Identidad cultural

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Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Denotes the correspondence which exists between a community (national, ethnic, linguistic, etc.) and its cultural life, as well as the right of each community to its own culture.
  • Désigne la correspondance qui existe entre une communauté (nationale, ethnique, linguistique, etc.) et sa vie culturelle, aussi bien que le droit de chaque communauté au maintien de sa propre culture.
  • Correspondencia que existe entre una comunidad (nacional, étnica, lingüística, etc.) y su vida cultural, así como el derecho de cada comunidad a mantener su propia cultura.

Nota(s) sobre el origen


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    Términos jerárquicos

    Identidad cultural

    Términos equivalentes

    Identidad cultural

    • Usado para Cultural alienation
    • Usado para Cultural identification
    • Usado para Ethnic identity
    • Usado para Aliénation culturelle
    • Usado para Identification culturelle
    • Usado para Identité ethnique
    • Usado para Alienación cultural
    • Usado para Identidad étnica
    • Usado para Identificación cultural

    Términos asociados

    Identidad cultural

    164 Descripción archivística resultados para Identidad cultural

    164 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
    GB 0074 LMA/4534 · Colección · 2005 - 2011

    Records of the River Cultures Festival, comprising final published project oral histories 'Memories of the genuine children of Limehouse Chinatown': 'the photographs down memory lane' and 'what we remember' (2005), 'Spinning Lifestyles by East London's Bangladeshi families' (2007), and original recordings for the project 'Walking Proud in East London' (2011).

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    GB 0074 LMA/4725 · Colección · 1978-2011

    Records of the Jewish Research Group including minute books and Annual general meeting minutes 1978 - 2011; 'Heritage' publication issues 1-6 1982 - 2007; Launch of 'Heritage 6' publication 2007; The first 100 meetings and day conference exhibition panels 1979 - 1988; Commemoration of VE Day and VJ Day 1995.

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    GB 0099 KCLMA Paton Walsh · 1885-1947

    Papers comprising printed or typescript reports and supporting publications, on the 1 Army, North Africa, Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), and on the administration of civilians in occupied territory including the Control Commission Germany (CCG), 1885-1947; notably comprising printed and typescript instructions, orders and reports issued by the Provost Marshal's Office, 1 Army, North Africa, including on traffic control, stores, planning, lessons learnt from the operations, intelligence summaries, 1 Army newsletters, 'Crusade', with an air raid precautions poster from Algeria, 1939-1943; reports and typescript summaries relating to the Civil Affairs Staff Centre (CASC), on 'captivity neurosis', the economics and finance of wartime Europe, fire and civil defence, road transport, military writing, the welfare of occupied populations, Nazi doctrines, files of information on national temperaments and characteristics of various occupied countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy, 1943-1944; appointments diary compiled by Paton Walsh (1945), memoranda, correspondence and papers on aspects of the German penal system under the Nazis and Allied occupation, notably the police, procedures, juvenile courts, penal statistics from Nazi Germany, 1929-1947, including copies of British Zone Review, Nov 1945-Dec 1946; papers on the Control Commission Germany including confidential reports on police trainees, lectures given by Paton Walsh, the purging of Nazis from office, training and planning for post-Nazi administration, training and organisation of the penal system in Allied occupied Germany with observations on the regulation of the system under the Weimar Republic and the National Socialists, precautions against sabotage directed against occupying forces, 1943-1946; witnesses' depositions in the Nuremberg trials, account of Brendonk Concentration Camp, defence positions of the Gestapo, Sturm Abteilung (SA), 1945-1946; papers on Cologne Prison, including an autobiographical account and journal of Rudolf Kirsch, prisoner, and correspondence, 1939-1944, papers on executions at Cologne Prison with copies of the last letters of the condemned, 1941-1944; publications in English on military law, police and transport, mainly manuals, regulations and information notes on Imperial policing, traffic patrols, military law, inspection and care of vehicles, 1917-1945; publications on the Allied occupation of Germany, consisting of notes on the military government of occupied territory, internment camps, contact lists for civil administrators, Who's who in occupied Europe, chart of the Nazi administrative structure, re-education programmes, maps and gazetteers of Germany, Austria and Denmark, 1943-1945; American publications, namely civil affairs information guides, fileld manual of military government, an entertainment guide for American soldiers entitled, 'What's Cooking in Berlin', copies of The Stars and Stripes and the New York Herald Tribune, 1940-1946; general military handbooks including guidance for officers on allowances, the training of Army tradesmen, training manuals on air support of infantry and the use of parachute troops, catering, defence of aerodromes against attack, the disposition of unit records, signals, mine clearance, anti-malarial precautions, 1939-1943; Army Education booklets in a series entitled 'The British Way and Purpose', 1942-1943; German language publications on law, crime and prisons especially regulations, criminal biology, youth crime, 1885-1942; German National Socialist publications on topics ranging from flying schools, the SA in Berlin to the beginnings of radio broadcasting,1926-1946; maps, mainly Ordnance Survey and Stanfords, of United Kingdom cities and counties, including Wolverhampton, Winchester, Dover, East Sussex and Suffolk, 1913-1940; maps of Germany, central and eastern Europe, 1936-[1945]; maps of Algeria, French North Africa, Tunisia, 1942; propaganda cartoon and other posters published by the Evening Standard, Stationery Office and Army Bureau of Current Affairs, 1944; 1 file of telegrams, commission of 1918 and details of the various promotions of Paton Walsh, 1916-1947.

