Educational cooperation

Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • At the international level.
  • Au niveau international.
  • A nivel internacional.

Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Educational cooperation

Equivalent terms

Educational cooperation

  • UF Cooperación educativa

Associated terms

6 Archival description results for Educational cooperation

6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Byrne, Patrick (1913-1980)
GB 2134 B/BYR · Fonds · 1946-1986

Professional papers relating to Byrne's work as a General Practitioner, consisting of diaries and correspondence, 1947-80, material relating to his work at Manchester, 1960-78, in the Department of General Practice, which he was fundamental in establishing in 1968, including lecture notes, reports, speeches made to external bodies to promote the work of the Department, and material relating to his Chair, 1972-78, papers relating to the Royal College of General Practitioners, 1964-76, including papers relating to the committees on which he sat, including the Education Committee and the Board of Censors, and material relating to the duties undertaken during his presidency, 1973-76, correspondence with faculties of the College and other General Practice colleges worldwide, reports and correspondence relating to other commitments, 1946-86, such as the Leeuwenhorst Group and the local and regional medical advisory committees on which he sat, lecture notes and related correspondence from visits made abroad.

Biographic material includes personal notes, financial papers, correspondence relating to his award of OBE and CBE, and photographs.

Patrick Sarsfield Byrne (1913-1980)
ACC/3537 · Collection · 1985

Adult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.

ILEA , Inner London Education Authority x Inner London Education Authority
GB 0101 UoL CW 6 · c1981-c2004

Papers of the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies including correspondence files arranged alphabetically on topics including subjects taught by the Centre; individuals including Centre staff; related organisations; courses run by the Centre and related external courses; cities and countries with which the Centre had links; and Centre scholarships. Additional correspondence can be found throuhout the collection, notably of the Australian Studies Centre Committee, 1983-1989 and on topics including setting up an Australian Studies Course in Hungary, 1992-1993; Australian studies in schools, Dec 1982-Feb 1986; a lectureship at the Centre sponsored by Monash University, 1994-1996 and the Edith Cowan Visual Arts Fellowship, 1994-1999.

Papers relating to visiting fellowships, 1983-1996, including the Northcote Visiting Scholarship, 1991-1996. Papers relating to events to celebrate the bicentennial of European settlement in Australia, 1988 including papers of the Britain-Australia Bicentennial Committee; Papers relating to the Australian Bicentennial Scholarship and Fellowship scheme to enable British graduates to study in Australia and Australian graduates to study in Britain, 1988-1999, including correspondence, terms of reference for the scheme and copy of the trust deed, 1988. Papers relating to conferences organised by the centre, 1985-1999, on topics ranging from Australian economy or Aboriginal land rights to cricket. Papers on the function and purpose of the Centre, 1982-1986; academic planning, 1982; personnel and students, 1982-1999; grants awarded by the Centre, 1984; other Australian Centres in and outside of the UK, 1982-1999; the writer in residence at the Centre, 1995; report of the Centre, 1982-1984; fundraising proposal for the Centre, 1992 and agendas for staff meetings, 1993-1995.

Menzies Centre for Australian Studies
Registry of Imperial College
GB 0098 GR · Created 1909-1998 (ongoing)

Records created by the Registry of Imperial College relating to students, 1909-1998, notably correspondence concerning Intercollegiate courses, 1948-1956; fees, 1909-1966, including student's apparatus fees, 1939-1973; Rector's correspondence, 1959-1962; alphabetical list of students, 1970-1998; correspondence relating to students, 1964; Committee on education for engineers, including minutes, 1959-1952; papers of the Board of Studies Committee relating to conditions of admissions, 1945-1947; undergraduate courses in Mathematics, 1962-1966, Geology, 1965-1967, Chemistry, 1964-1969, Physics, 1961-1969; London County Council and Board of Education scholarships, 1925-1940; students' loan fund account ledger, 1921-1942; liason with schools, 1964-1977; student statistics, [1920-1987]; papers relating to student surveys, 1933-1934, 1960, 1963.

