFC and relations with affiliated clubs; a large number of photographs of AJFC events such as a handicrafts exhibition, talent competitions, holidays, celebrations and meetings; copies of the "Friendship Club Magazine"; circular letters; club programmes; press cuttings; obituaries and club badges.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Association of Jewish Friendship Clubs
    GB 0074 ACC/2944 · Collection · 1797-1954

    Records of the Jewish Bread Meat and Coal Society, 1797-1954. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, correspondence, reports, copies of the Laws of the Society and other general material.

    Jewish Bread Meat and Coal Society
    GB 0074 LMA/4247 · Collection · 1918

    This collection comprises one photograph showing an Italian Carabinieri band marching down Cockspur Street, Pall Mall c 1918.

    GB 0074 LMA/4506 · Collection · 1987-2007

    Papers of Islington Chinese Association, including general administrative records, annual reports, and printed material including event programmes, brochures and newsletters.

    Islington Chinese Association
    GB 1556 WL 1531 · Collection · 1977-1984

    Papers of the International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia, 1977-1984, comprise a variety of papers all stamped with the organisation's name: The International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia. Subjects include restitution, B'nai B'rith, preservation of memorial scrolls, life for Jews in post war Czechoslovakia, amongst others.

    International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/INS · Collection · 1819-1831

    Records of the Initiation Society, consisting of an account book with register of circumcisions.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Initiation Society , organisation providing training for mohelim
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/ILS · Collection · 1948

    Annual report for Ilford Synagogue, 1947-48.

    Ilford Synagogue
    GB 0074 LMA/4055 · Collection · 1873-1986

    Papers of the Ilford Jewish Primary School, formerly the Stepney Jewish Primary School, including deeds; correspondence; Governors and Management Committee meeting minutes and papers; Buildings Committee minutes; minutes and correspondence relating to the Jewish Youth Club; minutes and correspondence relating to the move from Stepney to Ilford; and records relating to construction including papers of the architect, plans and maps.

    Stepney Jewish Primary School x Ilford Jewish Primary School
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/HPS · 1883-2007

    Records of Hampstead Synagogue, Dennington Park Road, Hampstead, including minutes of Board of Management and committees; early correspondence relating to the founding of the synagogue; administrative files for the synagogue and its community Centre; annual reports; membership records; Ladies Guild records; material relating to music provision; synagogue magazines; orders of service; brochures and ephemera; photographs.

    Hampstead Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/HMS · Collection · 1889-1973

    Records of the Hammersmith Synagogue, consisting of minutes and a kethubah book [marriage certificates].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Hammersmith Synagogue