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    GB 0074 CLC/035 · Colección · 1810

    Transcription of the register of the British Factory chapel at Leghorn [Livorno], covering the years 1707 to 1783.

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    GB 0074 CLC/036 · Colección · 1721-1814

    Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials for the British Factory at Lisbon, 1721-1807.

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    GB 0074 CLC/101 · Colección · 1950-2008

    The records of the Royal Society of St. George, City of London Branch, comprise minutes of the council 1950-2005 and entertainments committee 1974-1995, and dinner menus 1953-2008.

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    GB 0074 CLC/413 · Colección · 1964

    Certificates of baptisms carried out by the Warsaw Anglican Chaplaincy.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2942 · Colección · 1872-1980

    Records of the Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor, 1872-1980. The collection includes minute books of the general and other committees, and many account books, although there is little material which relates to the early days of the charity. There is a large amount of correspondence relating to all aspects of work of the charity.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2943 · Colección · 1924-1974

    Records of the New Road Synagogue, Whitechapel, 1924-1974. With the exception of the two minute books the majority of the records date from the mid 1960s, when J. Lindsay took over as Secretary of the New Road Synagogue. He remained in post until the amalgamation in 1974. The correspondence files are those which were maintained by J. Lindsay. Their contents reflect the wide range of duties undertaken by members of the Synagogue within the Jewish community.

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    GB 0074 ACC/3090 · Colección · 1923-1949

    Records of the Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain, comprising committees, case histories, personnel and general correspondence.

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    GB 0074 ACC/3349 · Colección · 1872-1901

    Two volumes of press cuttings from Anglo-Jewish newspapers, concerning aspects of Jewish life; and from national and international newspapers concerning Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler and his successor Chief Rabbi Herman Adler, 1872-1901.

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    GB 0074 ACC/3400 · Colección · 1855-2008

    Records of the Court of the Chief Rabbi, London Beth Din, 1904-1988. The bulk of the archive transferred to London Metropolitan Archives are the administrative papers and general correspondence of the Court, and in particular that of the Clerks and Registrar. There are also files concerning consultations the Beth Din undertook with the Government on the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Bill in the 1980s. Some correspondence and rough notes of the individual Dayanim and records relating to work done with refugees in the Second World War have also been deposited.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/BRS · Colección · 1865-1960

    Records of Borough Synagogue, consisting of registers of kethubot [marriage contracts], lists of seat holders, chalitza book, financial accounts, and minute books including Burial Society minute book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/CKS · Colección · 1923-2004

    Records of Cricklewood Synagogue, consisting of minutes, ledgers of membership payments and an admission card.

    Material in more recent deposits included Board of Management minute books, committee minutes; administrative papers relating to membership, marriages, finances, officers, elections and the management of the synagogue; income and expenditure account books; cash books; petty cash books; marriage registers; lists and registers of members; newsletters and other printed items; and photographs.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/CLH · Subfondo · 1992-2008

    Records of Clayhall Synagogue including minutes, agendas and meeting papers.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/DNS · Colección · 1877-1966

    Records of Dalston Synagogue, consisting of minutes, cash book and registers of kethubot [marriage contracts] and chalitzah.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/ELS · Colección · 1877-1993

    Records of the East London Synagogue, consisting of Board of Management minutes, other administrative records, financial accounts, membership records, marriage contracts and index of social services cases.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/FNS · Colección · 1954-1988

    Records of the Finchley Synagogue, consisting of registers of kethubot [marriage contracts] and marriage authorization certificates, issued by the Chief Rabbi.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/HAS · Colección · 1892-2008

    Records of the Hackney and East London Synagogue including Board of Management minute book; committee meeting minute books; administrative correspondence; legal papers; insurance policies; agreements; financial accounts; membership registers; registers of seatholders; marriage registers [kethubot]; religious class registers; decorated prayer book; history of the Hackney Synagogue by Reverend Dr Barnett Joseph; orders of service; newsletters; fundraising; papers of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women Hackney Branch; youth activities; plan of the seating galleries; plan of the Synagogue; and photographs.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/HMS · Colección · 1889-1973

    Records of the Hammersmith Synagogue, consisting of minutes and a kethubah book [marriage certificates].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/HPS · 1883-2007

    Records of Hampstead Synagogue, Dennington Park Road, Hampstead, including minutes of Board of Management and committees; early correspondence relating to the founding of the synagogue; administrative files for the synagogue and its community Centre; annual reports; membership records; Ladies Guild records; material relating to music provision; synagogue magazines; orders of service; brochures and ephemera; photographs.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/MBS · Colección · 1928-1976

    Records of the Mile End and Bow Synagogue, consisting of minutes, a kethuba register [marriage contracts] and a register of donors to the Building Fund.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/NWS · Colección · 1761-1962

    Records of the New Synagogue, Leadenhall Street, consisting of administrative and financial records, including laws and byelaws, minutes, annual reports, letter books, membership records and photographs; an extensive run of correspondence files, registers of memorials; chalitzah books and registers of kethubot [marriage contracts].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/RC · Colección · 1800-1890

    The records within this section comprise those items which do not technically belong within the United Synagogue or its member synagogues or related charities and societies. They consist largely of trading accounts of various Jewish merchants, and accounts of the Beth Hamedrash, Chief Rabbi and small Jewish bodies.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/RMS · Colección · 1948

    Records of Romford Synagogue consisting of an account book for membership contributions.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WGS · Colección · 1933-1939

    Records of the Willesden Green Synagogue, consisting of minute books.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WWS · Colección · 1947-1948

    Records of Wanstead and Woodford Synagogue consist of an account book for membership contributions.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2805 · Colección · 1829-2004

    The archive consists of the official working papers of the Chief Rabbinate from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. Files, volumes, bundles of papers, photographs, prints, video tapes, publications and leaflets make up the bulk of the collection. The Chief Rabbis represented in this collection are Nathan Adler (1868-1901), Hermann Adler (1868-1921), Joseph Hertz (1899-1946), Israel Brodie (1917-1967), Immanuel Jakobovits (1913-1992) and Jonathan Sacks (1988-2004). Also included are some papers of the Deputy for the Chief Rabbi, Harris Lazarus (1942-1950).

    The archive is primarily concerned with the activities of the Chief Rabbinate. Because of the cosmopolitan nature of the office there are files on Jewish congregations overseas which are of interest, also some papers on the Holocaust and its immediate aftermath (ACC/2805/06/05/1-11). The varying interests of individual Chief Rabbis are reflected in the collection: for instance Immanuel Jakobovits' role in Jewish medical ethics.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi.

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    GB 1556 WL 558b · Colección · 1936-1939

    This microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-Second World War propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, 1936-1939, including reports, publications, leaflets and transcript of a radio broadcast: Hitler's speech to the Winter help, 10 Oct 1938; chiefly produced by the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.

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    GB 1556 WL 636 · Colección · [1761]-1913

    Papers gathered through an appeal for memorabilia and documents of Germany Jewry by the Council for Jews from Germany, including papers of Joseph Feig including Bürgerbrief, 1842 and letter of acceptance into the Berlin Kaufmannschaft, 1842. Drawing of the synagogue in Zerbst, Saxon-Anhalt, by W Kariel, 1913; copy of a letter confirming the right of Herr Veit Weil to wear the medal of his majesty the King of Württemberg and copy brochure 'Zum andenken an Herrn Veit Weil, Fabrikant zu Oberdorf', 1889; typescript translation of a newspaper article about JS Bernhardt's financial involvement in the extension of the town hall, Lissa (Posen), 1818; copies of Bürgerbriefe of Franz Josef Fränckel of Hamburg, 1898, and Philipp Schmann, 1876; photograph of synagogue at Pömbsen. Copies of papers relating to Salmon Müller of Paderborn and his wife (née Schüler), including Preussischer Orden; Commemoration of service to Kultusgemeinde in Paderborn; honorary membership of Red Cross; obituaries and documents relating to the activities of Max and Frau Schüler in war of 1870-1871. Edict issued on behalf of Maria Theresia, 17 Dec 1761, concerning work by Jewish women and documents pertaining to Abraham Levin Broch, Berlin 1872. Correspondence between the depositors and the Council for Jews from Germany, often containing biographical and historical information.

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    GB 1556 WL 1241 · Colección · nd

    Papers of Julian Lehmann, [1906-1943] comprising draft articles and draft fragments of two unidentified works on Jewish life and history with particular emphasis on the experiences of German and Austrian Jewish figures.

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    GB 0074 CLC/038 · Colección · 1925-1938

    Records of the British Friendly Society, comprising accounts, annual reports and accounts, and receipts for money advanced to British citizens in need.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/AJE · Colección · 1861-1995

    Records of the United Synagogue's own Board of Jewish Religious Education, as well as the London Board of Jewish Religious Education and its predecessor the Jewish Religious Education Board, and other bodies such as the Union of Hebrew and Religious Classes, the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, the Jewish Memorial Council, the Central Council for Jewish Religious Education and the Jewish Voluntary Schools Association. Also records of individual schools and institutions such as the Jews Free School, Jewish Infant Schools, Westminster Jews Free School, Ilford Jewish Primary School and Michael Sobell Sinai School. The records themselves include minutes, correspondence, reports, annual reports, financial records, registers of bar mitzvah tests, printed material such as publicity, brochures, prospectuses, journals and press cuttings, and the papers of Governing bodies.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/BKS · Colección · 1947-1948

    Records of Barking Synagogue, consisting of an account book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/EGS · Colección · 1946-1954

    Records of Edgware Synagogue, consisting of an undertaking to observe the provisions and conditions of the United Synagogue, annual report for 1947/48, and an accounts book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/ILS · Colección · 1948

    Annual report for Ilford Synagogue, 1947-48.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/JEC · Colección · 1854

    Records of the Joel Emmanuel Charity, consisting of a minute book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/KLS · Colección · 1830-1845

    Records of the Kings Lynn Jewish Congregation, consisting of minutes and a charity register.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/NLS · Colección · 1864-1957

    Records of the North London Synagogue, consisting of correspondence and a kethuba register [marriage contracts].

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/UPS · Colección · 1946-1971

    Kethubah book [marriage contracts] for Upton Park District Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WBS · Colección · 1948

    Wembley Synagogue annual report for 1947-48.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WES · Colección · 1879-1910

    Records of the New West End Synagogue consisting of minute books.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WHS · Colección · 1911 - 2004

    Records of the West Ham Synagogue, including a register of reserved graves; Board of Management minutes; administrative files relating to premises, marriages, classes, staffing, centenary celebrations and the closure of the synagogue; financial records; membership lists; kethubah books [marriage contracts]; centenary exhibition boards; and a design for a hall.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2712/WTS · Colección · 1947-1949

    Records of the Watford and District Synagogue consisting of an account book for membership contributions.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2805/03 · Colección · 1868-1921

    Correspondence of Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler, 1868-1921, relating to diverse subjects including education, legal cases, Jews College, shechita, charity and relief funds, Russo-Jewish Committee, the United Synagogue, administration, provincial congregations and marriages; and relating to foreign places including Australia, China, Japan, Palestine, Jerusalem, Ireland, Romania, South Africa, Russia and New York.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2805/04 · Colección · 1899-1946

    Records of Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, 1899-1946, including correspondence with various individuals and organisations including the Anglo-Jewish Association, Aria College, the London Beth Din, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers, the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women, the Jewish Chronicle, Jews' College, Central Committee for Jewish Education, the Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish Memorial Council, the Council for Christians and Jews, the Jewish Peace Society, London County Council, the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund, the Mizrachi Organisation, the Provincial Ministers Fund, the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, associate synagogues of the United Synagogue, the War Graves Commission, Zionist groups, the Talmud Torah Trust and the War Victims Fund.

    Also correspondence with Jewish congregations throughout the United Kingdom and in countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America; correspondence relating to matters including shechita, Jews in Ukraine, Germany and Poland, war orphans, rabbinical exams, mikvah, marriages, kabolohs, disarmament, the Coronation of King George VI (1937), and pastoral tours of Wales and Ireland; papers relating to World War One including services for Jewish soldiers, the Kosher Food Fund, correspondence with chaplains, distribution of kosher foods, prisoners of war and Palestine Relief Fund, and copies of publications and sermons.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2805/07 · Colección · 1913-1992

    Records of Chief Rabbi Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, 1913-1992. The records of Lord Jakobovits are the single largest part of the archive, indicative of the large volume of work undertaken and the relative speed with which the records were passed onto London Metropolitan Archives.

    Records relating to the Office of the Chief Rabbi and Chief Rabbi's Cabinet including papers relating to social functions and administration. Correspondence with the Board of Deputies, London Beth Din and United Synagogue. Papers relating to Jewish communal organisations including the Kol Nidre Appeal and the Joint Israel Appeal.

    Papers relating to education and Chaplaincy Boards including general correspondence, the Education Reform Act 1988, Jews' College, individual schools, colleges and universities, the University Jewish Chaplaincy Board, and the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board. Papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust including administration, correspondence, financial records, trustees, donors, applications, fundraising and policies.

    Papers relating to Jewish religious organisations including Reform, Liberal and Sephardi congregations and the Spanish and Portuguese Community. Papers relating to congregations and ministers in Great Britain including the registration of synagogues, the National Jewish Chaplaincy Board and provincial congregations.

    Halacha [a legal decision regarding a matter or case for which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic law, deduced by analogy from this law or from the Scriptures] and rulings on religious questions including correspondence, rulings relating to burial practices, the participation of women in communities, blasphemy, medical ethics, circumcision, bar mitzvah, marriage, conversions, get [divorce] legislation, High Holy Days and mikvaot. Papers relating to Shechita [slaughtering practices] and Kashrut [laws relating to food] including correspondence and minutes of the London Board for Shechita and the National Council of Shechita Boards of Great Britain, general correspondence, reports, and defence of shechita practices.

    Papers relating to bills in the House of Lords. Correspondence with central Government departments and local authorities, including correspondence with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Correspondence with welfare organisations and papers relating to ageing, child abuse, crime, drugs, homelessness, hospice care, disabled people and individual welfare cases. Correspondence with religious leaders, individuals, and organisations relating to Israel, including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    Correspondence with overseas congregations including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America and correspondence with the Conference of European Rabbis. Papers relating to Soviet Jewry including correspondence, appeals and reports.

    Papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews. Papers relating to medical ethics including abortion, sex education, AIDS, organ transplants, Tay-Sachs disease and abortion. Papers relating to social issues including business ethics, disarmament, homosexuality, inner cities, disasters, and race relations. Correspondence relating to the representation of the Chief Rabbi on various public bodies and patronage by the Chief Rabbi.

    Copies of sermons, addresses, publications from the office of the Chief Rabbi, press and publicity, broadcasts and messages from the Chief Rabbi. Personal papers including household accounts, letters of thanks and messages of sympathy. Papers relating to the Chief Rabbinate Fund including the distribution of funds to various causes.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2893 · Colección · 1887-2007

    Records of the Federation of Synagogues, 1887 - 1988. The records include a comprehensive set of minutes of the Federation; a less comprehensive but nonetheless interesting collection of minute books from the individual congregations; and minutes of other institutions connected with the Federation. There are also financial accounts, reports, property files (including synagogue plans), notice books and correspondence files which give a fuller picture of life of the Federation; and records of the East London Mikvah Committee; Federation Burial Society and London Talmud Torah Council.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2944 · Colección · 1797-1954

    Records of the Jewish Bread Meat and Coal Society, 1797-1954. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, correspondence, reports, copies of the Laws of the Society and other general material.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2999 · Colección · 1899-2001

    Records of the Jewish Memorial Council, 1899-2001. The archive mainly consists of files and volumes of minutes and working papers. The records of the Reverend Malcolm Weisman are noteworthy for the detail they provide on the survival of Judaism in small, often isolated, communities.

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