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0098 UL · Created 1901-1989

Records of Imperial College relating to the University of London, 1901-1989, including correspondence concerning syllabuses and examinations, 1901-1905; Principal's correspondence, 1910-1914; centenary celebrations, 1935; 150th anniversary, 1986; student accommodation, 1943-1944; Commissioners, 1927-1928; University of London Act and Statutes, 1926-1956; reports and proposed Act, 1975-1981; establishment of Imperial College as a University School, 1907-1908; correspondence with the Court concerning grants, 1930-1946; visitations and inspections, 1923-1985, including reports; papers relating to Quinquennial estimates, visits, developments and policy, 1946-1980, including Rector's papers, 1957-1969; academic plan, 1965-1970; governance of the university, notably Rector's correspondence, 1970-1983; reports, 1972-1982; Senate minutes, 1987-1989 (UL4-ULB);

Military Education Committee and Officers' Training Corps correspondence and papers, 1908-1958, including D Company roll book, 1927-1936; University Air Squadron correspondence, 1935-1939 (ULC); Conference and Committee papers on Engineering, and award of degrees, 1909-1926; correspondence concerning the recognition of Imperial College courses, 1945-1969; entrance and pass requirements for BSc degrees, 1954-1963; papers relating to postgraduate courses, 1961-1987 (ULG); correspondence relating to examinations and curricula, 1908-1934; student registration, 1952; confidential theses, 1940-1945 (ULH); Boathouse Committee papers, 1934-1947; University of London Students' Union ephemera, 1989 (ULM);
papers relating to the Nuclear Reactor Centre, Silwood Park, 1958-1980, notably opening, 1964-1965; purchase of the reactor, 1958-1965; Reactor Safety Committee, 1964-1974 (ULN);
papers concerning University Chairs and Readerships, 1908-1968, including regulations, 1922; correspondence concerning proposed Chairs and appointments, 1943-1968; Chairs tenable at Imperial College, 1943-1957; conferment of title of Professor and Readerships, 1931-1965; endowment of a Chair and Readership in Electrical Engineering, 1953-1958; applications for Assistant Professorships in Mining and Botany, 1908-1910 (ULO); papers concerning appointments to Chairs, with some papers concerning funding and administration for the Departments of Aeronautics, 1943-1975; Biochemistry, 1955-1979; Biology, 1952-1953; Botany including Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, 1936-1979; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1935-1977; Analytical Chemistry, 1964-1975; Organic Chemistry, 1937-1978; Physical Chemistry, 1937-1977; Civil Engineering, 1945-1973; Computing and Control, 1974-1977; Electrical Engineering, 1944-1978; Geology, 1929-1975; Industrial Sociology, 1967-1978; Mathematics, 1946-1978; Mechanical Engineering, 1931-1978; Metallurgy, 1939-1976; Meteorology, 1933-1974; Mining, 1912-1980; Physics, 1937-1977; Zoology, 1930-1977 (ULP); appointments of readers in the Departments of Aeronautics and Aerodynamics, 1949-1972; Botany, 1942-1970; Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, 1932-1970; Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, 1937-1965; Organic Chemistry, 1944-1971; Civil Engineering, 1946-1977; Computing and Control, 1967-1968; Electrical Engineering, 1947-1965; Geology, 1936-1976; Mathematics, 1932-1977; Mechanical Engineering, 1936-1967; Metallurgy, 1937-1970; Meteorology, 1938-1970; Mining, 1950-1975; Physics, 1938-1970; Zoology, 1937-1970 (ULR);
correspondence concerning the recognition of college staff as teachers of the University, 1908-1949; establishment of the London Graduate School of Business Studies, 1963-1966; collaboration with Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1981; with the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, 1968-1974; correspondence with Royal Holloway College, 1918-1974; with University College concerning a course on air navigation, 1936-1953 (UM).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine